Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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4,. -. t V 1
- Our Store Closes Saturday at 6 P. M.
Shop fcarly. .
Other Burgess-Nash Ad on Page 16
Friday, April 19, 1918-
Phone Douglas 137,
1 : ; :
These Pure Silk Hose Are
the Season's Best Values
WE cannot recall when we offered better values, tak
ing everything into consideration, and we're certain
you'll agree that they are most extreme when you see
them. Pure silk, full fashioned and
seamless. In the lot are lace boot and
embroidered bird effects, 'also fancies
and Some plain colors. Very special, at
$1.00 the pair.-
1 . Women's fibre hose -
- seamless, in black,
"T white and colors, , .
at 75c.
Burnasco Quality Silk Hose, $1.50
' Women's pure thread silk hose,
full fashioned, full regular made,
in black, white and colors. "Bur
nasco" quality. Very special, at
$1.50 a pair.
Women's Sample Hose, at 35c
Women's hose, roadmen's samples, black and white,
seamless, good quality cotton or lisle. We consider them
uncommon values, at 35c a pair.
Burjess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Unusual Drug and Toilet Goods Specials
For Saturday
AKE out your list of medicines, cabinet and dressing table needs,
and save on these here baturaay.
Pebeco tooth paste,
special, tube, 39c
C o 1 g at e ' s tooth
paste, special, tube,
10c and 23c.
Senreco tooth paste,
special, tube, 19c.
Daggett and Rams
dell's cream, for 28c.
Pond v a n i s h i n f
cream, for 19c.
Djer Kiss talcum
powder, for 35c,
Djer Kiss face pow
der, for 59c.
Non Spi, special, at
Dr. Sloan's liniment,
special, at 16c.
Mentholatum, spe
cial, per jar, 16c.
Fletcher Castoria,
bottle for, 25c.
Absorbent cotton,
roll, lb., 49c.
Sal Hepatica, special,
Bu:gess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Nuxated Iron, special,
2-quart combination
best water bottle,
guaranteed, $1.50.
Syrup of Figs, spe
cial, bottle, 49c
Auto chamois, spe
cial, at $1.98.
Putnam dry cleaner,
SDecial, at 21c. I
Wayne moth-proof
bags, at 75c, $1.00
and $1.25,
New Mid-Summer Millinery
$5.00, $7.50 and $10.00.
THE daintiest creations we have ever shown at this sea
son of the year, and they are so reasonable.
You'll find them all in
dividual and distinctive
, creations and wide style
MYii3St!tj selection.
IjlCVCl J.1UVYCI tllllllllCU.
On some the crowns are en-
. tirely covered, others a
dainty wreath around the
edge all the season's new
est styles at $5.00, $7.50 and
If .
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
f AINTY Wash '
Satin Bloomers
1 $2.95
Made of soft, smashable sat
in, reinforced or fitted elastic
top, knee finished with double
rows of hemstitching and elasr
tic, white or flesh; special, at
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
nANCf Silk
v Petticoats, at
All-jersey, taffeta silk, mes
caline of jersey and taffeta
combinations, in 'the newest
street shades. "Very special
for Saturday, at $3.95.
Burgojs-Nash Co. Second Floor
Sample and Odd Lotsof Novelty
' t Jewelry and Silver at Less
Than Wholesale. Cost
MEN'S novelty ribbon watch fobs mounted in silver and
gold plate, some set with fancy stones; about 300
pieces in the lot; choice, each, 19c.
T Mesh bags and purses,
silver plated, various
styles' and sizes. Splendid
assortment to choose from
at 69c, $1.39 and $2.69
Rings of sterling silver, and
golcf shell. A great many set
with fancy stones, wonderful
values, at 23c and 50c.
Imported novelty necklaces,,
in pearls and all the new beads
and colorings. A fine selection,
at 50c, 75c and $1.00.
. Hat pins, brooches, bar pins,'
tie - pins, novelty sets, neck
chains, lavallieres, bracelets, etc. , Very specially priced,
at 10c, 19c and 29c. : ' . ,
" ' Silver-plated candle sticks. Specially priced, at 29c,
50c and $1.00.
Sheffield silver hammered sandwich or cake trys,
wonderful values at the sale price of $1.45 each. '
" Burf ess-Nash Co. Main Floor' .
i 1
r " ' - t
Envelope Chemise
$1.49 .
Crepe de chine, satin or Jap
silk, elaborately trimmed back
and front with lace insertion
and ribbon-drawn beading.
Flesh color only, sjzes 36 to
' Burres-Nash Co. Second Floor
DEKIN Stripe
Coutil Corset'
Low bust, long skirt, em
broidery trimmed, free hip,
double steel boning, elastic1
three-cornered gore in back,
three pair hose supporters, sizes
19 to 36,t $2.00. .
Bnress-Nash Co. Second Floor
Bob 4
, A Most Extraordinary Sale of
Women's Novelty
The Sample Line .of a Certain. Manufacturer, Sizes 3 to 5 Only Offered
at a Price That Is Less Than Makers Cost
TOO much stress cannot be laid on the great
importance of this very unusual offering
for Saturday. Women's summer weight, nov
elty boots in a great variety of the season's new
est and smartest styles, offered to you at about
half the real value, or what they would sell for
There are over 25 different and distinct
styles from which to choose, with turn and
Goodyear welt soles.
" We consider them the best values we've
ever offered at $4.45. .
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor ,
Sample Pairs of Misses' and
Growing Girls' Shoes, at
Gooflyear welt soles. ,
Air white fabric lace shoes.
Patent vamp, pearl whife kid top, lace.
Patent vamps, with white top, lace.
Tan Russia calf with pearl gray kid tops.
Gunmetal calf, button and lace shoes.
The offering Includes :
Gray kid vamp, nine-inch lace boots with
leather Louis heels. .
Brown kid vamp, nine-inch lace boots with
leather Louis heels.
x Patent kid vamp, nine-inch lace boots with
gray cloth tops.
Black kid vamp, nine-inch lace boots with
' fabric tops. . .
Black kid vamp, nine-inch lace boots with
gray cloth tops. ' ' .
All dark brown Russia calf low heel walk
ing boots. 4
All black vici kid nine-inch lace boots, leath
er heels. Burf ess-Nash Co. Second Flow '
Batiste Confhicrj
Very heavy quality, made
with strap on shoulders, open
back with heavy piece of elas
tic; sizes 32 to 48; very special
Saturday, at 50c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
Camisoles, for
Best quality of satin, in white
or flesh, trimmed with hand
embroidery and ribbons. Very
specially priced for Saturday,
at 95c i
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
Lisle Gloves
Two-clasp, exceptional quality,
in black and white. Very special,
at 45c a pair.
Chamoisette Gloves, 75c -
Plain white or with black backs,
special, at 75c a pair.
Kayser Silk Gloves, 75c
Double tip fingers, in Mack and
white, exceptional quality, at 75c
a pair.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Copoanut Brittle
Fresh made peanut and co
coanut brittle, pure wholesome
candy, 29c lb.
Chocolate or vanilla cara
mels, special, 33c lb.
Italian chocolate creams, as
sorted flavors, 49c lb.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Roses Saturday
4c '
Long stem, fresh cut, assorted
variety, 4c each.
Sweet peas, carnations and
plants at special prices.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
I)Jew Tub Silk Blouses,
AN excellent quality of tub silk was used
in the making of these smart blouses.
There are many models, and with
wide diversity of styles from which
to choose.
Plain tailleur effects, jabots, frills lace
hemstitching and plaits The colors are
flesh, maize and a few navy; also white
or black. Low rolling collar and flat col
lar, long sleeves.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
Here Are Remarkable Values for Saturday, in
For Women and Misses
THIS cool April weather makes big de
mands on Spring coats and this is one
time we were well prepared with an exten
sive line of the,latest models.
Tlain tailored, and the more dressy garments
developed from wool velour biixtures, wool
poplins and serges.
Also the sleeveless coats of velvet. The
colors are the newest spring shades, $29 50
and $35.00.
Women's and Misses'
Tailored Suits
THE suits were all intended to retail at a
very much higher price than we ask for
Saturday, and we're certain you'll appreci
ate the offering when you see the suits and
realize the true value importance.
Jhe range of style selection is very extensive,
including such splendid materials as French
serges, poplins, gabardines, checks and Dellie
cloth. The colors include navy, platinum,
tan and checks, also black.
Some are made plain tailored, others semi
;ailored, while there are still others in novel
y and sport models. All the new style fea
tures are represented and we recommend
tnem to you as extreme values, at $35.00.
Burgess-Nash Co. Third Floor
. . ;
' . .,..-'"".',':
WOMEN'S Collar
and Cuff Sets
White or colored pique, also
organdie collars and imitation
filet lace collars. Great Variety
of styles from which to choose,
at 50c.
Burgtss-Nssh Co. Main Floor
7c-' ,
Fine Swiss, plain white and
colored embroidered corners.
These are traveler's samples,
and very exceptional values
Saturday, at, 7c ch.
Burgess-Nash Co. Mala Floor
You'll Recognize These Serge
Dresses as Most Unusual Values at
THE finest quality French serge was used in these beau
tifully tailored dresses, and we doubt seriously if you
can duplicate them at anywhere near the price even if
you bought the material and made them your
self. t K
A serge dress is an essential to every
woman's wardrobe for street, travel
ing and business wear.
There are many models from which to
choose, in sizes 16 to 46 and navy blue only.
And we might suggest that it will be to the
interest of every woman td purchase now for
the present or future needs for the dresses
represent values that are most extreme.
Women's New Spring Dresses
A beautiful and varied assortment includ
ing the new gingham check taffetas, printed
chiffons and taffetas in plain colors for street
and home wear. ' Also a selection of foulard
and jersey dresses. Prices are $25.00,
$29.50, $35.00 and $9.50.
e I
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
CRASH Toweling
for Saturday
Suitable for fish, glass or
roller towels. This is an ex
cellent quality and very absorb
ing; 17 inches wids, and spe
cially priced for Saturday; at
14 a yard. .
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Ribbons, at
Very desirable for camisoles i
7 inches wide, in flowered ef
fects, also . wide French, taf
fetas, in an excellent range of
new spring shaded, at 49c yard.
' Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
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