Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1918, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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It is understood that the French
To Bwal the Fir In Camp.
Camp Travla has started It "swat thl
fly" campaign under the supervision of
Lieutenant Colonel P. 8. Halloran, divlsloi
surgeon, with the announced Intention et
making the cantonment flyless this sum
mer. An extensive screening campaign will bt
carried on as fast as the wire is furnished
so that every barracks and all officers'
quarters will be completely screened. In ad.
dltlon, vestibules are being placed on alt
these buildings and will be screened, giving
double security against entrance of flies.
As a first step 3.000 large fly traps hav
been ordered placed about the camp. Thest
are the first of the lot and from 6,000 tc
1,000 more are expected. They are belni
placed at all kitchens and stables and ai
other plsces where flies seem to gather. Is
eiUltllon to the traps, the warfare against
the flies will be carried on with platters ol
formalin solution, with fly swatte:a and flj
Movie Man Snaps Enemy Positions
From Americans' Front Line Trench
and British war departments are pre
pared to supply the necessary equip
ment. It also was explained that
owing to the mobility of the infantry
arm which is to be employed on the
west front, it would be easily possible
to shuttle them back to Italy in time
to aid in repelling an Austrian on
slaught. Military consideration. forbid the
disclosure of the numocr of Italian
troops to be used in France, but
it is said that probably the Italian
will be as numerous as General
Pershing's forces.
University Professor and Pret-
ty Soul Mate Cleared of
Charge of Disorderly
Chicago, April 19. The charge of
Washington, April 19. In explana
tion of the apparent anomaly involved
in dispatching Italian troops to the
French war front, while French and
British troops are now in Italy, Ital
ian military experts pointed out here
today that Italy has a large number
of soldiers available for service if
they can be properly armed, equipped
and maintained.
I Everybody reads Bee Want Ads.
paper. Sun Antonio Times.
disorderly conduct against Prof. Wil
liam Isaac Thomas and Mrs. R. M
Granger was dismissed by Judge Gra
ham in the morals court today.
Attorney Clarence Darrow of the
defense was upheld in his contention
that, although the elderly sociologist
and the pretty young wife of an
irmy officer were found in a room to
gether at a hotel, this did not con
stitute disorderly conduct. -
A, Bruce, Bielaski of the Depart
ment of Justice at Washington has
igents at work gathering evey pos
sible scrap of evidence concerning
, the, relations of the pair which may
shown possible violation of the Mann
Mrs. Granger's husband, a lieuten
ant in the signal corps, sailed for
France last February and almost im
mediately the friendship between her
and Prof. Thomas began. The be
trayal of the soldier husband, ad
mitted by the defense today, has
greatly intensified the interest felt in
tht case by Mr. Bielaski.
Prof. Thomas and Mrs. Granger
made trips to Philadelphia and Wash
ington and detectives are examining
ill trails to learn if he paid her rail-
roaq tare.
Prof. Thomas recently was droooed
from the faculty of the University of
Chicago, where he held the chair of
lociology, He is widely known as
in author and lecturer on the subject.
.Washington, April 19. Delay in the
government s war program was se
rerely criticised in the senate today by
5enator McCumber of North Dakota,
who defended the part taken by con
fess, and resented .receipt of many
post cards bearing the late Joseph H.
thoate's words: "For God's sake,
hurry up." These, Senator McCum
ber said, should be sent to the gov
. trnment departments.
'The delay is due to shameful fail
ure of those appointed by the admin
istration to speed ifp," said Mr. Mc
Cumber, asserting congress had per
formed its duty with unparalleled
alacrity, generosity, in appropriations
and unanimity of action.
Despite appropriations of more
than $1,750,000,000 for the government
shipbuilding program,. Senator Mc
Cumber said, it had been "grossly
neglected" and pot one-tenth accom
plished of what should have been
Referring to the large appropria
tions for aviation, the North Dakota
member said there were no planes in
France and a "mere bagatelle" in this
"Wild, awful extravagance" in gov
ernment war expenditures also was
criticised by Senator McCumber.
Washington, April 19. In seeking
to arrange commercial agreements
with the northern European neutrals,
Germany is offering properfy seized
in invaded territory in exchange for
the neutral's products. Dispatches
to the Mate department today said
Holland had refused an offer from
Germany of 50,000 tons of Belgian
coal, when the Dutch government
learned where the coal was to be
mined. .
Offers of grain removed from the
Ukraine, when the Germans invaded
t Russia,, played an important part in
' the negotiations for a commercial
agreement between Germany and
Holland has agreed to export 5,000
horses to Germany in return for per
mission to , import S.wiss cement
through German territory.
Minneapolis, April 19. James A.
Peterson, candidate for the republican
nomination for United States senator,
and J.'O. Bentall, socialist candidate
for governor, both convicted last
week of violating the espionage act,
were sentenced to terms of four and
five years, respectively, in the federal
penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., by
Judge Page Morris in federal district
court here today. ,
A stay was granted in each case
pending appeal. Peterson's convic
. tion was the result of articles written
by him and published in the Minne
apolis and St. Paul American, a week
ly newspaper which has been barred
from the mails. Bentajl was con
victed for making an address last
July at Hutchinson, Minn., in which
he urged repeal of the draft law.
Put Cp For Kefps. '
To make room for a new railway station,
a comparatively new concrete building at
Chicago wu wrecked recently. The demoli
tion of tuch buildings Is not frequent, ana
the methods employed are therefore In
teresting. A 1,800-pound pear-shaped cast-iron ball
was .used In smashing through the floors
It was carried by a single fall line on the
forty-foot boom of , a stiff leg derrick,
which gave It a sheer drop of thirty feet.
The floors, designed to carry a load of
about 2S0 pounds to the square foot, failed
to sag more than an Inch when subjected
to a pressure of 910 pounds to the square
Toot. Persistent onslaughts had to be made
with falling weights, oxyacetylene torches,
iledges. fire, water and dynamite.
Wood fires were built around the bases
of the .Interior columns and kept burning
for several hours, so that when subjectea
to streams of cold water the concrete would
crack. After the rods were cut With torches
the columns were pulled over, the beams of
course, falling at tbe same time. Popular
Hechanlca Magazine - .
I SllA 4 iff WwS I
Sg,. n iif-k--ril
Washington, April 19. Naval avia
tion was characterized as a "dismal
failure" by Representative Britten of
Illinois in the house today.
Naval aviation must be co-ordinated
before it can be a success, he said.
The house, he declared, would be
"astounded" to know how few ac
credited pilots the Navy department
had January 1 of this year.
Defending the progress of the avia
tion, Chairman Padgett of the house
naval affairs committee, said he had
been informed that there is not now
an aviator abroad who has not a ma
chine with which to fly. A member of
the aircraft board recently told him
he said, that the Navy department was
about 60 days behind in naval fight
ing machines, but that it expected to
overcome the delay in a short time.
devottoa ef
The Test.
Luclnda was testing ths
Erastus. '
"S'pose it is night and m are In a deep,
black woods. There comes a bo'er con
stricter a-wrlggltng through the grass; an'
a wildcat a-boundln' through the bushes;
an' a lion roarln' an' makln' for us a mile
a minute. What are we a-gonna doT"
"There ain't gonna be no we." Christian
Earthquakes Shake
Island of Martinique
Port De France Martinique,
Thursday, April 18. Slight earth
shocks have been felt here for five
days. The tremors began soon after
noon. Sunday and continued until
2 o'clock this afternoon.
In the eruption of Mont Pelee in
May, 1902, 30,000 persons lost their
lives on the Island of Martinique
and the city of St. Pierre was de
stroyed. The Island of Martinique
is covered with volcanoes and there
are many others on nearby islands
in the West Indies.
-Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
A very varied assortment of odd
Chairs and Rockers
at prices that really SAVE
$6.60 Fumed Oak Dining Chairs with Spanish Leather Seats (3
only) $4.50
$7.00 Fumed Oak Dining Chairs with Rush Seats ( 3 only), each. .$4.50
$12.60 Jacobean Oak Dining Chairs with Spanish Leather Seats
(4 only), each $9.00
$11.00 Jacobean Dining Chairs (3 only), each $7.50
$12.00 Jacobean Oak Dining Chairs with Spanish Leather Seats. $9.00
$17.00 Golden Oak Rocker with Spanish Leather Spring Seat.. $10.00
$12.00 Jacobean Oak Sewing Rockers with Spanish Leather
Seats, each $6.00
$10.00 Fumed Oak Sewing Rocker, for $5.50
$12.60 Golden Oak Rocker with Spanish . Leather Spring Seats,
each 88.75
$16.00 Jacobean Oak Rocker with Spanish Leather Seat $10.00
$7.60 Fumed Oak Sewing Rocker with Spanish Leather Seat $4.75
$50.00 Jacobean Oak Settee with Cane Panel Back and Tapestry
Cushion Seat, for $25.00
$27.00 Chair to Match for $13.50
$16.50 Fumed Oak Rocker with Spanish Leather Seat $10.00
$150.00 Fumed Oak Davenport with Spanish Leather Seat and
Two Cushions, for $90.00
$32.50 Fumed Oak Table Desk for $22.50
$20.00 Fumed Oak Arm Chair with Spanish Leather Cushion
Seat $13.75
$11.00 Mahogany Bedroom Chair $7.50
$6.00 Mahogany Bedroom Chair with Cane Seat $4.50
$6.00 Mahogany Dressing Table Chair $40
$5.00 Wahiut Bedroom Chairs, Cane Seats, each $3.75
$8.50 Mahogany Bedroom Chair, Queen Ann Style $6.00
$17.00 Mahogany Rocker with Denim Seat .$lo!oO
$18.00 Fumed Oak Bedroom Rocker $900
All Fibre Rugs ,
Reversible. Low in price. For the summer
bedroom and country home.
6x9, $6.25 7-6x9, $7.50 9x9, $8.50
Japanese Rag Rugs
In pretty colors and reversible designs, for
bedroom, bathroom, etc. Clean, cool and
very desirable for summer time use.
24x48, $1.35 X 27x54, $1.75
36x72, $2.85
Scrim and Marquisette Curtains
Hemstitched, per pr$1.50 $1.75 $2
Lace edged, per pair $2.25 $2.50
Bordered Scrims and Marquisette, 38
inches wide, in white, ivory and ecru, yard
35 401 45
Silkolines for Bed Comfortables a large
variety of suitable designs, per yd. . . .20
Desirable Drapery Remnants
Nets, Scrims, Cretonnes, Madras and Sun
fast, one to four yards of a pattern, marked
se urn
,t MI
Ivory Furniture Polish
The tested and tried polish for
fine furniture, automobiles and
pianos. "Good for Any Wood.
As used on our own furniture
since 1895. Per Bottle, 25c and
Golden Star Floor Mop
and 1 quart can of Gold
en Star Floor Oil, com
Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Site"
Special for Saturday
v? 7
Spring Suits
Present Worth $20.00 $25.00 $30.00
Priced for Saturday Only
An extraordinary opportunity to secure
clothes for present and future use at a gen
uine saving.
Exclusive Agents of
The House of Kuppenheime
Celebrated Clothes
Hirsch-Wickwire and
L-System Superb Products
$20 to, $45 ,
Men' end Young Men's Models
New qualities and patterns of fine Madras
and Silks
$1.00, $1.15, $1.50 to $12.00
Spring weight and and full length
$1.00 to $3.00
Choice Neckwear
50c, 75c, $1.00
Choice Spring Hats
Stetsons $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 to $10.00
Mallory ..$3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00
Berg $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00
Connett $3.50, $4.00, $5.00
Hawes $3.00, $3.50, $4.50
Borsalino $5.00 and $6.00
$2.50 up
1415 Farnam Street
Khaki Pants
Does not thrive in the dark.
Your want ad to inspire con
fidence, must be explicit, must
arouse the reader's desire to
possess. ' Vague descriptions
. are insufficient
.Make an examination of your'
home from cellar to attic, the
chances are one hundred to
one that you will find the ma
terial for a great many War
Savings Stalnps merely wait
ing to be turned in. , .
Make up a list of that old fur
niture, stoves, etc., and either' write
a descriptive ad, or phone Tyler 1000
and have one of our competent ad
takers assist you. Remember, the
' many articles-you are no longer in
need of will not draw any interest
Call Tyler 1000 now, and
"Keep Your Eye on The Bee"