Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1918. J j 1 ft 1 4 1 LIKELY TO KILL RESOLUTION TO ANNUL GAME LAW House Refers Matter to Fish and Game Committee, Which Is Not Disposed to Recpmend lt. , rrom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April 2. (Special.) Ef ' iorts. to lay .wide open the state game law so that the streams nd lakes of Nebraska could "le used by fisher men diirinc the neriod of the war bv suspension of the fish,and game laws of the state was the principal subject for debate at the morning,session of the house. The resolution covering the matter r . "" i ' r IT I J was tatnerea djt rnes 01 npwara ana other representatives who felt that alone lines of conservation the fish in the lakes could and should, be ltltiVfrrl fnr fnnrf. Trtneo uuhn nnnospd the resolution were of the' opinion that to suspend !. 11 . .. J . jL. . . 1 . 11- jthe law wouiq unao ine worK wnicn Ihe state for the past 20 years had eritit cn much timp ami mnni-V tn ner- iect and the advantages to be gained iwould not compensate tor tne loss sustained. Tri mntmn tn refer the rrtatter to he fish and game committee, where . Ml i'l -1 .1 1 1 - ' - . it win iiKciy siumucr aim siccy past. i . f . tL- j l tne lime 01 ine adjournment, was car jied. i t.mi General Fund of State ' Reduced During Month a If X Lincoln; April &. (, special ine feeneral fund sagged from $139,304.31 the first day of March to $92,081.44 on the last day of the month, according to the monthly report of State Treas urer Wall. Fntir funds were over drawn, the overdrafts increasing from Sfjvi,4.4y on Aiarcn i to yt&oo.w on March 31. The funds overdrawn and the hmounts of the overdraft are as fol lows: v ffemDoranr university ..S 28.E46.9: Vnlversity activities ............. 168,214.62 Btate normal 214,242.20 Etate aid bridge... 18,619.09 The report shows that the cash on fiard is $769,326.93; warranty held as ' fcash $4,500; bpnds on hand. held as fcash, $74,217.83. An increase of i.iOre ikon i?1? flfld is erinn-n in trust funds L n u . . r ujvv . ,j wa.vw... ... ... Invested, which aggregated $r0,439, 46.36. The major portion of it is in (the permanent school fund, which mounts' to $9,490,950.01. , r Sargent Red Cross Sends Many Supplies Sargent, Neb., April 2. (Special) .-.' tr-Sargent branch, Custer county chapter of the Red Cross has three worlcroomsyin operation". A-fourth is being fitted up by the "Country club. One hundred dollars was voted to be sent for the Nebraska base hospital fund. , Five large ' boxes weighing 1,000 pounds and containing 83 pairs of shoes and 813 garments, were packed arid ehinnpd tn the committee for I Belgian relieE'The, patrons of the 26M rural leiepnonc mics muuimj iu oai gent were notified of this hurry-up call and responded promptly and geh erously. The monthly shipment Irom the work rooms weighed 210 pounds. The 'Red Cross ale on aSturday afternoqn netted $500. ' John Rsno Makes Majden .Speech, in Lower House (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April 2. (Special.) John Rjne, the new member from Douglas county,. appointed by Govirnor Ne .ville to fill the vacancy .caused by the resignation of Representative Hop kins, now in the service, received yes terday, made his maiden speech in , the house this afternoon, opposing the Alnlay amendment to a section of the sedition bill, which would strike out the right of an alien teacher or preacher to go befort the district , k court and apply , for 'permission to v 'each or preach pending proceedings fnr ilUcrprl cpHitimis utterances. " Mr. Rine said Mr. Coupland of the State Louncil oi uetense was in ia-voc of the amended bill as prepared by the judiciary and he was opposed to changing it. Haynes and Ho(bin Elected Village Trustees at Eustis Eustis, Neb., April 2. (Special Tel egram.) J. D. Haynes and G. K. Holbin were elected village trustees ' at the-election held here. Out of a Mai nf 107 votes cast Haynes re ceived 51f A. Taborsky, 48; G. K. Hol- bein, 64, and John Thumm, 40. Haywes and Taborsky were nominated at a caucus, but Holbein ana inumm were; ' written in on the ballot. The initiative 65 1 to 4 - 1 branch like the umana oan. 1 aH'Wf -mg jwwrtiin nmia-w-Mi Announcing fbr Thursday ' . ' and balance of week v an extraordinary and stupendous - . . - ; As Well As Many Hundreds of Beautiful New Blouses from Ouk Regular Quality Stock An event of first importance Watch tomorrow's papers for details "i PETERSON MAKES PATRIOTIC SPEECH Nebraska House Has Service Flag Bearing Three Stars, With Fifteen Smaller Stars for Sons. , (From a Etaff Correspondnt.) Lincoln, Neb., April 2. (Special.) Representative C. Tetr'us Peterson of Lancaster addressed the house oil the service flag which hangs on the wall ITU remarks were reneatedlv interrupted with rounds of "applause ana at tne close, on motion pi Ainiay of Nance, the speech was unanimously 4 1 votea as a part oi tne recora. Ine service tiag bears tnree large stars, one for each of the three mem bers of the legislature now in the service-; Burrows of uage, Kadke ot Cedar and Hopkins of Douglas. Fifteen smaller stars appear ou the flag for the sons of members now in the service. INeff of Knox has a son, Speaker Jackson one, Nesbit of Rnrt one Schneider of Douglas, one. Dau of Dodge one. Tracewell of Cherry one, Cronm ot noit one, wane of Lancaster one, Harris of Buffalo rn Hnrmlpv nf Tfarnev two. Hofl- mei'ster, of Chase two and Anderson of Bovd two. ThpeA mfmhfrs were called uoon for speeches. Hoffmeister said that he was probably the only man in tne house who was born in the country mlfti .vVitrh mt arc now at war who had sons fighting against the country from which their lather came, ne coi'd thi Herman nennle were intensely interested in winning the war but he saia America was gumg iu wm mni .nvhow. His remarks were iouuiy :heered. ker.retarv Cool Issues Many Motor Licenses (From a Staff correspondent. T i'nn1n MeK Anril 2 fSnecial.) Secetary of State Pool issued 31,400 automobile licenses during March, making a total for the first three months of the year of 141,950 paltes issued. . ' Tln'c ic within abnnt 7.000 of tll to tal number issued in the entire year of 1917. It is predicted mat more than 180.000 numbers will be issued HnrinVr 101R During the past three months 1,900 motorcycle numbers were given out. Si Hasps of SmallDOX In Orthopedic Hospital TTrrtm Stuff PnrrftxnonSent. T Jni-nln Anril 2 f'Snerial.'i Six ases of., smallpox at the Orthopedic hospital have resuitea in tne quar antine of one building, Commissioner Mayheld of the Board ot control an nniinrert I iiesrlatf morntncr. The cases did not originate at the hndnitar hut were brouarht in bv chil dren who were recently received for treatment. A baby is among v the natients. The disease is in a mild form, the commissioner said. Sloan Sends Filina " For United States Senator Lincoln, Neb;, April 2. The per sonal filing: of Charles H: Sloan ,of Geneya ' as a candidate for the re publican nomination tor tne unitea States senate was received Tuesday by Secretary of State Pool. Accompany ingthe filing, was a receipt showing that the filing fee of $50 had been paid. ? Prosecute Milk Dealers. ' (K:om a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, April 2. (Special.) Two prosecutions have been brought against Lincln milk dealers, Food Commissioner Otto Mrschel said to day. An inspector for the: department arrester! F.rl Kouha and brOUErht a complaint in justice court charging him with "watering" milk. He was fined $10 and costs. David fioim paia a fine nf $10 and rosts. aniOUlltinc to $15.60, on a charge f selling milk con taining less than the legal precentage of butter fat. Secretary's Receipts Heavy. (From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln. Aoril 2. fSoecial.1 Total rach reretnta rf $7.548 64 ih the office of Secretary, of State Pool for March exceeded nhe receipts tor tne same , f. L.. 1 CIO J Tt . perioa last year Dy 4,00. tt. me JC- ceiofs toalled $5,020.20 in the cor responding month last year. The greatest increase was in tne lees lor filing articles of incorporation1. Reserve Bank Officers Visit v In Omaha; Open New Branch T. Z. Miller, jr.. 'governor of the Ferlerat Reserve hank district of Kan cio Chv nA Asa R Ramsev. aeent and chairman of the board of this dis trict, stopped ire Omaha . for a few hours yesterday and visited with the officers of the Omaha branch of the Federal Reserve bank?. They are en' rmite Vinme frnrn "Denver.- The bank at Denver was only an agency up to April 1, when it became a niii-neagea branch like the umana oan. 7niuirr)l'nf Several Excentiohal Young Deaf Woman To the Milford Home Lincoln, April 2. (Special.) That a youn j woman, who has been attending the School for the Deaf at Omaha, was detrayed by a young soldier from Fort Crook, is the statement made by the Board of Control Tuesday. The names of the parties are withheld, According to the announcement the girl, 22 years old, was visiting relatives in Omaha. She met the soldier in a department store last December. She was taken to a strange house, the report says. At the time of the incident, the girl was not in the care of the school authorities, the board says. SMALL CHANCE NOW TO EATIFY 'DRY' AMENDMENT Lincoln. Jieb., April 2. The Ne braska state senate having voted yes terday to decline to consider the nnesnon oi rauivniK ine nnuumi prohibition amendment at the present special session of ' the legislature, there apparently is little chance for the measure's consideration by the legislators until the regular legisla tive meeting next January. Prohibition was not mentioned m the proclamation of Governor Keith Neville rallinc the oresent meeting and the upper house halted action on tlie federal amenrlment bv DassillK a resolution limiting its business to the legislation specified in the governors call. This action was taken shortly ofier tlie lower house had oassed a joint resolution to ratify the federal amendment. The seriate hzs the right to recon cMr its artinn rledininflr considera tion of the amendment, but this is not considered likely. On the other Viand if (Vie crnvemOr should find OC- casip'n to call another special session ., . . f . i. , , between tne close oi xnc mootinrr nnd Tnnnarv session the amendment could be cdnsidered agayi, but this, too, is not now considered probable VisitinsE Music Teachers We cordially invite ybu to make our store your headquartera, where you will f ind everything pertaining to Music. The World's Best Piano STEIN WAY Columbia Graf onolas Columbia Records Classical and Popular Sheet Music Teacher' Supplies and Small Inttruments of every descrip tion. ' i SGHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-13 Parnam. Phone Dour. 1623 THE HOUSE OF MUSIC. Remember the Third Liberty" Loan Start! Saturday, April 6. TOMORROW THE LAST v DAY . OF THE BIG SPECIAL SALE AND DEMONSTRATION -OF NEPONSET THE NEW FLOOR COVERING - AT THE UNION OUTFITTING COMPANY 16TH AND JACKSON STREETS BEWARE OF . , IMITATIONS BUY THE GENUINE t AT 57c PER SQ. YD. 'Practical use has demon strated the fact that NEPON SET i far superior to the best printed linoleum. - TJhere a"re many Wnds of floor coverings, but there is only one NEPON SET. Nationally advertised and sold everywhere in America by renutable stores, and for which we are exclusive agents in An.n1.fl vsjiiaua. , A representative from the fnrt.nrv is here and he will ex plain the many advantages you n t ; at.:- 1 win nave in using mis spienuiu floor covering. , w, theretorej urge all prospective buyers of floor coverings to beware of imitations and buy the genuine NEPONSET, which will be on SDecial sale tomorrow. Wednes- Hnv. thf last 'rfav of this biir snecial demonstration and sale at 57c ner sauare vard. Fifty different patterns to select from and as always, you make your own terms. Purchases M TOTS 11 II II B . All! 1 U IV -M IV HI! AK II DOUGLAS SENATORS MAKE HOWARD LAtE Give Lieutenant Governor Buia Steer on Time and He Arrives Late for Session. '- (Jyuu a Sta:f CorrespicJent.) Lincoln; April 2. (Special.) The Douglas county delegation inthe sen ate was responsible for tlie senate being called to oraer late today, ac cording to Lieutenant Governor How ard, who rushed t the big chair 10 minutes late and after catling the senate to order and listening to a prayer by the chaplain gave the fol lowing explanation tor tins tarainess: "It appears that some quasi-corporation has abducted the senate clock from the senate and therefore I had to rely upon thet time piece of one of the Douglas county senators, in fact the" timepieces of all of the IViiicIa rountv senators. I was out with them last night until a late hour in an endeavor to tryto make the world safe for democracy and so was obliged to take their time pieces fr it." The senate after this explanation of tlie omvernor took "tin bills of thd house on second reading and referred STYLE wi. Our resources are fully mobilized in an effort to "do our bit" in selling good merchandise. Whatever you buy. here will give complete satisfaction, because only the tried, the true, the ac knowledged world's best merchandise and nothing else is offered at this greater stora. Inspect bur greatly enlarged Men's Clothing Sections; over 50 per cent more floor space, the most modern equipment in the west and by far the largest selections. ' Something New in Men's Clpthes for Spring show the influence of military smartness in an entirely' new shoulder effect, which is to be noted in the two models illus trated below. y , . An ingenious re-injorced hair doth construction soft, f pliable and yet unbreakable accomplishes d soldierly f shoulder feature which lends smartness. s ' In 0fltWB SratA Cdlnta there is always that difference that es tablishes their individuality. We will take genuine pleasure m showing you the latest arrivals for spring and summer wear. 1 Spring uits $20 to $45 SEE OUR WINDOWS fpDAY 1 Style Headquarters," Where &mUt$ tnt& jl ' rORRECT APFAKr.ii JJUK M.IN assu South 'Auburn Father N Has Three Sons in the United States Army C. CT. Milan of South Auburn, , Neb., is a proud father. Here are three splendid reasons: His three sons are wearing the khaki of Uncle Sam's fighting men. Mr. Milan is tlie only man in Nemaha county able to bast of three boys who have enlisted in the servicer Paul C. Milan was staking a claim in Montana when war was declared. 'He was selected for the first of ficers' training camp at Leon Springs. The only one of the three now in France is Lewis H. Milan. He is with the 28th squadron of the avla .tion corps. Lawson Milan is a mem-, ber of the 134th infantry stationed at Camp Cody, Deming, N. M. Glover Milan, the youngest son, is a carrier for The Bee. them to the several committees and then adjourned to give the committees a chance to report. Bar Gerpian Language. Geneva, 111., Aprils?. The German language has been barred from the public schools here. The school board, at a meeting yesterday, voted to discontinue the teaching of the enemy language and to substitute French. '' HEADQUARTERS &nrttg ?3ranh ffllnthrB One-Minute Store Talk, D' . L B. JOHNSON Candidate for City Commissioner Formerly President of the City Council HIS FRIENDS POINT TO THE RECORD HE MADE 1 Introduced the ordinance for dollar" gat. ... 4l j 2 As chairman of Committee on Occupation Ta, he labored hard for passage of ordinance which produced a revenue last year of $313,5QB.Z and a total since 1911 of $1,255,824.15. 3 Farors a reduction in tax levies, by forcing economies incity govern- 4 Favors municipal garage in charge of-epert mechanics. Will stop the .. 1 & L : 1 . rA na.lnnll In. VinAK. use or ciiy-owneu uivmuuuu ' Z, . , iS Favors one telephone toll for any connection tn Greater Omaha. Up- poses eitra South Side charge. , ,f !6 He says: "Waste of money for personal gain must be eliminated. Memorial Services Will Be Held for John M. Banister Memorial services will be hejld for John M. Banister, oldest son of Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Banister, at . i" . t i i i- ine first t resnyterian cnurcn, sun day morning. The address will be by Rev. E. H. Jenks, pastor, with a squad of Boy Scouts taking part in the services. One blue star on the church flag will be taken 6rT"and an other of gold sewed in its place. This star will be placed on the flag in memory of young Banister, who lost his life fighting for the allies. N IIe was a member of the First Presbyterian church. He enlisted soon after war started, going to Can ada, where he joined one of the do minion regiments. At the Sunday services there will be appropriate music. Invitations have been issued, asking the officers at Forts Omaha and Crook t'o attend the services. Alaskan Railroad to Be , Investigated by Senate ashington, April Manage ment of the Alaskan railroad will be investigated before the senate terri tories committee takes action on the nomination of Thomas Riggs, jr., to be erovernor of Alaska. Onnonents of the nomination will appear. , Riggs i a memher of the Alaska eneineer- ing commission, under whose super vision tnCy railroad is Dcing con structed. 1 Ml 1 Top Coat $20 to $35 COMPARE OUR VALUES , ALWAYS dloilfw Are Sold. uii , . 1 FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERi A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Us. , Without DUcomfort or Loss ot Ihne. We have a New Method. Hht curet Asthma, and we want you to try it at oui expense. No matter whether your ease is ot lone standing or recent f development whether it is present a 'occasional or chronie, Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in wtiat climate you live, no matter what your ae or occupa tion, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to tnose apparently hopeless cases, where all forma 01 inhalers, doucnes, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own ex pense, that this new method is designed to nd all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. ' " This free offer is too, important to neglect a single dsy. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do It Today. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room S42-T, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo,, N. Y. Send tree trial of your method tot Y ' . Dandruff Soon Ruins the Hair nlpntv of thick. 1 aillrv hmr. da bv all means get rid of dandruff, for it wUJ : starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. . ...... It doesn't do much good 10 .iry 10 brush or wash it out The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis solveit, thenxyou aesiroy n. ruc.,., T J n-af ariniir. four OUTICeS Of . ordinary liquid arvon; apply at at M night when reunng; ue bivihs - -moisten the scab and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most u nut " ui your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely oissoive ana ennreiy unuv; every single sign and trace of it. v nll fini inn. that all itchinB and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair win iook ana ieei ( v.,-l ttmaa Koitor. Ynu ran P-et liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will peed, no matter how much dandruff yeu have. This simple , POLICE SERGEANT J. ft. WARDEN NOW OUTWITHTOLSr ' Popular Officer Says His Wife ; Gained Fifteen founas On Tanlac v . N At. nrnnrlarful indorsement AllUbllV. nw,iv...w. t for Tanlac that will be read with in- , terest by thousands of people throughout this section was .given by Sergeant J. H. waraen, wao resmco at 1W3 West Sixth South street, Salt Lake City. Utah, in'an interview at police headquarters recently, ber- " geant waraea, wno is ono ui mo m 1.. afinisnf. members Of the Salt Lake City police department, has been traffic officer there for the past two years ana is Known uu ; snected by thousands of people throughout the city. In his statement ; regarding Mrs. waraen s remHri increase in weignt, nenim v. atreherth bvthe use of Tanlac Ser- , geant .Warden said: ' " y 'cma Uma Hiirino' Inst December my wife was taken, down with a vej-y severe case or grippe ana ior iwu weeks she was desperaieiv sick, one , lost twenty pounds in weight during the time and -simply Ynt N to ; : Kntli in hmv and nerves. After getting up from her bed she con- tinned to sutifr greany snu was tu- tallvMinable to look after herliduse- . hold . duties. Even before she had , , grippe, her food would novaigesi. v rio. wmiiil fnrm nftr eatine. caus ing severe pains in the stomach and 1 shortness of breath. The bad condi-;. tion of her system is no aouoi wns caused the grippe and wnap maae is so hard for her to' recover from its ;: effects. She was extremely urea and nervous and had no strength. rL ... llffla anil iiront'flmvn one Biept vcijr mm ....... y hill so rapidly that we were alarmed about her and notnmg Beemeu v , give her any relief or strength until she began taking Tanlac. ,. ,; "It was about the first of January when I bought1 her first bottle of . Tanlac. She did not show any im- . provejnent on this bottle, but after j taking two bottles Bhe began to build , uprapuny. Her appetite got to be , ; fine, the gas and pain all left her stomach and she was no -Jonger troubled with shortness of breath. She has taken four bottles now and ,4 has already gained fifteen pounds of the twenty she had lost. She goes to , bed at night now' and sleens like a child, eats just anything she wants avkI Via n a tv a a ora in find sh&nf til 111 J V- fc H1- ' f Her color has improved and she if built up until she looks better antl enjoys better health than she has in ' years. I'm going to get her two more bottles of Tanlac as a safeguard and I do not hesitaje to recommend it to everybody." . . lWra Warden's trouble was re lieved by Tanlac simply because it toned up her vital organs and enabled ' her to digest her food properly. Grippe almost invariably leaves the body in a weakened condition, which, if too long neglected; develops into incurable afflictions. Tanlac is found to be the direct remedy in all such cases, for there us not a -single por-' tion of the body that is not bene- , fitted by its helpful action. It begins its work bji strengthening the diges tive and assimilative Organs, thereby enriching the blood and invigorating the entire system. It enables the weak diseased stomach to digest its food properly and convert it into nour ishment for blood,v bone and muscle. Tanlac is sold in Omaha by Sher man & McConnell Drug Company, , corner 16th and Dodge streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th and- Harney streets; Harvard Pharmacy, z4rn ana c arnam streets; isortneasc corner ana Farnam streets, and West End Phar macy, 49th and Dodge streets, under the personal direction of a special Tanlac representative. Adv. ' 1508.-1510 DouMas St. VOTE FOR L. B. JOHNSON J COLDS M0 LA (WIPPl. Ask f IX WEEKS 'BSaSriB J C H AldreHWsselltfc . R JOHNSON Election April Bth. $ t W. " -M L. f Primry -I