Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1
" Br andeis' Petticoat Lane"
The place where thou
sands of petticoats are on
display on racks and tables,
showing the largest assort
ment and stock carried in
Omaha. The pla'ce to buy
your 1 petticoats, where you
can choose from such a tre
mendous assortment in
Quantity and price range.
Petticoats for the miss, for
the grown woman) and for
the stout woman, who re
quires an extra size and
6ften has trouble "finding
them large enough, are here
at all prices and in all best materials
Silk Jersey Petticoat in novelty
combinations and color schemes.
Silk Jersey Petticoats with Jer
sey and taffeta tops accordion
pleats, ruffles or hemstitched
The Washable Satin Pettieoat
with double paneled front and
back in white or flesh colors.
All Taffeta Petticoats in plain
colors or cHangeables in too many
designs to describe in detail.
Silk and Jersey Petticoats with
flounces of Taffeta, Silk, (Mes
saline, Peau de Cygne, etc., in all
the new designs.
v We offer for tomorrow's selling,
three group at special prices.
Group 1 Beautiful Silk Jersey Petticoats of fine
-quality silk jersey or Taffeta Silk or combinations,
double ruffles, plain colors, changeables, JC OX
Dresden patterns, special, at v
Group 2 About twenty styles to select from. Some
of the smartest designs in flounces, changeable
" Taffeta, plain Taffeta, all-Silk Jersey, Silk Jersey
and Messaline, Silk Jersey and Taffeta, Satin,
colored embroidery, special fc.
" values, at
Group 3 A specially purchased lot of high grade
Silk Petticoats in all the light and dark shades of
changeable taffeta, dainty flounces, also JO QQ
Jersey and silk combinations, special, at. vev
Second Floor
Hair Bobbing
' for Children, 35c
Experts bob little folks' hair with electric
clippers. The utmost care is exercised to have
everything clean and sanitary.
Sale of Hair Goods
offering high quality goods at prices at
tractively low. We have experts to help
yo inlnatching hair.
Fine Quality Convent Hair Switches,
3-stem; natural wave priced
18-inch, $5.00 value, at $3.50
22-inch, $8.50 value, at $6.50
We can match all shades except
gray in the above switches.
22-inch Band Water Wave Trans
formations; $2.25 values, spec, $1.45
These Specials in Switches
Wavy Switches, 3-stem; priced as follows:
20-inch, $1.25 value . 79c
22-inch, $1.60 value , $1.00
24-inch, $2.00 value $1-35
26-inch, $3.00 value $2.00
y Second Floor
Imperial Ispahan Rugs
Nearest Approach to the Oriental
A nicely decorated and furnished room,
without the proper Rugs, is like a house
withsut windows; a very important factor
is missing. There is no question about our .
, being influenced with th colorings around ,
us therefore the most harmonious color
tones are essential in the Rugs you buy. You
don't buy Rugs every day, and you live with
them month after month and year after year 1
so let us advise you about the best for your
We Specialize on Bigelow Ispahans
that possess all the beauty and colorings of the
Oriental, reproduced in beautiful designs, and v
enduring quality.
9x12 feet are ... . . . . . $87.50 .
8 feet 3x10 feet 6 are .......... . 2.00
6X9 feet are '...$50.00
4 feet 6x7 feet 6 are , $33.50
36x63 inches are $15.00
27x54 inches are $9.00
. Third Floor '
&mto Stores
' -. ' ' "
Warner's Rustproof Corsets
Fashionably correct, their outlines care
fully designed to display the new frocks.
High in quaiity, built with care and of selected material that stands
the test, for Warner's Corsets are guaranteed not to bijeak, tear or rust.
Your corset will wear longer and be more comfortable if you have it
fitted here. Let our experienced fitters be of service to you by fitting
you correctly and you will enjoy wearing your corset at all times.
Warner Corset for tall figures or the
woman who prefers a high bust corset,
long skirt with free hip section, a com
fortable and serviceable ( $2.00
corset :
Warner Corset for tout figures, long hip
with abdominal belt, and extra $3,00
wide front steel, low top
Warner Front LacedXorset, medium low
toplong hip vith wide elastic band in
back, shield under lacing in $3 j()
front, six garters, only
Other Styles in Warner Corsets from $1 .00 to $6 .50
Haveyou seen our new Warner Brassieres? Here you will find a variety
of styles in tailored and fancy models. '
Warner Bandeaux and Brassieres, priced from 50c to $2.50
A Dainty Corset for girls, lightly boned,
made of batiste, low $ 1 .25
top, at
Third Floor
And always the best
$10 Millinery Invest
ment you can make.
We originated
"Coronet" as a
name for the
highest type of
$10 Hat to be
obtained any
where, and the
fact that we
have increased
sales immensely
year after year
proves their except
tional worth.
1 0.00
We have established a .
cavery high standard,
and with the great-
ly increased cost
of materials and
trimmings, it is
more of a feat
than ever to
' sell these su
perb Hats at
the same
price that has
always pre
vailed since we
introduced Cor
onet ta Omaha. We
invite your approval
of the newest arrivals:
Large Crepe mushroom shape, ostrich and,ribbon trimmed; beige color scheme,
with black trimmings very striking.
Medium size, rolling brim style, of Crepe, in two colors, trimmed with chenille
and embroidery. Beige and pink color scheme. Chenille braid facing.
Large Transparent Poke Effect, flower and ribbon trimmed, with streamers
in back. Very showy and effective.
Poke effect, Leghorn crown, with chenille embroidery and. ribbon band and
faille silk brim. Color scheme, blue and brown. . f
Turban, dose fitting, of natural Milan trimmed with white daisies allover. Nar
row brim, edged with white satin.
Second Floor -
Prevent Waste of Perishable Food
Buy the Best Refrigerator You Can
The U. S.,Food Administration in a recent '
bulletin says: "If we can reduce the waste and
unnecessary consumption of food by a matter
of only six cents a day, we shall have saved two
billion dollars a year."
Think what this means. The multiplication
of small savings rteaspoonfuls, slices, pieces,
left-overs, etc., in America's 20,000,000 kitchens.
Bohn Syphon Refrigerators
.(seamless porcelain lined)
prevent waste and spoilage of perishable foods by keeping them fresh and healthful. The
patent "Bohn Syphon" system of refrigeration gives a constant and most rapid circula
tion of cold dry air, which prevents tainting or odors.
"Sanitor" (seamless porcelain lined), Re
frigerators, a very high grade 32 50
botf'at a popular price, up from .
"Furniture City," white enam- M K QQ
eled boxes, up from
'Bohn Syphon" (seamless porcelain lined)
Refrigerators, the best re- $47 50
frigerator made, up from '. '
"Furniture City," galvanized iron dQ QC
lined boxes, up from :
Do vou realize what it means to vou at the end of the year in the saving of ice and
food, to have a good Refrigerator in your home? Figure the savings you make, and then
judge for yourself, whetBer-you can afford, to have anything but the best that your means
will buy. Thc-Kohn syphon Refrigerator 1 s one that, wc neanuy recummenu, ucauS
we nave cavciuny suDsianuaieu an me ciairns lor 11 aim iuuuu incm nut.
r 7 , , . :
y ". ' "
The Very Latest
in Veilings
The newest styles in Veilings '
are extremely lascinating, lend
ing a charm that is undeniable,
beincr almost indisDensable to
the woman who motors and has a
- proper respect s for her com
plexion. ;
Drp VeiU, scroll patterns and Shct- '
land meRhes, a yard and half in.
kngth, all desirable colors,'.' priced
from $1.50 to $2.98 ,
Ovr-th-Top and Circular - ViU,
Chenille edges Iknd scroll borders, heavyV
Shetland meshes and fine meshes, all
colors, priced from . .'. .$1.00 to' $3.98 .;
Square ViU,nquare silk veils, in em-,
broidered floral, and shadow designs,
come in all colors, prices range '
from . $2.25 to $3,98
Fc Veilings, sheer scroll . patterns,
motif designs in , Chenille and cm-
Drouicry, au coiors, yarn, ioc w
Main Floor
Domestics So Little Priced
You Ought to Buy Them Liberally
The steady rise in the wholesale prices on Cotton
Fabrics has been so consistent thato woman who values
a good saving will let an offering like this go by without
participating. Three separate items, and every one ex
tremely unusual. "' -J
Mill Remnantt of 36-inch Percale, in light and dark colors, '
for dresses, wrappers, etc., in serviceable 1 QX
lengths, a yard lv.2'
Mill Remnant Bleached Mutlin and Cambric, nice qual
ity, in long lengths, at, , JQC '
Retnnanta of Wath Good, including Percales, sliitings,
white goods, etc., values to 25c; one large bar-' t JX .
gain square, special a yard ",V , y
Basement ,3 '
Right Draperies and Curtains
Make Your Home More Livable
DID YOU ever stop to consider the effect that
bright, crisp, fresh draperies, in harmonious designs and.
color tones have upon the general livableness of your
home? Curtains are an index to the passerby of the char
acteristics of the home in most instances, and the right
kind of Draperies set off your furnishings to the best of
advantage. 1 ' ' .
We are prepared, not only to sell to you the best of ;
t Draperies and Curtains, but we are also prepared to.
show you the best Curtains and Draperies for your par-'
ticular needs. Consult us before purchasing.
"Orinoka" Sun-Fast Draperies
Are a specialty here. We are headquarters for these splendid
"Sun-Fast" DraDeries in Omaha: you can obtain them in every. good
ctinrlr nnrl spores o f different weaves and textures. Prices are very
moderate. We shall be glad to offer suggestions on any problem
you may have and solvethem for you satisfactorily.
i Specials for Wednesday
Curtain of net, filet, voile and
Marauiiette. insertions and edg
ings, 4(f inches wide, worth to
$3.98 special,
Net Coette, white and beige,
worth 59c, - ACkt
special, at
Scrim, colored borders, assorted
colors, 38 inches wide, worth up
to 59c, special . 39 C
at v
Dotted Marauitette. 38 inches
wide 'white only; Voile in white
and beige, worth to 49c, OC.
special, at
Third Floor
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