Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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. Paris, Thursday, March 28. The
entire civil, population in the region
ef the German advance has been taken
'out, Edward Eyre Hunt of the Amer
ican Red Cross, reports to Red Cross
headquarters here. '
Quakers ! the Smith college unit
no Ked Cross workers trom the
Philadelphia unit labored for a week
tinder shell fire,' Mr. Hunt says.
When the evacuation began, the
Fed ' Cross, co-operating with the
French and British authorities, estab
lished a chain of relief stations or
refugees. Floyd Van Keuren of Den-
Ter,. Colo, was placed in charge at
Amiens. Dr. VV. B. Uckson 01
Florida, and Dr. Hohne TJaldwin of
Baltimore, together with a staff of
nurses from ' the children's hospital
at Nesle and a group of Quakers
from .Smith college, were at Mont
didier and later at Beauvars. Maine K,
Hinshaw, a Quaker from Emporia,
jCan., was at LassiRny.'
: Dr. Henry C Greene, with five
Quakers and the Philadelphia unit at
Villequier-Aumont, installed an emer
gency dormitory at Noyon. Harry S.
House of New-York was at Soissons.
Reserve stores of food at Red Cross
warehouses were turned over to the
British soldiers. ; .
London Editorials Look
On Situation as Grave
London, March 29. Editorials in
the morning newspapers today com
ment in grave, but confident tones on
what the majority characterize as a
ftesh crisis in. the battle. The Daily
Ufail, alluding to the new enemy
thrust at the French says:
"The question is whether the
. French can beat back this new and
terrific attack. Southeast of Mont
didier they recovered nearly two miles
of iround yesterday by a dashing
counter-strike, but Montdidier still
remains in the hands of the Germans.
"The new German advance not only
threatens the southern flank of the
Amiens position, but menaces Paris
also and endangers the stability of the
whole line. The task of the allfcd
armies will be to try to hold the Ger
mans to the utmost."
Emphasizing that the Germans con
tinue to hold Montdidier and are "ap.
parently astride the mnin railway line
from Amiens to Paris' the Daily Ex
press says: - :
"This is serious if the advantage can ;
be held; yet it is of great importance
"that the French line is still unbroken.
It would be as great a folly to take
a too optimistic as a too pessimistic
The House
OF ,
The Store for Gentle
At 1613 Farnam Street
a Special
Suits for the
Woman Who
How to
Properly Dres?
Street Suits
Business Suits J ,
, Sport Suits v V
Afternoon Suits
In two and three '
; Pieces
7-Triced at ,
1! Garments
SoId Before 1
O'clock Will .
Be Ready for Wear
Easter Sunday )r
view of the situation. .The struggle is
not over. We must abide the issue
calmly and go about our business un-
rxrtiirhiH in tti snirit which animated
Kour forefathers' In kindred emergen
j ties." V- l .. : :
. , '
(CaotloBeit From Par' 0.) '
A German' prisoner whoC was Inter
rogated today said the -German troops
were greatly surprised at the small
number - ot British '-cead touna on
the battlefield. A ' - -s
Thought British Annihilated.
They had been toty the British, in
front of them had been annihilated.
It was evident small groups had
fought gamely to the last, giving the
impression that Urge torces were iac
intMhem. . " . ' , .
The same prisoner said the Ger
mans had formed a special -corps
whose duties were to advance behind
the fightiug troops and strip all cloth
ing from the dead. 1 he bodies, he said,
were buried without any covering and
the clothing thus obtained was served
out again.- - .
Reports from other parts of the
front seem to indicate that elsewhere
the line is being held by mediocre
divisions brought from the Russian
front, the best troops having been
withdrawn to participate in the battle.
Everyone of the divisions which has
been identified since the offensive be
ean had'' been already classified as
effective. Among them are three olthe
famous guard-divisions and some of
the Bavarians.
Whether the Germans will hurl
more divisions into the furnace is of
course unknown. It is considered pos
sible that they still have approxi
mately 40 divisions which may be
used to replace those that have suffer
ed the fnostheavily ' in the recent
offensive. . .
- British Hold Ground.
London. March 2fl. On the Somme
the British have maintained their po
sitions and gained ground in placet
by successful counter-attacks, the
war office annouftcesv ';", ' '
After holding their line all day in
the face of repeated assaults by num
erically superior enemy forces, the
British retired a short distance from
their advanced positions at tome
points. (
The Germans again suffered ex
ceedingly heavy losses. The British
took prisoners.
.The statement Issued by the war
Office says f , -. --; 1
British Take Prisoners.
"Further strong attacks were made
by the enemy -yesterday : afternoon
and evening, at several points along
the, battle front, North of the. Somme
our troops have maintained their po
sitions and -have gained : ground in
places by avceessfui counter-attacks.
A .number of prisoners and machine
guns were captured, .by . us in this
"The enemy again suffered exceed
ingly heavy casualties. His frequent
attacks, which we're pressed with
great determination throughout the
day, gained only our outpost lines,
after several hours, of severe hand-to-hand
fighting, .
"His reserves 'were then sent , for
ward against our battle positions and
were everywhere thrown back with
great loss.. Qur machine gun, artillery
and rifle fire did treat execution upon
his ranks.
"South of the Somme also heavy
and continuous fighting took place un
P. P. QJ3. Drove No. 133
S wed tsh Auditorium
4 . MARCH SO. . ...
: Evrybdy Walcomav
City Commiaslonara Will
Lad the Grand March
A Circulating Water
f Is a Necessity. :
and Not a
V Installed Complete, .
Terms'. If Desired.
(teafca G$ Co.
l9Jbo.JUUu . . Til, bo. Ml.
IW (Mi
bl rticeJblff v
.enMjuf cttsiv
11 'Jf
Bee Gain
.' with . v
vi I,
let I
I V. 1
Enemy Will Not Break
Through, Says French
Premier to Lords
Puis, March 29. "The
'enemy will not conquer our re
sistance," said Premier Clemen
ceau when surrounded by Depu
ties at the Bourbon palace upon
his return from the front this
afternoon. "I do not wish to
pose as i prophet. That is not '
my habit, but, tome what may,
they will not break through."
Anecdotes showing the won-
,'derful morale of the French,
troops were related by the pre
mier. A battalion of territorial
troops, arriving at the front line
. yesterday wets (found awaiting
the order for a (counter attack
aitting unconcernedly in a mud
field within range of the Ger-
' man shells, which were breaking
in the immediate vicinity.
"What are you doing here?"
said M. Clemenceau.
"We are at rest," responded
a soldier quietly.
til late in Hie evening. Our troops,
after maintaining their line all day
in the face of repeated assaults by su
perior enemy forces, have withdrawn
a short distance from their advanced
positions." .
. ttvitiah Presi Hack. '
London, "March 29.-Heavv fight
ing has taken place south of the
Somme, in which the British have
hn nrrttrd hack to a line running
ut nf Hamel. Mareelcave- and De-
mun, says this evening's war office an
Ambassador Page Visit
Italian Field Headquarters
Italian Armv Headauarters. Tliurs-
Aiv March 28 .Ambassador Paste
has arrived here from Rome and with
r.npra1 Swift and other members ot
the American military mission, visited
General Diaz at -headquarters, where
hu u!r rtittrtained bv the Italian
commander and his staff.5
Former Representative Lens ot
Ohio, and Major Edward Toner also
hav nrrivftl fin . the front. Maior
Toner is understood to be represent-
. 0 w t
jng the governor or maiana;.
James Davis of Pittsburgh, chair
man of the American Moose war re
lief, has arrived also, and he and Mr.
Lens and Major Toner were con
ducted along the Piave and mountain
fronts at a time when a spirited can
nonading was proceeding.
" Tbea Silence Reigned. --"Ma,
roared Mr.. Jarbjr, wher tn the
fcoir-wowi to wr bat? I can't keep a thing
bout this tieuee. It's a bam thj way
thlnM dlirir ' without nttr apipartnt
rlaaon. 1 would juat Uhe to know waera
"So would 1," reptlad Mr. Javaby, coidly.
"Tail didn't have It on when you came home
laat night." Birmingham Age-Herald .
"The Store of th Town"
Here in a boundless
Variety of original de-tignt-T-
Shirts of Silk, Mad
ras, Silk Fiber and
mercerized fabrics
$2 to $13.50
Other Easter fixings
for men of a distinct
style period, charac
teristic . of BVowning
King & Co's reputa
tion for exclusiveness.
High Grade Neckwear
Fancy SUk Handkerchiefs -
Phoenix and Interwoven
35M 75d Pir
And Everything That Goes
" to Make the Easter Out- j
, fit Complete
We art early sboppSaf. '
6V Company
. (By Associated Frees.) t .
The resolution extending, the -"se
lective draft to men reaching the age
of 21 years since. June 5,; 1917-Mhe
first registration day was passed to
night by the senate without a record
vote after a futile attempt bad been
made to add to it a provision for
training youths, from 19 to 21 years
It is estimated that about 700,000
men will be added to the registration
this year by. the resolution which is
one of the pieces of legislation Oti
which the War department is waiting
before announcing complete plans for
the next draft. It now goes to the
house for consideration there with the
bill to base draft quotas on the num
ber of registrants in class one instead
of on population, another of the ad
ministration measures already passed
by the senate " -
Vote Is Close. , .,
The proposal to require training of
boys over 19 and under registration.
age was in the form of an amendment
by Senator New of Indiana, which the I
l-.-m.-',:- ,iri,-,?
Purchases charged Sat
urday appear on State
ments dated May First.
Trcfoussc Glov,es
With Easter Costumesr
The smartest glove fashions
are Trefousse in one and '
two clasp styles in white;
black and numerous stylish
shades - self, stitched and'
embroidered in contrasting
colors $2.50 and $3.25 pair.
Expertly fitted.
Novelty Hose
In Fine Silk
Selections of novel styles many
exclusive with this store. Black
and white sirfc hpse with em
broidered fronts, All over laces -lace
boots and strikingly hand
some hand clocked effects
A fine pine thread silk hose in
fashionable colors, white . and
black $2.25 a pair -
Button Novelties,-
A distinctive collection of
new shapes odd colors and
charming combinations of
colors - Sizes and styles
suitable for trimming frocks-Coats-Suits
and Blouses.
See them at the Notion Section.
Easter for Small" Folks
finds us in readiness-
Sweet, simple fashions that are
here in such an abundance'
, Mothers of small people will de
light in seeing how Well we have
chosen for Springtime needs.. ,
fl Childfens Coats (6 mot-2-3
years) Made of fine eashmere,--silk,
crepe de chine and silk pop
lin. In baby blue, pink, rose, and
navy. Dainty new styles moder
ately Priced . V.
Everything for
In this fine
Exclusive Sorosis
Oxfords and New
Spring Pumps T':
Many, well dressed women .
are wearing glove fitting
Oxfords with their- Spring
costumes. Oxfords lend an
air of distinction and afford
a variety of pleasing', atylesl
Gray arid black kid - tan
calf, and white linen ox
fords are priced $6 to $8
.... .. . v;i.w
Pumps for street and dress
occasions in patent leather,
tan, black and white kid $
to $9.
senate rejected. 36 to 26, after s de
bate pf several days. A number of
senators who favor universal military
training as a peace-time policy voted
against the amendment. ,. :
As adopted the resolution provides
that all male citizens of the United
States residing in this country, at
taining their majority since June 5,
last,. shUl be subject to registration
under regulations prescribed by the
president; shall present themselves
for registration on a day proclaimed
by the president and shall be liable to
military service. :
There was no opposition to the
resolution itself, controversy being
over the new amendment.
Universal Training Possible. '
Opponents of the plan argued that
training youths would hamper urgent
army enterprises and take the .labor
from farms and factories, without prcK
viding soldiers for immediate needs at
the front Strong sentiment for uni
versal, compulsory military training
was apparent, ho v. ever, and today's
vote was not regarded as foreshadow
ing future action "on Senator Cham
berlain's universal training bill. -
Principal opposition to Senator
New's proposal jcame .from the demo?
cratic side of the senate, althoughjour
democratic members, Cfiamberlaia of
Oregon, King of Utah, - Gerry of
Rhode Jslanq, and Myers , of Mon
tana, voted for its adoption. Five re
publicans, Borah of Idhao, Cronna of
North Dakota, Jones of Washington.
Norrin of Nebraska, arrrt Townsend of
For Easter Sunday
New Neckwear
and Handkerchiefs
A smart new collar or a
piece of. very dainty hand
embroidered linen for an
Easter gift.
. Collar and Cuff sets of or
gandie and pique v
Handsome collars of - nt
and wool crepe, ; v
Linen collars trimmed with
real filet." 1 .
35c 50c 75c V
Madeira handkerchiefs 35c
up to $3.75
Refreshingly new and sensi
ble int price. i '
A Display of
Appllique and .
lntarasting to EfoexUaworltera
. Displaying a number of applique
spreads that are just right for
summer use. Also for a. few days
a quilted spread will be shown to
give you stfrna idjeaof the work
we are doing along this line, It
will be a pleasure to have you
see this work for which 'we take
orders. ' - '
" rtnllwork third floor
H Childrens Coats- of .nayynserge
and black and white checks. Sizes
,from 2 to 12 years
f Delightful new hats Some plain
tailored, others ribbon trimmed
and hats of lace and embroidery.
(1 to 6 years) 65, 73c, to $6
Children straw hats plain or
trimmed (2 to. 10 years)
childrens Wear
specialty ' Shop'
Trimmed Hats
for Easter Sunday
.Naturally "they will b in great
demand Tomorrow so in antici
pation of-this we have arranged
to give women the best selection
of the season.
.There are. correct fashions for
the young miss and the matron.
Poke, -sailors, bristle backs roll
brims and Novelty Effects in
. black and all good colors ..: c
Priced $2.50 to" $4.95 "
' ..: - ' ' ' -
Bsomemt Millinery .,1.
r ' .
Saturday .toilet
Goods Speciak
Ideal Hair Brushes-.,
double bristle only S8c
Wonan "Shampoo bags; 10c
Simplex Cuticle Re- -; .
move? 25c '
Orange woodsticksJ2 for 5c
Double and ivory Knitting
Needles have just been re
ceived -8 and X0 inch lengths
Third floor
Michigan, joined with the democrats
in rejecting the amendment. -
Senator Hitchcock voted against the
amendment . .
During the debate Chairman Cham
berlain of the military committee, de
clared .5,000,008 men would be in
traininfor the army if he "had his
way" while Senator Kirby of Aarkan
sas, another military committee mem
ber predicted that 5,000,000 men
would be in the army and 10,000,000
in camp before the war ended.
Opposing the new -amendment,
Senator Borah said he did not believe
it met the situation in the right way,
and that it would place the powers
to inaugurate the system into the
hands of one who has publicly op
posed the plan of universal military
service, Secretary Baker. Agricul
tural districts are already experienc
ing a labor shortage, he said and he
opposed any action that would make
that change more scute. . -
Senator Sterling contended there
are three or four months in each year
when men are not engaged in work
on the farms when thev could as well
be engaged in military training.
Norris. Would Wait
Senator Norris, of Nebraska, "said
the question of universal training
should not be determined definitely
.i i . . . . .
unui ine Kin a or a peace inat is io
follow the war is ascertained. If it
is to be a peace where large armies
and navies wiirte , unnecessary, . he
said, then militarytraining will not
needed. 1 ;- "., v f v,.. .
Senator Fall, orNew Mexico, euja
Ihe fashion Ceniehjor
' - .- . . -:
A new blouse to go with the new spriiig suit and,
, of equal importance, a new blouse to freshen the
appearance of the old suit. v ' .
Tailored Blouses, Washable Blouses,
Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses. .
A Display of Unusual Excellence v -
These New Styles,-
A Batiste Blouse5" with shoulder
tucks and a novel dimity collar
A Dimity Blouse with wide collar
and tailored French luffs, $250
A blouse of Striped. Dimity, with ;
collar, and trimmings of colored n
linen, 84.75 . ; - ., :'
Three lovely models,- ,
One of cotton voile, the front of
organdie and lace, the collar and
cuffs lace trimmed," f 3.50.''; , '. . ..
A voile blouse, of .ajl-over cm-',
broidery, the Collar- andt.ciiffs ;
outlined with cream lace,: J3.T0
An embroidered cotton ' vbila
blouse, the collar hand-escal-loped,
and inset? on the collar
and front 7.50. ; : v
These few styles are but an indication
of the wotiderfully attractive collection
The Store, for, Biouses is displaying.'-.--
f6rlrKsfcr Furnishings 31
Every new idea in men's haherdashery of the
most distinctive character priced within reason -The
mens shop ingrowing in favfcr with particu
lar men of Qffiaha: . r . : , ,
A fine selection , ' .
Of New Spring Shirt. :
Beautiful silks- in stripes. ; and
plain shades. Tub silks. v broad--'
cloth and crepe "de" chines ;
fibre shirts and distinctive ma
dras too in the best of - patterns '
and colors. Sizes 13 to 18.
Prices $1 to $12 ' . '
An Easter Tie. ;
If it bears the Thompson Belden
label it's certain to be in good
taste - Variety enough for Vry
one. Prices moderate :
... ?
New Silk gloves ;
In Khaki, chamois and gray with
embroidered backs $1.50 $1.75
Fabric gloves in iray and buck,
washable styles; $ i .25 Light ;
weight kid gloves, Pertins and
Fownes $3.50
Sleeping garments .v :
Faultless - Universal and Bright-, .
on Pajamas, and night shirts in
nainsook muslin, cambric, pon-"
gee crepes and, silk mixtures. Cut ,
full and long.. Hotel sizes for I:
,large men. Extra long styles for
tall men Sizes 15 to 20 Priced
$1 to $5 ,,'
: A step to the eft
ported the amendment," declared some
such plan, m,usf "be. adopted to. meet
the nation's military requirements.
"If I had my way about it" the New
Mexico senator said, "I would have a
law.passed drafting all person, both
male and female between the ages of
18 and 45 years, and assign them to
their pace in the winning of, this
Senators Williams, of Mississippi
and.Gronna of North Dakota, argued
that compulsory training would es
tablish a military caste and system
similar to Germany's autocratic mili
tary despotism.
British, Correspondent
At Front Very Opt'mistic
' London, March 29. A hopeful view
Of the situation is giveu by the Morn
ing Post's correspondent at the front,
telegraphing Thursday night:
."The greatest crisis is thought to
be over," he says. "Fresh troops are
coming up steadily and new batteries
are laying the foundations of a formid
able protective barrage.
. ."There are signs that the enemy
is being pushed for reserves. He ha;
thrown in one of his naval divisions,
which has not been done-heretofore
unless caught short-handed."
Smooth Work.
"There poes a chap who started on a shoe
string and now he's Independently rich."
' "He -must be-a man of great buslnesi
"Not particularly. Be married- money.
The- dainty boot of an heiress eame unlaced
one day and he was jahnny-on-the-Spot."
ftlrm'nehem Ae-rtraM.
A tailored Georgette Blouse with
stunning flounce $5.95-
A striking white Georgette af
fair, the front pleated and out
lined in black; a monastic col
lar $10,50 ' .
An exquisite bisque Georgette
blouse, Mandarin robe panels and
insets on cuffs; a novel collar is
outlined in blue $29.50 -
One model has a double button
embroidered front- that is un
usually attractive $4.75 ; ,
A 'side button tailored mode! In
Crepe de Chine has pin tucks on
front and-collar $8.50
Easter Preparations
'also include Hosiery '
and ,.handJkerchief3
in abundance.
Mens Underwear.
Superior Union -Suits - - Spring
styles. jf every sort - both' regu
lar sizes and stouts $1.50 upward '
B, Y.' P. and IMansco Athletic'
sjyle union suits.. Two. piece gar
ments of French balbriggin and
Sea Island Cotton. - '
as yon ntee
- I .'