THE BEE: OMAHA. Until 6 P. I vl s 2C 1 -y 1 m nop Jany DMIMS ruses, Specially Priced J Easter Shoppers the completeness of our 7e are able to offer to rdinary pre-Easter sell-. 3nt of charming styles at convinced that this is the f showing we have ever much to the woman lis Blouse Shop has al l this territory. ises, lace trimmed or excellent di , Is, each, at. plelJ Crepe de Chine ?s, in a fascinating . $3.95 1 ouses and extra qual Blouses, all excep- $5.00 )rss Blouses, ) $15.00 ' id the superb styles sw h a t overworked --shown In Georgette ; Blouses. i Floor Sweaters Newest and Best A Riot of High Colors A Wealth of Good Styles Efery woman knows that her wardrobe is far from complete if she lacks a bright, comfortable, styl ish Sweater and we have never been better pre pared to cater to your wants than We are now, with the right colors, the right styles in Silk, Fiber or Wool, and the right prices. New bright colorings "high" shades of Turquoise, Lobster, Joffre Blue, Copen hagen, Rookie, Plaids, Ro man Stripes and combina tions of colors. The Sleeveless Sweaters, Long Sash Sweaters, Slip Over Sweaters and Middies. ALL ARE HERE MODER ATELY TRICED. Second Floor Petticoats Heatherbloom or Cotton Taffeta VERY DAINTY and ex tremely good value are those Petticoats for Spring and Summer we have just re ceived a new shipment, in excellent range of color ings and effects. Splendid for every day wear. Prices range from $1.50 - $2.98 Third Floor rwMTWMnNflnNont is Spring Styles for Girls and"Flappers" Pleasing to Mother as Well as Daughter WE HAVE assembled .here in this Specialty Shop for Girls and Flappers, a stock of charming wear for Spring and Summer, simply unequalled anywhere for assortment and supreme style, together with splen did value, this showing is unapproached. Table after table devoied to the display of Girls' Frocks and rack after rack of Coats a style and price for every purse. isfer Eear at Low Prices faster Suits o 0 0 ly Underpriced a ordinary Easter selling, her, from our regular ilored Suits, models which h higher than this. In few of a style, including garments, in sizes 34, 36 some of the prominent 3ity, making a splendid ay before Easter, a are bound to find the yhich you seek, iraid trimmed, tailor stitched, Coats and all the newfeatures 1 pockets. ; Summery type that may be o tte warm weather. Twills, Tricotines and Taffeta Silks. bring lateit adaptation eationt from America' beet e Velvet Coat worn with trip down town to ee. I ir Stout Women. 1 Floor "Specialty" Styles In Stunning Apparel For Misses and Small Women SPECIALTY STYLES from this Spe cialty Shop where garments that pos sess that elusive, but distinctly charm ing "Youthful" factor which every maker and stylist strives after. The Springtime of Life is reflected in these garments, in color and ingenius de signing in the same degree that the song of the lark and the verdure of the fields conveys it. Felt and seen at the same time, transforming a mere gar ment into a style that i3 irresistible. Just Arrived For Easter Tailored Suits, Capes, New Dresses Our personal representative has just ar rived from the East, where she has been "send ing back to us by fast express these beautiful garments for Easter. Tailored Suit of Gabardine, Tricotlne, Serge, Black and White Check. All the most popular mod els; full ripple backs, Eton models, plain tailored models and belted styles. , $25.00 to $39.00 New Coat are very smart this season, shown here in the most stunning modelsvariety of styles for choice. $50.00 to $95.00 Naw Dreite noulard, Taf feta, Georgette, Serge and Trico tine, stunning models, all of them. $25.00 to $85.00 Second Floor Hydrangeas Daisies Spireas , Tulips Baby Rambler t ly potted and ready for you to take fnl display of eat flowers, such as ' alley, Sweet Peas, etc 'i e Jw Sunday. to Pompeian Room Easter Footwear for Women Splendid Assortments at Appealing Prices We are ready to give you splendid last-minute serv 1 ice in this big, comfortable Shoe Department. 1 dr? PA iL D Women's $6.50 Pumps. Sev At $5.50 the "air- eral styles of patent kid, dull kid and glace kid, with turn or welt soles and leather Louis heels ; widths A A to D, sizes 2 to 8. 1 i ftp .1 n Shoes for Growing Girls At $4.95 the rair- Made of best quality patent colt with toppings of best grade white sea island cloth, welt soles and low heels, button. A dandy little dress boot. All sizes. ; i A an ii D Women's Low Heel Boots At $5.95 the "air- Tan calf skin and dull calf ' ' with fawn buck tops, welt soles, lace, low heels; a splendid value, good range of sizes. Hi Naw Regulation Coat for girls from 6 to 14 years of age, large sailor collar and three rows of braid, emblem on sleeve, military buttons and three-quarter length;, two patch pockets; strictly tailored stylo $15.00 Dainty Wash Dresses Of fine Linens, Jap Crepes. Chambray, Percales, Ging hams, in beautiful plaids, for girls of, 6 to 10; also 12, 14 and 16 years old. $1.00, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50, $2.95 to $13.50 Girls' Spring Coats Most desirable Spring fabrics, plain tailored, regulation styles, new belted effects and military models with cape; also new French cloth in khaki shader'Sizes 6 to 10, and 12, 14 and, 16 years. ' . $5.00, $5.95, $7.50, $10.00 to $39.00 Girls' Confirmation and Easter Frocks Quaintystyles with ruffles, high walsted effect youthful lines and jacket effects, trimmed with fine laces, beautiful ribbon sashes, etc. Nets, Voiles, Sheer Organdies, Geor gette Crepe and Chiffon. Sizes 6 to 10, also 12, 14 and 16. $2.25, $2.95, $3.50, $3.95, $5.00 to $25.00 Girls' Silk Frocks Plaids and plain Taffeta,' pretty Foulards and Wool Jer seys, in all colors ; attractive models such as you see in ex clusive specialty shops on Fifth Avenue. Sizes 6 to 10, also 12, 14 and 16 years. $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 to $25.00 Second Floor v Dainty Foulard Silk Drei. for the "Flapper" of 12, 14 and 16 years of age made wtyh dainty collar, narrow string tie of self material and beads , for decoration ; two flare side pockets, $20 Cinderella Hats $2.00 Always They are worthy the name of the Fairy Princess who sponsors them. Hats for every little girl here Saturday, and 'their price as always. ...... . .$2.00 Second Floor Children's Footwear Outfit the younger gen eration with good foot wear for Easter. Here are low prices on good styles. At $2.95 the Pair GIRLS' DRESS SHOES. Regular val ue $3.95. Fine grade of pat ent kid with white cloth tops, turn soles, button; sizes 11 to 2. At $2.4 the Pair GIRLS' $3.50 STRAP -PUMPS. Kid skin and patent colt, turn eoles, nature shape lasts, low heels; sizes 11 to 2. At $1.75 ,the Pair IN FANT.S' DRESS SHOES. $2.25 values. White buck, turn solea, button, sizes 1 to 5. At 98c the Pair IN FANTS' SHOES. A clear ance sale of several lots of infants' shoes, former values to $1.50; small sizes only. Main Floor, Rear Boys' Easter - Headwear The most complete line of boys and chil dren's Headwear to be found in the ctiy, now shown at Bran deis Stores. Boys' New Swagger Hats, at $1.25 and $1.50 Boys' Rah-Rah Hats, ev ery imaginable, color and style at 65c, 98c and $1.25 Boys' Golf Caps, at 65c, 98c and $1.25 Special Saturday, Boys' Hats and Caps, at 25c About 75 dozen of boys' and children's Rah-Rah Hats and Golf Caps, all colors and sizes, special, Saturday . C. .25c Easter n Wear for Boys Here are scores of new spring suits just arrived in the nick of time, the smart zest looking suits we have ever shown. Yet, they have two. pair of Pant That is the most vital question to every mother, but in these Suits we one better. Both Pants are double seat and knees, making them doubly wearproof. Smart Springlike patterns in a vast assortment of the newer models, the best looking ever. Blues, Browns, Grays, Greens and Tans in various mixtures. Prices are as low as $7.50 and up to $20.00. Here's a special grouping of these smart new suits, much un derpriced for Easter. Two Pants with CA H? I iUU each Junior Student Suits Or first Long Pants uite. Hera also we are showing 2 pair of trousers. Prices are $16.50, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00. Every boy, as well as mother, will recognize the 2 Pants feature as .much needed. Splendidly tailored Suits in real Junior models. Sizes as small as 14 years and up to 20 years. ' Gray, Blue, Green and Brown In various new mix tures. Army pocket models to slash pocket styles. Fabrics that will give the ut most in wear. Fitting left en tirely to expert taiior. All Service Absolutely Free. t Little Fellow are not for gotten in this Easter' time. Top Coats Galore Priced at $3.50 to $10.00 Here are Trench models to plain box coats, pleated back styles to half belt styles, Nor folk styles to slash pockets, full belted styles. Gray, Blue, Olive Drab, Tan, Red and Brown. Mixtures or plain colors. Sizes a amall as 1 and up to 9 years. Second Floor, Juvenile v Suit in ft splendid assortment of new mixtures, many elaborately trimmed with embroidered collars and cuffs. Norfolk styles, middy styles and sailor styles. Prices $3.95 to $1.0.00 Wah Suit. A bigger and better assortment than ever before. Colors that are absolutely fast, styles in advance of even this present season. Prices $1.25 to $5.00. Our Furniihinf Section is plum full of new things for Easter. New Spring Blouie and lots of them, 75c to $2.00 for Mad ras, Percales and Chambray s; Silks and Silk Mixtures, $2.75 to $4.00. Plain colors and every con ceivable color in stripes. Big assortment. Shirts in Madras and Per cales, at 85c to $2.00. New Tub Silk., at $4.50. New Eaiter Neckwear New Windsors, at 35c to 59c, Plaids, stripes and plain colors. Four-in-hands . ia straight ends or wide flowing ends, at 35e to 76c. Pleasing assortment at each . price. , , Me Bid,, ; .J;...., ,;.;.v:v New Taffeta Dree for girls from 0 t 14 years of age, with handembroidered col lar and sash tied in front. One "classy pocket; eome in all different colors, $10.95 Coat of Gabardine,, with two new ruffles on each side, silk detachable collar, new slip-through belt and big but ton on each side; sizef'12, 14 and 16 years, each, at $22.50 Children's Hosiery Complete Assortment . WE SPECIALIZE in Hosiery for children, displaying the broadest variety, in all the want ed colorings, at prices . which are lower than those which prevail for like value.' Children's and Infant'.,. Sox, Fiber and Lisle, with ' fancy tops, special, for Saturday, a ' pair. . . ,39c Children's Hocicry, in Silk Lisle, I colors are black, white andMiew brown; fine ribbed, spliced heels and toes; Saturday, a pair 50c Children' Ho!ery, in all sizes, in good black; dou ble heels and toes; fine ribbed; a pair 35c Mine' Silk Ribbed Hoe, also plain, in pink, sky, white, and black; sizes 6 Mi to 9 Mi, extra quality, a pair . .t $1.50 Main Floor Gingham Dresses For Little Folk ' 2 to 6 Years The Babywear Depart ment is offering some ex tremely likeable and charm ing Dresses f Gingham, that will fit well and laun der perfectly, In ' the new plaid and plain ' combina tions. High waisted, full, skirts and pockets; sizes 2 to 6 years. Price range. : $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Third Floor ' ' '12 ;1 Main Floor, Rear