From Noxlo On BRINGING ROURKES TO PLAY FORT CROOK NINE IN SPRING GAME Omaha Professionals to. Meet ' Forty-first Infantry Team at Rourke Park Saturday t Afternoon. - A. ' Bill Jackson'i family of Rourke hopefuls will make their tecond ex hibition appearance-of the season at Rourke park Saturday afternoon. A came with the 41st Infantry, team from Fort Crook. will be played, starting at 3:15. . The Fort Crook lads are reported to boast a whirlwind diamond organ ization. The team last year captured the chanioionshiDof Minneapolis and St. Paul and winter enlistments have brought several more crsck players into the ranks of the 41st ir.fantry. So the soldier boys say their team is better this year than last. A few da; s ago the soldiers played an Omaha amateur teanr Li the sixth tnning the lads in khaki started hit- -iJ!-MV "T-SSfi. WffTi r, V JiT JW5S"S V: ting and the procession began. How the amateurs finally got the side out is still a mystery Also the soldiers made so many runs the storekeepers lost count, early , in the game. So it looks like, the soldiers speak know ingly wUen they say their ball club , is fully capable of giving the Rourke's t battle. Bad WeatherHurts. The Rourkes are not in the best . condition. Inclement weather of the last week has made Manager Jack son's task i difficult one; It has been so cold the athletes could do little more than run around the park and f"tKi handsprings; no ball playing :ould It attempted. As a result the team still needs gaining and lacks lc'atn work. " . Sunday, the big event of the spring season will be staged. The Rourkes wiJJ play the Camit Podge 'canton- ment in a benefit game. All of the funds will go into the Camp Dodge athletic fund. In addition to the ball game between the Rourkes and the Dodgers,, Earl Caddock, champion wrestler, and Mike and Tommy (Jib bom, crack middleweight boxer, will, give exhibitions. . . . j WILLARD BOUT . ' . MAY BE BARRED ;. IN MINNESOTA ' St Paul, Minn., April 19,-Final 'negotiations to bring Jess Willard and Fred Fulton to Sr. Paul to decide the heavywegh championship on July 4, were sharply, halted this afternoon. .; An' official intimation from the ' ' Itate'safety commission that the bout 1 dpinion opposed It was the reason. Colonel J. C Miller, it is under stood, may not make any- further move until. after a ''meeting of the ' saf ty commission next Tuesday, to consider the matter of permitting the fight "-' , Rockford, III., April I9.-Vith the consent and endorsement of General Charles H. Martin, commander at Camp Grant, plans were laid tonight ' to trv to staire the ffcht between 1 , iiicni on juiy t, in case iiic proposal to hold the bout attSt. Paul and Minneapolis failed. When the, proposal was put to General Martin he said: "The na - tional army has fostered boxing and we cannot put too much emphasis on the, need to foster fighting spirit in this training camp." . , Those behind the plan propose V - erect an open ait: arena to seat 30, 000 spectators 'with standing room for 11 the soldiers' in the ramp. 0 Twin ities Near Mark in Raising Fundvfor Big Bout v St Paul Minn., April 19. Pro ' moters of the .proposed champiorl- . ship boxing contest between Jess V Willard and Fred Fulton marked time today. Colonel J. C MillerMnspected ? several prospective sites for the bat- Frarfoc A. Jurgeo'n, a St. Paul'hotel Wan, announced that subscriptions ' were Close to the $10,000 demanded by Colonel Miller. . Colonel. Miller and Ray Archer, . Willard's personal representative, said . theyhoped an agreement would be , -reachea before tonight One of the minor details to be decided upon, is tha training camp for Willard. It was proposed that Fulton train in Minneapolis and Willard Jn St. Paul. University Football Leader, Roscoe 8: Rhodes, Drafted ; " Lincoln', Neb, April 19. Roscoe B. Rhodes, captain-elect of the 1918 foot Ball team of the University of Ne braska, has received notice to go with the quota of . drafted xuefl to Camp Funston. Kan., JromCuster county, "Nebraska., the, latter. Dart of. this "jviilk IJis home is at Ansleyi Neb. j "Bringing Up I raVaJ"" 1U T? wttt XOO lnV5 OOD IDEA I .- LOOK -LOOK! fi fat- 'J " . U. ; . UAf J W THAT, PIPE bENDlT TO Vont uouMOfu.c I DxDtr ' ,L-TU IwRNTTODO- 1 k A b1 I n . .. I I LlM . i i 1" .ii. 1 t u. rui II iTIt a. I I IV 1 I' . V 1 noKEiN t-hp 1 it& i in.7." --"un s wKa LtT nf try r v"- . Standing of the Teams A11ER. LEAGUE. NAT. LEAGUE. W. L. Prt.l i W. I Pct.l Bnatoa ,.,.S 0 l.OOOlNew Tork , (Mnveland .1 0 1.000! Cincinnati Chicago .l 1 .r,00 riimton .... St. Iouli ..1 1 .500Chlrai!O ... Washington 2 ,600 St. I.ouia . Nvr Torl .1 1 .400;lhllB lptrolt ....0 1 .000IMtt(iburgh I'hlla. 0 4 .000;nrooklyn . .3 0 1.000 .6S7 .687 .600 .too .3:13 33? .. .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .0 r ' Ytrly' RmulU.V AMERICAN LEAGUE. Ilotton. J-; Nr Tork, 1-6. Washington, 1; Philadelphia,-. 0 Ht I.oul-Clfv land, rain. Detroit-Chicago, rain. ;' NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boaton 9; Philadelphia 4,. Naw Tork, 7; Ilrooklyn, i. Chlcago-Bb Loula, rain, ' Plttaburgh-CliK lnnatl, rain, CiamM Today. National Lfagu Boaton at New Tork, Brooklyn at PhlladMphla, Plttaburgh at Bt. Loula, Chicago at Cincinnati. American League St. Loula at Cleveland Detroit at Chicago, Philadelphia at Wash ington, New Tork at Boaton. PHILLIES WIN HITTING DUEL IN JE TENTH In Game Costly to Visitors a Three-Bagger and Two Ho mers Provide Hot-Stuff 6 Features.. Philadelphia, April 19. Meuscl, a Philadelphia recruit hjt Hughes' first pitch to him for a drive into the left field bleachers in the tenth inning to day and beat Boston 4 to. 3. Ordin arily the drive would have counted a home run, but Whittcd scored . the winning run from first base, which he had gained on Rawlings fumble, fin the seventh Pitcher Hughes drove a homer into the bleachers, but in the same inning, Captain Luderus. for the locals, lined the ball over the right held fence, scoring - two runners ahead of him and tying the score: Score: BOSTON 1 II IT tt A in PHILATlKI.PHTA Maaney.lf 4 1 o onwft.. AB.U.P.A.E. 4 114 1 Herann.aa 5 Powelcf 1 OMcO'f'nSb 4 ttock,3b 3 OCr'vath.rf 4 OL'd' 4 OWhi't'd.K 4 4 OBurns.o S P'nd'gst,p J 0 OTotals Zi 1 0 Kon' 5 0 4 2 1 1 14 0 1 1 S. 0 2 0 1 Hnilth.Jb S W'hl'nd.rf I RTnga,Jb 4 Henry, o 4 Kelly, Wllaon.o 0 Hughe,p 4 7 30 20 3 Totals ST Ta 28 12 1 tan for Henry In th. i On out when winning run scored. B""lon t 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 S Philadelphia ..00000030 14 Two.,bas. hltsf Masaey. Powell, Cravath, Three base hits: Meuaol. nonl9 run Hughes. Luderus. Stolen base: Konetchy. Double play,: r0well to SmIJh; Hersoa; to Rawllufs; Konetchy. Left on baaes: Boston, ?i Philadelphia. S. First base on rrors: Boston. 1; Philadelphia. Bases on ball.: Off Hughes, 1; Off Pendergaaf, 3. Struck out: By Hughes. 3; By PemleN v "a Puc,": Pendergast. rassJ ou wan. xturns. . Cjlahti Mk It Straight. New ' Tork, --Aprlt ID. The New Tork plants made It three straight from Broak, lyn hers today, winning ths last gam ot th series, 7 to t. Ths Olants r'led up a four Yun lead on Grimes lit tha flret inning on four hits and thres bases on balls. Runs: ' Brooklyn waged an uphill fight In tha eighth Inning ST .,2rov. ' l"o retirement. Schmidts all sround play featured. Bcora: , BROOiitTN. f NEW TORK. iD.n.u.A.H. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 11 ! aToung.rf 4 110 0 0 111 S 1 1 n i. M'chell.rf Jhnson.lf Hkman,cf SmaUt.Jb Krueger.o Urlmea.p i1iller,' Grlner.p ss Wheat, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OHurnn.lf 11110 0Thorpe,lf 1 1 o 0:0 07.rman,:ib S 1 I 4 o Doyle,2b 3 1 S 3 1 1 1 7 4 1110 0 OMcCrty.a 3 110 0 UDmare.p 3 0 0 1 1 OSallee.p 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Totals 33 14 17 14 l Totals 17112413 1 Batted for Grimes In 6th, s: Batted for Orlner In Otu. Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 I New Tork- , 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 x 7 Two-We blut Holke, Doylea. Schmandt. Three-base hits: Daubert, . Stolen bases: Fletcher, Doyler Burns, t. Sacrlfica hit. Doyle. Sacrifice flies: Burns, Mitchell. Double plays: Krueger, Schmandt: Fletcher,- Doyls, Holke. Left on bases: Off Grimes, 4; Denis ree, 1. lilts: Off Orlmes, T In 4 Innings; Orlner, 7 In 4 innings; De maree, 1 In 7 1.1 Innings; Bailee, 1 in 1 l.s Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Orlner, 1. (Fletcher srd McCarty); by Demare. (Hickman. Balke: Orlmes.) Struck out: By Grimes, 4; Orlnsr, 1; Snllee, 1. Wild pitch: Grlner. Winning pitcher: Demaree. lioslng pitcher: vQrlmcs. towa Wins First Game : Of Western Conference Blobmington, Inrj., April 49-Iowa defeated Indiana 7 to-2 in 'the open ing game of the Western conference season here today. Score: , f. ' ' R. II. E. Iowa .....0 1 1 0 1 t 0 07 10 1 Indiana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 4 J , Batteries: Hamilton and Frank; Gilbert and Rausvhenbach. Today's Sport Calendar 'Athletics Annual relay rarnlval at Drale university, at lr Moines. Senior metro politan r row -country champlonsblp, at New York. . hwlmmlng Pennsylvania Swimming as sortation chaniplonhlp atj Minneapolis. Kowlng PraswylTanla vs. Navy, at An napolia, . Prlnrton Freshmen vs. Central nigs of Philadelphia, at Princeton. ftHwing . Annnl tnnminent of Illinois J Bowling association opens In Cliicojo, I . v -.'. " , Father" Appears Also in the Colored Comic Section of the DOUBLE-HEADER FATAL TD YANKS ;l BEAN TOWN - Costly Errors in Morning and Weak Support in Afternoon Game Give Victories to Red Sox. Boston, April 19. Eosfontook both morning and afternoon holiday games today from New York. Bush pitched his first game for Boston this morn ing, holding New York to four hits, and won, 2 to 1. Krrofs figured in all three runs. Strtink starred in center. Roth was hit hard in the second game, but poor support given thcew York pitcher, Herbert Thormahlcn, enabled Boston to win, 9 to 5A feature was the one-hand catch by Gilhooley of Kitfh's long drive up against the right field bleacher fence, after which catch Scott scored all the way from second base. Pratt made three errors in the fifth inning, when Boston made five runs, but he had a bfg afternoon at the bat, getting two doubles and two singles. Score morning game: NEW YORK. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AU.H.O.A.E. (Mlholy.rf 4 1 0 2 0 2 6 1 OITooprr.rf ()Nliati,2h 1 Mlller.ol 8 Pratt. 2b 4 I' 4 Hnknr.Sb 2 Modle.lf S 3 1 OMclnla.Sb 0 0 (iVVhtmn.lf .1 2 ISlDlt.BU S 1 flA(?n!W,c 0 0 OHli.ilt.p PiM-kph.aa 4 Ituel.o 2 Huxfiell.p 3 Totals.. 2 4 24 10 2 Totals.. 2 S 27 10 0 New York '.,..00001000 0--1 Boston 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 a 2 Two-bnse lilt: Miller. Stolen bases: 011 hooley, Shoan. Sacrifice hit: Shetfn. Sacri fice fly: Strunk. Double plays: Pra,lt to l'ecklnpaugh, Bush to HoblltxfH. Left on buses:New York, If; Boston, 9. First base m errors: Boston, 1. Bases' on balls: Off Kussell, 4; off Bush, 6. Struck out: By Rus sell. 3; by Hush, 4. Passed ball; Agnew. Score, afternoon gamcw , NEW YOHK. .'. BOSTON'. AU.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Illlholy.lf 3 13 0 OHooper.rf 3 2 0 0 0 Vlck, rf i 2 0, 0 0Shean,2b 4 12 3,0 4 0 2 0 OStrunk.of 3 2 4 0 0 6 4 2 5 .IHnhlitl.lh 4 0 10 1 0 r. 0 12 1 IMrlnlH.III) 4 0 2 0 0 4 12 1 lWhtmn.lf 4 12 0 0 3 3 0 0 OSrottis 4 0 2 4 0 4 12 2 OAcnew.C t 1 4 3 0 3 2 14 ORuth.p 1114 0 00000 8 0 0 6 0''Totals..33 27 15 0 1 0 0 0 0 I'rutt.tb I' lbik,er."b I'.odle.lf Hannah. c t'ldwrll.p Thrmln.p sWard Hlonroe.p aUcck 0 0 11 0, 0 0 0 Totals.. 37 13 24 20 8 sBaJled for Thormahlen In soventh. .zHattcd for Monroe In ninth. New Yorll j. 9 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 15 Uoston 1 0 0 0 6 1 2 0 s 9 Two-lmse hits: Pratt (2), Whiteman, Baiter, Altnew. SMcn bases: Bodle, Scott, Hooper,Hiblltzell, Whlteman. Sacrifice hits: Shcan, Akiicw. Siicrlflce fly: Ruth. Double plays: Monroe to PecklnpauKh to Plpp, Ruth lo Scott fo Holilltsoll. Left ou bases: New York, 8; Boston, 6. First base on errors: Boston, 5. Bases on balls: tiff Caldwell, 1: off Monroe, 3; off Ruth, 3. Hits: Oft Caldwell, 1 In two-thirds Inning; off Thor- mihlcn, (! In five and one-third lnnlnss; off Monroe, 1 In two Inninits. Struck out: By Monroe, 1: by Ruth. 4. Wild pitch: Monroe. Passed ball: Hannah. Losing pitcher: Thor mahlen. . Defeat for Macks. I Washington, April 19. Washington de feated Philadelphia, 1 to 0, In a pitching duel between Ayers and Gregg. Gregg's only base on balls, Shotton's single and an errr by Shannon filled the bases In tha ninth and Shanks' hit decided the game. Score: PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O.A.E. Kopp.lf 1110 OShotton.rf 4 13 0 1 Jateson.rf 3 IS 0 0 Foster, S b 4 9,3 uuner.Sb 4 10 1 0Mllan,cf Burns,lb 4 1 11 1 IShanka.lf 4 0 10 Shnon.Sb 4 111 lMgan,2b Sill 0Lavan,ss 4 0 10 4 13 1 3 0 11 McAvoy.o (Oil 0Alnsmth.e 3 Gregg.p 10 0 4 0 Ayers, p 3 0 3 3 0 0 4 Totals. 29 Si26 15 1 Totals. 30 3 27 14 1 sTwo out when winning run scored. Philadelphia ..00000000 0 0 Washington ...0 0000000 1 1 Two-base hit: Burns. Stolen bases: Milan, Jamleson. Sacrifice ; hits: Dugan. Gregg. Double plays: Foster to Judge, Gardner to Shannon to Burns. Shanks to Lavan to Alnsmlth. Left on bases: Phila delphia, 7; Washington, 4. First on errors: Philadelphia, 1; Washington 1. Bases on balls: Off Ayers, 3; off Gregg, 1. Struck out: By Gregg, 1; by Ayers, 1. Track Aihletes Assemble For Drake Relay Carnival Des Moines, la., April 19.-Track athletes from 18 tvniversities and col leges oX-the middle west gathered here tonight in preperation -for the annual Drake, relay carnival . to morrow afternoon in which ' number of high-schools also will compete. Much of Jhe interest tonight cen tered in the 100-yard dash, the special event "of the meet,. in which eight sterling sprinters from seven institu tions are entered, including Drew of Drake, Johnson of Michigan, Scholtz of Missouri and-Rutler of Dubuque. There will be 12 other events, fcnir for universities, three for colleges and five for high schools. College Bae Ball Result. Springfield, Mass., April 19. Morning game, score: ' r Dartmouth 4 Springfield. T. M. C. A Afternoon game, score: R Darthmouth -, 5 Springfield Y, At. C. A 1 Lewlston," Maine, April 19. Bowdota !; Bates Southern Assorlntlnav At Cliatanooga.; Atlanta. 4. ' . At Nabsvilte. 3: Birmincham, 4. ' At New Orleans. 3; Mobile. 3. 1 At i'.mnphU. ' 1; l.lttle Kock, J. (called lllh Inning Uiiikn83.) , , Kieckhefer Retains Billiard Title by Defeating Maupome Chicago, April 19. Angie Kieck hefer, of Chicago-, tonight retained his title of world's champion three cushion billiard ' player by winning the third block of SO points from Pierre MaUjjome, Cleveland, in 70 innings. Maupomc's score was 48 for 69 innings. Kieckhefer's grand average for the match of ISO points was 753 and Maupome's was J.$2. The high run of the match wa36, made by Mau pome. Kie.-khefer's high run was 5, and he had the high run of 4 to night. The total for -the match hs: Kieckhefer, 150; Maupome, 145. Central' High Athletes Entered in Track Meet Coach Mulligan of Omaha Central High school announces the follow ing athletes will take part in the dual track meet with Lincoln High school at Lincoln Saturday: 100 Yard Daah Noble, Mayne. 2L'0 Yard Dash-Noble, Mayn 44(1 Yard Hash MuConney, T. T.nstfn. SS0 Yard Dash l'aynter, Swoboda. 1 Mile Nelaon, Johnaon. 120 Hurdlea Carson, Maxwell. 220 Hurdles Catwon, Maxwell, HiKh Jump Noblo, T. Logan. Huia.l Jump Carson, T.'( Logan. Shot Put Noble, Carson. Dhicus A. Loga... Maxwell. Gates and Pierce to Meet In Golf Tournament Finals Finehnrsr, N. C, April 19. Frank lin H. Gates of Pinhurst and Leslie Deane Tierce of Rochester, Vt., will meet here tomorrow in the. finals of the mid-April golf tournament. Gates wonUi the semi-finals today, 6 and 4, from 'Walter M. Crooks of Brooklyn. Pierce defeated Henry C. Fownes of Pittsburgh, 3 and 2. Crowd in Oklahoma Hangs Disloyalty Suspect Collinsville, Okla., Aprit 19. Hen ry Rheimer, suspected of disloyalty, was hanged by a crowd'. of 50 men here tonight, but after he had swung until lie had become semi-conscious the police persuaded the would-be executioners to cut Mim down on the promise that he will be given a trial by the County Council of Defense to morrow morning. Rochester Ferryboats Icebound in Lake Ontario Rochester, N. Y., April 19. The Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh car ferry Ontario No. 1, bound for the port of Rochester late today was caught fast in the floe of ice which has imprisoned its sister ship, the Ontario No. 2, since yesterday. The ships have only two days provisions on board and are in danger of being crushed by the ice. Cneyenne to Hold Annual Frontier Day Show as Usu'aI Cheyenne will stage its annial Frontier day show this year with he approval of the government. Duties have been fixed for July 24 to 27. The show will be a combined wild west and military spectacle. Y " )OSEyiIBlSCOT(MPAKy IIP n .y ' . - - rr. sisaiieaaiaHtiBisaiia a mna m I . mm mmm-M-mmm-mmm mm a k-MMmH,mm'M.'di-mti Best Treatment for Catarrh Se S. S. Removes the Cause By Purifying the Blood Onco you get your blood free from impurities cleansed of the ca tarrhal poisons, which it is now a prey to because 01 us unhealthy state then you will be relieved of Catawh the dripping in the throat, hawking and spitting, raw sores in the nostrils, and the disagreeable bad breath. It was caused, in the first place, because your impover ished blood was easily- infected. Possibly a slight cold or contact with someone who had a cold. But the point is don't suffer with Ca tarrh it is not necessary. The rem edy S. S. S., discovered over fifty years aso. tested, true and tried, is AT THE Promises of th Press Agents. Hiiyd Two performances today will close Iho engagement of "The Wanderer" at the Boyd. This splendldy drama, based on tha parable of "The Prodigal Son." Is presented In moat Impressive form by a company of star actors, headed by James ONseill and .ance O Nelll, who are supported Dyome of the best of America's younger sfage tal ent and a company of more than 100 people. The drama was prepared for the stage by Iiavld Belasoo, who has achieved another triumph In realism. The matinee this aft. crnoon will be at the usual hour. Orpheuiri "Submarine P T," allowing In detail a United States fighting submarine and narrating a tense story of a terrifying experience of under thfi ea. Harry Oiifoll, Man Stanley and the other current features at the Orpheum will be seen for the last two times, matinee and night, today. The curtain will rise early tontght, 8:10 Vclock sharp. The stellar attraction for next week will be John Hyams an- Leila Mclntyre, who have returned to their original field vaudeville, In a model playlet entitled, "Mayhloom." Stuart Barnes will also be on yie roster of acts and another ffccial fea ture will be Harry Beresford awd, company In "Jlind Your Own Business.'' Boyd "The Passing Show olf 1917," the. New York Winter Garden's clafcorato annual' revsc, will he .presented by Messrs. Lee and J. J. Shubert at the Boyd tomorrow for four nights and Wednesday iwatinee, coming here directly following a record run of seven months on Broadway. It employs, of course, the celebrated "Illuminated runway," along which parada the half hundred youth ful feminine choristers In neemingly endless array of novel and daring costume of rain bow hue. One of Its surprises Is a stage Y:tle-Harvard foot ball ifame, with 70,000 cheering spectators looklsig on. Another is a monster replica of the. Statue of LlbertjsJ ... vn..t m-iuiica Bu1.11 c,-ntir ceiwunues as KeWolf Hopper, Charles (Chic) Sale. Johnny Dooley. Al B White. Mildred Klatne, George Schiller, Rosie julnn. Miller and Mack, Helen Carrington, IJarl Hlgley, William Singer. Claude Allen. Kmily Miles, Betty Touruine. Bess Hobau, Mae McDermott and many others. . Gayety An entertainer well known In Omaha heads the attraction opening at the Gayeiy this nfte.moon. for who hasn't heard of Kdmond Hayes? He and his mient part ner, "Bozo," with, their act, "The Piano Movers," come frm vaudeville to musical burlesque for th very self-same object that we are all driving for a greater sal ary. Aside froi this admittedly headline act, Barney Gertrd offers In "Some show." no end of attrrotlve features. A thorough ly competent cist of principals will Inter, pret the many froles of the play. Tha chorus is said to b 'particularly attractive. Sun day's matinee .Sstarta at 3. ' . Brnndels Adolpho," who Is appearing at the Brandos Hippodrome, has a winning personality nd manages to inject Into an audience trm feeling that he Is before them for the puTjjose of pleasing and entertaining them. In consequence he is much in de mand. BeygVies playing the accordion, he has a splendhi voice and puts over his numbers most cnmtably. As a whistler he Is par excellcne. Empifeas Kartell!, an eflulllbrlstlc wonder, s appearing at the Empress theater for the last tmes today. The way he swings on this Aiiread of steel Is positively alarming. Tomorrow the bill will be headed by a mu sical comedy, "Quaiertown to Broadway," B. IV Berg's new creation, with Its beauti ful eenery, its weaath of pretty girls, mag nificent costumes and musical tiumbers. Ir the Silent Drama. Sun For the last times today Margarita Tlscher will hold forth at this theater in rer latest cheerful offerlna-. "Tho Prlmiilv. Woman." It is a delightful stnrv e 1 .l'U lUMUiritTH UIHI IR If! n In a mannA .h... y proves hlgWy entertaining. Other good pic tures wm do snown, whfl-h includes another of those clever Billle Rhodes (jomediei. Auditorium Only toaay and Sunday re main in which to see "The Kaiser the Beast of Berlin" at the Municipal Audi torium. There is a story Interwoven of a Belgium family and ' holds tha Interest. Then there Is the Incident of the kaiser being knocked down by a young German officer, and so many other exciting mo ments that it must be seen to be appre ciated. A popular children's matinee is an nounced for today. Today's performances obtainable at any drug store. It has proven its value in thousands of cases. It will do "so injour case. Get S. S. S. at once and begin treat ment. If yours is a long standing case, be sure to write for free ex pert medical advice. We will tell you how this purely vegetable blood tonic cleanses the impurities from the blood by literally washing it clean. We will prove to you that thousands of sufferers from Catarrh, after consistent treatment with S. S. S. have been freed from the trouble and all its disagreeable features and restored to perfect health and vigor. Don't delay the treatment Address Medical Director, 439 Swift Labora tory. Atlanta. C.a. . .. ' , THEATERS j are at 2:15. 7:30 and 9 o'clock. Sunday showings will be continuous, starling at 2 o'clock and lasting until 11. Muse "The Bride of Fear," featuring Jewel Carman, will be seen at the Muse to day for the" last times, also the third episode of the "Eagle's Eye," a serial com plete in each episode It deals with- the German epy system In this country: all their plots explained. IJlpp "Empty Pockets" will be the photo play attraction at this theater for final showings today. It Is a screen adaption of the popular story by Rupert Hughes and was produced by Rupert Hughes. Bert Lytel, Barbara Castlcton and a notable cast present the story in a splendid manner. A comedy will also be on the bill. Strand Many of ths scenes In "Headln' South," Douglas Fairbanks' latest Artcraft picture, which is now being shown at this theater for final presentations today, were taken on the Mexican border during a time when trouble was brewing, and close watch was kept on the hundred Mexicans who were engaged to take part in the photo play, "lleadin' South'" is full ot Mexican and western types, who supply the locai color to tho vivid episodes. Empress A final opportunity wily be af forded today for seeing Emmy Whelen, the Metro star In "The Shell Game," at the Empress. Tomorrow, Jane and Katherlne Leo, the William Fox "Baby Grands," "are to be featured in a romantic drama entitled "American Buds," which depicts Jane In the role of upsetting the plans of a German spy. Hamilton Mae Marsh will be featured at this theater today in a Goldwyn produc tion, "The Cinderella Man.'' It is a screen version of the successful stage play of the same name, and is said to lose none of Its best points In film form,. A good comedy will also be on the bill. Suburban Constance Talmadge will" be featured at thi.vtheater today In tho Select picture, "Scandal." Atspendld supporting cast has been engaged and an evening enter tainment is assured. Other good pictures will also be shown on ths bill. ; Lothrop Dustln Farnnm will be shown at this theater for the final times today In the William Fox special De Luxe produc tion, "The Spy." The story deals with German Intrigue and their spy systems In America, Suitor Kills Rival. St. Louis, April 19. Clarence Rogers, 19 years old, was shot and killed in th? hcme of Mrs. Mamie Satchet, a widow? this afternoon by John Wellard, 24 years old.. Both were courting Mrs. Satchet and she had rejected Wellafd a few days ago. AMUSEMENTS. Last Times Today GREAT SANTELL A CO. International Athletes America's Physical Marvel. I KARTELL. On tha Wire, BLACK and O'DONNELL. The Violinists and the Boob SADIE SHERMAN Character Singipf Comedienne. Emmy Whelen in "THE SHELL GAME. Romance of Love and Confidence "SUBMARINE F7;" Stan Stanley; Harry Gilfoil and Current BUI. MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 Early Curtain Tonight at 8: 10 NEXT WEEK JOHN HYAMS and LEILA McNTYRE. j Today 2:30, To night Last Time Tht Blgaeit Dramatic Spectacle On Earth Til r STAGED BY n & DAVID BElAjCO : .WANDERER 200 Is Comsany 90 la Ballet 120 Real Shea Nlotiti, fOc te $2: Saturday Matlnu, SOe to $1.50 Get Seats , Now , Passing Show of 1917 CAST OF 125 TWENTY SCENES Four Nights, Starting Sunday, April 21 . $1.50 to 50c. OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Dally Mat.. 15.25,50c Ev'agt, 25-50-75e-(l . BARNEY GERARD. PriMfttt Uuat l " Mrtaar "BOZO" tomona nayes l( THE PAN0 movers Is eoniesetlos with COM IT CHOW Mualcal what all aay Is 3WIlt 3HUn Biirl.iia Gerard's trtatett. most strftct tftvt. Beauty Charm , si "CheeruS" Girls. LADIES DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. , Matlses Toaay. 2:15 I5e ELLIS NOWLAN TROUPE BERNARD 4 MEYERS , WILTON SISTERS- StaaSarf Acta. ' . Slrtner Draw Cemtsy ' rrleea: Nlshta. Ijc. 25 and . - PartormaiKas 2:15, 7:45. 9:15. PI "-" Jg-Mr.-riRUW IntTTiisWX'Llili-jiaVVWVilllMaTn I bundav'tSee I - f Y ar la Madison Defeats Albion In State Debating Contest; Madison, Neb., April 19. (Special ,'. Telegram.) Albion and Madison high school teams debated here' to-, night in the -tfte contest on the reso lution that "military training should be established in the high schools of' -the United States." Madison was declared winner, the judge being r Samuel Carpenter of Omaha. c This contest was in the nature of the semi final, for the northern part of the state. Speculation in New Liberty f Loan Bonds Is Prohibited New York, vApril 19. To ptevent preliminary speculation in the , new Liberty loan, the stock exchange jitoni-" mittee on listings today issued ah e-r- der prohibiting dealings on those v,;. bonds until authorization had been-,, granted by the committee. The pre-'s vious Liberty bonds were traded on the "when issued" basis in advance ;" of the actual issuance. PHOTOPLAYS. Muse Extra! First Showing Third Liberty Loan Parade Omana Jewel Carmen In-j The Bride of Fear1. "THE EAGLE'S EYE" Plot to Destroy Fleet Douglas rH a 4 raimanks -HADING 'SOBTHiP. Today and Tomorrow Is Your Last Chanca to Sea t - "The'ICaiser" THE BEAST OF BERLIN It Is the Talk of Omaha ADDED ATTRACTION Omaha Liberty Loan Parade See Yourself In Motion Pictures Today and Tomorrow SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MAT. Admission, 10c. 2:15 p. m., Saturday Only Last Time Today The Season's Sensation "EMPTY POCKETS" By Rupert Hughes I HTHPflP 24thd Today Last Times DUSTIN FARNUM in "THE SPY." SUBURBAN "'ihAtT'i Today CONSTANCE TALMADGE , in "SCANDAL" - HAMILTON Xtei Today MAE MARSH in "THE CINDERELLA MAN" If ' 2, i sntj n ron Nttwsp&Drn ""Mk.- AND CATALOGUE ADVERTISING . f'-f!?g ivithPichirpj DEE ENGRAVING . DEPARTMENT . OMAHA l fcfciW A Jbu-T'!,ffl tan. '" j 0.: -V - ' ; . A v - . ' " 1 -4, ' v'- -s--