THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1918. ft J flL LUMBERMEN FORCED TO CEASE ' UNFAIRMETHODS 'Ninety-Seven Companies Or dered by Federal Trade Com mission to Abandon For mer Practices. Washington, April 5. The federal Vade, commission today, ordened 97 'lumber companies in the west to de sist from unfair methods ot competi tion. JXhe order applied also to Luke .W. Boyce, a Minneapolis detective. ' Procuring by bad faith or subter fuge of information intended only for bona fide customers of mail order houses, furnishing to Piatt B. Walker of Minneapolis, Minn., publisher of the Mississippi Valley Lumberman, names of persons selling to mail or der concerns to enable him to inter fere with the free purchase of sup plies by those concerns, the employ . ment of Boyce to obtain the busi ness secrets of mail ordef firms and the following of salesmen to embar rass them in their dealings was for , bidden in the future by the commis i. sion. Walker, and the Lumberman Pub lishing company, recently signed a them and an order was entered re- T quiring them to cease and desist from practices complained of. In the ca$es of the Interior Lum ber company of Minneapolis the May hew & Isbell Lumber company of Uvalde, Tex., and the Robertson Lumber company of Grand Forks4 N. D., the orders are to cease and desist from obtaining unfairly infor mation regarding lumber prices and quantity which mail order houses! have prepared for prospective pur- i chasers. The other four firms and Ooyce were ordered to abandon for ever the same practices and also to desist from: "A" Furnishing to Piatt B. Walker, publisher of the. Mississippi Valley Lumberman, information which if cir culated, would tend to encourage the so-called regular dealers to, send re quests to mail order concerns for in formation for bonafide customers and prospective customers only. "B" Using their information for banks and others who are called upon by mail order concerns to report the identity and occupation of persons suspected of making requests for in formation not in good faith and using their influence to have banks and other agencies fail to make such re ports or to make misleading reports. Refuse Lumber Supplies. "C" Through actual or threatened withdrawal of patronage inducing or endeavoring to induce manufacturers and wholesalers to refuse to furnish supplies of lumber and building ma terials to mail order houses. 'D" Furnishing to Piatt B. Walker the names of manufacturers, and wholesalers who sell to mail order concerns, to enable him to interfere with the free purchase of supplies by these mail order concerns. ' "E" Employing or contributing to the employment ot Luke vv. tsoyce to obtain confidential information re garding the business secrets of mail order concerns and the movements of their salesmen. "F" Following or causing these salesmen to be followed from place to place with the object of hindering and embarrassing them in their negotia tions with prospective customers. "G" Using Piatt B. Walker, the Mis sissippi Valley Lumberman, Luke W. Boyce, or any similar agency for any of the purposes prohibited in the or ders." The following were affected by those orders: Luke W. Boyce, Llbby Luijiber company, rsertram-Wrtght Lumber company, S. H. Bowman Lumber company. Dovey-Shute Lumber company, L. P. Dolllrf & Co.? Ful lerton Lumber company, Lampert Lumber company, Langworth Lumber company, Man-, tlaii Mercantile company. Midland Lumber" company, Lidland Lumber and Coal com pany, H. W. Ross Lumber company, Salzer a ipiber- company, John W. Tuthlll Lumber company, Wlnner-Torgerson Lumber com pany and Imperial Lumber company. ; Nebraska Firms Included. Many, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota firms are in the list, including the "Chicago Lumber company of Omaha. They are: N. L. Stichel Lumber company and F. H. Gllcrest Lumber company, Kearney, Neb.; Eclipse Lumber company and Joyce Lum ber company, Clinton, la.; Bartlett & Co., Edgeniont. S. P.; F. A. Bartlett & Co., Farmingdale. S. D. ; Blddick-Holman Lum ber company, Collls, la.; Central Lumber v and Coal company, Dubuque, la.; A. F. Clough & Co.. Canova, S. D. ; Chicago Lum ber company of Omaha, Neb.; Albert Caughey, Deshler, Neb.; L. W. Cox & Co., McCook, Neb.; C. W. Derr, Mitchell, S. D.; N". J. Dixon Lumber company. Sac Sity,' la.; Kloete Lumber company, Silencer, la.; F. I. Gardner A Co., Cherokee, la.; C. H. Grant md Son, Rolfe, la.; Hamilton Lumber com pany, Brltton, S. D.; Jasper Lumber com pany, Newton la.; H. Peterson & Sons, Dan nebrog, Neb.; Pawnee Lumber company, fawnee City, Neb.; J. J. Stehly, Hecla, 8. '. ; Schoeneman Brothers company, Haward n, la.; F. M. Slagle & Co., Alton, la,; Smlth-Hovelson Lumber company, Sioux City, la.; 'Wisconsin Lumber company,. Dei Moines. Ia. ; Welpton Lumber company, Ogal lala. Neb.; Dierks Lumber and Coal com pany, Lincoln, Neb.; J. A. Gardner & Co., Orleans, Neb. . . . ' You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. . HEW DRAFT ARMY RUSHED TO CAMP Immediate Need in France May Make Increased Flow of Men to the Front Necessary. Washington, April 5. Orders for the mobilization of the first large num ber of men of the second draft soon will be out to the governors of the states. Fifteen thousand men of the second draft are now mobilizing, and the April call about to go out will repre sent probably more than he month's proportion of the 800,000 men who will be called during the remaining nine months of the year. Tp call the 800,000 in equa monthly increments would mobolize them at the rate of 90,000 a approximately. How ever, there is no assurance that this will be a fixed figure, because the flow of meii will be determined by the needs of the army in France. As General Pershing may call for speci ally qualifier! troops, an average of 90,000 a month may be much exceeded or much decreased. Needed in France. The men will be drawn as gradual ly and in as small numbers as possible so as not to. dislocate industry and particularly agriculture . x The immediate need of increasing the Americanforces in France, how ever, to meet the German drive in the west is likely to result in calling the men faster than at first supposed. For that reason the April quota un doubtedly will exceed its normal aver age. If the need is pressing, the en tire 800,000 might be called in much less than the nine months originally planned. Conrad Out of Business for 60 Days; Took Excess Profits J. H. Conrad, brojeer and commis sion merchant in grain and mill stuffs, with offices at 215 Omafia Grain Exchange building, has gone out of business voluntarily for 60 days beginning April 5, after a hear- ing before the federal food adminis j traTtr for Nebraska. He admitted that he took excess profits on the sale of mill wheat feeds. He has agreed to refund all excess profits taken on sales made from February 13 to April 5. The re fund will go to the consumers, most of whom live in Texas, from which state the complaints came. The Omaha Alfalfa. Milling com pany has, also gone, out of business voluntarily for a period of 15 days, beginning April 5. This concern has been quoting prices on mill feeds, such as bran and meal, which were in excess of the prices allowed by the food administration. It has agreed to refund any overcharge made on these products. Representatives of the mill said they did not know the prices they were quoting were exces sive. Going out of business voluntarily has an advantage over waiting to let the food administrator revoke a licfinse in that the concern can ap pear before the food administration before the expiration of the time spe- kiucu, jjuiu it u can convince me iooa administration that it will observe the regulations in the future it may be allowed; to resume business. New Districting Results in Confusion to Some Voters "Do you kndw your precinct and polling place?" is a question frequent ly heard as the city primary day draws near; In so far as the city election is concerned, the ward and precinct divisions are merely for convenience in making it possible for voters to east their ballots at the nearest pos sible locations. The new districting, however, caused many changes and the suggestion has been made that A 1 J ,11 vnwrs snouiu Know wnere iney are at' before next Tuesday. There are 154 districts under the new plan of ward division. The Third warL for instance, extends west to -Thirteenth street in a district north and south of Cuming street. , In many instances dwellings will be use as voting places and fire en gine houses and school buildings will be used in cases -where their loca tions will best serve the voters. The election commissioner believes that much confusion may be avoided if voters will take time to determine their polling places before Tuesday. Police Arrest Two on Charges of Auto Theft With the arrest of Izzv Fursht. State hotel, and R. Payne, 2215 Doug las street, police say they have foiled new exm game. Both men are held for investigation. rolice say their came centers on Payne's "smooth talk'' to a prospective automobile buyer who is persuaded to invest in "any make of car desired." tursht, the police say. then steals the car for the sale. Fursht, police say, has been arrested several times before on charges of automobile thefts. Two automobiles, which are alleged to have been stolen and sold by the two men, were recovered recently in Henderson, la. Correct Fitting of Little Feet Our shoes for little ones are designed after nature's own model and are made with the same care and good workman ship as oui shoes for "grown ups." Our salesman are experi enced in selecting and fitting the correct shoe for each in dividual child, thus assuring complete satisaction. The new: spring lines are now in Come and look them over. From Ow Valley. Mrs. C. B. Nichols spent Tuesday nigHt In Omana. Miss Pearl Hanne and Miss Orpha Gaines spent Sunday In Fremont. MIhs Gertrude Reynolds and Mlas K at her ln Nielsen spent Sunday with their par ents in umana. Mrs. Toung moved into ths Charles Collen house, vacated by Martin Scharvln Tuts day. Mrs. Branson was elected Clark of tha Royal Highlander lodge Friday evening to take tne place or sirs. Hoidsworth. Miss Eva Harrier of Omaha Is spending vacation- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Perry Harrier. Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Dyrk are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Monahan this week. Mrs. Margaret Hoidsworth moved to Oma ha Monday to be with her daughter. Mrs. Margaret Clark, and her sister, Mrs. Turk. Mrs. Will Maguire and children and her father. Harrel B.vais left Thursday night for California to Join Mr. Maguire to make their home there. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallstrom and Mrs; Glen Condron will leave Friday for Camp Funs ton to visit Julius and Henry Wallstrom. .Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Puffer and Constance stopped tn Valley, en routa from Loa An geles, Cal.. whera they have passed the winter, to their home In Minneapolis. Minn. Mrs. Ruth Hubbard left Wednesday for Grlnnell college, after passing Easter with her parents. Mies Bessie Wesly passed me weeK-ena at her home in Linwood. Neb. Rev. S. N. Horton went to Omaha Thurs day. The regular meeting or tns i.atnes' Aia was held Wednesday afternoon at tha home of Mrs. R. M. Erway. A special musical service was held at tire Presbyterian church Sunday night by a union choir of the Baptist and Presbyterian churches. Valley. Under the new school law members of the board of education for District No. S3 were elected as follows: F. C. Kennedy and Dr. Anthony Parsons, for tho long term; John FoRter. for the short term, to fill vacancy. Member of the village board elected were: Dr. G. A. Harries and B. C. Whitmore, long term; T. C. Thompson, short term, to fill vacancy. Bennington. The Red Crojs auxllery meets every Wed nesday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Tlmm entertained Tuesday. Halleck Rosa of Omaha will speak at a patriotic rally at tha Woodman hall Saturday. E. G. Maxwell, county agent and Dr. HOT DEBATE ON BILL TO STAMP OUf DISLOYALTY Washington, April 5. Wide lati tude for the government to punish sedition and disloyalty was demand ed today in further senate debate on the bill penalizing disloyal utterances, attempts to interlere with the army dtaft and Liberty loans and other acts. Supportipg the bill, Senator Borah of Idaho contradicted statements of Senator Johnson of California that the measure is so broad that it would curtail freedom of speech and the press. "One would be perfectly free to criticise the administration, any officer or any department," he said, denying that it would punish those advocating constitutional changes, unless made with scurrilous attacks upon the pres ent form of government. Senator Borah declared that there now is no law to -punish men who eulogize the kaiser, German kultur or the German form of government. Senator Lodge of Massachusettts offered an amendment which would bar from the mails all newspapers, magazines or other matter printed in whole or in part in the German lan guage. Its consideration was deterred. Big Picardy Conflict A "Battle of the Air" London, April 5. A tribute to American aviators with the British army in France who are "numerous and always brilliant," is paid by the correspondent of the Daily News. He says that American aviation me chanics alsohave rendered splendid aid. Describing the air fighting, on the western front, the 'correspondent says that never before in any armyv have airplanes been used in such great concentration. On one sector of the battle front as many as 300 machines'aretn the air at one time. The use of machine guns on enemy troops, guna-and transports, by low flying machines has been carried to a point far beyond anything in prev ious experience. The Union for Good Government En dorses These Commission Candidates SMITH. ED P. TOWL, ROY N. JOHNSON, L. B. GILLIAM, ELMER E. DUFFY, PATRICK URE, W. G. THE UNION FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT is opposed to the present city administration. The men above named are earnestly recommended for nomina tion and election as City Commissioners. Concentrate on those men to defeat the present city administra tion. Do not scatter your votes. VOTE IT STRAIGHT. THE UNION FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT, Wm. T. Hamand, President. CUT THIS OUT AND TAKE IT TO THE POLLS WITH YOU. will clear No one knows the humiliation of be ing a "wall flower" better than the girl with a red, rough, pimply complexion. If your skin it not fresh and smooth, or has suffered from an-nwise use of cosmetics, try Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment for a week and see if they 4 Near NM hhwra he s visitors Tuesday. Mrs. V. F. Beck, who has been visiting at the Charles Urau home will leave next weok for her home at North Platte. A fire starting from burning corn stalks Ignited James Miller's meadow Monday sfternonn. Two large stacks of hay were destroyed. Charles R. Timperley and Miss Isabelle Neale of Omaha were quietly married March Papllllon. The niral schools of parny county ob served patron's day last Friday. Tha Epworth league of the Methodist EplseOpal church gave a soclnl to members and friends in tho church basement Monday avenlng. Harry Bossard who has been visiting his family here returned to Camp Funston the first of the week. Mrs. A. Horn entertained a few fijlends at cards Wednesday night. At the vlllago election Tuesday O. F. King and Charles Peters were elected trustees. Rev. B. Johansen, and Fred Ross, tied for third place on the board. Francis Fricke, H. A. Sanders, W. H. Frlcke and E. S.. Nlckerson. wero elected, members of the school board. The Woman's club met Wednesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. A. A. Horn. Miss Katherine Worley of Omaha, chairman of the clvlrs department was the guest of the club and gave a talk on civic problems. Mrs. C. F. King sang. The afternoon was spent In Red Cross sewing and the club contributed J50 to the fund for furlough houses in France. Sergeant Kenneth Brown of Camp Dodge la visiting Papllllon relatives. Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. Ora E. Copes, daughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zim merer were Lincoln visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ottena are tha parents of a baby boy, born April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bogenrclf were Omaha visitors the first of tho week. Amsdel Sheldon was at Nebraska City Thursday, attending a meeting of the Ne braska Fruit Growers' association. Mrs. Magglo Graham, of Peru was here this week for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGrady were visiting relatives at Weeping Water Sunday. Peter M. Jorgensen was a Plattamouth visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Georga L, Shackley and daughter, Margaret, were visiting relatives Sunday. Misses Selma and Clara Marquardt, and Stella Opp, who are teaching In the Omaha CZERNIN INSISTS FRENCH PREMIER TALKED PEACE Amsterdam, April 5. An official announcement made in Vienna today reiterates the assertion of Foreign Minister Czernin, which was denied yesterday by. Premier Clemenceau of France, that a conversation concern ing peace has been held between Aus ii ... ,i r.'.,. m oinciai leiegraiu irom Vienna says that Count Armand, a confiden tial agent of Premier Clemenceau, had, an interview with Count Revertata, counselor of the Austrian legation in Switzerland, at which the question of peace was discussed. Count Revertata declared on be half of Aus.tria that Foreign Minister Czernni was prepared for a discussion witli a representative of France and that he believed it would be possible to carry on negotiations with success as soon as France renounced her plans forNthe conquest of Alsace-Lorraine. . a or.' i a-i e ir' Count Armand replied that M Clemenceau was not in a position to acceptv the proposal for such a re nunciation. Victor Berger to Address Socialist Meeting in Capital Washington, April 5. Victor Ber ger of Milwaukee, under indictment for violation of the espionage act, is one of the speakers on a program an pounced today for a socialist meeting on the northwest side on bunday aft ernoon. IMJ, 'JCm 3jfrY These Are Honest and Capable Men. Vote for Them. nmisM rjpease dont hreak up anotfier paytij mo your skin don'tbegintomafceablesseddifferenee. They also help to make hands and arms soft and white, and to keep the hair live, glossy and free from dandruff. AM druggists and dealers In toilet goods sell Rts tnol Ointment and Ketinol Soap. You'd better try theml TrUllrce. Write Dept. 5-S, Resinol, Balti more. Md. - schools, are rasatnc their spring vacation with relatives her. -v Charles Taney of Berlin wai visitor here Wednesday. Alfred Nutsman of Bcrtrand was nert this week for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Helen Walllck of Seward was vlslt Im Mtsa Mamie HUlmsn here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albort Khlers of Syracuse were here Sunday for a. visit with Mra. Bhl- Superior Style and Better Clothes There are no better clothes made than you will find right here now. Every man 1 i A 11 1 t A in umana ai some iime "The House of Kuppen heimer" "Hirsch-Wickwire" and "L System Clothes" If he. has taken the trouble to investigate he KNOWS, as we know through investi gation, that they are without an equal in ready-for-service clothes, and every gar ment, regardless of price, is ALL WOOL at $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 or up to $45.00. $20.00 New sport models, conservative styles, single and double-breasted, patch pockets, new lapels and shoulders, new military stripes with high waist lines and all the fashionable spring; colors. Extra Value Suits In all-wool fabrics in men's and young men'a models, in fancy weaves and plain colors t S15. S18. 820. S22.50. S25 Spring Hats If you want a hat that has style, quality and a shape and color that becomes and adds to your whole appearance, come here and let us fit you out in a Stetson, Mallory, Berg, Crofut Knapp, Connett or Borsalino Hat, at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 to $10 1415 Farnam Street POLITICAL ADVKRTIHKMKNTS. 1 B.' Johnson Platform To' tha Votars of Omaha v -J A comnlttoa- of his f rianaa eoomnd l7 B.Johaiaf irToBlMtton n City Comalsslonsr next Tuesday, Mr. Johnieu vi rrtsldtot at tha City Council froa 1909 to 1909. A .,. - ' " 1. tn tha Ceunoil ha stool alona ia eeposttiaa to ortiaanoaa t ran tin atroots and alloys to railway a andathsr oorporationa without dua aoaiMn sation. - " - J W ' T . ,. 2. Under his chairmanship the oooupatloa tax erdinanoaa. aora'passel. Irenulrlng tha franehlsed (Qaa. Eleotrio light. Telephone, Street Railway) and other corporations te pay for the privilege of using the alty atraata aaa alleys. (Through these ordlaanoea, in 1917, t313.B09.28. and elate 1910 tl.255.g34.l5 ha a been paid to the olty under- thia tax. ) 5. Ha introduced tha ardloanoo for dollar gaa aed the "ordinance far the regulation of bill roarda. wimuame lor 4. He worked and voted for a sMbvay tax ordinance under which ena aereantlle house alone paid ,13,000 last year lata tha public treasury. " . .8: H! worlt11 ni ve4 for ordinanoaa retiring tha railroads ta build vladuota ever dangoroua crossings, iva were built, but none aloee. . He introduced .sod helps t pass tha preaant universal atreet ear transfer ordinance. - , 7. ne mad an exeellent pubile official, 'wee'eourteoui and oblltlna and above all conserved the publie aoaey. """""" " ."""' . Mr. Johnson's Aftaoancg That --"Ho danaftda eoonoaiea in'puMie affaire .to tha end'that tax lavlea .ay be reduced. Since 1912 taxea have- lnoreaaed 62. The lfe ha"oa when taxes oust be redued. . naa soaja nectlone!' CPP"4 th,,"ttl"-'r'South'Si4a eon-" ' He favors 'the establishment or a aunlbioal saraas 'i ah..,. . .. expert mechanic, wh.r. every Utm1iTSJ&. TiS,?rfort ""-l JT ride, at .AV.xV.n.. ?t EES TjJMf W 12 I iSSm m 12 ' Signed i Lee it." Solth w. S. Sheldon S. A. Corneer fr. 0. D. Shlpherd B. F. Marshall gjlia IfJaa'lHIIHinilllHIIIIIJ WiIIJlE , 'ffi J 5 1 I I .limiilS! MltlllvnttlllilMHill AiiUllllllliTrl During his terms in the City Council he repre sented all of the people all of the time. He voted to reduce the tax levies. He favored lower gas rates for the city and pri vate consumer. He helped to secure a reduction in telephone rate's. . He macle a determined and successful fight to procure proper paving specifications, thereby insur ing good paving at competitive prices. era" mother. Mrs. Anna Meyer. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Johnson have re turned from a trip to Rochester, Minn. Tha Avoca Woman's club met with Mra. J VT. Brendel Wednesday afternoon. Miss Marl Hestle was a Sunday visitor with her parents at Auburn. Mrs. Louisa Glllln and daughter are fre for a visit with Mrs. Otllin'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ruh. The dynamo for the electric llfht plant Barf Suit Ma or oiner nas neara or reaa or POLITICAL AnVF.BTISKMFNT". . C. Bullard ' C. 7. Harrison John Dougiaa 8. J. Patter s It W. Carpenter B. C. Ildredge Saauetfteee, Jr. Or. f. t. Kant Johirr. Breen avf. Baxter Fred H. Hoye For City Commissioner (50 yeare a rasident of Omaha) Member of City Council 1900-1906 A Man's Record is the Best Criterion has arrived, and In a-few daya tha piant will be ready for operation. Nicholas J. Troolt was over from Syraeuie Wednesday nlrht. Mr. and Mrs. T,. C. Iluhee. Mesdamcs Honry Kranman, W. A. Hollenberer, F. W . Kuhge were Nebraska City visitors Saturday. Mra. Karl Harmon of Omaha la ber tht'' week for a visit with relatives. ; William Morely has returned from a trip ; to Tens. Spring Top Coats The latest fashions; body fitting, military styles and easy-fitting coats new colorings- 818.00 to S35.00 Of Equal Importance is your choosing of haberdashery. Here you will find only the better makes, styles, qualities and varieties Fine Madras Shirts: soft and laundered cuffs, $1.00, $1.15, $1.50. Manhattan Spring Styles, $2.00 to $4.00. Silk Shirts, Crepe de Chine, Broadcloth and Tub $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 to $12. Hosiery, plain. -and fancy -25c to $1.50. New Neckwear Silk and Wash Fabrics 25c to $2.00. Fancy stripe silk collars -1415 Farnam Street riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiimtiini,,,,,,,!, ! Third h I Liberty ll I LoanJi t Join the parade, but ; I order from Green's Phar- ; - macy gnarly. We close for I M : the parade Saturday, 2 to I : 4 p. m. - j i.i Let's all join; the biff I " I procession and help to t I send it over. 7 i J. HARVEY GREEN, Prep. I One Good Drug Store - I 16th anJ Howard. Douglas tit. ril'lHllllllllllllllilllllllMlllltlllllll.lllllllHlil!!!!!!!!!,,,,,, 'lllllltl!llllllllll;ill!l! s storage! Is Cheaper Thin Rent and your Household Goods, etc., will be ab solutely safe in our fire- i proof warehouse. Omaha Van & jj Storage Co. "N. Phone Dougiaa 4163. Z 80S South 16th St. I 5 iiiiii:itul:;iiiiii!:iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiii:iliiliiiin POLITICAL AI1VERTI8ING. STOECKER DESERTED! No; Worth Offering Reward v For His Capture. , "Col." William F. Stoecker,, who it a candidate for city commissioner deserted, taking a desperate chance in crossing the well-guarded border near Emmerich, on-the-Rhine, reach ed Rotterdam and sailed for the land of the free in 1880. The German government was glad to get rid of him, so offered no reward for his capture. This would-be patriot has a habit of deserting. Only a few weeks aero he deserted from our citv whan his common-law wife started suit against him for divorce,,and was in hiding "somewhere in America" un til recently. : Stoecker loves the land of the free because he made his fortune here out of ODeratinsr eamblinc machine. . If you want a gambler and wife-deserter for city commissioner VOTE FOR STOECKER. Advertisement G