THE BEE: OMAHA. yone on Saturday Until cted to Children's Wear Save Soldier Lives Buy Bond -2 hrandffls NtoiM Boys' Suits Double Interwoven eats kb.oo tdinary suit, at no iitions. a greater selec- m we have ever shown s, tweeds and cheviots, j til ves. uome m ana iook if n j ;you win ouuit your ason and save double. Features day to investigate them. while they last, gg ial lot of coats, made of a fof material, sizes 4 years f are very much under- loveralls for play Q C last, at lor, fancy trimmed, short eeves, sizes 2 to 8 years. est Saturday fecial 'aists. Ev- 75c ire st to ales and rns. Qual the aver ts c o 1 o r 16 years. ldin. 600 Misses and Junior Hats 411 ills Extraordinary Values Saturday WE WERE fortunate in making a special purchase of these Hats at such a concession that we can quote this very low price for Saturday. As a matter of fact, in the usual way we would not have any difficulty whatsoever in getting $3.50 for many of them. Come prepared to fit out your little girl. Of good quality Milan, in saucer sailors, poke bonnet effects, mushroom shapes with long streamers and band ed with gros-grain ribbon, also some with bows at side. In white, black and burnt only. For girls from 6 to 14 years of age. At $1.89, these are some of the most fascinating little Hats that we have had the pleasure of offering yon in some time. Our representative has just returned from Chicago, and fortunate purchases enables him to make this an nouncement when he came back. $1.89 is a very, very low price for Hats such as these are, and we are sure that mothers will appreciate this fact to such an extent that they will be down here bright and early Saturday morning. Second Floor k Cut Flowers Rosea, all color, long stems, each 5c Potted Hyacinths, all colors, a pot ....J 10c Cinderriai, fine bloom, a pot, at 29c Cencileriai, a pot 29c 'Violets, a bunch 19c Main Floor Children's Hosiery and Underwear Children's Hose Children's Hose, in black and white, fine and medium ribbed, double knees, heels and toes; good pair at ....... ooC Children's' Sox, in plain colors with fancy tops, good assortment of colors, all sizes, a pair, at. . . . . -3tC Children's Silk Sox, in fancy stripes, also plain shades in sky pink, white and the English box, which are yearly seen in Omaha. We have them in plain white with fancy rolled tops; these are lisle of the finest kind. The lot, at, pair 6oC Children's Knit Underwear Boys' and Girls' Union Suits, lisle or cotton, short sleeves or sleeveless, tight or umbrella knee, sizes from 2 to 14 years, on sale, at 35d Children's Union Suits, in balbriggan, nainsook or fine lisle, short sleeves or sleeveless, patented tape buttons, tight or umbrella knee, sizes 2 to 14 years, regular $1.00 value, on special sale, at G9d Main Floor Another Hose Bush and Shrub Sale Saturday And the Biggest Offering of Its Kind Yet 2 OOO Mrs. Aaron Wards, in connection with the following field-grown, ' EACH acclimated Roses and Shrubs. , n EACH American Beauties, Baltimore Belle, General Jacks, La France, Dorothy Perkins, Roses also Syringeas, Wisteria, Barberry and Althea in the shrubs. Red, Pink and White Peonies and Spirea. n U1 T sU " Basement. Th Skirts ree wraps oi newest omim Specially Prepared for Saturdays Selling All sizes and lengths and also a complete assortment for stout women wearing 30 to 38 waist measure. Materials are Plaid Silks, Roman Striped Silks, Taffeta silks, Poplins, Satins, Wool Plaids, Wool Striped, Novelty Patterns, Serges, Gabardines, Poiret Twills, Shepherd Checks and Hair Line Stripes. All the new features in belts and sashes, new ideas in pockets; the new tunic effects, side drapes, tucks, pleats and big button trimmings. 2, ' tK m - ' nil nTTTTWii.u M I id j l is i raHttftMibB v fu-mul Finn 1 W VI ',WitWJ j I Q ISeCOndFl6l . . . . . . . 1 Sil '1 W "Ira IlliSl 1 I verware Sale aturday Sterling Silver Tableware Silver Plated Flatware and Pearl Handled Tableware 1881 Rogers' Highest Grade Silverware at Almost Vi the Regular Prices. Despite the fact that silverware and all high grade metals have nearly doubled in price, we are able to quote prices for this sale as low as any previous sale, with a very few exceptions. These all come in Gre cian , G rape and Plymouth patterns. Here are just a few : 1881 Rogers' Tea Spoons, set of six, regular price $1.10, sale price ....G9 1881 Rogers' Dessert Spoons, set of six, regular price $2.00, sale price $1.49 1881 Rogers' Sugar Spoons, regular price EOc, dale price 39 1881 Rogers' Butter Knives, reilnr price BOc, sale l'rico ' 39 1881 Rogers' Three-Piece Child's Sets, rCKubf price $1.25, sale price .79 1881 Rogers' Berry Spoons, regular price $1.39, Sfile prico G9 1881 Rogers' Orange Spoons, set of six, regulnr price $2.00, sale price $1.-19 1881 Rogers' Cold Meat Forks, regular price 85c, anle prico G9 Sterling Silver Goods Crenm Ladles, Jelly Spoons, Pickle Forks, Grary Ladles, Olive Spoons, Bon Bon Spoons, Butter Picks, Baby Spoons, Sugar Shells, etc. Regular price $1.50, sale price, each G9 These are wonderful bargains and the cheapest we ever sold them for was $1.00 each. About 900 Fancy Tea Spoons, flower handles, fancy pierced designs, also plain and Grecian designs, some gold bowls, others plain polished. Regular $1.25 and $1.60 values, sale price, each G9 Pearl Goods Pearl Handle Oyster Forks, set of six, regular price $10.00, sale price i SG.50 Pearl Handle Berry Spoons, regular price $5.00, sale price $2.50 Pearl Handle Butter Knives, regular price $2.00, sale price $1.23 Pearl Handle Cream Ladles, regular price $4.00. sale rrico $1.98 Main Floor 18S1 Rogers' Pickle Forks, regular price C9c, , sale pric 49 1881 Rogers' Baby Spoons, regular prlct 606, sale price 39 1881 Rogers' Knives and Forks, dozen, regular price $4.75, tale price $3.39 1881 Rogers' Sets, 23 pleees, 6 knives, 6 forks, 9 tea spoons, 6 tablespoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell; put up in solid oak chest with drawer; regular price $9.00, sale price .$6.50 1881 Rogers' Sets, 46 pieces, 6 knives, 6 forks, 12 teaspoons, 1 gravy ladle, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell, ' tablespoons, 6 dessert spoons, 6 butter spreaders, 1 berry spoon, 1 cold meat fork, in solid oak chest with drawer; regular price $20.00, sale price. .. .$13.98 Pearl Handled Goods This ! the scarcest article in the silrer- ware business, very hard to get and very high priced. We have a quantity of these goods wnlch we can offer at about H the regular prices, less than the wholesale eost. ( Pearl Handle Dessert Knlvos and Forks, 1 dosett la roll, sterling silver ferules, regular price $20.00, sale pric ; $12.50 Pearl Handle Medium Knives and Forks. These are the full dinner else; regular price $25.00, sale price, at $15.98 Pearl Handle Orange Knives, set of slx regular pride $0.00, sale price $5.00 Pearl Handle Fruit Forks, set of six, regular price $9.00, sale price ..$5.00 Pearl Handle Pie Forks, heavy pearl handles, regular $15.00, sale price $9.00 Pearl Handle Pickle Forks, regular price $2.00, sale price $1.25 ; Pearl Handle Small Cold Meat Forks, Tegular $3.00,' sale price $1.50 S 1 I Candy Specials for Saturday Specially Good Cream Dipped Peanut Nugget, rolled in peanuts, vanilla, strawberry ana chocolate, OQ-, a lb., at 7C Cream Dipped Cocoanut Balls, made of fresh cocoa nut, chocolate and vanilla flavor; QQ a lh.. at OUC Old Fashioned Black Walnut Taffy, full of QQ black walnut meats, a lb., at Fresh Angel Food Taffies, vanilla, chocolate, straw berry and molasses flavors; a lb., 1 9c at Our Delicious Chocolates, Pompeian Bitter Sweet and Swiss Milk Chocolates, . ., .. 39c nut and fruit centers, at, a lb. box Pompeian Room flPPOril j Prevent Waste of Perishable Food The U. S. Food Administration in a recent bulletin Bays: "If we can reduce the waste and unnecessary consumption of food by a matter of only six cents a day, we shall have saved two billion dollars a year." Think what this means. The multiplication of small sav ings teaspoonfuls, slices, pieces, left-overs, etc., in Ameri- 20,000,000 kitchens. ca's Bohn Syphon Refrigerators prevent waste and spoilage of perishable i foods by keeping them fresh and healthful. The patent ' Bohn Syphon" system of refrigeration gives a constant ana most rapid circulation of cold dry air, which prevents tainting or odors. . j "Bohn Syphon" (seamless porcelain lined) Refrigera tors, the best refrigerator made, up JM 7 50 from (seamless porcelain lined) "Sanitor" (seamless porcelain lined), Refrigerators, a very high grade box at a popular tQ Kft price, up from 90fUJ "Furniture City," white enameled d 1 C flft boxes, up from P liJ.UU "Furniture City," galvanized iron lined flo QC 4vjss Basement boxes, up from Hair Goods at Saving Hair Switches 20-inch switches $1.00 22-inch switches $1.50 24-Inch switches $1.75 Hair Switches First quality convent nat ural wavy hair, three-stem switches : 18 inches long $2.25 20 inches long $3.00 22 inches long $4.50 24 inches long $5.50 26 inches long $7.50 28 inches long $10.00 Our beauty parlors are most completely equipped and 15 experienced operators are in attendance. We dye and bleach w your hair. We make switches out of your combings. We sell Hindoo Gray Hair Restorer, highly recommended for restoring gray hair to its natural color. $1.50 a bottle. Mail orders filled. Second Floor Maud Powell is Coming COME HEAR and make selection of MAUD POW ELL Victor Rec ords. They will give you a foretaste of her genius. To hear Maud Powell on the Victrola is just the same as hearing her on the concert stage. Like all other great ar tists, she makes Victrola r e c o r ds only. $20.00 to $380.00 Let us demonstrate for you here. Ya 12 -J Pompeian Room 4 .. 1 " - ... II - - iii .. r-