Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA. ' ' r - i : ' .1 -A . . i L V' ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 1 .. .JLL"ggj& .: Starts Saurday. " T EVERYBODY STORE" position Day X STA STOR . 55 , MfM. ' 'Thiirsday .- Will Be IMS 1 . h , "A N OCCASION when we announce and demonstrate to the people of this community our completeness of preparations in every section of this underprice store for the season just beginning. It's in reality the opening of our7 Spring drive in assisting you to keep down your cost of living to the lowest figure by offering good, dependable merchandise of the most wanted sort at prices that are the lowest possible consistent with quality and the -present day market conditions. Jap Silk Waists Specia) Thursday at 99c YOU'LL marvel at the wonderful value re presented in this waist special at 99c. Made of Jap silk, plain tailored; embroidered front tucked front, self or organdie col lar. Very specially priced for Thursday, at 99C. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store mm Boys' School Suit Special For Thursday, -t $4.95 rpHEREJ is no, school this week', so bring $he boy down and fit him out for Spring. These suits are for ages 6 to 18, made in the latest styles, of depend able materials and very specially priced, at $4.95. Boys' Pants, $1.25 Good quality materials, for ages 6 to 17, specially priced at $1.25. Boys' Wash Suits, 79c - Made in a variety of styles of 'good washable materials, also rompers for ages 5 'to 10. Special,. 79c. ' ''Boys' Blouses, 98c stripe effects, in good quality per cales, all sizes and very special, at 98c. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stain Store ( Exposition and Sale Thursday of WomWs and Misses' Ready-to-Wear GARMENTS that are copies of the higher priced models and possessing the siurp and style of the season's smartest creations. Women's and MisseV Suits Priced $9.95 to $18.75 s Despite the hue and cry of high prices you will find in the groups at these prices', values that are most wonderful. The high quality, the splendid materials, superior workmanship, and tailor ing all enter into these suits which we consider are most uncom commonly priced. ' . ( The range of style is eremely wide. Coats for Women and Misses Priced at $9.95 to $18.75 !A pleasing display embracing all the favored styles, including the high waisted models and military effects. All the best mate rials, patterns and colorings. v The New Dresses for Women Priced at $8.50 to $18.75 An exceptionally large variety of charming styles made up of fine taffetas, satins, foulards, poplins and Georgettas. n entnyj Special Note ' The above described suits, coats and dresses will be shown 6n Living Models Thursday Afternoon From 2:30 to 4:30 You are invited to , come and feature in the Down Stairs Store. Burgess-Nasa Co. Dowd Stairs Store us? - y aaW Here's An Extreme Petticoat Value for Thursday at $ 1 .Op TTTE consider .them most uncommon values, , V V made in a variety of pretty styles-of cot- I $ 1 00 - J jm i ji j '. ii.: l- ..i I cuiuieu iiuunce, axso liowereu ptuucoais col ored and white; very specially priced, at $1.0pC J I Burgeas-Nash Co-Down Stair Stora MARABOU Neck Scarfs, at $2.95 ; Natural shade, very stylish, to be worn with the new spring suit orx dress; very special, 'at Burgesi-Nash Co. Downstairs Store $oap and Washing Powder Combination for Thursday Including: 7 cakes Diamond C soap 2 cakes white Borax Naptha 1 cake Ivory soap .... r ....... r 3 cans Victoria cleanser. . . , 4 packages Golden Rod washing powder.. . 1 package Lux , 1 package Britte ammonia . . . I , 1 package Sunbrite cleanser No phnn. no mill ordara and no dollMrlc Price 50c SWEATER knit- ting and crochet -cotton, large balls, 3 or 5, black, gray, nary, 10c each.' CHINESE embroid ered dippers, in pink, rote, delft and .lavender, 12c pair. L E ARAWAY of package goods, J odd line, scarfs, doil ies, pillow tops, center-pieces, etc., at i price. . i . CHILDREN'S ready - to - wer dreises. Dink and . w . I blue gingham stamp ed' for embroidery; at 50c each. ' ' 12V2 D' R S S ER scarfs and centerpieces in pink, rote and blue, flowered ' cretonne, trimmed with white finishing braid, 2c each. fMEN's tw-piece balbriggaa -s undershirts and draw ers, well made, at 45c each. JlIEN'S athletic m union suits, well made, standard sizes, in pin checks and barred nainsook, 59c. - MEN'S silk fibre " hose, double toe and heel, reinforced double sole, 25c pair. ME N ' S neckband . or negligee shirts, with soft or stiff cuffs. Variety of styles, at 79c Datent leather . hand bags with silver plated frames. " . .(.Very special at 79c. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora 45c 59c 25c 79c 79c White Petticoats ' 95c Made of good muslin with deep flounce, of embroidery or lace insertton, tucks ind hem stitching. Extra underlay. Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora Envelope Chemise 95c Less than cost of material, made of fine nainsook, in em pire and yoke effect; 'elaborate Skirt belting, yard, 5c andlOc. ry trimmed, at 95c. Burgess-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store A Sale Thursday of Emerson Phonograph Records. Extra Special WE SECURED a large quantity of s these records at a pride enabling us to sell them at about half. - Here's" a partial list which includes" vocal, band, orchestra and comical selections. 1 , 5204 American Jubliee. 6206 Down Honolulu Way. 5144 Come All Ye Faith- ful. . ' 578 Tickling Love Taps. 5237 Down Deep in the Cellar. 5188 Dixie Melody. 5199 Saxaphone Solo. 5127-Globe Trot. 5177 Put On Your Slippers and Fill Up Your Pipe. 1 530 La Czarina. 5198 Razzaza Mazzaza. 5122 Ragtime Drummer. 5181 Don't Leave Me, Daddy. 5178i Joe Turner Blues. 5138 Cupid's Arrows. 5104 I've Got the Army Blues. 5190 Kangaroo Hop. 5174-rChicken Walk. 5205 American Patrol. 5202 Cute Little Urgglin Dance. 5193 Tenting on the Old Camp , Ground. 581 Perriot and Pierette Waltz. 6161 Carnation Waltz. 5163 Down Home Rag. 5117 My Grandfather's Girl. 5168 It Is Not Your Na-' tionality. ' 6140 Parade of Tin, Sol diers. 6203 Marseilles. 667 Johnnie Gat a Girl. 5189 A n t I ' Serenade Walt -687-Hoiy. Be Holy. 5186 Somtwhars Sn Dixie. 6191 Echo fjwea the Ill Jo i TO4 Roe. Notions Underpriced for Thursday Dress shields, pair, 10c. ctr large, Rick Rack braid, bolt, 10c. Snap fasteners, dozen, 5c. Pearl buttons, assorted sizes, dozen, Sc. 1 Sanitary skirt protectors, 23c. Hose supporters, pair, 15c' 1 - Bur(ss-Nash Co. Human ht at 12W. Darning- cotton, ard, le. Skirt belting, yard,5e and 10c. English pins, 400 count, 5e. Corset laces, 3 for Be. Hair pins, package, 4c. ' Thimbles, each, 2c. 1 Down Stairs Stori Extra Special 5c 5c 15c 15c JE and headings, at 5c a Lyard M BROIDERY edges, insertions linen Norman- TU laces, edges I V and insertions to match, at 5c a yard. VAL laces, cluon N dy val edges and in sertions, 2 to 5 inch es wide, 15c a yard. fp LUNY ani linen j s finish laces, 1 white and ecru, at tl5c a yard. f7 M BROIDERY QC jlli fleuncings, bands tOC land alleren, 4 to 18 I inches wide, 25c yard 8c 2Sr J 19c 19c and men nandker- chiefs, plain white or Lcolors, at 8c each. SILK mesh veilings, black or colors, at 25c a yard. 36-inch percales, light and medium dark pat terns, at 19c yard. N' EW voiles in pretty floral' or striped designs. Spe cial, yard, 19c. $3.25;i FILET net lace - - - a size, plain or allover design center, $3.25 pair. $1.49 98c 3 for 25c lf ARQUISETTE curtains, full size, hemstitched or with lace edge, white or ecru, $1.49 pair. ' ... I SEAMED sheets, size 72x90 inches. Very special, 98c. JUT EN'S good blue bandanna hand kerchiefs, very spe cial, at 3 for 25c. Bur(ess-Nath Co. Down Stairs Stora House Dresses . $1.35 Gingham or percale, striped or figured, light or dark. Made in loose, with belt or other styles. Special, $1.35. Burgots-Nath Co. Down Stairs Stora Dowa Stairs' Stora I 1131 I! " ' I $1.00 r&m Girls' School Middies. Special at 49c MADE of white mercer ized, galatea or In dian head muslin. Elabor ately trimmed with con trasting colored collars, pockets, belts and em blems. The sizes are for girls 4 to 20 years, i You'll recognize at ' a glance the remarkable values they represent at . 49c each. Burito-Nath Co. Women's New Pumps and Oxfords Reduced . i T1HE very kind of fashion every woman is -L asking for right now and offered to v you at a great reduction in prjee. ' Turn soles, covered heels, A1U sizes; included are: , Gray kid pumps. Gray kid oxfords . . . White kid pumps. v. .White kid oxfords. Bronze kid pumps. Patent kid pumps . . J $2.65 a Pair Burg taNash Co. -Down Stairs Store All for Utrim sweptetl Mcept when bowht with othur foodi oo Innifer. Special Corset v $1.00 , White coutil, elastic top, free hip, long skirt, lace front, sizes 20 to 28. Burg ass-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store Drugs and Toilet Goods Colorite, special, 23c Bayer's aspirin, 2 dozen, 30c. Canthrox, 44c. Glycothymoline, 22c. Kondon's catarrh jelly, 21c. Aspirin, 100 jn bottle, 89c. Phillip milk of Mag nesia, 44c. 1 lot talcum powders, 7c. Sal Hepatica, medium, 44c. ' Pebeco tooth paste, 39c. Calocide, 22c. De Witt's kidney pills, 44c tana oil' soap graham cake, 8c. Danderine, medium size, 44c. Sloan's liniment, 16c Nonspi, 39c. Espey's cream, 19c. Burgess-Nash cold creyn, 19c. Williams' shaving soap, 7c Hughes' waterproof ideal brush, 89c. Peroxide, .small, 10c. j Peroxide, medium, 20c Peroxide, large, 30c. 4 oz. almond cream, 19c 1 qt. denatured alco hol, 59c. Burgaas-Naah Co. Down Stairs Stora 4 oz. glycerine, bay rum and rose water, 19c 2 oz. spirits camphor, 19c 4 oz. spirits camphor, 35c. 2 oz. castor oil, lie 4 oz. pure glycerine, 35c i 4 oz. bay rum and rose water, 19c 4 oz. white pine cough syrup, 19c. 4 oz. essence pepsin, 35c. 1 lb. epsom salts, 16c. 2 oz. arnica, 15c Wayne moth-proof , bags, 50c, ,75c and $1. s House Furnishings and China Specials for Thursday OME exceptional values that will appeal to the house wife who does her own work. Oil Mops, at 31c. Cedar oil or chemically treated mops, triangle shape with polished handle. Extra special, 31c Aluminum Sauce Pans, 39c Wear Ever pure aluminum sauce pans with handle, H -quart size. Extra spe cial, 39c. i Dinner Sets, $5.95 42-piece Dinner Sets, service for six people, at $5.95. Aluminum Berlin Sauce Pans, 88c.v Wear Ever pure aluminum Berlin sauce pans with aluminum cover, 2 qt. size. Extra speciaL. 88c. ' Earthen Bowls, 9c. Brown glazed earthen bowls, white lined, as sorted sizes, 0c. Breakfast Sets, $2.19. 31-piece gold deco rated breakfast set, American semi-porcelain, neat plain shape. Extra special, at set, $2.19. Toilet Paper, 9 for 50c. Pure crepe tissue toilet paper, large size roll. 9 for 50c BurfM-Nah Co. Down Stairs Stora Extra Special ' - fllfOMEN'S 1 C VV children's IJi; se 25 c 5cW and black amUas hos, at 15t Pir- 'V'i WOMEN'S cotton hot, seamless, black, white and col ors, 25c a pair. 39c 50c 98c OMEN'S pure ilk boot hose. k, white and col- tors, 65c a pair. ' WOMEN'S union suits,tlow neck land sleeveless, cuff or lace knee, white cotton, 39c each. WOMEN'S ' cotton suits, low $1 19 98c $1!! 29c 69c 25c 'white union neck and sleeveless, cuff or lace knee, regular or extra sizes, 506 each. I MPORTED pongee silk, natural tan shade. All-pure silk, guaranteed, 32 inches wide, 98c yard. 36-inch black chiffon taffeta, soft quality,, sale price, $1.19 yard.' 36-inch silk poplin ijl a full range of plain rice, shades. sale 98c yard. pri 36-inch chiffon taf feta, pretty plain shades. Special, . at .$1.49 yard. D OLLER SKATES, s. plain bearing, special, at 29c pair. D OLLER SKATES, ball' bearing, special, at 69c pair. "TENNIS racquets one lot, special, at 25c' each. Buriess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stora 1 't':' :.1V t ,