Nebryska ORATORS DEVOTE TIME TO SPEECHES IN LOWER HOUSE Kesoiution sent to uesk in Spirit of Fun Brings Ava ; (anche; Tracewell Makes Patriotic Address. From a Staff Correrpondent.) , ' . JJntolnv, April 5. Special.) Ai little Jojte resolution sent to the clerk of 'the house today in a spirit of fun was the innocent .-cause" for turning loose of several 'brands'' of J oratory lasting an hour'and a' half., The house did not have much to do anyway and it gave an opportunity for' the ex change of idaes.ancj finally, developed into a patriotic, discussion in which the nonpartisan league was the: sub ject. v- ' ' . .. .:', The resolution : was sent tip after an invitation had been received by the hoyse froiu J3r. George ; E.( Condra of the Nebraska .conservation - de partment inviting ' nemhers to the Commercial club this evening to, see motion pictures of interesting scenes. The joke 'resolution recited that Whereas Dr.; Condra had .invited the house to. view motion picture of the legislature, the invitation-be ac cepted providing he would, showa picture of. Taylor and Fries escaping irom trie uame ot YVanoo,; Taylor Defends League. After ' Lampert of Wahoo and : Lamar of the same town had spoken on the resolution in which they called attention" to the recent trouble in their city when representatives of the nonpartisan league had been denied the right to speak, Represen tative Taylor of Custer replied In a defense of the leajrue and Its loyalty. He said ihat just, because certain members of the league had been charged with uttering disloyal ut terances it was no sign the whole organization was disloyal. He deplored the seeming right of the state Council of Defense to pro nounce judgment upon any man as to his loyalty. , He deplored the fact that in the name of patriotism so many things were being done which he believed unjust to men who were just as patriotic as any in the legis lature and he believed a great mis take was' being made ' when ' men charged the nonpartisan league with being a disloyal organization. Tracewell's Fine Talk. Tatriotic speeches were made by Neff, McAllister, Trumble and other's. Tracewell of Cherry, repeatedly brought the house into applause in a five minute address. Mr. Tracewell is probably one - of the few real orators fa the house. Whenever he speaks, every member listens. "It is a good time for" everyone to be an American," said Mr. (Tracewell. "Only two propositions are involved in. .the present crisis, Americanism and Prussian ism. v Both cannot live at the same time fn free America. "Which one are you going to call your own?. There . is no half way place, no dividing line, no camping place between the two. We must go back to the old motto United we stand divided we fall.' . . . .. .. "I have given of my means to the very besl of my ability. If this war continues two more- years I will probably be a financial wreck, but I nave a boy in the trepches in France, and if , I can only live long' enough to hear that old Liberty bell once again proclaim peace on earth I care not what my sacrifice, just so long as Old Glory shall once more waive unsullied over the land of the free and the home of the brave-r-our own loved Amerfca.,'; v ,;: ! - , , Flag tb Broken fow. On a 'resolution'', signed . by shout two dozen members of-the house the flag which hangs back of the speaker was given .into the keeping ot Rep resentative George W. Greenwalt as a present to. Washburn Post No. 96 of the Grand Army of the Republic at his home city of Broken -Bow. This' post is the largest in the Nebraska department and Mr. Green Walt received the flag in a powerful patriotic address in which he paid a tribute tc the men who with his own father had fought the bloody battles of the civil war side by side. A voteof thanks was given Assis tant Clerk Horace M. Davis who had used his vacation as postmaster at Ord, to come to the legislature and assist in : the work. Mr. Davis responded, thanking the members for the expression given and said that having been fourth time assistant clerk of the house and once in the senate, he did not believe he ever could stand it to miss a session and the oportunity of meeting those of his legislative acquaintance. He tried "Omaha's Popular . 320 South New Conant START CAMPAIGN. UPON WHEAT RUST State Agents - Say Barberry Br-'". Harbor Germs That Work Havoc in the Fields. Fremont. Neb.. April 5. (Special Telegram.) J I. P. Rigdon, represent ing the plant bureau of the University oi Nebraska, spent two days in Fre mont, arranging for the campaign to eradicate barberry bushes. Boy Scouts will canvafs the city and secure the names of owners of all property on which are" found the bushes. The bar berry bush" affords shelter and nour ishment, for" ihe germ 'of wheat rust that causes a big loss each year in this country) By' exterminating the plant specialist? believe the pest may be largely checked. District Court to Open. Sixteen .cases1 are set for hearing at the April term of district court. which convenes next Monday, with Judge Button of Fremont presiding. i AJexlhoni, the law and order can didate', was elected mayor of North BemKovcr James Eason of the citi- votes against-78 for Eason. Roy J. Cussk was' re-elected treasurer against William Kuzicka, 110. to 108. : Protest Against Pop. Frank' Knapp. well known Red Cross booster, wired Congressman' Dan'.V. Stephens and Senator Hitch cock -tq 'protest against the shipping p 5,(KJU,XXJ cases ot pop to the sol diers infrance. Mr. Knapp set forth hi h.fs telegram that the ships arc needed 'for transporting more essen tials in the way of food and other sup plies. ' . Red Cross Relief Work. A scries of meetings to further Red Cross civilian relief work were held in Fremont today. Miss Verna El singer of Chicago, Mrs. C. M. Wil hclm of Omaha, field representative for Nebraska; Dr. J. L. Gillcn of Chi cago, field representative of the cen tral division, and Dr. Hattie Williams of the University of Nebraska, were the speakers. The meetings will con tinue tomorrow. Stecher Recovering. ' Joe Stecher, who has been ill with an attack of grip at his home at Dodge, was in Fremont today on business. Joe is recovering from his illness, but says he will not be in condition to wrestle for a week or two. He expects to leave about the middle of the month for the east to take on some of the big fellows. Joe lost five pounds during his illness. Kidnaping Story Denied v - By .Pickrell pitizens Beatrice? Neb.,' April S.f Special.) Pickr'efl citizens deny the story which appearedn' a Lincoln news-, paper regarding the kidnaping of C. W., Bennett, organizer of the Nonpar tisan league, vwho claimed be was hustled out of town in an automobile by a party of unknown men. Bennett was booked for a meeting at Pickrell last week but he failed to show up, and the kidnaping storjr was then put fa circulation. ':. ?i 1 ? V ,i t Hattie Barkey et al. yesterday sold the old Barkey farm of 16Q. acres near Cortland for $20,000 to John Brunken, who will assume charge at once. County Agent Rist is making a campaign' against blackleg - in Gage Hubbell Citizens Hold . , .". ' Patriotic Mass Meeting HUBBELL,1 Neb., April S.-(Spe-cial.) A patriotic meeting was held this afternoon in - th Methodist church. Mayor Harm of Bloomfield made an' address; " ' paid a glowing tribute to. Chief Clerk Arthur Ev.. Howard, as one of the quietest and most, competent- and efficient clerks the" house had ever had and complimented them on their selection. ' ' Special Bargains Men's Suits,' gray, brown or blue, $20.00 d1 C value .v. . . . . V ly Young Men's Suits, ?15 fc 1 A value; on sale P 1 VI Boys' Knicker Suits, $6.60 value; QiA QQ on sale. . . . . , JttI70 $6.00 Raincoats. dJO QQ on sale . vi ; ; v . . . PO 2IO $1.00 Shirts; fiQ on sale 02C J. I1ELPHAIID 314-16 N. h St. Moved to Our New Home PLEASE consider this your inviti tion to pay us a visit We'v ita- pay us a visit. We ve to make this the most modern shoe store in Omaha. We believe we have succeeded- you'll agree with us when you come to see it It is our modest ambition to have all of Omaha's well-dressed women wear our shoes. There is . quality, style and low price in every pair. Our stock comprises every style and every fabric that fashion has pro nounced right for Spring and Sum mer. Our low prices permit No Discounts No Deliveries No Commissions MARK Priced Sho Stera" 16th Street Hotel BWf. THE BEE: TANNER BROUGHT TO SENATE OUT OF SICK BED TO VOTE Douglas Member, III After Three Operations Forced to Come to State House to Pass Salary Bill. (From Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) Sena torial courtesy and senatorial good fellowship were sadly forgotten today when members of the senate voting no on the salaries and mileage bill compelled Senator "Doc" Tanner of Douglas county, who was ill in bed at his hotel, having undergone three operations in the last 15 days, to get out of bed and come to the senate chamber under a call of the house. Only one vote was needed to pass the bill, which was nothing more than an effort to have the constitutionality of the matter of paying salaries put up to the supreme court so that the controversy could be settled for good. Feebly Casts Vote. But IS of Tanner's, colleagues, knowing that the bill would pass any way, if he came, refused to change their votes and thus compelled the senator to painfully come to the sen ate, even at the risk of a collapse, and vote. He came, escorted in a taxi by four men and feebly made his way to his chair. His vote for the bill was given so emphatically that it was evident that he felt deeply "man's inhumanity to man." After voting he was com pelled to return to his bed. The bill up for consideration was one to pay mileage of the members, amounting to $3,1 10.20. This bill car ried the emergency clause and it was necessary to have a call of the house to get the required two members, Beal and Tanner being absent. Bcal was found. ,Kohl Changes Vote. In order that the bill might be put up to the courts immediately, Kohl changed from no to yes on the under standing that if the courts decided in favor of the bill that the money com ing to him should go to the Red Cross. Adams, Albert and Oberlies changed their votes to yes, believing the matter should go to the courts if the bill passed, and as it would probably get enough, the emergency clause should' be attached. The bill went through by a vote of 22, to 9, those voting no beingTIaase, Hager, Lahners. McMullen, Mofiarity, $ DX.ELDWDCE I4V V 1 1 YUA V I V V '' "" '" : .... I Saturday April 6th i Suits Coats Dresses I c m $25.00 Pumps and Oxfords 1 $6.00 . ; PARTICULARLY strong values In timely footwear Benson & Thome's standard ot value giving. Plain opera pumps in dull and patent with full Louis wood covered heels, turn soles. Military oxfords in dark tan and Rus sia calf, perforated vamps, 1-ioca heels, welt sewed soles. Silk Skirts $15.00 ELEGANT, refined skirts, pos sessing individuality In De sign and Style. Evolved of Boft' 'beautiful Bar enette satins, foulards, Pussy Willow taffeta, silk poplin and fancy taffetas. Special Saturday - Girls'. Dresses $1.95 Were Up to $2.95 FOR girls aged 8 to 12 years. Made of durable Toile du Nord, In pink, blue, green and yellow with white collars and cuffs. Ideal washable dresses for school wear. Girls' Coats $7.50 and $12.50 rVO groups, black and white checks, plaids and plain col ors, newest spring models. Sizes 7 to 18. OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 6r 1918: Neat, Sandall, Sawyer, Wilson of Dodge. How They Voted. When it came to the salaries bill, which called for an appropriation of $12,800, the vote stood 16 to 15, one less than the required majority. Kohl and Adams, who had changed on the mileage bill, voted yes on the salaries bill, Kohl giving the same explanation as on the other bill. With one vote lacking Tanner was sent for and when he voted the required constitutional majority was secured. It will still be three months before it can become a law. Fairbury Candidate Gives First Talk of Campaign Fairmont, Neb., April 5. (Spe cial.) C. H. Denney republican candidate for congress fourth dis trict, in his speech delivered tonight, made a forceful plea in behalf of the oncoming Liberty loan drive. His speech in part follows: "It is not a question any more whether we believe that the war is right or proper between the United States and Germany, it is a question of our lives, our property, our freedom. "It is not now a question of diplomacy; it is not now a question whether a man is for or against the war. The time has now come that unless a man or woman is whole souledly in favor of doing everything that is possible to win this war, un less he or she is willing to do his or her duty, then, he or she is a traitor. ' "If you should borrow $100 for one year and buy a liberty bond with it all it would cost you would be the diflerence in 4A per cent and 6 or 7 per cent, or whatever your bank would loan it to you at. If it is 6 per cent it costs you $1.75 to loan your government $100, $17.50 to loan your government $1,000. Idle Aliens and Rich In Canada Must Work Ottawa, April 5. Idle aliens and the idle rich in Canada have been made the subject of government con trol. The government today an nounced an order in council provid ing that every male shall be regular ly engaged in some useful occupation with the exception of persons under 16 years and over 60, or physically unfit, or a student or temporarily un employed. . . Violation of the provisions is punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 or in default, with imprisonment with hard labor not longer than six months. Fined for Having Liquor. Fremont, Neb., April 5. (Special lelegram.) Will Shomaker was sen tenced to 45 days in the county jail and fined the costs in the case, amounting to $90 for having booze in his possession and transporting it. "All Sizes for Women and "Little Women" i VALUP-G1VING; event of first importance to all J economically inclined women. "We say without fear of contradiction that garments of this character cannot be duplicated at the price quoted Saturday. Tht Cfll7c come in smart tailored, semi-tailored, 1 lie uullS dressy ripple, Sport "and Norfolk' models. Fashioned of serge, trjeotine, poplin, Poiret twill, tweeds and black and white checks , The Cnnfc 'eature Saturday are shown in velour, i ilC OulS poplin, serge, tweeds and Jersey. High waisted, belted and loose styles. Included are the mili tary capes, now so popular, Tht Drc are attraetive spring models of taffeta, J uc LsiCSSCS fouiar(j and combinations of taffeta and Georgette crepe. Braid, beads and buttons are used in many novel ways as trimming features. ( WOMEN'S INDIVIDUAL SH0PS--SEC0ND FLOOR Trimmed Hats $3.95 IN a sale Saturday. Every woman in Omaha will want to share in this unusual event. ' . Hats of highly polished lisere, rough braids and hemp straws, softly curved brims, roll brims and ir regular brims, t Trimmed with clusters of flowers, swagger quills, smartly wired bows of lacquered ribbon and clever ornaments. . - SALE STARTS AT 8:30 A. M. . f Woman Swears Husband Bought Her From Parents (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) Tes tifying in district court here Friday morning in her divorce action against William H. Ward, a locksmith, Mrs. Lulu K. Ward declared she was sold to her husband for $500 by her father and step-mother. She said the payments were made on the installment plan, covering a period of two years. The transaction began when,she was 15 years old and at the age ot 1 sne saia sne oecame Wards bride. Their marriage took place in St. Joseph. Denial was made by Mrs. Ward that she had improper relations with Rev. James Delk, local "circus boy" evan gelist and other men. Attorneys for Ward denied the woman's statement about the "money marriage." York to Celebrate Liberty Day With Big Parade York, Neb., April 5. Specials Preparations are being made here for 1 the big Liberty day parade Saturday. A band concert will be held at l:oU p. m. followed by an address of wel come by mayor T. W. Smith. J. E. Hart will speak on the Liberty loan fand Frank S. Howell will give a talk on "Patriotism." Fire Department Officers. Fremont, Neb., April 5 (Special Telegram.) John C. Cleland was elected president of the Fremont fire department for the. 15th successive time at the annual meeting. Dr. W. F. Roseman was named vice presi dent and Harry S. Morse re-elected chief. The annual report of Chief Morse showed that the total fire loss for the vear was $12,590. with insur ance of $10,990. The department will by $2i0 Liberty bonds. Buy Many Liberty Bonds. Fremont, Neb., April ' 5. (Special Telegram.) The riatteville school district of ' Saunders county sub scribed $16,000 in Liberty bonds at meetinar held to launch ..the cam paign in that district. The district's quota is $7,000. It is expected to boost the total to at least three times the allotment. At a meeting at Cedar Bluffs $16,000 was subscribed. The town's quota is $11,500. State House Employes In Force in Big Parade (From a Staff Correnpondent.) Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) Three hundred and fifty state house em ployes and the members of both branches of the Nebraska legislature will march in the Liberty bond parade Saturday morning in Lincoln. Women's Petticoats $3.95 C ATTJRDAY only may you obtain f coats tnat you pay irom ?o.uu 10 ?o.o ror eisewnere. Amply cut, nicely finished, Jersey top petticoats, variety of pwtty colors. Deep tucked and ruffled flounces. Petticoats cor rectly proportioned for the new spring suits and dresses. W I ONLY CITIZENS MAY VOTE BY NEW . ALIEN MEASURE (From a Staff Correspondent.) - Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) The house took a little, jolt at the alien voting bill today and when it had recommended it for passage provided that all citizens of the United States could vote. Those who have not com pleted their citizenship papers can vote at the next election, but if they do not complete their citizenship in the next two years, or by the time of the next election they are out of it for good. . . The Omaha charter bill and the sabotage bill both passed the house unanimously. Representative J. H. Bulla of Doug las appeared in the house for the first time today and was called on for a speech. Representative Albert Labounty of Frontier, who has moved out of his district to Dawson county, was in vited to talk to the house. Ashton Purchases Entire Supply of Thrift Stamps Ashton, Neb. April 5. (Special.) School children as well as the old er folks made a run on the banks and postoffice last Friday and purchased the entire supply of Thrift stamps. District No. 16 oversubscribed its. quota by $5,000. increases strength of delicate, nervous, run-down peopla in two weeks' time' in many instances. Used and highly en dorsed by former United States Senators and Members of Congress, well-known physicians and former Public Health of ficials. Ask your doctor or druggist about H. Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Read it in The Sunday Bee Read What? 1917 annual report of City Commissioner Geo. Park's Depart ment on Expenditure of Public Fundi. E. M. T&YNOLVS. V.-Prej- and Ctn. Mgr. these unusual values. Petti- Wash Blouses $2.50 ITH the coming of milder weather, the wash blouse Bell-ans again comes into its own. A splendid selection of voile and batiste in striped and plain effects. Georgette Blouses $5.95 A GOODLY assortment of pretty Georgette . crepe blouses just received. Light col orings, bea,d and embroidery trims. Children's Coats $5.00 to $13.50, N" black and white checks, serge, poplin and 'gabardine;,' rose, Copenhagen and navy coi ', ors. Service Flag;Unveiling ' At Rising City Sunday' Rj'sing- City,1' Neb., April .SU"Bond or Bondage,", will ; be the pastor's theme i next Sunday morning at the. M. E. church at . which time the church Service Flag of thirteen f tars will he unveiled. The flag is a. gift to the church from Air. and Mrs. Win. Stephens of this city, whose son Willard is in the navy. 1 "THE STORE OF THE BO WW" Eighteen Retail Stores Eighteen Retail Ctorei Buy your spring suit where you are sure of values. Our standard of Quality is known and maintained. We never made better clothing than now. Value, Durability, Individuality, are distinguish ing marks of Browning, King clothes for men and young men $15 to STORE CLOSES AT 1:30 P.M. FOR Liberty parade And Reopens ' From 4 p. m. to 6 p. m; Kindly do. your Jbuy. ing early in the day. Browning, King & Company GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. 1 $ "The line Is Holding'' Flashing over the wire comes this message from the front bring- , ing comfort to millions of anxious hearts. Do you want to know whzt -it means to hold the . line against the terrific onslaught of the furious Hon? If so, read HOLDING THE LINE by Sergt. Harold Baldwin, a man who has been there. At all book stores. Price one dollar and fifty cents People Notice It DriveThemOfl witn ur. Edwards ' Olive Tablets A nimnlv face will tint mfcawn.i I I " MWCUIfl J Ub .muta longer u you gei 8 package of Dr, Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should oegin ra ciear atter you nave taken tht tablets a few nights. . r--. Cleanse the blond tliotm.oU4.v. with Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the sue cessful substitute for calomel; there'anevei any sickness or pain after taking; them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do thai which calomel does, and just as effectively, but their action i omtia onri J of severe and irritating. o one wno-taes Olive Tablets It ever cursed with t tarir w..., .... n a bad breath; a dull, listless, "no good" disposition or pimply face. Lir. nawaras' uuve Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed With Olive oil- Vnn orill; hun ay their olive color. ur; tdwarts Spent years among pa tients afflicted with . fivnr ' ! C I complaints, . and Olive TabJeta are tht immensely effective result .naae one or .two nightly for a week. , X BROWNING, KING & C0' $45 occ iiuw mucn Detier you teel and oofc 10c and 25c per box. Ui druggists.