Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1918. NEW RULING FOR MAXIMUM PROFIT BY WHOLESALERS united States Food Adminis tration Issues Edict Settina Forth High Margins Al lowed on Foodstuffs. Maximum profits which may be charged by wholesalers in the dis tribution of foodstuffs are stipulated in an important ruling which was re ceived Tuesday by Gurdon V. Wat tles, federal food administrator, from th HUtrihntinn Hivisirm nf thf United States food administration. The ruling states that the suggested margins are guides, but wholesalers in all cases remain subject to the rul ing that the margin must not yield a I ' J 1 modity than that which was taken in normal times, under freely competi tive conditions on a market free from luctuation. 4. lie JliaAllUUUi uiaigiuj ai , pvi mil ted over delivered costs. Any gross nargins upon sales to retailers in ex cess of these margins will be regarded as prima facie evidence of a violation of the rules. High margins, even if customary in normal times, are not permitted now. Unreasonable mar gins are not excused by lower mar gins on other sales in the same com modity or in other commodities. The Margins Allowed. The margins permitted are ex pressed in per cents in most instances and are: 1 Eight to 10 per cent All flours, ex cept 'vhcat and rye: lard and lard substitutes, in packages (less than 50 pounds); condensed and evaporated milk; corn oil, corn syrup, and cotton seed oil. Ten to 12. per cent Rice, hominy, grits, oatmeal, rolled oats, eornmeal, beans, in bulk, packages 25 pounds or is 9vrr- Twelve to 13 per cent Rice, corn meal, hominy, grits, oatmeal, self ris ine flour, and rolled oats, all in pack ages; corn oil, corn syrup, and cotton- seed oil; standard and extra standard! licensed canned vegetable and pink, j chum and red salmon and standard sardines; standard, choice and extra ; choice licensed dried fruits. I On sugar the wholesaler can take from 15 to 25 cets per 1UU pounds and on wheat and rye flour, 50 to 75 cents per barrel. Profits on standard hams and bacon are limited to 1 to 2 cents per pound, and on lard and lard substitutes in bulk, packages of 50 pounds or over, to 2 cents per pound. , The ruling does not apply to milk, butter, cheese, poultry, eggs, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh or frozen fish, which are highly perish ' able commodities and covered in other rulings. Swobe Suit Against Motor Company Starts Wednesday Trial of a suit by Edwin T. Swobe fe for $90,224.93 damages against Drum mond Motor company, Frank W. Ba- fnn rtanlAl Ranm ir KirViarH O. v 1 1 , " 11 uu., j - , Baum and the Douglas Motors cor poration, will be started Wednesday morning in Judge Wakeley's court. Swobe alleges he was employed by the Drummond Motor company to 'ell its increase issue of common and preferred stock; that subsequently the Drummond Motor company trans ferred its assets to the Douglas Mo tors corporation; and that at the time of the transfer there remained 3,585 shares of the stock of the Drummond Motor company unsold. He alleges he could have sold these shares, but the ' defendants breached their con tract by the transfer of the stock and - he lost the commission of $25 a share he would have received for the sale of the remaining shares. The jury was empaneled Tuesday. Too Many Thumbs on Same 1 Hand; Rejected by Army Possession of two thumbs on his right hand resulted in the rejection of Charles McKensie of Billings, Mont., at the army recruiting station Tuesday morning. "My trigger finger is O. K., and I can shoot well," pleaded McKensie, who said he had been trying to enlist for the last year. Army men told him that if he has one of the thumbs amputated he prob ably will be accepted. Both thumbs are fully developed and amputation might prove serious. McKensie is 18 years old. Mrs. Lydia Shane, Resident Of Omaha for 52 Years, Dies Mrs. Lydia Shane, 76 years old, a resident of Omaha for 52 years and the oldest living member of the First Baptist church, died Tesdy morn ing at her home, 119 South Thirty fifth, avenue, of apoplexy; She had been ill for more than a year. Mrs. Shane was the widow of the late John Shane, pioneer contractor of Omaha. She is survived by one son, Wallace O. Shane, teller at the Omaha National bank, and one daugh ter, Miss Estelle Shane. MILLIONS TAKE ONLY CASCARETS Best, safest laxative for liver and bowels, and people know it. 'They're fine! Don't stay bil ious, iick, headachy or constipated. Si Brie) City News Towl, engineer, for commissioner. Hit Boot Print It Nw Beacon Prsa Lighting Fixtures, Burgeas-Gradan. Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re lieved to 506 Security Bid. D. SS37. Might As Well Save 5o Buy your Butter-Nut Coffee In one handy 3 pound can, $1.00 each. Five Per Cent Saved In the econom ical 3-Tb. can of uBtter-Nut Coffee. $1 each. Adv. Nichols Resigns W. G. Nichols of the police department has resigned. He will enter navy yard service. Wants Gas Bike Cops Chief of Police Dempsey has work for two "good" motorcycle men in the police department. Remington Transferred George Remington, clerk in the city passen ger and ticket offices of the North western, has been transferred to the freight depot. Seeks New Trial Samuel Stone, convicted by a jury in Judge Redlck's court last of the murder of Detective Frank Rooney, has filed motion for a new trial. Gus Relbel Wanted Police are try ing to locate Gus Keibel of San Fran cisco, who is asked to call at the local police station for his registration card, which was found recently. Prudent saving in war times is a hostage for opportunities of peace. Play safe by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Asa'n, 211 & 18th St $1 to $5,000 received. Reopen Cavalry Enlistments En listments in the cavalry have been reopened at the army recruiting sta tion. Men from 18 to 21 and from 31 to 41 years of age are eligible. Tlere on Furlough Freemond Bartling, who is in the army service, stationed at Camp Funston, is in Omaha on a 10-day furlough. He is visiting at the Earl Young home. r. P. Men Enlist Paul McCrone, assistant ticket stock clerk, and John McCarthy, passenger rate clerk, both Union Pacific men, have filed applica tions with the navy and the marines. Free Garden Seeds Associated Charities will dis-tribute free a limited number of packages of garden seeds to persons who will -all for them at 51 9 Farnam building. Thirteenth and Far nam streets. William . Hoehsteln Dead Word has been received here of the death in Milwaukee of William Hochstein, who for many years made this terri tory selling leaf tobacco for the firm of which he was a member. Enlists In Navy Paying Teller Shields of the United States National bank enlisted for service in the navy Monday. He was rated as a third class yoeman and will leave Omaha .soon for training at a naval station. Jlolconib in Omaha H. H. Hol romb, in charge of Burlington freight traffic, is in Omaha on a short visit. Tho freight congestion is being re lieved rapidly and conditions are showing a marked improvement as compared with a few weeks ago, he says. Woman's Guild Dinner More than 50 men were guests of the woman's guild at dinner Monday at St. Andrew's Episcopal church. Patriotic addresses were made by Robert D. Neely, Fly ing Cadet Holliday of Fort Omaha, W. R. Watson and Rev. C. C. Rollit. Musi cal numbers were furnished by Mrs. Don J. Adams and Charles Olson. ' McXIehols Now Bandmaster Word has been received that W. II. Mc N'ichols, Omaha musician and solo trombonist with John Philip Sousa, has been appointed a bandmaster and has taken his band through Wiscon sin and the north central states in the interest of the third Liberty loan. Mr. McNichols had hoped to be with the unit which is soon to visit Omaha. Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands. Depot Warehouse in Douglas Street Now Remains Open The Omaha-Deeatur Missouri River Navigation company has made ar rangements to keep the depot ware house at the foot of Douglas street open at all times, so that Omaha ship pers may deliver freight at the ware house at any time, instead of waiting for telephone advice as to when the boats arrive. Lee Hansen will have charge of receipts and delivery of freight from the warehouse. Mushrooms Drop in Price; Selling at 30 Cents Pound Mushrooms are on the market in large quantities and at greatly re duced price. These delicacies which IMIillillllll li'l1!lll!0JII!lll!lllll!!IMJ!l!!!ll!!lllliEI!lill!ll!! eJ O k have been selling this season around 90 cents a pound took a sudden drop and a good quality may be had for 30 cents a pound. They are of the but ton variety. MILLS ASKED TO GIVE MORE FLOUR TO GOVERNMENT Due to increased demands for flour, the government has called upon all mills in this section to furnish 40 per cent of their output during May for army and navy use, according to in formation received by Gurdon W. Wattles, federal food administrator for Nebraska. The order is issued through the southwestern milling di vision and asks immediate response from the mills. Mills are further urged to complete all old contracts. In the new requisi tion, all conditions surrounding former sales will govern. The May requisition is a 10 per cent increase over any former requisition. "This government action em phasizes the necessity for conserva tion of wheat and flour." says Food Administrator Wattles. "We can only supply these demands by limiting our consumption and we must buckle down to the strict food administra tion suggestions of one and one-half pounds per week per person. We can save only what we do not eat." No Medicine-Chest Without Its Family Laxative From the baby to the grandparent a good laxative is the necessary medicine in the little ilia. It wards off serious sickness and saves doctor's bills. Many a cold has been pre vented from running into grippe and pneumonia by its timely use. Many a racking headache has been quickly dispelled by it. And it is a laxative rather than a drastic cathartic or purgative that should be in every family medicine-chest, for a laxative can be used at all ages. Thousands of good American families have for more thaa a quarter century used a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is a laxative-tonic that acts on the bowels and stomach. Infants take it with perfect safety, and it is equally effective for grownups. Grandparents are now seeing their children give it to their babies. It is excellent for all the family in constipation no matter how chronic, indigestion, wind colic, biliousness, headaches, dyspepsia and similar ills. The druggist will refund your money if it fails to do as promised. , NO INCREASE la apite of enormous increased laboratory coata duo to tho War tho manufacturer of Dr. Caldwell Syrup Papain are Bacrincing their profits and absorb ing the war taxes, so that thi family laxative may remain at the pre war price of 50c and SI a large bottle. So old by drugguti for 26 year AFFINITY CLEANER For HANDS and CLOTH ING. Will not fade fast colors. Cleans the Hands With or Without Water. AT THE STORES If your dealer cant supply AFFINITY, send us hi. name. AFFINITY CO. OMAHA, NEB. Factory Phone, Doug. 1119. 3 lilIIII!llli!ll!lllil!!ll!l!lil!lll!IIHI!l!(l OR quick starting select clean gasoline. It gives your engine speed, strength, power and control. We recommend Red Crown Gas oline. It is frequently described by its users as "The Quality Gasoline." Many who , use it maintain that it gives more miles per gallon and more comfort per mile than any other. PoIarinC OH is commended as giving motor efficiency. Look for the Red Crown sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Wrjraska) LOOK FOR THIS SIGN USD Si counora liCASOUrVSI MM Northwestern Chief Clerk Enters Engineering Corps James Suttie, for the last three years chief clerk in the freight and passen ger offices of the Nebraska division of the Northwestern, has joined Un cle Sam's forces. He resigned Mon day afternoon and Alexander Hamp ton, former chief clerk and for the last three years traveling freight and passenger agent, was appointed to fill the vacancy. As a parting gift, Mr. Suttie's asso ciates in the offices presented him with a wrist watch. Suttie has filed for enlistment with the engineering department of the army. To Take Loan Subscriptions At Muny Auditorium Tonight Solicitations for the Liberty loan will be made tonight at the Audito rium during the showing of the mo lion picture, "The Beast of Berlin." The following men will speak be fore the audiences at the Auditorium during the remainder of the week: V. F. Gurley, Wednesday and Thursday night; M. A. Hall, Friday night, and H. F. Rose, Saturday night. Liberty loan subscriptions will be taken af the theaters Wednesday night and during the remainder of the "drive." SDr. Caldwell's YRUP DEPSIN The Perfect JT Laxative FREE SAMPLES Dr. Caldwell'. Syrup Pepsin i th laxgeet selling liquid laxative in America. If you have never used it, (end your address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 468 Washington St.. Monticello, III. If you have babie in the family send for a copy of "Tbe Care of the Baby." IMiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiniiii.iiMriliiliillliiliiluin S - ! Going I to Move? i m : Then Consult Us! ". m m t We have the vans and I t other equipment with I i thoroughly e f f i c i ent I 1 men in charge. : & STORAGE CO. Phone Dong. 4163. 806 So. 16th St. : w Miilt:ii!iiitiiniii,ii;iiiiiiiiifiiiit:iiii,i'.! i i-j i pitllt!UllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIillllllllll OMAHA Burgess Tuesday, April 16, 1918- We've Added a Neiv Feature to Our Embroidery Section That'll Interest Free Instructions Daily From 2 to 5, on How to Make Handbags THIS instruction is absolutely free and given by an expert, who will advise you regarding the harmony of colors .and combination of any kind of tancy nanaDags. Frames for Fancy Bags An almost endless variety from which to choose. Metal, amber, decorated wooden handles. Suit able for dress bags, tailor bags, knitting bags and service bags. Wide range of prices. Trimmings for Bags, 25c to $1.00 Including tassel of beads, silk chenille cords, gold braids, flounces and fruits, yard silks, beads, etc. Announcing for Wednesday, An Unusual Sale of Smart Bags for Women The values are nothing short of remarkable. These are recent arrivals in our leather goods de partment and will appeal to women who admire "smart" purses and hand bags. v Back Strap Envelope Purses, $1.00 In lizard, sheepskin, tan, blue, green, black and lavender, special, each, at $1.00. Envelope Purses at $1.95 With back or top strap. Real seal or morocco, grain leather. Choice of several styles. Special, each, $1.95. Envelope Bags at $2.50 Of real seal, crepe grain and long grain leathers. Several styles, special, at $2.50. Silk Moire Hand Bags, $2.95 In black and colors. Several styles have inner frame change pockets. Special, each, $2.95. Silk Moire Hand Bags, $3.95 Black and navy. New hear: olipne, beaded frame, specially priced at $3.95. Service Bags at $2.50 to $25.00 In patent leather and Bilk, in biuck and colors. A large as sortment. Specially priced at $3.50, $3.85, $4.95, $7.50. Others up to $25.00. Burfaa-Naah Co. Main Floor Annual Spring Sale of Unusual asortments common. Here is but an Sheffield silver hammered cake and sandwich trays. Special, each, $1.45. Sheffield silver bread and roll trrys. Various borders to choose from. Spe cial, each. $3.65. Sheffield silver bon bon baskets. Special, each, $2.45. Sheffield silver and Guernsey casseroles. Oval and round, $4.95. Sheffield silver baking dishes with silver service cover. Special, each, $7.90. Oneida Community "Par Plate" Table Ware Guaranteed 10 Years Teaspoons, set of 6, 79e. Bouillon spoons, set of 6, $2.45. Berry spoons, each, $1.10. Gravy ladles, each, 95c. Butter knives, each, 42e. Burgess-Nash Down Stairs Store Children's Dresses, 69c Plaid, stripe and checked ginghams and percale. Con trasting colored collars, cuffs and pockets. Size 2 to 6 years, at 69c. Children's Overall 35c Bib overalls made of solid. blue, gray and striped trend ) cioiu. Ages 6 w o years, i. 33c each. Muslin Gowns, 65c Children's gowns wuh V neck and low neck, made of good muslin. Lace and em broidery trimmed; sizes 2 to 14 years, at 65c. Baby's Rompers, 59c In light and dark colored ginghams, chambrays and percales, trimmed in con trasting colors. Sizes 2 to 6 years, at 59c. Child's CombinYn, 49c Waist and drawers, or waist and skirt, embroid ery and lace trimmed. Sizes 1 to 14 years, at 49c. 1 Girls' Middies, 95c Made of India head lion nette "and galatea cloth' White trimmed with plain colored collar, cuff end beHv Varied assortment at 95c. ' Ca. Dews Stairs Storo "EVERYBODY'S STORK" -STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY- BurftM-Naah Co. Third Floor from which to make selection idea : Dutch Bilver tea caddies, styles. Special, each, $3.00. Sterling silver individual pepper set. Pair, $2.23. Sheffield silver double dish, $8.95. Sterling silver tea balls. Special, $1.50 to $2.75. Silver plated marmalade sets. Complete with spoon, each, 59c. Sheffield silver tea strain ers, each, 50c. Silver plated sugar and creamer sets, $3.50. Cream ladles, each 75c. Pickle forks, each, 65c. Iced tea spoons, set of 6, $1.69. Baby spoons, .each, 39c. Table forks, set of 6, $2.15. Table knives, set of 6, $2.65. Burg aii-Naah Co. Main Floor Porch and House Dresses, With Slight Imperfections, Special at-- $1.85 ALL latest models of French and Ander son ginghams, chambrays and percales, in plaids and stripes, belted and Hoverall styles. Prettily trimmed with organdie and pique collars, and large pockets. The manu facturer said they are slightly imperfect, but it's so slight we doubt if you ca.i find the imperfection. V onderful values, at $1.85. House Dresses at $1.35 Slightly imperfect, made of gingliams and perckles. Plaids and stripes, light and dark colors. Neatly made. Very special, at $1.35. Bura-esa-Naah Co. Phone Douglass 2100 Art You Bags for Beading, 25c to 75c Every pattern individual. New assort ment of beads for making beautiful bags, 25c, 50c and 73c. Wednesday We Will Make Your Over-Curtains Free of Charge As a special feature of our drapery section we are making window over curtains for you free of charge. Wednesday is the last day of this special offer. Take advantage of it. A few specials for Wednesday: ' Cretonnes, 50c to 75c Domestic and imports J English cretonnes in a large range of patterns and colors. Friccd, 50c to 75c a yard. Panel Curtains With imitation Filet and Ma deira motifs. Insertions and laces in beautiful designs; $1.50 to $7.50 a panel, 2ft yards long. Sunfast Repp. $1.75 A beautiful assortment of sunfast repp in all colors, 50 inches wide. Priced at $1.75 the yard. Figured Madras. 40c Ecru and white, 36 inches wide, n an assortment of da signs. Priced for Wednesday, at 40c a yard, Burfes-Nah Co. Third Floor Silverware and the values are most un Si Salad forks, set of 6, $2.45. Cold meat forks, each, 89c. Cheese kniveB, each, 69c. Orange spoons, set of 6, $1.95. Oyster forks, set of 6, $2.35. I Butter spreaders, set of 6, $2.25 Down Stairs Stora Various c5r salt and T , , ' a. vegetable jl it