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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1918)
S-A Black Silks in Best Weaves, Weights and Widths ! At Prices Away Below Their Real Values Today THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 21. 1918. 1 3 3 I i i White (SQis Pretty Ataortment of White Novelty, for dresses and blouses, 40 inches wide, spe cially priced, at, yard, 59J 45-Inch White Tfamparjut Organdy, fine quality for blouses, dresses, trimmings, etc.; special, at, yard. .39 White Novelty Skirting, me dium light weight, pure white, 36 inches wide, a yard, at a 49 White Cotton Corduroy, wool finish, extTa wide wale, good weight for separate skirts, 36 inches wide; spe cial, at, yard 35d White India Linen, splendid weight for aprons and lin ings,' children's dresses, etc., 28 inches wide; special, yard, at 19 Imperial Long Cloth, cham ois finish, pure white, con tains no starch; excellent quality for undermuslins, 36 inches wide, 12-yard bolts at S2.98 Just Received Another Ship ment of Pink Naintook, 40 inches wide, 10-yard bolts, at 83.59 Basement THIS Store is by far the largest distributor of Silks in this Western Country, and because we are able to go into the market and buy in immense . quantities, con cessions come to us that would not be obtainable otherwise. Again because of these concessions, we are in a position to quote lower prices than could possibly prevail thus offerings like these for, Monday are the result. These are all NEW, PERFECT, in the most staple of all Silks-'B-L-A-C-K. Every woman can use them, and every ivoman ivill want to get them, at these prices. 40-inch Double Thread Crepe de Chine, extra good weight,' will give splendid service, $1.75 value, Monday, per yard, $1.25 40-inch Crepe Meteors, soft, supple, shim mery finish. Very firm weight. Regu lar $2.50 kind, Monday, per yard, 1.75 50-inch (Note Width) Silk- and Wool Faille. Right weight for suits, skirts and coats, worth $3.00, Monday, per yard, $1.95 27-inch Imported Water Proof Toshiko Jap Silk, extra heavy weight, regular 89c quality, now, for Monday, per yard, 50c 40-inch Imported Swiss Taffeta, rich raven black, suiting and skirt weight, $2.75 quality, Monday, per yard, $1.75 $1.55 36-inch Extra Heavy Pure Dye, Rich Lus trous Black Suiting Taffeta, a rare bar gain at $2.00, Monday, per yard, $1.50 36-Inch' Extra Heavy Suede Finish Duchess Satin, suitable for coats and suits, very special, Monday, per yard, $1.50 40-inch Satin de Chine, a beautiful soft, rich silk that will give you the best of serv ice; worth' $2.25, Monday, per yard, s 40-inch Imported Suede Charmeuse, ex quisite silk, much in demand for new aresses and coats! Special, Monday, yard, $1.95 Main Floor 0 A very satisfactory showing of the material you are seeking right now for Spring and Summer wear. Imported Voile, In every wanted plain color, extra fine quality, 40 inches wide, special, at, yard 79d Printed organdy in small checks are in great demand for blouses and trimmings; come in four colors, pink, blue, lavender and green; 40 inches wide, yard, SI. OO Normandie Voile, tinted grounds, new and exclusive designs, 40 inches wide, spe cial, at, yard 59 Non-Kriuh Linen for suits, dresses, separate Bkirts, in every wanted plain color. Al so oyster white, 36 inches wide, name "Non-Krush" stamped on selvage; special, yard 81.00 English TUtue in pretty stripes, checks, plaids, splen did color combinations. These are woven colors and laun der perfectly. 38 inches wide, at, yard 59 Main Floor s New Silk Frocks For Women New Silk Frocks in abundance of lovely Foulards, fancy pattern Chiffons, combined with plain Satin and Crepe de Chine, Taf fetas, Satin and Georgette. All very smart and springlike. New Draperies in Skirts, lovely collars and Fichu drapery on bodice. Beading, braids and buttons add attractive touches. New shades in Pekin, Navy, Wisteria, Silver, Gray, Beige 'and Brown. $34.75, $49.00 up to $69.00 Special Attention is Directed to Our Showing of Navy Taffeta Frocks in a variety of smart styles. Daintily trimmed with beading or tailored bands. Particularly smart morning, business and travel dresses. A complete showing, 9K fift Second Floor at Sleeveless T UST arrived. These! " brand new and extremely charming sleeveless panniers. At first glance they make one think of the style of the coats of mail worn by knights of old. Fashioned of filmy Georgette a n d soft Satiri, they are ex tremely beautiful. Exact sketch of one opposite. Panniers rpo BE WORN with blouses or guimpes. Indeed, when worn with a skirt they give the ap pearance of a smart guimpe. We are show ing them with beautiful hand embroidery. Also beaded and stencilled effects. We can predict that they will enjoy a very large share of the attention of the fashion ably dressed woman. Announcing the Arrival of New Frocks $29 to $65 In Misses' and Small Women's Specialty Shop New Lace and Dotted Net Organdy and Foulard Frocks. These are appropriate for club opening wear and also for street or afternoon wear. Second Floor ifTi mi mil 1 Ostrich Plumes Water Has No Effect on Them. The First and Exclusive Showing in Omaha. It has taken 12 years of study to perfect this process, and any woman who has worn an Ostrich Feather on her Hat, knows what it means to get' one that is not susceptible to dampness pr the ill effects of rain. By the process employed in this Cravenetting, the durability of the feather is greatly increased and it helps to preserve the beauty and curl as well. We are offering these in four groups for Monday: Prince of Wales Tips, single, at .........98c Three in a bunch, at ..... $1.75 Full Plumes $3.98 Other Tips $2.50 There is positively no odor from this Cravenetting: process. Beautiful pastel shades of coral, sky blue, pink, salmon, old blue, sand, also black and white. Second Floor Overdrapes and Cretonnes Special Monday Offerings Large Assortment of Overdrape Materials, blues, greens, rose, browns, two-tone effects, M OQ etc. Values to $1.98, yard, at 1 Large New Assortment of Cretonnes. Very broad variety of colorings; special, 69 C Curtains of Net, Filet and Scotch Net, Voiles and Marquisettes, some with insertion and edging, up to 48 inches wide; special, a 2 ()9 Large Assortment of Scrims, Marquisettes 1 C and Nets, very special, at, yard iui Third Floor Art Embroidery Offerings Stamped and Tinted Pillows, Scarfs and Center Pieces, CAp odd assortment to close out, values up to $1.00, for. . Vu' Stamped Nainsook Gowns, assortment of designs for crochet 69c colors, 7c necks and sleeves, made up in sizes 16 and 17; special, each R. M. C. and Reis Crochet Cotton, white, ecru and white in 3 to 100, ecru 3 to 30, colors 30 to 50; ' special, a ball Stamped Round Doilies, 9, 12 and 18-inch sizes, designs for eyelet and French work on India 7 1 fiand OA linen.each C 1UC 4UC Khaki Colored Yarn, for sweaters, helmets and scarfs; only a limited quantity, good wool'yarn, special, E!fij I Third Floor' " a skein Limited Lot of Rugs 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet 6 inches and 9 by 12 feet At $25 Each Just a limited lot of these Velvet, Ax minster and Body Brussels Rugs, in the best of the'room sizes. This is a clearance for Monday, and you may choose from this lot at $25.00 each. The price we quote is far below the factory cost todry. If you have a floor covering need, satisfy it now. Third Floor The Most Beautiful and Efficient Sewing Machine 1918 Model Built like an automobile for service as well as good looks. Be sure to see this wonderful Sewing Ma chine. $1.00 down buys it $1.00 a week pays for it. Your old machine taken in as part payment Specials for Monday One $66.00 Singer, at .$40.00 One New Home, at $38.50 One Aviator, at $35.00 One New Royal, at $30.00 One 6-drawer, Drop Head Machine $22.50 Needles, at, dozen 18c Regular 15c Machine Oil, special, at .10c Join Our Sewing Machine Club Hemstitching and Picoting don in connection with our de partment. Main Floor Wall Paper Specials Monday we are showing four specials at sharp reductions. Bedroom Papere, beautiful in color and attractive patterns, all new with border 1 1 for each. Monday, at 1 1 C A Large Display of Papers in light and dark pat terns, all new and appropriate for the parlor, living room and hall, with borders for Qi each. Monday, at 17 2 C Plain 30-inch Oatmeal Papers in all the new colors and shades with artistic borders all cat out. Monday, at A Number of New Patterns appropriate Toora in the house, some with cut out borders, Monday, at ' Basement 14c for any 6ic Sale of Hair Goods offering high quality goods at prices attractively low. We have experts to help you in matching haifT Fine Quality Convent Hair Switches, 3-stem; natural wave priced 18-inch, $5.00 value, at. .$3.50 22-inch,-$8.50 value, at. .$6.50 We can match all shades ex cept gray in the above switches. 22-inch Band Water Wave Transformations; $2.25 values, special $1.45 DM1 tfeSI Children's Hair Bobbing Experts to cut the hair who know how. Second Floor Very Special Monday Note these low prices and then come and see these Switches. Wavy Switches, 3-stem ; priced as follows: 20-inch, $1.25 value 79c 22-inch, $1.50 value ... .$1.00 24-inch, $2.00 value . . . .$1.35 26-inch, $3.00 value . . . .$2.00 For the Greatest Music You Must Have a Victrola The greatest artists of all the world make records for the Victor exclusively. y And wherever these great artists appear, in opera or on concert tour, they are greeted by hosts of delighted music-lovers. The John Mc Cormacl and Harry Lauder concerts are still fresh in your , memory. Both were accorded rec ord breaking crowds. Now Comes Maud Powell The Foremost Woman Violinist in America. She will appear in concert April 25th. Come in and hear some of her Victor records. Over 50 selections to choose from. ' Maud Powell, like all other truly great artists, has chosen the Victrola as a medium for the perpetuation of her art ' JHH- 1 Maud Powell Records, $1.00 to $1.50 Victrolasf $20.00 to $360.00. Pompelaa Room II !ltallilmnll!llll1llll!!!n imfiimimratn!!ii!iimJt!;