Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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RFn rmss niNn
Men ff Mohraclo onrl rxin
SenH in Thpir Wnns tn Re
Sold. Prnr.p.fids Goinn to
Help Win the War.
Two hundred and fourteen hogs,
c'.onatfd by Nebraska and Iowa
fanners of three communities, were
sold Wednesday at the South Side
market for the benefit of the home
chapters of the Red Cross. The
total proceeds were $8,106.37.
A load of "6 hogs from Dunlap,
Ia.,; consigned to Laverty Bros.
Commission company, weighed 16.
360 pounds, and were sold to Swift
& Co.. at $16.80 per 100 pounds,
netting the local chapter $3,043.07.
Sixty-five head from Wesorr, la.,
consigned to the Inter State Com
mission compay, weighed 14,220
pounds and were bought by Swift &
Co. at $16.75 per 100 pounds, netting
$2,381.85. Seventy-three head from
Hooper, Neb., consigned to the V. F.
Denny Commission company,
weighed 15,930 pounds, and were
sold to J. W. Mur,)hv at $16.90 per
100 pounds, netting $2,681.45.
The commission companies donate
their services in handling all Red
Cross shipments.
South Side Social Worker
Speaks Before Rotarians
Mrs. Lett-Caldwell, South Side so
cial worker, was the principal speaker
at the Rotary club luncheon yester
day. She spoke of her experiences in
Russia and of the work she is do
ing' in Americanizing persons of dif
ferent nationalities in her field
President Clark of the Rotary club,
in behalf of the organization, pre
sented Major E. C. Henry with a
traveling bag.
Henry T. Clark, member of the
Omaha Grain exchange, was voted a
member. Tom Powell of the Cedar
Rapids Rotary club was a guest. He
is here in the interest of recreation
work among the soldiers.
Ray Qpombs of Benedict
Gets Top Price for Steers
Tuesday's price of $17.05 per 100
pounds for heavy cattle, the highest
ever paid on the South Side market
up to that time, was duplicated
Wednesday when Ray Coombs, Bene
dict, Neb., sold 51 head of white
face steers, averaging 1,382 pounds,
to the Cudahy Packing company.
These steers were purchased last
November for $11.70 per 100 pounds
and averaged 1,010 pounds. They
were handled by the Lee Commission
South Side Brevities
The allied candidates who are making
the race for places on the city commission
wilt speak at the Morris Packing houso
and at the Exchange building at noon
Man Found injured
In Thirteenth Street
An unidentified man lying uncon
scious in South Thirteenth street,
Omaha, with a fractured skull, was
found by the Omaha police last night,
and taken to St. Joseph's hosiptal.
Cards with the name of Harry
Claude Ferguson, 10 South Thirty
seventh street, Council Bluffs, were
found in his pockets. Up to a late hour
last night the police were unable to
find any clew.
Obituary Notes
years old, pioneer resident -of Nebras
ka, died Wednesday morning at the
home of a daughter, rive miles west
of Benson. Death was due to the in
firmities of old age. She is survived
by several sens and daughters.
old, wife of B. N. Clausen, 5212 North
Twenty-eighth street, died Monday,
after an illness of six weeks' dura
tion. She is survived by her husband,
an infant son, her father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Philips, Omaha,
and one sister, Mrs. G. O. Lake, Mer
rill, la. Funeral services will be held
at Crosby's chapel Thursday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be
n West Lawn cemetery.
The Weather
Bnej City News
Towl, engineer, for commissioner.
IIt Boot Print It Ntw Boa con Treat
Lighting Fiiturcs, Burgess-Graden.
Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re
moved to 606 Security Bids. D. S837.
Saves you 5c, saves the grocer on
delivery and saves us on tin. Butter
nut Coffee in the handy 3-pound cans,
$1 each.
Perry Is Transferred E. L. Perry,
formerly traveling passenger agent
for the Missouri Pacific, has been
transferred to Hutchinson, Kan.
Fraser Grove Dance W. A.
Fraser grove No. 1, AVoodrrlen Circle,
will give a dance in Crounse hall Fri
day evening. Members and friends in
vited. Sons of Veterans Tonight General
Charles F. Manderson Camp No. 1,
Sons of Veterans, will hold their reg
ular meeting in' Memorial hall, court
house, tonight.
Prudent saving in war times Is a
hostage for opportunities of peace.
Play safe by starting an account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n, 211
S. 18th St Jl to Ja.000 received.
Farewell Dance The farewell
dance of the 14th balloon company,
Fort Omaha, will be given at the
Auditorium Saturday night. The pro
ceeds from the dance will go into the
company fund.
Former Omuhan Dies A. W. Eber
hart, for several years ticket clerk in
the Omaha offices of the Northwest
ern, died of cancer of the throat in
Des Moines, where for the last 10
years he has been division freight
agent for the Rock Island.
Comes to Omaha J. E. Preston,
formerly of the Omaha offices of the
Milwaukee, but for the last 10 years
commercial agent at Denver, is in
Omaha. He had been a Milwaukee
man for 20 years, but the "clean-up"
order issued by Railroad Director
General McAdoo caused abolishment
of the Denver offices. 1
Medals for Muny Guards Friday
night at 8 o'clock Park Commissioner
Joe Hummel will present medals to
the three best drilled guards wtio
won in the state contest of municipal
guards held last year. The medals
consist of gold, silver and bronze, rep
resenting first, second and third hon
ors. The best drilled company will
bo presented with a flag.
Xulirig Funeral Services Funeral
services for Mrs. Emma Nuhrig, 34
years old, who died Tuesday morning
at her home, 4317 Franklin street, will
be held at the Lutheran church, Thirty-sixth
and Lafayette streets, at 10
o'clock this morning. She is sur
vived by her husband and four chil
dren. The body will be taken to Yu
tan, Neb., for burial.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlauds.
Two Men in Bluffs Bound
Over on Swindling Charge
( j I 4
ISM . ilmmrnJjjkmM
Greeters Will Give Banquet
Friday for National Head
The Nebraska-Iowa Greeter's asso
ciation will give a banquet in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Faxon of De
troit, Mich., at the Hotel Rome Fri
day night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Faxon is
chairman of the board of governors
of the National Greeter's association,
and he and his wife are enroutc home
from the Pacific coast.
Hotel managers and clerks front the
Nebraska and Iowa territory will at
tend. Colonel William Anderson,
chief clerk at the Rome, will act as
toastmaster. Following the banquet,
the men will hold a business session
and the women will be guests at a
theater party.
, . j...
Medals to Be Given to
Municipal Guards
Omaha municipal guards will meet
in the city hall Friday night. Medals
will be presented to first, second and
third in the individual competitive
The regimental colors will be pre
sented to Company C, presentation
being made by City Commissioner
Those wimiing the medals were:
Frank Laurenzana, Hanscom Park,
first; Jack Wyman, Gifford, second;
Joe Morrisey, Ginord, third.
A. J. Matson, alias F. J. Mc
Aweeney, and John Price, who re
cently were arrested in Council
Bluffs on the charge of conspiracy in
connection with an alleged attempt to
swindle Henry C. Thiessen, farmer of
Keystone, la., out of $10,000 on a
fake horse race, were bound over to
the Council Bluffs district court
grand jury Wednesday morning by
S f
Judge Cooper. The temporary bond
of $5,000 was continued in force pend
ing the decision of the grand jury.
Matson furnished bond late Wednes
day afternoon and was released. His
bond was signed by E. C. Hendricks
and Wallace Benjamin, both in the
real estate bonding and surety busi
ness in Council Bluffs. Up to a late
hour Wednesday Trice was unable to
obtain his release.
County food administrators of Ne
braska and their committeemen have
been caljed to meet in Omaha, May 3,
at 11 o'clock, by Federal Food Admin
istrator Wattles. The visit of J. A.
Hallowell, director of states organiza
tions of the United States food admin
istration, prompted the meeting. It
will give an opportunity for educa
tional instruction to the county offi
cials. In his official call Mr. Wattles in
cluded the field men of the administra
tion, chairmen of state wide commit
tees and heads of departments. The
meeting will convene at the Hotel
Fontenelle and after a short session
the food administrators will go to the
Chamber of Commerce, where Mr.
Hallowell will address them. An
afternoon session will be held, after
which the visitors will be the guests
of Mr. Wattles, either at a dinner or
theater party.
During the afternoon there will be
talks by the heads of the various de
partments of the state food adminis
tration and by field men and county
v i .'.
Traffic Officer Ulmer
To Give Tips on Driving
The Omaha police department, un
der the direction of Chief of Police
Dempsey, is planning to increase
safety in traffic. The Omaha Safety
council has offered its co-operation.
A meeting will be held in the City
Hall council chamber Monday even
ing at 8 o'clock, April 29, at which
time Harry Ulmer, traffic officer of
Omaha, will outline the correct way
of driving vehicles and will answer
any questions in regard to traffic.
Stop Speech of Irish
Woman in Sacramento
Sacramento, Cal., April 24. For the
first time in her experience as a lec
turer in the United States, Mrs. II.
Sheehy-Skcffington, widow of one of
the leaders of the Irish rebellion,
was prevented from making- a Sinn
Fein address by the authorities here
last night.
The meeting was advertised as a
reception to Mrs. bheehv-bkelf mat-
ton under the auspices of the Friends
of Irish I'recdoin.
After she had been presented with
a handsome bouquet she launched
into a speech, but County Supervisor
Kobert u,. Callahan, member of the
County Council of Defense, stepped
to her side and, reminding her of a
previously given promise not to talk,
told her firmly that she could not
be allowed to proceed.
Winner May Pageant
To Be Big Affair
Winner,' S. D., April 24. (Special.)
The patriotic junior Red Cross
pageant to be given in Winner May
10, is somethirfg of unusual character.
Arrangements have been made to have
the entire performance featured that it
may be shown over South Dakota
and Nebraska. Two thousand school
children will participate in the parade
and the forming of living flags, etc.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
rl 1111) llie
For Nebraska Unsettled Thursday
ind Friday; probably showers and
warmer Thursday; cooler Friday.
. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Dea
5 a. m.... 41
6 a. m 41
7 a. m 40
a. m 40
9 a. m 41
10 a. m 45
11 a. m 4ti
1 m 49
1 p. m 50 j
z p. m oi
3 p. m 62
4 p. m.... 64
5 p. m... 63
6 p. m 62
7 p. m 62
S p. m 61
J918. 5917. 1916. 1915.
"fTighest yesterday .. 64 03 63 73
.owest yesterday .. 4H 4:1 48 81
Mean temperature. ...47 4? 62 67
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .05
Temoerature and precipitation departure!
from the normal:
normal lemperaiure D4
Deficiency for the day 7
Total excess since March 1 304
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
Deficiency for the day 13 inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .1.35 inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.32 Inches
Deficiency for cor. periotl, 1917.. .56 Inch
Deftelency for cor. period, 1916. .1.61 Inches
Reports From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and Stats Temp. High- Raln
of Weather. . 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 62 62 .OS
Davenport, cloudy .... 60 62 .00
Denver, clear 58 1 .12
Des Moines, cloudy 52 52 .00
Dodre City, cloudy .... 38 .01
I.anrter, cloudy 60 c.4 .00
North Platte, pt. cloudy. 44 46 .1
Omnha, cloudy 52 . 54 .00
l'uc4lo, clear .... 52 52 .20
Hapid City, clear .... 64 ..68 .00
Salt Leko City. pt. cldy. 60 66 .o
Santu Ye, part ilnudy.. 60 66 . .00
fcheridn," Uouuy 64 63 .CO
1 JL. WELSH, Met '
"Horse Sense Economy
MOTORISTS who carefully select an
expensive tire and then "economize"
on tubes are "saving at the spigot and
wasting at the bung-hole."
When an "inexpensive," leaky tube ruins
a $20 or $30 casing, it becomes an extrav
agance. Diamond Tubes, made in either Gray or
Red rubber, are "horse-sense" economy. We
could have made them cheaper and sold
them more readily years ago. But now we
have the permanent business of thousands
of motorists who, after costly experiment
with others, insist upon Diamond Tubes.
A Diamond Tube in a Diamond
Casing makes the Ideal equipment
the JMamond Rubber Ca
v- (Incorporates)
vmli MASS
r-TllilLTff "if-1
Local Distributors
Young Men Contest on Plat
form for Honor Prizes
Donated by Mrs.
The debate for the Mrs. John
Schultz prize of $30 hy the Creighton
Oratorical association last night at
Creighton auditorium was won by the
negative. The question was, "Re
solved, That in the United States, all
railroads he owned and operated hy
the federal government, constitu
tionality waived,." The winning de
baters divide $15 of the prize money
among themsvelves. The individual
prize of $10 was awarded Thomas J.
McGovern as the best speaker of the
evening. The second prize of $5 was
won hy James V. McGan.
The affirmative was represented !y
Messrs. James V. McGan, Edward 11.
Kranz and, F.mmctt Jr. Randolph;
negative by Messrs. Ralph L. Neary,
Rrendan Brown and Thomas J. Mc
Govern. Judges were Harry V,
Burkcley, Ray J. Madden and Thomas
P. Redmond.
Diamond Missing After
"Inspector" Visits House
The robber who for a few days
has been gaining entrance to resi
dences under the guise of being an
inspector for the Nebraska Power
company continued his operations
late, yesterday afternoon.
At the C 11. Heed home, 3104
North Fifty-eighth street, he "in
spected the wiring" on the second
floor. After he departed it was
learned that a valuable diamond ring
had disappeared.
Socialists Endorse
Wilson and the War
At the regular meeting of the
local Omaha socialists last night a
resolution was pased instructing the
seven delegates from Omaha to the
state convention to support a resolu
tion at the convention endorsing
President Wilson in war against
autocracy, to be stated strictly from
an international socialist working
class standpoint.
Central United Presbyterian 1
Extends Call to New Pastor
The Central United Presbyterian
church has extended a call to Rev.
Paul Calhoun of Sewickley, Pa., to
accept the pastorate of the church.
He will succeed Rev. Hugh Spear,
now stationed with the Nebraska sol
diers at Camp Deming, N. M. He will
be paid a salary of $3,600 a year.
Wanderer Under Arrest.
John Zoheen, giving his address a
Davenport hotel, was arested last
night by Special Officer Harris of the
Northwestern railroad yards and
coutd give no reason for his presence .
on the premises. He is an Austrian
but said he had not registered.
Government agents will be asked to
Two Men Held Up.
Two masked bandits held up D. f.
Bowman and S. L. Donnelly, both
livinc in 20( DniicrlaB ctrr.t tnet
night at Twenty-fifth and Harney
streets. Both bandits were armed
with revolvers. Bowman contributed
a gold watch and Donnelly $5 in
wh.f &nrif ttf SrattLi dlnthrn
re cold
One-Minute Store Talk
When you buy clothes in this store it is parallel in one respect to buying Gov
ernment Bonds you take no chances your investment is absolutely safe and sound,
and your clothes are as representative of America as the government itself.
You get genuine service here scrvico that is sincerely courteous. We've an or
ganization schooled in the proposition of the "customer first." Drop in and see our
greatly enlarged clothing selections 50 per cent greater in floor space and selections
everything here to insure "your interests first."
Few Men Are Old Today
In Ideas or In Dress
The appearance of youthful vigor wrought by
correct dress has helped many men on to their
We confidently believe that these higher ideals
in apparel for men of all ages are found in
They typify all that is best
in clothes for young men
and men who stay young.
The model illustrated is the
"Jackson", cut on conserva
tive lines, wider shoulders,
broader back, shorter in
waist than the typical young
men's models. Vest and
trousers are cut in propor
tion, larger in waist and eas
ier throughout.
The West's Largest Showing of
America's Best
Spring Suits and Top Coats
at $20 to $45
tit ' - - 'flff iTlimi Jr"
"Style Headquarters" Where fcurtrtg flrattli GHotff are Sold.
Cincinnati man discovers drug
that loosens corns so they
lift out.
Local druggists are having a tre
mendous call for freezone, the drug
which is said to shrivel a corn, root
and all, without any pain.
A few drops applied directly upon a
tender, aching corn relieves the sore
ness at once, and shortly the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out with
the fingers.
This new drug is being dispensed at
small cost in quarter ounce bottles,
which is sufficient to take off every
hard or soft corn from one's feet It
is a sticky substance which dries at
once, and does not inflame or even ir
ritate the surrounding tissue or skin.
There is no excuse for anyoneinvit
ing death by infection or lockjaw
from cuttina their corns now Adfei
Do you fee tired and "worn-outt" Ar.
you nrrvous and irritable T Don't sleep well
at nieht? Have a "dragged out" unrested
feeling when you get up in the morning?
Dizzy spells T Bilious 1 Bad taste in the
mouth, backarhe, pain or soreness in the
loins, and abdomen T Severe distress when
urinating, bloody, cloudy urine or sediment T
AM these indicate (travel or stone in the
madder, or that the poisonous microbes,
which are always in your system, have at
tacked your kidneys.
'You should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules immediately. The oil soaks
gently into the walls and lining ot the kid
neys, and the little poisonous animal germs
which arc causing the inflammation, ar.
immediately attacked and chased out of your
system without inconvenience or pain.
Do not delay a minute. Go to your drug
srittt and insist on his supplying you with a
box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules. In 24 hours you. will eel renewed
health and vigor. After you have cured
yourself, continue to take one or two Cap
sules each day so as to keep in first-class
condition, and ward off the danger of future
attacks. Money refunded if they do not
help you. Ask for the original imported ,
GOLD MEDAL brand, and thus be sute of
getting the genuine. Advertisement.
Rectal Diseases Cured without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether csed.
Cure guaranteed PAY WHEN CURED. Write for
illustrated book on Rectal Diseases, with names
and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent
people wbo have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY - 249 Bee Build In:, Omaha Neb
BeWant Ads Are Business BoosterSj