' THSS OMAHA SUNDAY BK&V MAKUH 31, 1918. 3-D KNOWLEDGE OF CAR HElPS CUT OPERATITiG COST Automobile Dealer Thinks Owners Could Conserve- to Marked Degree Through Study of Construction. "Every owner will find it to his -advantage thoroughly to know his car, the inside 'workings,' the proper care of its under-the-surface parts, as well as to familiarize .himself with what it will do under all driving conditions," says Carl Changstrom of the Stand ard Motor Caj" company. To a great -extent a car's efficient performance and economy of opera lion 'depends on the owner's technical and driving ability. You hear of this car making an endurance record, or that car an -economy record and an other car 'getting through' where others have failed. . Pretty often such performance is due to the man or woman knowing the car, what it will do, and what it will not do. 1 "Right now the public press is full of articles and editorials telling how Uncle Sam is badly in need of men, and women, too, who know how to drive and properly take care of auto mobiles, commercial cars, "motor ambulances, etc. 'That is another reason why I think it would" be a splendid idea for every automobile owner to pass a strict ex amination as to ability to properly handle and take care of a car. The United States would then have an in exhaustible army of experienced and trained motor drivers, not only more , than sufficient to meet all needs of nhe government 'over there,' but in the great industrial army pver here.' Motor Flexibility Important. "Another important matter every owner should pay attention to is that of developing motor flexibilty. Much has been said relative to the throt tling down of an automobile engine. To the casual observer, the ability of a motor to run smoothly. at (two miles an hour in high gear, without 'knocking' or 'jerking' may seem of little importance, but in reality it ' means reducing to a minimum the necessity of shifting gears, thereby reducing wear and strain on it. - "Through the constant shifting of gears the mechanism receives un necessary hard usage. Thusv if the motor can be throttled down to the point where it is almost unnecessary to shift gears unless a steep hill is encountered, it wjll stand up much longer and run much quieter. -Noisy motors and rumblin timing gears can usually be traced to the habit of im proper and unnecessary snuung. ; Skidding Not Necessary. "Another important result of own ers knowing their cars is the ability to 6top sliding" or skidding, affecting a great saving m gasoline consump- lion ana urc wcai, - m inir a cause of trouble. "If the tires lack a sidewise grip, skidding results. It sometimes hap pens on a dry road, but that is gen prallv due to excessive speed, es pecially in rounding corners. Usually it i most bothersome on a wet pave- "metjt of asphalt or other smootn ma terial. . Watch Your Brakes. , . "Often owners find that their cars skid nearly evey time they put the hraVes .on. eseeciallv on a wet pave ment. The cause df this is usually bo'th brakes not being adjusted to the Same tension, one taking hold sooner than the other, causing a retardation of one wheel, which naturauy-wears 1 off the tread, and tends tp cause the car to swine around because of the one-sided resistance. 'Sometimes, . however, the same thing happens when the brakes are adjusted alike: In this case, two ' tWings may be wrong. The driver may be applying the brakes t6o sud denly or the brakes may be locked. I "Owners will be surprised how much easier they will be able to handle their cars, " how much more , proficient at driving they will become, as weir as get much more efficiency and economy out of their cars if they .J. .n..t:nr rmc with tlfh 1IC .UU oy-in.iii6 ...... -. driving pointers as hinted at above. Angora Goats Furnish Cadillac Upholstery 'It's a lucky soldier whose wife, mother, sister or sweetneart tcniis xor helmet of Angora wool. For the fine, long Angora 'makes the warmest, cjosest and soft est of garments, asserts J. H. Hansen, t u. Tnnc.Hansen Cadillac com pany. 'Moit women knitters know this, and most of them feel that, ex cept for a-very especial bit of knit ting, Angora wool is too costly for them to use. . tl . "But Angora is not top costly for iu. rAr Motor Car company to use for upholstering the interiors of ' T lArma tti has" its encioseu :". j -c ii. . nv.oi vBivfft which is tound 01 ins --- i in Cadillac limousines,- broughams, town cars and landauiets. iitl. r-A.ir. i-nmnanv na found that no other material quite nfatches Angora mohair velvet in beauty dur ability or cleanliness. None of v the L.cf.r f thi lnnff. Sllkv WOOl . is lost in the preparations which pre cede its weaving into fabrics. When the velvet is completed, it has a pile which it is impossible to crush flat. Hence all the wear comes on mc cuu-. . f thr. individual fibers, and even m hard use is so slight that it is not per--....ki. Pullman and other high class railroad cars have their chairs upholstered with mohair velvet, a car .. tViaf haH hin in constant service for 24 years was recently exhibited by I .1.- 1 I UA..:nrr 4 Clip One 01 inc raiiruaus. hovhib "- dusf settles jnto it, does not show on ,. inriir Tnd at nrooer times and places can be removed by air blast, j vacuum cleaner or Drusn. Rnnrrl Savs Demand . f Heavy for Motorcycles intmntrh manv motorcvcle enthusi asts are now in the service of Uncle Sam, Sam Boord of the Omaha Bi - cycle company reports this tlfe.great est year in all his business experience in point of motorcycle sales. This proves tnat me moion.juic i kU 3 ..ninrltv everv vear. not only from a pleasure standpoint, but from a business uumy as wc.i. n r-Tu. (irtnw oiitout of the Indian has been restricted by the war and in view of this fact Mr. Boord was t- very much elated on receivm a car . Vjoad of them the last week TIMELY HINTS FOR WOMEN R. W. Hay ward, Chevrolet Distributor, Says v Hints for Women Drivers Avoid Trouble. WHO OPERATE THEIR CARS There is nothing very difficult to understand about driving the modern ear. The ( trouble ' is, it is "riot ex plained to a woman in terms she can fully understand, and it all sounds very mysterious. I will try, there fore, to give as itain an explanation of the intricacies of the gasoline mo tor as possible. The power is obtained by using the expansive property of gas, made from mixture oi gasoune ana air. ims mixture is automatically prepared in the carburetor and drawn into the motor cylinders by suction in the same manner as in a common pump and there exploded by an electric spark. The expansion of gas caused turning around. This should be done repeatedly until (here is instinctive re sponse to each condition. The next essentials are use of the spa.rk ad vance, throttle and clutch. Experi ment in different positions until the best results under all conditions ar.e found. The beginner is sometimes mortified to find the reason her car refuses to go is because the brakes are on. v , The first thing U be done when starting for a drive is to see that the tanks are filled with enough oil, gaso line and water for the proposed run, and then make sure that all thevqrk insr narts are thoroughly lubricated. All th wearing part of the car should be well oiled. You should be by these explosions can only takeT?articular abouty having the axle place in one direction, that is down. The piston which corresponds to the plunger of a pump, is, therefore, forced down, and its power-stroke used to .revolve a shaft that turns the wheels. The cylinders sav there are four, for example, each with its piston and other mechanism are so arrangfd that when one cylinder is exploding and giving a proper stroke, another is sucking in a charge of gas, a third is compressing its charge and a fourth blowing out its exploded gas. The reason, therefore, that you have to use tne seit-starter is to pop off the cylinder that is, ready for work so that it whT-brjng along the next for its working stroke, and then the next, and so on. When the sys tem or cycle, as it is called has once become started it continues automatically. Ask the dealer from whom you Duy your car to carefully explain the igni tion system to you, and also to. show vou how the accumulators are tested and the current switched on and off. Ask that the lubricating system be carefully traced out, so that in start ing your car everything that requires it will be properly lubricated. Ask to have tne use of the clutch and ac celerator made clear, and the action of the cooling system gone over. The best position for the lever op erating the advancing and .retarding of the electric ignition should be carefully noted, and the position of the lever operating the throttle valve. I would now suggest that you start and stop your motor several times until this operation can be done with out apparent effort. The majority of cars are now equipped with the self starting device, which renders the op eration of starting th, motor an ex ceedingly simple one. In taking your place in the driver s seat consider your position at the wheel and .neither slouch back nor lean too far forward. Assume an easy and natural position with the shoulders erect It is an excellent practice to spend a little time in the driver's seat and accustom yourself to the positions of the steering wheel and the various levers. The very first thing to be learned is to steet the car, and this is very sim ple in itself. The changing of gears should next be learned thoroughly, and to do this the best practice can be had by turningbacking about and oivots. steering-gear, change-gear lev- ersbjake mechanism and motor lib erally supplied with oil. "'Opening' the throttle' slightly, push, on tne electric switch;" and retard the ignition to 'prevent back-firing. Be sure the change-speed lever is in neu tral position; then start your motor. The clutch pedal should be depressed, the gear lever pulled over till the gear for the first speed in is mesh. Keep your head about you and be patient. Do not try to master a car 1 in too short a time." Be sure of ev-j erything you do. Keep doing the same thing over and over again. Be safe at all times. There will not be any thing mysterious about an automobile if vou are willing to learn all about it. Practice with your car until, the con trol of it becomes perfectly automatic. Unless you do it you can never trust yourself to ao tne rignt ming in emergency. Motorcycle Firm Opens New Store on Sixteenth Street The Nebraska Motorcycle and Bicycle company has opened a new store at 624 South Sixteenth street. This firm distributes Excelsior" and Henderson motorcycles and Excel sior bicjrcles in Omaha. James" C. Van Avery is manager of th company, Roscoe Rawley is sec retary and treasurer and - James J. Parks is in charge of the service department. Excelsior motorcycles hold a num ber of distinctions. The world's economy record, 1622-3 miles- on a measured gallon of gasoline, is held by an Excelsior and the Capistrano Hill climb in California has been won by Excelsior machines. The Henderson holds transcon tinental records for runs from coast to coast and from Canadian line to the Gulf of Mexico. A CARBURETOR especially, de signed for the motor and having a self-contained priming devjce makes immediate starting more cer tain regardless of the temperature. Eliminating the external intake mani fold and preheating the gasoline and air overcomes the drawbacks "of low grade fuel and makes for gasoline econo my. The Rayfield experts, working , wiih the Weatcott engineers, have given'the Weatcott all these aids to petfeot carbutetion. m . Svn Mod! $1890 to $2790 f . o. b. Springfield, Ohio . Let ut demonstrate all th Wertcott tuporlorltlas to you. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. CARL CHANGSTROM, Pret. l'""VS! CARL CHANGSTROM, Pret. Npgc 2020-22 Farnem St. Dou. I705jksffl Better, Quicker Tire Service For Omaha Truck Owners " A Care, of the Battery; Permalife Efficiency Perhaps no part of the modern auto mobile is so little understood and so much abused as the storage bat tery, says H. A. Wendland, service manager of the Auto Electric Service company. Unlike other features oi the car, there is no satety devices or indicators to safeguard the battery. Other parts of the electrical system are protected by fuses and an elec tric meter. The oiling system has an indicator or pressure gauge to show if the oil is at the proper level. Imperfect ignition or faulty bearings at once notifies the experienced driver of their condition by unusual noise; but the storage battery performs its duty silently and uncomplainingly until such a time as it is unable to fulfill its function, which condition is made known by the lights burning dimly or the self-starter refusing to operate. If the driver notes that the indicator on his generator denotes charge when he is running 10 miles per hour or over, and the battery plates are at Nall times covered with distilled water, his responsibility ceases, yet the battery may be suffer ing: from overcharge or a too-violent rate of discharge, due to faulty start ing motor or wiring. Too often, however, the driver neglects to in spect his battery and keep the plates properly immersed. In this event the battery deteriorates very rapidly, and filiatly requires expensive repairs or the purchase of a new battery. Sox Schoolboy.- Tom Ray, an 18-year-old pastimer of St. John s school, Danvers, Mass., is working out with the White Sox in an effort to. land a regular job with the champions. .. , . i ' ' ". . ! SPECIAL NOTICE! A Date Not to Be Forgotten April 10, 1918 Due to the steady increase cost ot material the popular, famous, lightest and lowest priced six-cylinder In the world raises In price $60. As'all other cars, we are obliged to raise the price to retain all the finer points j tow id In the construction of the Saxon line, as well as the best material which the word Sxon denotes la auto building. The reputation has been made and we desire your attention to this Prtwlw date snd price change. If you contemplate joining the endless line of satisfied automobile owners. a nhon. can win bring our salesmen to your door, or a visit to our salesroonr-wlrl convince you JJXSXZUr workings of this car. which In ft, construcUon . and mate rial Is the BIGGEST-LITTLE BUY on the market today at a price far below any car In Its class now listing at $1,500.00. x Prices Today Tour - - - $M5.00 Sedan - - - - - - 'KJ Chumj Roadster - - - r - 995.00 Four-Cylinder Roadster.. 496.00 . Noyes-Killy Motor, Co. j Omaha, Nebraska. 2066-68 Farnam Street (Factory Distributors) 1 t i " More Brains than Metal are Used 1 We have not only a complete line of all sizes of United States Solid Truck Tires, . -but we are in a position to apply, them right here in town in half This 250-ton hydraulic tire applying press does the work. an hour. ' This When your tires wear down bring your truck around to our door We will save you time! in apply new tires, and save you money by putting on United States Solid Truck Tires. , " United States Solid Truck Tires are vulcanized under 800 tons pressure. They wear longer give you far better results. We apply them free of charge. .... ' - , ' ' United States Solid truck Tires Are Good lires UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY, 9th and Douglas Streets. Phone Tyler 840. This truck costs little more than a first class team, wagon and harness. Costs less when you figure up-keep. Eats only., when it works. Requires one-twenty-fifth the care and attention horses do. Travels the 7 or 12 or 16 miles to market, under load, in "one- fourth the time. , , I The farm hand who formerly took all day to drive to mill with a load of grain can now go and return in two hours. Here, is a truck with all the features of $5000 trucks, and sold under the same guar antee. Worm drive. Electric lights and gen erator. 10-foot loading space. Gas consump tion, 16 miles to every gallon. A tire miser. Mechanical trouble practically unknown. Re pair bills are too. low to mention. .This Maxwell is built for the farm Weighs 2500 pounds. Goes faster than heavier and more expensive trucks and goes where they daren't follow. 6600 Maxwell trucks7 are in service. 1100 on farms. Service records show a ver dict of 99.6, perfect based on all the trucks now in use. You'lf find ho mechanical faults in the Maxwell. A safe investment and a pay ing one. You save $400 the day you buy this Ma well truck, for its price is $1085. And $1085 is $400 less than any other truck of similar capacity on the market. $1085 Chases only, f. o. b. Detroit Elec tric lights. Electric generator. Worm drive. 10-foot loading space. 2500 pounds. 16 miles, on a gallon of gas. . MID-CITY MOTOR SUPPLY COMPANY , DISTRIBUTORS - .' 2216-18 Farnam Si Omaha. Phone Tyler 2462. . 1