Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Adelaide Kennerly
Ella Fleishman,
5 JEJLVl 1 UK.
Churches of Omaha
Subscribe $500,000 .
To the Liberty Loan
Churches of Omaha had subscribed
5500,000 in Liberty bonds when head
quarters of the women's committee
closed late Saturday evening. Addi
tional subscriptions made at Sunday
services have not yet been tabulated.
Nearly 100 members, 98 to be exact,
have already joined the "$1,000 Lib
erty Bond club." Names reported
since Saturday are: Mrs. John L.
Kennedy, Mrs. E. M. Searle, jr.; Miss
Margaret Brown, Lillian C. Richard?,
Elsie D. Richards, Mrs. E. F. Riley,
Mrs. Sarah F. Robinson, Mrs. Fal
mer Findley, Mrs. E. H. Benner. Mrs.
Robert Leavens, Mrs. W. A. Smith,
Mrs. M. Shirley, Miss Gretchen Dis-lion-Mary
Hailey, Mary A. Hailey,
Anna B. Hamilton, Mrs. L. F. Cro
foot. Miss Margaret J! Neary, Mrs.
. Janet R. Nash, Mrs. W. F. Allen;
.yiss Loretta DeLone. Mrs. S. Leh
man, Mrs. M. Shirley. Mrs. Fidelia L.
McArdle, Mrs. I. C. Wood. Mrs.
Clayton A. Pratt and Mrs. William
Church Subscriptions.
IV, A. Fraser, throufth different
i huri'hea for the Woodmen of
tlio 'World JSfi.oni)
NfV'.iska Telephone Co 40.001)
. H. I'-pdlke '. 30,000
1 M: V. Peters 25,000
V H. Nash Co, 20,000
Wtljrht & Wilhelmy Co 15,000
(mat. Printing Co 10,000
3Trs. ti. F. Crofoot .10,000
. C. E. Crofoot 10,000
Mrs. J. F.-Coad
U. A. Redlck i. 10.000
( reiKhton university ...... 6,000
Aloert 8." Billings 6.500
W. J. Coad M00
Dr. U. O. Sumney M00
John Beklns M00
gfeward Updike 6,000
llr. ,H. .M. McClatfaban , 6,000
John 8, Brady .0nJ
I.llllan C. Richards 3,000
J DeForrest Richards .""
Knt & Burke Co J.Onj
vr. H. Chambers J-MJ
Mrs. Robert F. Leavens 3,000
M. Shirley 3,000
V. H. Chambers 3,000
K. W. F. Leflang
Mrs. E. H. Benner 2.-'0?
Henry F. and Clara B. Wyman .... 2.600
JOIsie u. Kicnaras S nnnU
Dr. Harold Gifford ,
Mrs. saran r: noDinson
St. John's Church Society
S. B. Doyle
Yoegel & Dinning Co W
The following men have subscribed
$1,000 each through the churches:
Thomas,). Warren, Fred Boisen, L.
N. Boisen, E. A. Higgins, F. B. Hos
tetler, M. A. Hall, Burkley Envelope
and Printing company, F. J. Burkley,
Owen McCaffrey, J. H. Conrad,
George M. Smith, F. W. Smylie,
James E. Ludlow, T. L. Davis. Earl
L Buck, E. G. McGilton, Dr. .Henry
Lemere, A. L. Sutton, Anna B. Ham
ilton, Westminster Church society,
Lester E. McCoun, W. F. Dawson, B
P. Billings, ?. V. Shirley, Clarence W.
Chadwick, Albert Edholm, F. S. Han
na, J. A. Cavers, Dr. Leroy Crummer
and J. C. Kinsler. '
In the Schools.
F. E. McMillan, the one "mere
man" on the woman's committee,
after-four-days'-work reports 59 sub
scriptions for Central: high, totaling
Students of High' School of Com
merce' are working hard towards the
raising of $100. Every cent will be
earned by, their own labors, before
and after sahool hours, carrying
papers, doing housework, tending fur
naces, minding children for busy
mothers, etc. -The bond subscribed
for in the last campaign in this man
ner was donated to the Young Men s
Christian association.
There is little doubt but that the
Van Sant school will again be
awarded the highest Liberty loan rec
ord in the United States for business
ichools, as it was in the last drive.
Five days' work by the pupils has
iredited' the school with the sum of
25,000. ' One pupil of German de
scent has sold $1,450 worth of bonds
to Qerman and Austrian truck farm
rs. '
The following captains of the com
mittee on schools have made splendid
showings: Mrs. John P. Webster
brought in 95 subscriptions, totaling
$10,150. Miss Irene McKnight and
Mrs. Palmer Findlay have each
turned in $3,600. The following
schools have raised $1,000 or more:
Castelar, $1,250; Central school, $1,
250; Kellom, $1,050; Farnam, $1,000,
Miller Park, $1,100 and Monmouth
Parks, $1,000
" Mrs. J. T. Pickard, chairman of the
woman's committee of Benson, an
nounces the following subscriptions
to-date: Catholic church, Mrs. J. J.
Gleason, chairman, $6,700; Methodist
church, Mrs. Luther Musk, chairman,
$350; Presbyterian church, Mrs. E. O.
Mason, chairman, $4,600; Baptist
church, Mrs. J. T. Pickard, chairman,
$500, and Royal Neighbors lodge, $50.
This includes subscriptions from
Mrs. Fidelia L. McArdle for $4,200,
the Gallagher & Nelson company tor
$1,000 and Dr. E. A. Mason,. $1,000.
Florence. '
(rm W A V-rlAr' rliairman nf the
woman's committee in Florence, has
reported $3,200 to date. The largest
bond was sold to the Florence Lum
ber arid Coal company for $1,500.
House-to-House Canvass.
Mrs. M. D. Cameron secured $25,000
from the Peters Trust conipany in
her house-to-house campaign. Mrs.
Charles Rosewater, chairman of the
Ninth ward, has to her credit $25,000
from the Hynes Elevator, company,
This brings the fund to $100,000.
Movement to Reclaim
Fruit Trees
The United States has hundreds of
millions of neglected fruit trees, and
J. F. Deems, federal food adminis
trator for Iowa, is encouraging a
movement among the nurserymen,
agricultural agents, and farmers of his
state to have such trees pruned, culti
vated, sprayed, and brought into
greater production. The idea has
been taken up in Oregon and other
Kafir Corn Ground at Home
Hundreds of Oklahoma famine are
using corn meal and kafir-corn flour
ground in small hand mills at home.
This not only solves any local prob
lem of supply in cereal substitutes
and. save millers' and retailers'
profits, but the fresh-ground meal
produced at home has a quality and
flavor obtainable in no other wv.
Red Cross Sends
Canteen on Wheels
To Italian Front
The Red Cross has this week added
a new and picturesque branch to its
many activities in Italy by sending
two "rolling canteens" to the front.
The object of these canteens, which
are really kitchens on wheels, is to
furnish hot food to soldiers in first
line trenches. Two New York men
have charge oT these first rolling can
teen units. They are Lieutenant Gar-!
diner and Lieutenant Edward Mc
Key A farewell reception was given to
the departing officers in the presence
of American and Italian officials at
the Red Cross rest house in Milan.
Four additional rolling canteen units
will be sent out next week.
Red Cross Life Members.
Dr.' A. P. Condon, head of the Nich
olas Senn hospital, sent a check of
$335 to the RedjCross. This means
a life membership for every one of
the six members of his family and
a year's membership for all the
nurses in the hospital.
Liberty Bank Lands
Big Subscriptions
Among the biggest bonds sold by
the Liberty batik, Saturday and to
day is the $10,000 subscription from
H. W. Johns-Manville, $5,000 from
Miss Arabel Kimball and $500 from
Robert Updike.
. Robert Findlay, 1-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Findlay, 5347
North Twenty-ninth street, was the
youngest subscriber at the bunk. His
sister, little Miss Elizabeth, is also a
Mary Ida Crawshaw, 14 months
old, is second youngest patriot who
bought a bond at the bank. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Future Events.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Selby will
entertain the Harmony club at their
home Saturday night.
Mrs. Minnie Morris will entertain
a luncheon party of fifteen guests at
the Loyal hotel Tuesday.
Mrs. William S. Poppleton will en
tertain the Original Cooking club at
luncheon at her home Thursday.
The Bonheur club of St. John's par
rish will give a card and dancing
party Tuesday evening in Metropoli
tan hall.
Miss Emily Keller will entertain
a party of 10 guests at the tea dance
at the Fontenelle Saturday. Miss
Keller had planned the party for last
Saturday, but owing to illness the af
fair was postponed a week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath are
expected home today from Montana.
Mr. and Mrs.' Myron Learned
moved tb their country home, "Wal
den Wood," today.
Sergeant Lund is spending a few
davs in Omaha. He is stationed with
the Omaha ambulance company at
Louisville, Ky.
Newfoundland Grinds
First Wheat
The first flour ever ground in New
foundland was recently produced
from wheat grown m that colony,
Newfoundland is so far north that
although wheat had been ripened oc
casionally in previous years under
favorable conditions it was used only
for poultry feeding. Last year, under
pressure for food production, some
very hardy wheat seed was obtained
from the northern sections or west
em Canada and planted in the most
fertile soil on the island. Enough of
this crop ripened to justfy bringing in
a secondhand flour mill from Nova
Scotia, and much larger plantins are
to be made this year.
Child Institute
Nurses Bake Cake
For the Red Cross
We have heard the old Idage of too
many cooks spoiling the broth many
times, but in the case ot the Child
Savings Institute cake a number of
cooks constructed the most luscious
devil's food cake ever seen or tasted.
The nurses at the institute are very
busy people taking care of so many
homeless kiddies and they felt that
they must do something to help the
Red Cross. Someone suggested mak
ing the cake and immediately the
flour, sugar, butter and flavoring
were brought into action and before
you could wink a toothsome chocolate
cake with sparkling white frosting
was ready for sale.
To the stock exchange the pretty
nurses went with their cake and, en
listing the services of a real auction
eer, the cake was put up far sale. You
should have seen the men flock around!
Anyone who thinks that the sterner
ex hasn't a sweet tooth should have
been there. After months of sweet
less days that big cake was not to be
missed. They couldn't wait to bid in
the prescribed way, but actually threw
their money at the auctioneer.
One of the nurses received several
bumps on her head where she was hit
by silver dollars. The lucky man
who got the cake was so afraid that
someone would try to take it away
from him that he hastened away with
his prize and none even knows his
name! And the result is that $335
poured into the coffers of the Red
The nurses who had a finger in the
cake included: Misses Amy. Davis,
Emma Glew, Margaret Davis, Cath
erine Jonescheit, Lois Dixon, Cora
Golbeck, Ershall Fawcett, Mary Fin
ger and Mrs. Carrie Parrish.
Women's Share in Red Cross
Direction Is Ever Increasing
At Daughters' Conference.
Omaha is represented at the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution na
tional conference which opened today
in Washington by Mesdames C. II.
Aull and Edgar Allan. The former's
sister, Mrs. George Thacker Guernsey,
of Independence, Kan., is the national
president-general and will preside dur
ing the meeting. Mrs. Max Hostetler
of Shelton, Neb., is another repre
sentative from this state.
For 96th Birthday.
An informal reception was given to
day in honor of Mrs. William Roths
child, the occasion being her 96th
birthday. Mrs. L. J. Herzog and the
Misses Fay and Carita Herzog of Lin
coln assisted at the reception., The
rooms were attractively decorated
with greens and about 75 guests called
If? lit
tF'0s. x4Mf a. Cv
" !ylp j? :
WM Assistant fothc Ocncwl Manaoct' fepSI
'''' "' v"v
Woman's Increasing part In the
V direction of Red Crosa affairs li be
ing constantly emphasized by the
appointment of women to executive
positions at headquarters. Recently
Mlsa Elizabeth S. Hoyt was mads
Assistant to the General Manager.
Miss Hoyt was landscape artist of
note and was chosen for her present
position because of her talent along
executive lines. Miss Ina Taft, for
merly Director of Women's Work in
the Central Division, has just been
made Superintendent of Garments.
Miss Jane A. Delano, who Is Chair
man of the Red. Cross Department
of Nursing, was formerly Superin
tendent of the Tratning School for
Nurses at Bellevue Hospital, New
York, and the Hospital of the UnU
verslty of Pennsylvania. Miss Mar
tha Draper Is Associate Director vt
he Bureau of Personnel. All of
these work harder than the average
business woman and without pay.
The picture Is that ot Miss Hoyt.
during the afternoon. Mrs. Roths
child's daughters give this reception
in honor of their mother each year.
Miss Congdon Hostess.
Miss Josephine Congdon enter
tained at an informal little dinner
party at her home Saturday evening.
ut course, it was an army ariair and a
number of the young officers from the
fort were irr the party. After dinner
the young people all went over to
the Fontenelle for a bit of a dance.
1- -1
Wheatless Day and Every Day
(ream of "Rue
'delicious irv a dozen, ways v
The right food for evervbobV.
Your grocer has it Try the recipes on the package.
Minneapolis Cereal Co., Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.
Camouflage Butter
The high price of butter has given
opportunity to interest housewives
again in a familiar scheme variously
known as "making two pounds of
butter out of one," "wonderful butter
increaser, or magic buttermaker.
It is generally pointed out that two
pounds of butter can be made out of
one oound of butter mixed with milk,
There is nothing new about this de
vice, according to the dairy depart
ment of the University of Nebraska,
since it has been sold in different
parts of the country off and on for
at least 30 or 40 years.
' According to law, butter must con
tain at least 82 per cent butter fat,
and not to exceed 16 per cent water,
which of course, would not be the
case if skim milk or water were'mixey
with it. It is, therefore, illegal to
offer such a product for sale as but
ter. It is simply another way of add
ing water or skim milk to the butter
the same results might be ac
complished by spreading the butter
about half as thick, as far as actual
nourishment is concerned.
It is remarkable that in the course
of the 18th century women mostly
guided the fates of Russia, while the
male sovereigns could not hold their
own, but usually die violent deaths.
Pipings of yellow are a great addi
tion to the blue serge dress.
The new calicoes have delightful
designs on a white background.
Electric Washer
While the "Lion" Roars and the "Eagle" Screams
Fashion's Newest Decrees Will Sell at
You are Requested to Lend a Hand
by faying Cash and Carry the Goods 1
$25.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses at 319.75
$30.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at 834.75
$35.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at $27.75
' $40.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at $29.75
$45.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at $34.75
$50.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at $39.75
$60.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at. .... .$44.50
$75.00 Coats, Suits and Dresses, at $54.50
$10.00 SKIRTS
while the esgla screams, at
$15.00 SKIRTS
while the eagle screams, at
while the lion roars, at 15.95
while the lion roars, at SS.95
Honest To Goodness" WAR VALUES
Marriage Report Denied. j
The marriage of Miss May Grant,
daughter of Mrs. Maude Davies, and
George Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Wright, reported in The Bee
Sunday, is denied by parents of the
young people.
TheUeS. Food Administration
writes, urging that we help
them bring to the attention
of our customers the im
portance of saving wheat.
Use Calumet'
Baking Powder
with Corn and Other Coarse
Flours. And you will have
satisfactory, wholesome
Calumet Baking Pow
der saves three ways:
You save when you buy it.
You save when you use it.
You save materials it is
used with. True economy '
in Cost in Use in Time.
The Army and Navy Us It
Save All the Wheat You
Can and Help Our Allies
Recipe Book
Free send for it today
Calumet Baking Powder Co.
4100 Fillmore St Chicago, Illinois
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of, Them ip The Bee
Following fi
the sun with Ofe
Ul Li La Lai J ViLUL,,,.,,,! LA
Mothers! Don't Give Children
Nauseous Medicine for Golds
Local Druggists Are Offering an
SO Days' Trial '
Children's Stomachs Are Delicate
Easily Upset by Constant Internal
Dosing. The Best Way To Prevent
Colds Is To Allow the Children Reg
ular Out-Door Exercise Keep Plen
ty of Fresh Air In the Bedroom at
Night, and, at the First Sign of
Trouble, Apply the Southern Ex
ternal Vapor Treatment.
Fifteen Tear ago a North Carolina
Druggist discovered a process of com-
Dbung . the old-fashioned remedies.
Camphor, Turpentine and Menthol,
wtQi. certain volatile ells, In salve
form, so that 'srhen applied over the
throat and chest the body heat onld
reaease these ingredients in the form
of vapors. These vapors, breathed In
all sight Ions; carry the medication.
with each breath, to the" afr passage
and lungs. In addition, the prepara
tion is absorbed through and stimu
lates the skin, taking out that tight
ness and soreness in the chest
Today this treatment, known aa
Vlck's VapoRub, is universally used
throughout the south in preference to
internal dosing. By arrangement wtthl
the manufacturers the local druggists
are offering 25c Jars on 30 days' trial,
the purchase price to be refunded if
yon are not delighted with the results.
You have to try VapoRub to realise
Its remarkable effect, not only for deep
chest colds, sore throat, bronchitis or
incipient pneumonia, but for head
colds, asthmatic or catarrhal troubles.
Croup is usually relieved within fif
teen minutes and an application at
bedtime prevents a night attack.
VapoRub la particularly recom
mended to mothers with small chil
dren as it la externally, applied and
can therefore be used freely and often
with perfect safety oa thQ pmJlf'rt
member of the family.
Uision, for a moment those far off ports
beyond the trackless seas
From Arctic ice, to the torrid lands
beneath the Southern Cross
From towns tucked in the mountains, to
the busy river's mouth , .-
WRIGLEYS is there!
There, because men find
comfort and refreshment it)
its continued use.
Because of its benefits
mi a w: r-mm ft s assassrw s v sb sb a sw h . r h .
Because of its benefits !