Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1918, Image 1

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the Weather
VOL. x XL VII NO. 250,
On TritM. it Hnt.i.
HHi.D. Ct.. it.
Enormous, Force Now Under Organization in
Russia Will Effect Turning-Point of War
If Hurled Against Teutons.
Moscow, Tuesday, April 2-Russia will form an army of. 1,500,000 men,
not inferior in power and equipment to the Germans and Japanese, M. Podvoisky,
-assistant secretary of war,
rious military department heads.
This would be the first step in arming the whole Russian nation. He said the
army organization was impossible without the old officers and outlined a measure
to enlist the services of all generals and publish their names, giving to citizens the
right to state objections to any one.
M. Podvoisky reported progress in enlistments for the red
army, which was satisfactory in some places. Smce the begin
ning, of the army organization two weeks ago 11,000 have en
listed in Moscow and been properly equipped, Nizhninov
gorod, Voronezh, Tula, Kaluga, Kostroma, Tchernigov, Khar
kov and many other cities report considerable numbers of re
cruits, many of whom are trained. The great handicap, he
said, was lack of instructors.
LondonApril 4. Reorganization of the Russian army un
der the direction of M. Podvoisky comes at the psychological
moment for the entente allies.
It is predicted by military strategists here that if Russia
can enlist and equip 1,500,000 men, as M. Podvoisky plans, it
will result in the f ailure of the great German drive before Cam
brai, and will hasten the work of driving the armies of the cen
tral powers out of France and Belgium.
Military experts declare that if Kus-y
sia had made this move eight weeks
ago it would have been impossible for
Germany to muster such a tremend
ous force, as thousands of men were
' withdrawn from the Russian front to
swell the kaiser's command. -
The mere threat of more than a
million of men being mustered by the
Slavs at Moscow will force the Ger
mans to send troops to the east front,
and this will weaken their lines at
4 points " whereBifitislC Frenchand"
American, torces are . preparing to
strike in a great counter attack.
Since the occupation by the Ger
mans of Poltava, 70 miles southwest
of Kharkov, the position of the bol
shevik detachments opposing them
has become more serious, -Reuter's
Moscow correspondent cables.
The Germans are conducting an of
fensive against Kharkov from Poltava
and Vorojba, employing large detach
.ments, which already have occupied
Gloutiagky, 40 miles from Kharkov.
The correspondent also says the
(Jermans have seized at Poltava 54,000
tons of grain which they are exporting
'o Germany.
. Restore Lines to Germany.
Moscow, Wednesday, April 3. The
special commission formed to carry
out the provisions of the Brest-
Li to vsk pea-.v treaty has drawn up a
, program for the restoration of postal
and telegraphic relations with Ger
many. It has ordered Russian mine
."J peepers to clear the mines from the
VjuH of Finland and in the Russian
part -of the Baltic.
Peace has been proposed to the
lotshevik government by 'the Ukrain
ian Rada of Kiev, the nonbolshevik
organization, according to rumor cur
rent here. Although not confirming
the report, a member of the Russian
government poiHts out that the
chances for peace are greater since
Germany's reply regarding territory
in the Ukraine offers ground for
negotiations ,and an understanding
on the territorial, question.
It seems that Rada is' willing to
make concessions and to modify its
original "demands, which included
part of the governments of Kursk
and Voronezh.
The Weather
For Xebraska Unsettled; rain or
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Dee.
o a. m.
6 a. ra.
7 a. m.
.... 35
.... 33
.... 33
8 a. m 31
9 a. m....' 34
10 a. m 38
11 a. m 42
12 ra 4C
1 p. m 4S
2 p. m ....... 42
3 p. m 64
4 p. m f8
5 p. m 57
6 p. m 66
7 p. in..... 55
8 p. m.... 3
Comparative Loral Record.
1918. 1917. 1918. 1915.
67 41 56 61
31 33 fo 45
44 37 ' 43 63
Highest yesterday
Lowest yesterday
Mean tempera Wra
PrecJoltation 08 .21 on no
Temperature and prclpltatlon departures
from the normal: . . temperature " 45
IMicleury for the day 1
Total excess since March 1....'. "45
Normal precipitation .98 Inch
Deficiency for the day .0g inch
"Total Tain fall since March X ;s inch
Deficiency sine March 1 1.38 Inches
x Deficiency .for cor. period, 1917.. .11 Inch
t A !kficlncjr for-cor. period, 1918. .1.38 Inches
Reports From (Stations at 7 P. M.
Station end Stats Temp.
of Weatber. 7 p. m.
Cheyenne, cloudy ...... !
Uavenport. clear ...... 50
Denver, cloudy. 8-
Des Moines, clear; (4
T)odB6' City, part cloudy 64
Lander, part cloudy.... J2
Xorth Platte, cloudy .. 43
Omaha, part cloudy 6i
Pueblo, cloudy ........ S4
Rapid City.snowlnc ..... 3
Salt Lake City, pt cldy. 38
Santa Fe, part cloudy. S3
Sheridan, cloudy i
9lo City, elear ...... (4
Valeiuine, cloudy
iledulne. cloodv 38
. i L. A.
WELSH, Mettorolofiit.
declared today at a conference in Moscow of the va
Jewish Inhabitants of Kiev
Shot, Down When City Falls
Into Hands of the
Moscow, Tuesday, April 2. Antl
Jewish riots have occurred in Turk
estan. In Kokand 300 persons were
killed and much, property destroyed,
according to the Ranneyi Outro.
Anti-semitic : agitation in Kiev, it
adds, is assuming acute form. When
that city was captured by the Ukrain
ians, most of the inhabitants they shot
were Jews.
E. A. Cudahy Visits Omaha
On Tour of Inspection
E. A. Cudahy, head of the Cudahy
Packing company, is in Omaha on a
tour of inspection of the plants of his
"My visit at this time is of no spe
cial significance," said Mr. Cudahy,
"Just one of my regular trips."
Mr. Cudahy said his concern hearti
ly endorsed the ruling of Judge Al
schuler. Twelve thousand Cudahy em
ployes will be affected and nearly
$100,000 in tack pay will be divided
among them, he said.
State Directors Want to
Know How Burgess "Does It"
Ward M. Burgess, state director of
war savings for Nebraska, is receiving
envious congratulations for his mark
ed success in this state from many of
his colleague directors. Theodore
Francis Green of Rhode Island and
Fred H. Howland of Vermont have
written Mr. Burgess offering con
gratulations and incidentally asking
for a tip or two on how he "does it."
Music and Oratory
A musical program will be a fea
ture of the patriotic mass meeting
for the third Liberty, bond drive,
which will be held in the Auditorium
next Saturday, night.
Miss EjstherlDarnall and Mrs. Allen
Taylor will sing. The Forty-first in
fantry band from Fort Crook will
Dr. E. E. Violctte, manager of tin
speakers' bureau of the Tenth fed
eral reserve district, will be the prin
cipal speaker.
Congregation of Church to
Welcome Rev. Titus Lowe
Many members of the congregation
of the First Methodist churclnwill go
to the Union station Friday morning
to meet the Northwestern train
which arrives at 10:15 and which is
scheduled to carry Rev. and Mrs.
Titus Lowe back to Omaha. The
congregation has purchased a Ford
sedan to present to the pastor, who
for the last six months Jias been
working in connection with the
Young Men's Christian association
among the Sammies, in France.
Burglaries Average More Than
300 Daily; Lack of Street
. Lighting and Police Pro
tection Favors Thugs.
New York, 'April 4. Burglaries and
robberies in Berlin average more than
300 daily and great alarm haj been
caused in the German capital by the
sensational increase in crime result
ing from war conditions. : "-i
The Berlin Tageblatt, on March 10,
published an interview with the direc
tor of a large insurance company,
who said that 300 burglaries and rob
beries were reported daily to the in
surance companies. , But the number,
hesaid, Jfcas -much, higher,, many
households and stores were not in
sured against ; this : class of crime.
. Many of the thefts are committed
by deserters from the army,, while
there are also burglar bands com
posed of former convicts and desert
ers. Present conditions in Berlin
greatly favor the burglars. The num
ber of policemen and detectives is
insufficient and inadequate lighting of
the streets is of advantage to the
$166 an Inch for Land
In Fashionable Chicago
Chicago, April 4. A "tract" of land,
four inches wide and 168 feet in
length in the heart of Chicago's fash
ionable north side residence district,
sold today for $666, or about $166 an
More Food for Czar Nick
Is Red Cross' Petition
Petrograd, Wednesday, April 3.
aSeveral members of the former im
perial Russian ' family, now at
Tobolsk, are ill and the Red Cross
has petitioned the bolshevik gov
ernment to allow the family of
Nicholas Romanoff the ordinary
ration instead of that allotted to
soldiers. It has been decided to
give the Ronamoff family an al
lowance of 300 rubles a month.
M. Tchitcherin, the bolshevik
foreign minister, has refused to
recognize M. Lyednitsky, who has
arrived at Moscow, as Polish am
bassador. The Novaia Zhizhn reports the
discovery in Moscow of an organi
zation to enforce the calling of a
constituent assembly. They ' call
themselves blue guards and are
said to number 12,000.
The local soviet at Vologda has
refused to permit the exiled former
grand dukes to reside in Vologda.
to Feature
Liberty Loan Mass Meeting
Dr. E.E.Vj'olette
! .. .!
Observers Declare Teutons
Have Gathered Strength Dur
jng Lull; Department Silent
on Developments.
(By Associated Tress.)
Washington, April 4. Renewal of
the German assaults agaisnt the Brit
ish and French lines in Picardy today
indicated to military observers here
that the Germans, having gathered
strength' during the lull of the last
tew days, might now be ready to
launch their greatest effort. Some
officers think the allied commanders
realize that only the first phase of
the gigantic battle has passed, and
that this probably accounts for the
fact that no extensive counter move
ment has been undertaken as yet.
It is pointed out that the previous
record of the German high command
argues against any possibility that it
would be content with the minor
strategic advantages already gained
by their costly enterprise, or with the
abandonment of its plans wtihout
further attempts to force apart the
French and British armies. The, bat
tle of Verdun continued for months
before the Germans admitted that
their object was unattainable.
Department Silent.
Under the new-publicity policy the
War department had nothing to add
to reports from abroad as to the sit
uation at the front. Casualty lists
from France again were withheld.
Major General March, acting chief of
staff, said he had cabled eScretary
Baker for specific instructions in this
A new interpretation was placed to
day on the appointment of General
Foch as supreme commander of all
the allied and American forces in
France. The plan wor a generalis
simo, it was stated, had been apf
proved Ion gago b ythe supreme war
council, but it was not regarded as
urgent that the appointment should
be made at once until the big of
fensive started.
Houston' Tex.," April 4. Lieu
tenant R. F. Ives of Chicago, Carl
E. Ekstrand of Brooklyn, N. Y. and
Russell H. Ewiggins of Waynetown,
Ind., were killed in aviation accidents
at fc,Uinton.heId here today.
Lieutenant Ives was killed this
morning when his machine went into
a tail spin and fell. Leiutenant Otto
Ett, who was in the same machine,
was. slightly injured., .Lieutenants
Ekstrand and Ewiggins were killed
this afternoon. They were ni the
same machine.
Ellington field is used exclusively
by American-flyers.
New Ship Yard Authorized
To Make Concrete Vessels
Washington, April 4. A new ship,
building yard, solely for the construe
toin of concrete skips, will be es
tablished soon by the shipping board.
It will be located in some southern
city, where frost will not handicap the
work, probably in Wilmington, N. C,
or New Orleans, wtih the chances
favoring the former. The new yard
will have three ways, each of which
will be utilized in the building of a
3.500-ton concrete vessel, as plans for
that size of ship already hava been
prepared. Upon completion of these
vessels, the plant will construct only
7,500-ton ships, which are now be
in designed.
Negro Janitor Confesses
To Murder of Watchman
Washington, April 4. Will Cle
ments, a negro janitor employed at
the offices of the committee on public
information, confessed tonight that he
shot James King,. a7 watchman at the
committee's headquarters, who was
found dead at his post earl ythis
morning. Clements, located after a
day search, told the police that he
and King had an argument -when he
reported for work and that he shot
in self defense after the watchman
had -Irawn a pistol. King's cartridges
failed to explode.
Henry Ford Soon to Launch
First "Super-Sub Chaser"
Washington, April 4. With the
first of the Eagle boats, the new type
super-submarine chasers for the navy,
scheduled for launching in June,
Henry Ford, the builder, has assured
Secretary Daniels it would be possible
under great stress to turn the craft
out at the rate of three a day. Next
Monday Mr. Daniels will inspect the
Ford plant near Detroit.
Wednesday, April 3. One thousand French civilians from the
occupied districts of northern Francs have been sent to Russia by the
Germans and are being forced to perform hard labor, according to infor
mation obtained by Baron Cochin, a former cabinet member.
These civilians, 400 of whom are women, are among those whom Ger
many offered to exchange for , Alsatians who have escaped to France.
They were sent to Russia sfter the rejection of the proposal, which Ger
many attempted to place before the French government through the holy
see and Baron Cochin.
Fighting Heaviest Near Hammel, Where
British and French Forced Back in
Triangle of Rivers Luce and Avre.
London, April 4.-"After heavy artillery preparation the enemy launched a
strong attack this morning on the whole front between the Somme and Avre
rivers," declares Field Marshal Haig's report. On the right and center of the British
lines the attacking German infantry were repulsed, but on the left the weight of the
assault succeeded in pressing back our troops for a short distance in the neighbor
hood of Hammel on the south bank of the Somme. The fighting is continuing in
this area."
In this section of the line
Ottawa, Ontario, April 4. -The German press is warning its readers not to
expect too much of the offensive in the west, says a Reuter dispatch today from
The Cologne Gazette says extraordinary rumors are prevalent in Germany re
garding the extent of the German "victory" and are inspired by the enemy, who
is exaggerating the; Teutonic successes for the purpose of depressing the masses
through disappointment. v ;
The war correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung says that hitherto it ha!
been impossible exactly to estimate the German losses, but it is unnecessary tc
jump to the conclusion that they are enormous, because the victory was difficult.
Rain on West Front Gives Brit
ish Forces Advantage; Amer
ican Air Mechanics Render
Valuable Service. ,
London, April 4. Erzerum, the
principal city of Turkish Armenia, is
reported in an Exchange Telegraph
dispatch from Moscow to have" been
recaptured from the Turks by an Ar
menian corps, aided by a detachment
of Armenian volunteers.
Germans Mark Time.
With the British Army in France,
April 4. The German offensive con
tinued to mark time last last night
and up to 10 o'clock this morning no
move of importance had been reT
It rained in torrents during ' the
night and today the sky is still heav
ily overcast It is the kind of weather
which renders the shell torn fields of
the Somme region most difficult to
work over and for this reason the
British arc not displeased at the
Mechanics from the American air
squadron have been doing excellent
work at various British airdromes
during the present battle. These men
are serving in considerable numbers
and their help has been exceedingly
valuable in the time when the British
airmen have been waging such in
tense warfare.
Downs Six Planes.
There have been places where there
are concentrations of hundreds of
British machines and it meant untold
labor for the mechanics. Some of the
airmen have been making as many as
six trips in a single night. One hard
working squadron dropped the huge
total of six tons of bombs in one
night. The record of the whole air
corps has been remarkable. As an
instance, one aviator shot down six
German machines in one day.
Aviator Drops 2,500 Feet
From Plane; Lands Safely
San Antonio, Tex., April 4. Rod-
Lman Law, balloonist and aeronaut,
now attached to the fifth aero squad
ron, Kelly field, Thursday jumped
from an airplane at a height, of 2,500
feet and. with the aid of a' parachute,
landed safely.
aw is mLuking a series of experi
ments to demonstrate the feasibility
of jumping from an airplane. He is
a brother of Ruth Law.
are the critical sections immediately east of Ami(
The German-Swiss Zurich Poste war expert writes thai
Germany has been unable to hinder the ca,rei4yplannecl de
ployment of the Anglo-French'reserve and the contfuaric;ftof
the violent attacks demand immense sacrifices.
The Frankfurter Zeitung attacks Von Hindenburg for at
tempting to override the Reichstag. It appears that Von Hin.
denburg telegraphed the vice president of the Reichstag at fol
lows; ; -
"The fresh sacrifices of blood forced upon us have not been
made for nothing. I know that the Reichstag understands this
and that it will champion a strong German peace."
Some Critics of Opinion Aus
trian Will Wait Until West
ern Struggle Decided; Great
Preparations Made.
(Bf Asswtetod Frsss.)
Washington, April 4. Indications
that the Austrians are waiting only
for favorable weather to launch an
other attack upon the Italian front,
were reported today in an officitl
despatch from Rome.
"Some military critics" says the
dispatch "are of the opinion that
Austria intends to wait the result of
the offensive in France before under
taking to deliver the blow against
Italy, but great preparations are
carried on by the Austrians without
interruption and all the forces
(f'ontimiMl on rsge Two, Column Two.)
Here's the Circulation
of the
Omaha Papers
On Lothrop from 21st to 22d
State of Nebraska
Douglas County
F. S. Dilley being duly sworn, says that on March
38th he took a newspaper census of Lothrop street
between 21st and 22d
there are 13 houses.
12 Houses take The Bee.
10 Houses take the World-Herald.
9 Houses take the News.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn before me
this 30th day of March.
(SEAL) Notary Public.
Another Block Tomorrow
Keep Your Eye On The Bee
The newspaper, commenting
tnis, says:
With all the resoect and admira.
tion with which we treat a commander
we feel jthat Von Hlndenburg'i
intervention in politics is the most
serious thing that has happened, ai
yet, for the fatherland. He is en
couraging the pan-German annexa
tionists, who are already exploitinj
the western offensive jor the purpost
of altering the Reischtag's war aims.'
, Lincoln, April 4.Prsiden Wilso
has ont given his endorsement to the
Nonpartisan league, the president's
secretary, Joseph P. Tumulty, stated
in a telegram to R. M. Joyce, presit
dent of the Nebraska Council of De
fense, in reply to an inquiry from the"!
counciy. This inquiry was made, it
was 6aid,, at the office of the counchT
because promoters of the league had
represented that the president had en
dorsed the league's' work. "The presi
dent gives endorsement to to no or.
ganization," Secretary Tumulty's tel
egram said.
streets, Omaha, and that'