iriE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27. 1918. 13 I Felp wanted-female Household and Domestic. Hr.KTP WH1TK CTRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK: 3 IV FAMILY. TELE PHONE WALNUT Hi , j. LN experienced maid for general bov e- work where second girl is kept; best of wages. Mrs. W. 1). Hosford. 52S S 37th I. St. Telephone Harney t7. 3 HOUSEKEEPER, refined lady between 30 j and 40. wlihiut children, for widower i with one child. O. E. Clark. Junction f City. Kan.. ;.re V. P. Depot. I COMPETENT girt for general housework; I V no washing; good wages. 115 S. 34th St. Harney tzi. ' JvOMA.N to take care of young mother and two weeks old baby; small house, 3 m family. Phono Tyler 644 days and Wal nut 8S9 evenings. COMPETENT girl for general housework; $10 per week. Mrs. A. W. Carpenter, 117 S. 35th Ave. Telephone Harney 4031. iV ANTED A cook; no washing; good .f wages; reference required. Mrs. JOsepn j Barker, 3607 Jackson. Call H. 27. I 6lHL for general housework, family ot 3, I no laundry. Mrs. C. E. Adams, 116 8. 36th 1. St., Omaha. Harney 1134. tv'ANTEDiddle-aged lady to work for i her room and board on farm. Mrs. T. W. ? Plyniale Anselmo, Neb. ) WANTED Gooa girl for general house work. $8 week. 132 N. 38th Ave. Har- ney 971. Mrs Charles R. Sherman. CIRL for general housework, small family; no washing. 116 North 3Sth Ave. Har ney 2428. fcXPERIENCED NUKSE Well care for Invalid in br own home, also nursing. Web. 2100. WOMEN to do small family washing at her home; should live In southwestern part of city. Call Harney 6167. WANTED Gl.l for general housework. Tele phone Harney 1342. Hotels and Restaurants. HE Douglas County hospital at 14th and Poppleton . Ave., wants two dining iccm girls, white and over 22 years of age: also white cook. Tel. Harney 653. IwO women to help in kitchen, one expe rienced in cooking. Flatiron Cafe, 1720 St. Mary's Ave, V.EAT girl to wait on table. Flatiron Cafe, 1729 St. Mary's. Trade Schools. tKABN barber trad. 1402 Dodge St. Miscellaneous. VaNTED Lady interested in church or kindergarten work for pleasant employ ment about two months; excellent Income for active party. Reference necessary; state present employment. Address Box fcT 4(12. Omaha Bee. VilTTB janitress, evening and morning work, $32.50 per month. Alfred C. Ken nedy Co., 205 S. 18th St. EDUCATIONAL POYLES tOLLEGE. ' DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every Jay Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, ty-.ewrit, Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. .Douglas 1665. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sarjt School ot Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5880. LOCUTION lesions, physical culture; read ers furnished for all occasions; prices reasonable. Qall Walnut 1472. mornings. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. feEAUTiFULLY furnished large well ven tilated room in modern home. Suitable for two Near car. 4123 S. 23d St South 3994. 6EMI8 PARK On Harney car line, all all modern south room with private family for two respectable young ladles. $22.60. Harney 2266. BEAUTIFUL south, front room, most con venlently located, exclusive neighborhood, new private home. Harney 6160. SICKLY furnished room, well lighted ana ventilated! large closet. Suitable for two. Private. Breanfaat. Red 8573. RlCfi, sunny room for one or two respecta ble gentlemen; walking distance. Tyler 2148-W. 904 South 25th Ave. PLEASANT Trout room with private family; second door from 24th car, on Pinkney St. ncueivi jot. (LARGE sleeping room with or without gar age, In private home. Suitable for two. weDsier is.. Webster juia. gEATJTIFULLT furnished room, twin bed; gentlemen referred; will serve breakfast. Harney 639. 5bDERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine, 608 North 17th St. Reason- aula itsnv. t EXrGE modern front room, suitable for two; also small room, ncor. .. Dodge. , fWO furnished rooms In modern home; breakfast If desired. Phone Walnut 3726. STEAM-HEATED rooms $2 wk.-, also apts with kltchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. PLEASANT suutb. room in a private fam ily, 131 No. 31st Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN nicely furnished room; beautiful location; no crtlldren.Harncy bbb. till KAJl N If Y--V e r y desirable light ote A tping rooms. Bath floor, 1. 2, or 8--oom. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERSI If you fail to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Give complete description of vacant rooma In Ii parts of the city. New HsU issue very week. Hotels. CLAREAIONT INN, 17th and Jackson, tran sient guests, $1 a day; permanent guests, f.r week. Douglas 2735. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS. CRriGHTON BLOCK World Realty Co.. Dougla S&42. Sun Theater B'dg, TWO unfurnished front rooms iu suite, mod ern house. Phone narncy Rooms Wanted. Wlwi'iihv two Eentlemen. rooms and two meals in private household, good bath W facilities, private . perurrou. " ' ' pay above average n suucu, Box 4503 Omaha Jiee. WANTED Furnished rooms or apartmen t ; couple without children. Box 4504 Omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES West. WEST KARNA.M. 3 real good homes, all modern, best of locations, pleasant surroundings. See these places before locating. 3819 Farnam $60.00 . 3540 Harney 60.00 301 South 38th 65.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, . Realtors. Douglas 297. 212 South 17th St. b'OR RENT S-room modern house, in good repair. Garage. 4160 Chicago St. $35. Possession at once. Phone Harney 2291 or South 234. 208 SOUTH 41st St.. hot water plant. . $25.00 3019 Marcy St.; 7 rooms, modern. .$35.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 554. ; J X-ROOM 4u5use, modern. Harney 647. North 4-ROOM and bath, secnd floor, $10. 2639 Seward St. Tel. Red 682. 6-ROOM modern cottage for rent. Call Webster 671. - South f.s'EW. 6-roora house strictly modern; will lease for year: reference. 27241 Woolworth. "Miscellaneous. 920 S. 31ST, 6 rooms, $25.00. 616 Park Ave., 7 rooms. $40.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tvler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. i-ROOM, all modern house, close in. $46. JOHN J. MULV1HILL (Realtor), 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 16 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. CREIGH SONS ft CO.. BEE BLDG. Shopen ft Co Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED or unfurnished throe-room apartment. CaJ Webster til FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. APARTMENTS. Two rooms with 3-room accomodations In the Coronado. lid and Capitol Ave. I In-door beds, gas stove, refrigerator and all moden conveniences. Including heat and janitor service. Eight minutes walk to 16th and Farnara streets. $33.50 sum mer. $:19.50 winter. - BENSON & MYERS CO.. Realtors. 414 Omaha. Nafl Bank Bldg. P. 746. COLLEGE TERRACE. 1 New apartments, just finished.! with all the latest features and conveniences fire proof throughout, $35 and $40. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sis., or call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tyier 498. MONTEREY E Apartments, 145 N. "4-.ll St. 6 rooms, $55.00. 3 rooms, $35.00. K4.QKE INVESTMENT CO. T1ZARD PALACE BLOCK Close in, tew equal; 3-room apartment; also 4-room flat. Apply 220 4 N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. HAMILTON APTS.- -Fireproof. i 24th Far- r; nim' furnished or unfurnished D '471. North. 4 AND 6-ROOM apts. new, modern, first and second floor, screened porch. $21 to $30. 18th and Maple. Call Red 682. 4-HOOM apt. near postofflce. Low rent. O. P. Stebhtns. 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists in Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. 24TH AND CUMING ST. Large store room. suitable for any kind of business. 14th and Sprague St., store room, fully equipped for soft drink place. Cassol Realty Co., 522 Bee Bldg. CINE new store room and basemnt at 27th and Leavenworth 8U. Steam heat. For nartlculars see Conrad Young. 822 Brae dela Theater Bldg. .Douglas 1671. Office and Desk Room. BUSINESS Mbn demand the best office location. The Bee Building supplies this demand. Kevstone Inv. Co.. Tyler 131. OFFICES. $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HUJU,, FIRST TRUST CO.. Agt. Tyler 500. WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED Furnished apartment, married couple, no children. Furnished apt., modi ern, 4 or 6 rooms and garage. Will give reference. Phone Doug. 1563. i MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN STORAGE CO. Owned and operated Dy central lyurni ture store; office on Howard St. between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 1400. Have your moving handled Just as yon would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do it. Ask to see our dally rental Usui. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. . Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 80S 8. 16th. Douglas 416S. FREE FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete list ot vacant bouses and apart ments. Also tor storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. Globe Van ancLStorage, Co. For real service In moving, pa- king and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Jl"1 T?T?T?T"i Express Co.. Moving, . Kj. SXEjCjIJ Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Brick Semi-Bungalow Owner Leaving City 6-room semi-bungalow, located near Mili tary Avenue. 3 rooms on first floor; 2 and bath on second. Will sacrifice for cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANY, Realtors, 537 Omaha Nat. Kk. BJfg. P. 1781 OWNER offers 8-room, strlotly modern, frame house, for one or two family, new hot water plant, electric lights, two la.hs. Home or income property, good neighbor . hood. Fine ground. Hlghx school trree blocks? Retail district 10 blocks. Sacrifice price $4,300. Cash discount. Address Box 4326, Bee, North. BEMIS PARK HOME East front on 36th Street near La fayette Avenue, this Is a good 2 story 6-room modern house, 1st class condition, having living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and Ice box room first floor, 3 large bedrooms and bath 2d floor. Paved street and ornamental lighting system, throughout the district, price low for quick sale. GEORGE & COMPANY, Douglas 756. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2,750 $300 Cash-$25 Per Month 3328 Fowler Ave. Nice south front lot in good location. About 2Vi blocks to car line and good school. All rooms on one floor. Full ce ment basement with good hot air furnace. Good buy at this price. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY. PHONE TYLER 50. Five-Room House $2,250 Located at 5111 Pinkney Sr. Several Blocks Northwest of Krug Park. Has 6 large rooms and bathroom; nearly new; narrow; oak floors. Owner will sell on terms $250 down, $20 per month, in cluding interest. Oo out and look It over as soon as possible. House is vacant and ready to move Into at once. ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. Six largo rooms and bath, all on the one floor; oak finish; dandy sun room with French doors; bookcases, buffet, sleeping porch, everything you could de sire to make one of the cosiest bunga lows in the city, and It Is only one block to car; the price Is certainly right, only $4,000, and can be handled with $1,000 down 'and $25 per month. This sure won't last. OSBORNE REALTY CO.' 701 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. $3,750 For nearly new stucco, oak finished bungalow; fireplace and bookcases; 60x 123, south front lot, paving paid; near 27th and Pratt. $3,400 fNearly new oak finish byngaiow, with book cases and beamed ceilings fine lot, paved street, near 18th and SprBgue. $3,350 One-year-old bungalow,- oai fin ish and up-to-date In every way; beauti fully decorated; fine corner lot, near Miller Park. Terms always arranged. RASP BROS., 210 Keeline Bldg. Tylei 721. SPECIAL BARGAIN. New Minne Lusa house, oak f.uish. strictly modern, all bullt-ln- features, 3 rooms down. 3 rooms and tiled bath sec ond floor; a very fine place for $4,750. Owner going on a farm: must sell quick. TEBBENS THE REALTOR, 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2i2.. OWN YOUR HOME. $2,200 Five rooms and bath, all modern except heat; 2 large lots, 60x120 each; all fenced and kood barn; near 30th and Pink ney Sts.; $800 down and $16 per month. A snap for someone. OSBORNE REALTY CQ., 701 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 4S. A RARE BARGAIN. $506 cash and $27 monthly will secure a very choice new 6-room all modern cottage, 2 blocks from ,car line; this Is one of the choicest offerings on our list and must be seen to be appreciated. MITCHEL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames. Colfax 217. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern s-room house, full bssement. large lot. close to car. Price M.3MI Nnrrts ft Norris. D. 4270 OAK bungalow. 6 rms.. brand new. all mod., very attractive. $3,160; only small amount cash. baL like rent V. 3110. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. $150 CASH A good 5-room house, with oak floors, J strietlv modern, may be housht on easy monthly terms; good neighborhood ; not far front car. Go out today. Phone Douglas 36'.'$, days. 5lNNk"Ll'SAhomes and lots ofler the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler l7 South. ' NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE AND ACRE $200 CASH And $20 per month buys brand new house, located at 54th and Spring Sts.; chicken house and an acre of ground. Price, $1,7S5. If you expect to raise chickens and have a garden this spring, don't fail to see this property. THE BYRON REED CO., (REALTORS) Douglas 297. Est, lsr.7. 213 S. 17th St. AUREAL HOME. $6.500 Field club bungalow; beautiful 7 room, all brick and stucco bungalow; run room, sleeping porch, big living room with fireplace, bookcases, etc.; finished in oak. birch and white enamel throughout. This ii one of the best we have ever had on our list. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. REAL BARGAIN $950. 3-room house, maple floor, oak ni.lsh, full cemented bRsement, cement wa'ks. city water, electric light, one an 01 e nalf blocks from 24th and A St.. or 24th street car line. S. O. Norquht. 322 Neville Block. CLASSY 8-r. mod. house, on one floor, nice yard, splendid neighborhood, 1 block west of Hanscom Park; $3,000. F. D. Wead, $10 S. lath St. MAKE A Nl5lSEnikearbuyVr;'lo"r20th"and Vinton; double frontage. Owner here from California for a few days. Boi 4219, Omaha Bee. $2,250 Five-room house, modern except heat and electric light. 1911 S. 13th 8t. Easy terms. Grlmmel, Th. D. 1615. FOR SALM 5-runin cottage and garage, 4037 S. St. Would take light car In part payment. Phone South 963. 10-ROOM house In Hanscom park district; nice home for big family. Call Tyler 2123. 1314 S. 26th street. Miscellaneous BUNdALOW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated: fine location: near car line. Price, $4,000. Terms, $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 643 Paxton Blk. W. FARNAM SMITH Sc CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1329 Farnam St Doug. 1064. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. GARDEN LOTS $1D0WN $1 PER WEEK ELMWOOD GARDENS ADJOINING ELMWOOD PARK V o will call for you and take you out Lots $195 and up. . f PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. lOlf. VACANT NORTH, Have 6 full lots on Pinkney. street, south front, at 26th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO., Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or businesa property and pay rash. H. A. WOLF CO.. EJectrlc Bldg Tyler S BUSINESS properties and investments! A. P. TUKEY and SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Business and Trackage Specialist. 15tb and Dodge Sts. Douglas 415. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 8 Acres Northwest of Benson Within 1 mile of West Benson. Auto bus line; beautiful, rich, high ground. Price $500 bii acre. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney. , 9-ROOM modern house, fine 50-fooF"lots and an abundance of fruit of all kinds. V111 make terms. Must sell. Call Douglas 2286 days, Benson 234 evenings Dundee. DUNDEE A very attractive 7-rm., strictly mod ern home on Chicago St., near fi0(h St. Living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen 1st floor; 3 large bedrooms, baft and Bleeping room second floor. Oak throughout. Corner lot. Garage for 2 cars. Trlre $6,000. J. L. HIATT CO., OfiA FIRST NAT'L. PHONE ?n TYLER WO BK. BLDG. .DUNDEE-$5,000 6-room modern home, practically new, on a corner lot, with regulation living room arrangement on the first floor; three bedrooms and bath second floor; floored attic; garage. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 1 019-20 City Nat. Bk. Acreage. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW CORNER ACRE $2,950 $300 Down $28.50 Month Just listed, 6 rooms, furnace, electric lights, cemer.tcd basement, practically new. The ground is only one block from paved road and transportation. Lays practically level. Very fine soil. Immed iato possession. Call Walnut 3672 this evening and ask for Mr. Manvllle, during day at Tyler 60. 5 Acres Improved Located Northwest of Benson ' About S acres rich level garden land balance pasture, has running water. Large shadie trees; new 4-room house, ground plowed and ready for planting. Price, $2,960; $300 cash, balance easy terms. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 11514 Hrfrnej r , DHL' .nhtirhaii traot of vrniinrl niitaM city limits, near carllne. Ideal place to . . ,. j n.ui. ... - ea raise pouiiry or bbiubu. xuw i uu-ai. frontage for $510; will sell on easy terms. Telephone walnut 8465 FOR RENT 20 . acres fruit and garden truck near it lorence. inquire z.iuo . bi. REAL ESTATE Investment APARTMENT HOUSE ' "x BARGAIN Owner of one of the best built close-In apartments, who has recently moved to California, has listed with us for sale, a 16-apartment building located near 24th and Farnam Streets, at the very low price of $65,000. INCOME, $9,000 PER YEAR. The ground value alone Is worth be tween ' $18,000 and $20,000. The building today would cost more than the owner is asking for the building and ground. Terms can be arranged. See us about it at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. SALE this week; modern 2-apartmen . brick flat. 24th and Howard: rental, $7,80, j rice $7,500; $3,000 cash. Walnut 2007. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 10 FIXE ACRES 7-room heme, barn, mod., ehl. house, 165 full-Mood chickens (Gets 10 eggs day average). Horse, cow, farm ing" tools, train, hay in mow, grapes, fruit of ail, $10, 0H0 all clear. Will take as part payment a $3,500 -cleur home in city, terms on balance. Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. s 13-1 4 City Nat. Doug. ISlt. f 1 0 Ai'UKS gjod grazing laud central Ne braska. Price $S an acre. Clear. Want Omaha property. Corkln, 41-09 Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKkl) RANCH OR FARM. ' Widow has 6 five-room houses, one, 7 room, modern bouse, one S-room modern liouso and 2 modern siore ImlldlnKS;-all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are nuht and property in first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City National Bank Building. WK HAVE soveral good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WIS want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for Quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 53X-40 Keeline Bldg 5 bUltM LOANS. CI t" Paul petkhson, , J 3fi4 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. II. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg. 1L W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgsge loans. City National Bank Bldjr OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha NntBnkBld. DTJ!y- LOW RATES C, G. CARLRERG, 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 68 K A. MONEY Kl cr 0 ' O H ARRISON & MORTON. " O 919 Omaha Nat. Bit. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. and Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT Co., Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Douglas 4228. Miscellaneous. WILL furnish acreage In the trend of de velopment' to responsible parties to syndi cate. Name the locality In which you de- ! sire acreage. Largest individual oil and gas lease holders In this vicinity. Heard & Jackson, 410 Itoyt Bldg.. Wichita, Kan. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. APRIL 2ND. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. LO WFARE ROUND'TRIP Homeseekers' excursion to Colorado points every first an4 third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at 6 pel cent. THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 3 First Nat'l Bldg. Omsha. Iowa Lands. 640-ACRE improved farm, $100 acre. J Easy terms. O, P. Htehblns, 1610ChlcagA. . Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS. $5 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. 1 Ptice only $220. Ad dress Box 'JSL', Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. FARM FOR SALE. 240 acres less the right of way. 70 acres Wood River land, balance rolling. 320 aops in cultivation, 30 acres alfalla. Im proved, 2 miles from good railroad town and 19 miles from Kearney. Price $57.60 per acre, $3,000 rash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. OK. DA VI EH, Kearnt-y, Nnb. 58 ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county, 6ty miles from llershey, rich Platte valley land, i! II under the ditch; , S-room house, barn, etc.; S acres of alfalfa. A bargain at $3,000. One-half cash. Immediate possession. White & Hoover. 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. $3 WHEAT Macaroni wheat makes 30 to 40 bushels per acre; have 400 acres first class wheat, corn, alfalfa land, eastern Nebraska, $135 per acre. All or part. Good terms. Owner, Box 4560, naha Bee. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo, Antlll, Blair, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches in good Old Dawes County. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. KANCHE3 of all sizes and kinds, eaaj terms A. A. Patsman. S01 Karbach Blk. (TfoTcirFXRMSTNTI Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heap ofThs range. Get on th ground floor with 80 acre Irrigated land in connection with open range. You en grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tn- weeks, fiend for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker, 940 1st National Bank Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the cholcesl land In the heart of the vry best sec tion of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Writ for booklet and map. John S. Owen Lumber Co., Owen, Clark County, Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a., including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha Nat'l. FARM LAND WANTED FrMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN St SON. 428 S. 16th. -Douglas 9371. WANTED 20.000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 4ti7, Omaha Bee. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $406 mo.. 11. goods, total, $3.60. 8maller, larger am'ta proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Securities Bldgltith. Farnam.Ty.S6. LOAN3TDIAMOND3 AND JEWELRY I cr SMALLER LOANS. 0 0 J- 10 w. C. KLATA1T. EST. 1892. 10 8TH FLR SECURITIES BLDG. T 950.' DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest ratos. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1.'14 Dodge. D. 6019. EsL 1891. Horses Live Stock Vehicle! We will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO.. 2209 Farnam St. Telephone 35ouglas 2B0K. For Sale. NOTICE to farmers and city buyers Now you will have a chance to buy mot any kind of a horse you want Am closing out the entire outfit of horses and mures, from 6 to 10 years old, weighing .torn 1.200 to 1,700 pounds. Also coal we dons, dump wagons, harnes8, coal shoots wheel barrels, office fixtures, scales, cash register, safe, barn, utensils, als', two spans of mules to settle a partnership denl. Call at office, 2612 Leavenwo-ih St. AUCTION sale Saturday, March 30. at 1 p. m., Ralston, Neb., 60 head of Holsteln and Jersey rows, helftrs and bulls. All are from Wisconsin. Williams end Davis. 18 FINE pigs weighing fro 75 to 100 lbs.. In exrellent condition. PhonfttS. 2119. NOTICE As I am not able to work my place this spring I will sell at a very low price, black team mares and gelding about 7 years old, 2,800 lbs., $305. Team mares will have colts at last of June, $195. Mrs. Starko, 2070 Farnnm. "OLD TRL'STY" Incubators and brooders I shipped rrompt4y Big catalog free. M. 1 M. Johnson Co., MIrs., Clay Center, Neb. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Sell Stronger; Hog Mar ket 10 to 20 Cents Higher; Sheep Show Good Gain. Omaha. March :'ti, IMS. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday. . Estimate Tuesday ,..10.m 15.MM 11.92 . . 8.000 15.000 10,000 Two days this week. .1R.S91 30,824 21.981 Same days last week. . 17.S9S :'9.620 24.9f8 Same days 3 wks ago.l4.0i8 31.919 27,130 Same days 3 wks. ago. 20,353 2.1,914 32.536 Same days 4 wks. ago. 17.567 41.957 15,121 Same days last ear. . . 20.S67 SS.S'. 27.477 Receipts and disposition of live stork at j the Tnlon stock yards, Omaha, for 24 hours ; ending at 3 o'clock p. ni.. yesterday; RECEIPTS CARLOADS. C , M. & St. P 17 14 . . . . Wabash 2 I Missouri Pacific ..3 ti 3 1 Vnlon Pacific 7 4 .1 2'.' f. & N. W., east. . 14 4 1 ('. N. W.. west. . 3S 7 9 t' St. P., M. &- O. . s:, JO . - . . j i. H. & Q., east. .30 1 ('.. It. & Q.. west. . H7 i 11 1 c. R. 1. & P., east 4t i' . R. 1. & P., west Illinois Central S 6 I Chi. Great West... 9 3 I Total receipts . 333 3I 4S 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. . Cattle. Morris & Co 9l'3 Swift & Co...;K LIS" Cudahy Packing Co.. 1.78b Armour St Co 1.477 Schwartr & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. 157 S. O. Packing Co 14 Wilson Pkg. Co Dili Kohr Co Huntslnger & O . Ronton, Vansant & L. IS F. B. Lewis S44 J. B. Root & Co 30 J. II. Bulla 4.1 Rosenstork Bros h5 F. G. Kellogg f.9 Werthelmer & Degen 2S7 Sullvan Bros n Mo. & Kan. Calf Co. . 211 Biggins 4 Huffman ?9 Roth 43 Meyers 13 Baker, Jones & S.... 39 Banner Bros N;l John Harvey 404 Dennis A Lunaren .. liil Ellis A Co.... I 41 Pat O'Day 29 Other buyers .1,152 I loss. Sheep. (jb5 i.r.45 :.: 1,793 2.U7 i.;.4 3.49K '.'.195 9 Oil 3.931 3,908 Totals f,94S 14,971 9.971 Cattle Receipts of cattle were fatr for a Tuesday, about 8,000 head, and the two days' supply, 18,400 headj has been about I, 000 heavies' than for last Monday and Tues day. The market opened out fairly active which prices steady to perhaps stronger than on Monday all around. Choice beeves sold at $13.00(ff 13.i0, and bulk of the fair to good 900 to 1,130-pound steers went at $12.00 B112.7B. Cows and hellers were In good re quest at steady to a little stronger figures, and there was more life and a better tons to the market on stock cattle and feeding steers. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. $13.85013.60; fair to good beeves, $11.76013.75; common to fair beeves, $9.60 W11.60: good to choice yearlings, $11.60 12.60; fair to good yearlings, $10.0011.00; common to fair yearlings, $8.609.t0; good to choice grass beeves, $11.(!32.00; fair to) good grass beeves, $ 60 4M1 oO; common to fatr grass beeves, $g.00b9.00; good to choice heifers, $9.60011.00; gcod to choice cows, $9.601 60; fair to good cows, $8.50 9.60; common to fair cows, $.7.00 8.00; prime feeders, $11.0012.25; geod to choice feeders, $10.0011.00; fair to good feeders, $9.00tJlO.OO; common to fair feeders, $11.60 Sf'8.00; good to choice storkers, $9,500 II. 00; stock heifers, $8. 0010. 00; stock cows. $7.009.50; stock calves, $8.00310.60; veal calves, $9 0013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $7.604f 10.00. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 11 422 $8 50 ' 600 $9 26 8 ti30 9 60 8 612 9 90 20 741 10 Of) 1" 624 10 60 T 694 10 05 6 886 11 00 28 820 1 1 If, 18 972 11 26 9 919 11 60 32, SOS 11 66 9 814 11 75 20 1031 il 85 12. 882 12 10 21 1024 12 26 12. 1040 12 30 A 1240 12 35 10 970 12 40 1 4 1134 12 60 16 09 12 00 12 994 12 66 10 1183 12 75 30 1280 18 110 21 1371 13 16 21 1272 13 20 70 1462 13 60 4 1497 13 65 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 9 836 7 75 II 368 65 11 341 9 60 10 743 9 75 39 626 10 00 3 646 10 26 8 719 10 60 9 6s7 10 35 13 709 11 10 3 ... 743 11 26 4 757 11 60 17 771 12 00 21 852 12 75 HlilFERP. 3 473 7 00 2 466 8 00 13 637 8 25 19 694 8 66 9 791 9 76 1 1120 10 00 1 810 10 25 1 1010 10 60 3 1000 10 70 1 1270 11 26 17 676 11 35 11 869!ll 40 COWS. 10 91 5 7 66 13 919 II 15 10 852 8 25 11 990 8 60 14 830 8 80 2 1076 9 00 1 1 994 9 26 3 1093 9 50 13 984 9 75 3 1126 9 90 ill. 998 10 00 7 981 10 25 20 972 10 40 22 1150 10 70 1 1570 11 25 BULLS. 1 ...1000 9 60 1 1090 9 60 1 1670 9 00 1 .; 1760 .9 25 1 1240 9 40 1....... 980 ' 60 1 1800 9 76 1 ;.1820 9 85 1 1880 10 00 1 1840 10 20 CALVES. 1 200 I 00 IS 336 8 60 13 443 9 00 7 271 9 25 6 666 11 00 3 190 12 00 2 ' 195 12 50 1 100 12 76 3 116 13 00 STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 16 683 9 90 12....... 627 9 75 29 839 10 60 Hogs Trade opened this morning with 514 'cars, or 16,000 head, on sale, a fair run for a Tuesday, and the market gained strength as the morning advanced. Ship pers were active buyers on the early market and paid as high as $17.20 for best light weight hogs. General market was quoted at 10 and 20 cents higher than yesterday's average, the bulk of the sales being made from $16.60 to $17.00. Lightweight and light butchor hogs sold from $16.85 to $17.15, with heavy packing and mixed kinds from 116.60 to $16.75. Heavy hogs were considered good sellers on today's trade and sales were made In many cases as much as 20 cents over yesterday, i Quotations on sheep and lambs:: Lambs, good to rholce, $17.75i818.76; lambs, fair to good, $17.26017.76; lambs, heavy, $16 76 f17.40; lambs, feeders, $16.5017. 40; lambs, shorn, $13.001014.75; lambs, culls, $12.00') 16.00; yearlings, $16, OO'ir 16.50 ; wethers, fair to choice, $!3.25i'14.76; ewes, fair to rholce, $12.00iiFl4.25; ewes, breeders, all ages, I12.00&18.75; ewes, culls and canners, $.00ifi 10.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 95 Colorado lambs 85 .18 36 238 Colorado lambs 81 IK 35 244 Colorado lambs 80 18 35 212 Colorado lambs 80 18 35 215 Colorado liiinbs 82 18 35 154 shorn lambs 120 13 70 154 shorn lambs 120 13 70 18 shorn lambs 112 12 00 218 fed ewes 94 14 16 203 fed ewes 95 14 16 75shorn lambs 127 13 60 617 Mexican lambs 81 18 60 1200 Nebraska shearing lambs... 90 17 60 Sheep The market was active this morn ing and strong to 10 and IS cents higher. Best Mexican lambs sold at $18.60, which is 10 cents higher than yesterday. Shearer lambs brought $17.40 to $18.00, the latter price being the top. Mexican ewes weighing 104 pounds brought $14.25, 10 cents higher than Monday. The tendency Is for a 1J and 16-cent advance on the best quality stuff. There were several cars of shorn lambs on sale, but none were disposed of early. Sioux City Live Ntoek. Sioux City, la., March 26. Receipts, 3,000 hend; market steady; beef steers, $10,50 14.00; fat cows snd heifers, $8.6011.50; canners, $7. 00!. 25; stockers and feeders, $9.5012.00; calves. $8.00012.60; bulls, stags, $7.75010.60; feeding cows and heif ers, $7.259.75. Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; market 16c to 25c higher; light, $16.75017.05; mixed, $16.60(216.86; heavy. $16. 2616. 60; pigs, $15.00016.00; bulk of sales, Il6.60lfril6.90. Sheep and Lambs Reeclpts, 1,600 head; market steady. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHITE leghorn hatching egg from very good layers. One single comb cockerel. Florence 642. EGGS S. L. Wyandotte, $2.50 per setting. II. W. Sarger, 2417 Maple. Phone Web. 3055. 2704 N. 60TH AVE. 3 single comb white leghorn cockerels. Price $1.60. Benson 766-W. BUFF ORPINGTON eggsr $1 setting. Fancy stock. Red 6300. OMAHA CASH GRAIN PRICES TODAY Early sales of cash grain on the Omaha Grain exchange were ma at $1.30 to $1.70, and 1 to 3 cents over the prices of Monday. Receipt were 140 carloads. Oats were a cent, up, selling ac to 89 cents a bushel. Receipts were 51 carloads. Wheat receipts were two ca.!otas. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Com Practically Un changed; Choice White Sells ' 2 to 5 Cents Up; Oats Strong; Barley -Tirm. Omahs, March 26. 1918. Anils of grain in this market today totaled 200 iois, with I cars of wheat, 140 cars of corn, 61 cats of oats, 2 cars of rye and 6 cars of barley. Cash corn prices showed very little change, (be bulk of the offerings briullng about yesterday's figures. A few cars, however, of good white corn went at an advance of 2o to Pc. Trading was rather slow, al though the demand was good, but sellers generally as.ked more thsn buyers were In clined to pay. The range of prices In the different grades were: No. 3 white, $l.74t.7S; No. 4 white, $1 .674T1 .72: No. 6 white, $1,454)1.10; No. 3 yellow, $ l.5f 1.67; No. 4 yellow, $1.65 (fl.90; No. 5 yellow, $1.43; No. 4 mixed. $1.46 ifi'1.47: No. 5 mixed. $1.409 1.46. Oats wenttstrong, all grades being quoted a cent l.igher. The Inquiry for this cereal was quite active and prartlcsllv all of those offered found a buyer. No. 3 white sold at 89 V. and standard oats at 89 it 89 He. No. 3 white brought 89r and No. 4 white, 88 41(1 IK c. Sample grade oats went at 88c. Rye waa quiet, no sales being reported at a late hour, while barley was about un changed. No. 3 barley brought $1.77 and two cars of sample hurley sold st $1,67 0 1,50, respectively, the former containing a considerable percentage of rye and the latter a light mixture ot spelts. s Clearances were: Wheat and flour eqiml to 86,000 bushels; corn, none; oats, 176,000 bushels. j Primary wheat receipts were 269,000 bushels, and shipments 149.000 bushels, sgalnst receipts of 988,000 bushels, and ship ments of 710,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,460,000 bushels, and shipments 936.000 bushels, against receipts of 77,000 bushels, and ship, men Is of 482.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.349,000 bushels, and shipments 1,118,000 bushels, against receipts of 966,001) bushels, and ship ments of 768.300 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 66 398 its Minneapolis Ill lmiuth II ... ' ... Omaha 3 140 61 Kansas City 24 98 2T St. Louis , 26 140 99 Winnipeg' 743 1 These sales were ireported today: Torn No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.78; S cars, $1.77; 2 cars, $1.76; 2 cars, $1.75; 1 csr. $1.74. No. 4 white: 1 car. $1.72:, 1 car, $1.70; 10 cars. $1.68; 1 car, $1.87. No. 5 white: 1 car, $1.60; 1 car, $1.67; 1 csr, $1.55; 1 car, $1.46. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.56; 1 car, $1.60. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.87; 1 ear, $1 66. No. 4 ye. low: 1 car, $1.60; 1 car, $1.69; 3 cars, $1.58; 6 cars, $157: 1 car, $1.55. No. 6 yellow: 1 ear, $1.45. No. 6 yellow: t oar, $1.88; 1 car, $1.30. Sample yellow. 1 car, $1.40; 1 car, $1.20; 1 car, 86c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.47; ! ears, $1.46; 6 cars, $1.45, No. 6 mixed: 1 oar, $1.63; 3 cars. $1.40; 3 cars, $1.41; 3 cars, $1.40. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.40. Sample mixed: 3-5 car, $1.25. i Oats No. 2 white; 2 csrs, 80'4.e. Stand ard: 7 -ears, 89 ';c; 1 car, 89e. No. 3 white; 9 cars, 89c. No. 4 white: 1 cur, 88fcc; 4 cars, 88Hc. Sample white: 6 rars, 98c. No. $ mixed: 1 ear, 88c; 1 ear (barloy mixed), 87 'mC Oats, wheat and barley: 1 car, 69c. Barley No. I: 1 car, $1.77. Hutnpla: 1 car (rye mixed), $1.67; 1 car (spelts mixed), $1.60. Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 1' car, $2.11. No. 2 northern spring: 1 car, $2.12. No. 3 northern spring; 1 car (smutty), $2.07. , OMAHA CASH PRICES. Corn No. 3 white. $1.76W1.78; No. 4 white, $1.6701.73; No. 6 white, $1.45L60; No. 6 white, $1.60;M.66; No. S yellow, $1.66 fp 1.67: No. 4 yellow, II. 5601.90 No. 6 yel low, ll.431.45; No. 6 yellow, 11.30491. 18; sample yellow, 85r C 1 1 . 40 : No. 4 mixed $1,45 6(1.47; No. b mixed, $1,404(11.53: No. 6 mixed, $1.40; sample mixed, $1.25. Oats No. 2 while, 89Vi; standard, 89f 89tie; No. 3 white, 89c; No. 4 white, 88 SH, e; sample, 88 89c. Hurley No. 8. $1.77. Rye No sales. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stork and grain brokers, 3IS South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. Hl'ghTTLow. Close. Yet. Corn. I Mar. 1 2784 1 2784 1274 1 2784''7K May 1 25-4 i 1 26M 12544 1 25I126 Oats. Mar. 91 91 904i 91 10 May 85tt86 SOtH 86, 86H 06 Pork. May 49 00 49 00 48 80 48 90 48 10 Lard. , Mav IA 32H 26 32V 28 25 16 !7V 26 25 July. I 26 27H 26 27 Vi 26 20 26 25 21 20 Ribs. 1 Mav 25 00 J5 021, 24 92 25 00 24 97 July 26 00 25 37 26 30 25 87Vi2S 90 New ,1'ork General Market. New York, . March ,26. Flour Steady; springs. $10.7lTfi11.26: winters, 110.86 11.15; Kansas, $U.90fl 11.26. Corn Spot, steady; kiln dried No. S yel low; $2.0084; No. 4 yellow, $l.844; No. 5 white, $2.2oi. c. I. f , New York, prompt shipment; Argentine, $2.40, f. p. b, cars. Oats Spot, firm; antursl, $1.07 V4 1.08V4. Hay Btesdy; No. 1, $1.60; No. 2, $1.26 1.35: No. 3, $t.lSfrl 2, shipping, $1,600 1.10. Hops Easy; state medium to choice, 1917, 364'c; 1916, mini I mil; Pacific coast, 1917, 2023r; 1916.. 14016c. Hides, Qult; Bogols, 30 033c; Central America, 29 0 32c. Leather Firm; hemlock sole overweight No. 1, 4 8t; No. 2, 46c. Provisions Pork, barely steady; mess, $52.50fli53.0O; family, $55.00; short clear, $53 00056.00. Lard, quiet; middle west, $26.70026.80. Tallow Kteady-domestlc fleece, X7f. Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed, 66066c. Rlce Strong; fancy head;, 914 0Hc; blue rose, 8H08?4o. Eggs Market Irregular; receipts, 49,379 rases; fresh gathered extras, 399 04Oc; ex. tra firsts, 37 ',4 038 r; firsts, 36 037c; sec onds, 36 V4 0.36c. Cheese-e-Mnrket Irregular; receipts, 1,610 boxes; state held specirils, 34V4025c; aver- ago run. 24c. Poultry Alive, market strong; prices, un changed. Dressed, quiet; prides unchanged Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., March 26. Butter snd Poultry Market unchanged. Ekks FlrstB, 32c. 84. Louis Live Ntoek. St. Louis, March 20. Cattle Receipts. 5, 800 head; market stesdy; native beef steers, ts 01119 1 3. Mi; yearling steers and heifers, $7.00013.60; cows, 16.00 ) 11. B0 ; stockers and feeders, $7.60011 25: fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00012.60; beef cows and heifers, $8.001810.00; southern yearling steers and heifers, $7.50010.00; native calves, $7.75 0,15.50. t Hogs Receipts. 16.400 head; market higher; lights, $17.6517.85; pigs. 114.500 17.60; mixed and butchers, $17.40fS17.80; (?ood heavy, $17.0017.40; bulk, $17.16 17,70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 300 head; market steady: lambs, $14 00ifrl8.26; ewes, $12.5nfi 13.00; wethers, $13.00014.00; can ners and choppers, $6 5009.50. Kansas City l ive Stork. Kansas City. Marih 28. Cattle Receipts, 7.000 head: market higher; prime fed steers, $13.00014 00; dressed beef steers, $10,000 13 76; western steers, $10.60013.33; cows, $7.60011.25; heifers. $7.76012.00; stockers and feeders, $8.00012.75; bulls, $7.60010.00 calves. $750013.60. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market higher: bulk, 16.66ffl)17.25: heavy, 116.65 17.00; packer and butchers, $16,90017.20; light. $17.00017.30; pigs, $13.50017.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head" market higher; lambs, $18.00018.60; year lings, $14.50016.00; wethers, $13.00015.50 ewes, $13.00014.25. 1 Chicago Uve Stock. Chicago, March 26. Cattle Receipts. 14. 000 head; tomorrow 9,000 head; market strong; native steers, $9.50014.60: stockers and feeders, $7.76011.60; cows and heifers, $6.76011.80; calves, $10.60016.00. Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head; tomorrow, 32,000 head; market steady, at yesterday's aversge; bulk. $17.90017.65; light, $17.05 17.76; mixed, $16.75017.70; heavy, H6.OO1W 17.35; rough, $16.00016.40; pigs. $12,750 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000 head; tomorrow, 16,00!) head; market strong. Sheop. $11.1O015.5Q; lambs, $14.60018.90. NEW YORK STOCKS' Liberty Bonds Overshadow All Other Stocks, With Hug Transactions; Thousands Change Hands. New York, March 26. Dealings In stock today were completely eclipsed by the huge transactions in Liberty bonds, which, reached record-breaking proportion. The demand concentrated In the second 4s, that Issue changing hands In almost continuous lots, ranging from several thou sand dollars to one block ot $1,700,000 at 97.50. Quotations for the second 4s were mainly on an advancing scale from 97.24 to 97.94, a maximum gain of .94. First 4s sold at 97.20 to 97.70, a maximum gain of .78, and the 3V4S were quoted at 98.40 to 99.00, a gain of .80. Total sales off Liberty bond! (par value), approximated 126,000,000, the second 4a contributing over 123,000,000. Extraordinary absorption of Liberty loam was , naturally ascribed to publication o! the third issue. Not only waa a much larger offering expected, but the 4V4 per cent In terest rate also occasioned surprise. Other feature! of the prospective loan si yet undetermined entered into the calcu lation of banking and investment inter ests; with resultant advantage to the ex isting Issues. ' Stocks were occasionally stimulated by the strength of bonds, but dealings were light and tentative, traders evincing little disposition to buy or sell pending definite news from sbroad, Investment rails, industrials and solus seasoned specialties were variably higher at times, but prtroa In general eased ai their rloss on reports-that the steel ached ule of the war board might prove dlsap- ' pointing. Sales of stocks amounted to 335, 000 shares, The general bond list wa firm on heavy dealings. Sales (par value) amounted to I1.2PO.000. 1'nlted States bond, old Issue, were un changed on call. Number of kales and rang of price of the leading futures: 'Closing Sales, High. Low. Bid. Amer. Beet Sugar. 300 76 76S 75 American Cart .. 3,909 40 ti 3944 40 Amer. C. F 6.300 764 H 75' Amer. Locomotive. 3,600 t 61 61 14 ' Amer. 8. & R. . , . 1.100 77 768, 76 Amer. Sugar Ref . . 400 101H 101 H 101 44 Amer. T. St T 6.600 lOlt, 99 100 Anaconda Copper.. 5.100 6284 61 624, Atchison 800 82 824 12 A O. 4 W. I, S. L. 1,700 107 106H 106 Bal ft Ohio 1,700 52 V, 61 62 Butte Sup. Cop 19 Cal. Petroleum ... 200 15 1l 16 Canadian Paclflo.. 5,300 39 1 137 138, Central Leather... 1.700 64i 634 63 '' Ches. St Ohio 3,900 66A 55t, 5661 C, M. A St. P... 1.200 41 14 41 404 Chi. N. W 200 90 90 90 C. R. I. ft T. ctfs. 400 19 1914 19r , Chlno Copper 200 0 40 40 Colo. Fuel A Iron J7 Corn Products Ref, 13,700 96t 36 3614 Crurlble Steel 12,400 63 61 62 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 4 29 28 28 V4,.. Distillers' Sec 1,900 40 39 39 Erie 00 1I14 4 5 15 General Electrlo.. 800 1864 139 1364 General Motor .. 1,100 117 1116 115W Or. No. pfd 200 88 88 88 Gt. No. Ore ctfs.. 2,600 16 !6 16 Illinois Central 94 Inspiration Copper. 1,100 46 43 44 Irtt. M. M. pfd.;.. 40,800 93 90 2U' International Nickel 1,400 27 27 27 International Paper. 300 30 29 30 K. C. Southern .:, 800 16 15 16 Kennecott Copper.. 1,600 80 30 80 Louis. & Nashville 113 Maawrll Motors 26' Mexli'Hh Petroleum. 9,800 93 91 92 'x Miami Copper 200 30 80 30 Missouri Paclflo .. 1,100 31 21 !.. Montana Power 66 Nevada Copper 19 9 New York Central. 1,800 69 69 69, . N. Y., N. H. & II . 200 S4 27 374 Norfolk St Western 8011 103 103 103 Northern Pnclflc... 300 84 94 84 Psclflfl Malt 2714. . Pennsylvania ..... 600 44 44 44't Pittsburgh Coal 44 Ray Cons. Copper. 1,400 22 J2 22 f Reading 37,800 81 79 0 Republic I. H 8.,. 4,100 76 77 77'; Southern Pacific . . 2,200 83' 83 i Southern Railway. 1.000 22 t!2 22'j Studebaker Corp... 11,700 46 43 43'4 Texas Co 1,500 145 143 143. Union Pacific 3.300 119 117 119 II. S. Ind. Alcohol. 7,700 123 122 122 ' IT. S. tSeel 31,600 89 88 88'4 V. S. Steel pfd 109 Utah Copper 400 78 77 78 Wabash pfd "B" 22 Western Union 200 94 94 95 1 Weslliighousa Elec. 1,600 40 0 40 , Total sales for the day, 385,000 shares. New York Money. New York, March 26. Prime Menh' 1114 Paper Four and six months. 6 per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, $4.72; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, 14.71 ; commercial lxty-day I Ills. , 14.71; demand, 14.76 1-16; cables, f 1. iw cin, 1 Silver Rar 92 o; Mexican dollars, I'i, Bonds Government, strong; 1 rall'osd. firm. Time Loans Firm: sixty and ninety dais and si months, I per rent hid. Call Money Strong; highest, I per cent; lowest, 6 per cent; rullng-f rate, 6 tier cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 8 per cent; last loan, I per cent. U. S. 2s reg... 97aOen. Eleo. 5 .. 91 do coupon ... 97 'Ot. No. 1st 4 lis 88 ' U. a 3s reg.., 98 III. C. r, 4 80 do coupon ...98Tnt. M. M. 6s.. 91 U. S. Lib. 3s 98.76'K. C. 8, r. 6s.. 74 fir. S. 4s. reg... 104 L. & N. un. 4s.. 83 do coupon ...104M K T 1st 4s 66 Am. F. S. 5s.. 95 Mont. Power 6 88 A. T. ft T. 0. 6a 90 N. Y. C. d. 6 92 Anglo-French 5s. 90No. Paotfla 4,. 79 : Ann. a 10, 4fts s.i ao 3sl 67 Atchison gen. 4s 80 0. 8. li. r. 4.. 83 B. ft O. 0. 4s 76Pao. T. ft T. 6s 91 ) Beth. St. r. 5s.. 93 Penn. 0. 4.... 96 Cen. Leath. 5s,. 94 do gen. 4.l.. 82 ('en. Paclflo 1st 786. L. ft 8. F a. 6 84 C. ft O. c. 6 80 fco. Pao. c. 6.. 90 0B4QJ 4s.. 92So. Ry. 5 .... 91 C M & S P o 4s 72Te. ft P. 1st 85 ' f R I ft P r 4a 62'Unlon Pclflo 4 85 C. ft S. r. 4..67Tj. 8. Rubber Is. 77 D. St R. (1. r. 6 49 V. B. Steel 5.. 97 Dnm of Cn 6s.. 91 Wabash 1st 92 Erie 1 (ten. 4 . . 61 French Gov. ( 95 Bid. ( 1; London Money. London, March 26. Silver Br, 4ld per . ounre. " Money 2 per cent. Discount Rates Short and three month' bills. 3 9-16 per cent, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, Dealers (iln Confidence Regarding War Development. Chicago, March 26. Increased confidence regarding war developments tended today to lift grain prices. Corn closed steady at the same as yesterday's finish to o higher, wlth.Marrh $1.27 and May (1.25. Oats gained c to lc net. Provisions showed An advance of 2 cents to 30 cent. Less nervousness than during yesterday was evident from the outset In the corn market, and prices quickly reflected pre vailing opinions that tha military outlook was likely soon to Improve to a material extent. Offerings were noticeably scarcer than had been the case, and although at tention continued to be focussed on dis patches telling of' the German drive, the strain over current happenings appeared to hitVe been largely relieved. Resulting ad vances In price, however, made sellers a little more numerous. At the same time, there was a lack of fresh buying orders, and something of a reaction took place, but at no time did the bears appear to be in a majority, despite Increases reported In stocks at the leading Atlantic and gulf ports. Activity on the part ot the exporter had mile h to do with the strength of oats. Provisions averaged higher with grain and hogs. Besides, the usual government -monthly orders for cured meats were ex pected to be placed shortly. St. Joseph Live Stock. v Bt. Joseph, Mo., March 16 Cattle Re celpts, 3,000 head; market higher; steers, $10.00013.76; cows and heifers, $7.00012.50; . calves, $6.00012.60. Hogs Receipts. 9,500 head; market high er: top. $17.25; bulk, $16.50017.15. Sheep Receipts, 8,000 head: market steady; lambs, $14.00018.25; ewes, $7,000 14700. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., March 20. Flr"r-y Market unchanged. Barley At $1.6001.87. Rye At $3.00 03.02. Bran At $32.75. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, March 26. Com--No. I -mixed, $1.6701.78; No. 3 white, $1,830 1.88; No. 2 yellow, $1.7301.80; May, 1126 01.26. Oats No. 2 white, 900c: No. ! m led, 86086c. St. Louis Grain. St. .Louis, March 26. Corn No. 2, M 14; No. 2 white, $1.90; May, $1.26. ; Oats No. 2, 89c: No. 3 white, 93c; Ma 87f , 1