T f ujiAHA, VvuDWiibDAA, AWUL 17, 1918. 11 HELP WANTED. : Male and Female. GIRLS, Boys and Mc:i can obtain steady em ployment and good wages at i:ggerss-otlyng co., Fifteenth "and Leaven . worth Streets. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. OFFICE girl wanted at once. Apply 819 N. 40th St. or Tyler 2407-W. :iVIL SERVICE examinations Omaha soon. Women desiring clerkshlpa. postofflce, government departments, stenographers. , write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (Former Civil Service Examiner) 52 Kenols Bldg., Washington. JT ENOGRAPHER and CLERK $90 6 TYPISTS $40-$76 OFFICE and FILE GIRLS $35-$50 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. iTENOGTtAPHER, prefer young lady living on South Side; permanent position $65 to atart: good chance for advancement. VESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. ?E I BTvYc JSE our dependable service In securing a first-class position. THE MARTI SERVICE, 916.911 W. O. W. Bldg. ,6 GOOD positions open: Stenographic, book keeping and all kinds of office work. Co operative Reference Co., 1015 City Nat'l. A'A-NTED A thoroughly experienced cash ier at one; permanent position'. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St. WANTED Stock Clerk, good chance for advancement. M. Spiesberger & Son Co., 1014 Farnam St. STENOGRAPHERS. $05-$80-$75-$65-$50. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat. Bank. Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY offers an exceptional opportunity to several bright, well educated voting ladies between ages of 17 and 23 to learn LONG DIS TANCE TELEPHONE WORK. This consists of establishment of telephone connections between Omaha and distant points, such as Chicago, New York, Washington, D. C., New Orleans, La.; Denver, Colo., and, San Francisco, Cal. It is interesting work, the surround ings are congenial, a liberal salary is paid while learning and ad vancement is rapid. There is an attractive future for those of abili ty. Apply to MISS CARLSON, 656 BRANDEIS BUILDING. THEATER WANTED Young ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F, LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas Si. 15 GIRLS WANTED TO HELP WIN THE WAR Canvas work. Power machines. Experience not necessary, Apply Forelady, Third Floor. Scott-Omaha Tent & Awn ing Co., 1501 HOWARD ST. WANTED 40 glrli, experience on power sewing machines. Experienced operators can earn from $12 to $15 per week. Light, clean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South 16th St. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY PRESS ER, APPLY 1908 HARNEY ST. WANTED A lady masseuse at the LaBelle Bath Institute, 1508 Harney. Doug. 7046. TWO LADIES to learn balrdresslng. Madam Wilson, 1510 Douglas St. EXPERIENCED Shirt makers Immediately Albert Cahn. 219 8. 14th St. SvANTED Girl to do kodak finishing. '-' Kane Studio. Neville Blk. Household and Domestic, WANTED White girl for general house work In six-room modern, Dundee home; family of three; no general washing! wages satisfactory; a good home for the right girl; references necessary. Call Walnut 1765. ' VANTED A colored or white girl for gen eral housework; small house, small fam ily; good wages; good home to the rtght party. Call Harney 2825 or call at 1333 South 85th St. SPLENDID opportunity for a widow or un attached young woman wishing a pleas ant, permanent home and good wages, to assist In general housework for small family, inquire Harney xeai, TO THE1 GIRL who desires to 'work In a home where good treatment is extended and wages fairly good, will do well by calling Harney 4285 or Harney 2268, WANTED A school girl to help with house , work. In country home during vacation, in small family. Mrs. Joe Almqulst, Bssex, la WANTED -A white girl for general houae work, no cooking or washing, good wages. Harney 4572. 1335 S. 5th Ave. WANTED Dining room girls at County Hospital, $25.00, room board and washing. J Tel. Harney 652. WANTED A good girl for general house- work. Call Monday evening, Harney 2709. 8560 Jackson St., Mrs. J. E. White. WHITE girl for general housework. Laund- ress kept. Wages $10 per week. 108 N. 53d Ave. Tel. Wal. 772. v WANTED White girl about 15 or 16 years . old to assist with child and housework. Good horns. Phone Walnut 1621. WANTED Competent white laundress for Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. jidolph Storz. Walnut 960 WANTED A second maid with references . , two In family. Apply Mrs. Edward Hay. den, 201$ Cass St. WANTED A COOK. REFERENCES RE ! QUIRED. APPLY 206 SOUTH 32D AVE' NUB. PHONE HARNEY 206. WANTED A white girl for general house. work, hp soutn zatn at. Harney sesz. WANTED Competent second maid. 126 N. , 82nd avenue. Telephone Harney 926. WANTED An experienced second maldT references required. Harney 315. WANTED An experienced cook; references required. Harney 815. "JvANTED A good cook with references. Mrs. Adqlph Stori. Walnut 960. WANTED A nurse maid 15 or 16, reference , required, 148 8. 41st. Harney 6726, Miscellaneous. ARN (25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Exp. unnec; de tails free. Press Bydnicatc, 189 C. St. r,ouls, Mo. CASHIER for moving picture show, between JS to 20 years old; evening work only. iUaoca Theater, 507 I'kico Ut, HELP WANTED FEMALE Hotels and Restaurants. W.VTED WAITRESSES GOOD PAT. SHORT HOURS, FX CHANGB RESTAURANT, UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. THONE SOUTH SO 5. A YOUNG lsdy for -vaitress in restaurant. Apply at 1510 Dodge St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, , shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National- Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE modern room, with kitchenette; parties employed preferred. On car line, Douglas 7558. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine, 608 North 17th St Reason able rent. NICELY FURNISHED room one Mock from car line, 22d and Plnkncy streets. Phone Webster 4971. THREE unfurnished rooms, second floor, 19 per month. 2576 Pierce St. Call Har ney 7003. MODERN, nicely furnished rooms, beauti ful location; no children. Harney 6554. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, two blocks from postoffice. Douglas 8644. LOVELY front room In private home. 105 Park Ave. Harney 6407. FINE large room, suitable for two. 2618 Harney St. ' TWO beautiful furnished rooms In strictly modern private home. Harney 1913:' Housekeeping Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fail to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List. Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. 2561 Dodge Large room, good board, two or time gentlemen; walking distance. Har ney 61 43. 641 SOUTH 27TH. two large front rooms on first floor; private family; two adults. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 514 S. 20th St. i09 S. 24TH Light housekeeping rooms on i first floor all modern. Red 6825. i NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 1611 ; Howard St. Board and Room, GENTLEMAN, with 10-year-old girl, wants hoard and room with some young widow. Call Harney 132.1: ask for Mr. C, Jensen. FURNISHED room In modern home, board optional. Red 5825. FOR RENT HOUSES West. WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge; 8-room modern house. Ready to move into $26. Phone Webster 4875. MODERN 10--'oom brick house, west of high school. 2ti01 Capitol Avenue, Tel. Harney 8564. North. MODERN house, 7 rooms and sleeping porch: will build garage. 629 N. 40th St. 4 LARGE rooms with bath, second floor, H0. ' Also barn. 2639 Seward St. Tel Red 682. South 10-ROOM house at 628 South 26th St., suit able for home or rooming house. Inquire at 2526 Dodge St. 6 ROOM Cottage, 2470 South 18th St. $12.50 monthly. H. W. Binder, Douglas 1264. South SEVEN rooms, modern, good repair, garage. 830 South 29th street. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITT. CFEIGH SONS & CO., BEE BLDG. GARDEN. 4128 North 38, 6 rms., $15.00 208 South 41, modern 7 rooms, $25.C0. Harney, 2263 or Douglas 654. Shopen Co.. Rental Douglas 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MONTEREYE Apartments, 146 N. 3K& St. 6 rooms, $55.00. 1 rooms, $35.00. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; best location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house in de sirable neighborhood near a public park, and on good car line. Phone Harney 2414. 315 N. 25TH Duplex flat, 7 rms., $32.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Trier 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. TIZARD Palace block, central, unsurpassed 4-r. apt. with balcony; also 4 flat with balcony. 220 N: 23rd St. North. FIRST-CLASS S-room apartment with 4 room accommodations in the Coronado, 22d and Capitol Ave. Built-in bed, gas stove, refrigerator, etc. Summer rent, $40.00. Winter, $46.00. Benson & Myers Co., Doug. 746. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern, four and fiva room apartments. Sethlow Ter race, 16th and Yates. Webster 932 and Webster 4328. TWO large rooms, kitchenett, private bath, large sleeping porch, use of laundry. Call Colfax 70 or 1399. i 2702 Manderson Four-room modern apart ment. First floor. Colfax 129. South 6-ROOM apartment: strictly modern; Jani tor service; desirable location. Doug. 6392. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists in Apartment management. MODERN apartments, near P. O. Low rent. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago St. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room ment. Telephone Harney 6145 apart- FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenwcrth streets. Steam heat. For particulars see Conrad Young, 322 Brandols Theater Bldg., Douglas 1571. FOR RENT Modern store, 16th St., near P. O., low rent. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room THE BBeTblDG. Offices for high' class , tenants who want the best. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owhed and operated by Central Furni ture tore; office on Howard St. between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked" rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. v OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., n S. 16th. Douglas 4163. FREE FIDELITY , Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16fh and Jackson Sts. J. C. REED Express Co., Moving, Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real aervice In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. .WEST FARNAM 6-room bungalow, - all modern, lot 5(1x12':, fii.e "hado trees. Price K,vW. C. A. Grimm.!. J'uon D. 1015, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A DANDY HOME, ST. JOHN'S PARISH Light rooms and bath, oak finish and strictly modern In every respect, choice lot on Boulevard, near California St. I'rlce only 15, 000. ? 1 .00" don. OSBORNE REALTY CO., ;! Om. Nat. Hk. Hide. Tyler 49. MODERN W-ruora brick house, vejtof high school. 2601 Capitol Avenue. Tel Har ney 6564. 5-ROOM and bath on pavedtreet. 4227 Grant. Telephone Walnut 1 743. North. CREIGHTON FIRST ADDITION RESIDENCE Very attractive property on the boule ard. one block from Hanscom park, and one bloek from car line. First floor re ception room, parlor, dining room, den, kitchen and pantry. Second floor, four bedrooms, bath and enclosed sleeping porch; full attic, cemented basement House has oak floors and oak finish throughout. Hot water hest; laundry chute; full length screens and storm sash for every window and door; first floor rooms are oil painted on canvas; second tloor painted and stenciled; exterior newly painted; beautiful lot with low front and back terraces, fenced and hedged, shade trees and shrubs; garage and paved alley; all special improvements In and paid for. This Is a first class house in a mighty fine location. It can be bought for enough under 89,000 to make It worth the money. Shown only by appointment. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Realtors, 537 Omaha Nat'l "Rtt, Bldg. P. 1781. 4 ROOMS 2 .LOTS Have a four-room house in good repair, which I will sell on easy payments. Has city water and electric lights. Phone Douglas 32S. 6-R. NEARLY new, all mod., oak finish home, on Pinkney St , 83,600; 8260 cash and 135 per mo. 6-r. nearly new, oak finish bungalow at 2710 Pratt St., $500 cash, balance monthly. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. $2,300 3157 MEREDITH AVE. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH A very neat 111 do cottage, modern ex cept heat; fine location; close to good school and one block to car line. Can be bought by reliable party on very easy terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 16H Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. NEAR PRAIRIE PARK 7-room modern home on Templeton St.. near 26th St.: large south front lot; good barn; close to public and parochial schools and churches; two blocks to two car lines. I'rlce $4,000. Reasonable terms. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q JVUbaNK BLDG. TYLER OO STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE, $200 CASH, $25 MONTHLY. In walking distance, near 20th and Wil lis; lot 60x135. Don't pay rent when you can buy on such easy terms. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO, Realtors, 8Q.1-4 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 420. BIG SNAP, HOUSE & GARAGE But must be sold this weak, 6 rooms and bath, strictly modern, lot 60x138, new garage, paving and all taxes paid, near car line and 16th and Evans Sts.; will take automobile or diamonds and lit tle rash as part payment. Price $3,500; worth more, but must sell quick. TEBBENS, THE REALTOR, 6"5 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182. mTnNE LUSA SFECIALTH20b7 New cottage, bungalow, rooms and bath, oak finish, 5 rooms and bath on 1st floor, one room finished upstairs, fine full cellar, furnace, etc.; a well built house, nice lawn, paved street, near car line. Very good terms. Let me show you this. TEBBENS. THE REALTOR, 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182. STUCCO HOME IN KOUNTZE PLACE This Is a good 2-story. 6-room modern houo In first-class condition, located on corner lot; finished In oak first floor and while enamel on second; oak floors throughout. Price $3,750. Reasonable terms. 1723 Pratt St. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756 Near Twenty-sixth and Fort Price Only $3,650. Largs six-room bunaalnw. alt on ona floor, built by owner for home. Oak fin ish, buffet, French doors. nHv new. Choice south front lot 60x182. Garage. $1,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. OWNER will sell his 7-room house at 2618 Bristol St. for $2,400. Terms if desired. Webster 4130. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern S-room house, full basement, large lot. close to car. Price $3,359 Norrls A Norrls. D. 4170. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phons Tyler 187. AT A bargain, 6-room modern except heat at 2411 Blondo St. Address 2626 Dodge. South. Choice Field Club Bungalow v Price Only $7,000. Brick and frame bungalow and garage, 7 rooms and bath, all oak and white enamel finish, cVk floors throughout, fire place, book cases, buffet, beamed ceilings, sun room and every modern detail to make this the most modern and up to date bungalow In this choice district. Paving and all specials paid In full. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Oin. Nat, Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. 3829 ARBOR STREET 5 ROOMS AND 3 LOTS $1,500 EASY TERMS Must sell at once, two fine corner lots and one Inside lot; each 60 feet wide; good 6-room house! electrle lights. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location: near car line. Price, $4,00. Terms, $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, 6 42 Paxton Blk. ( Brand new oak bungalow, $3,100. All modern and nice location. Only $160 cash. Large lot. Call day time. Doug. 3140. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. Real Estats and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St Done. 1064. FOUR splendid residences, well located, $5,000 to $9,000. Douglas 6707. REAL ESTATE Investment RKXl estate. Investments, house and lots. WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Realtora. Douglas 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 8 ACRES Kejstone Park, fine Improve ments, will take cottage part pay. All INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 913-14 City Nat. Doug, 2H19. EXCHANGE choice SOO-acre tract land all tillable, well Improved, rents for 1-J de livered, for $45,000 Liberty bonds; have, other investments. Lock Box 10, Cook, NVb ON-ACCOUNT of sickness of famliy wllT sell two autos. cheap. Cadillac , with two separate bodies. White 30, five pas senger. Both cars In perfect condition. Will demonstrate. Call Douglas 1104. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neh. farm. Mr. Pen". 211 Bran. Tn. Bldg. CLEAR 10-A. unimproved Jones Co.. S. D.. for clear nxnb ni house. Seward Bros., 57 1 Braadti Bldg. Douglas 3S4G, REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty wE WILL buy your horns or business property and pay cash. II. A WOLF CO., Eleetrto Bid. Tyler 85. BUSINESS property and Investments, A. P. TUKEY and SON. 420 First National JJank Hldg. M'CAQU B IN V KSTME N T CO., Income. Business and Trackage Specialist. 15th and Dodge Sie Douglas 415. DHYC.OODS, shoe stock and fixtures for sale: best location In city. 1714 Vinton. REAL ESTATE Unimproved ELM WOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN, $1 A WEEK. PAYNE SLATER C REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. "ACRE ON PAVEMENT' 4-ROOM BUNGALOW NEW-SOUTH SIDE On car line, fine rich garden land, fronts two streets, will make large lots. House Is new and attractive. Poultry house. Pries $2,500, $260 cash, balance monthly. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1614 Harney St. Council Bluffs. FINE modern 14-room house for sale. 301 8. 8th St. Cost $25,000. Fine interior finish, slats roof, steam heat, double lathed and plastered. Two lots 150x6 ft. each. Price $15,000. Part time If desired. Phone Mrs Cora Farnsworth. Hlack 163S. 3:6 N. Id St.. Council Dluffs. Dundee. DUNDEE REDUCED $300 MUST GO THIS WEEK 600J California St. One of the hest built, best arranged homes in the district; 7 rooms: oak woodwork; oak floors throughout: tiled hath; fine place, book cases, buffet, kitchen cabinets; our price has been $6,750, but o ner is moving to Council Bluffs next week so hss cut the price to $5,450 for Immediate sale. Mort gage $J,S00; can be paid or assumed. You must act quickly as this is the best bargain in Omaha. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 15$. 333 Securities Bldg. DUNDEE BARGAIN $.1,000.00. Thin Is a fine home of eight rooms, local ?d in a beautiful district, close to a car line; living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen on the 1st floor; three bedrooms, hath and enclosed sleep ing porch (heated) on 2d floor; splendid basement with cement floor: good hot water heating plant. Cp-to-dnte plump ing and lighting fixtures. Size of lot r.Oxl36 with double garage. You ran not duplicate the house today for the price asked for the entire property. Owner leaves the city In two weeks and must sell. Don't delay In railing me up. C. A. Grimmel, Realtor, 849 Omaha National Bank Building Phone 1). Kiln. DUNDEE BUNOALOW Nearly new 6 room, nil modern bunga low, only two blocks from Dundee civr. Oak finish in two rooms. Full lot Oarage. Pries $4,000. Terms. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 8. 17th. 7-R. HOME IN DUNDEE. Modern with sleeping porch. Ground 100x126, Owner very anxious to sell, W. H. GATES, 47 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. D. 1294. HIGH and sightly Dundee lota, $S76 to $1,150. Easy terms, loans arranged for building purposes. Phons D. 6074. Shuler A Carv. Realtors Acreage. BUY A "WAR GARDEN" '"AN ACRE FARM" PLOWED FREE and harrowed, all ready for you to plant, close In; you can cultivate and either live on yourself, or live In town and work during the long summer evenings and Saturday afternoons. In any of these additions Benson Gardens West Benson North Side Acres South Side Acres Raise everything In the way of vege tables and fruits, and if you live on the lain! raise poultry. $10 CASH $10 A MONTH Price $450 to $975 an acre. The last two additions are on car line. All on paved road. We specialize In little farms. Can show you these additions any daylight hour. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Street. Phons Tyler REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow hss t five-room houses, ons 7 room, modern house, one 8-rooin modern house and 2 modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines in Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Building. TO PROPERTY OWNERS WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS FOR MODERN v BUNGALOWS AND COTTAGES NORTH OF LAKE STREET. WE CAN SELL TOURS IF THE PRICK AND TERMS ARB REASONABLE. PHONE US, COLFAX 217. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24TH AND AMES. WANTED TTl A VBA BUYER FOft A 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE. LOCATED NORTH OF LAKE ST. BBTVVEEN 24TII ST. AND SHERMAN AVE. ADDRESS BOX 6251, OMAHA BEE. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 5 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Oin. Nat. Bank Bldg. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. MEET me at F. D. Wead's Office. REAL ESTATE Other Cities FOR SALE IN OLENWOOD, IOWA. 7-room house, almost new, modern ex cept heat; large porches, flno well and cistern, good barn, garden spot, paved street, four blocks from business center, In desirable neighborhood. Price $2,200. on easy terms, or would consider land trade. Write Owner, Box 5U7, Omaha. Bee. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your fdiin with us If you want to keep it. E. P. SNOWDEN ft SON, 423 fl. ir.th. Douglas 9371. WANTED 20,000 acres of Kimball and Banner rounty land. Must be first-class farm land. Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467. Omaha Bee WE have clients who will pay cash for bar gains In western land. White 4 Hoover, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes ss security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.50. Smaller, larger sm'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 43S Securities Rldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. 1 r SMALLER LOANS. 9 CV i- ,0 w. C. FLATAU. EST. lift!. - 1 STH P7.R. SECURITIES BLDO.TY.4)60. DLUiONDfT" AND- JEWELRY LOANS.. Lowest rate. Prlv.'ite loan booths. Harry AUUshvck, iai Dudtie. D. 5619. Eat, 1391. FINANCIAL Real EstateL Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgnges on Omaha resi dences: funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOU GEE. INC.. j 7)1 VI DEN OS OF 5 rUR' CENT ORMORe! One dollar starts n account. OMAHA LOAN & RI.DO ARSOnATION. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Krdine Bldg. 5 1.1; O PAUL I'ETKRSOM. Ol '2 i S64 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. II. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Hank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB! FARMS O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Hank lthlg. Doug. S7U CI TV AND FARM LOANS 6, 5'j and 6 Per IVm. ,r. H. DI'MONT Co., Kcrlttie nidg. LOW" 11 A f KS C, d. CARL1IK RO. 31 1 Bran- dois Theater Hldg. D. M. 5V (:' monkv ri cf I'l 1 HARRISON & MORTON." 'U f 919 Omaha Nat. Hk Hldg. $100 to $U),0M '"MADE promptly". F. D. Wead, Wend Hldg.. ISth and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms sod ranches, Kloke Investment Co., Omaha I'rivate Monev. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Douglas 45:8. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. APRIL 1TH. Our nest excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. LISTEN Old residents who refused to pav $1.26 m-yi for Eastern Colorado land 10 years as,., are paying $10 to $i',1 now; Ne braska and Iowa parties buying largely since they found could savs rlmmlsslons by buying direct from W. 8. Tershlng. ex mayor of I.lmon. Colo; S.300 acres sold Ne braska and Iowa parties lant week COLORADO offers great opportunities for farmers of moderate means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad rates write Floyd C. Tallnisdge, Coloulzatlon Agent Kans.-Colo. Ry Co., First National Hank Hldg.. Pueblo, Colo. COLORADO LANDS'" I own and control 25,000 acres In Cheyenne and Lincoln counties. Colorado. Eaey tenon. W. J. MOREHART, Mankato, Minn. Iowa Lands. b4i A("H KS. Improved farm, $100 Great bargain. U. P. Stebblns. ChiesKo. acre. 1610 Minnesota Lands. PEOPLE realize, as never before, what good farming land In Minnesota la worth. That's why our St. Loula county lands are going so rapidly. Beautiful Illustrated folder sent. If you'll write Arnold, Coin'r, D. & I. R. Ry., 607 Wolvln Hldg., Duluth. Minn. Missouri Lands. small"missour!' farm. J.' 60 rash and $2.50 monthly; no In terest or taxes. Also an Interest In our fjreat development project which within I he next few mouths should pay you one hundred dollars for every dollar you In vest. Highly productive land, close tn three big markets; photographs and full information free. MUNOER. H. S17, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo, Nebraska Lands. Niobrara River Ranch Sheridan County 4.920 acres on the Niobrara river, two sets improvements, 1,000 acres good farm land, deep black fertile soil, no better land In the stats of Nebraska; cuts 460 tons of hay and alfalfa, but would cut many times that If not pastured; the up land, which Is covered with heavy grass, also grows alfalfa: this Is not a sandhill ranch and will speak for Itself; price $16.50 per acre: one-third cash: ran be optioned till April 1, 1919 for $10,000 and aold with or without stock. White & Hoover - 454 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. l'olt RE-NT 90 acres, good, rich, cultivation Imid: S'-j miles west of Omaha; no Im provements, but two miles from Mlllsrd or c'halco; good roads; grain or cash. In iuire at once. Orin 8. Merrill, 1177 City National Bank Bldg. i'ult SALE K5 acres, lot ono of section three In township, twenty-four, north of rang" nine, east of the sixth principal meridian, Nebraska. Write, Sarah Yliorntis Blackbird; Macy, Neh. Full SALE 200 acres well Improved, first class farm, closo to Axtell, Kenrney rounty. Neb. For further Information wrile or rail and see mo. A. Nelson, Route No. 2, Kearney, Neb. FOR SALE Best large body nigh-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required. C. H'-adley. Wol bsch. Neb. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo. Antlll, Blair, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches In good Old Dawes County. A rah L. HunRerford, Crawford, Neb. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A. V Patzman, 801 Karbach Blk. CHOICE FARMS, Nllsson, 423 Rose Bldg. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Frojoct Heart of the range. Get on tha ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You can grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every two weeks. Send for bul letin. HarlAy J. Hooker. 940 1st National Bank Bldg. UNITED STATES LAND OPENING 3,000 claims In Southern Oregon fruit, farm, timber snd grazing lands; 60o per acre down, $2 on final proof; send quick, 25c for maps and particulars. Douglas Ab stract Co , Rosel'.urg. Ore. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In ths heart of the Vfry best sea tlon of the Clovor Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Write for booklet and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co.. Owen. Clark County, Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi & C. M. Rylander. 864 Omaha Nat'l Omaha Storks and Bond. STOCKS. Bid Asked Rurge.aa-Nash Co. 7 pert. pfd..l00 100?i Beatrice Creamery Co. pfd 100 103 Cudahy Pack. Co, 7 pet. pfd... 104 105 Deere A Co. pfd U'i 96 Carding Cream Co. 7 pet. pfd.. 100 100 Neb. Pow. Co., 7 pet pfd... 100 101 Nye Schneider-Fowler stock 2V4 O. A C. B. Ry. A H. pfd.. 66 V4 62 Orchard&Wllhelm Co. 7 pet. pfd. 1 00 101 M. E. Smith A Co., 7 pet pfd ,101 .... Skinner Macaroni, 8 pet pfd 95 U. P. A L. Co., 7 pet. pfd .100 100 U S Yards Stork 100 101 BONDS. Am. . A T. 1 yr. f.s. 1909 99 99 Am. O. A E. Co, 3 yr. a, 1921 94 95 Booth-St. Louis C. H. 6s 1"0 Columbus, 1... H. & P.. 6s, 1924 94 95 Gen. Rub deb 5s, 1918 9S 98 4 Hastings, S. 4s, 192S, opt.' '27 91 95 Iowa Portland Cement Co. 6s 10 Montana Power 5s, 1043 98 89 N. Y. C. 2 yr. 5s. , 1919 97 97 O. A. C. B. 1st mtg. 6. 1920-32 9 100 O. A C. B. Ry B. 5s. 1928 86 90 City of Omaha's (per cent) 4 85 P. S. Co. of N. Ill, 6s. 2, 1 920.. 96 FOP EIG.M GOVERNMENTS. Am. Tor. Sec. Copr Notes 94i 9j Anglo-French 6s, 1920 90 00 'I Dominion of Canada 6a, 1919.. 95 3 j .. Bordeaux, Lyons, Marseilles 6s 87 87 French 6s 4 yr. loan 9T, 96 Russian Govt Int.. 1516, 1926... R 89 Argentine T. 6 peel, notes, 1020. 95 ; Dry flood. New York, April 16. .Wide sheetings were sdvanced 6u a yard today to a basis or 62c for 10-4 pepperel, and four yard sheetings advanced to 22c a yard. Trading was light compared with recent days. Few goods were offered at any lower figures despite the decline In cotton. .Jen's wear snd dress goods sales were confined largely to second hands as mills sre restrained from doing business until government orders are taken care of. Raw hllk Is lower. Tnrpentlne and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., April 16. Turpentine, frm. .1H4; ics 6: receipts, 222; ship ments, 201; st.lcks, 2:!, 506. Roln Firm : sales. 554; ret rip!. 463; shipments. Hi: stork, 97. 24. Ouote R it K. $". 2r.: F. $6.27: G H 1. J.'.Z'v K, 5 M i.-75; N $0.30, WG, $6.72; WW. $6.30. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Sheep Market Active and Strong, Heavy Run of Hogs, With Trading Gaining Strength. Omaha, April 16. 118. Receipts were: Cattla. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 13,705 15,480 $.687 Estimate today 12(00 17,500 (.900 Same days last wsek,.18l59 26,467 18,268 Sams $ wks. ago 19 624 81,459 18,172 ,am 8 wks. ago 1!S61 81,156 22,051 Sams day year ago... 9,938 15,666 8,393 Receipts and disposition of llvs stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock p. m, April l,i, 1016. RECEIPTS CARS Ct. Hgs. Sh. H rs. f . St. & St. P 10 8 Washash 1 ... ... Missouri Pacltlo 6 4 1 ... Union Ptclflo 121 35 $ ... C. A N. W east $4 1 C. N W.. west II 123 I ... C . St. P.. M A O tt SO C, B. & Q, east $1 I C. B. A west 118 62 1$ ... C. R. I. A P.. east .... 1J C. R. I. & P. west $ 4 S ... Illinois Central 16 3 ... 1 Chlcsgo Ot. Vet 4 1 Total receipts 4S6 261 31 1 DISPOSITION H E AD. Cattle Hogs Sheep 806 3,021 1,481 1,647 Morris Co Swift ts Co Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Schwarti A Co ,T. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. .. S Omaha Packing Co. Wilson W. H. Vannant Co. . . I'. B. Lewis Iluntilngcr A Oliver.. .1, H Root Co .1. H. Bull Rosonstock Bros F. O. Kellogg Wethelmer A Pegen... Ellis A Co If. F. Hamilton Sulian Bros Mo. A Ksns. Calf Co.. Christie Huffman Roth Meyers , Glassbfrg Baker, Jones A Smith. Banner Bros John Harvey Dennis A Francis .... Jensen A Lungren Other buyers 1.163 3,619 1.496 3,060 :,8tl 4.254 4.311 3,448 962 4.186 46 30.4 til 314 i:i 6t 15 46 4 ; :i6 36 47 266 75 14 32 16 17 47 24 (49 76 126 926 2,201 .1 Totals 10,71$ 19,998 8,151 for a Cattle Receipts were very liberal Tuesday. 12,600 htad. and IM two days' supply, 26,200 head, has been 7 000 larger than on last Monday and Tuesday'. Demand from both packers and shippers vas actlva for desirable offering and prices strong to a shade higher than Monday, best heavy beeves bringing $16.00 to $16.60. On the general run of light snd medium steers, as well ss on rows and heifers the market was active and prices fully steady. For tht two days the advance on both beef ateers and oow stuffs have reached fully a- quarter and the undertone of the trade la very strong, business In stockers and feeders was quntnbly steady but not very active. Quotations on cattle: Beef steers, good to choice, $l5.75ijj 16 .60; fair to good, $14.60ifti $15.60; common to fair, $12.00l!14.00; cows and heifers, good to choice heifers, $lj.00i9 1,1.26; good to choice, 110.5(1 iff 1 1. SO ; fair to good cows. $9.26ffll0.60; common to fair cows, $7.609.25; atorkera and feedera, prim feeders, $11.00i13.X6; good to choice, 110.00(8)11 00: fair to good feeders, $8.(0 9.60; common to fair, 7.008,26; good to choice stockers, $9.60911.00; stock heifers, $s. 0010.00: stock cows, $7.00.(0; atocK calves, $8.(00111.50; veal calves, $t.00Q18.00; hulls, stags, etc., $9. 60 iff 13. 60; good to cnoics yearlings, $13.50M6.75; fair to gooi year lings, $11.60(918.00; common to fair year lings, $9.oof 11.00. Hogs On a heavy run or it.boo nogs or S61 ears, ths market opened with ship pers holding rather light ordera and packsra bidding around J6o lower. Tha trading gained aome strength, however, ano pacK- era made tha bulk of thair purcnases srouod 16 iff 20c lower than yesterday's aver age market.. Tha bulk ef tha guppiy going at a rang of $16.76016.90. Foe rholcs light shipping hogs as high I1T.06 was paid tha top for the day ano ins marasi was fairly aotlva In the faea of the heavy sunn v and tha packers apparently naa heavy enough orders to tana car ot an tha offerlnRS. Sheep The sheen market la aetlvo and strong snd higher prices for all aales with the possible advance of 26c a loo over tna higher price paid for lambs last week; 65:1' Mexican lambs weighing" 73 pounds, sold for $21.00 a 100, tha highest price known here. Quotations on sheep: Fslr to good Iambs, $30.26(820.80; fair to choice, $16.26017.00; fair to choice wethers. $14.60 16.00; fair to holes ewes, $I4.5016.20; feeder lambs, $18.0019.60; spring lambs, $20. 0025. 00. Representative sales: FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. 463 feeders 74 $20 71 370 feedera $0 IS 440 feedor 108 20 10 445 feeders 1 10 11 578 clipped 8S 17 $$ 780 clipped 100 17 IS St. Loui Live Stock Market. St. Louis, April 16. Cattl Reoelpt, 7,100 head; market, atesdy; ratlv bef steers. $9.75010.40; yearling steer ana heifers, $7.00013.60; cows. $4.00011.40; stoekors and feeders. $7.60013.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $.00O15.18t beef cows and heifers, $8.00011 (0; south ern yearling Users and holfer. $7.S0O10.00 native calves, $7.75016.50. Hogs Receipts, i.(ioo head; martisi, steady; lights, $17.70017. $0; pig, H4.7SO 17.60; mixed snd butcher, it 1. iuwi7.su. good heavy. $17.10017.60; bulk. I17.40O 17.80. Sheep Receipts, 100 head; market steady; lambs, $20.2621.:(; w, 111.000 17.00; wethers, lid 00 17.00 ;cannr ana choppers, $6.6009,50. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Ap-1l 16. Cattle Receipts, 9,000 head; market, higher; prime Ten steers. $16.7541 16.76; dressed beer steers, $14,002)16.00: westsrn steers. $13.26$ 16.60, cows, $8. 00113.25; heifers. $9.0014.00; stockers and feeders, $8.60013.25; bulii $8.603211.76: calve. $8.00013 00. Hoks Receipts. 11,000 head, market steady; bulk, $l7.40i?(17.6(; heavy, $17.40 17.65; packers and butchera, $17.4017.45 l'irht. $17.35017.60: Pigs. $13.75017.00. Hhi-ep Receipts, 1.000 head; market, strong; lambs $20.00021,00; yearling, $16.00017.50; wethers, $15.50 16.76; ewes, $15.00016.00. Sioux City Live Mock. Sioux Cltv. la.. April 16. Cattle Re celpts, 8,000 head: market strong; beef ter lis 00817.00: fat cow and helfer. $9,00414.00; csnners, $7.6008.60;' tocker snd feeders, $9.OO13.O0l calves, $8,009 13.00; bulls, slags, etc., $8.0011.60; feed ing cjiws snd helfere, $7.6010.50. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 heed; market (O 10n lower: llghta, $17.00017.10: mixed $16.9541117.06; heavy, $16.80016.95: pigs, u: onm.is 00: hulk of sales. $16.96017.10. Stolen snd Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market strong. Chicago Live Stock Chicago. April 16. Cattle Receipts, 16 000: firm Native steers. $10.80016.80 stookers and feeders, $8.76012.66; cow and heifers. $7.6013.t5; calves. $9.0014.60 Hogs Receipt. 26.000; trong, at yester- dav'a average to Bo higher. Bulk, $17,40 17.75: light, $17.3017.90; mixed, $17.10 17.85; heavy, $16.25017.70; rough, 16.75; pigs. $13.0017.10. Sheep Receipts, 14.000; strong. $13.00&17.85; lambs, $16.6021.60, high price record. St. Joseph Live Stock. $16,259 Sheep a now St. Joseph. April 16. Cattle Receipts 5.000 head: market higher; steers, $13,000 17.00; cows snd heifers, $7.00015.60; calve. $7.00013.00. Hoes Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; top, $17.60; bulk of sales, $1?.25 17.45. Sheen and Lambs Receipts. 4.000 head market strong; lambs, $18.00021 00; owes, $11.00016.50. New York Cotton. New York, April 16. Cotton futures opened Irregular, May, 28.50ifti2 : July 27. 75027.40c; October, eember, 26.46026. COc; 20.55c. Cotton futures closed 2S.30O26.90c: De January, 26.40 steady; May, He July, 18.60c; October, 27 21c: Janusrv. 27.06c ,27.63c; December, New York, April 16. Cotton closed firm net one point lower to 10 points higher, London Money. April 16. Sliver Bar, London 47. d per ounce. Money -3 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, t li per cent,- and three months GRAIN AND PRODUCE Corn Steady to 7 Cent Lower; Easier Tone on Oats; Rye and Barley Lower. Omaha. April Id, 11$ Carlot receipts of grain today wsra II cara of wheat. 131 cars of corn, 43 cars of oats, six cars of rya and one car of barley. Cash corn ranged generally unchanged t 7o lower. Early sales wera unchanged to , 4c 6c lower, whlla later In the day several cars sold off around 7c10c. Oats also had an easier tone, being quoted unchanged to o lower, tha bulk selling off. , Standard and No. 3 white oata told at the ' same figure, 85c. ;U Rye was 3e lower, ths No. J selling at .. $2.41J.43. Barley was slightly lowr, ; part car of No. 3 bringing $1.60. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal s i to It. 000 bu. ; corn, 13,000 bu. 1 ' Primary wheat receipts wera 119,000 bu. and shipment 89,000 bu.. against receipt! of 667,000 bu. and shipments of 733,000 bu. last year. Primary eorn receipts wsra 1.089,000 bu.' and shipments $98,000 bu., agalnat receipt of 601.000 bu. and shipment of 440,000 bu. last year. Primary oat reoelpt wer 1,338.000 ibu. and shipment 1.343.0VO bu., against receipts of 901,000 bu. and shipments of 522,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. " ;'! Wheat. Corn I 411 $ I Ok is. J4T" Chicago .... Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha 10 10 10 484 131 93 61 43 11 14 Kansas City St. Louis ... Winnipeg ... These sale wero reported today: Corn No. I whits: t car. 11.71. No. S whits: 1 car. $1.70; I ear. It. II. No. 4 white: I cars, $1.(0. No. S whit: 1 car, $1.50; 1 cars, $1,45. No. I whitt 1 oar. 1.40; 2 cars. $1.36. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.60. No. 3 yellow: I car, $1.(1; 1 car, $1.66. No. 4 yellow: t cars, $1.60; 4 cars, 11.41. No. I yellow: 1 car. 11.40. Sample yellow: X car, $1.00; 1 car, $0o. No. I mixed: I car, $1.(2. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.48; t cars, $1.46; I cara, $ .16. No. I mixed, 1 car, $1.11. No. mixed: 1 oar. $1.36; 1 car. $113; 1 car. $130: 1 ear, $1.10; 1 car, $1.15. Samp! mixed: 1 ear. 11.15: 1 car. 4 So. Oat standard: 1 car. 8 So. No. 1 whit! 20 ear. 85c. No. 4 whit: I ear, 140. Sam ple white: IS cars, 41e; 1 ear, I la. No. I mixed: 1 car, 8Jo; t can (barley mixed). 61c; 1 ear, 81o. Ry No. I: 1 car. $1.41. Barley No. t: l-l car, 11.10. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. I whit. $I.7M No. 1 whit. I1.ISO1.70: No. 4 whlt. $1.60; No. I whlt, 11.4(91.(0; No. I whlt, I '.56 1,40; No. 1 yellow, $1.10) No. t yel low, $l.(if 1.(8: No. 4 yellow, I1.4IO1.S0; No. t yellow, $1.40: lampl yellow, I0e $1.00; No. S mixed. 11.11: No. 4 mixed. $145ri 48; No. i mixed, $1.11; No. I mixed, 1.2(ei,l6; aampl mlxsd, Ilc0ll.ll. Oat: standard. 85c; No. I whlt. loot No. 4 whlt. 84c; aampl, 81O8I0. Barley i No. I. $1.50. Ry: No. 1. $1.4101.41. Chicago closing prlnes, furnished Th Bet by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain broker, 315 South Sixteenth strest, Omaha: Art. , Close. High. Low. Cloae. Yt Corn, I aMy 1 IT 1 17 111 1 IT 117K July 1 48 1 4914 147 I 47 !f 141 Oat. April If n 17 17 18 May 84084 $4 11 ' SS 14 S Pork May 47 10 47 10 47 10 17 II 41 10 Lard May 21 II IS 61 IS IS tl 10 IS 67 July 15 17 SS 17 SS 47 II II $7 Rib. May 14 00 14 S 11 IS 14 OS 14 II July 14 60 14 SS 24 46 14 11 14 IT CHICAGO QUAUf AND PROVISIONS. Excellent Crop Condition Dewlap Pro- ' no u need Weakncus la Cora and 0t. Chicago, April 1 (.Pronounced weakness developed In th grain markets tort.v chiefly owing to excellent crop conditions. rn cion heary, o to lo net lowr, with May 11.17 and July 11.47 to 11.47. ' Oat lost lo to 14114o and provision So to llOKc. General rain, which will give newly planted corn a good start and will put th soil through th main portion ot the bel.., Into tin haps for seeding, gave th berlei In oorn a decided advantags from th out-l set Bom authorities asorlbed part ot th ' weakness to unfavorable war new but tht view met with vigorous dissent. Hedging " ale and llklihood that they would as sume greater proportion attracted mucn ' .' notice and counted especially against th . juiy option, indication pointed to aome decrease In acreage, but not sufficient to affect materially the die of the yield. On the other hand, eastern domestic demand wa reportad a th . poorest tn many months. I, Weather and crop new had most to do with ths downward coura of oat. An- " nouncement wa not mats until after trad ing hour that No. I whlt oat had been mad deliverable at lo under standard, nd that deallnga In new atyl contract for -una and July wonld begin tomorrow. Increased warehouse stock palled dowt " provision. Corn No. 1 yellow. $1.70 91-71; No. I r yellow, $1.6601.66; No. 4 ysllow, $1.4(0 1.66. Oata No. I white, Ilat0e; tandard I0990e. Rye No. 1, nominal. Barley I1.40OL7I. . Timothy $8.000100. ft Clover $18.00 2$.00. -., Pork Nominal. Lard $15.(1. Ribs $2!.(62I.$0. Coffee Market ' New Tork, April II. Th market foi coffee future was quiet with price Mffini off under scattered liquidation and fti ' opening unchanged to on point lower, lose' at a net los of 1 to I point. Near months . wer relatively easy with Her Minns' at 1.40 and December at 1.71. No freak feature wa reported In th ocean freight situation. May. 1.40; July, 1. 10; September, l.llf October, 8 41; December, I. IS; January, 1.74 1 March, 1.87. Spot coffe quiet; Rio 7a, f; Baauw 4a, lle. , Few firm offer were reported from Braill and price being baaed on outald freight rate wer firm, ranging around, 111.10 to lie for Santo 4 London credit. The official cable reported an advene ol (0 rel at Rio. Santo spot wer unchanged and future unchanged to IS rel lower. Brazilian port receipt 14,000 bag. New Tork Produce, New Tork, April H. Butter Market Firm; receipt, 7.817 tub; creamery higher than extras, 4546o: creamery extra. (92 score), 4(4lc; first, 43444c; packing stock current make, No. t, 12 0S3c. v Eggs Market firm; receipt. 40,111 cases; fresh gathered extra, !8c; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 17018c; fresh regu lar peeked extra first, 80 9 37c; firsts. 84 36c. s Cheese Market steady; receipt, boxes; stats held special, 2426s; 1.101 tato, average run, 2324o. Poultry Llv and dreased, market firm ' price unchanged. .. Omaha Us;. Choice upland prairie hay, $11.00. No. 1. $16.00017.60. No. 1, $11.0016.00. No. 3, $9.00010 00. No. 1 midland, $10.00917.00. No. 2, $11.00016.00. No. 1 lowland, $11.00 13.00. No. 2. $9.0010.00. No. 3. $7.0091.00. Choice alfalfa. $21.00. No. 1. $!8.00ll.09. Standard, $13.00017.00. No. 1, $10.00012.00. No. 3, $9.00010.00. Oat traw. $8.00. Whea straw, $7.008.00. . , 1 Metal Market. New York, April 16. Metal exchange quotes lead steady; spot, $7.007.25; spelter, easv: East St. Louis delivery, spot, ,Of fared at $6.90. At London: Spot copper and futures, 110; electrolytic. 1425; spot tin, $322; fu. tures. 332; lead, spot, 2 10s; futurs) 28 10s; spelter, spot, 64; future. 50. Kansas City Grain. ' Kansas City, Mo., April 16. Corn No. 4 mixed, $V621.66; No. 2 white, $1.7001.76; No. 2 yerlow, $1.65L6; May, $1.2J9 1.27 i : July, $1.60. Oats No. 2 white, 88c; No. 3 mixed, 13 84c. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo April 16. Corn No. t, $1.65' No. 2 white, $1.851.87; July. $1.48. Oats No. 2, 85085c; No. 3 white, 88 8c; May, 83c; Juiy, 76c. Dulnth Linseed. Duluth. Minn.. April 16. Linseed, $4.05 4.12; arrive, $4.05: May, $4.07 asked; July, $4.04 asked; October, $3.61 Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. April 14. Butter and Toul. try Unchanged. Eggs Firsts. 22 e. New Yerk Sugar. New York, April l. Sugar Raw. market steady; centrifugal, l.00(i flatt granulated, 1.45.