Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
MUSIC TEACHERS DISCUSS PLAN TO ! UNIFY TEACHING Lincoln Man Elected President ; of- Nebraska Wlusic Teachers', r' AssoiationV; Convention ' ' .to. Capital QityV 4 , - I i V Fnial daVasession of nhe Nebraska , State Music Teachers' association " Opened at -"-the Hotel Fontencjle '. ' Wednesday "morning with a round . '"fable; discussion of the proposed plan 'o standardize the system of instruc ' Yiion of music throughout the states " It is intended that the' nev 'system will niafce, it possible for all music students to ain credit for their pre! J views' work upon entering the uni- versify! The report of the commit tee wa$auorted. M . .i Officers f:r the coming year "were elected follows: Sidney Silber, Lin coln, president; Henry G. Cox, vice president; Carl Beutel, dean-Wesley-V wi' consevatory, "secretary; Cecil W. : rierrvman. Omaha, treasurer. t ATtnirilerl rnnfW between the .yncmoers layering uuitum mu must ' , ),rrtial to Omaha for,ncxt year's con t .vention va eld. Lincoln was finally - v elected, vitn a vote of 28. against 10 io Omaha The time -of the 1919 Convention-was not decided on. - Frysinger in Organ Recital. Aa, organ recital was given in the - "xr-veninpr by J." Frank Frysinger. F.I. j. C. M., head of the organ depart- mctit of stlfc University School of i .. t. :.. t : i 1 Music at Lincoln. This was given at V he First IV rrnhvterian chirrch. and the , -csttltant satisfactoin to the touch of a visiting organist. V i r . . Mr. Frysinger'g rcputatiotjjiadj'pre- 'ceded him, and it vvanofln any way exaggerated. ; He is van esjcellept Gr it gainst, with a' fincxsehse of tone color. 1 Aand4 with an abundant technic, t. Iris musical' taste was clearly - evidenced by his many and , varied registra lions and his use of'the different com binations nd contrasts in solo ,ef ict and accompaniment, vas inter " ' eating and enoyable, lre"presented a t" sonata by, Wolstcnliolme, which proved a splendid organ number, . containing a most effective jnd beau-.'-'liful Lbrgo among its different move . fluents. .Three- nuVibers by Bach. "Air ' . jfrorri Orchestral Suite in t,V "St. f ' Ann's. Fueue" and-a charming 'choral ' ;.ti-hlnl ' Alv Heart's Desire." mani- N 'fested.that-JJr. Frysingef, knew well ' "and authoritatively the music of this -',7gi wsi nuuicr. 1 ; Other umbers $f special Interest x;' 'were '.'Sketched : from the City by ' Cordon Balch Kevin,-a V fcr illian , 1 , , Schcrie 'by Hoyte, "Meditation" by ' - - :Fcderln, and two' numbers by Mr. - "iFrysiifger. "Gethscniane," a most re , iliffious aiid beautiful number, with its ;. idwimatie ""moments, ' and i "Liberty ' 'March," -wtrich was played here re centlu bv Mr. Eddy. . . - i Mrs. Louise Jansen ' Wylie sang .with much tona beauty a group of ' four soprano songs, ,ii wjiich- the cnit.ihlr airHienertive acconvnaniments , ' iy Mrs. E. B. Zabriskir aMhe, organ t also deserve mention. ,111 excellent quartet of this jchurcht which contains '- Mr. George Johnston,"1 Mrs. ;Vlie, Mrs. .Verne Miller" and .Mr. A. L. '" trnbhx' crave an added nhsasitre 10 the jH-ogra'm by their sjtiging of 'Iy the , Watcfs.of Babylon," by Vincent; . - SIX DEAD, SCORES INJURED IN BIG ' -. MISSOURI STORM . ' - . St. Louis, Mo., April 3. Six per .' ' sons are known to be dead, scores .were ; iiijved and. property damage, totaling many thousands of dollars . was floneiLgyfltornaaoes lasi nigni jn M&soutt, accortiing to reports se . t Tcived here todav. . - A tornado struck Hunterville and Grayrjdge, two small towns in Stod ' dard County. 'in the someasterrk part of the-etate, killing ,tlu;ee persons, two of them 'at Huntetvine .and. one at V fJravi-iHof Tn hnih nlarc manv ner i - sons were injured, some severely", and v nrnnirfv rfamacB, was extensive. Farmers Jiving nearby reported! 4 barns and" other outbuildings swepv At New 'Florence, in Montgomery jjounty, 85 miles west ofv hire, two persons were killed, and at Mjneola, f ;also in Montgomery coumy, one was ' killed, f ..,';-: ' , - i " ... j., .-. Former Omaha Officer, ; Promoted Jo Colonel "F. C. BollesV the nrsf co'hmtanding ' . officer of the Omaha quartermasters' . ; depot. Twenty-second and Hickory streets, when it was made anvinaepen dent depot, hi 19ft), has been f romoted to colonet-of the 39th of at 4nfantry and m now stafioned a: rort bhaiter, alt Jlawaii; Colonel BonesNchai?ged the Omaha . depot ffom a "corral '.' the, wellr kept place- if is at present. During the "iivil i war ; government mules were Shipped to the place, which was low1 -i- and muddy, and the soldiers nick .. ' named1 it, "the corral" Colofiel Bolles ' installed drainage and paving,and re placed 'the wooden fence with an iron v mailing.' '.-'' . ; . r ', - , "While in Omaha Colonel Bolles ' joked the felks and was prominent in; ' n lodge ,and business circles, i ' r Railroad Men Continue td V " Wrestle With Yard Problem Railroad superintendents-are still m session in Omaha laboring with . the terminal switching problem. The superintendents hQge to iwork out a system that will speed tip shipments r,'f fffiB-ht-throtiffh terminals. With the railroads; sail undct, government a disposition to use terminals in com mon., permitting .the- engiens and - i-itehine creVs,:of the . vards to handle the stulf regardless of owner hip of the properties. - t Lotal Freight Offices . 4 : j rinefl nn I ihortu flax he local freight offices will remain ied all ; day ."Saturday he- day of ' Jht Liberty loan parade.. This decision if tli.' Tytrai Frpipht Ao-ents' asso- : ciation Vas aanounced today by II. L., - wooKjsecretary oitne : association. . DISTRIBUTION OF - . ANTHRACITE GOAL ... 1 - ir Details Annouficed by) United States ?uel Administrator; ' Figures ' Soon Available . for All Communities, The United States fjtel administra tion announces a plan for .the dis tribution of domestic anthracite coal from the mines to the retail dealers for ih rnminor vear. The details of thi dicrihnHnn will be suoervised bv j. B. Bicksojj, S. D. Wjrriner smd W. j. Kicnaras, wno nave oeen apppinieu aistrict representauves in tne renn- evk-ania antlifarite nrodufincr fields for the Unitcdfctates fuel administra tion under the general direction of J. D, A; Morrow, manager of distri bution. 1 1 t These district representatives act ing, as a committee,-will conter witn the state fuel administrators, as to thejeeds of the respective states and willmeet these requirements as, far asypossible. The committee willhave at hand data showingJhe amourft of cal furnislied to all communitlts in the past and this data will be available for the state fuel administrators. ; ' Comprehensive figures have Been compiled, which show the tonnage by sizes sent into tne various states -aur- intr the coal' vear. Aoril 1. lvlo. to TAprX 1, 1917, and during the coal year, April 1, todate. tne sea son of 1916-17;the last normal year, viU be used as a oasis ot distribu tion for the comine year beginniiig Ap'iU.' ....- Tonnage auooiviaea. The tonnage shipped into each state has. been subdivided, into tne amounts vshipped into the various communities in. each state, and the fig ures for all communities will event uallV be available.' Prior to April 1 iK!e information will be tfiven tO tho ttato furl administrators, who will advise various county and city chair-4 men. From them cadi dealer may learn the total tonnage allotted and ample opportunity will be given for necessarv adjustment. The figures as above described will be of assistance in the broad and equitable distribu tion of anthracite coal during tin oming months.- v , pt- i rira ir wi i niace t ie r or- detain the regular way ,witlv the or- j;f,i imiri-Pl nt Sunn V. WHICH II1CV patronized in the winter of 1916-17. t y Cut Tonnage in West. , , TtraiTc of thV creatlv increased needs of the territory adjacent toMhe Atlantic seaboard and the large in crease there in population - and in dustrial activity due Jfi the war, a4 because of the transportation features involved, it, may De necessary to re duce somewhat the normal tonnage 10 the west and northwest.' , Except for such changes eacn oper- . . l ctnhut in tonnace as 101.1 7 . Tm rasa there is LUied of diversion trom tnejnormai iiucs, to meet changed conditions', such as providing tor moyemeni ourm open navigation, or Tnjjraer mm ui.miiu lion mav be more equitable, tlus will be done. Th district representatives named above have the figures as 10 the.tonnage sent into eacn state anu .unmiin tr and wi 1 notiiv xnc vu rious state fuel- adnflntstratorr, j- Federal Reserve Bank Officers Visit in Omaha Tv. Miller. , ir.. Koverno of the fz.rL.-4l rsrve bank district of'Kan sax City, and Asa E. Ramsey, agent and chairman ot tne coara ai mis ui .innnrl m llmihi tot I lew i...,. '.Tsrinv and., visited with the officers of the Omaha branch, ot tlic iui a 4 uvauhj v federal reserve bank. 4 Dy en from Denver.Tlie bank -l r ... nnv onVaorenCV UD to April 1, when it became a full-fledged branch iiKe tne mnaiw.w- , . ' Omaha Exceeds Quota for 'Smileage Books by 31 7b Omaha exceeded her. quota m the smileage boolC camhign by $176. . The Omaha quota was $3,000, but figures issued .Wednesday, niorning show that on March 31. the, day the campaign closed,1 $3,176 had been . The entire state exceeded the e braSka apportionment by Clut.Pebody C Inc. iA SAGE-TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR Look yr youher!. Utt th old-tim St Tt and Sulphur and nobody wiII-mow. Vou inn turn crrav. faded Tiair haaittifnllv dArk nnrl lustrous almost over night if; you'll get aNbottle of Wyeth's Sage ana . suipnur ; vora- poun" at any drug store, munons oi VntfUi, iki ntl fnmniia Sape Tea VU,UCQ v n Psptm. fmnroved bv the addition of other ingredients, ore sold annuallyj cause it darkens the hair so naturany and evenly that no one can tea it hae-hppn annhpfl- . V , Those whose hair is- turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them,, because after one or two applications the-gray hair van ishes and yoir locks become luxur iantly dark and beautiiui. , This is the asre of youth. Gray Wvari' iinnffmptivA .folks . aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth'Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll be denoted witn your darlc,,4iandsomeshairVjvd your vouthful "atmearance . withih'lT few days. ; This nrenaration is a toilet reoui site and is, not intended for the cure, irutigation or prevention i disease. Advertisement, 1 -i.-- r-j ;" 1 . . 1 : : - s . t , . Are Y Spring V- M -. ) , r - ' Like These Are jh ; .-I L I OKLAHOMA BOOKLET FREE I "Onemirfifof AO Lima of BatLneaa. Informatfcn foe ; the loTwtor. YOUR OP-1 PORTCNITY IS HERE, j ToSeu-'H t TODAY'S BEAUTY HELP Wi fin1 vnii ran hrinff out the beauty of your hair to its very best advantage Dy wasning 11 wn van throx. Tt makes a very simple, in expensive shumpoo, which cleanses the hair and, scalp thoroughly of all the dandruff, dirt- and excess, oil, leaving a wonderfully clean, whole some feeling. Arfter iis"os'e, you will find that drias quickly and evenly, is never streaked in appear ance and is always bright, soft' and fluffy; so fluffy, in facj, that it looks more abundant than iris, and so soft that arranging it becomes a pleasure. Just "use a teaspoonful of Canthrox, which you can get from any good druggist, dissolve it in a cup of hot watfr; this makes a full cup of sham- nno'linniil pnAUirh so ' it is. easv to apply it to, all thp hair instead of just the too oi tne neaci. Aavertisen""" L f HE BEE.SmAHA, THURSDAY APRIL showing now and Peters id-Simmer In Black and: White, and Gray and All White Aloiig" With. "Boots of Every Color -Known tb Man. v for Spring 2 s Deliveries ; - 'WePay Your CarjEare-, , 'Aneglectedcoldinachnd'shead ' f often leads to chronic catarrh and 1 J f catarrhal deaf nesa-stuntinnchUd- i 1 . J fl rm'i mental arowth. makina them li appear stup JiyKondoris tut - v (af no cfiarcie to you) " N (W.OOO'fcaTa nmi this IS-yearoU hmed. For.chronlo catarrh, anra oonglUL Wildv nenn. noofc btemk, mo. Write tor oompltniea tary can. or buy tuba at drugstat a. It wirt benoflt yoa r'OCB times mora than it ooata. or pay moaej back, for trial.eaa two wnto to KOK0O1 Mffl, CO., ttniUrMJS.Miil. lt 1 Ml baby&cOld J I T Am -4,1918. - ' t v , ' j A 1918. ouncil Bluffs Patterson; and La France - - f t Black and Ivo'rv, Black Independent of All Shoe Trusts, a JPfidr to Omaha x Daily INFLAMED ECZEMA; HEALED BY CUTICURA On Face and Arms, . Spread a . ffl Rapidly, - Lost bleep. . .. r. -r ( . "Eczema broka out on myface and arms and spread rapidly, At first it was only in mtia rea apois, pm imm ittook tha form of sorauptions. Thesa blotches Caused a burning sen sation and tny skin was mnamea ana sore.1 Tha; eruption caused itching, and 1 lost sleep. . "This trouble lasted about three weeks. Then 1 wrote for a free sam i nt Ciiticnra Soan and Ointment. I Mr an much better that 1 bought- cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Ointment and after using them a short time I wascompletely healed. "(Signed) Miss Almeta Eckev3J--"n rve. Mlnnaannlia. Minn.. Tune 23. 1917 . - Mnt Vin troubles mhrht be pre vented by using Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every-daytoilet purposes. amp.c.---r ----.rvr.j everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c owa WrigHt Our New L $1.0 to $3.00 Less Than Other Stores "t SAFE,tiENTLE:REMEDy CLEANSES Fpr oertturiSg GOLD MECAt Haarlem Oil has been a -standard househgkt remedy for kidney, liver, bladdei and stomach trouble, n.r .11 iTiaaea. innn-tw1 with fliA tirinnrv organs. The kidneys and bladder ane the most important organs oi tne Dody. i ney are me filters, the purifiers ef yourbod. If the poisons which enter your .system through th. 1.1 rti,l .n .lma.h ,h nn, ntllplv thrown out by the kidneys ana bladder, are doomed. . ' ' . , ' vrearinesB. aipcpiessiiess, hvuubiicto,i despondency, backache, stomach trouble, headache, pain in loins and.lbwer abdomen, gallstones, pravel. difficulty when ualnu'tiria, cloudy and bloody prina, rheumatism, -Mia-tica and lumbago, alt warn you to tooh after your kidneys and bladdery GOLD MDAL Haerlem .Oil Capsules ar. what you need. ' They are not a. "patent' medicine,'.' nor a . - iwJ ft. urii.a ur .;r.:E. R. TARRY - 240 i 7": t , Seo Want Ads Are YOUR KIDNEY - t i "new discovery." For 200 years they havj been a standansVhousehold remedy. They an th nnrp ornrinnl tmnnrteH Hsnrlpm Oil vniu LBreat-grandmother used, and are perfect! ". narmiess. ine neaiing, soommft oil aoaxi into the cells- and lining of the kidneys and through the bladder, driving out the poison ous eerms. New life, fresh strength and health will come aa you continue the treat ment. When completely restored ,-to your usual vigor, continue taking a capsule or two each 'day: tby will keep you in ondi-v tion and prevent a return of the disease; ', Do not delay a minute, belays are especial ly .'dangerous in kidney and bladder, trouble. All drbggists soil GOLD MEDAL l.iarlem . Oil Capsules. They wilt refund the nraoey if not an represented. In thfee sites, sealed -packages.-' Ash for tbe, original imported GOLB MEDAL. Accept no substitutes. Adr. FiSiU LA CURED Kectai Diseases t;uret ritriout a severe su iica operation Nt . iiioroforro oi Ether ......a , ...... i l. n'lirv ruocn -our uiuaitcTiu ,n niiui .uau Writ, -fn.ltnsrrnter.3mk in Ro.-rnt ih tef 30 lanes snl testunnnials y -xtort han oflflll iromi- eni jfcuK' h,inv user ciermanentN ured. Bss C!d-M Omaha, F(eb. y x-z ,- - is Bn:bc33 Boosters , 1 1 X (.. " v v -