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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1018. rtA!otn btnl UN CRUSHING ARMY OFGREHTAIN Bitterest Fighting of Entire War Takes Place at Mes sines Ridge and Near Armentieres. (By Associated Pr.) With the BritishjArmy in France, April 11. The Messines ridge and the were cleared by a spectacular coup, again today were filled wtih swirling masses of fiercely battling troops as the result of a new drive launched by the enemy between Armentieres and Messines this morning. For hours the German hordes have been flinging themselves viciously against the defending lines, and by sheer weight of numbers forced their way forward at several points into the British position. . Messines, Ploegsteert and Nineppe all had come within the zone of the bitter fighting during the forenoon, but; with the attacks and counter at tacks in progress the situation was changing so rapidly that it was im possible to say at the time of the filing of this dispatch (2 p. m. Wednes day) which way the tide of conflict was flowing. ARMENTIERES IN SALIENT. Today's push north of Armentieres was a continuation of the new phase of the great offensive which boiled up yesterday between Givenchy and Ar mentieres when the enemy surged forward suddenly with fresh troops and made a considerable dent in the defending line. If the enemy attack on today should succeed Armentieres would. He in a deep salient with the Germans well in on either side of it. ' ' . 11 me lllCdJlinnc iiiiuiik is aim proceeding at various points, in the ' sector -between Givenchy and Armen tieres. ;' . ; One of the "main features Of tlje Ger- niTtll 71(1115 1VI- UlC Ulicuaivc era a wi'viv now becomes obvious The kaiser is bent bn annihilating the British army as far as is oossible. District Court Convenes Glenwood Last of Month Glenwood,' la., April 10. -(Special) Judge Cullvson will convene ' dis trict court here April oU. lhe.grana -iiimrs for . the ' iirm are: Ed Allen. . Bartlett, W.-A, Cole, Emerson, John : T)(nt- anH, A T. Wnlfp. Glpnwnnd. uL ,C. Warren, Hastings, J. F. tyaher, Injogene, I. Rodman, J. H. Benton, George Workman, C r. balyers, Malvern, C. F. Davis, Pacific Junc- ..tion, :F. II. Flumer, Silyer -.City. .Petit jurors are: C. S. Vestal, E. Draheim, Emerson, H. fi. rleer, K. E. Long, Had Terry, Guy Epperso, John Heer, Everett Haines, S. Har rod, Carl Utemark, F. G. Barker, J. Er Merritt,. Glenwood, H. H. Gran teer, J. VV. Young, A. A. Benton, B. feoney, Hastings, N. D, Picken paugl.R,; .JL Gravitt, Henderson; Oliver hammers, H". F. Peckenpaugh, B. Kline, Clarence Knight, Chas; ritzeoburger, George Briley, Jim Baldbzter, Malvern, J. C. Spidell, R. T StrmHor R H Wilson. C. V Abshire, H. G. Reafleng, Pacific junc tion; . M.- Derby, C, L. Hunt,. Sil ver City, and L. Young, Council Bluffs. The Glenwood school board has elected the following teachers for the year; Principal, Miss' Bogart: high school, Misses Jamison, Johnston Ga'rside, Ne.T and -Swallwell; music, Miss Wilcox; Nurse, Miss French; grade, Misses Buckingham, Evans, Dunn, Wolfe, Lyons, Pacey, Mrs. Otis and Mrs. Geil; domestic science, Miss Bertha Rathke. Mrs. Krahl Elected Head ; t Of Woman's Auxiliary Independence, o.,April 11. (Spe cial Telegram.) The Woman's aux iliary bfthe Reorganized Chth-ch of Jesus Christ today elected Mrs. David J. Krahl, of Holden, Mo., president for the coming year. Associated with her are Mrs. Walter Sandy of Kan sas City and Mrs. William Madison f Independence. Mrs. John A. Gardne was re-elected secretary and Mrs. Edna. James Esgar placed in charge of finances. Mrs. Mark H. Siegried, wife of the bishop of Inde pendence stake, was chosen histo'rian to fill trie vacancy caused by the death last month of Mrs. B. C. Smith, for whom resolutions of respect were adopted.. Mrs.1-Frederick M. Smith was sus tained as honorary president of the auxiliary at the general conference meeting this afternoon. William A. Blair and James Gault of Detroit, "and David E Dowker of Chicago, were recommended by the nrocidpnrv for ordination tO office of high' priest, the conference endorsing j by vote. i . f - I Regulation of Woolen .; - Goods Prices Planned Washington, April 11. Suggestions that the government either take over for distribution or fix prices on all cotton and woolen goods were dis cussed at President Wilson's weekly conference today with the heads of government war making agencies. Heavy demands of the arnry and navy, it', was said, will take such a large percentage of the output of mills that there probably will not be" enough goods to supply all the requirements ..of the civilan population. Officials fear that if some measures are not taken to hold prices down and to assure equitable distribution many persons will be unable to obtain a proper amount of clothing. Briej City News Towl, engineer,' for commissioner. . tier Boot Print tt-Kcw Beacon Proa Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-Graden. Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re moved to 506 Security Blda. D. 3S37. Saves you Set saves the grocer on delivery, and saves us on tin. Butter nut Coffee in the handy 3-pound can. 1 each. Goes to Paris Mrs. Alary Collins, health department nurse for parochial schools, infill depart nest week for New York. She will engage in Red Cross hospital work in Paris. Prudent saving In war times is -a hostage for opportunities of peace. Play safe by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass n. 211 & 18th St $1 to $5,000 received. - Jamieson's Father Dies Caving Jamieson. superintendent of Hayden Bros, store for' 35 years, has been called to Colllnwood, O., by the death of his father, John Jamieson, who was more than 100 years old. Drop Crossing Issue- City council agreed to co-operate with the govern n. nt by postponing for the period of the war a proposed elimination of grade crossing at intersection of Leav enworth street and the Belt Line. Fine fireplace goods at sunderlands. Mob Leader Tells Jury Story of Praeger Lynching Colliniville, 111., April 11. Joseph Riegel, 28 years old, a Collinsville miner and formerly in the United States army, told a coroner's jury here today that he was the leader of the mob that last Friday morning hanged Robert P. Praeger, an enemy alien, according to information given, out by persons at the hearing. He described in detail the events leading up to the tragedy and implicated Wesley Bea ver in the leadership, it was stated. Praeger was hoisted into the air by boys from 12 to 16 years old,' Rie gel is. said to. have testified. He is declared to haye said Praeger de nied that he was a spy or that he had hoarded powder with the purpose 'of blowing up the Marysvnle mine. Riegel, it is said, paid ; tribute to Praeger's bravery, declaring that the latter never shed a tear except when he kissed the flag) and that he did not beg for mercy.. St. Louis, April 10. The dying wish of Robert P. Praeger, hanged by a mob at Collinsville, 111., last Friday that he be buried with an American flag, was respected today when funeral services, attended by, several hundred persons,, were held from a local un dertaking establishment. Editor Found Guilty of , Violating Espionage Act Sioujt Falls, S. D., April 11. Con vad Kornemann, president of the South' Dakota branch of the German American alliance and editor of a German language newspaper here, was convicted by a jury on four counts of an indictment charging vio lation of the espionage act. in the United States district court here to night. " ' " - ' In a letter to F. W. Sallclt, editor of the Aberdeen paper, who was taken intd custody on a charge of failing to file correct translations of,. articles appearing in his paper, JCornemann declared: "I have never given any declara t"V)ri 't'f loyalty and Will never dp it, r.or Mibscr:b- to any Liberty loan (the nairie is to me already an emetic be cause iiyppQciticaf and.misleading.)" Takes Poison "by Mistake ' Camp. Kearny, ;San Diego, - Cal., April 10 The death Monday of Cap tain Hugh T. Moore of the medical staff at the base hospital was an nounced here today. It was . an nounced I that Captain Moore, being slightly ill," took poisqn tablets by mistake, for medicine, prescribed for his ailment. v U. S. Troops Serve As Escort for King London, April 11. American sol diers acted as a guard of honor to King George and Queen Mary yes terday, when their majesties in spected a certain famous works where thousands of hands are em ployed day and night Their ma jesties conversed freely with of ficers and men and commented on the smart and soldier-like appear ance of the Americans. , Queen Mary, responding to re quest for an autograph, used a ser geant's back as a writing pad while she wrote, "Mary R, 1918. The king also added his autograph. 21 Alleged I. W. W.'s Convicted of Vagrancy Spokane, April 11. Twenty-eight alleged members of the Industrial Workers of the World, arrested here last ' Friday, were convicted of vagrancy in police court today and sentences of 30 days in jail were im posed. In addition hnes of ?I0U each were imposed on 10 of the defendants who, evidence indicated, had been ac tive in spreading Industrial Workers of the World propaganda. These in cluded Mrs. Mary Cairns, the only woman defendant. Tabor, Iowa, Responds As Liberty Call Comes R. S. McClellan of Tabor, la., chair man of the Red Cross commmittee of that city, has informed friends in Omaha that Tabor, with a Liberty loan quota of $10,000, in one day sub scribed $37,000. He says that many Iowa towns are responding in won derful manner to the call for funds. Disloyal Pastor Removed. Portland, Ore., April 11. Rev. O. G. Blackbourne, pastor of a Presby terian church at Astoria, was removed today from his pastorate by the Port land Presbytery for his alleged fail ure loyally to support America in the war. Omaha Real Estate is the best in vestment you could make., Read The Bee's real estate columns. Announcing for Saturday A Sale of Rose Bushes ? . ' and Shrubs Burgess-Nask Company aVEHYBOPYS STORS ! . ' . ..... Burgess-Nash Company. everybody!; store' EXTRA SPECIAL! MEN'S SPRING CAPS V At Less Than V2 Price FRIDAY and Saturday we will place on sale every light weight and spring cap in the stock. The determination, to clearaway this stock in the two days is what prompted the price, which" is less than V their former selling price. They consist of plaids, . 1 checks, stripes and solid col ors in blue gray green and tan. They will be ar ranged in sizes for easy selection, three groups like this $1.45, 95c and 45c. Burgess-Naih Co. Main Floor Hays Would Shoot Men Who Spike Spruce Logs trial Workers of the World who drive spikes into spruce togs are irauors 10 this country, and should be stood against a wall and shot, Will H. Hays, chairman of the republican national committee, asserted in addressing a mass meeting here tonight, at which tie was the principal speaker.. ' Industrial peace is necessary, to win i'ie war..the speaker said, adding that cre must be "more volunteering and 'esA.orofateerins, 4jn V .iirfS i Inn iViiii i" TlMiiij . THE KING OF ECONOMY m is this Modern Vegetable Man. He brings to you a temptingly blended vegetable soup. Six choice, fresh vegetables, all prepared. All you do is to add the water. Ten Plates of Deliciouily Nourtthinc Vegetable Soup, THE PACKAGE, 10 CENTS Call Your Grocer Right Away! Store Hour 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. nil PK ' ss-wash mwm. everybody store" Buy all the ' Liberty Bonds - Poible.' ' Thunday, April 11, 1918 STORE NEWS F OR FRIDAY Phone Douglas 137 .. . . . . , , , t . . , , ... - . IL LH I - N II II l-1- 1 '" - ' I D RESSER Sets to Embroider Stamped dresser scarf and pin cushion in white linene, dainty designs for embroidery, specially priced at 29c a set. Service Bags, 39c Service and utility bags of cretonne and tapestry, etc. Many styles to select from, at 39c each. ' Stamped Articles, l2Vsc Odds and ends of . stamped articles including scarfs, pil lows, centers, bags, pin cush ions, etc., very special at 12 each. Artificial Flowers, , 10c Roses, carnations, dahlias, daisies, lilies, clover, poppies, etc., to close out at 10c each. Laces, Special 5c Lot of laces and insertions, linen torchon, imitation cluny, val., etc. Special at 5c yard. Embroidered Bands 15c Wida embroidered bands up to 6 inches wide. A large va riety at 15c a yard. BnrfM-Nuh Co. Dow Sulr Store Women With a Suit Need Will Find This Sale of Great Importance Tailored Suits ,'t 1 " '-.''. At $9.95 T' HAT a suit need not be without smartness and individuality, even though a small amount is expended, is proved in thia extraordinary sale of spring suits Friday, at $9.95. Made of good grade serge, coat has pleated flounce with belt and the skirt has gathered back, finished with belt. Colors are: Copen, navy,, tan, brown, black and gray. ' Sizes are 16 to 44. Sateen and Cotton Taffeta Petticoats, $1.00 , A new petticoat to go with the new suit. Theso we offer special for Friday are of sateen and cotton taffeta in all black or colors; also black with colored flounce. Very specially priced, at $1.00. BurfMNh Co Dpwa SUIn Stor tor bpnng CPECIAL Corset Value Friday $1.25 Elastic top corset with free hip, long skirt. Made of fine pink coutil. Sizes 19 to 28. Special at $1.25. Corsets at $1.00 A lace front corset with low or elastic top. Long skirt, free hip, pink and white coutil. Special, $1.00. BurfMi-Nath Co. Down Stain Store. Unusual Savings in T h e s e New Spring Pumps At $ 2v9 5 t SPLENDID fitting pumps m many dainty styles and reduced for Friday only to $2.95. Patent kid and vici kid pumps are in cluded. All sizes. . White Shoes at $3.85 Women's white kid pumps and ox J fords, also gray kid pumps and oxfords, Jn one lot, $3.85. ; -i Women's' kid one-strap flippers, low heels, $1.08. ' Children's Shoes, $1,19 Infants' and children's ankle tjes Jn white, bronze and black kid. reduced to $1.19. Burfcai-Nuh Co. Down Stain, Store ' '' ' Remnants of Outing Flannel, 15c A nice soft heavy quality outing flannel in lengths from y to 2 yards long and 36 inches widfe. White grounds with pretty colored sfripes. , These are wonderful values at this special price of 15c a 'yard. Burg e-Nah Co. Down Stlr Store I , For Friday Only a Sale of Boys' Spring Suits A t $4.95 Veis? : oneTday Bpecial that' will be of XX interest to mothers with a boy in need of a suit. A good selection of patterns in worsted and fancy mixtures. An extra pair of pants - out of regular stock given free with each suit. . For Friday only, the price is $4.95. Wash Pants, 75c Boys' wash pants including khaki, Palm . ., Beach and gray stripes in sizes from 6 to . .16. . Friday only at 75c a. pair... . . BurgMO'Nuh Co. Down Stair Store MATTRESS Protectors Specially , Priced, One Day Only For Friday only, we offer washable cotton mattress protectors at extremely low prices, and remember it is house-cleaning time. You will need new protectors. Size 42x76 for $2.19. Size 48x76 for $2.49. Size 54x76 for $2.98. Size 60x76 for $3.19. BurgaM-Naih Co. Down Stair Stor CHILDREN'S Fine Hose 15c Pair Black cotton hose, 1 and 1 rib, fine quality, seamless, special, at 15c pair. . . J.- . . ,) v Sample Union Suits, .50c ' ' Boys' sample union suits of cotton, porosknit, nainsook and bal briggan. Summer weight, at 50e suit. . li' Women's Hose,. 15c j ' t: Black, white or colored cotton hose, mill seconds, special, at 15c pair. ' - v ; ' ; ' ; i . Burf-Naah Co Down Stair Store- WOMEN'S House Dresses Friday $1.85 You will want one or more of these pretty house dress es, made of fine quality gingham and chambray, in prac tical styles. Skirts have pocket, with sizes up to 52., Very special for Friday, at $1.85) ' ' " . . . . , .. v. . .... . M j--,-,;. . BurfMi-Naak Co. Down Stalri Stor. . You Will Like These New Smart SpringlHats At $1.98 AND you will enjoy viewing the many dif ferent styles that we are offering to you. Hats that are copied from higher priced models, to sell, at this special price of $1.98. Made with the .newest style featuresof fine quality straws, in all the season's most favored colors. Cpme' in Friday anj. take advantage of this special price. ,;rw " " '. L Burf Mi-Nuh Co. Dow Stair Stere ... 'i . .. Remnants of Wool Flannels ,3 5c Yd. A large assortment, including gray and Khaki colon Suitable for men's shirts, boya suits, waists, (Children's, dresses, etc. From i2 to 2 yards in a piece. Extra wide, 54 inches wide. Very specially priced at 35c a yard. " i Burfi-Nah CovDowe Stair Stor An E x tr a o rditi ary: Cleairsmce of Men's Spring Shirtis; At 79c EVERY shirt in our Down ; Stairs Department will be included in this, special Bale Friday. Neckband and collar "attached, soft finish and. stiff cuffs, etc. A great variety of patterns and ma terials to select from. You should buy a season's supply at the low price of 79c Men's Hoae, I9c A splendid hose, well finished, double toe and heel, with wide double top. Black, tan, gray, navy, ete.y in cluded at 19c pair, Burf-Naib Co.-Down Stair Store ,'t Specials That Will Help YourSprini House Gleaning Take advantage of these special prices on articles that will help you clean house. , . V,-' ': Parlor brooms, 4 sewed, made of good broom corn, ; special, 69c. ; ; ' " Cedar oil mop, triangle shape, oiled ready fr use polished, handle, 31c.':.- - v . , j - Cedar oil polish for floors, furniture, mops, etc.;.. pint can, 19c. , . ' . .. Crepe tissue toilet paper, large ' size rolls, 8 for 25c uunu yaiiiitf aui x.iif ' Electric wall paper cleaner, can, - TOMif5mlM,' Empire varnish, for furniture '.vmiAhii,tiv and. woodwork, pint can, 39c. , Clothes line props, 8 feet long, each, 19c Wire, carpet beater, wood handle, 10c. - .r - Burf u-Nlh C. Dirn Stair Store M .i .Ml ail Hi I.1B