Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
the bee: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, I9ig ABIE THE v AGENT Copyright 1111, teUrnatloaai News ' 1 tnrte. DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY VERSCH FIELD J - 1 :- r . , iMA! Hrv rm.NQ TWvc EEy ...... "EE rM k mowcti . b. "fcnuiM mjt GUY poor. VPifr IS fl umii V km f Z1 X.rkwC "-) &OY r V W lEKTntK- pa HU ' VJE T&LKED ON TWE HIGHEST COKVERSWONS AlU ) Ufc Y -3 1 "MWY A V . nf ." ( SSL. J Ky ANbouv -ovcouid see we poo?. J' L V suwtrcY! y 1 ' 2 i 1 i - Want Ad Rates ; . fCash With Order.) S 'a tier word.. esch insertion :?Tt word for three consecutive Insertions 3o per word tor eacn additional insertion No 4 taken (or Icm then a tote of 30o or lee then lOo per day. ..i, rirtscE. f fer lino (count 6 words to line) one time Ko-per line each ttme, 1 coneecutlve timet ia tier lino each time, to coneecutlve tlmee SITUATIONS WANTED. tat per line Pr week CARDS OF THANES AND ' FCNF-RIL NOTICES tOt per line each Ineertlon ( .Minimum unarge, uv enm. Contract Katea Oa Application For eonvenlence ot advertisers want ada will be accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE B Buildlnt Ainea Office...... 4110 North S4th Bt. Lake Office til North 14th St. Mnton Office 2T Houth 18th St. Park Office i16 Leavenworth Bt. ' Walnut Office II North 40th Ht. South Side :1! N Ht. Council Bluffs ..14 Main Bt., North THE BEE will rot be responsible for more than one Incorrect Ineertlon of an ad -rtlaemnt ordered for more than one tune. (lee THE TELEPHONE It you cannot oon. leniently bring or eend you ads to any of the abort offices. Aak for a Want Ad Taker and you will receive the tame food service as when delivering your ad In person. . , : PHOJiJS TYLER 1WI0 Want Ad Columns Clot Erentne; Edition 12:00 M. Sloruliif Editions 10:00 P. M. Hnnday Edltlona. ljJMSaturdttrypnln , . MOVIE PROGRAM ' "North. UKANC, ' 16TH AND UINNUY PEGGY 1IYLAND. in ' "THE DEBT OF HONOR" IIIPPOIJHOM H, 24T1I AND (JUMINO ELLA HALL, in "NEW LOVE FOR OLD" ALHAMURA, 24'1'H AND FARKUK J. BARNEY SHERRY, in "REAL FOLKS" South. IDBAU 1ITH AND DOKCA8 AIL STAB CABT. in "TWO MEN AND A WOMAN" prtXlB RHODES COMKPT APOLLO, 28TH AND LWAYEN WORTH TOM MOORB and i HAZEL DAI.Y, In "BROWN OF HARVARD" itOHLFF. Hi LEAVENWORTH MARY MILES M1NTER, in "BEAUTY AND THE ROGUE DUNDKkl. iiwi AND VNDKRWOOB VIVIAN MARTIN, in THE FORBIDDEN PATH" DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICE ?LAU8EN Dalay E., wife "of B. N. I'lauienl at local hospital, Uonday. April i:J. ll. Mra. Clausen Is survlvrd by her hu band and infant son, her Xuthnr and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Philip, of Omaha l one sister,, Mrl. U. O. Lake, Mor rill, la. Funeral from Crosby's Parlor, S611 .North 14th fit., Thursday, April 2D, HMD, at t p. m. Interment, West Lawn cetue tery. Bt-Rkk, Mrs. Patrick, formerly Anna Shannon, only sister of Owns Uliannon, burled only two weeks ago. Uha Is survived by one -sister. Mrs. P. 11. Cos grove of Burllngame, Cal.j two brothore, Thomas of Omaha, Luko of Milwaukee. Notice of funeral later. ' The funeral of Albert M. Clark will be held at the Hirst Memorial M. K. church, 14th and Larlraora Ave., Friday, April St, at 1:10 p. tn. Interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends ot the family Invited. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following; persons wore granted licenses to wed: Name andeAealdence. Age. 'Arthur Be yet on. Omaha 14 Margaret Yearnshaw, "Carteton, Neb..., 21 Frank P. Moffltt, Omaha over 11 Myrtle Snyder, Shenandoah, la over 18 Jack F. Rink, Council Bluffs, la over 11 Klla Lareen, Council Bluffs, la.,., ..over II I). Raymond Corley, Omaha ............ II A lrginla C Kalteler, Omaha over II Maarlct R. Smith, Council Bluffs, Ia... St Pearlo Coyle, Council Bluffs, la 18 Roy J. Barchus, Clarlnda, la.. 89 Ittte Brawn, Clarlnda, Ia It William B. Davis, jr., Omaha II Abblo V. Young, Omaha ,. II Albert J. Stenick, Omaha 14 Olive Doty, Bloomtleld , II Jahe B. Gibson. Blair, Neb II , Leon Bothwell, Washington, Neb II Out Vlenaa, Omaha' ., 21 Alio Clark, Omaha 10 Edward W. Acyrlgg, Camp Devens, Mass. li Janet E. Hall, Omaha it, William C. Vogel, Randolph, Ia tl Kdlttt May John-ton, Malvern, Ia II " 1 1 i i r-T- -t " BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permit was Issued today) K. T. Lorlg, S11I-S0 N street, repalra, Il.tO. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Cenek and lima llrablk, South ' Side, girl; William L. and Myrtle Ander eoa, hospltsl, girl; John H. and Violet Mc Cullough, 111 Brown street, boy; John T. and Sarah O. Mullen, 1211 South Twenty first atreet, boy; Dally R. and Myrtle Bry. -ant, 1414 Larlmore avenue, girl; Z. and Rosa, Rives, 1111 North Sixteenth street, !rl; Emit H. and Ella Raschke, 120 South Thirty-sixth street, girl; Nels and tienevleve - lenses, 1010 Cottage Grove avenue, boy; P, ft and Lillian M. Glaaeburn, 4480 Bedford avenue, boy; Max and Busale Slreff, U0 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; Arthur K, end Cora P. Hall. 1017 Bart atreet, boy; Charles R. and Grace N. Conner, 111! Pratt treat, boy; Walter J. and Nettle Bell. 4.01 Miami street, girl; Qlovannlno and Anna La Zlrece, nil Pierce atreet, boy; Nlcodemut and Suffela AgoeUno. 1040 South Twenty- teeend atreet, girl; Lverlano and Sebaatlana Costsntlno, 1411 South Fourth street, boy. Deaths H. i, Barrett, II. Conant build ings Joseph B. Koeb, 41, 1420 South Nine, teeath atrtot; William Patrick Ryan, 33, HIT South Forty-first street; Mrs. Lotha & Bonder, 41, till South Twenty-third street; WUma Perry 1 days. 2006 J street; Franco Bums. month, 4711 South Twen tieth street; Alice Dietrich, I, Nineteenth an. Harrison atrtota; Edith F. Maloney, 11, hospital; Maria Stelnle, aa, 1127 Nicholas street. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. t'jiwlTAKEBI and licensed embalmers, ahw private ambulance. Call WebaUr 47. Willis C. Crosby, 111! N. Hth Bt IOHN A. GENTLEMAN, underuker and embalmerMll Farnam St Harney III. Buf,SE A RIEPEN, undertakers and em Jalmers. TBI a 16th. Douglas 1221. STACK & FALCONM" Indepandent Undertakers, 14 & Har. D 117. L. DODDER CO., Funeral DlrectoriT F. U Fero, Mgr., lid and Cuming Sts. ?hont Douglas 177, Auto ambulance. FLORISTS. Fontenello J'lnrials, LEE L. LARMON 1S14 DouKlas St. Douglas 8214. LAHUKHT ansorlmcnt ot fresh flowers. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PAitKKK F"X)WK'R b'h'oP, 411 S. 1. D. 2102 KOtJKH.S, Florist, 319 H."!?.-!). 8400. HATH, NatloiiHl Florist, 1H04 Karnam Ht. A. DONAGHUE Est. 1K6S. 1B22 II A H.N KY. Flowers shipped everywhere. Eip. prepaid LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL HUIKFH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having Inst some article would do well to rail up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Hallway eomimny to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore tliem f the rlKhtftll nwnere. IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honnst person. It you find any thing of valus the honest way Is to sd vertlse for the owner. LOST Blaok traveling bag between Sanford hotel and Neb. Telephone Uldg. ; contained clothing and silverware; also lntters. Fin dor rluane nltlfy L. U. Hamilton, Craig, Nn. LOST Sunday afiernoon boy's maoklnaw en route from Fort Omaha to 41st and f'aas. Reward. Tel. Walnut 12B6, LOST Black velvet beaded pocket bonk, In School for Deaf car. Call Walnut 3111. LOST Piper Ilelilalck tobacco pouch con taining money, li reward. Colfax 3074. CEMETERIES WEST LAWN offera aympathetlo service In sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no sesess menta: lots on essy terms. Phon Wsl. 820. For Sale Miscellaneoeus Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE, RUGS. OAS STOVES, ETC of Surplus Stocks. MUST BB SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Oet First Choice. The choicest home furnishings that money csn buy. Vi, make a specialty of complete home outfits, slso hotels and rooming houses. Railroad furs free to all out-of-town buyers wlthlo SO miles of Omaha on purchases of 120 or mors, STATE FURNITURE CO., Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. "You Cay Buy It for Less st the State." FURNITURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springs, mattrossea, dressers, chl fonlers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks and suit cases, gas stoves and les boxes, full Una screen wire, poultry netting, garden tools, 1831-47 North 24th St. Tel. Web. 1607, Open till I p. m. BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, 1839-1847 N. 24th St. Webster 1807. Open till I p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full Una of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, etc. Loyal Furn. Co., 121 N. lfith, FOR SALE One Herriuk refrigerator In good condition, 100 pound capacity. 1541 Park Ave., II. 1749. Pianos and Musical Instruments WE have several Vlctrulas that we look In on trades for sale; in good condition. Rouse Phonograph Tartars. Cor. 20tn and Farnam Sts. FOR SALE New mahogany piano, stand ard make. Will sacrifice, leaving city, Phone Walnut 2698. A. HOSPE CO., 1D1S Douglas, have pianos to rent at 13.10 per month, or will tell on easy terms. MAPLE Manual training work bench for eale, 110. Call Walnut 2809. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. GATE CITY NURSERY AND SALES GROUND at Slat and Burdette, full Una of fine , stock. Open Sundays. Fhona office, Doug. 2060; residence, Wal. 2946. J. II. Marnette, -manager. PROGRESSIVE EVERBEARING STRAW BERRY plants that will bear this season, 11.60 per hundred prepaid. Colfax 3999. Furgeson Bros., Station D, Omaha. PRETTY Rocky Mountain Perennial Flow srs Columbines, etc., 10 plants, 1; 76 for 13. Postpaid. D. Cleret, Hutted. Colo. SEED POTATOES. RED RIVER VARIETY. CALL HARNEY 6787. SewingMachines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, tell needles and parts Of all sewing machines. NICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1682. Hardware and Tools. FOR bargains In new snd slightly used toolt sea us. Jefferson Hardware Co., 411 N. 16th. Dg. 4626, Open to I p. m. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RKNT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhers. Rental supplies on purchases. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglae streets. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 1 months for II. Central typewriter Exchange. 1905 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exuhangs typewriters; guar, typewritera 110 and up. Write for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dodge. Store and Office Fixtures. ONE butcher's cooler 6x9x10, one oak grocery counter 20 ft. long, one Hobart electrlo coffee mill and meat grinder, one Toledo scale. All as good as new. Omaha ass n or credit Men, 320 Bee Bldg WE have moved to new location. We buy, sell and make i1rWs tinM,,.... shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co, B. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 1724. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed. renovated and made up In new feather- proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Old falxe teeth. Don't matter If , vy 10 i6.oo per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return malt L. Mater, 2007 S. Fifth mreet. r-nuaflt-lphla. Fa. H. GERBER IS, KNOWN TO PAfT THE HIGHEST PRICK FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. D. 1444. desks Desks desks New deaks. used desks bought sold and iraoea. J. j. Keed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 ROCHMAN PAYS THB HIGHEST PRICES SUKIN.. L'LOTHES AND SHOES 8TORE PHONE WEB. 1146, RES. PHONIC 6048. THE NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO. WfFT PAY YOU THE HIGHEST PRICE FOH runw.. HTOVfca, CARPETS. Doug. 17 1 : I WANT TO BUY S ECON D-H A N D CLOT 11 INO AND SHOES. PHONE TYLER 2185 A. ZAVETT. WE PAY YOUR HIGHEST FH1CK FOK 1 1UUKWJTHRB. 1516 CAP. AVE. D. 6914. WANTED A female canary bird.-Tel Harney 1721. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIC IN WAR TIME. Trade those artlclee of furniture, cloth ing, personal belonxlngs, etc., that you have no need of. Oct something you can use. Hpeclal rate for ads In Swappers' Column 25c for 3-line adv. 3 days and 3c per answer for all letters received, Hulnea nils regular rates. Kolt HA UK Tubular gasoline lighting out fit, generator, tank, pump and about 80 ft. of tubing. Three drops. Hien used In church several years. In good order. Will ell reasonable. Addres S. O. Pitts, Alda, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS Wt! will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2209 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 2:08. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knlfo, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes snd styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye lot cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300-801 Brown Bid. Dousla 1936. HEMST ITCHING7 PLEATING. BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co. 138-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1109. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. Baths. LABELLE Bath Institute; electric and plain baths; massage of all kinds; expert at tendants. 1G0 llnrney. DoUKlas 7040, Billiard Parlors. Private tnblca for pnrtlea at Holmes'. Brass and Iron Founderies. Paton-MltchSiCo.. 2?7h and Martha Sts. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 lbs., 15 cents. Doug. 453. THE ONLY WAYugL THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Carpenters jindontractors! LHSSARD A SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 16331 Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury, No pain. 921 W. O.JV. BIdg. Taft'a Dent. Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D7'S18g! Hat Cleaning. ALL kinds of Hats Remodeled 1530 Ilaniy. Dressmaking. PLAIN Sewing done; nurses uniforms a specialty. Red 862L D RERfl MA KIN G.mTbs Sturdy. Dou g 1 a s 6 3TtT Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Express Transfer. WEST & SUTTON. Piano, household moving; live stock hauled. D. 8729. 1606 Cass St. Film Developing. FILMS developed; rolls. 10c; packs, 16c, one-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk., K',th and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTRTrTM Elcttrlo washing machines, U U lVlVlil electric lions and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Dnug. 2519. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY. 111-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1811. Jewelry. VlVHJlUO privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS, 402 N. 16th St. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H, Oross Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2884. Medical. riLES, fistula and othrr rectal di seases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. ' Musical Instruments. WANTED Piano pupils. Experienced teacher. Studio, 2127 Spencer St., Phone Webster 1084. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. Res. 4741. Patent Attorneys. STURGES & STURGES. U, 8. and foreign patenta and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 683 Brandels. D. 6691. Printing and Office Supplies. VVater-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 624 S. 13th St Piano Tuning and Repairing. W. R. Dalbey, piano tuner. Douglaa 9297. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Washing. Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 1267 Farnam. H. 1841. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. niedrirk, P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES, Fitted Perfectly by Experts. The W. G. Cleveland Co.. 1410-11 Harney St. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas S44. BUSINESS CHANCES V SUCCESSFUL business man, experienced ia managing sales, manufacturing and jobbing, wants connection with reliable concern In almost any responsible capa city. Present salary 16,000. Would make change for same salary If opportunity is offered for advancement or to become i ockholder. Present line not extensive muKh to warrant further advance. Cor ."pondence confidential. Box Y 111, imha Pee. i SALE Blacksmith shop and garage, tth building. 24 by 36: two lota, new well, gas pump, power drill. Little Giant uammer, 1 trimming shear, 1 large shear, hand power blower, engine, welding ma chinal dlao sharpener, tools, all stock and squlpment. Bargain If taken at once. Good reasons for selling. 11.100, Apply Max Stale Bank, Max, Nek BUSINESS CHANCES Wanted to Hear From Grading Contractors that are prepared to etart to work at once and get quick action on a grading and excavating Job. Call or address Charles C. Kamrath, construction en gineer. SKINNER PACKING CO. Suite 1400 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR HALE Cp-to-date slock of gents' fur. nlnhliiK; reasonable rent: only clothing store In a good live county seat town; doing a good profitable business; a large territory; must sell as manager has en listed. Owner has anther business. S. E. I.indley, Burke, S. T. FOR BALE Bakery, confectionery, soda fountain, central Neb. town, 1,800 Inhab itants, fine business, no competition, money-maker; reason, going away. Box Y 512, Omaha Pec. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt, fully guaranteed. All supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 H. 14th St. GUARANTY locate you any line business any state. K. V. Knlest, Bee Bid.. Omaha. IOWA town rooming house, cafe. Trade for auto. F. Knieat, Bee Uldg., Omaha. H.MAl.I, LadieK-ijcnls furnishing Htoro for sal.v F. V. Knic-Hl. Bee Bhlg., Omaha. F O K SA LU S hoer e pa I rs b op7 2 9 0 4 " N. 1 filh St. Websler i'SOS. AUTOMOBILES Bargains in Used Cars 1915 Studebaker Six touring, self starter, excellent condition. 1915 Studebaker Four touring, self starter, extra good. 1916 Dctrolter touring, self-starter, only used a short while. These are snaps. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co., 2559 Famam. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand. Mnshed fenders and lamps re paired llko new. Highest prices paid for Junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE & AUTO WORKS, 119 Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. MUST sell our Hudson Six at once: It Is In fine condition and has two bodies, one flvu-pHNsenger one tour car body, com plete, 700. ANDREW MURPHY ft SON. 14th and Jackson Sts. MUST soil my new Packard Twin Six, 1911 model. Used but slightly and as good as new in every respect. Save 1300 now. Answer quickly. Box 6161, Omaha Bee. REAL bargain for cash. I have two cars. Will sell either one. In best running shape. 1911 Bulck Six roadster. 1917 Grand Six touring. Lady leaving for creat lakes In Canada. 2408 Jones St. One block north 2ith and Leavenworth. Phone D. 8774. TIRE SALE. Rebuilt, used 2 in 1 and used tires for salo. Fords. 12.50 to 17; larger sizes, 14 to $9. Tubes vulcanized, 5. Trade our old tires for new ones. IT. S. Vulcanlzer Co., Branch 16. 320 8. 13th St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. All makes. With and without starters. 25 to pick from. Phons D. 2914 or call at 1516 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO. UNUSUAL bargains in new and slightly used tires on special sale; new 30x3, 19.90; 30x34 U. 8.. 113.60; Inner tubes at 12 G. & G. Tire Co., 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 126I-W. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-Wllson, inc.. We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harney 871. Farnam and 25th Ave. KEl.SEY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. Sol. S, Goldstrom Co. distributor, 3S67 Farnam street. Telephone Harney 6546. We eel I and buy Fords. ALL klnda of cara for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, lOo per mile. Douglas T390. Ne braska Service Oarage. NEW Maxwell cars, 1918 models, for sale, 1300 cash, balance monthly payments as desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6083. Bee. WILL take touring car worth 11.600 on 160 acres near Gordon, , Sheridan Co.; land mostly good black loam; act quickly. D. " 1472. FOR SALE 4-PASSENGER 1917 SCRIPPS BOOTH, GOOD CONDITION, 1800. CALL WEBER, TYLER 1000. " CUMING GARAGE. 2416 Cuming St. D. 2833. Storage, day and night service, carbon burntug. welding, general auto re pairing. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 3500. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2051 Farnam St Doug. 35. MEEKS AUTO CO. USED CAR BARGAINS. !! FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. 20 WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN. -".'RAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 1070. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. N 16th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. 60 FORDS WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN iPRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2020 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 5406 LEAVENWORTH ST. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 2300 Farnam St BARGAINS In need cara ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED? Ever Ready Battery Station. 1206 srnam. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. Ill a 11th St Douglas 6481. AUTOMOBILES Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3000 Miles Guaranteed. SO, 3 17.76; 30x3',4 18.75; 32x3ii 110.25; S3x4 112.35; 34x4 113.25; 25x4', 115.50. Write us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Ksport Radiator and Tire Repairing IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., l.-.lfi Davenport St. Omaha. D. 2914. FORD TIRES. 30x3 110.50 30x3 12.76 3,000-Mile Guarantee. THE TIRE SHOP. 2518 Farnam St. Douglas 4878. NEW TIRES AT H PRICE. ALL SIZES. .cv iiiu riresione, rom tubes, 3 NEW 30x3 4 LEE TIRES $12 NEW 311x4 Klslt Non-Skid $21.75 KAl.MAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. TIKE price wreckers. This Is no 2-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 S. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha. Neb BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply co., soar rarnam sr. Auto Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS, E. S., 251li 19lli St. Web ster 1102. For the beat results with repair worrc consult us. Autc Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF, 10c a mile. 35c per hour minimum charge, (EXCEPT Sundays and liolidas.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 3622. 1314 lluward St. Motorcycles and Bicycles 11 A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. Wo collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. LA BELLE BATH INSTITUTE, electric and plain baths; massage of all kinds; new attendants, 1506 Harney St. Douglas 7046. OMAHA Bath Inst. Electric, steam or tub baths, massages ot all kinds. 228 Neville Blk. Doug. 7381. 16th and IIarneySts. MECHANO Therapy Massage, Miss Halran, 223 Neville Bldg. MISS ALLEN, niRssage, facial and scalp treatments. 1S02 Farnam St. Room 2. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1569. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring physical cult Miss Walker. 224 Neville Blk. MAE BRUOMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 202 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. PRIVATE licensed maternity homo. 4416 N. 38th St. Phono Colfax 2042. Manicuring and muss. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. KB it OTTTliiassa g eTTolT s7l 8 1 h . dT95 26. SCIENTIFIC mass. 613 Paxton Blk. D. 6372? MiSSWEST. mantcur, mas210N-Yfih. E. BROTT,fnassa go. TOFsTiTfhT-671526! MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-22 Securities Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation Free. He is reliev ing thousands. WHY NOT YOU 7 Delays are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday. 11 a. m. to 1 t. m. RUPTURE successfully treated wlthoPt a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray, 80 Bee Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. BANKER with twelve years' successful ex perience open for proposition. Married, age 34 years. Best references. I'refer town of not less 1,000 population. Can Invest. Box Y 514, Omaha Hew. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional cleaning and service Co., 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. ELECTRIC carpet cleaning: window and paper cleaning. Best references. Ty. 1700. FOR housecleaning call Web. 2745, expert cleaner. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling, H. 6012. Female. RESPONSIBLE middle aged lady wishes employment by hour to assist in sickness or care of home. Phone Harney 1228. COMPETENT dressmaking done. 4688. Harney PLAIN Sewing neatly done. Call Wal. 2074. MENDING neatly done. Call Walnut 3308. Laundry and Day Work, WOMAN Wants day work, or ladle's clothes washed and Ironed. Tel. Webster 2058. LAUNDRY and day work wanted by relia ble woman. Telephone Harney 6846. WANT Ironing Beveral days or work by the week. References. Colfax 32S6. WASHING to bring -home, silks specialty, Farnam district. Har. 3377. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Call Webstec 1391. Laundry and Day Work. RELIABLE colored woman wants work. Web. 698. day Exp. lady wants housecleaning and Isanf.ry. Doug. 167$. BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished. Red 6673. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster S3S1. WOMAN wans day work references. Web ster 2221. FIRST-CLASS laundry and day work. Web ster 2487. BUNDLE washing to take home. Webster 6K94, DAT work wanted by colored woman. Red 8353. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 2269. CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. DAY work wanted. Webster 1499. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1"88. EXP, laundress for day work! Web 1867! HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Young man for stock clerk In wholesale dry goods store. Apply Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co., Ninth and Howard. TOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help csll Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement. YOUNG man with railroad freight experi ence for rosltion as assistant to traffic, manager for wholesale house. Salary 185 to start WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. MALE stenographer wanted for bank posi tion that will quickly develop Into as sistant cashisrshlp. Good salary, ex cellent future, county seat town of 2,000, central Nebraska. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO. "The Bank Posltipn Specialists." 1424-30 First Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. WANTED Nebraska lumber yard mana gers and yard men who have had ex perience. Give references on making ap plication. Address Box J, Broken Bow, Neb. BOOKKEEPER and CASHIER, 1125: Re ceiving Clk., $100; Bookkeepers. 175 to $100; Ledger Clerk. $50 to $75; Office Boy, $45; Stock Clerk, $75. WATTS REF, CO.. IU',8 1st Nat'l. Bank. WANTED A first class man to handle an addition to a thriving and growing city in tho center of tho Wyoming oil fields. Call Tyler 3324 for an appointment. ASS'T. BKKPER $60-166 BKKPR. and CREDIT MAN $100-$U5 THE M4.RTI SERVICE, 915-16 W. n. W. Bldg BOOKKEEPER ;s R. R. CLERKS $75-1100 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. SODA fountain man (city), $15 to $18 per week. 1015 City National Bank Building. Professions and Trades. Truck Drivers Wanted. Good pay and steady employment. Apply at Sunderland Brothers Co., 21st and Pacific Sts. PRINTER WANTED All around man for country shop; state wages wanted, experi ence, in first letter. Address Independent Democrat, Seward, Neb. -WANTED Wc can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment. Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank Building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. 15 Men and Young Men To Help Win the War HAND WORK ON ARMY SUPPLIES. Apply Mr. Mather, Factory No. 4, Top Floor at 1612, Harney. Scott Omaha Tent and Awning Co. or I steady married men who live In Omaha. OMAHA BOX CO., EAST OMAHA. WANTED Immediately for Bteady employ ment, men for packing and shipping de partment. High wages on piece work basis; also common and skilled labor ot all kinds for mill work, and outside yard and quarry work: wages 30c and 35c per hour, 10 and 12-hour days. Good housing and working conditions. NORTHWESTERN STATES PORTLAND CEMENT CO.. MASON CITY, IA. CARPENTERS. One boss careen ter,60o per hour, and 3 helpers, 50c per hour. To work on sec tional forms for bridge work at Mitchell, Neb. Nono but first-class mechanics need apply. OMAHA STRUCTURAL STEEL BRIDGE CO., 420 Bee Bldg. WANTED Mairied men for Ford garage repair work, also service men and elec trician capab'e of handling storage bat tery overhaufng. Location In central Neb. Box Y 511. Omaha Bee. WANTED Men for factory work; can use both experienced and inexperienced men. NEBRASKA ft IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301 Willis Avenue. YOUNG MEN for filling station attendants. A fine opportunity for developing sales ability. Apply Chas. Moore, 1 2th and Har ney. L. V. NICHOLAS OIL CO. WANTED Auto top trimmers to take part interest in an established business; must bo No. 1 man. Write Prosser & Lott 1512 11th Ave., Seattle. Wash Gordon Press Feeders Wanted , EGGERSS-O'FLYING CO., 15th and Leavenworth Sts. WANTED Good all round printer atonce. Money every Saturday. Phone on reverse call. Journal-Democrat, Syracuse. Neb. WANTED Linotype operator, good pa; permanent position. Daily News, Minot, N. D. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or writ Barber College. 1124 Douglaa Bt. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart- . ment Box 41401 Bee. J HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK SALESMEN We own and offer for Kale the entire capital Increase of the Lion Bonding and Surety Company of Omaha. A well established, successful company known In every town in Ne braska. This company's average earningi for past eight years better than 16 pel cent. This stock is unusually easy to eel! and oilers an opportunity. A llmltec number of men only will be put out with exclusive territory. Bankers' Sales Agency 923 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. A LIFE COMPANY with $13,000,000 of as sets, $4,000,000 of surplus, lower ratei than eastern companies, dividends th greatest of any company in America, nearly a third of a century old has s place for a wideawake, energetio sales man. We can show you an Income dou ble that usually enjoyed by the averag man. If Interested address Box Y 607, Omaha Bee. WANTED SALESMEN. O. R. KINNEY SHOE CO., 205-09 NORTH 16TH ST. WANTED A solicitor -one experienced in stocks, bonds or real estate preferred. Midwestern Investment Co., 1006 First Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Young man, 18 or 20 years ot age, neat apperance, as solicitor In Want Ad department. See Classified Advertising Manager. WANTED A good salesman for high-class business proposition. Call at 1006 First Natl Bank Bldg. JOHN NEWMAN. 1809 Farnam, wants ex perienced wall paper salesman, male or female. WANTED 10 solicitors at once a high grade line; make from $5 to $10 per day. Inquire 1614 Chicago. WANTED. Specialty salesman to call on machinery dealers. Box 6270, Omaha, Bee. Agents and Canvassers. MANUFACTURER'S agent to establish an manage office, commission basis, for N, T. corporation; products have large profitable sale. Will only consider man capable of organizing and managing sales force. An swer with full particulars. Electrical Box 40, Times Square P. O., New York. MEN and women agents can build up per. manent business for themselves and earn from $50 to $73 per week; every family a buyer; repeat orders creditod; ex clusive territory; experience unnecessary, Wrlto today. M. R. Company, 1578 Yatos St., Denver, Colo. WANTS STATE AGENTS An unusual proposition open for state agents, plac ing the fastest selling device ever Invented for Ford cars. Requires about $250 to handle. Well worth Investigation by the largest of motor dealers. Write Box 46J. Trenton, Mo. Boys WE can ubb a few more boys, S2 per dav. OMAHA BOX CO., EAST OMAHA. WANTED GOOD OFFICE BOY. REM INGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 13TH AND DOUGLAS STS. HOYS wanted; must be over 16 years ol age; good pay to start with. GORDON LAWLESS CO.. 8th and Dodge Sts. WANTED Office boy at once. Apply lOtl and Farnam Sts., general office bldg., Su perintendent's office. WANTED Messenger boy, 16 years or over UNION PACIFIC FREIGHT DEPOT, Itl and Jackson St. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Colored man dishwasher; $9 l week and board. Inqulra Mr. Jones, Hotel Castle Cnfe. Miscellaneous. LABORERS At New Building, 18th and Izard Sts. MEN WANTED. ACE 21 TO 50, FOR GENERAL YARD WORK; STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. -APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH OMAHA. JANITOR, married man, for Ty. 1812J. COLORED b.iy for porter work; no Sunday worn. ?vt ijeavenwortn. FREE JOB No office fee. Apply at 32254 S. 10th St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, lean barber trade; big demand; wages whllt learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. GIRLS. Boys and Men can obtain .steady em ployment and good wages at EGGERSS-O'FLYIXG CO., Fifteenth and Leaven worth Streets. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men, women, government war positions, 1100 month. Write for list Franklin Institute. Dept. 232 D. Rochester. N. Y. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 119 S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG lady bookkeeper for North Omaha firm. Prefer one who rcsld-s on north side. Permanent position with chance to advance rapidly. Start at t$5. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. WANTED Experienced stenographer In Mfg. district Middle aged woman pre ferred, give exoerience, salary expected, in first letter. Lox 6301. Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHERS $0-$d BOOKKEEPER AND STENO $7S-$0 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG STENOGRAPHERS, $50 to $30: BookkeWp". r-rs. JK5 to MO; Kilo Clerks, $40 to $i;o WATTS REF. Co., 1138 1st Nat'l. Bank! STENOG-. tpiN', f.'-c elks. See us at oneT Co-Opera live P.ef Co. l"l.i City N( B,t WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY PRESS ER. ATPLY 1908 HARNEY ST. WANTED A lady masseuse at the LaBeii Bath Institute, 1504 Harney. Doug. 7U4