Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
V" '-S 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1918. ABIE THE AGENT TtfrYrS fO&rfNELHKE OF HECHY TO TAKE ME TO Ur SINS TT'LL IE NiFYlOC - 7 Ospyrtgat Mil. XBUrnattoMl News StTOS. DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD hhxt- ri wot w A r- MJit -- " Ss?.- r CfZZs?- ill! III. t J ?4 KQfMM'h iV-rMti l IfttR! 'iviiiirw- Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) 3t) per word .....each Insertion So per word tor three consecutive Insertions 3s par word (or ch additional InserUon No d taken for lew than a total of 20o or lest than Mo per day. CHARGE. to per line (count word to line) one time : e per line each time, 2 coiiaeeutlve tlmee : 1o per line each time, SO consecutive timet i 8ITCATIONS WANTED, - H!fl per line... P CABD8 OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES per line .....each Intertton . (Minimum Charge, SO Cents.) Contract Batea On Application ror convenience of advertisers want ade wilt be accepted t tbe following offices: A1AIN OFFICE.. ....Bes Building Amu Offlc "10 North 24th Bt Lake Off:c 2616 North 24th St Vinton Office.... 1467 South 18th Ht. Park Office 2616 Leavenworth Mt. -Walnut Offlca". 811 North 40th Bt Mouth 8lde 2311 N Bt Council Blufft 14 Main Bt. North THK BE HI will not be retpontlble for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an ad vtrtlsemeot ordered for more than one time. Use THH TELEPHONE If yon cannot eon venlently bring or eend you ads to any of the above offices. Ask for a Want A4 Taker and you will receive the same good service M when delivering your ad In person, PHONK TVLEB 1000 Want Ad Columns Cloe Evening Editions 12:00 M. iiornlng Editions,..; 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions.. 19 P. M, Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHAMBBA, 24TH AND PARKER "BELLE BENNETT in "A SOUL IN TRUST." GRAND, 16TH AND B1NNKY CHARLES RAY in - "THE HIRED MAN." Hippodrome, ma and . EDDT POLO In NO. 6. "THE HUtL'S-EYE." : other ooodtcturks. South. APOLLO, ' 39TH AND LKAVKNWORTli ALICE BRADY in "HER SILENT SACRI FICE." IDBAU MTH AND DORCAS MARGARITA FISCHER in "ANN'S FINISH. ROHYjrF, Jpi"LEAVENWORTU MIRIAM COOPER in VWAU1M nKn TOM UW." . ' HK DK BADLLE3 CABB. West DUNDEE, S1ST AND UNDERWOOD MARGUERITE FISCHER in "THE PRIMITIVE WOMAN." DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICE STEIMLE Mrs. Marie, aged ii years. April 20 Funeral from residence, SJ27 Nicholas atreet, Wednesday, 1:30 a. m. to St Mary Magdelene'a church, at a. m. In terment Gorman Cathollo cemetery. De ceased Is survived by her husband, Wil liam Stolmle; two children, Helen and Hoee Marie; her mother, Mrs. Roslle Walby, and three brother Joseph, Fred and Charles Walby. CLAJIX -Albert M., who came to Omaha In 1868, a veteran of the civil war, died at the residences of his son, E. M. Clark, 2224 Grand avenue, Sunday at 4:30 a, m. Funeral notice later. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrlhe Nathan N. and Nellie A. Norton, Iltl North Eleventh street, boy; Earl W. and Mabel Cropper, 1701 Howard atrent, Imy. Elmer C. and Matena Nelson, , 2866 Jones street boys James N. and Ina Grant, 113 Pratt street girl; Jens and Martina Knudsen, (17 Lafayette avenue, boy; Fred and Alma Tllsner, 1(01 Camden avenue, bey; Mark and Katanlne Salnovlo, 1214 South Thirteenth street boy; Vernon and . Klsa Potter, 1867 Franklin strent. boy; Charles and Irene Jerome, 2714 B street, girl; Lloyd A. and Alice Galloway, 6019 Underwood avenue, girl; Jamea and Lottie W. Noble, 1(31 North Twentieth street boy; ciyas ana Anna Lowman, u(7 Corby street, girl; Frank and Julie Kaiser, (717 South Fifteenth street hoy. DeathsMargaret O'Connor, 43, hospital; Mildred K. uammel, . 1(18 E street; Llewellyn, E. Moore, 40, hospital: H. O, Boostnger, 46, hospital; Mary M. Burcham, IS, 2711 Hamilton street: Mrs. Julia Ed- inona, 77, 4624 Florence boulevard; Joseph Kowal, I months, 1760 Clarkson avenue; Dorothy Welch, 2, (12 Douglas street; Boyd Oslsr, It months, hospital: John O. Rakes, 61, hospital; Howard C, iZellnsky, I days; 4614 South Twentieth street; Stanka Ulrlch, 40, hospital. . . -BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permit was Issued today: , I Carlisle, 2601 North Fifteenth street alterations, (1,600. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 24 eV Har. D. 187, IS. U DODDER CO.. Funeral Directors. P. U Fero, Mgr., 13d and Cuming bts. Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. UNDERTAKERS and licensed embalniers, - also private ambulance. Call Webster 47. Willis u. Crosby, lull N. 24th St iOHN A, GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer. 1411 Farnam Bt Harney 191. 3UL8B A RIEPEN, undertakers and em balmers. 701 & 16th. Douglas 1!3. FLORISTS. . Vunteneila : Florists, LEE L LARMON 1814 Douglas St Douglas 8314. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. HENDERSON, 1S19 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 8. 14. D. 1102 ROGERS, Florist 111 a 16th. D. 3400. BATH, National Florist. 1804 Farnam St. a rnT A nuTTi? Est i6. fx. iwmuuuu mt harnet. Flowers shipped everywhere. Exp. prepaid LODGE NOTICE. Degree of Honor members are request ed to attend the funeral of Sister Stelmle Wednesday morning, 8:30, from residence 2911 Nlcbolaa St. to St Mary Magdalene's - church at 9.0'cleck. Emma Thorpe, Deputy grand chief of Honor. , Jennie 8. Hicks, Reporter Pro- Tern. LOSTFOUND-tREWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREET BAILWAT COMPANT. Persons having loat some article would . do welt to call up the office of tbe Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company 10 ascertain whether they left It la the trct car. Many articles taeh day are turned In f r.d the company is anxious to restore I4im la tat rightful owners, , LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOHT On eve of Jan, 7, at depot or car tracks (Untnn Pacific) a Jade and gold bracelet, alternate links with Chlnen characters, and Jade links with small gold centors bearlpg same characters OMipr valui-s as I was gift. Liberal re ward. Mrs. O. P. Schun, Ht. George Apt, E6 Pacific fit., Brooklyn. N. Y. IP TOU lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. If you find any thing of value the honest way te to ad vertle for the owner. LOST Black traveling bag between Sanford hotel and Neb. Telephone Bldg. ; contained clothing and silverware; a!no letters. Fin dor please nltlfy L. O. Hamilton, Craig, Neb. LOHT Package containing .child's drese; left on 24th atrent car. Call Harney j3, LOST Piper Heldslck tobacco pouch con taining money. $6 reward. Colfax 3074, CEMETERIES WE8T LAWN offere sympathetic aervtce In sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no aesess ments: lots on easy terms, phone WaL 120. For Sal Mitcellaneoeus Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OB DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE, RUGS. GAS STOVES, ETC of 8urplus Stocks. MUST BB SOLD REGARDLEHS OF COST. Buy Now and Get First Choice. The choicest home furnishings that money can buy. Vu make a specialty of complete home outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fare free to all out-of-town buyers within SO miles of Omaha on purchases of 120 or more. BTATK FURNITURE CO., TeL Boug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha. - "Too Cay Buy It for Less at the State." FURNITURE & HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, chl fonlers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, ruga and linoleum, trunks and suit cases, gas stoves and Ice boxes, full line screen wire, poultry netting, garden tools, 1839-47 North 24th St Tel. Web. 1807. Open till p. m. BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tablea, chairs, china and kitchen cablneta, rugs and linoleum, 1830-1847 N. , 84th Bt. Webster 1607. Open till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BAROAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, etc Loyal Furn. Co., 328 N. 16th. BEDROOM furniture and chairs for sale. Colfax 1064. LARGE size gas range, cheap. Call H. 1850. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have several Vtctrolaa that we took In on trades for sale: In good condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlors, Cor. 20th and Farnam stt FOR SALE New mahogany piano, stand ard make. Will sacrifice, leaving city, Phone Walnut S698. A. HOSPB CO., 1611 Douglas, have pianos to rent at 11.60 per month, or will sell on easy terms. V WAPLB Manual training work bench for sale, (10. Call Walnut 1609. Nurseries,' Seeds and Plants. GATE Cur NURSERY AND SALES GROUND at 61st aod Burdette, full line of fine stock. Open Sundays. Phone office, Doug. 2050; residence, WaU 2946. J. H. Marnette, ' manager. HAZEL-DELL NURSERY, west of Florence, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, ever green and roses. Omaha yard, 24th and 1'lnkney Sts. Phone Coltax?149( and Wsb ster 34(0. PROGRESSIVE EVERBEARING STRAW BERRY plants that will bear this tTason, ! (1.60 per hundred prepaid. Colfax 1991, Ferguson Bros., Station D, Omaha. PRETTY Rocky Mountain Perennial Flow era Columbines, etc, 30 plants, 1: 76 for (1. Poetpsld. P. Cleret, Husted. Colo. HKRn pnTATnii-s RED RIVER VARIETY. CALL HARNEY 6787. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all tewing machines. . MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th nd Harney Sts. Doug. 1662. Hardware and Tools. FOR bargains in new and slightly used tools ev us. deiierson fiarawars 1:0., 18 ft. 16th. Dg. 4626. Open to 9 p. m. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere. Rental supplies n purchases. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglas streets. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Ront an Oliver 1 months for 16. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1905 Farnam. kTE buv. sell and mh,nt, lvituwrli.ra guar, typewriters 2)10 and up. Write for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dodge. Store and Office Fixtures. WJ5 have moved to new location. We buy, sell and make desks, safes. aWum shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., a. w. lor, ntn and Douglas, P. 8724. FOR SALE Devolving magaatne rack. cheap. Harney 686. ' Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed, renovaiea ana mane up in new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trade those articles of furniture, eloth Ing, personal belongings, etc., that you have no need of. Get something you can Use. Special rata for ads In Swappers' Column 26a for 1-llne adv. 1 days and io per answer for all lettera received. Business ads regular ratea. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Old false teeth. Don't matter If broken. I pay (2.00 to (16.00 per set Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall. - L. Maaer, 2007 8. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAY THK HIGHEST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. . D. 2444. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 ROCHMAN PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR FURN., CLOTHES AND SHOES. STORE PHONE WEB. 6145. RE&v PHONE 6048. THE NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO. WILL PAY YOU THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR FURN.. STOVES. CARPETS. Doug. 1711. I WANT TO BUY SECOND-HAND CLOTH- INO AND SHOES. PHONE TYLER 2698. A. ZAVETT. WE PAY YOUR HIGHEST PRICE FOR YOUR CLOTHES, 1615 CAP. AVE. D. 6914. ANNOUNCEMENTS MAKE the trip down the river on a house boat, catch fish by the thousand. I have boats of all kinds for sale, from (26 up. Can bt seen at foot of Jones street ANNOUNCEMENTS WE will haul your llv stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2209 Farnam St. Telephone Duuglas 2608. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pi-nnanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., MO-SOSltrownJBldg; Douglas1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATINO. BUTTONS. O. U. Van A rnam Pleating Co. S36-7 Paxton Block. Phono Doug. 3109, Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO, Baths. LA BELLE Bath Institute; electric and plain baths; massage of all kinds; expert at- tendants: 1506 Harney. Douglas 7046. MAS3EUHB. hatha, manicuring physical cult. Miss Walker, 224 Neville Blk. Billiard Parlors. Private tables for parties at Holmes'. Brass andflron Founderies, Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 Int., 15 cents. Doug. 463. THE ONLY WAYwboUg. St THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1633. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dentists. Di Bradbury. No pain. 91 W. O. W. Bldg. Ta'ft'a Dent. Rini,, 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186" Hat Cleaning. ALL kinds of Hats Remodeled 1520 Harney. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING. Mlns Sturdy. Douglas 6396. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Express Transfer, WEST & SUTTON. Piano, household moving; live stock hauled. D. 8729. 1606 Cass St. Film Developing. FILMS developed; rolls. 10c; packs, 16c, one-day service. Kate Studio, Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. DURKIN Electrlo washing machines, electric Irons and reading lamps. 223 Cuming St. Doug. 2619. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY. 918-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. i81. Medical, PILES, fistula and other rectal di seases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. , . DR. E. R. TARRY, 1 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Jewelry. Ulti.yijriUO privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS. 402 N. 16th St Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2884. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 614 Brandets Bldg. T. 2960. Res. 4741. Patent Attorneys. STUROE8 & STURGES, U. 8. and foreign patents and trademarks. 330 Beo Bldg. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter- national ratent Co., 683 Hranoels. v 69i. Printing and Office Supplies. Water-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 624 S. 13th St. Piano Tuning and Repairing. W. R, Dalbey, piano tuner. Douglas 9297. RugCieaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. Sclentlflo Olive Oil Washing. Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 2267 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1211 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tanor. D. 2432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experta. The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Harney St. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co., Tel, Douglas (44. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Up-to-date stock of gents' fur nishings; reasonable rent; only clothing store In a good live county seat town; doing a good profitable business; a large territory; must tell as manager has en listed. Owner has other business. S. E. I.lndley. Burke. S. D. FOR SALE Garage and accessory business mi Lincoln Highway. Good established business In best location In world. Reason for telling other business taking all my time. Want to sell at once. Box Y 610, Omaha Bee. BARBERS! Will aell or rent good three chair shop'wlth ten baths to right party. Address White Front Barber Shop, Brownsville, Texas. AGRICULTURAL and oil lands, leases, pro duction, royalties and drilling proposl Alons. McBrayer & Tittle. Okmulgee, Okla. FOR SALE Established plumbing and heating business. Will take (1,500 to 21.800 to handle. Mutt be cash. No trades, P. O. Box 761. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt, fully guaranteed. All supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. 102.8. 14th St. FOR SALE Garagerdolng good business; reason for selling. In the draft Max well Garage. Franklin, Neb. FOR SALE--Ladles', gents' furnishing store. F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE Shoe repair shop, 2904 N. 16th St. Webster 1508. GUARANTY locate you any line buslm any state, F. V. Knlest Be Bid.. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES TIRE SALE. Rebuilt used 2 In 1 and used tires for sale. Fords, 13.50 to (7: larger sixes, (4 to (9. Tubes vulcanised. (5. "rade your old tires for new ones. U. 8. Vulcanlxer Co., Branch 16, 220 S. 13th St AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand. Mashed fenders and lamps re paired like new. Highest prices paid for junk radiators. . OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE & AUTO WORKS, 1819 Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. MUST sell our Hudson SI at once; It Is In fine condition and has two bodies, one five-passenger one tour car body, com plete, 750. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 14th and Jackson Sts. REAL bargain for cash. I have two cars. Will sell either one. In best 'running shape. 1917 Bulck Six roadster. 1917 Grand Six touring. Lady leaving for great lakes In Canada.. 2408 Jones St. One block north 24th and Leavenworth. Phone D. (774. FINE ASSORTMENT Fords, Maxwells, Overlands, Bulckt, Chevrolets and Saxont. All In A-l condi tion. Meeka Auto Co., new location. Mid dle Statea Garage, 2028 Farnam St Doug las 6290. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. All makes. With and without starters. 26 to pick from. Phone D. 2914 or call at 1616 Davenport. BOYLAN AUTO CO. UNUSUAL bargains in new and slightly used tlret on special sale; new 30x3, (9.90; B0x3H U. S.. (13.50; Inner tubes at (3 G. & Q. Tire Co,, 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. QUALITY USED CABS. Studebaker-Wllson, Inc., We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harnoy 871. Farnam and 25th Ave. KELSEY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. Sol. S. Goldstrom Co. distributor, 2867 Farnam street. Telephone Harney 6546. We sell and buy Fords. ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by ths hour. Fords, lOo per mile. Douglae 7390. Ne braska Service Oarage. NEW Maxwell cars, 1918 models, for sale, (100 cash, balance monthly payments as desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6082, Bee. WILL take touring car worth (1,600 on 160 acres near Gordon, , Sheridan Co.; fend mostly good black loam; act quickly. D. 1472. FOR SALE. A special built Ford speedster: 1916 en gine In No. 1 condition. Box Y-606, Oma ha Bee. CUMING GARAGE, 2416 Cuming St. D. 2832. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. USED CARS AND TRUCKS - AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., iv.v f arnam t umaha. Neb. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. Mcfaffrev Mntnr Cn 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 3500. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6036. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. ' MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. 60 FORDS WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO. 2105 FARNAM ST. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Furnam St. Douglas 9070. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Ever Ready Battery Station. 1206 Farnam. SUBSTANTIAL and servlcable, 5 passanger car, .iu. Douglas 5335. FORD runabout in good condition. 2430 Spalding street. Starters andTGenerators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SRRV1CR CO Anything electrical about your auto. 316 S. With St. Douglas 6483 Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x8 (7.76: 30x3V S8.76; 32x3 (10.26; 33x4 (13.35: 34x4 (13.25; 35x4 (15.60. Write us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN -1" VULCANIZING CO., 1516 Davenport St. Omaha, D. 2914. FORD TIRES. 30x3 (10.60 30x3 12.76 . 1,000-Mile Guarantee, v THE TIRE SHOP. 2518 Farnam St. Douglas 4872. NEW TIRES AT PRICE. ALL-SIZES. NEW 30x3 Firestone, (8.: Ford tunes, (2 NEW 80x3 LEE TIRES ...(12 NEW 33x4 Flsk Non-8kld (21.75 KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 423 R 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co.. 2051 Farnam St. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FCTtD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c a mile. 35c per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 3622. 1314 Howard St. Auto Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. S., 2616 lth St. Web ster 1103. For the best results with repair work consult us. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos. the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga ainea. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. LA BELLE BATH INSTITUTE, electrio and plain baths; massage of all kinds; new attendants, 1506 Harney St Douglas 7046. OMAHA Bath Inst Electric, steam or tub . baths, massages of all kinds. 128 Neville Blk. Doug. 7381. 16th and Harney Sts. MECHANO Therapy Maeaage. Miss Halran, 223 Neville Bldg. MISS ALLEN, massage, facial and scalp treatments. 1801 Farnam St. Boom 2. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and mifssage. 17? Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1559. MAE BRUGMAN, sclentlflo masseuse and baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. 98th St. Phone Colfax 2042. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. E. BROTT, massage. 702 S. 18th. D. 9526. SCIENTIFIC mass. 611 Paxton Blk, D. (372. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes. 613-22 Securities Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation Free. He la reliev ing thousands. WHT NOT YOU? Delays are dangerous. If you car't call, write. Hours a. m. to 5 p. m 7:30 to 8:30 evenings. Sunday, 11 a. m. to ) o. m. RUPTURE successfully treated wlthuvt a surgical operation. Call or write. Frank H. Wray. 306 Beo Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional cleaning and service Co., 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. ELECTRIC carpet cleaning! window and paper cleaning. Best references. Ty. 1700. FIRST-CLASS SODDING and SEEDING done Florence 213. FOR housecleaning call Web. 2745, expert cleaner. CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling, If. 6012. Female. COMPETENT dressmaking done. 4688. Harney Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY and day work wanted by rella ble woman. Telephone Harney 6846.' WASHING to bring home, silks specialty, Farnam district. Har. 3377. RELIABLE colored work. Web. 698. woman wants day Exp. lady wants housecleaning and laundry, Doug. 8673. BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished. Ke1 6673. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 3361. WOMAN wants day work, references. Web ster 2221. FIRST-CLASS laundry and day work. Web ster 2487. BUNDLE washing to take home; work guaranteed vvenster 43(j. BUNDLE washing to take home. Webster ,DAY work wanted by colored .woman. Red s.i;.i. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 22 CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. COLORED lady wants day work. Web. 6276. DAY work wanted. Webster 1499. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference in returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you in preparing your advertisement. MALE stenographer wanted for bank posi tion that will quickly develop Into as sistant cashlershlp. Good salary, ex cellent future, county seat town of 2,000, central Nebraska. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO. "The Bank Position Specialists." 1424-30 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. IN OMAHA. Experienced in clerical work. State age, experience and salary desired. P. O. BOX 1295. WANTED Office clerk, must be competent at figures. CUDAHY PKG. CO., 14th and Jones Sts. BOOKKEEPER (80-(90 3 STENOGRAPHERS (60-(90 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPER, good future, (90-(100. Office Boys. (30-(60. THE MARTI SERVICE, 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, (125; (110; (100; $90: (85. Office clerks. (80; (76; (65; (50; (40. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. YOUNG man for assistant shipping position, mailing clerk, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment. Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank Building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. Truck Drivers Wanted. Good pay and steady employment. Apply at Sunderland Brothers Co., s 2st and Pacific Sts. 15 Men and Young Men To Help Win the War HAND WORK ON ARMY SUPPLIES. Apply Mr. Mather, Factory No. 4, Top Floor at 1612 Harney. Scott Omaha Tent and Awning Co. Men Wanted at Once. Fred Krug Products Co., 25th and Vinton. Apply Foreman Bottle Shop. 2 or 2 steady married men who live In Omaha. v OMAHA BOX CO- EAST OMAHA. 1 HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED immediately for steady employ ment, men for packing and shipping de partment. High wages on piece work basis; also common and skilled labor of all kinds for mill work, and outside yard and quarry work; wages 30c and 35c per hour, 10 and 12-hour days. Good housing and working conditions. NORTHWESTERN STATES PORTLAND CEMENT CO., MASON CITY, IA. Gordon Press Feeders Wanted EGGERSS-O'FLYNG CO., 15th and Leavenworth Sts. WANTED Married men for Ford garago repair work, also service men and elec trlclan capab's. of handling storage bat tery overhauling. Location In central Neb. Box Y-5U, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men for factory work; can use both experienced and Inexperienced men, NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301 Willis Avenue. WANTED Auto top trimmers to take part Interest In an established business; must be No. 1 man. Write Prosser & Lott, 1511 nin Ave., Seattle, Wash. WANTED An all-around experienced plan ing mill hp- 1. Work the year 'round, Barrett Plan.og Mills & Mfg. Co., Sheri dan. Wyo. PRINTER WANTED All around man for country shop; state wages wanted, expert ence, In first letter. Address Independent uemocrat, seward, Neb. WANTED A competent country printer, under 35. Wages $18. Daylight job, 64 hours a week Journal, Falls City, Neb. CLEANER and presser at once. State ex perience and salary wanted In first letter. Loebel Bros.. Crelghton, Neb. LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas St. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 41405 Bee. , Salesmen and Solicitors. A LIFE COMPANY with (13.000,000 of as sets, $4,000,000 of surplus, lower rates than eastern companies, dividends the greatest of any company in America, nearly a third of a century old, has a place for a wideawake, energetic tales man. We can show you an income dou ble that usually enjoyed by the average man. It interested address Box Y 507, Omaha Bee. WANTED SALESMEN. G. R. KINNEY SHOE CO., 205-09 NORTH 16TH ST. JOHN NEWMAN. 1809 Farnam, wants ex- penenceu wail paper salesman, male or female. WANTED 10 solictors at once a high- grade line; make from (5 to (10 per day. Inquire 1614 Chicago. WANTED. Specialty salesman to call on machinery dealers. Box 6270, Omaha, Bee. Agents and Canvassers. SPECIALTY HOUSE TO HOUSE MEN, SELLING RUGS, VACUUM CLEANERS, COMMUNITY SILVERWARE. LACES, LINENS, SPREADS. BLANKETS. ETC.. ON INSTALLMENTS; LARGE FIELD AND PLENTY OF STOCK; COMMIS SIONS ONLY. W. S. BUCK MERCANTILE CO FIELD OFFICE: Lincoln, Nebraska. Branches: Sioux City, la.; Salt Lake City. Utah. MANUFACTURER'S agent to establish and manage office, commission basis, for N. Y. corporatlosi; products have large profitable sale. Will only consider man capable of organlxing nnd managing sales force. An swer with full particulars. Electrical Box 40. Times Square g. P., New York. MEN and women agents can build up per manent business for. themselves and earn from (50 to (75 per week; every family a buyer; repeat orders credited; ex clusive territory; experience unnecessary. Write today. M. R, Company, 1578 Yates St., Denver, Colo. WANTS STATE AGENTS An unusual proposition open for state agents, plac ing the fastest selling device ever Invented for P'ord cars. Requires about $250 to handle. Well worth Investigation by the largest df motor dealers. Write Box 463, Trenton, Mo. Boys OH. GIRLS AND BOYS OCT BUSY- HAVE PLENTY OF THRIFT AND 8PENDINO MONEY, OTHERS ARE DO ING FINE. EVERY REFINED LADY WANTS IT AT ONCE. SEE US AND THEN SEE YOUR FRIENDS. CALL BEFORE SCHOOL AND AFTER AND SATURDAYS. 207 CROUNSE BLOCK, OPPOSITE POSTOFFK'E. WE can use a few more boys, $2 per day. OMAHA BOX CO EAST OMAHA. WANTED Two boys, 16 or over; good chance for advancement. SKINNER MANUFACTURING CO 14th and Jackson Sts. BOYS wanted; must be over 16 years of age; good pay to start with. GORDON LAWLESS CO.. 8th and Dodge Sts. WANTED Office boy at once. Apply 10th and Farnam Sts., general office bldg., Su perintendent's office. WANTED Messenger boy with or without bicycle. 320 Bee Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. MAN and wlfo to manage a hotel on a percentage basis; experience in -rooming house preferred. C. E. Kimball. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Colored, man dishwasher; $9 a week and board. Inquire Mr. Jones, Hotel Castle Cafe. Miscellaneous, WANTED COLORED LAD FOR ALL AROUND WORK IN BEE COMPOSING ROOM. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. WANTED Two husky young lads for work in The Bee press room. Ap ply Sujpt. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. 50 LABORERS WANTED ' At Florence Balloon Field, Wages 35 cents per hour. Take Florence or Forest Lawn car to Fontenelle St. - E. A. WICKHAM Government Contractor. LABORERS At New Building, 18th and Izard Sts. MEN WANTED. -AGE 21 TO 60. FOR GENERAL TARE WORK: STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO SOUTH OMAHA. YOUNG man wanted. $12 per week. COCA COLA BOTTLING CO., 1423 N. 18th St. FREE JOB No offlae fee. Apply at 222 S. 10th St. JANITOR, married man. for Ty. 1812J. CoTfORED boy for porter work; no Sundaj worK. ;9U7 Leavenworth. MAN WANTED at Mid Wast Packing Co., 26th and P. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. GIRLS, Boys and Men can obtain steady em ployment and good wages at EGGERSS-O'FLYNG CO Fifteenth and Leaven worth Streets. WANTED Men, ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Phone D. 2147. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men, women, government war positions, $100 month, Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept 232 D. Rochester. N. Y. MOI.iJR Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. lttb St., Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. FIVE Stenographers, $50-$76; Bookkeepers $15 a wk. ; Bile Clerk (uptown office), $45 ; Typist, $60. Co-Operative Reference Co., 1015 City Nat. Bk. STENOGRAPHERS $40-$80 BOOKKEEPER AND STENO $76-$80 THE CANO AGENCY 600 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS. $90; $85; $75; $65; $50. Bookkeepers. $100; $90: $85; Typist, $65. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nat'l Bauk. WANTED Office clerk, must bo competent at figures. CUDAHY PKG. CO., 14th and Jones Sts. STENOGRAPHER & Clerk, South Side, $65. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. WANTED Girl for physician's office. Call Douglas 3983. Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELEPHONE , AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY offers an fxceptional opportunity to several bright, well educated young ladies between ages of 17 and 23 to learn LONG -DISTANCE TELEPHONE WORK. This consists of establishment of telephone connections -between Omaha and distant points, such as Chicago, New York, Washington, D. C, New Orleans, La.; Denver, Colo., and San Francisco, Cal. It is interesting work, the- surround ings are congenial, a liberal salary is paid while learning and ad vancement is rapid. There is an attractive future for those of abili ty. Apply to MISS CARLSON. 656 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING. WANTED Young ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid wlif learning, rapid advance) ment, permanent positions. Apply to-C. F. LAMBERT, 1807' Douglas St. WANTED 20 girls, experience on power sewing machines. Experienced operators can earn from (12 to (15 per week. Light, clean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha AltsV Top Co- 709-11 South 15th St. 0 J-