Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
THE'" BEE: .OMAHA. MONDAY, APRIL l, 1M1B. &.L ESTATE IMPROVED : South. H AXSCOM - PARK BARGAIN. A good. 6-room all modern cottage, lot with ,S4-fo .-frontage;, paving all -paid, nice n and shade; near I car lines and within one block of ?t. Peter's new churci Bit. Priced at. $3,400 for quick; sale. 'Good terms. . TEBBF.WS. The Realtor. Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2181. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New," S-foom stucqoj oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price,: 11.000. Taw?.' $600 cash, bajsnce monthly. BENSJON .& CARIICHAEL, : V 41 Pulnn Wile ' 643 Paxton Bit j W. FARNAM SMITH aV CO, ' i Seal Estate and Insurance. ;: f 132 Fsrnsm " ' Poof 103. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your borne or buainee property and pay eaan. . , H, A. WOLF CO- ElectrfO Bldr. Tytor $i 1 .BUSINESS properties and investment. I A. v ana tJP- 610 First" National Banfc Bids'. 1 ""m'gagub wvestmentTco., i lnooma. Business and Tracksg Specialist i 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 415 i REAL ESTATE Investment feoRBR;- at itth and" Chicago, with I li" room house;, renting for 1540 er year, for ' J4.800. Notice -th building projects la this district,' FT P; Wead. 310 8," 18th St. GOOD Omaha Income brick flat or land. pr.ic.;$utrao; Mt. ts.Boo; mo. $i.o per year. -II Branaeia -rnea.niaa;. mr. rsngg. REALestatsi'nvVstrnents; house end lot WOULD; REaWY COMPANY, Realtors. Douirtas- g'4ti-- ;--';. '.gj'Jldfc, REAL ESTATE To Exchange "'111 FTKR ACRES' T-rpom- home, barn, garage, mod., ohl. house, 185 full-blood chickens (gets 100 eggs day. average) ; horsa, cow,, farming tools, grain hay In mow. grapes, fruit of all kinds;-.J3?,t00, all clear. '. Will take. as partpayment a $3500 clear Tiorne In. city, terms on balance. Call Mr. Browne. INTERSTATE. REALTY CO, 913-14-City National. . Doug. 281?. FOR EXCHANGE Five sections very choice CoVora'ao ' wheat-land; clear; for Omaha property. W. O. Tmploton, 814 Bee Bldir. a CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co., S. D., for oar modern house. Seward Bros., V Branrtcie fling, Douglas 8840. ',.. REAL ESTATE Unimproved "North. , VACANT NORTH. Have 8 full tots on Pinkney street, south Troht." at YSth Ave., among beautiful new baroei. PjcJacd to sell,; can give terms. - ' . TRA.VBR BROS. CO., Do'uglaa 688;- - 818 First Nst. Bk. Bldg, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FOR SA'LE-rEJusht aeres. house and barns; Hi miles west of Benson, Keystone, park, on, Jitney line. Price reasonable; good tarrrw, uougias 3s Dundee. DUNPES STUCCO HOME' a- '2-story .7 -worn modern house" -"located on north frtint lot bloc east 52d St.. near Happy Hollow and Hi'-blocks from school. -Haa-, living ffiom with brick fireplace and . bulit-ln bookcases, dlnhigj room. , with-' built-hr buffet klteheni pantry, - ice box room, front 'vestibule, etc. All f inrshedj . in oak 'except kitchen. Four . : bedrooms Including enclosed sleeping; , porch and bath room on second floor. -'Finished In- white enamel.. Price $5,600. Term " $1,200 --saab,- balance monthly ( like,, rent. .Immediate.- jjosseaalon. See t .OEQRQE .& 'Cb.,,T3oug. 7,' :, DUNDEET$4,750 Prloe Just feducsd for quick sals on T- room mjf" ..-(.--. -- ated eiie'bloclt from car and overlooking" Hapty-JKMIOW Deuiavara. xivi lltMe: Home Wlth- every convenience r full Idt -'WlthS eonsiderable shrubbery .wd flowers; . Must, sell-at once; want offer; GLOVER & SPAIN, DouglaaW'8. 919-20 City.. Na Sank. Bldg. "T,TTwm?f -taTTK-rc k r.rtw "ilearljf new room, aU modern hangar lowtJ,ttly; tw blooks from jDundes car. Oak finish, in two room. Full lot.. Garage. HST BYRON REEP, -CO;, i Wg. 2.T.. " ' in S. 17th. Phona HIGH ans i-htly . Dundee ; -lots, ,7& to $1,180. Easy tsjrma. loans arranged for buildlnr purpose,, Phooe D; $074. Bhuler & -Cary.-. Hea-ltors. -.'- - , ,, REAL ESTATE WANTED Wanted -REAL ESTATE Wanted,'' number- of good L, ' and 7 roore homes fn desirable locations. If your property Is for sale and price Is right call us... Wa have the buyers. J. L; HIATT CO., Qftfl FIRST NATIONAL , "PHpNB ; CO yUUttANK BLDG. TYLER W "WANT STOCKED RAN.CH OR . . T?,A T3Tlf ' - '.. Vvi'Hosf ha- Uve-'room. houses, one 7-roon..- medern house, one 8-room modern heusa."B.nt' 2. modern, store, buildings; all well rented;-on paved streets, close to car'lrnls in Omaha; also WMOOrjt mortgages; prides are right- aid. property Ih first class condition. " S,( S. ,& R- E. MONTGO.MERV.. '13 City National BankJBulldlng. T(fSOERtYWNERS WB-HAVE rROSFECTlVF' PURCjlASERS FOR MODERN ' , ' BUNGALOWS ANf COTTAGES SoRTH OF LAKE. STREET.' WE CAN SELL -YOURS IF THE PftlCE AND--TERM ' ARB REASONABLE. WE HAVE several good reliable buyer for and-8-riWm houses and bungalows with uoo to $500 -down. Call Osborne Realty ?. .ToU.4. -701 Om. Nat, BMKBlOg. VlNANCIAL h.-u: Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages WB want 100 mortgage on Omaha re ff& & on "hand foj quick closing. , - -E; H. LOUGEE. INC. : 'B38-40 Keeline tiiag I,, ' ' ', 116 flflQ.- an - $35,000 apartment house in Omaha ln- flrst-Ctass; loeauon. w"' " ' ' 1614 Hanaey.St- Phone Tyler 5Q. JL A "' PJ R- CENT first 'mortgage $L..00fl on $53,040.: spartrent house in Omaha jn a first cuuis. location. Hajtings-tHeyden. ,c ti.., at r Phnne Tyler 60. . - ri; CI v FARM LOANS, ,. Rl,y0 OY2 70 PAUL PETERSON, '2 " ' 864 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. EmPBNjM W 6 Bfc',CBN5T0irMQREI. Qn dollar. starU n account OMAHA LOAN -ft 3IJ7Q- ASSOCIATION. LOAl3s OI.CITY PROPERTY. ' W." U. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg.. . Money , on hind tor rnortgag Jo. City National Bank Biag. OMAHA HOMES EAST " NEB. FARM 1018 Omahf Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 271 LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO. $11 Bran- dels Tneater oiag. v. . R1A o.w' 0Yz7e tit Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. " CITY AND FARM LOANS . 5." 6 ana a rer wi. . . T. H. PUMONT Co., Keeline Bldg. V.A ' S i A aaa Uinn' nrniin'ntlv. , F. t nr a vnmmA t?m 18th and Farnam St. MONEY to loan 6n "improved farm and ranches. KlQKe inveaiment wo.. Priwat'" Monev. "' SHOTEN COMPANY. Donglas 422$. Miscellaneous. WILL iurnish acreage In the trend ot de- vslonraent to reeponsioie paxu w eate Name the locaUty ln-whsXh you desire- aereag-er- Largest Individual oil and r.. M.A hnldera in mis viruiiijr. R- JncUnn. 41" Hoyt Bldfrvjy'lchtta. Kan FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. APRIL 2N"I. Our next excursion to AlcOehee, Ark. W. 8. FEANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. S0-ACRK- farm .for. sle; on the beautiful Lake Pulaski. Buffalo, Minn.; fine for summer resort: good - house, well, barn, etc.t 46s acres under cultivation, near town. Full particulars from Peter Bergman. Buffalo.. Minn ' , Missouri Lands. MR. FARMER AND INVESTOR LOOK HERE FOR A MINUTE .. 330 acres nice Smooth Land. 320 acrea farm for sale on account ot old age In Bates County, Missouri, no - rock, ne wsste land: 40 acrea of atee wheat, $0 acres of nice oats, about 140 acres of nice large red clover and timothy meadow; batarice In pasture and II acres of.. nice timber; only 4tt miles of railroad . town on good publle road and telephone and mall route. Nice large 7 -room frame ' dwelling and nice large barn and corn , erlbs an4 ranarles; plenty of good watar ' at house and barn, and In timber, nice .' cement cellars, and a bargain for cash, - li per acre and possession within, ten ' days of sale if desired. There Is a good , trusty man and his wife will stay In tenant house and work the farm at $40 per '-' month, if desired. Address Hendrlckson the land man. Adrian, Mo.. ' , Nebraska Lands. ' PARXf tTOW SALE. ! sores less the right of way. TO aeres Wood River land, balance rolling. $30 acres In cultivation, 30 acres alfalfa. Im proved, -3 mile from good railroad town and 19 miles from Kearney. Price $57.50 per acre. $1.00 cash, balance ( yean at 1 I -per eent, -.'.. Batiks. . Kearney, - Neb, 6-8 ACRES- irrigated land. -Lincoln county, 54 miles from Hershey, rich Platte valley land,, all vnder. the. dltcht S-room house, barn. eto.t acres- of alfalfa. A bargain at $3,900. One-half cash. Immediate - possession. ' Wtlte ft Hoover, 454 Omaha Natrona! Bank Bldg. EOR SALE Beat large tod high-grade, medium-priced land in Nebraska. Very . tittle money required. C, B-adley, Wol baeh. Neb. , . . NEBRASKA FARM-LANDS ARB SURE - INVESTMENTS. For best lands at beat prices write Geo, Ajitlll. Blair. Nan. WRIT B me tor picture and prices my farms and ranches in good 014 Dawes County. Arab. L. Hungerforq, Crawford. Neb. RANCHES of all alses and kinds. eai terms A. A. Patsmsa. 301 Karhsch Blk. CHOICE FARMS, Nllsson, 422 Rose Bldg. Oregon Lands, NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Oat on thi gronnd floor with SO acrea Irrigated-land In connection with open range. Too e-n grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted e reunion every tv? weeks. Bend for bul . letln. Harley J. Hooker. 140 1st National Bank B'dg. yvisconsin anas. OWN a farm. We have 'some of the choicest land in the heart of the very best sec tlon of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low- prices. .Easy terms. Write for bookUt and map. John fl. Owen Lumber Co.; Owen, Clark County. Wla. Wyoming Lands, WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $50 per a., - Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi tCU. Rylander, 54 Omaha Nat'L FARM LAND FOR RENT 1 NEAR,QMAHA. FOR RENT 140 acres. DANDY FARM and STOCK. FEEDING farm, 34 - miles out; nicely improved; Also 93 acres good cultivation tands, no improvements, but , near Millard and Chalco. ORIN a MERRILL COMPANY, 1217-121$ City National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT An improved 6-acre garden farm half mile from city. House, barn and : outbuildings. Well, cistern and ' brlcR cave. All ot me. lana unaer piow. Rent. $90. for the season. Ceo. G. Clark, 18 Pearl St., Counell Bluffs, la. Tel. 174. FOR RENT An improved 10-acre truck farm. All fn cultivation. House of room, barn aid outbuildings. 4 mile f rom-postof f Ice: Rent, $13.0 for the season, Geo. e. dark, It PaT St., Council Bluffs, la. -Talephan 174.: , - FARM LAND WANTED EASTERN farmer with family of growing boy wants farm of about-160 acre. Will tent or. buy lease, -oa-buy . farm. ,Want Immediate possession. -Cstve particulars. Want to raise product , this, year. Ad- f A Al UJ A' Don't 11st' your farm with us If you want to keep it : : H. P. SNOWDEN A SON. 42J 8.-I8tlt ": - - Dousiss 0871, VVANTED 30,000 acre of .Kimball and farm land improved' or unimproved. Ad dress Box-T 467, Omahs, -Bee. AUTOMOBILES 3 Fords with Smith one-ton attach ment, all In good shape, $300 to $400 sach 1 3-ton Avery truck. ' tood condition $600. - ... 1 1-ton Stndebaker truck, nearly new, fine condition, $500, with express body. 1 1-ton Republic truck, need only nine months, fins condition, - $676. Several rJanel, bodies, for.' -ton trucks at bargain prices. . ' . Andrew Murphy & Son, inn inu jni;nau oi RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radla ton repaired and rebuilt; lark, stock used radiator on hand. Mashed fender and lamp re paired like new. Highest prloe paid for Junk radiators. ' ; . - OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRB . A AUTO, . . WORKS, 1819 Cumins St. - . rtmsha, Neb. Vr'vH-. A HSrtRTVKNT.. - ! "Fords. Maxwells', OVcrlands. Bulcks, Chevrolets and Saxops, All In Al condi tion. Masks Auto, Co., new' location. Mid dle State Garage, 2038" Farnam St. Doug las eso. suimk n Hit, .iTsiln OARS And truck bargains. -- standard-motor co.. Q A O A C-an.m fit Ca.r-Chngstrom. Manager. r- " QUALITY USED CARS. Rt,MAiab.pJwt1ann-. Inc. We have the beat bargains. Be u at once, Harney S7I. r arnam ana setn v, ALL-kinds of cart for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or: by the hour. Fords, I Oo per mile.: Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garaged . ' . KELSEY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. " Sol S. Ooldstrom Co.. aistrtDUtor, 286T Farnam street. - Telephone Harney 6548. .'.'..-, - "-: ' CUMING GARAGE. v-2il. Cuming St. S. 2882. storage, day and night erviee, carbon hurnlJls. welding, general auto it- pairing. ONE 191 Ford touring car, good condition, $275 r. -::;:'-"'.:.' . " '. . TELL & BINKLEY. i?318 Harnv St. BARGAINS IN USED. FORD CARS - Mccattrey iiotor lo.. lStharrd Jaokon- Ford Agents. Doug 500 i i dp. i ivu iu ticirnr riHS All makes. With and- without starters. 35 to pick front, Phone D. 2914 or call at 1516. -Davenport BOYIjAN AUTO CO FOR BALE by owner. Cash only. Chand. ler Chummy- Roadster, driven, S.200 -miles iftDU. j-none uougias FOR SALH New atearhs-Khlght Clover Leal Koaascor. oargain, van ne seen at 34JS yoag hi. FOR BALE Light delivery car In good run nlng order, for sale cheap. Phone, Harney 8576 arter p, m. GOOD USED CARS. GUT L. SMITH. S8th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1170. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN; TRAWVEB AUTO to., 1810 Farnam St Douglas $070. ' nititiTv nsmn (1ARH VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2408 IiIAVMHUSIM S)l. BARGAINS Id used crs, ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th nd Frnam. Harney 414 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no aeiay. auio rx- chsTigw 10., iVbt rarnam pi. tioui. qma. NEW Ford eu-s for sale, monthly payments If desires Answer eiriuiiy- conuuvBiiai- Box -No. 8595 Bee famisTHng vo. , 7T- . MARSH OAKJ NDXO, ilOO Farnam St. BATTERIES ' CHARGED AND REPAIRED Ever TWtdy Tiatiery station una narn.m TODAY'S BEST BUY, 191T BUICK SIX. AUTO PAKfS W.. rAsasx, Auto Repairing and Painting. DELAY ft BEAU W. Farnam Garage. $527 Farnam. wow open. uit vm rii EDWARDS. E. S.. 2616 lth St Web ster 1102. For best result -with repair work consult us AUTOMOBILES Starters and Generators Repaired." . AUTO ELECTJUC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. W 3H B. 19th St. Douglas 64l. We repair any storage battery, guaran teeing same for six months. OMAHA BATTKRT AND SERVICE COv 213 Harney 8t Tyler SIM. Auto Liverv and Garaxes. RENT a FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. lOo a mile, S5o per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sundavs and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglss 333. 1314 Howard St Tires and Supplies." LISTEN. We win save you (0 per cent on your tire bill. Tubes vulcsnised. 5c; casings, 50o up. Trade your old tlree for new ones; Nsw aeoond-hand, rebuilt, rellnedi retread and double tread tires, vulcanised and atltcjjed, and Two-In-One tire fe-r sale. U. S. Vulcanlser for eale. V,' S. Vulcanlser Co.,' Branch No. IS, $20 So. 13th St.. omaha GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF -s-KIi-'IB. - $000 Miles Guaranteed. -' . S0n$' 17.75; 0x8H $8.76; $2xSH $1.3 83x4 $13.85: $ $13.38! 35x4- 1M0 Write us today for particular. . AGENTS WANTEP. - Expert Radiator nd Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. 1518 Davenport St. Omaha, D- 1914. FORD TIRES. 30x8 $ M5 30x3 H n.$o 3.000-MI1 Guarantee. THB TIRE SHOP.- -251$ Farnam 8t Douglas 47$. t7resthalf PRICE. ALL SIZES NEW 30xJ Firestone, is.uii; roro iuur. $2; NEW $0x34 Non-Skid Flreetones, $18. KAIMAN 8 TIRE JUBBima. TIRE prloe wreckers. Tbl Is no 3-ln-l tire. COMBrNATION lAtivm, - 483 a 13th. Agts wantedOmaha.Nsh. SAVE 50 PER CENTTN YOUJTtIRES O. O. Tiro end Vulcanising Co., 8411 Leavenworth. Tyier tyiiw. BUY Lei puncture-proof pneumatic tire nd ellmlnaU your tire trouble. Powell Supply Co.. 2051 J''nl,nl arWn , M m s Motorcycles and Blcyclei ' H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain in usd machines; Victor H. Roos. the Motorcyole Man. $7tk and Leav- enworttv PERSONAL THB Salvation Army Induatrlal Home o- Industrial rf llclts your 01a eioming, nniii sines. We collept.. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and eur wagon WUI call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-113-1114 Dodge St. LABE.LLE BATH-, INSTITUTE, electric and plain baths; massage of all kinds; new export, attendants,. 1M Hrney HL' Pou-- las xuo. OMAHA -Bat ' Insfc Klectrto. Uam or tub bathvjnassages qi an xinos. B1K. IIQUg. TSS1. wn ni " I " MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam. bath and massage, l jtmr.. , t...... MAB BRUOMAN.acieirtlfio masaeus ;od h.thi, 1Q Karbaoh Blk. Red 3737. ManlcOf int (HaJeD and icalp treatment. For appmt. eU jf ". "3 Harney. PRIVATE llcenseat maternity, home. 4418 N. 88th tS. Phone. Colfax 8042. BATH nd .wsiuc. 1863 Farnam St.. Room 2. Phono Tanglas 8761. . .' . MECHANO-THERAPY masaj. Miss Hal- ran, 22V Neville B1QCK. M..i,,.in riA Mass. 1823 Farnam. R. 19. M isa WEST, manicure, mass,. $10 N. 17th. S Sonrr ni.u.,, 702 8. 18th. D. 9628. SCIENTIFIC mass 518 Paxten Blk. D. 8373. MEDICAL WHY SUFFISrI tatest and most Sclentifio Treatment for. All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, S1S-22 SecUrtle Bid. Examln. tlon and Ceneultatlou-fre. He 1 reliev ing thousanda. WHY NOT TOUT Delay are dangerou. If you pan't :5,'',wrlt, Hours: a. m. to p. m., 7:80 to $0 : evenings. Sunday. 11 a. m. xo i v. m RUPTURE successfully 'treated without a surgical operation. Call or write, i Dr. Frank H. Wray. 808 Bee Bldg. Horses Live Stock-Vehicle uf,. iu hnui' vnur live stook. t Ttrm HTi-iPIf TWANSFER CO.. 2208 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 2508. For Sale. TWO extra fine milk cows for sale. Call Colfax 3812, . or-7Zl -rowier. Wanted. , WANTHD Good gentle driving horse not over 8 yeaM, nor mu .muiuo. be sound and fo in all harness. Clark, Douglas 1999. . '' " ' "- ' MONEYTOLOAN Organised by the Business Men. of Omah. FURNITURB. pianos and-notes as security. 840, 8- TOO., rt. goeas,: loiw, j.o. Smaller, larger am't proportlnnae rate. DomrrlilsWT .t.nilJ SOCIETY. 433 Securities Bdg.. 16th- Farnam- Ty- 866. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. O W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1892. " 8TH FLR. SECB1UTIE8 BLDG. T' . 50. r" DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. .Lowest raws. Private loan- hoothe. Harry Malashocki J5 pt1 D, .S61..;Est 1891. NOTICE OF ELECTION " ""' BCIl'dOL DlSTklCT 'ELECTION. Proclamation and notice to the qualified electors-and legal voter- of. the. School Dis trict of Omaha In the Count of Douglas. In the Stat of Nebraska of t flection to be held In sa1A Bohool mtlet on Tuesday, the Sthday.'of -April.' 391?-ftir.tlje pytipme of the uhujlaslon .to tho quftljflfil electors and legal voters of a;ld Srhohl ;DItrlct of a proposition aithe'risiiig thv Board of Eduv cation Of said School District to Issue bonds In the sum' tf One -ftlilHOn Dollars ti,iH,- 000.00) for the purposrf-of Irtircnasinw sonooi sites and: the:onsiruotlon.and furnishing of school bultdtngfl Ih said" district. , SCHOOL pOND- ELECTION. . I, Vf. B;'RedV"presldnt 6f the Board of Education of th? Bohopl Dlsti-rct of Omaha, In the County of Dougls"l the. -State-ol Nebraska, do issue this, my proclunatton, and by vtrrue of the' authority vested in - me as such president, o. hereby,, glvei public notice to the-ituallfWd electors-. and legal voters of -the School JDtstrtct nt jOmaha ln the County of Douglas, iw thefHtate of Ne braska, that an election will -be, held in afd School District on Tuesday; the tbi day of April,. 1918, t wtilch the .following proposi tion to vote ''bonds-of said School-District will bs uhmltted,.,tfl--witj 0 ;;.' -. OFFICIAL BALLOT; 'J - ' "Shall the' "Board of ' ' Education .'Vr the! School District- of -Omahe.-:la tthe : .County.- f. Douglas, in ,,the Stte of Nebraska, be authorized to Issue bond ln"te sura of pn,e Million Dollar (fl 0000.00.) 4o -be -expended In the purchase of gehool sites and the construction and "furnishing of school' buildings in said district, said bonds to be In the denomination of One Thousand Dol lars ($1,000,000) ee-h and dated June 1,1918, payable thirty (30) years after date, with Interest at the rate of not to ,o coed five (6) per cent per annum; payable semi-annually on the first day of-June and the first day of December of each year. Both prin cipal and interest payable in. the coin ot the United States of America at the" office of the County Treasurer of Douglas.. County, Nebraska." ' No ....:..........() ' Yes ( ) Bald questions shall be submitted to said electors entire and the votes thereon shall bs "Yes" or "No,'' and a.11 ballots, having an "X" opposite ths word "Yes'! shall be considered as authorising said bonds, and all ballot having an "X" opposite the word "No" shall be considered s against the authorisation of said bonds. Ths polls shall be open en the day of said election at eight (8) o'clook In the morning and shell continue open until eight (8) o'clook. In the evening; of the same day, , at the respective voting places. The voting places at such eleetlon are as follows: List of Foiling Places. FIRST WARD. First District 4107 Sherman avenue. Second District 3722 Sherniaa avenue. Third District 3608 Sherman avenue. . Fourth Dlatrtct Lothrop school. Twenty- fourth and Lothrop. v Fifth District Engine house. Tweuty-scc ond and Ames avenue. . . Sixth District Northeast corner Twenty fourth and Fort . Seventh District City hall, Florence. Eighth District 5836 North Thirtieth. Ninth District 2402 Fort. Tenth District Druid hall. 2414 Ames avenue. Eleventh District 4106"- -North" Twenty fourth. - - .... , Twelfth District Omaha Sniverslty, Twenty-fourth and Pratt Thirteenth District Colfax garage, 4507 North Thirtieth. . . . Fourteenth District Engine bouse. Thirtieth and Spauldlne NOTICE OF ELECTION SKdOND' WARD; First District 3631 Shermsn avenue. Second- District S!5.Shrinan 4nue. Third District 1529 Sherman avenue. Fourth District 1511" North twenty- fourth. ... Fifth District 18 2 North TwohUI-fourth Sixth. District 2003 Lake. Seventh Diatriot -OSIS frrewian avenue. Eighth District !0S Sherman avenue. Ninth. District 8240 North Twenty.fourth. Tenth District Engine house.- Twenty-first and Lake. v .,.-'.-, Kleventh District 1116 North- Twenty- fourth. ' ; ' r 1 Twelfth Dlstrtqt J418 North- Twenty- fourth. . : - . r -7 ' Thirteenth Prstt1ot-TJ08 Lake.-- -. Fourteenth DUtrlOwlJOi -Worth Twenty. fourth..'' .J-.-,''.vf rifteentn lMsfrrci,pUf school. Twenty- slx,th and raskUn -j V .' .,! :ftrflW 1106 Korth Elshteenth. fecnn4 DlstTiO Balttvehouse. Sixteenth snd lxrd.. '' ' Third ptrlV 818 North nxteerrtn. Fourth PfttHstEriti J;uous. p Twelfth and Dodge -.i " ' , - ;. FlWh 1 rtstric-i-l 530 c puai- venu. Slxtb tMatrfcr 410 JJprth Sixteenth. Seventh. Dktrrlot -tVoiral hotel, Sixteenth and TVehstW. . '.'. S ' Eighth Dlrtrtbt 1907 Cuming. ' . Ninth District South door annet Kellom school. Twenty -seeondr between Ntohola and Paul. Tenth District 3310 cuming. Eleventh ... District Gars ga,. west side Twenty-first, between California and Cass Twelfth ; eiatxiewpwemng, - Mi., ort TwetitlOt. . J ' . . . t . Thlrteentl ptstrt-esemenv Algn scnooi. Fourteenth Dlstrlot Dwelling, SOS North Twenty-fltth. Fifteenth District s4 worm Twenty- fourth, Sixteenth District Engine nous, sit North Twenty-fourth. . . . Seventeenth District :n! Hamilton. Eluhteenth Plstrlct Webster school. Twenty-eighth veiitw and Webster. Nineteenth District oweiung. jsis Chi cago, ".- rou rtji - w u. First District Union hotel, 1028 Mason. 8erond District 1406 Harney. Third District Paxton hotel. 31$ South Fotirteenth. . . i Fourth District 118 South Fifteenth. Fifth District City hall. Eighteenth and Farnam. Sixth Dlstrlot Court house Seventeenth and Harney. . Beventh District 1708 Jackson. . Eighth District 1810 St. Mary's avenue. Ninth District 1923 Leavenworth. Tenth District 2808 Leavenworth. Eleventh District Dwelling. 53$ South Twenty-first avenue. Twelfth Dlstrlot Omaha garage, 2018 Harney. , FIFTH WARD. First District II 21 South Sixth. Second Dlstrlot Grace chapel, south side William, between Fifth and Sixth. Third District Engine house, Eighth and Pierce. Fourth District 1704 South Tenth. Fifth District Train school, Blxth nd Hickory. Sixth District Engine house, Eleventh and Dorcas. Seventh District Bancroft school (old), Ninth and Bancroft, Eighth District 1281 South Thirteenth. Ninth Dletrlct 1259 South Sixteenth. Tenth District School, Fifteenth, between William and Pine. Eleventh Dlstrlot Lincoln school, Elev enth and Center. Twelfth District Dwelling, 1948 South Sixteenth., Thirteenth Dlstrlot 153$ Vinton. Fourteenth District Engine house. Twen tieth and Serins'. Fifteenth Dlstrlot Vinton school. Twenty- third and Vinton. Sixteenth District Castelar school, Eight aenth and Martha. Seventeenth District 332$ South Twen tieth. Eighteenth Dlstrlot 1227 South Twenty second. SIXTH WARD. First District 4408 South Thirteenth, Qer man Hnm, Second District Edward Rosewater school, Thirteenth and Phelps, Third District 4001 South Twenty-fourth. Fourth District South Bide High school. Twenty-third and J. Fifth District Dwelling, 4814 South Twentieth. Sixth Diitrtct Eagls ball. Twenty-third and N. ' 't ' Seventh District Hawthorn " school. Eighteenth; between Missouri avenue and M. .Eighth Dlstrlot School, - Twentieth, be tween 'O sind P. ' Ninth Dlstrlot 5137 South Twenty-fourth, Tenth Dtstriet School, Nineteenth and V. Eleventh 'District 6118 Railroad avenue, SEVENTH WARD. First Dlstrlot 8510 South Twenty-fourth. Second District School, Twebty-seventn and F. Third Dlstrlot 4618 South Twenty'fourth Fourth District Engine house 25th and L. 1,1,1k T.1.UI., J.AI1..' bll Bk,.,k Ml,,' Hixtn msinoi has Seventh District School, Twenty-seventh and'Tefferson. "' '- '- V r Eighth Dlstrlot Sohool, ' Thlrty-seoond nd-U . Nlrvth District Engine house, Thirty-first and. R. , , Tenth Dlstrlot School, Thirty-ninth and X. Eleventh District 8726 Q. Twelfth . District Engine house. Thirty third and K. . Thirteenth District School, Forty-second and I. EIGHTH WARD. First District Dwelling, 1114 South Twenty-seventh. Second District Dwelling. 2609 Hickory. Third District Engine house, Ed Crelgh ton and Park avenues. : Fourth District 3202 South Twenty fourth.. , , Fifth District 8269 Arbor. Sixth District 1507 Park avenue. Seventh District 1834 Park avenue. Eighth District 3205 Poppleton, garage In rear. Ninth District Beal school, Forty-elghtb and Walnut " Tenth District Windsor school, Thirty fourth and Martha. 4 NINTH WARD. First District 2616 Farnam. Second District Omaha Taxleab, !67t Harney. Third District 2404 Leavenworth. Fourth - District 2701 Leavenworth,' Fifth District F.ngrfne .house. Twenty- seventh,- between St Mary's and Leaven- wortn. Sixth District 2814 Farnam. Seventh District 718- Park avenue, Eighth District 3124-28 Harney. Ninth District Garage, 3627 Farnam. iTefith District Engine house. Thirty sixth and Jackson. . Eleventh District 291$ Leavenworth. ' Twelfth Dlatrlct Motor Inn, $323 Le7 enworth. Thirteenth . Dtstriet Basement school. Thirty-eighth nd Jones. Fourteenth District Northwsst . cornet Fortieth. Vnd Yarnam, ' Fifteenth District Gara,ge .'; (rear) 204 South Forty-ninth. Sixteenth District Woodman ' Hall, 4731 Leavenworth. TENTH WARD. ' ? First -District Sohool, Thtrty-secMtd ave nue and Chicago. ' ' - Second District 3224-Cuming. " '. ' Third District Oarage, 3S14 Lafayette; Fourth Dlatrret 3301 California."' " Fifth District 10T North Fortieth; Sixth Dlstrlot Engln house, '. Forty-first apd Hamilton. ' "' - " Seventh District 484$ Cumlag. -. Eighth District Updike Lumber, and Coat Forty-fifth and Dodge, Ninth District Dundee- school. Fifty-first and Davenport.' -.. . ' Tenth District Engine , house. Fiftieth and Underwood. : ,; r .' v ;;. HLE.VENTH WARD. - . r . , First Distrlctrk-Howard-Kerinedy school, Thirtieth and Maple. Second North Thlrtjr-thlrd Third District School, Tblrty-ftUh and Franklin. Fourth District School, Forty-flfth snd Corby. ; Fifth District 2248 Military avenue. Sixth District 2202 Military avenue. Seventh District School, Benson, Fifty fourth and Arthur., ' Eighth pistrict Engine ' house, city halL Benson. ". , Ninth District 6121 Main, Benson. HARLEY G. MOORHEAD, ' Election Commissioner. .' ;. " W. E, RJ5ED, Presl.dent Board 'f Education. ''" i. . .. TWELFTH; WARD.- , ; ' First District 6224 North Thirtieth. Second ' District Central t Park '" ' School, Forty-second and Grand avenue. Third District Dwelling. 4724 North For tieth. Fourth District Monmouth- Park vchoot. Thlrty-thlrd and Ames. ' '" ' Fifth District Druid school basement, east entrance, Thirty-ffrst and Spatjldlng. Sixth Dfstriet-M001 Ames avenue. ' Seventh District Florono scbsbl, Thlrtyi first between State and.WIilet. v POULTRY AND PET STOCK S. C. WHITE Leghorn eggs for hatching by the aettlng or hundred. BBN-OMA FOUL I ki i Ajiusj lleiison 635-J.;-" "OLD TRUSTY" Mncubator and brooders shipped-promptly. Big catalog iree, m. M. Johnson Co.. Mfrs.. Clsy Center, Net. FOR BALE Barred FlymouLh Rook .hatch ing eggs, ockerels and pullets, also white Leghorn hatching eggs. 6134 N. 23d. SC1OOL0 MB COLLEGES . Ilaatlpg College. The buffalo which was given to the col lege by the governmnt la now being mounted. HU reslstered name is Sitting Hull. . Miss Alice NlflKfn. the prima donna gf. the Boston ani Metropolitan Grand Opera companies, will give the last number of the Hastlugs college lecture course at Kerr on Tuesday night. Professor Flank E. Weyer nss been en gaged to take rare of the work In educa tion In the summer school, Professor An derson desiring to spend the summer In the west. Professor ..Weycr 1s a graduate of Hastings college and Is now professor ot education and Philosophy In Henry Ken dall colls at Tulsa, Okla., where he went last year. . - : John Martian or tne aviation corps, now stationed at Waco. Tex., and his sister, Mies Eva Moreiandr who Is now teaching at the Frank'ln academy, visited college recently. , Milton Mook ot Bloomlngton, home on a furlough from Ban Antonio, Tex., and Jease Puriy. on his way from Honolulu to the officers training scnooi ai fortress Munroe, also visited college last week. ... The uoet John O. Keinarnt. gave an en tertainment, consisting of reading from his own works, last Monday night. Dr. Farmer occupied the pulpit at Dun bar last Sunday and will pruach at Gordon Sunday. Dr. Knauer preached at Hansen last Sunday and Professor MeCracken at Aurora. Amons the recent additions to tne mu seum are a Iwld eagle and several other birds collected by Mr. HrooKing, Principal T. R. Crawford of the Alliance High aihool has recently been elected su perintendent of schools at Chadron. I-ocal prohibition contest was held In the college, "rhapeV Friday night. Miss Helen Jones and Miss Hasel Parks acted as Judnes In a declamatory contest at Sut'on last week. The college catalogue Just off the press Is dedicated to the men In the service arid, displays a very flno service flag with 73 stars, to whlc'a two more now should be d- " . . Senior recognition day was observed Fri day. 8o many enlistments have taken place the class has been reduced from 80 to 11. , President Crone attended a meeting of Nebraska oolli-ge presidents In Lincoln Sun day. Cotner College Notes. , The annual April fool chapel program was held t convocation hour Friday. On this 'occasion each taoulty member Is cari catured by some student selected some weeks In advance. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by faculty and students, as well as by the many visitors who were present for the occasion. Mrs. Lela Wit ham Jones, '14. is visiting friends snd noma folks In Bethnny, The physics tlass. together with most of the members of the srt department. en Joyed a most interesting tour of the Have lork shons Wednesday afternoon. , 1 The Phllomathean Literary society had a special business session and elijoyed a social hour In ths Fhtlomathean hall Fri day evening. , Mrs. Alice Psrmenter went to Omah Fri day! to spend the week-end with her mother, who Is recovering from an opera- " Mr. and Mr. Wlnfleld Gardner left Sat urday for Clifton, Colo,, where they will make their home. Professor B. 8. Luca went to Roca Wednesday of last week to organise a band, Professor Rob Roy Hardin spent the week-end at his home at Fairfield, Neb. Miss Lela Cutter Is improving after a very severe caae of tonsllltle. She hopes to be able soon to resums her work In the class room. The Misses Tessa Stevens and Maddie Baker have assisted In the various cam paigns for the third .Liberty loan fund. Miss Edna Johnson visited friends In Bethsny and attended the chapel services last week. . . , Miss Hasel Mitchell will give her Junior otano recital in the Cotner Auditorium Mon day night. She Is a student with Professor E, S. Luce. .... . The tennis elub has repaired the tennis court and will make out a schedule for the use of the grounds. Kearney Btat Normal. Miss Cora O'Connell, principal of the Training High- school, conducted study center work, In Shelton, Saturday Professor L. B. Slpple, of the department of rural education, is passing the week In Manhattan. Kan, : , ..., Misses Helen Puis and Lorains McKtnley, passed the week end In Leigh. Arshl Watt left Saturday .for Halgler to accept the supertntendency ot the city schools. ,. Misses Agnen Kiiutzen and Anne Caldwell motpred to Gibbon and Shelton to get reports on Junior Red Close work. , nini uibwh, luiu.wt. --j,--, Hops Consolidated school, Is visiting his mother. . . ... ' ' ' . .... Frank Btrykeri orotner or jonn owii who Is teacher of penmanship. 1 visiting .I,'a1'i.i.I t ttnnba arrived st the library this week. Among thoss of special interest sre ssverai war oookj. . Mis Gladys Erb ot OolhenBurg, a senior, spent Saturday In Hampden. ..... v a n u n.rfln m. sneclal student In English, lias gone to Portland, Ore. Miss Eftle It, AODOll nss niuraia nor Misses' Doris Oarto, Mildred Walker and Dorothy Dow passed tne weea-ena ai ueis visiting Marjorle Brown. A XTl.,laan memh,, nf the MedlCSl corps at Camp Fupston, has recovered from a serlou surgical operanon, aim w i. home at Nysled on a furlough. Ma-shall ih bend Isnttor. has been foreed to resign hfs position on account of III healtn. ms suocessor nss nuv win chosen. Hs has been Janitor for the last eight years. Professor R. Noyer went to Broken Bow Frldsy to act as Judge In a district declama. tory contest, Chadron Stat NorniHl. n-M a t u.wi, the rnmmerclal In. structor, left' Friday to take charge of a cattle rsnrh tn Colorado. Members of the faculty gave a farewell tn Mr nnd Mm llarals Thursday. A short musical program was rendered by Mr.. Yarndley. Miss Swedebur and Mr. Townsend. Earnest Palmer, a farmer student, now In the Great Lakes training station, is home on a furlough. Mr: King Judged a contest at Rapid City Friday and Mr. Elliott Judged a debate at Hot Springs. The 10th grsde domestic sniencs oi" made oat crackers for the Patriotic league tea, which WS given on Tuesday. Ths pro ceeds of the sale were used to buy material for baby kits. Mary Nell Harrison, Sylvia Qulble, and a...- a-. , r,,,Urv I f nrenared and served a Very delightful three-course lunch eon to eight members or tne lacuny. Irma Stoekdale played the prelude, Francis Smith played a violin solo, and Ilerma Hanbensak gave an address, t the regular Young Woman's Christian association meet ing Thursday. - mi Frailer wont to Alliance Saturday to conduct study center work. Mr. Boster passeil tne woes ena ai min- talre. ' , i.. n.ia. niiRh nf ihn senior class sub stituted In the city schools last week. Miss Drlscoll was a neipgaio n win Woman's club convention at Valentine Mon day and Tuesday. The seniors have been studying pictures In , the four model rooms. Miss Frsxler presented Reynolds and Millet and gave very Interesting stories of their work. The story of the "Strawberry Girl," by Reynolds, was eej-clally interesting. Miss Peterson nave us an Interesting ad dress on "Joan of Arc." Fremont- College Notes. Superintendent J. F. DerHel of Homer. Neb,, and Superintendent J. H. Ray of Coon Rapids, la., were college visitors Frl day. Both gentlemen were looking for teachers for their schools. Mrs. Clemmons, who was called homo by the serious Ulnss of her mother, returnea h.. m.thar'a rnndltlon having Improved. Miss Florence Mixer, classlo 1917 and teacher of Latin and English In th Alex andria High achol was re-elected with a substantial. Increase in salary. . Profoesor Swihart's ortnestra furnished four numbers at the chapel session Frldny morninr. that were much enjoyed. sir. Earle Ely favored tho audience with a violin solo which was enthusiastically re ceived. Superintendent and Mrs. J. M. Greenwood vlsltpd eollea-e friends Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood have been students with us for over a year but recently left when the former accepted the supertntendency of Seward county. The concert given at Purple Cane Wed nesday evening by the boys' glee club, under the direction of Professor T. B. Kelley, was greed by a large and appreciative audience. The past week has been an extremely POULTRY AND PET STOCK A.N'CONA MENS and cock, also egns for hatching, setting 11.50 and 32. E. Pallas, WrtJt..jOmaha. BNOW-WH1TE Bock eggs for hatching. Benson 288.. WFITF, rock eggs for hatchus-684-W. busy one. the students giving their term finals snd taking examinations. Superintendent Clemmons sddressed the North Nebraska Teachers' association at Wayne, Neb., Thursday and the Iowa teachers at Council Bluffs on Friday. D. W. Anderson of Lafayette, lnd.. gave a chapel talk on "Mary the Mother of WashlnKton" relating many historical Inci dents of the Washington and Cuslls family In an Interesting manner. Wayne State Normal. The normal was dismissed' Thursday and Friday for the North Nebraska Teachers aaaoclatlon, which met In Wayne, March 28-30. Ths dismissal Includes a short Easter vacation. , Albert Herlng, president of the present senior class left school last Friday to re port for military service Saturday. The senior boys are now all In service, or shortly will be. At lesat In this respect the class stands 100 per cent. Dean H. It. Hahn will leave Wednes day for McCook, where he will address the Southwest Nebr...s- Teachers association. From McCook he will go to Scottsbluff to speRk before the teachers of the North Platte Valley Teachers association. The N. N. T. association elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing yesr: Presi dent, W. F. Richardson; vice president, Clarenro Linton; secretary, Miss Emma Schwertn: treasurer, H. B. Simon. Merle French, a member of the senior rlsss, was in Omaha test week to take the examination for the navy. This Is Mr. French a last hope to get Into the big tight, having been rejected twice for other service. The teacher shortage problem la begin ning tn look rather serious In this psrt of the counlry. Teachers are leaving the pro fession for other work for whleh salaries are more attractive. The immunlty club of the Wayne Htate normal la about to use leisure time, devoted to recrentlon In other years, for the pur pose of gardening. They have In mind the renting of vacant lots near the normal and putting them to the use of food production. Qver 600 teachers enrolled at the meet ing of the North Nebraska Teachers' as sociation last Frldsy and Saturday. It was a home-coming for many of the teachers in attendance. The teachers were entertained In the different homes of the oily. Free transportation from the depot to the nor mal was provided for by the Wsyne Com mercial club. Out of state speakers st the various sessions were Dr. R. u Lyman of the University of Chicago and Mrs. Mary C. C- Bradford, president of the National Education association. Out of town speak ers were Superintendent A. H. Waterhonee. Fremont: Attorney Boucher snd H, C. Pal mer. Omaha, and Dr. M. M. Fogg. York College. The art department has arranged an Interesting program fur students and friends of the college tor this evening. At 8 o'clock a lecture Is to be given by President McLaughlin In the college chapel upon the subject of the National park, Mesa Verde. The lecture will be Illustrated. Henry Rolling played several selections from Bach for the Musical Appreciation class at. the high school Tuesday. The members of the freshmen class arose early Wednesday, and went for a "hike" to the woods. A joint meeting ot the two Christian associations, held on Tuesday evening In the interest ot missions, was addressed by Rev. Mr. Bobbltt. The Junior class was pleasantly enter tained at the Prltchard home Friday, by one of Its members, Miss Grace Getty. The tennis courts have received their spring cleaning, and are very much In use now. Among the other signs ot spring Is the Interest In base ball. The Zetas ars preparing a play which is soon to be presented. Army Orders. Washington, March $1 (Special Tele gramsLieutenant Colonel George Wil liams, Infantry, national army. Is relieved duty, Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kas., and dlreoted to proceed to Fort D. A. Russel, Wyo. The following named officers of the medi cal reserve corps ars relieved duty at Camp Fort Riley, Kas., and will proceed to Camp Dodgst First Lieutenant Raymond Evans; Samuel W. Holt, Frederick M. Phillips. Lee W. Prescott, James W, Slaughter, Arthur R. Smeck. - Major- Fletcher O. McFarland, medical corps, now at headquarters, western de partment. San Francisco, Cel., will proceed to Camp Dodge. First Lieutenant Arthur F. Fay, Infantry, reserve corps, Is relieved from duty at bal loon school. Fort Omaha; will prooeed to Camp Dodge. First Lieutenant Fred M. Smith, medical reserve corps, Is assigned to duty at Des Moines. Ths following officers are relieved from Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and will than re turn to Camp Dodge: First Lieutenant Wal lace 'II. Werntl, Infantry reserve corps I Krvln H. Tost, Infantry, national armyt Earl Logan, field artillery, rassrve corps; William W. McDonald, field artillery, re serve; Royal L. Ash. Infantry, reserve corps; Don J. Young, Infantry, ressrve corps; Walter R. Panner, Infantry, reserve corps; Captain Frank W. Ooodale, aviation sen tlon, signal ressrve corps: will proosed on April 1, 191$, to Fort Omaha. , Postmasters Approved. Washington, March 81. (Special Tele gram.) The following Iowa postmasters havs been approved: Bennett, Cedar county, Carmaletto Harding, vice Frank Harding, resigned; Cleghorn, Cherokee county, Omar H. Brooks, vice Chauncey S. Fulton, re. signed: Dawson, Dallas county, Edgar C. Livingston, vice John J. McCrory, resigned! Longpolnt, Tama county, Owen A. Ruoksr, vice Albert Kliblcek, resigned; Lynnvills, Jasper county. Cecils Mllllce, vice Harmon S. Payton. resigned; McClelland, Fottawat taml county, .Floyd L. Leslie, vice Barrie Jones, resigned; Patterson, Madison county, Murl Fort, vice Mary A. Nolan, removed. Secord Talks on Uses of Suit Are Filed at Lincoln Two motions were filed Saturday in the district court of Lancaster county by F. A. Brogan of Omaha and T. I. Doyle of Lincoln, attorneys for Rdna M. Barkley, who, with 18 others, recently brought a suit in the district court there to submit the woman suffrage statute to a referen dum vote. The first motion asked the court to enter a decree against the defendants as craved in the petition in equity. In the second motion plaintiffs ask the court to strike out the motion filed by the intervening defendnnta for the reason that intervenors have no such interest in the suit as author izes them to file a motion. "The statute authorizing interven tion in a proper case does not author ize or contemplate the tiling of a mu tion. but meiely a petition of inter vention setting forth the interest of the intervenors in the subject matter of the controversy, and such defen sive matter as he may deem he has and no other pleadings," the motion sets forth. "The alleged intervenors, joined with the defendant in arguing and submitting arguments on the demur rer to the plaintiff's petition. The defendant has elected to stand upon his demurrer and in so doing the al leged intervenors have no further or different standing in the case and are likewise permitted to the demurrer and the ruling thereon. "Plaintiffs move the court to strike from the fil?.- the affidavit of L. F. Crofoot filed herein, which is filed in support of the intervenors' motion to make petition more definite and cer tain. Attorney Byron G. Burbank went to Lincoln to argue these motions in behalf of the intervenors. Brandeis Purchases Hospe Property on Dougias Street George Brandeis has acquired the property on which the A. Hospe music and art store is located, liu-li Douglas street. The property be longs to Benjamin F. Smith. Mr Brandeis lias taken a 99-year lease This gives the Brandeis interests con trol of one more important location on Douglas street, on which street they have steadily been acouiring ground. j NEBRASKA MUSIC TEACHERS HERE! Open Second Annual Conven tion at Hotel Fontenelle To night; Mayor and John W. Gamble to Speak. The Nebraska Music Teachers'1 as sociation will open its second annual convention at the Hotel Fontenelle at 8 o'clock tonight. Addresses of welcome will be made by Mayor James C. Dahlman and John W. Gamble, chairman of the executive committee of the Chamber.. v of Commerce. . ., The feature of the musical program will be a group of short Omaha In--.; dian pieces given by the Omaha Chamber Music society. Professor Henry G. Cox, who arranged the pieces, will direct the orchestra. lhere will be soprano soios oy Lena Ellsworth Dale, violin solo by Professor Cox and a selection on two Eianos by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. erryman. The musical program will ,be fol lowed by a formal reception. ," .-; Officials Charge Religious - n Sects Foster . Disloyalty ' Washington. March 31. Disloyalty - fostered by certain religious sects has been growing in the United States within recent months, according to Department of Justice officials, who' have charge of enforcing the espion-.1 acre acts. Many preachers and reli gious teachers in public speech and printed pamphlets, officials assert, are i urging tne doctrine tnat war against Germany constitutes murder of fel low Christians and the great human. folly described in the Book of Revel--lions. Several German and Austrianv preachers and Sunday school teachers." have been Interned for disloyal utter.-?;.; ances and many others, particularly in extreme ncu-thwestern states, haver. ? been warned to desist from crlticisirljf the United States'' motive in the wary,'J Several nublications have been' sup-vwn pressed, and others are being investi- Recent court decisions' have demon.. strated the difficulty of convicting pet-e'-'i sons ot treason unaer icaerai iaw " either for disloyal utterances, spoken ' or printed, or for physically obstruct ing war preparation. As a result ot trie decision of Federal District Judgft-M Dirlfinann it Philadelnhia. this -week; that the Philadelphia tageblaffs cntr"" icism of the United States dicl not constitute treason. Deoartment - iof-. Justice officials have abandoned fcopfi.,, of classifying seditious words as trea-; sonable, at least until congress psssej-r further legislation. " ?";-. WMpaMasjaflaaeaaaaasMHaaaaaMaWeiaNaasaM , 'wv- Foe Advance Graphically ' - Shown to Senate Committed Waehinffton. March 31. The s.'tua- Iten fin t he hattle fronts in Picardv. as shown by official reports from Gert-H rats Perah ner nrl Bliss was craohi-'" cally pictured to members of the seri ate military committee at their regrr' lar weekly conlerence witn war de partment officials. JJo effort .waT made to mitnine the" extent oKthg German inroads into the allied littcrrr Senator Hitchcock said afterwardf J th.t i.i.niinti Af th fiittle were... accurate, apparently; but he depre ¬ cated over-sanguine i" cuiviiun There is great hope, however, - tU e.natnr said In the minds of militarvA officials here over the strategic possir. bilities of a French ortensive move- ment when the time comes, ,. , . . Brigadier General Wheeler, acthfi, chief of ordnance, was slosely que- tioned by senators as to progress m the production of cannOn for Amen, can troops. The senators, it is said? felt that the ordnance program .should, be greatly enlarged. Grand Island Bakery Closed fe For Violating Food Ruling Cnmaiiiinn e,f ti! licence far 15 days is the penalty P. O. Weinhold ot Grand Island draws for baking roUs,' and other products without the re quired amount of substitutes. ' ', Weinhold appeared oeiore c. ai., -Fairfield of the enforcement division, w. food administration, early in the week I and pleaded guilty to using less sub. etirntee than renuired of bakers.' H4 ""-' gave as his excuse that he was not ... familiar with the rules. , . ; Fairfield recommended to Washing -ton that his license be suspended Jor 15 days and -Washington approved , the finding and issued the suspension " order Saturday afternoon. . VVeinhnld is the second .bakef ordered out of business temporarily last week. D. M. rngge, uesnier, has been closed for 1,0 days by ordef-: of the food administration for operat ing without a license and holding ex- cess amounts of flour and sugar, Second Talk on Uses of ' ' telephone in World War At the social settlement club meet ing at Edward Rosewater school Fri day night F. A. Secord. chief commer cial agent of the Nebraska Telephone y company, made a talk on the U6et of the telephone in the world war. Many interesting bits of information .we ja discussed. - In a recent long distance , talk held between Mare Island Navy" Yard, Cal., and a ship at sea in Hampi ton Roads, the entire conversation was carried on through the automatic . working of the telephone instrument, there being no voice relaying at ehher -end of the circuit. Submarine cables now connect every light house an.:l . coast defense post with, the mainland; ' Something l'ke 5.000 miles of subrn,-., rine cables have been laid in the last few months. i- Mexicans Cross River k7. And Raid Texas Vallf El Paso, Tex., March 31". Chief "of" Police Pollock late this afternoon re" ceived a report that 2 mounted Mexi cans had crossed the Rio Grande frorn Mexico, and were raiding" the' valley on the Texas side about six miles southeast of El .Paso..- -..Provogt. guards, deputies and police were' dis patched in four automobiles to inter- cept the raiders. Mrs. Frederick Cruger ; J Dies Saturday, Aged 51- Mrs. Frederick Cruger, 51 years old,-, died Saturday at her heme, 4535 South Twenty-sixth street. She is sur vived by 'four children, Mrs. Otto Keller, Mrs. John Fox, Frank and.. Frederick jr. The funeral will . bjt held at 2 o'clock. Interment will If at Graceland Park cemetery. - ' f