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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1918)
HOLD BIG MEETING TO WISH "GOD SPEED" TO HOSPITAL UNIT O .Mothers, Sisters, Wives and j Program Given at Boyd Theater Sweethearts Break Through to Nurses, Enlisted Men and L Guard at Depot to Bid Boys Good-Bye. East on Howard street and south on Tenth street marched a column of 6ung rnen in civilian clothes last night about 5 o'clock. They brought u(i at the Union station, where a great crowd of their mothers, sisters and sweethearts were wating to bid them "au revoir." The young men were the Nebraska base hospital unia No. 49, o for Camp Dodge at Dest Moines, tlipre to go into intensive training for a few months before going to France. No playing of bands marked their FQinffc but their spirits were high for the great mission before them. At the station there were orders . that friends and relatives should not go through the gates, but should say goodbye outside. Two care were side tracked west of the postoffice build ing, out of sight of the crowd. The young men were all in the cars half an hour before the train left. " Girls Get In. would mothers, sisters and sweet hearts waste this last precious half hqur with their men only a few yards away? Not so you could notice it. Aod so Major Stokes soon' noticed that the feminine contingent had gathered in great force around the cars. Hi found later that the girls had walked down around the baggage rofim and then back up the tracks. Ojher had descended through the post office building. After that' the gaits were thrown open and all were altiwed to come in, . )nt mother gave her son a little fl?a package, - :'lt is a Bible, John," she said. 'I'll keep it with me all the time, nj ither," he said. Final Kisses. The Rock Island train arriving, the wye cars were hooked bn it. Then befcan the final goodbyes. The boys wi ren't allowed ,to leave the rars. But wi ling hands were found to lift the gi Is up to the car windows to give th parting kisses. One girl was pilled up by her sweetheart from th grfcund and held in a bearish hugh for wl at seemed minutes. . ome one started a college yell, ah, rah, rah! ah,! rah,' rah! ' ah, rah. rah! P-ma-ha!" . V 5nd then the bell rang, and , the trim began to move. Hats and hand kerchiefs waved, the crowd and the b.ifS cheered. ' "Berlin," one yelled. Ad Nebraska's .hospital urtit NoM49 w$ on its way. ' ' i r i tti r i Trrm MEET -IT CALL 0FG0VERN0E ' - v - -' -.1 - ir-HmA Vmm Pm ftnm.S CAddock of Dougtas, E. P. Roggen of 0iaha. 4 ne voie sioou, jiuhhiu, uv, geji, S, and Decker, 2.. . , 1 On assistant clerk, Roggen and Horace M. Davis were the nominees, the latter receiving 28 votes and the former 17. Representative W. J, Taylor of Cus teB was chairman of the caucus. The sejtators held no caucus, as there are iid vacancies to be filled. Fireworks la Caucus, f the session of the caucus was not without its fireworks. The jnain dis play coming when Reishick of Rich ardson nominated Horace M. Davis of Ord as, first assistant clerk and Crad dock of Douglas nominated E. P. Roggen of Omaha. Othejs joined in, sonie favoring one man and some the otfer. , The charge was made by Jerry I Howard that Davis was postmaster at Ord and had enough to do there with out coming to the legislature McAl lister of Dakota said that Roggen was a good democrat of SO years standing, was a veteran of the civil war, had been warrant clerk and bookkeeper of tht last session and was in every way competent to hold the job.' Others thought that as Davis had bfleied to do: the work gratis, he should be given the place. This brought out another speech from Jerry Howard, who de clared that no man could serve tw'o masters, that he had a job-under the government and should attend to it, anil anyway had no legal right to seive. f , Roggen Meets Defeat. Just then another member jumped up5 and said Jhat a Lincoln newspaper man sitting beside him had . informed hi$i that Davis had told him he had permission to take his vacation at this , tirf e. and therefore could serve if he war; ted to. this started Jerry Howard again injl he jumped up and wanted to know if She newspaper men were running khe legislature or "we fellows." How- tvjr, this information appeared to set tle! the matter ana Roggen was de kited, i Jerry would. not subside and long after tlie adjournment, continued to ta 8c, declaring that "he didn't care if thi man was representing a demo critic paper, he had no right to butt injan4 try and run the legislature." Knocks Policy of S. j Towarrf Japs in Siberia jvasnmgton, warcn iu.-uuun mc eate debate- today Senator defcter, republican, of Washington de nounced the government's attitude to ward Japanese intervention is Si beria. . ' C-erman and Austrian prisoners re leased from Russian prison cam tre gathering there, he said, armed .'th midline guns, and "Japan is willing tojdo for Russia what we are v!irg in an inefficient way to do for Frmce." Hi praised - the "generous hand" which Japan his. displayed and its "disinterested part" "From the American 'government's dissent and refusal to assent ia this undertaking, 'what can be'exoe:ted frcjm a foreign policy such as that?" he asked. I say it Is a mistaken policy," he concluded " '''.'. . Medical Officers Leaving t for Camp. Omaha gave Godspeed to Nebraska Base hospital until No. 49 at a tig meeting in the Boyd theater vetter day afternoon, just a few fore the 162 enlisted men, 100 nuises, 25 medical officers and six civ.lii.ns, who compose the unit, took the train at 6:08 p. m. for Camp Dodge, where they will undergo two months of training before leaving for France. The meeting was arranged by the Daughters of the American Revolu tion to say goodbye to the unit and also to present to it a splendid flag, the gift of the Omaha chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution The theater was crowded. The high school cadets occupied seas on the main floor. In the first four .cws were the student nurses who ari go ing with the unit. The audience ap plauded as the , men of the unit marched in and took their place i on the platform. The boxes were filled with local Red Cross women who have been working for months mak ing hospital supplies. Unfurl Flag Dean Cutter Vf the University of Nebraska Medical school pres'ded. Rev. E. H. Jenks offered prayer. Then the big, beautiful flag was let down until it hung 'just above the men on the stage. Colonel tyrant mai'.e the speech of presentation on behi'f of the Daughters of the American Revo lution. Major Stokes, in command of the unit, was deeply affected as he responded. If I could speak the things that are in my heart at this moment" he declared, "1 would need the eloquence of a'Dcmosthenes, Dean Tancock, chaplain of the unit, eulogized the stars and stripes and pledged him self to do anything in any canacity to help the unit in its work of mini stering to our wounded and sick at the front. "God grant," he said, "that we may be near the trenches, so that the boys, looking back, shall sea this beautiful emblem of freedom floating on the gentle breezes of France." Colonel Bannister, who has done much in he!pingi organization o the unit, spoke of women's great work in war from the days 'wheni Grecian mothers bade their sons to "come back with your shields or on them." Major; Maher delivered a stirring address to the men of the unit and concluded by reading the letter of advice written by a celebrated Massa chusetts jurist to his soldier son. 'Save Our Sona." Frank Judson, headtf the Ne braska Red. Cross, declared that the "S. O., sign of the Red Cross means "Save Our Sons." "In this great and gjorious woik," he said, "our people aje working, as one, giving unstintingly of their time and their mbney," , The program was interspersed w'th patriotic songs, "America, the "Mar seillaise" and "Star Spangled Ban ner," Mrs. Fred Clark leading. The men of the unit marched back to the "camping ground" in the Audi torium where the lqcal chapter of the Red Cross provided supper and a box lunch for the trip'to Pes Moires. V. S. MA JOR WURT IN FRANCE; 22 ON CASUALTY LIST . i Washington, March 26. -Twet.ty-three names on today's list of casual ties among the American expedi tionary forces include those of iwo men" killed in action; three dead of accident; seven died of-disease, one severely wounded and 10 ahcMtly wounded. Majors George J. Law.ence and Timothy J. Moynahan and Lieu tenant George F. Fatton we among the slightly wounded: The list follows: Killed in action: Private private william k. neal. Died of accident: ' , .' CORPORAL ALBERT MIDER, Privates: GEORGE C. GRAY. WILBUR CHRISTIAV. Died of disease: SERGEANT VINCENT CEPHUS HAGOOD, pneumonia. CORPORAL ' LYNN ODELL, diphtheria. CORPORAL kOSS E. SHELTON, pneumonia . Privates: . J GEORGE ARNETT, nostalgia. OLE BECK, diphtheria. ELMER MATHEWS BYERLY, peritonitis. PHILLIP C. SMITH, diphthia. Wounded severely: Private Edward Dittman. Wounded slightly: Majors George J. Lawrence, Timothy J. Moynahan, Lieuhr.ant George F. Pat ton, Sergeant Wa ren W, Lokker, Cook Laznnies Cirhano wich,, Privates Everett G. G'i.on David B. Pollock, Harry F. We:dman, Xj'.yV'gnigKLg'iJ-itm-f 8 J-. vv vatt. No toasted bread when I can have sweet crisp post Toasties (Mad of Corn) THE BEE: MARCH EXPLAINS 'WHY' OF DELETED CASUALTY LISTS Old Plan Gives Information to Enemy and is Cause of An- noyance to Relatives at Home. Washington, March,' 26. Shipment of any articles to troops in Frai.ce unless they have been requested by the soldier himself, was forbidden to day by Major General March, acting chief of staff. , They will be refused by the post office and express companies, unless accompanied by an approved request from the soldier. Washington, March 26. An official statement of .the War department's reasons for announcing only the names of American troops killed or wounded in France was submitted Jo the senate today by Major General March, acting chief of staff, with a statement that the department con siders it of best advantage from all points of view. General March said the old system of giving addresses and other details gave information to the enemy and brought swarms of claim agents to harass the ieiatives of the men. Protect Relatives. The policy of the War department, General March told the senate, is "to put into the hands of the nearest rel ative or the last friend given by the soldier in his emergency, prompt and accurate information concerning the casualty befcre anything is given to the press and to prevent any informa tion appearing in the papers which will be of any possible assistance to the German cause." "The old system," General Marsh added, "which gave the date of the casualty, enabled the Germans to get exactly what effect was produced upon our troops in a raid of that date. You will be interested to know that the publication of the emergency ad dresses brought down upon the rela tives a swarm of claim agents who guaranteed they would get from the government the war risk insurance which is guaranteed by laws to the proper inheritor. , Poor Persons Defrauded. "In spite of the fact that the depart ment has in each case advised the nearest relatives that their claims will be adjusted by the government and that they will be furnished the money that is due them without the interposi tion of claim agents, numbers of poor people have yielded to the importuni ties ot these agents and are thereby deprived of a portion of what is justly their due. "The raids which are being' r.on ducted along our front are for the purpose 6f capturing one soldier, if possible, with the object pf, obtaining from him information about the or ganization which is opposed to the German lines at this point. v-'ith the publication of the address of , the nearest relative the German agent in ithe United States approaches' the relatives and obtains trom them the information which Germany is at tempting' to obtain frtm our front by attacks on our forces. In France they publish no casualty lists at all nd the information reaches the from the mayor or prefect of the town where the relatives live, who is re quired to, communicate the facia to them verbally. "The, whole matter of a change in our former method in publishing cas ualty lists ,was brought up by a cablegram from General, Pershing, in which he stated that representatives of the French government had form ally protested against the methods that were then used. The specific case to which they referred was a statement given out in the United Sjates officially which permitted the Germans to know definitely the effect of gas shells 'on a certain date. The whole subject was then thoroughly studied and the decision reached to adopt the policy which is the subject of your communication." Two Men and One Woman Killed in Raid by Mexicans Marfa, Tex., March 26. Glenn Neville, 18 jcars old, was shot seven times and two Mexican men and one Mexican woman killed in a raid by Mexican bandits on the Neville south ranch, 43 miles south- of Van Horn, Tex., at 12.30 o'clock this morning. Reports t.o district military head quarters here early today told of the causualties. Free Demonstration ALL THIS WEEK In th Down-Stairs Storo. Burgess-Nash & Co. Y of King's Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables V Over 10,000 dealers ItLUlllllItllU Faultless JLPajamas ' TMIGHWofsNataC 1W mm m . m in i! OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1918. "EFFICIENCY GARB" REPLACES carlet Uniforms, Polished Bayonets Put ' . Away With Drummer Boys of Civil War. GOLD LACE OF OLD FIGHTERS Washington, March 26. The pompQing a perilously-balanced three-cor- and pageantry of war are fast disap pearing. S The days are gone when a "thin red line," advancing with colors fly ing and bayonets gleaming, presented the enemy with easy cannonfodder. In the first place, the resplendent uniform has been discarded by all belligerents for one of somber, in conspicuous hue. The reason is ob vious the human target is delineated with dangerous distinctness when bright colors are worn. For almost the same reason, bayonets are no longer burnished.. A raiding party, lurking in No Man's land cannot af ford to have its presence betrayed by the gleam of light from a star shell on a polished piece of steel. Moreover, the regimental standards usually are left at, headquarters. A color-sergeant proBably would find himself in a difficult position if con fronted with the necessity of fighting off an enemy and keeping the flag waving at the same time. "Youngest Drummer" Extinct. A sad feature of the present war is that there will be no "youngest drummer boy." For many years the proua maivinuai wno new una ma tinction in the civil war has been dying off by hundreds, so perhaps many post-bellum controversies have been averted by eliminating the pic turesque boyish figure. The blare of bands usually has been associated with memorable ad vances of troops, but the musicians now can be convinced very easily that trench concerts might prove un healthy. There still remains, however, the skirl of the bagpipes. The eeneral of the lace-encumbered uniform and flowing hat plumes has passed out with the horse-hair sola period, so far as field service is con cerned. In the gloomy corridors of the state, war and navy building there are on display in glass cases manikins attired in the uniform worn by American soldiers at various pe riods of the country's history. Napoleon Hat No More. A continental warrior, clad in a blue coat with buff facings and wear- GERMAN TANKS BIG FACTOR IN ALLIED RETREAT ' TWKn fnnHav farrh 25 fVia London.) German tanks, reinforced by captured British tanks, says a semi-official statement today, on Sun day s lighting in tne west, took a leading part in breaking the brave enemy resistance." Tanks attached to the German divis ions fightiilg below St. Quentin stood the test brilliantly, the statement says, and their mobility was universal ly praised. All the tanks which took part in the fighting are said to have returned undamaged. , , It was mainly due to their interven tion that the tenacious resistance of the British, especially the machine gun nests, was broken quickly. Troops manning a concrete redoubt, near Llr villers, are reported to have been overpowered immediately by the tanks. Composer Is Dead. Taris, March 26. Claude De Bussy. the noted composer, is dead at his home here. He was 56 years ola. -v v - In All America There's Nothing Just Like Kings PMTNnD PROCESS ' SOUP VEGETABLES The whole nation has lone waited for such a combination. Six choice, fresh-flavored Soup Vegetables conserved by this wonderful Process. A Million American homes will soon be .enjoying the temptingly-blended, delicious soup made fspm these fresh dehydrated vegetables. " It's a triumph in modern food conservation. i f I nered hat, compares but poorly in ap parent efficiency with the trim fight ing man of today. The garb of the modem American soldier is developed along strictly utilitarian lines. The dull khaki tone blends into the land scape at a distance and the broad brim campaign hat offers protection from the sun. The "tin hat." or steel helmet worn in trench warfare, also has been adopted by the expedition ary forces. The civilian, however, still finds room for mystification in endeavoring to find why the bluejackets still wear the halo-like hat and broad-bottomed trousers, apparent survivals from the days of the frigate. No narrative of a heroic charge in wars of bygone days was complete without a picture of an officer leading his men with sword in hand. Now, it isn't done. The n:an with the sword readily is distinguished by the enemy as an officer and as such a desirable target for rifle and machine gun fire. Campfires Underground. In civil war days, and as recently as the Spanish war, soldiers and offi cers were represented as gathering nightly about the campfire. 'in his tory, and fiction, descriptions are not lacking of an anxious officer who studied out plans for the morrow's campaign by the flickering blares. Campfires in France, if, built at all, are located deep in a dugout, as their presence above ground would serve admirably as a range-finder for the foe's artillery. But the element of individual and mass gallantry nevertheless still sur vivesand to a greater extent. As long as history lives, men will re member the stand of the French at Verdun, English tenacity at the Somme, the wild recklessness of the Canadians at Vimy ridge, the sacri fice of the Anzacs at Gallipoli, and the proverbial courage of the Irish, who, it is said, charged into a with ering fire at Loos, kicking a football before tl em. The Americans of the expeditionary forces have had their baptism ,of fire and have not been found wanting. Traditions of a nation are theirs to uphold and to increase. The Bran Food You'll Enjoy XJi grocery Avoid medicines. Banish constipa tion. Start the day with Bran-eata Biscuits the wonderful new bran food with positive laxative effect. Nutritious delicious ready to eat Try them for at least a week judge tnem Dy tne gooa tney ao. MM. U. S. PAT. OFF. .BISCUITS wilt "V. i j; 1 Ijl it A 10-CENT PACKAGE PRO VIDES TEN PLATES OF DE LICOUS VEGETABLE SOUP. Call Your Grocer Right Away. I Keep KING'S on Your Pantry Shelf Always. Send for King's Conservation Recipes They're' FREE. WITTENBERG-KING CO., Modern Food Conservers, Portland, Oregon, U. S. A. PAXTON St. GALLAGHER CO. Distributors Omaha, Neb. ml 1 U.S. AIR PROGRAM WILL FALL FLAT, SENATOR'S CHARGE Washington, March 26. Senator, Harry S. New, republican, of In diana, speaking in the senate t'day. declared that instead of 12,000 com bat airplanes being delivered in France by July 1, as provided in the original airplane program, the number will 'amount to only 37. Compulsory military training was advocated, by - Senator Lodge, who urged adoption of the amendment to the draft law introduced by Senator New providing for the training of boys between the ages of 18 and 21 years. Situation "Terrible." Senator Lodge characterized the sit uation now confronting this country as "terrible," and urged that the .THOMPSON.BELDEN & CO CThe fashion Confer for VUomarP Easter Neckwear New tailored suits are best set joit by the use of stylish col lars. In order that they may be correct we are pleased to fit them properly over your Easter suit. Organdie, pique - Satin and Wool Crepe collars in distinc tive styles. Collars in colors are lovely too. And linen collars with trimmings of real Irish and filet laces are quite ex clusive. Make an Early choice Special Showing Separate Skirts New modeh in beautiful taffeta Silk that are more than ordin arily, smart and attractive $16.50 to $25 Also white satin skirts - fash ionable plaid skirts and skirts of cotton gabardine both plain and embroidered ' Information and Service In furthering our policy of the Ipest possible service, we have installed an Information desk in the lobby of the "Bee Building", to, the right of the elevators, a step off Farnam street. When you wish copies of back numbers of The Bee, when you wish to place a Want Ad, or when calling for answers to your advertisements, use this Lobby Counter. Competent clerks are in charge, who will give, you any infor mation you may desire. This service will save you time and inconvenience. "Keep Your Eye On The Bee Improving American people be told the truth. "We haven't a fighting plane in France," he continued. "Our front is undefended jn the air. French and British have use for every plane they can brins, up and our men are noi defended. We've no guns in Franc except a few old coast guns. That's the hard fact. "We have turned Out only two American ships, although the country has been led to believe there were 3C ships. "It is to the last degree painful to say these things," Senator Lodge con tinued, "but it is the truth. Let the American people know the truth whether good or bad." British Boycptt United States Labor Conference London, March 26. The Seamen's and Firemen's union has decided that its members shall refuse to sail on any ship conveying delegates appointed to the inter-allied labor conference in the United States. "ill Normandy ("Linen Finish") , A new cloth with a fine linen finish that is particularly fav ored for Summer skirts, chil drens rompers and nurites uni forms. Normandy linen finish washes as well as linen, is 36 inches wide and sells for 50e a yard. , Linen Section Pony Hose are Best for Children They are made of such good yarns and so strongly made that they wear and wear - Mothers come for them every time after a trial. Pony hose in Cotton, black and white with triple knees, heels and toes 40c Brown Pony Hose 50c ' Silk lisle Pony hose - black and white triple knees, heels and toes 50c Fibre Pony hose - finely rib bed 75c Old Price will be maintained until April First - When Pony hose advance. If the children need Pony hose - Now is surely -the time to buy. 19 Every Day