Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1918, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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No Let Up to the Wonderful Values in
" O 1 gt Continuing Saturday and All Next Week
'-' Store Opens Sat'day 10 a. m. Closes 7 p. m.
Seasonable Dependable Merchandise in Our
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Our Anniversary Sale Saturday Offers
Three Big Hosiery Specials
Don't Fail to See These Offerings They Are Really Exceptional
Children's New
Hats suitable for all ages. Milans,
Leghorns, Hemps and. hand-made
Braid Hats.
1 1
mmm mammrn - -
Special Anniversary Sale
Neckwear J Veiling
75c NECKWEAR, 50c
A splendid assortment of Or.
gandy Sets and Separate Col
lar!, in white and colors;
'worth tip to 75c. Our cash
price '.. ..50d
Georgette and Organdy Sets,
trimmed with Venice and filet
lace, also Pique Sets, in many
pretty styles; worth $2; Cash
Price, set 81.75
Double-Faced Washable Satin
Cellars, in all colors; jabots in
net and georgette, trimmed
with filet lace; worth (1.25.
Cash price, each. .. .$1.00
7Se, Veils, 60c Straight and
Circular Veils, with chenille
border and scroll effect, in
black and taupe; worth 75c.
Cash price Sat, each, .601
$1.25 Circular Veils, $1.00
A solendid assortment of Cir
cular Veils, with fancy bor
ders, in black and taupe;
worth $1.25. Cash price Sat
urday, each .81.00
t: r , ' Two Rousing Umbrella Specials
Ladies', All-Silk (Rain or shine) Umbrellas In black, green and
navy; worth $5. Special cash price ......83.98
Ladies ' and Men's Rain Umbrellas at 81.00
The Always
) -
Anniversary Sale
That M
can a Worth-While Saving on the Cost of Living.
H-lfc. seek Tan Rye Grhih Flour,
for 1.60
t lbs. best WhlU er Yellow Cora meal
(or 43c
f lbs." best White er Ttllew Corn
Floor (or ...43c
t lbs. best BsrW Floor (or 43s
I lbs. best Rolled White Breakfant
' Oatmeal for 23c
The beat Hand-picked Nivy Beans.
pet pound ; is '
.The beat Hand- picked Pinto Beana.
r pound ............a loe
lt-o. pkt. Cora Starch Be
Fancy Blue Rose Japan Rice, lb., ,10c
The beat D9mMtle llacaronl, Spaghet
, tl or Ef Noodles, pkt. 7 Vie
SS-et jar Pineapple Butter. ,28c
1-ej. eaa Condensed Milk. ...ljy,e
S-oV can Condenaed Milk 8 Vic
Fancy Sweet Cookies, per Ih.,.,.19e
Gallon can Golden Table Sirup. . . .XPc
24-s. jar Pure Condensed Mince
' If eat, per Jar,. ,23c
5 lba. beat bulk laundry 8tareh. .2Se
6 bars Electric Spark Soap ,28c
bars Beat-'fim-All, Diamond C or
'Swift's Pride Laundry Soap....Z5e
Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose Extra long,
full flare top, double sole
and heel, black and all
new shades of brown and
grey, worth $2., Special
Cash Price $1.50
Women's Regular and Ex
tra Size Hose All colors ;
$1.35 quality. Sale price,
a pair 90
Women's Mercerized
Lisle and Cotton Hose
Regular and extra sizes,
white and colors; 40c val
ues. Hayden's Cash Price,
at 25
98c, $1.45, $1.95
AND, up
- - - - - - - r,-ir,-,--M-,rM-w-M-w-lnan.anrun.aJi-)
Anniversary Special In
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' ' Fine Lisle and Mer
cerized Union Suits In flesh
and white; odd lots of Ladies'
Bloomers; fine mercerized
Vests, crocheted yokes; gar
ments worth to $1.00. Our
cash price 69t
Samples and Odd Lots of La
dies' Muslin Gowns and En
velope Chemise Italian silk
vests, hand embroidered, mar-
cella combination suits; gar
ments worth to $3.50. Our
Cash price 81.08
Children's Light Weight or
Medium Weight Union Suits
All sizes; 50c values. Our
cash price 25
Ladies' Union Suits Iliph
neck, !ong sleeve, or Jow nerk,
no sleeve, knee length; 50c
values. Cash price. .. .35t
$2.00 Values in Silk and Satin
Camisoles Nainsook gar
ments, combination suits and
skirts. Saturday at....98f
The choicest assortment and
values in High Class Silk Neg
ligees shown in Omaha. Seei
window displays.
New Millinery
Received Daily Direct From Fashion Centers
Hats gorgeously trimmed with flowers.
New Illusion and Maline Trimmed Hats.
Beautifully Trimmed New Leghorns.
A Complete Line of
Popular Beautiful
Moderately Priced
$5, $6.45, $7.50
Complete Line of Banded Hats.
Suitable for street and dress wear.
New White Banded Milans. '
An Extensive Line of New
' Untrimmed Hats.
New Trimmings at Popular Prices.
Grocery Prices
Nothlnf Finer for Sauae, JPuddinga,
- Plea or Cakes.
Choice Santa Clara Pranei, lb.. .12Vtc
Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per lb.. 15c
Cal. Seedlees Raiilna, per lb..... 15c
CaL ..Muscatel ..Cooking ..Raiaina,
lb. 12V,c
Cal. Evaporated Apr'es, lb. 15c
Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb 25e
Fancy Golden Sultana Raiilna per
lb. iSc
Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb 15c
Fancy Seeded Kaialna. per pkff. S l-3c
Condensed Minee Meat, per pkg. 12VtC
California Table Figa, per lb..... SOe
California Table Figs, per pkg... 10c
try uur famous Diamond H
Santos Coffee, per lb..
bunches Home-grown Onions .... Sc
4 bunches Home-grown Rhubarb.. Sc
Fancy Home-grown Asparagus, per
bunch Be
IS lbs. best No. 1 Cooking Potatoes
(or a 25c
Fresh Southern Carota er Beets, per
bunch .....v..5c
Large Cueuanbers, each .Be
Large Ripe Tomatoes, per lb..,.. 20c
Fancy Head Lettuce, head 7g,c
New Cabbage, per lb. ; ..6c
Red Globe Cooking Onions, lb... 1 Vic
Home-grown Mushrooms, lb 20c
Horseradish Boot, per pound . 12 Vie
a a
Wonderful Bargain Offerings in Our Anniversary Sale of Over 1,000
New Dresses
Several Hundred
Matfe to sell at $25.00
and $29.50, come in
Taffetas, Messalines,
Georgettes, Combina
tions, Serges and Jer
seys; all sizes, 16 to 46;
choicest values shown
this season at Our Anni
versary Sale Price Sat
urday, at
Wonderful Values
Made to sell to $60; nearly all ex
clusive models, in finest quality Taf
fetas, Georgettes, Jerseys and most
desirable wool materials. Sale Price. .
Saturday in the
Children's Section
10 Dozen Children's Pretty Gingham
Dresses Sizes 6 to 14; elegant val
ues. Saturday $1.50
Children's White presses Trimmed
with laces, insertions and embroidery;
Unusual values; sizes 6 to 14. Satur
day, special $2.95
'children's Spring Coats In the sea
son's most classy styles, sizes 4 to 14;
made to, sell at a great deal more. Sat
urday, special t $4.95
Children's Lovely Silk Dresses For
a better wear, Shown ' on Saturday
at .....$10. $12.75 and
Black Hats
$1 0 and up
Extra Special
Saturday Shrubbery Sale
These were shipped to us di
rect from the grower to sell for
his account Come early, as
they, will not last long at this
Golden Splrea, tall, very ftne
Barberry, excellent bush ... I Tl
Artemesaea, for background I C
Forsythea, Golden Bell, f
Spirea, Anthony Dwarf . . . . Eack
80c Per Dozen
You Will Find the Choicest Meats
' Our Sanitary Market
All Meats Under Refrigeration Kept and Sold Undermost
Modern Sanitary Conditions.
Taney Mllk-ftd Dreasad Chickens, lb 30c and SSc
Porkom Roast, lb 24c-30e I Steer Pot Roast, lb ...22Vie
Porkloin Chops, lb 25c -30c Fancy CornH Beef, lb 20c
Pork Spar Ribs, lb ISc I Homemade Saasase. lb 15c
,. Pork Neck Bone, lb. 6c
Best Creamery Butter, lb. 4c
No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. ;40e
Nut Marearine, all brands, lb...,. 32c
N.T. Cream Cheese, lb. ,32c
It Pay
at Less Than Worth of Material
in Street, Afternoon
Anniversary Specials in
Blouse Section
Just received, hundreds of
Beautiful Blouses, in Geor
gettes, crepes, crepe de
chines and striped crepes,
made in dressy styles,
sport styles and tailored
styles, yariety f shades
are unusual; all sizes. Cash
Price Satur- J C Q C
day, at . . . f) O O
See the Blouses just re
ceived, new slip-on beau
ties. Saturday
$10.00, $12.75,
$15,007 $18.50
Sale of High Grade,
Jewelry Novelties
SOe Gold Filled Bar Pins..
S0o Gold Top Brooches..
SOe Beauty Pin Seta ....
SOs Child's Barrettes ...
60e Pearl Necklaces
60a Red Rock, Earrings..
SOo Sterlum Picture Frames
KOo Vanity Casea
SOe Cameo Brooches
SOo Cuff Links
60s Scarf Pins
S9o Gold Filled Tie Clasps
89o Gold Filled Pendants..
$1 Cameo Brooches
76s Novelty Earrings ....
SI Pearl Earringa ......
tl Pearl Necklaces
TSs and II Leatherette
76s and fl Novelty Neck
laces tl Gold Top Brooches ....
tl Gold Top Bar Pin
tl Men'a Cuff Links ....
tl Men'a Scarf Pin
tl Children's Mesh Bags...
For Graduation Gifts
$8.00 and $9.00
value Watches
We have secured a large lot
of Ladies' Fins Gold Filled
Bracelet Watches, with fine 7
jeweled Swiss movements, gold
, dials, 1-20 gold filled adjustable
bracelets, some with ribbon
Bracelets, cases are of 10-year
guaranteed gold filled stock,
. engraved and engine turned de
signs; each watch warranted a
reliable timekeeper.
This provides a really wonder
ful opportunity to get Gradua
tion Gifts; $8 and $9 values
at $6.00
at Very Lowest Cash Prices.
Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb..
Fancy Brick Cheese, lb
Large Queen Olives, qt.
Fancy Chow Chow, qt...
A Bevy of
Made to sell at $35.00
and ' $40.00, come in
great diversity of ele
gant new styles, in fine
Chiffon, Taffetas, Fou
lards, Crepe de Chines,
Georgettes, Satins, Jer
seys and erges; all
sizes; in delightful as
sortment of distinctive
styles. Our Anniversary
Sale Prjce .
and Dinner Dresses
: Many elegantly beaded and embroid
j ered frocks, also handsomely braided
i models included in this wonderful lot
of values, scarcely any two alike.
Anniversary Special in
Coats Saturday
At this price Saturday we
have the nobbiest qt of
Spring and Summer Coats
come in delhide cloth, vel
ours, poplins serges, novel
ties and silks, in every
known shade, each Coat
just a little different; sizds
16 to 46'; made to sell at a
great deal more. Choice of
hundreds Saturday, at
Good News for Men Who
Want Good Clothes
We Are Offering During Our 31st Anniversary Sale
Choice of Nearly 1,000
Hart Schaf finer &
Men's $30.00 Suits
All new Spring models, in newest patterns and shades.
Military back, single and double breast, with the new
slash pockets, in fact, all the newest styles in both
extreme and the conservative models in blues, grays,'
wiuwna, Kiceiis, mmiary snaaes,
etc., in worsteds, cassimeres, IL 1
tweeds and fine Scotch mixtures. iD
a 1 a
nuw ouerea at our Anniversary SssiXQ
saie .trice-
Every Suit fully guaranteed. All sizes, 3a to 52,
m regulars, stouts, longs, stubs, long stouts and medium
Make Your Selections Early
Anniversary Specials
Drugs and Toilet
Goods r
50c Armour' Luxor Rouge,
Powder or Cold Cream. Our
cash price 39e
50c White Rose Perfume. Our
cash price per ounce is. . . .25c
12c Palmolive Soap. Our cash
price, 6 cakes for 49c
25c Mentholatum. Our cash
price is 17c
25c Liquid Veneer. Our cash
price is ..17c
20c Aspirin Tablets. Our cash
price, per doz .12c
15c Peroxide. Our cash price.8
We Cm any prescriptions for leas.
Our cash prices are always lowest.
Rubber Goods
$2.50 Syringe,
Our cash price
1.75 Syringe, guaranteed
Our cash price
2 years.
13.00 Combination Syringe and Wa
ter Bottle, extra quality, guaranteed
t years. Our cash price $2-23
It PavslT'lfnPTO
Money-Saving Specials in Our
Anniversary Sale of Shoes
Men's Gun Metal
Button and Blucher
Shoes Goodyear
welts; ,a splendid
$4.50 value. Hay
den's Cash (JO QC
Price yLfuO
Women's Brown Vici Kid Lace Shoes With leather
French heels, with an aluminum heelplate; a good $4
seller. Hayden's ICash Price ..-$2.95
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Gun Metal Button and
Blucher Shoes Union Made. Hayd'en's Price. .$1.60
Misses' and Children's Gun Metal Shoes All sizes,
sy2 to 2. Hayden's Cash Price 2 OO
Dependable Men's Furnishings
Anniversary Specials in
Second Floor Front Room
$2.00 and $3.00 Corsets
Pink or white, medium and
low bust, long skirts. Cash
price, Saturday, each, S1.50
$ 1 .00 Brassieres Fastening
front or back, also back fas
tening Bandeaux, nicely trim
med. Saturday, at.
Children's Sweaters 2 to 8
years, in cardinal, gray, rose,
blue; with roll collars and
beltsj values to $3.98. Satur
dayat '...82.00
Ladies Sweaters In cardinal
and gray, 36 to 44 sizes; val
ues to C4.00.aturday, while
they last, at S3.98
Anniversary Specials
Men's Hats
Manufacturers' Samples of
Men's Soft and Stiff Pelt
Hats, all sizes, all . colors.
Made to sell to $3.50. Cash
Saturday . . . .$1.00
Other Rousing Hat Specials for
Saturday selling at $2 and $2.50
New Spring Stetsons
The "Carnival," the "Aide," the
"Ripper," the "Aviator," and
other snappy new models at $4.80
Men's Caps, manufacturers' sam
ples and odd Iota of $1.50 Caps.
Our Cash Price SOe
$80 Wardrobe Trunk
45-ln. DeLuxe Wardrobe Trunks,
S-ply veneer, basswood, covered
with vulcanized fiber, heavy brass
plated ateel trimmings, all latest
conveniences, a beauty and a
matchless value at $58
Men' 75c Athletic Union Suite
Pin check Nainsook cloth, all sizes to
46. Saturday, at 48t
Men's $1.00 Summer Union Suits
Fine quality cotton yarn, all sizes to
46, at ..68t
Men's SOe Balbriggan Underwear
Shirts and drawers, all sizes to 46.
each, at 334
Men's $1.00 Work Shirts Full size.
h-einforced front and back. each.
at 68t
Men's 35c Suspenders Extra long,
with leather ends, pair 15
Men's $1.25 Soft Cuff Shirts Fine
quality percale cloth, any size to 17,
at, each 954J
Men's 25c Pad Garters, pair..l5J
Men's 40c Leather Belts Choice, at
each 25t
Men's 20c Cotton Socks Black and
colors, a pair, at
Anniversary Specials '
We have reduced about 300
Boys' Suits for Saturday.
These Suits are good for all
year wear. Dandy Suits for
little fellows, and nobby,
sturdy Suits for the bgger
boys. Sizes 6 to 18 years.
Values to $8:50. Saturday,
at $4.95
Boys' Hats and Caps In the
new trench and swagger mod
els. Saturday, your choice,
at .65d and S1.00
The largest and most econom
ical line of Boys' Blouses in
town. Beautiful crepes, cham
brays, ginghams. Saturday,
at 75d and $1.00
AnniTrsary Specials
House Furnishings
Five-ply Garden Hose, warrant
ed, one-half-inch, complete with
couplings, per foot.; 9c
Five-ply Garden Hose, warrant
ed, three-quarter-in., complete
with couplings, per foot... 10c
Solid Brass Adjustable Spray
Hose Nozzle, Cash price... 65c
Hardwood Hose Reel, to hold
100-ft. hose, cash" price. .$1.15
A good 4-tine Spading Fork.
Cash price..... goc
Very best grade 5-tine Spading
Fork. Cash price $1.45
Wire Lawn Rakes. Cash price,
at 60c
Steel Garden Rakes, 14-tooth,
1-piece. Cash price. ...... ,85c
A very good riveted Hoe, txiSl sire
Cash price 65;
One-Piece Steel Hoe. Cash price 85c
Garden Trowel, Cash price .iqc
A very good pair of Grass Shears
Cash price 3S
Dandelion Diggers. Ion "h.t.
Dandelion Diggers,
iasn price
A good Hand Cultivator "V..C
' 75c
' I Iff if
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11 sa--a