Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18

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. t Great Crowds at All Places
Where Train Stops and Loan
Subscriptions Pushed
Over the Top.
Sidney, Neb., April 19. (Special.)
The- progress of the Union Facific
Liberty loan special, which arrived
here at noon today from Omaha, has
been a triumphal procession. Every
where the train has been greeted with
enthusiastic reception.
The train, in charge of W. M. Jef
fcrs, vice president and general man
"ger, will arrive in Cheyenne at 6
o'clock tonight, where W. F. Gurley,
Omaha, is scheduled to make the
principal address. A band of 23 pieces,
, jnade up of employes in the Uion Pa
s cine shops at Omaha accompanies the
special and is on hand to render music
lit each stop. The conspicuous feature
:of the attendance at most placet has
been the presence of boys and girls
from the grade and from the high
schools. . The students have been
marched to the train in charge of
their 'teachers and at several points
:;the pifceessiona have been led by
drum uorps.
- jLom Put Over the Top.
At many of the points at which the
special stopped the Liberty loan com
mitoses have already gone over the
.toi and under the stirring influence
of the speakers on the special assur
ance was given at each of these points
hat the work of securing subscrip
tions to Liberty loan bonds had not
atopped, but that it would go on
without a limit.
I Among the communities on the
ltonor roll are North Platte, Ogallala,
JBrule, Paxton and Chappell.
& "We have had a mrlst wonderful
experience," said Mr, Jeffers, "and the
enthusiasm with which the special has
been met proves that our plans for
the running ot the train have been
well worth while." , '
.'. In addition to Mr, Gurley, who is
to talk at Cheyenne tonight, the
otner speakers on tne tram are as
Rev. E. H. Jenks, Omaha; T. H.
Hamer, Kearney; N. H. Loomis,
J. Lane, Omaha.
V red Zeberger, president of the First
Rational bank of North Platte, is a
ue$t on the special.
A delegation of 10 men represent
ing the state of Wyoming, and headed
by the attorney general, met the train
at Sidney and will take part in the
ipeaking at cities and towns between
'Sidney and Cheyenne.
, At Sidney a crowd of more than
1,000 greeted the speakers and cheered
the telling points.
Red Cross Fund Helped at
Kearney's Big Cattle Sale
Kearney, Neb., April 19. (Special
Telegram.) At a sale held by Rad
ford & Sons of Newark, a cow do
nated to the Red Cross brought $620.
being purchased by Willis Watt, ot
Alindeju The latter will turn the ani
. jnay over to the Red Cross chapter
oi tnat city to be again placed on
the auction block. '
The women of the Red Cross also
turnished a dinner at this sale and
made more than $1,100. '
The sale, on the largest tvr hpM
in this part of the state, 250 head of
cattle being disposed of, brought
total of more than $19,000.
Third Liberty Loan "Drive"
Is Launched at St. Edward
St. Edward, Neb., April 19. (Soe
cial Telegram.) The Third Liberty
loan campaign was launched in St.
Edward Thursday with a parade and
an address by M. O. McLaughlin of
York. The parade was composed of
the Grand Army of the Republic, city
band, Red Cross -chapter, junior Red
cross, pupils ot city and rural schools
home guards and the farmers' union
McLaughlin's scathing arraignment of
the kaiser and his eloquent appeal for
tne aupport ot the war in the third
juioeny loan was received with ap
plause, cheers and general enthusiasm,
Dry Law Violator Gets
Pardon From "Gov." Howard
(From a Buff Correspondent)
Lincoln. April 19. fSneeial. Art.
ing Governor Edgar Howard issued
his first pardon this morning. Fred
Brown of Grant, indicted for viola
tion of the prohibition law, . was
granted a pardon.
I he request came from the local
exemption board of that county and
the government agent because Brown
will be in the next draft call and it was
thought best that he should obey the
can ramer tnan pe taken to the peni
tentiary. ';-:'
Nebraska is Among Largest
, Contributors to Syrian Fund
Nebraska contributed $5,000 during
the week ending April 9 to the Ar
menian and Syrian relief fund, which,
with tw exceptions, was the greatest
amount contributed in the country.
The weekly report of the fund com
mittee in New York also announces
that Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilson of
Laurel, Neb., gave $100 to the fund,
i he financial statement by the treas
urer, Cleveland H. Dodge, shows to-
xai receipts to date amounting to
$9,072,766.83. - 8
r Gage County Jfotes.
Beatrice. Neb.: Anril 19. fWriat 1
Ollie Payne and Miss Lena Zim
mermann hntVi nf thi.
- . v ...... vitj, nttc
married at Nelson. They have re
turned to Beatrice, whete they will
make their home.
Two ministers of the German Lu
th eran church, and six ministers of
the Mennonite church in Beatrice and
vicinity were" granted permits to
preach at their churches by Judge
Pemberton of the district court.
- Fifty farmers met last evening at
the Blue Valley school house, south
east of the city, to discuss the seed
corn question. County Agent Rist
was present and showed the 1916 and
1917 tests, the first test being 92 and
the second 51. .
- Farmers of the Holmesville vicinity
held a meeting last night in company
with County Superintendent Trauer
Tlicht and discussed the queMion of
establishing a consolidated school
tbrre. - .-. . r
- Congressman Dan Stephens of Fre
mont, gave an address at the Christian
church- last night, which briefly cov
ered his trip through the war zone i
nrtitiiiiin nnnnm
unHii nu ununud
Readers of The Bee from out in Nebraska and other neighboring
states are beginning to get in effective licks to discover a fitting and
proper method for Milady to salute Old Glqry, whenever the occasion
Miss Bessie G. Smith of Columbus, Neb., writes;
"Place the palm of the right hand against the left breast, above the
heart, in a quick military manner; stand at 'attention' with eyes turned
toward the colors.
Now if you all understand the position of a soldier at "attention,"
practice this before your mirror tonight and see how you like it if it isn't
satisfactory, come ahead with your suggestion.
Lieutenant Burton Fain of Fort Omaha defines his salute of "placing
the open right hand directly over the heart, at the same time extending
left arm and hand on straight line to the front with palm upward and
open," as follows:
"This salute indicates 'I am willing to shed my heart's blood if neces
sary in defense of the flag, and I receive and accept the Sag as my pro
tection and shield from all enemies whatsoever.' "
One enthusiastic contributor, to more forcefully bring out his idea,
strikingly illustrates his "I Love You" salute with a cartoon It consists
of a resounding kiss on the palm of the right hand, and a wave at Old
Glory as it appears.
Mrs. W. G. Gray, Kearney, Neb., suggests:
"We all have pockets these days. Why not try the Chautauqua salute
of waving our handkerchiefs three times as "Old Glory" passes!
Anna Tarter, 325 Scott street, Council Bluffs, says one wave of a
handkerchief, even with the head, and a sweeping bow would be an ef
fective salute. Miss Tarter did not explain how to accomplish this in a
Mrs. D. W. Marr, Fort Calhoun, Neb., writes:
"Face the flag, place the right hand on the left breast, over the heart,
with fingers close together and palm against the breast, signifying service,
faith and hope."
"Bow her head" it the short and snappy suggestion of Miss Agnes
Craven, of the Kellogg apartments.
From J. M. Clifford, 583 Brandeis building:
"Raise the open right hand, palm towards the front, perpendicular
and about sir inches from the face, pause, lower it with a graceful curve,
point with t.'e index finger toward the heart signifying open-hearted
loyalty and fUelity."
Mrs. T. P. Shirley, 2109 Vinton. street: '
"I would tuggest the regular military salute with a slight bowing of
the head submission and reverence." ,
Miss Irene McKnight of Omaha believes the most appropriate salu
tation would be. to raise the right hand to the forehead and pray to one's
patron saint for peace.
The rules for the contest follows:
Rule 1 The salute contest closes Thursday, April 25. Letters post
marked up to 6 p. m. will be accepted, and a special effort made to get
all that are in the postofftce.
Rule 2 Write your suggestion plainly on one side of the paper, and
sign your name in lull, and give complete address.
Rule 3 Confine your suggestion to 75 words, making it "snappy."
4 Rule 4 No employes of The Bee will be permitted to participate in
the contest. , '
Rule 5. Address your suggestion to "Contest Editor," Omaha Bee,
Omaha, Neb.
The Bee will appoint two judges, who will assist Dr. Henry in de
ciding the winners. First prize will be $20; second prize, $15; third prize,
$10, and fourth prize, $5.
May Mulllns. The l'ag Company, 11.85.
In this fourth and last volume of
"The Blossom Shop" stories, May
Carter and Gene Grey, who have won
countless friends among readers of
the series, come before them now as
the center of interest. The book has
for an underlying thread ideals of the
same high type which have character
ized the former volumes.
Asnmun. Th MacMlllun Company. 11.60
This is a storv of Montana ranch
life, and one which bovs will find ab
sorbingly interesting. Stephen, home
less, and looking for his "last chance,"
is found in Helena by the rancher
and his wife. They take him to their
home and there he has his great op
portunity. The narrative of the way
in which he "makes good," of the
things that happen to him and to his
touts, is thoroughly good reading,
rat MacMlllan Company, 11.60.
Accepting the old legend of the
"Flying Dutchman," Miss Brown has
imagined it re-embodied in a modern
setting, and out of the ironies of this
situation a most dramatic story re
sults with a sure and true message for
tne American people.
Watta. Tha MacMlllan Company. 11.10.
The heroine is a young woman who
was brought up in the most'rigid
traditions of jrcntilitv: a woman who
nugtit nave stayed at home and been
taken care of had she so chosen
but who did not so choose. It is with
her emancipation that Mrs. Watts is
principally concerned, an eman
cipation that is wrought by
her work and art and native
common sense. The narrative
occupies a period of about 15 years,
beginning with the first year of the
present century. In its central figure
it adds another outstanding character
to the notable list of creations which
its author has already given to litera
" - i . i
Mania, Th MacMlllan Company,
The author has cast the storv of his
own life into the form of fiction. It
is a story that takes Mr. Williams
the length and breadth of the coun
try and brings him into touch with
many prominent people. As a wan
dering newspaper editor and writer.
struggling against heavy odds, he has
many unusual adventures, all of which
are most interestingly recounted in
this narrative. It is a volume in
which the material cornea into fre
quent conflict with the ideal but in
the end. the hish Koal toward which
the author has pressed persistently,
is gloriously attained.
Strlnr. Bobbe Merrill Company. 11.60,
This book contains romance, mys
tery, adventure, detective, and then
some. It is a story of eager interest,
of unusual ..nd inexplicable events,
events of vital consequences to the
characters and t- the outcome of the
story. The author is a master at con
structing an intricate puzzle and then
solving it to the reader's delight and
amazement. ,
The MacMlllan Company. 10
This is a fervent anneal to the Ger
man-Americans to come out squarely
and enthusiastically in support of the
United States against Germany. - Mr.
Hagedorn thinks that the qieition
which he makes the title of his book
is a fair question for Americans to
ask, and he urges tha. it is not enough
for German-Americana merely n K
loyal to the United States; they must
make their lovaltv whole-heartcH and
enthusiastic. Mr. Hagedorn reviews the
course ot Gem n-Amencan nnininn
in this country and marshals the at
titude of the typical German-Ameri
can wno ieit this country
in company with Ross Hammond of
Fremont. At the close of his rl(tr
it was announced that Beatrice and
Gage county had srone over tli ton
in the Liberty loan drive by approxi
mately $200,000. Gatre county's mm a
was $624,000 and the bond subscrip
tions amounted to $8J4,4U0
pro-British and unfair to Germany,
against the attitude of the typical
American who felt that the German
American' was unreservedly taking the1
German and not the American point
of view. Further, Mr. Hagedorn con
demns intellectual leaders among the
German-Americans, because they
have "sulked in their tents" and have
left the expression of German-American
opinion to irresponsible newspa
pers and propagandists.
Benson. Ueorge il. Doran Company, $ 1. 25.
t A discussion of the ethics and poli
tics of Turkey in recent years, and
especially of the methods and results
of German influence, based largely on
official documents. The theory of the
old compared with that of the new
Turks, the Armenian massacres and
Germany's complicity therein, and
necessary attitude of the allies in the
light of these facts, are given special
attention. The duty of the allies to
expel the Turks from Constantinople
nrttl to free the subject peoples from
its authority is strongly insisted on.
The style is notably alive and vivid.
Mnry Hwnrta Rose. Tha MacMlllan Com
pany. SO Cents.
This little book has been written
in response to a request for a war
message about food. To change one's
menu in often trying; to be uncer
tain whether the substituted food
will preserve one's health and
strength adjustment doubly difficult.
Mrs. Rose seeks to make, it easier to
"save wheat, meat, sugar and fats"
and still prepare an acceptable bill-of-fare
without excessive cost
Among her chanters are "The Milk
Pitcher in the flome," "Cereals We
Ought to Eat," "The Potato and
Its Substitutes," "Sugar, Spice and
Everything Nice," and "On Being
Economical and Patriotic at the
Same Time."
THE' DARK PEOPLE. Russia's Crisis. By
Ernest Poole. The . MacMlllan Company.
The author deals, first af all, with
Petrograd, the Kerensky government.
various political parties and the coun
cil of workmen and soldiers. Then he
takes up the army, and after that the
railroads, the industrial and labor
problems and the question of food
and supplies. All of these considera
tions lead finally, he finds, to the
peasants, commonly called "the dark
people." The last half of his work is
therefore centered on them. Russian
religion, the peasants.' congress the
attitude of the peasants toward the
war, the revolution, the city work
men and the land, these topics are
considered m the successive chanter
of a wholly remarkable and inform
ing volume.
dred and First Annual Report, 1917.
American Bible Society.
This book contains the renort of
the board of managers; report of the
executive officers; the society's work
in foreign 'ands, an account of the
auxiliary bible societies; treasurer's
report and eleven maps showing
agencies of the American Bible
By William, U Stiger. The Abingdon Press.
Brief, suggestive and inspirational
studies of nine modern poets, four
American and five English. The
author's purpose is to interest his
readers in those of whom he writes
and in their ethical and spiritual mes
sages. OUR ARMY IN A NUTSHELL. By George
Nestler Trlcoche. George U. Harvey Pub
llshtng Company. 0 Cents.
The 108 pages of this book give a
marvelous amount of information
which is from official records, many
of which have not been in printed
form in the army itself. The book
has orders, regulations and informa
tion as late as March 15, and is in-
DR. E. R. TARRY -240 Bee
Ure Spends $50 to Win,
Rohlff $J00 to Lose
Most of the candidates in the re
cent primary have filed expense
account reports with Election Com
missioner Moorehead. It cost W.
G. Ure only $54.41 to be nominated,
while Henry Rohlff, defeated candi
date, spent $395.75. J. Dean Ringer,
another successful candidate, spent
$66.50. Henry F. Wulff, also suc
cessful, sent $100.56, Patrick
Duffy, defeated candidate, spent
$77.30, of which $1.75 was for cigars.
Expenditures by other candidates,
were: Fred Hoye, $168.25; L. J.
Quinby, $110; Frank C. Gardiner,
$66.50. Hugo Melchior, $85.50;
Michael Mullen, $195.86; Dan B.
Butler, $302.20; Ed P. Smith, $178.
75; John Van Wie, $30; Henry L.
Bridwell, $154, and T. E. Brady,
valuable for references. It contains
chapters on allotments, insurance,
conscription, family allowance, pay,
insignia, besides telling how each arm
of the service is organized.
Amy L. Handy. Houghton-Mifflin Com
pany. 75 Cents.
Among the contents of this little
volume are suggestions for the mak
ing of bread without white flour;
sponges, breads and biscuits made
with yeast; straight dough breads;
breads and biscuits made with yeast;
pancakes and cakes and gingerbreads.
None of the recipes call for white
flour; every recipe is simple as well
as economical, and every recipe has
been tested and found satisfactory in
the author's own kitchen.
THE A. E. F by Heywood Broun. T: Ap
pleton & Co. fl. 60.
The author, who went over with
the boys and was in Paris with them
and stayed with them in their training
camp, near the Somme front, writes
an account of the things he saw, from
the triumphant march of the Amer
ican troops through Paris to the
struggles of a Yankee doughboy in
his efforts to talk with a pretty little
"mam'selle," is spiced with humor,
AND ME. By William Allon White. The
MacMlllan Company. $1.50.
To use the words of the author,
this volume is a humorous account of
the experiences of "two middle-aged
old coots who go out to a ruthless
war without their wives." They have
commissions in their pockets from
the American Red Cross, and they
are going to the front in the inter
ests of that organization. Their story
is distinguished by an abundance of
good spirits. It is typically Ameri
can, exemplifying the buoyant, whole
hearted fashion with which thousands
of Americans have entered upon a
great task, confident that there is
much that is unpleasant before them,
but resolved to make the best of
things. With its humor and its gen
eral tone ot wholesomcness it is a
valuable antidote to the numerous
publication which have overempha
sized the grimness and horror of the
Magazine Notes.
The, April number of Everybody's
Magazine contains the third install
ment of the tragic story of Belgium,
told by Brand Whitlock, American
minister to Belgium, who remained
in the stricken country from De
cember, 1913, to our entry into the
war, and saw the whole black history
of its suffering from the beginning.
"What is the Matter with Sweden?" is
an article by Edwin Bjorkman, who
writes from an intimate, first hand
knowledge of the Swedish political
and governmenfal organization.
"Beyond the Firsr Lines" is an article
by Earle Harrison, which tells of
some of the important work the med
ical department of the United States
army does. Stories of this issue are
"Front-page Frankie," by Samuel
Hopkins Adams: "The Campaign of
Aristide Carlouche," by Thomas Mc
Mbrrow, and "Tarn o' the Scoots,"
by Edgar Wallace.
"The Meal Ticket," an interesting
story by Mary Synon, opens up the
Mothers' Magazine for April. "The
Cost of Your Boy in Khaki" is a
very timely article by John M. Oski-
son. Jn banishing Childish Fears
Laura Spencer Porter tells the mother
how to study the more subtle fears
of a child and how to work toward
eliminating them. "The Man and His
New Home," by Carolina French
Benton, and "A New Era in the
Vegetable Garden," are among other
interesting articles of this issue.
Stolen Pocketbooks, Minus
Money. Are Found in Mails
Two pocketbooks, believed to have
been stolen, have been received at the
postoffice, but neither contains any
money. Assistant Postmaster Wood
ard says pocketbooks. minus money,
are often found in mail boxes. Pick
pockets desire to return personal
papers to their victims and, after re
moving the money, slip the purses into
the mail boxes, knowinjr that nostal
officials will do all they can to locate
the owners.
Don't wear a veil to
cover up skin trouble
makes sick skins well
Is your appearance marred by unsightly
patches of eruption ? There is no need
of enduring such discomfort because,
unless it is due to some rerious internal
condition, Resinol Ointment is almost
sure to clear the trouble away prompt
ly, easily, and at little expense.
Resinol Roar should usually be
used with Ri-Jlnol Ointment to
prir the skin to receive the
pEslNoTi Kj Pa Resinol medication. Resinol Soap
5sv?- fcfl nl Beatnol Ointment are sild
by all dnicirsts. For free esmi'le
vi earn, write to Lep(.
Resinol, Baltimore.
in Si-lit; J -an
Rectal Diseases Cured without a sever sur
gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether used.
Cure eruBranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for
:llu?trted book on Rectal Diseases, with names
and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent
wno nave been permanently cured.
Building Omalia Ne.
Former President of Omaha
Electric Light Company Com
mands U. S. Forces Some
where in France.
Brigadier General George H. Har
ries, former president of the Omaha
Electric Light and Power company,
is now "somewhere in France," in
charge of a fighting unit, according
to definite word which has been re
ceived in Omaha.
Whether General Harries went over
with the same body of men which
he has been training at Camp Jack
son, Columbia, b. W., for three
months is not known. General Har
rjes was commandant of the Carolina
post for three months, this camp hav
ing been made up entirely of ne
groes. General Harries left Omaha one
year ago. He was ordered to Camp
Cody, Ueming, N. M. Hundreds of
Nebraska boys, formerly of the
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth regiments,
were at Camp Cody.
In a letter to Omaha friends recent
ly General Harries intimated that he
might be ordered across soon. He
told friends in the letter that he was
"sending home some personal stuff
which he would not be able to use
'over there.'"
Camp Jackson was composed of an
infantry brigade, which may have
crossed the Atlantic with General
Harries. General Harries is an old
regular army man.
As president of the electric com
pany he took an active part in the
business and social life of Omaha.
King Ak Buttons for 1918
Are Here; Patriotic Touch
The 1918 Ak-Sar-Ben buttons are in
the hands of "Dad" Weaver and will
be distributed as fast as the cards
can be made out and mailed to mem
bers. The first 12 buttons to leave
the office were those for board of
governors. They were mailed late
Friday afternoon.
Jo Frenzer is the designer of the
button this year and a patriotic note
is lent to the insignia of the subjects
of his royal highness with the addi
tion of a shield bearing the red, white
ana blue.
The 1918 button is in the shape of
two small shields of equal size, one
of red, yellow and green with the
words, "Ak-Sar-Een, Omaha, 1918,"
and the other with the colors of the
flag. Surmounting the two shields is
a pair of eagles facing one another.
Uncle Sam Has Pinto
Bean Seeds for Sals
Farmers, who desire to grow pinto
beans can secure seed from the gov
ernment at 9 cents per pound, accord
ing to an announcement by Federal
Food Administrator Wattles.
"The United States food administra
tion has stored seed beans at Greeley
and Denver, which are for sale at the
price named, but to which must be
added freight," says Mr. Wattles. Ne
braska growers are urged to plant
pinto1 beans and when ordering not
to order less than 100-pound lots. If
necensary, two or more should club
together to make the 100-pound
1 .
Bureau of Publicity Will
Compile Omaha Booklet
Bureau of Publicity is woking on
a new booklet about Omaha. It will
be compiled by 70 men in representa
tive lines, instead of written by one
man. The bureau will welcome sug
gestions from its subscribers and
others on the subject matter to be
contained in the ney booklet, which
will be distributed all over the United
YOU can replace any part of your truck that wears
out. at small cost except the motor. Proper lubri
cation is ihe most important detail jn its care.
Lubricate the engine with Polarine. Minimizes friction
maximizes power. Absolutely pure and acid-free; always
uniform. Besl; for summer lubricates perfectly at all
engine heats.
Look for the Polarine sign it's a safe guide to a safe oil
that safeguards your motor.
Use Red Crown Gasoline the fuel that's all power
and mileage.
(Nebraska) 1
Subscription List of
Third Liberty Loan.
135,000 Paxton A Gallajher,
121,000 M. Ii. Sndrea tor Douglas county,
Bank of Benson.
K0, 000 National Life, Insurance com
pany. 115,000 Farmers' and Merchants' bank.
$10,000 L. M. Lord. W. A. Lehmer, H.
I,. Lehmer, A. O. Lehmer, F. P. Kirlcendall,
Sinclair Oil Refning company, Northwest
Mutual Life Insurance company, H. W.
7,500Jetter Beverage company,
$7,200 Albert Miller.
$5,000 Orpheum theater, Q. W. Wattles,
A. M. Kimball. B. H. Tosey, Omaha Life
company, World Publishing company, Un
derwood Typewriter company; Chauncey
$4,200 Fichtla L. McArdle.
$4,000 8. O. L. 8. Traders company.
$3,050 Western Rook Island Plow com
pany. $3,000 James L. Paxton.
$2,600 J. I. Case. J. M. Jetter.
$2,000 R. M. Laverty, John Camonzlnd,
Randall K. Brown, Paxton-Mltchell com
pany. $1,900 Beebe & Runyan.
$1,800 Trimble Bros, for employes, Al
bert Miller.,
$1,250 Mrs, C. Lemison.
$1,000 T. J. Donahue, Omaha Cooperage
company, Alvan Johnson, A. M. Byers, Chris
Wyrick, J. D. Rising, Mrs. F. A. Nash, Wil
liam A. Rediok, W. M. Clement, Lillie D.
Stewart, Elizabeth Rooney, Mrs. Emma K.
Howe, Charles L. Deuel, Alfred Bloom, Al
fred Bloom company, George B. Prlnz, E.
B. Carrlgan company, Mrs. E. Meyer, Sarah
Zimman, Concrete Engineering, L. J. Tp
Poel, II. E. Worrell, O. F. Beavers, Angle
B. Farnsworth, Clara. B. Wolf, Mrs. F. S.
Owen, Kennedy Investment company, w.
C. Rose, Mrs. F. A. Nash, Peterson-Mioh-.'lson
Hardware company, A. E. Haughton,
M. C. McCaffrey Bros, company, C. L.
Denel, Frank Tuchman, Mrs. A. B. Alplrn,
Dr. Alfred A. Peterson, Nebraska-Iowa
.Mercantile company, C. A. Cavers, Mrs. It.
Kulakofsky, Mrs. W. H. Tone, W. II. Yohe,
Joseph Tretieck.
Buffalo County Provides
For Employing Farm Agent
Kearney, Neb., April 19. (Special.)
Buffalo county is to have a farm
agent. At a special meeting of the
county board of supervisors, when
this matter was brought up, the board
set aside $2,2U() per year to help de
fray expenses of hiring a farm demon
strator or agent.
- Special Announcement -
on Special Sale Tomorrow
and for the One Day Only
A fortunate purchase of splendid high-grade Pillows'
bought by us at an extra heavy discount enables us to put
the entire purchase on special sales tomorrow and for
this one day only at less than present wholesale prices.
Come to this big sale expecting extraordinary Pillow val
ues and you will not be disappointed and as always you
make your own terms.
Note These Extremely Low Prices
Combination feather pii- Select curled feather pil
lows, size 17x25, sale
price, each 4.7
Curled hen feather pil
lows, 3 pounds, size 19x
25, sale price, each. .65
Live goose feather Pillows,
Sale price, each
Theft of Motor Truck Charged
ri I . - ni.:ii x .
ttyamsi unarms rniijjeri;
Others Accused of
Indictments returned by the grand
jury, with its final report, include
charges of grand larceny and break
ing and entering against Charles
Philbert, and two charges of break
ing and entering against John Mc
Laughlin, Don Chrissman and
Thomas O'Connor.
I'hilbert is charged with theft of an
auto truck from Simon Bros. January
30 and robbery of cleaning and dying
establishment JNovember 4, when he
obtained more than $140 worth of
merchandise, it is alleged.
McLaughlin, Chrissman and 0'Con
nor are charged with breaking into
the stores of Louis Ziev, Thirty-third
and California streets, and D. C
Goldware, 1501 North Thirtieth street
Deputy Henry C. Berga
Candidate for Treasurer
Lincoln, April 19. (Special.)
Henry C. Berge, deputy state treasur
er, will be a candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for state treasurer,
Mr. Berge, a Lincoln man, is well
known in this part of the state, being
a brother of George W. Berge, for
mer candidate for governor.
Farewell Dinner to Turner.
Fremont, X'eb., April 19. Mem
bers of tiie Board of Directors of the
Y. M. C. A. gave a dinner in compli
ment to -R. 1J. Turner, treasurer of
the board, who leaves Monday for
France, to take up Y. M. C. A.
work. Members of the board and.
their wives were guests.
'illow Purchase
u in m mm k i.i , a n a n m
lows, 312 pounds, size 21x
26, sale price, each. .79'
Turkey down pillows, ex
tra fine ticking, 3 lbs., size
21x27, sale price, each
extra fine ticking. Size 2x27.
L'y y ii u U"u u