Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman
Buy Your
More than 4,000 of our elec
trical appliances are doing
the best of work in Omaha.
Our Service Department
a Service Department That
Has Made Good, stands back
of every cleaner or washer
jold by us.
Baby Hoover $47.50
Special Hoover. . . .57.50
10 ether makes of clean
art .from which to choose.
308 S. 18th St. Tyler 1011
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads.
By MELLIFICIA April 24, 1918.
"Milk is in season. Milk is both
meat and drink. It furnishes easy
energy to the system. It has a
hundred uses. It may be served
as a beverage, as 'a soup; it may
be made the foundation of the
main dish at the meal, or it may
be made into a delightful dessert.
It adds strength to the body; it
furnishes motive power. It is in
expensive in comparison with
other foods, more often used."
"'From the Nebraska Federal
. -
Food Administration Bulletin
Stop the Driver of the Milk White
Wagon and place your order for
any Alamito Milk Products
Scientifically Pasteurized Milk
Special Jersey Cream
Guernsey Milk
Alamito Liberty Cream Cheese
Pasteurized Butter, in pound and
half-pound packages.
Locust Lane Buttermilk
i. XX Cream, excellent for whipping
(Phone the day before for
next day's delivery)
Douglas 409
' alamito dairy company
Council Bluffs No. 205
was closed all winter while Mr. Towle
is engaged m war duties at Hog
Island. Mrs W. H. Bucholz also re
sides in Philadelphia that she may be
near her son, Fritz Bucholz, who
works with Mr. Towle at the island.
Omaha ha; lost a number of promi
nent -doctor j, who answered their
country's call and joined the Nebraska
base hospital unit now stationed at
Fort Des Mo:nes. This breaks up a
number of comes, and many of the
wives are staying in Des Moines, Mrs.
A. C. Stokes among them, that they
may be nea- the unit as long as pos
sible. Mrs. C. A. Hull is at the
Blackstone, but makes week-end trips
to the post Mrs. J. P. Potts ac
companied Captain Potts to iiatties
biirg, Miss.
With both Charles and Lewis' Bur
gess in the ntrvice and Ward Burgess
serving his country in Washington,
many people have wondered if the
Burgess home would be closed. Mrs.
Burgess has said that her plans were
indefinite, but it will not be surprising
if Mrs. Burgtss joins the Omaha col
ony in Washington.
We are expecting that the summer
months wilt find many mothers and
sisters staying near the cantonmenU,
for the days are so fleeting once the
men don the khaki. It is very often
only a few short months until they
are ordered abroad, and, of course,
those left behind are eager to spend
as much time as possible with their
War Appointments
Bring Many Changes
In Residence
The war brings many changes to
us all, and it is surprising to note
how many or our prominent people
have moved to distant' cities. Of
course, grea. numbers of our young
men are scattered to the four corners
of the world, but whole families have
closed their homes and gone to east
ern points at the call of Uncle Sam.
Omaha lost a most delightful young
couple when Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Daniel left icr the capital and Miss
Helen Shoitu followed them very
shortly. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Gordon
are also restotnts of Washington, and
Mrs. Gordon's sister, Mrs. Ralph
Breckenridgp, has decided to close
her beautiful home and spend some
time in San Antonio that she may be
near her son, Lieutenant Warren
Breckenridge, who is stationed
The spacious J. W. Towle home
Druggists Here
Have Something
New for Colds
Applied Externally, the Body
Heat Releases Ingredients
in Vapor Form
The Manufacturers Have Au
thorized the Local Druggists
to Sell Any of the Three Sizes,
25c, 50c, or $1.00, on 30 Days'
Since ijs Introduction here a short
time ago, the new treatment for cold
troubles, known as Vick's VapoRub,
has aroused a great deal of interest
among local people, especially among
mothers with small children.
Local druggists report that num
bers have taken advantage of their
30 days' trial offer to see if a 25c jar
of VapoRub really will relieve these
troubles externally, without having
to "dose" with nauseous internal
For croup, coughs, chest colds, sore
throat or bronchitis, apply VapoRub
well over the throat and chest, cover
ing with a warm flannel cloth. Leave
the covering loose around the neck so
the vapors arising may be freely in
haled. In addition, VapoRub is absorbed
through and stimulates the skin, tak
ing out that tightness and soreness in
the chest. For head colds, catarrh,
hay fever, or asthmatic troubles,
VapoRub can either be applied up the
nostrils or a little melted in a spoon
and the vapors inhaled.
You have to try this treatment to
realize its remarkable effect in all
cases of cold troubles. Adv.
' 0 j? . ssge,
Brims Are Broad
ABROAD upturned brim of pur
ple georgette crepe, blanket
stitched with lavender rope
silk, wears a crown of wide gros
grain ribbon in the same delightful
shade of lavender. Rope silk blanket
stitches the ends of ribbon spread out
on the generous brim. This combina
tion furnishes a picturesque hat for
wear with dressy spring frocks and
suits of beige, gray, purple or lavender.
DEBUTANTES will welcome the
picture hat of sheer organdie
in various shades to match their
dainty frocks. Pink, yellow, blue, lav
ender andrdeep purple organdie make
these hats, which are simply trimmed
with a band of contrasting ribbon.
WHOM the milliner hath Joined
together let no man put asun
der might be said of the hats
and knitting bags which match. Pur
ple linen and bands of chintz cut
from a fruit pattern make this charm
ing set here, which is bound to claim
a picuresque in the summer landscape.
Advice to Lovelorn
Not Exactly Fair to Him.
Deer Miss Fairfax: I have been going
about with a young man now In tba navy.
Now, you know, Miss Fairfax, the pay of a
sailor U not much. He wanted ma to ac
cept an engagement ring from him, but
thought that the money In the bank would
Be rar better, o I told him to eave the
money that he would have spent on it, and
that laterwhen we were married he could
then give It to me when we found that
we could spare the money. Now, this young
have loved from the first time I knew her.
but now I find she expects my fiance to
turn half his money over to her. Now that
we have atarted an account together, I hats
to break It up. but I am afraid that I shall
get so despondent that I shall send her every
cent that belongs to him and just save my
own- HELgN W.
It seems to me that this boy'a mothei
li being most unfair to him. But I only know
one side of the story your, as you tell It.
It Is a splendid Idea for yoi- to teach thlsN
boy to be saving and for the two of you
to build together toward your future home.
Are you sure the mother, understands ex..
actly what your spirit is? Perhaps she looks
forward rather sadly to the possibility that
her boy will never return, and It may even
be that she thinks of you rs a maneuverlni
young woman, who Is trying to get his
money Into her possession. V'hy don't you
explain very clearly to the boy'a mother
just how you feel about the happy future
you two expect to have together? What la
more, ne nonest witn yorrself and make sure
that you aren't trying to get a little nest
egg with which to console yourself In ease
the boy never returns to you.
Patriotic Party.
A patriotic party is planned for
Thursday evening to be given by the
Friendship club at Metropolitan
hall. It is to be really patriotic from
the red, white and blue ice cream to
the door receipts, which will be given
to the Red Cross.
For the lovers of the old-fashioned
dances of our grandmother's day, a
small hall has been opened down
stairs , at the club. It accomodates
about 25 couples and in the lulls of
a frisky one-step upstairs one can
hear the familiar "swing your part
ners" from the hall below. The fath
ers and mothers are very enthusias
tic over this plan, for here they
may indulge in the old-time Virginia
reel and quadrille to their heart's
fpOLARINE is the standard lubricant for ALL cars the
" one oil that is as efficient in summer's heat as it is in
winter's cold the oil that no engine temperature can break
up and nullify its lubricating qualities.
Polarine is a pure oil, not a drop of acid in a barrel. And it
burns up so clean that carbon is reduced to a minimum.
The Polarine sign points out the place where you get the
kind of oil your car needs.
For maximum mileage and power use Red Crown Gasoline
N (Nebraska)
F Marina H
- i --wr I m ly I I
Mflk ill
Surprise Wedding.
A surprise wedding took place Sat
urday in Lincoln, when Miss Marie
Marguerite Nygaard, daughter of
Mrs. Emma Nygaard, became the
bride of Mr. Eugene W. Marr, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Marr, of this
city. Rev. W. E. Gratz performed the
The young couple were unattended,
as the wedding arrangements were
made very hurriedly. Mrs. Marr wore
her traveling suit of blue serge, with
large blue hat to match.
Thee young couple will make their
home with the bride's mother until
Mr. Marr is called into service.
The wedding comes as a com
plete surprise to the friends of the
young couple, for their plans have
been kept such a profound secret.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Nygaard en
tertained at a delightful little dinner
party Monday evening at their home
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Marr.
Impersonator Has Friends Here.
Mr. Charles Sale, who is with "The
Passing Show" company, is a cousin
of Mr. M. V. Robbins of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Robbins entertained in
Mr. Sale's honor Tuesday evening at
their home when this young come
dian gave a number of his imperso
nations for the guests. Thirty guests
were invited to meet the young actor.
Mr. Sale's home is in New York City,
where a charming wife and three kid
dies watt for his home-coming. Mr.
Sale was formerly on the Orpheum
Scottish Rite Musicale.
Miss Gertrude Weeth, pianist, and
Mrs. Florence Basler Palmer, so
prano, will give a musical program
Friday at 2 o'clock at the social meet
ing of the Scottish Rite Woman's
club. The new piano presented to the
Scottish Rite cathedral by the
Woman's club, will be used, in recital
for the first time.
Silver Anniversary Luncheon.
The Omaha Woman's club celebra
ted its 25th anniversary with a lunch
eon for 200 guests in the ball room
of , the Blackstone today. A large
birthday cake, baked by Mrs. C. A.
Sherwood, chairman of the house and
home committee, in charge of the af
fair, occupied the place of importance
at the honor table, about which were
seated the state president, Mrs. Ad
dison E. Sheldon, of Lincoln; Mrs.
A. L. Fernald, president, and 14 char
ter members of the club.
The cake was decorated with an
American flag and another flag con
taining the figure "25" in silver let
ters. American flags were the only
decoration with the exception of a
rose at the place of each charter member.
Creighton Mixers' Dance.
An elaborate dancing party is be
ing planned by the Creighton Mix
ers' club. This May party will be.
given Tuesday evening at Keep's
academy, and spring flowers will be
used in profusion in the hall. More
than 160 guests will attend the affair
and the committee in charge will in
clude: Messrs. Edward Kranz, P. D.
Corrigan, Gerald La Viollette, Fred
Zehnfenig and W. R. Murray.
Entertain for Soldiers.
Mrs. C. J Hubbard entertained at
an informal little evening at her home
Tuesday. Mrs. Hubbard asked a few
of the Dundee girls who work at the
Red Cross canteen to assist her in en
tertaining some of the cadet officers
from the fort who are soon to leave
for another post. Among the girls
present were Miss Gladys Goodman,
Miss Clarice Brown and Miss Anne
Prettiest Mile Club.
A little kensington club has been
meeting every two weeks all winter
for luncheon at the homes of the dif
ferent members. The W. D. K's, as
they call themselves, were Mrs. Frank
Spellman's guests today at the Pret
tiest Mile ciub.
Sergeant Everett Burke is at home
for a few days from Camp Dodge.
T. C Byrne, chairman of the state
Liberty loan committee, keeps a
large bouquet of red roses in the Lib
erty bank every day.
Mrs. R. C. Moore, who has spent
the winter in California, returned
Saturday to be with her daughter,
Mrs. Harry Jordan. v
Lieutenant Andrew C. Scott ar
rived today to be the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. James P. Slater for a few days.
Lieutenant Scott has been stationed
near Boston.
When My
Lady Travels
I HE wants that sense of security! f tttenttw
) ness; of unembarrasiing guidance, that Is an
special feature of Morrison service to women
who make this hotel their headquarters for
hopping, theatre, or business excursions to
A housekeeper It la charts el every floor of the a
toriee; bath and circulating ice water la every room?
exquisitely tasteful room furnishings whether you pay
S3 or more.
Temee Cardan, Chicago's Wonder Restaurant ts
the home of the latest Musical Hits, together with to
marvelous lee Carnival.
"1 4 Btmri e
' EL
Clark and Madison Streets
-TU BoUttf
Mrs. August F. Spechty, who un
derwent an operation at St. Joseph's
hospital several weeks ago, has so far
recovered as to be able to be taken
Omahans registered at the Hotel
McAlpin in New York City during
the last week include Mr. J. R. Kleyla,
Mr. J. L. Blair, Lieutenant J. P.
Kleyla and Mr. R. C. Baldwin.
Alexander Finlayson, Mrs. Emery
Peterson, Mrs. W. B. Thomas, F. L.
Jarbo.v, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown,
C. C. Clary, Mrs. H E. Raterson and
Mrs. K. A. Lininger of Omaha, were
guests at the Hotel Clark, Los Ange
les, during the last week.
Lieutenant Robert Reasoner, who
has been stationed at the balloon
school for several months, has been
transferred to the school of military
aeronautics at the Ohio State uni
versity at Columbus, O. Lieutenant
Reasoner's betrothal to Miss Hazel
Updike was announced last week.
French Pronunciation
Of Names in War News
Aire Air.
Amiens Ahm-yan.
Armentieres Ar-mont-yayr.
Arras Ah-rass.
Bailleul By-yul.
Bethune ....Bay-tune.
Boulogne Boo-lon.
Boyelles Bwah-yell.
Calais Cal-lay.
Calonne Cah-lon.
Dixmude Dix-myood.
Dranoutre Drah-nootr.
Festubert Fest-you-bayr.
Gheluvelt Gay-loo-velt
Hangard..... ....On-gar.
Hazebrouck Ahz-brook.
Hollebecke Ol-bek.
La Bassee La-bas-say.
Langemarck Lonj-mark.
Laventie La-von-tee.
Lillers Lee-layr.
Locon Lo-con.
Lys Leess.
Mailly-Rameval. . .My-yee-ram-val.
Merris .May-reess.
Merville Mare-veel.
Messines Mes-seen.
Meteren May-ter-an.
Montdidier Mon-deed-yay.
Moeuil . . . , t Mo-ruh-yee.
Neuve Eglise. .". .7 Nuhv-ay-gleez.
Nieppe Nee-ep.
Noyon N wah-yon.
Passchendaele.... Pash-en-dal.
Ploesteert Plog-stayrt.
Poelcappello Pole-cap-pell.
Queant Kay-yon.
Robecq Robek.
St Eloi Sant-el-wah.
St. Vienant San-vay-non.
Vimy Vee-mee.
Warneton Varn-ton.
Wulverghem Vool-verg-em,
Wytschaete Vit-shayt
Ypres Eepr.
Zonnebeke Zon-bek.
Caillaux Ky-yo.
Clemenceau Clem-mon-so.
Fayolle Fy-yoll.
Foch Fosh.
Petain Pay-tan.
Poincare Pwan-cah-ray.
New York Times.
Be Fair to Her.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I was introduced to
a young girl whom I now lore very much
and sbs In turn loves ms. We became en
laced two months ago. My frlsnda tell me
that I was too hasty, for this young woman
Is la a Tsry peculiar etroumstance. She la
a very poor girl and Uvea In a bad neighbor,
Now, personally, I would have no doubt
aa to what alternative I should ehooss,
but I am becoming perturbed at the advice
of my frlsnda. H. S. H.
Poverty and advene elreumstaaeea need'
not make a girl "bed," Uvea If this girl
were a little bit weak and inollned to
chooss the wrong path In Ufa, your faith
la her might be the very thing to save her
and help her In making her fight. If on
the other hand you were to throw her over,
It la very possible that even a fairly strong
girl who waa making a fight against temp
tation might in a bitter reaction agalnat
your eruel Judgment of her decide to "have
the game aa well aa the name." , Faith in
deed often moves mountains. If I were a
man, I would defend the girl I loved against
unkind and probably unjust criticism not
doubt her because of them. Can't 'yon -judge
for yourself whether or not ehe to
fine and aweet and making the right eort
of appeal to yon or whether the attraction
she baa for you li base and unworthy,
The Art "of Conversation.
Dear Miss Fairfax! I am IS and lonesome,
having no friends of either sex, aa I am
not attraotlve or interesting, but quiet and
How eaa I make myself popular, able to
carry en some eort of a conversation?
What yon need most la to forget yourself.
Spend an hour every day reading good newa
and edltorlala. Just do It because you think
that la part of your education. Examine
yourself every day to see how much yon re
member, Tou will progress. When yon find
yourself at a loss for something to talk
about. It la probably beoauae your Idea, of
conversation la an occasion for yourself to .
shine. Toa want to say something brilliant
and Interesting, which wUl win the admira
tion of the other person. Olve up that Idea,
and Instead of It make a business of drawing
out the other person, who probably la Just
aa shy and miserable as yon are, even If he '
or she happens to be a better sport about
It or to make a more determined effort to
rise above it Get people to tell you what
they are doing, what they are Interested m;
learn to listen and suddenly you will find
that you are considered a charming arm
pathlc person and have many friends.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 18 and hare been
Kolng about with a young man for a year.
He says he wishes to marry me some day,
but I have seen so many marriages prove
failures that I am hesitating In becoming
engaged. As my mother and father had
trouble I know what It Is and wish to be
sure of his love before I give him my
Can you suggest some way T may be
sure of a happy marriage? DOUBTFUL.
Tou poor, youthful, little cynic! A good
many marriages are failures; that doesn't
mean that the Institution Itself Is a failure,
but that the people who are Into It aren't
the right kind of partners. If ifou are
ready to do your part to bear and for
bear and to give love and understanding
to the man you lovs( and If he is as ready
to be "square" .with you as you are with
him, your life partnership ought to work
out very well. I -am not going to suggest
any "love tests" to you. Time la the best
one, and you, as well as the boy of whom
you are fond, will have to pass It. It yoa
still care for each other as you grow older,
you will be brave enough to take the risks
and chances one has to endure to win any
kind of happiness In life.
Not Fair.
Dear Miss Fairfax: A few months ago a
friend Introduced me to a girl from the
south. About two months ago she re
turned home, and since then we have been
corresponding. My friend is In love with
this girl, and she likes him. I, too, have
taking a liking to her. My friend is Jeal
ous and demands that I show him the
letters I get from her. This I naturally
refuse to do. He says I must either atop
writing or break friendship With him. I
am at a loss what to do. A. C.
Tour friend's attitude seems to me most
unfair. If he were this gtrl'a accepted
suitor he would be In a position to ask
her tn honor his wisls in this matter, Ai
It is I scarcely see what right he has to
demand that you break off an Interesting
friendship Just because he wanta all the
girl's time and attention. Even If shewert
In love with him she might in all loyalty
take a sympathetic Interest in your work.
If he will not listen to reason you will have
to settle the matter with yourself, decid
ing whether1 his Jealous and exacting friend
ship means enough to you to warrant yov
in giving up the girl's sympathy. Possibly
there is more to the story than I know. Ii
any event, go over the situation honestly
and frankly and then figure out what you
really want to do.
A Silly Little Girl.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am II years old
and In love with a girl of 16 years, who
Is wearing a diamond given her by a
friends of mine who has gone to the front.
She does not admit being engaged to my
friend. She is also encouraging attention
from another friend.
Do you think It would be proper to tiro
pose to her I D.
Unless that diamond Is for a bethrothal
pledge, this little girl has no business to
be wearing such a gift. She seems to be
disloyal and you are ready to be equally
so. I don't think It Is proper for any young
man, to propose to a little girl of 16 years.
This particular little girl seems to be a
flirt and to be given to accepting rather
Imposing gifts to ssy the least. She ought'
to be thinking of her studies not of love