THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. APRIL 16, 1918 ,The Omaha Bee VAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR THE BEK PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha poi toffies at second-class matter. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION -t ; , By C-rtier. B Mill. j)it!. and Bundi? jw wk, )S Pur rsr. Id. Oo Hil- without Sundir " l"o " 4 04 ,l:tertnt and SurnHr..... lo " 00 'ilmlng wimout Sundsy " 4 " Pd.T Bet onlr ' 5i " 00 d notic at cbinn of addrm or trreguliritr la delitenr to Omaha Circulation Dapartawou MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vi . . . J Tl . ,4k Vttm Dl ( m Mtmlw la CiltlTrV tilled to Um uw for -nbllcatlod of ill turn dlipatrhai er.ili tt or not oUiirwHa eralttwl in th1 imw, and aim tk l-l nawi mblihl herein. All mots 01 iUiiouoe oi our iwm uiynu n alw renerwL REMITTANCE mtt o drift, nprwa or poitil order. Only S and 3 -cent itini in ivmt of fmall awoiinta I'erwmtl ehees. eioept on fRiuna and tail era eiciiange, not toronto. t. OFFICES Bmiha Tha Be Bulldrna. rhlcaio Paonlrt ? Buildlm. rVmlh Omh-!ls N St. N-w Vork Fifth Are. Cnonrll Bluffs-It N. Main 8b St. Nw B' of Commerce Eiw-oln Little BulMlac , Wiihlniton 1311 OR. i r r j CORRESPONDENCE ftrtdrwaa eommiinlrttloiu relstlni to semi and editorial ntitter to piaaba tin. Kdltnrisl Depwtinent. J MARCH CIRCULATION I 66,558 Daily Sunday, 56,553 Iterate elrculitlna for th month. subscribes and iwom to b D wight Killiimi. Circulation Manaa. Subscribers leavlnf th city abould hav Th Be mailed to them. Addreaa changed often a requeued. ,----- i i Moving the tank is a great sport locally. V Open season for million-dollar rains. Bring them on. !s Omaha churches put over their share of the bond drive in fine style, and the good work still goes on. Liberty bonds provide the only known form of Insurance that protects and paysj good dividends as it goes along. I'i: Do not worry about the western front. Our eastern front is Berlin, and we must keep our eyes fixed there. ' The dangerous grade crossing when doubled up with reckless or careless driving makes a deadly combination. Des Moines will teach civil government and Red Cross work instead of German in the high school. Here is a good example for Omaha's school board to follow. ! Slate-makers are busy, but approach the job somewhat gingerly, realizing that the voter lias the last word, and experience has shown that dis crimination ts easy of practice. ; After the inquest on four grade crossing vic tims,' perhaps the State Railway commission will give more serious consideration to the demand for a viaduct on West, Leavenworth street. ' Senator Kenyon on Sunday told his audience, in response to a question, that, barring the sanc tity of the day and the presence of the clergy, he would tell the Germans after' the war "to take their goods and go to hell." , This sentiment will be generally echoed. 'SC. . Nothing has been heard recently of j the once proposed plan of the German propagandists here m Omaha to start another daily newspaper sub servient to their bidding. Why should they want another newspaper while the senator's hyphe nated organ is at their beck and call? ' j' Governor Neville ,hasn't said a word about the bunco game played on him by the Hitchcock Mullen gang to get him to father their pro-German "proviso" to save alien-enemy votes for the J920 presidential election. It's a safe guess, though, that he's been thinking a lot about it. ft mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mm For the last six years the chairman of the democratic county committee, whoever hap pened to be chosen for that post, has been draw ing a nonpartisan city hall salary while actively conducting the work of party management. If ,this is nonpartisanship, we prefer ie other kind. - Samuel Rogers. ?V Another of the builders of Omaha, Samuel Rogers, has passed on at a ripe age, and after having been permitted to see the choice of his youth' as an abiding place become a metropolitan iity far surpassing -.v utmost expectations of his dreams. His 64 years of residence here com prise witniij. .tneir span tne nistory ot tne city, lie was pioneer in the truest sense, building and helping to build, until the young community in which he caSt his lot took on strength and growth of sturdy character, and in his. time came to be one of the great centers of commercial and industrial activity of the world. What h con tributed to this development scarcely can be set down, but in the earlier days he was an active, efficient factor in the social, commercial and civic affairs of the community, and until his retirement from business was a conservative advocate of the best interests of Omaha. His closing years were passed in peaceful contemplation of the results be had helped to plan for and with the satisfac tion that must have come from that knowledge. His going nearly closes the roll call for the men who helped lay the foundations of Omahay PUT AN AMERICAN ON GUARD. The death of William Joel Stone suddenly pre sents to the administration at Washington an op portunity to show its sincerity in the war by in sisting that the vacant chairmanship of the most important senate committee on foreign relations be filled by a man free from taint of pro-Germanism. By accident of seniority, Gilbert M. Hitch cock, misrepresenting Nebraska, is the ranking democratic member of that committee, and if precedent be followed will succeed to the chair manship. The delicate as well as the cordial relations between the United States and its allies in the war require that the man at the head of this com mittee should possess a record of undivided Americanism and be whole-heartedly in sym pathy with our, war purposes. Senator Hitch cock's support of kaiserism prior to the war and his intimate alliance with the odious German American Alliance are notorious; his opposition to England is equally so. His succession to the high place now within his reach would invite suspicion, to put it mildly, among foreign nations as to our devotion to the war. The membership roster of the committee con tains the names of several distinguished demo crats, whose ability is unquestioned, and whose picture never adorned the front page of .the Bernstorff-subsidized "Fatherland," and who have never received fulsome praise for service per formed in the cause of Germany. The loyal peo ple who are offering their own, or their fathers', brothers' or sons' lives to the cause of democracy are entitled, to have a real American, and not a kaiser-coddler, at the head of the foreign rela tions committee. Give Us An Anti-Nepotism Pledge. Again we ask, is there any good reason why public office should be a family snap? The candidates for favor in the coming mu nicipal election are presumably formulating the platforms upon which they are going before the people. We hope that in , the enumeration of promised reforms will be an anti-nepotism pledge to put an end to the loading of the pay rolls with brothers, sisters and cousins and other members of the family. The Bee proposed a law to this effect applying generally and it went through one house of the legislative session before last, but was blocked for final passage by the pay roll beneficiaries. We do not have to have a law, however, to stop the nepotism abuse. We do, not even have to have a prohibitory ordinance. It can be stopped by mutual agreement of the responsible heads of the different departments not to stand for any family imposition upon the taxpayers.' Regardless of past offenses along this line and they certainly have bee'n flagrant let us be assured that there will be no more of it. Czernin's Resignation Ominous. The retirement of Count Czernin as minister for foreign affairs of Austria is ominous for sev eral reasons, principal of which is that he was the most consistent and persistent of all statesmen of the Central powers in seeking peace. That he fairly reflected opinion of a considerable element of the population of the Austrian empire is not to be doubted, and it may equally be believed that his several efforts to secure an understanding With the Entente Allies, independent of Germany, were not wholly without the approval of Emperor Charles. Internal affairs of Austria have not gone well of late. The drive on Italy did not relieve the military pressure on the empire, while the Czechs, the Jugoslavs, iht Magyars and the Poles have all found cause to complain of the in creasing arrogance of the Germans, and this friction has engendered not a little heat. Ad justments with Russia and Roumania, wherein Germany gained practically all advantage, has not tended any to allaying the home troubles of the Austrians. Czernin's retirement may be ex pected to remove certain restraints the "loyal" Bohemians have been under, and thus increase the embarrassment of the throne, nstead of bringing tranquility nearer, it lookd as if the change in foreign ministers means more trouble for Karl. Drivers: Be More Careful. A shocking catalogue of automobile mishaps is presented as Omaha's record for a beautiful Sunday. Each of these deplorable events car ries the same moral of regrettable emphasis: The driver did not exercise due care. A little more watchfulness in each instance and the acci dent would have been avoided. The advice has' been repeated over and over, and drivers have been admonished time after time, but something in the exhiteration of the sport seems to obliterate any sense of prudence just when caution "is most ne:ded. Joy is turned to sorrow, pleasure to suf fering, but regret will not restore life nor relieve the crippled.' Drivers must be made to realize that on their skill and watchfulness depend the safety not only of themselves and those riding with them, but of others who use the highways. Nothing can be substituted for this, and "joy riding" only will be made safe when drivers ac cept their responsibility and give serious atten tion to their task in every regard. This alone will relieve the Sunday pleasure taking of the Monday morning report of horrors. Hindenburg's hindsight is still considerable distance in advance of his foresight. German Loyalty in America Hermann Hagedorn's 'Straight Talk to Men 0 German Blood1 Boston Transcript A valiant plea is made by Hermann Hage dorn in his little volume which asks and answers the question on its title page, "Where Do You Stand?" It forms an ap peal to Americans of German origin, and it 13 UCUltlCU IO MIC lllCIMUIJf Ul 113 wiucia grandfather, Frederick Schwedler, "a Saxon by birth, an exile by choice, a stanch and suc cessful defender of American ideals by the grace of his own high spirit" In his dedica tory note Mr. Hagedorn tell his readers that his grandfather fled from Saxony after the revolution of 1848 and 1849, leaving a thriving business and a congenial circle of fel low musicians to seek in America the free dom his own country denied him. He be came editor and proprietor of the New Yorker Demokrat and fought vigorously with his pen for the election of Lincoln and for the defense of the union. "In the midst of a great battle, fellow American and fellow fighter, your old playmate salutes you!" con cludes Mr. Hagedorn. To those Americans of German origin who ask why they should be called upon to give evidence of their complete loyalty, Mr. Hagedorn replies that in view of their atti tude prior to our declaration of war, in view of their vocal and tacit approval of the sink ing of the Lusitania and other atrocities, the question "Where Do You Stand?" is a neces sary and logical question. "It is not an evi dence of anti-German hysteria. It is plain, common sense, based on the established record of German-American opinion during the two and a half years preceding Ameri ca's entrance into, the war. During those years we Americans of German origin per mitted the rest of the American people to gather the impression that we were all, with out exception and with reserve, ardently and whole-heartedly for Germany and all its works. "The German-Americans, he found, wnile expressing through their leaders the hottest indignation; at every infringement of what they conceived to be Germany's rights, by America and the allies, were so far from in dignant at the infringement of America's "rights by Germany as actually to demand the abject cession of those rights. Ha found, further more that the German-Americans, while ex ulting in the 'martial spirit' of their mTother country, were preaching the most trusting and guileless pacifism in this. He found that they regarded with contempt any suggestion of a reorganization of the German govern ment which might end in the overthrow of the German 'standpatter,' the junkers; even while they were fomenting class hatred in this country and in countless ways saying and suggesting that capitalism was the idol of America's anti-Gerrnanism. He found that German diplomats or secret agents, caught redhanded in some characteristic enterprise, were seldom censured and then only mildly, not so much because of their crimes, it seemed, but because they had allowed them selves to be caught. Americans who spoke with fervor and indignation for the defense of American rights on sea and land were found, on the other hand, excoriated as dis turbers of the peace, -he American ot other stock than German, of whom we here speak, came to the only conclusion humanly pos sible under the circumstances, tie decided that the German-American was a dangerous fellow and had better be watched. It is unnecessary to outline Mr. Hage dorn's careful statement of facts and closely reasoned argument. He presents the case in a masterful and convincing fashion, and he is filled with an optimism about the German- American attitude that we hope is thoroughly justifiable. Through much that is forcible and pathetic, we may pass to his concluding words: "I appeal to you only because I am one of you, he says, addressing his fellow Americans of German blood. "I have been torn as you are torn. I love German men and women and German forests and hills and songs as you love them; I, too, have a father in Germany; I, too, had a German mother; and I, too, have brothers fighting in Ger many's armies. For a time my reason as well as my heart was in Germany's cause, and even , after my reason would no longer let me hope for Germany's triumph, for a time my heart was still rebelliously thrilled at the news of a German -victory. So, per haps. I have a right to speak. I have stood on Germany's side, I have walked in the val ley of the shadow of neutrality, I have stood and I now stand irrevocably with the cause of the allies, which, thank God, is now the cause of America. And 1 say to you most solemnly, the time has come for us all who are of German origin to stand forth and in dividually and collectively publicly declare ourselves. I, an American citizen of German blood, believe in America, my country, and the principles of liberty, equality and democ racy for which she stands. Therefore, and inevitably, I am against .Germany; I wish to see my country victorious and Germany de feated. To the fulfillment of this wish I pledge my hands, my heart and my spirit. In the taking and the keeping of that oath or its equivalent lies the hope, lies the only hope of the happiness and the present and future usefulness of Americans of German blood." Amid a multitude of books about the war, Mr. Hagedorn's takes first place. Prophets Miss Fire in War It has been a period unprecedentedly fa vorable to a- great revival and growth of superstition. Prophets have been showing an unusual activity aince the autumn of 1914, and we have been invited to study scores of prophetic utterances, going back from a de cade to nearly 20 centuries into the past, and to observe the extraordinary accuracy with which they were being fulfilled. One after another the prophetic illusions have been shattered. It is always easy at certain times to read a measure of truthful fulfillment into almost any given prophecy. That is what gives support to the faith in the business of the fortune tellers, who un dertake to unveil your future for the trifling fee of 25 cents.; Usually the forecast consists of glittering generalities, that the credulous are quite able to twist into some likeness to the outline of subsequent events, and they overlook the items that fsil of fulfillment. The Irommon prophetic error is in being too specific. Where the prophets should be vague and impressionistic in their forecasts they are more than likely to give in to the common passion for realism. So they define future periods, give dates, and outline exact circumstances. Once in a while fate is kind and confirms their mystic testimony, which is not strange, for the laws of chance cpuld not be expected to pass them over entirely. But careful observation will show that 99 prophecies out of 100 completely miss fire. That has been the case in these days of civilization's earthquake. We have been told of 100 prophecies relating to this war, some of them going back several centuries. In several instances the time of its begining was fixed with remarkable accuracy, according to the post-facto revelations, but in prophesying its duration all the prophets without excep tion seem to have slipped a cog. In short, prophecy in this war has not made a record that would justify any faith fn it Provi-. dence Journal. 1 1 More Food Saving to Come Food Administrator Hoover warns the country i that it must prepare for greater self-denial in the year to come than was exercised in our Jirst year of war. Whatever the outcome of the new German offensive, "we cannot hope that Europe's plea for ad ditional food supply will be less," and there will be need of f'even greater zeal to meet the increased intensity and gravity of the world food situation." If the American public is called on to do more food-saving than it has done, it may be expected to respond voluntarily in the main and with reasonable cheerfulness. Its one year of experience has not been oner ous; we have not had to undergo anything like the self-sacrifice necessitated among the allies by the conditions in Europe. The great benefit has been in habituating an ex travagant people to household economies and in training them to avoid waste. The United States Is now, in fact, in a state of full preparedness for the "greater demands and heavier burdens" Mr. Hoover foresees. It is better equipped to accept them, both from having learned how to save intelligently and from a deeper -appreciation of the patriotism involved. New York World. The Year's Record of War Work In one year we have Wbilized an army and navy of 2,000,000 men, have raised $10,000,000,000 or more, and have become as one single voice in the slogan of "p'eace by force." To say nothing of the organiza tion of ships, shipping, railroads, steel, ore, oil, and foodstuffs on a war basis entering minutely into the life of every household in America, what we have done in men and money alone so far surpasses expectation that few were equal to the task of fore seeing it a year ago. It is better to overdo criticism than un derdo performance. As there can be no monopoly of loyalty, there can be no mo nopoly of service. Qne of our countless "old country" friends, who has felicitated American achievement in the first year of war, says, "to have realized it would have been an unequaled feat of imagination." It may be said, without shock to the feel ing of the most aggressive and patriotic, we have progressed far beyond what a year ago was deemed probable, and have material ized tideals and dreams of achievement in preparation which would have been then mocked and flouted by the voice of author ity as idle and vain. It is best to speak of what "we" have done. The efficiency of democracy has been on trial by a new acid test. Only extreme believers have been correct In gauging its adequacy. It has been found according to its best traditions equal o more than could be reasonably, moderately and conserva tively foretold. It ia idle to attribute the result to govern ment or administration. What has been done would have been impossible but for the coalescence of public opinion, each day assuming a more advanced position and more definite direction of personal and na tional hostility to the aims and policies of Germany and the German people them selves. Without claptrap, it may just as. well be said the year's record at home be longs to the American people themselves, and to none other. Wall Street Journal. People and Events Most of the blubber about whale-meat eating down east comes from thosej who dote on the choice whale cuts of the picture book. Theater ticket scalping in Cnicago gets the knockout from the state supreme court, which affirraed the right of the city to pro hibit the business. This system of organized graft mainly on visitors fought the law in all the courts, which is proof of highly prof itable business. Tourists on pleasure bent will miss this touch from Chicago's exten sive collection. Investigators report between 350 and 400 women now engaged in running elevators in New York buildings, chiefly apartment houses. Most of them are classed as former house servants, drawn from homes, by as surances of shorter hours, better wages and more freedom. These hopes have not been realized to any material extent Wages range from $35 to $45 per month, the latter wage for night work. , Nine hours is the minimum day's work, while 50 per cent of the women work more than nine hours. One Year Ago Today in the War. French awept Germans out of trenches on 25-mile front between Koissons and Rheims. , British transport Cameronlax tor pedoed in Mediterranean with loss of 140 lives. i President Wilson Issued appeal to the people to help In feeding allies, to nractice economy and plant gardens. TtiJ Day We Celebrate. W. H. Thompson, attorney, born 1S64.1 - If. E. Frederlckson, automobile man, born 1875. . Charlie Chaplin, one of tho most famous of moticm picture performers, born in France, of English parentage, 0 years ago. , Clarence D. Clark, former United States senator from, Wyoming, born In Oswego county. New York, 67 years v ngo. t 1 Dr. Henry 8. Pritchett. president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad vancement of Teaching, born at Fay r ctte. Mo., 61 years ago. bf"! Day In History. f ilSi Blr John Franklin, famous in tic explorer, born in England. Died ift the Arctic region, June 11, 1847. i IS 8.2 President Lincoln signed the bin abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. , . 1863 Admiral Porter, with a fleet trf eight gunboats and three steam transports, paaaed the confederal bat ! ; tarlM at Ticiuburf. v J ust 80 Years Ago Today At tha Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church a large crowd as sembled to take a voyage "Around th World in 80 Minutes." From ?Cew York City the assembly started on their imaginary voyage, viewing in their passage all tha sights of sea and the wonders of -land as well as visit ing all the important cities of the world. The)maha guards underwent in- apection at their armory on Capital avenue. A deed from Samuel S. Curtis to school district No. 13, conveying one and one-eighth acres of land In sec tion 19, south of Dodge street, was filed. The consideration was $1,025. Ilaseall's park, for eight years the picnic park of the city, has been aban doned as a pleasure report. It has been intersected by streets and divided Into lots and is already being built upon by thrifty citizens. a teieci social enchainment was held at the residence of Mr. Andrew Car Hp n, lQ9 Dorcaa street. The Special Session TAnnl'a Ttunn-r David Pitv! The Nebraska legislature has made loafing a crime with a penalty attached. Good enough. Now If we see that It ia en forced, there are a lot or reuowa wno will either have to fight or go to work. .Either one will help and be a blessing to the country at large. r.ranrl island Independent: The house at Lincoln has unanimously passed a vote of approval of Governor Neville's record of the enforcement of tha nrnhlWHnn taw. Hall COUntV Can afford to let it pass, even though it be impossiDie, in cerwuu p.w. iu re press a smile and suppress the evi dence. Kenesaw Progress: The extraordi nary session of the Nebraska legisla ture, called by Governor Neville to enact necessary war legislation, com pleted its labors and adjourned Mon day evening. The session lasted less than two weeks, but what it accom plished will outlive the fame of the uni.utr. mhn enacted the legislation. Nebraskans may now hold up their heads as bentung oi resiaenia oi an American state. r Beatrice Express: The sedition law hv thn recent session of the Ne braska legislature makes idleness "se dition." The law, among other things, .,....: ho .itinn na "beinar rhvglcRllv able to work and not engagy in any useful occupation, reiuse ei.ip.i..-ui n- hat.itia.liv idle when useful r-mninvment is obtainable." This is u -n,,iM feat ura of the law which should be enforced whether we are in a state ot war or are at peace wuu mo world., " " Right to the Point Minneapolis Journal: The kaiser has done his share to make a lot of folks believe in a literal hell. Washington Post: Speaking of the menace of little nations, it is remark able how well they can carry on trade relations without the aid of militar ism. Louisville Courier-Journal: No, a "food hog" Is not a four legged ani mal which Is to be divided into break fast bacon, ham, ahoulders, Jowls and lard. , Brooklyn Eagle: The death of young Richard Mansfield in a Texas camp after enlistment ended a short career of marked eccentricity. Possi bly it robbed America of a great actor in posse. For the young man was his father over again in mannerisms and temperament, as all his friends well knew. . New York World: The kaiser's apology to the president of the Swiss confederation for the killing of the counsellor of th Swiss legation by a German shell during th long range bombardment of Paris on Good Fri day naturally carries no regret for th murder of scores of women and chil dren at worship in th same church. Baltimore American: Colonel Roosevelt Is right about the Impossi bility of a BO-BO allegiance. After this war the hyphen must go. The people in this1 oountry must be American citizen or aliens. No half-way class, on which foreign nations may rely for mischievous propaganda, can exist again after th object lesaoa fives ua lAt it laager, . . . i . i Twice Told Tales Foxy Willie. Some time since, when little Willie returned home from school he found his fond mother waiting for him wltli a disturbed expression. "Willie," said she, "did you eat any of those apples that I left in the kitchen cupboard?" "Mamma," replied the youngster with great earnestness, "I have not touched one.' "Then," demanded the agitated parent "how is it that I found four apple cores in your bedroom, and that there is only one apple left in the cupboard?" "The one in the cupboard, mam ma," explained Willie, looking to see if there was clear sailing to the garden gate, "is th one 1 I didn't touch." Philadelphia Telegraph. Sounded Like That Tha -nrsa in n. well-to-do family overheard th little son of the house telling his sister how he had hid be hind the portiere and spied on big sis ter and her beau. "Oh, tell me what they did," cried little sister. "It wis such fun," chuckled the boy. "The blgi chump flopped down on his knees and then he said: 'Answer me, Clara, 1 can bear this expense no longer.": , , Taken In. Jones Is a great believer in the power of habifr , , "Yes, that is why he married his stenographer. H thought she would continue to tak dictation." Baltl nor American, ' 713J& QQSi -w ar.v : "Hotshot" on the Trail. Omaha, April 12. To the Editor of The Bee: The primary election has come and gone, and tire survivors will now don their armor for the real battle. t ' The surprise of the first heat was the vote polled by "Camouflage Dan," leader of the reform slate. How this "paragon of perfection ever mustered together 6,000 votes is more than I can figure. True, Brother Joe Butler, who has drawn a salary of $2,100 a year for three years under the guise of "gas commissioner," but in reality as Dan's campaign manager, has done a lot of campaigning in the last few weeks. Joe certainly has earned the $6,300 the taxpayers have paid him in the last three years for doing noth ing. Oh. mortals, how easily are you misled! This saint of virtue who was content to be a cog in Jim Dahlman's "Infamous" machine for 12 long years suddenly turns reformer and you fall for it. Jim Dahlman and his associ ates were good enough for Dan when the going was easy, but as soon as the state went dry, Dan flopped. Voters, do you think this is a change of heart? Never. Before the time of the election,' May 7, you will be told a lot of things about "Camouflage Dan" that will make you think twice before casting a vote for him. The question uppermost in the minds of the yellow sheet's followers is, "Who will we make mayor?" There are only four men on the scan dal monger's slate who are aspiring for Jim Dahlman's seat. What will they do if "Camouflage Dan," "Auto crat Ed," Bill Ure and Harry ZImman win out? Can you picture the scram ble that will result? Wait till little Jimmy comes back from Excelsior Springs and tips his mit Then we will see the fur flv. "HOTSHOT" MURPHY. Farming Tip from a Soldier. ' tnmnanv 1? T.'nrtvertf in H TTntrirtAAre Camp American University, Washing ton, D. C, April 11. To the Edittr of The Bee: I have soldiers in my com pany who have left their farms to fight for the flag. In the old days we had "barn rais ings," "husking bees" and other good co-operative methods to held out those in need. If a soldier's neighbors and friends would arrange a "Liberty bee" to plow and harvest his crop, it would enable those that stay at home to "do their bit" and would hearten and cheer the one who is fighting for the defense of their homes. This plan could also be applied to help a man's family in towns and cities. Those that love liberty could show It by attending "Liberty bees;" these are the times when actions speak, louder than words. Women and children have been do ing good Work with knitting needles. Let the men get out and do some good work with the plow and threshing ma chine. FRANK W. HARRIS, Captain Company B, 42d Engineers. "Food Ratloneers, Please Digest This." More food: more waist. More waste: less food. Less food: less waist. Lss waste: more food. (And so on, ad. lib.) Have you got your thrift stamp card, And the pledge by which you swear That you will not feed al. lib. on AH that's on the bill of fare? Have you learnt to do without a Single article of food? If you have, there's not a doubt 4 . Point you've scored in making good. SAM. L. MORRIS. prevent1 germination. Fumigation by a powerful germicide is strongly rec ommended in severe cases. The virulence of Prussianism is chiefly manifested in the mutilation and murder of little children, rape, wholesale white slavery, assassination, perjury, sabotage, piracy, arson, chica nery, bribery, burglary and the wan ton destruction of churches and -vorks of art. To overcome this awful scourge which 4s upon us we need faith, the will to fight to the bitter end, to sac rifice our selfish interests, to ever keep in mind the holy commandment that faith without works is dead; and that victory over the legions of hejl has been foretold by divine prophecy: "Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea; for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. "And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith in the earth?" HERBERT N. NEALE. SMILING LINES. v "What do you suppose the baby Herculrs said when he saw two huge reptiles advanc ing towards his cradle?" "1 suppose he cried out, 'Great snakes'" Baltimore American. Prussianism With Seven Heads. Omaha, April 13, To the Editor of The Bee: Today the stars look" down upon a very sick old world. A world troubled with a most malignant and infectious disease. The germs of this terrible disease come to us disguised in human form. Being without soul or honor, but animated with an evil intelligence, like unto a cancer, they eat into the vitals of all that is good in civilization. Conceived in satan's bosom and nourished by the stygian stream flowing from the mental cess pools of hell, they endeavor; by con tact, to corrupt poison and destroy. There are seven well known varie ties of this loathsome disease, viz: Pro-Germanism, Industrial Workers of the Worldism', Leninism, pacificism, neutralism, materialism and Sinn Feinlsm. Some of these varieties also masquerade under the name of social- Ism. Its chief emissaries often wear the livery of heaven and the badge of scholarship in order to more effective ly seduce the ignorant with their satanlc creed. In the treatment of Prussianism Simplex Mentis one of the first re quirements is the isolation of the case in a vivarium with the view of pre venting the spread of the distemper. In the malignant variety the germ should immediately be destroyed to Customer I've taken 17 of these bottles now, and I'm feeling no better. Drug Clerk But how would you feel If you hadn't taken them? Dallas News. "Hubby aren t you proud of me?" What for?" f "I've Just bought a Liberty bond with my pin money." i 'Yea I'm proud of you. ThafB the first time In your life you ever bought anything that wasn't marked down." Birmingham Ago-IIerald. The barber goes "over the top" dally. He advances at a smart clip, cutting his way by shear force of steel. At times ha uses con siderable gas. Hla charge is always a good one. He gives no quarter, but accepts one without any hesitation. Boston Transcript. 'I never pay old debts; I simply forget them." t "And vour new ones?" "Oh. I let th ;m get old." St. Louis Times. CHICAGO A'IllorrisDTi -mum if mm tmitr Conserving Energy THOUSANDS of travelers find they best conserve and renew their vim for business or pleasure by just resign ing their bodily comfort to th car of the mooth-rnnning, courteous serv ice; toe lurarioua conveniences; the the pleasant, cheery atmosphere that prevades this hotel's 21 stories of modern Hi one-sameness." ( Every $2 room is as perfectly appoint ed, as ttetrively served, as the larger or more elaborate rooms or suite-, Yotrr entire satisfaction nothing less will satisfy ua Horn tf tkt Femeus "TERRACE GARDEN" CUeagt't Wtnitr Kutaurunt il aamt it UW t. Kill You Cannot Expect To Have a Clear Complexion By Constantly Massaging It With So-called Skin Foods or Creams, Often Rancid or Germy Substitute Cuticura. Contrast the purity, fragrance, comfort, and convenience of these super-creamy emollients with ''beauty fads" so com mon, tiresome and expensive. A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot water on rising and retiring thoroughly cleanses and stimulates 6luggish pores, giving the complexion a fresh healthy glow. If signs of pimples, redness or rough ness be present smear them with the Ointment and let it remain five minutes before bathing." Nothing purer, sweeter or more effective for your skin and hair than Cuticura. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post card: Cuticnra, Dept. 22, Boston.' Sold every where. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and SOc JVl-.g'.'.;! BUY A LIBERTY BOND You Help Win the Nation's Battles We will sell yon Liberty Bonds on easy weekly or monthly payments. We make no charge for our service. DO YOUR DUTY DON'T WAIT! BUY A LIBERTY BOND TODAY. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n Resources, $14,000,000.00 1614 Harney Street. The Welding of the Nation- . Hard on the heels of early railway pioneers who followed the trails of Indian and buffalo, .Western Union wires criss-crossed the country. Today the quick, cheap, indispensable service of the greatest telegraph system the world has ever known is an essential factor in the welding of the Nation. , J TelegramsDay Letters flight Letters Cablegrams Honey Transferred by Wire THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.