Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Senator Jones Declares Presi
dent to Blame for Not Seek
ing Counsel of Congress
uu ui ecu nuuicina.
,ihineton. March 27. Failure of
government agencies to co-operate in
the prosecution 6f,the war was laid
to President Wilson 'by Senator
Jones of Washington, in a speech in
the senate today, in which he charged
that the president had shown no dis
position to seek the advice of con
gress On th great problems confront
ing the nation.
"The presrdent ought to eo-ordi-natt
himself and the sooner he does
it, J the? sooner will governmental
agencies be most effective," said San
atofr Jones.
"Members of congress are ready
and anxious to co-operate fully with
thei executive, and the president
should not only welcome but seek
their counsel and advice upon the
great problems which confront him,
bub he does not do it. I do not say
this in any captious spirit It is the
statement of a fact, a most lament
able fact known to all here and ret
gretted by all. , . .
Would. Create Unity -'-'
Senator ones asserted that if-the
pref ident an4 congress co-operated as
they should "a feeling of patriotic
unit throughout the country, that I
i fear is now lacking but which ought
to txist, would be created."
In directing his attention 'to profi
teering; Senator Jones declared that
n was everywnere, ana tne "nation a
needs is ita common prey."
, i "The fight for gain is so fierce that
it seems universal, he continued.
'It is confined to no class or condi-
. tiois. Why is that? j It is not be
cai&c we are not patriotic. We have
noicome to realize what we must do
to fvin this war. The people do not
knr$w the real facts. Th will no
ccc mcir race tor Bn ana prom mi
their do know the urgent need for sac
rifice and self-denial"
Public Is Misled. v
stead of the American oeoole
oeiqg ioio ine xacis me wasnington
senator charged they are being, given
misleading- v -statements. "Nothing
mujt be said that will 'aid and com
fort the enemy has met every sug
ges ion of tack of. progress hereto
forf. The time ha CQme to stop that
cryl It'is the, refuge of the coward
ancf the craven or the shield of the
enemy's friend Kb greater aid'caii be
givin Germany in this dark hour than
to jail our people into a false se
curity." ' :J '
Senator Jones also took President
Vi$on to task for permitting the con
tinued use of grain, and foodstuff in
thekflanufactnre of wine and beer, and
thefuse of transportation facilities for
thehipment for beer and wines to the
detriment ot the" movement of" food-
inri mnnro Tfixm' -
London, March 27. There have
been two critical moments thus far
in the battle raging in France, Major
General Frederick B. Maurice, chief
director of military operations at the
war office, said in an interview today,
with the Associated Press.
"The first was on Saturday, when
the enemy got across the Tortille
river and nearly reached the line of
the Sotnme," General Maurice de
clared. "The second was on Monday,
when he took Courcelette and a sim
ilar danger of a breach was present.
"For the time being, the enemy is
definitely checked north of the Som
me. The fighting in this district has
been very sever; and . the enemy
troops are exhausted.
"North of Albert an attack may be
expected momentarily, as German re
serves have been seen massing.
"Savior of Verdun" at Helm
. Of War, Frenchmen's Boast
Paris, March 27. The following
quotation from the Petit Parisien will
help to explain the calmness and con
fidence of the.Frtnch:
"Even though 'the situation is seri
ous, it rannot be considered alarming.
Let us await the end with confidence.
The Germans boast of Hindenburg.
Wc have at the helm the 'Savior of
(General Petain, the French commander-in-chief,
was in command of
the army at Verdun at the time of the
German offensive there.)
li the Germans believed that by in
augurating their bombardment of
Paris at the moment of their offensive
they would-bring panic or add to the
anxiety of the people, they have shown
themselves poor psychologists once
more. 'The bombardment has acted
rather as a counter-irritant to the
nerves of Parisians, serving to divert
attention from the grave events on the
front so close to the capital.
riris, March
shells that;
27 The , caliber of
are being fired into
Paris by the, German long-range gun
is 18 inches and, the length of the
shejl is 20 inthef, rL'Homrn Libre,
Premier Clemenceau'a"- newspaper,
states. The shell weigh 200 pounds
and; contains less than ,20 pounds of
explosives, u ' ' '
The shell Is provided with a (use
protected by a threaded stopper and
iiasfa diaphragm inside which divides
the! shell into two compartments of
unejiual size. Two holes in the dia
phragm afford communication be
tween the two pockets. ,
These, facts are accepted as an ex
planation of the two explosions,
which on occasion, hate followed in
quick succession and which , led to
belief that two guna were firing.
Methodist Ministers Line
I Up With Daylight Saving
Tjhe Methodist Ministers, asser
tion of Omaha has adopted a resotu
tioif stating that it is in full accord
wit the government's daylight aav'tig
idea, and that it will revise the time
for holding services in . the-various
chufthes of the city to conforrh to
the:new plan.
: i
Si' .' i
I I The Start lor Genllewomtn
1613Farnam Street
lannounces the
of their
m ,
? . You are, invited
ParisMarch 27. X French mili
tary commander, writing in reference
to the situation today, says concern
ing the Americans:
"At various points on the front our
allies are bringing to the British their
valiant : support"
Reports current here that the in
habitants ' of ' Compeigne, between
Paris nd the battle front, were be
ing removed are denied by the Petit
Journal. Alarge number of persons,
it says, are leaving the town volun
tarily to avciU violent bombardments
by enemy ajrplanes, but no order to
evacuate has been given.
Hindu-Germans Brought
Poison for Betrayers
New York, March 27. Hindu-Ger-man
plotters marked for death two
persons-in this city believed V) have
betrayed their secrets and sent here
a Hindu supplied with deadly East
Indian poison to accomplish their
purpose, according to information
given out today by the federal author
ities. The authorities have - discovered.
they said, several small vials of the
poison among the ettects ot a uinou
revolutionist, whicn nave come into
their possession." also papers indicat
ing that the would-tje poisoner came
here from Mexico on funds supplied
by uerman agents tnere.
IT. S. War Heads in Grata
Confab at White House
Washington. March 27. President
Wilson summoned most of the execu
tive officials who are members of the
war council to the White House for a
conference at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Among those called were Secretary
McAdoo, Food Administrator Hoover,
Fuel Administrator Garfield, -Chairman
Hurley, of the shipping board,
Secretary Daniels, Chairman Baruch
of the War Industries board, and
Chairman McCormick of the War
Trade aboard. , '
Advance of Germans to 1
War Front Carefully Covered
Amsterdam. March 27. German
troops' going forward to the attack
"ion the British front in France de
trained fai behind the lines, even be
hind the' Belgian frontier, according
to the correspondent at the front of
the 'Rheinisch Westfaelische Zei-tung.
i These forces marched for six con
secutive nights, no columns showing
themselves on the roads in the day
time. '
Arrest Owner of Plant
Wrecked by Explosion
Jersey City, N. J., March 27. Rob
ert M. Jarvis, president of the Jarvis
Warehouse company, whose plant was
wrecked by fire and explosion here
yesterday, and W; F. Wilson, superin
tendent of the building, were arrested
here today, charged wUh violating the
law which forbids storing of explo
sives in the city without a peniiit.
Win tut War By Preparing Id Land,
. Sowing tha Saad and Produc
ing Bif gar Crops. '
Work in Joint EHort tk Soli f tWU. S.
and Canada Co-oprH Farming la Mm
Pmr Nkmivt ta Win tha Baltla lor
Liberty. Tat Food Controller of th UnlUd
fitatat and Canada ara aiklnc for gntttt
food prodaetioa. 8eanlr 100.009.00S bnhli
of wheat can ba n to the alliel ovtntai
twfor tho crop karvut Upon the affort of
tha, UnlUd State and Canada rtt the bar
den el euoolY. Eranr Areileble Tllleblo Aero
L ami contribute) Every Available Fanner and
raraa nana mail Jieaiai. neatern vanaaa
ha aa anonnoo acreas to be aeedea. but
man power la abort, and an appeal to th
United Stat alii to for mora men for
ceding operation. Canada' Wheat Prodm
tioa Uat Year wa 225,000,000 Bushel th
deeaand from Canada aioaa for 1918, . i
400,000 Buahela, To eeenre thia ab nait
ha aitane. 6h ha th bad bat need
th men. Th Government of th Uattad
8tata want every man who can affectively
help to do farm work this year. It want th
land in th United Stat developed firat, of
conn, bnt it alio want to help Canada.
W hencver w find a' man wo tan par to
Canada' field after aura ar (applied, w
want to direct him there. Apply to ear Em
ployment Service, and w will tall where you
aa boat eerve th combined intamta. Wat
an Canada' kelp will be required not later
thaa April 8th. Wafe to competant help,
SSO a month and up, hoard and todilaf.
Tho who rcapond to this appeal will get a
warm weieome, good wage, good board, and,
find comfortable hornet. They will get a rat
of en cent a mil from Canadian honndary
point to destination and return. For parti
eamr as to route and place where employ
ment may be hsd. apply to
Kansas City, Mo., Mafrch 27. Kan
sas City today was in the midst of
a general strike, the exact, extent of
which was not definite. The strike
began this morning, and, although
labor leaders declared it would re
sult in a virtual tieup of all industry
by tomorrow night, best reports in
dicated that so far only several hun
dred union men, including brtwers,
bartenders, barbers and members of
certain building trade unions, had quit
work. No disorders had been re
ported to the police. The strike was
called to support the walkout of laun
dry workers and drivers. . There also
was considerable doubt as to whether
employes of the local power plant and
the municipal water works would join
the movement.
The strike will not spread to in
clude the 7,000 employes of the local
packing plants, it was announced this
afternoon by T. A. McCreash, organ
izer of the packing house employes'
unions, who said he had instructed
his .men to ignore the call.
Forty-Fourth Flier
Killed at Fort Worth
Fort 'Worth, Tex., March 27. H.
Hootcn.'a cadet of the Royal Flying
corps, who's home was in Montreal,
Canada, was killed today, when his
airplane crashed to the ground at
Everman field, a British flying camp
here. His was the 44th fatal aviation
accident in the combined British and
American camps in Fort Worth
since they were established last fall.
Toronto, Canada, March 27. Fran
cis Evans Carr of Oconto, Wis., an
American cadet, who enlisted in the
royal flying corps last October, was
seriously injured today when his air
plane crashed to the ground whjle he
was endeavoring to make a landing
at Camp Leslie. He was removed to
a hospital. Carr is 20 years old.
New Japanese Bank.
Buenos Aires, March 27. The Yo-
fkohama Specie- bank, limited will
open a branch here in April. It will
take care of the rapidly gr wing
Japanese commerce in Argentina.
U'ittiinuiuiiuLiiitumnnuftaiHriuiinimiLJHmJijFmtmrmutiitiuaiuujin! iiHinmK:M:!!ii HuiiiMiimtitiniiHuiiMUJMtnintiiiiitUMit!iitmiJtiti!itiitHiiHtHiiiUMiiiiiMiittiiitimii:iiy
No American Prisoners Taken;
Berlin Papers Mention
United States Par
ticipation. Amsterdam, March 27. American
troops have taken part in couner at
tacks against the German front iuar
La Ftre, writes the military corre
spondent of the Berlin paper, Vor
waerts, who says the attacks wjjie le
pulsed. Tilt correspondent adds:
"After the first surprise, the enemy
pressure along the entire front natur
ally is growing stronger. Threatening
catastrophe compels the enemy to
reckless action. South of the "hieak
through' front he, therefore, is col
lecting strong reserves intended for a
flank movement on our attacking
"Attacks of combined allied forces
yesterday against the pivot of the
German attacking front'near La Fere
were particularly heavy. These counter-attacks
did not find us unprepared.
It testifies to the superior foresight of
the German command that these at
tacks in which Arnerican troops cer
tainly participated only symbolically,
were not only beaten off but were
thrown back on the Oise canal by an
energetic blow."
No United States Prisoners.
The part reported to have been
played by American troops in the at
tempted relief of the British flank
near La Fere is referred to briefly by
most of the German war correspon
dents, but so faf no mention has been
made of the presence of Americans
among the prisoners.
Wilhelm Hoeler of the Berlin Tage
blatt says the Americans now have an
opportunity to find out what war
really means. The Deutsche Tages
Zeitung says the fact that the Amer-
I jjlHERE was never
' I ' I a time in your
IXl clothes buy-
mhiimiiiiwiiiJ ing when cer
tainty of quality was so
important as today.'
You can be sure of the
quality H in Chesterfield
Clothes. See' the new
Spring styles, now
ready." ; .
Malt Our Stor Your Store. Z
Wilcox Allen
203 So. 15th St., Nar Douglas.
in patent, gun
metal and kid
with French and
Cuban heels
These very excel
lent qualities
were h e v e r of
fered in Omaha
at such ridiculously low prices. These prices range
from- .
0 to $.(0)6
We also carry a beautiful line of growing girls'
dress boots, oxfords' and pumps, ranging in price
0 to$
White Canvas Shoes and Pumps
' Owing to the fact that white canvas is going to be extremely
scarce this season on account ot extraordinary condition in the
markets throughout the entire country, we would advise our cus
tomers to secure their white shoes early. We have in stock a large
line, ranging from . . . f
$3.50 to $5.50
Every pair worth over $2,00 more) than prices quoted.
icans got a severe lesson is espe
daily gratifying to us.
Another correspondent says that
the undoubted bravery of the Amer
icans proven no match for the furor
Washington, March 27 General
Pershing cabled the War department
early today he had, "nothing to re
port" so far as the American troops
are concerncl in the progress of the
battle on the western front
It was said at the War department
that the dispatch received from Gen-
eral Bliss in Paris last night and which
was supposed to contain some infor
mation Kin the battle was concerned
entirely with t the routine of the
American participation in the inter
allied "war council.
Expressman Charged With
. Bringing Liquor Into State
Tony Circo, an expressman with a
"stand"- at the Union station, could
not remember the name of a man who
sent him to the station after a cer
tain trunk. Because he could not re
member the name, United States
Commissioner Neely bound him ovet
to the federal grand jury under $1,00C
on the charge of bringing liquor into
the state.
Officer Knox of the bureau of in
vestigation discovered the trunk and
arrested Circo when he called for it.
Circo said he was acting merely in
his professional capacity as a trans
ferer of baggage
tffa fashion Center Jbr Women1
Spring Time Gloves
Trefousse French Kid gloves
in one and two clasp styles -white
and fashionable colors
the backs self stitched and
embroidered in contrasting
colors $2.50 $3.25
Washable leather gloves for
shopping wear $2.25 $2.50
$2.75. ,
Appealing Neckwear
Collars of linen, organdie, pique,
satin and wool crepe for wear
with Easter Suits. Stock collars
and lace collars are also very at
tractive. Vests and chimesettes
and neckwear sets of , organdie
and wool crepe are among the
spring styles that are of interest
Every style is new 'and prices are
The Easter Gift
of Handkerchiefs
Madeira and French embroider
ies' make lovely Gift Kerchiefs
and are to be had for 50c and 75c
Plain linen 9c 20c 25c 35c 50c
Children's Colored hndkfs 10c
New Spring Things
In Infants Wear
New creeping rompers, dainty
white styles, hand smocked and
plain also white with trimmings
of pink, blue and corn.- Materials
are madras, poplin, dimity and
crepe, 85c $1 $1.25 $1.75 $2.25
Colored creeping rompers of
chambray, gingham, percale, and
cotton crepe in stripes, checks,
plain blue and tan 75c 85c $1
Turkish Table bibs white and col
ored 18 25 35c
Third Floor
i. ... , '
, New Brassieres '
Such. an abundance of Styles.
Some lace trimmed, others em
broidered, some with lace insets,
others of plain materials With
dainty edges of lace. , The Bras
siere is almost as necessary and
as important to correctly dressed
Women as the Corset.
Prices 50c 59c . 69c 79c H and
higher as you wish
Third Floor
Silk and Leather
Hand Bags-jMew
Silk Moire bags fitted with coin
purse.' All silk lined, i Various
jizes as you prefer. Back strap
purses of Seal and Crepe Seal
' fitted with coin purse andsjmir-
ror. A fine selection of seal
leather bill folds.
, Notion Section
The Blouse Stprc
Several New1 Georgette
blouses are bound to attract
favorable attention for beau
ty of style and moderate
ness of price $5.95
Tailored Suits for Spring
Showing groups of new styles in suitable
fabrics and colors for every occasion.
Choosing your Easter Suit will be quite
easy considering the wide range of Fash
ions offered for selection
Prices $25 to $100
- With unusually good values
in distinctive Suits for $45 $55
Easter Sale of Millinery
New York Model Hafe
Thursday One Half Price
This is a most unusual
offer before Easter. It'
includes all of our
beautiful and exclusive
model hats: CECILE,
Every' One at Half Price
Mlltaerj section second floor
Easter Footwear for Women
Sorosis Models of Distinction
Simplicity of design, so much favored by well dressed
women, is the Keynote of today's showing. Bright new
models in every desirable color for Spring await your
Gray Kid lace boots $11
to $14 "
Brown Kid lace boots $10
to $14
Silver gray lace boots $12
to $14
Patent and Kid pumps $6
to $7
Tan Ki4 Pumps $8
Plenty of Stylish Oxfords. '
; .... v
The Fittinr Seryico it a guarantee
of Comfort and Satisfaction
. Th bast and most practical
trunk mad.'
Th padded top prevents clothes
from faliini off tha hangars.
Tha lift top makes all garmcnta
equally oatf to gat.
Outside construction of trunk
la aupram in trunk building.
Priced no hlghar than ordinary
Just mora detail and thought
put into tha trunk for your com
fort. Won't you let us how you?
"Omaha' Bt Brif BuUoW
1803 Farnam Street
iak a prompt and eftactiva remedy on
that' act quickly and contain no opiate.
Yog can ft ueb a rtmcdr br ukins tor
-for Sales wiih
Piciures ihai iell
f j Vt .-gPlinnt Service. Drpt t LaW.