Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha pes toff ict m aeeond-elaas natter.
v By Cam sr. By Mall.
jtU ana lui. par vet. IBs Per rear. Ki-W
Daily without Sunday " 10a J 4.09
breams ana auca.y joo
eln( mthcnrt Sunday to
Sunday Ke onto - So
Bead ootlot of euaose of addnat or Irreftilsrlt la daltftry la Omaaa
Be Orculstloa iMptrtmrat. -
('tittup--Ponple'l On BulldlM.'
jfr Tone 2Tt9 rmn am.
fh aaaecisutd Pratt, of te The B ! ateeitMr. l e-elui!ly
emitted to tot sae for publlctlioo of ell aewe dupatcbM ertdiiM
lu It or not otherwIM credited In thla paper, and (In to. Ideal aewt
uttl!hed acrela. All Hhu of publleaiKn of oar ipmioI diipatccaa
art also reamed. .
il;m:t by draft, txprtM or pottal order. Only f and S-ocnt mmr
tafceu In nrmant of mall account. Peramtl check, txcavt oo
taatia tad eeatera etch i on. pot accepted.
.Mnalit-Ttie liM Bulldlnc.
,,lk Ml X Si.
Cojk4I niurTK li Jf. Ma's Bt 8t loiila Xsw B' of Commerce.
UncoloUttlt Bonding. Waahlnaton 13U O St.
AMrw iwoimrmloatlooa reUtlns to oawt tad adltorttl atattw la
Outha Bm. Editorial Department.
62,544 Daily Sunday, 54,619
K'rnn elrmlatlon fnf tha month, rjbtcrtord tod arora to BJ Dwtfht
Williams. Circulation Hanatet. -
Subscribers leavlnf At city ahould hair Tat Bt tiled
t tana. Addratt changed aa often aa roquet tad.
"They shall not pass!" still holds good.'
A short visit from Jupiter Pluvius would hurt
nobody's feelings.
1 Looks like busy season for little while
for "King Arthur" Mullen. '-
' However, noon will not come until the sun
crosses the meridian", no matter what the clock
ays.' ,
, r
Measured by the political balance, "Fee-grabber
Bob" Smith threaten to be a liability instead
of an asset to 'the other members of the Smith
family. ' ' ,''--
: ' ;
- The new flour ration may seem small, but six
pounds per month is a fairly liberal allowance,
even in good times,' unless one wants to live by
bread alone. - :
Incidentallydon't overlook the Boy Scouts
who have been helping out all the other folks'
drjves and for today only are engaged in a drive
for themselves.'
- Savings in food by hotels and restaurants in
Nebraska loom up big, and the sojourners may
determine from the ; figures how much they
have' contributed to Mr. Hoover's campaign.
k . , "'
, The battle for the potash lakes is already on
and, just think, only little while ago, all hands
who knew anything about them bemoaned the
fact that so much dear water was spoiled by
"alkali I", 5 ' ,
' " aaaaaaaaaaaaMHaaataMMSJ
i . Prof. Scott Nearing has attained "martyrdom"
at last, having been indicted in New Yoi;k for se
ttition.", He says he esteems the indictment as
'.hove a college degree, and very likely will be
enabled to enjoy it in the seclusion of ft prison
cell, where his unbridled tongue can do no harm.
' Western factories are to have a chance atthe
new war contracts, but the advantage will remain
with the eongeste4yeast In, time the balance
may be ! shifted, but until the readjustment is
inadethe western industries will be devoted to
helping out ?n the great problem as best they
may., ' ,v
Tie world is now commencing to enjoy the
first fruits of the bolshevik! surrender to Ger
many, whereby more than a million German sol
diers were liberated from duty in the east to
strengthen Hindenburg's assault on the west
front Pacifists should ponder the effect of peace
and kind words on the Prussian.
; . Increase Acreage in Wheat.
Most encouraging of advices come from the
country, where the farmers generally signify
inttntlof sowing a larger acreage of spring wheat
this year. One investigator has brought back
word that the area in Nebraska devoted to this
crop mil be increased by 25 per cent over that of
last season. This is most gratifying, for two rea
sons. First, it is proof that The Bee was' right
when it said fhat the farmers of the state were
not to be listed either as profiteers or "pa
trioteers," but could be depended on to do their
full duty. 'Second, it means a considerable 'con
tribution tohe food supply of the world. Spring
whfat onder format conditions, is not among the
leading crops of the state. It was greatly in
creased last year because of the disaster that
overtook the winter wheat Conditions now favor
the winter sown wheat, and, although the acreage
is below normal, the prospects for the yield are
good, If the sowingf-of spring wheat is increased
by one-fourth over ihat of 1917, the final yield
of the grain for the'state ought to be very close
to the normal amount, or somewhere around
65,000,000 bushels. This will be about all that
.can be expected, and is the most eloquent answer
the state possibly could make to those who per
sist in misrepresenting the farmers. '
Whether the check is definite or not, the
news from the great battle in France is that
Haig's armies -are holding the enormous hordes
thrown into conflict by Hindenburg. The fight
ing has lost little of its intensity, but the Ger
man onfweep has slackened, and the day was
spent with no appreciable gain for the assaulting
army. This may, of course, be due to the fact
that the German advance had gone far ahead of
supports, and therefore had to wait; but it is
equally probable that .as the British army fell
back it was able to concentrate and consolidate
its resistance and thus bring to bay the fierce
Allowing in full the German claims, and mak
ing reasonable interpretation of the reports from
London correspondents, any ground the kaiser
has gained along the Somme has been purchased
at a price he illy could afford to pay. Haig's
forces have been withdrawn in magnificent man
ner, his shock troops meeting the charges with
such tenacity as to obviate anything like disaster.
Once, at Peronne, the Germans undertook an
enveloping movement, that seemed to succeed
for a time, but the splendid rally of the British
rescued the threatened flank, and touch with the
French was maintained. j
Such details of the fighting as have come
through confirm the earlier stories that the drive
was directed almost entirely against the British
line. Canadians, French and Americans are
mentioned incidentally as carrying on minor of
fensive operations, but not as being involved in
the great offensive. '
Opinion is growing that the thrust is the last
desperate attempt of the Germans to break
through and establish themselves in positions
that will support their frequently rejected pro
posals for peace. If this be true, it may be ex
pected that further fighting of equal intensity is
yet to come. British valor is now undergoing
its final test; it has not wavered, and on this side
confidence in the outcome prevails.
It the Door to Be Open or Shut?
For the benefit of the members, as well as for
the information of the public, the first thing bur
Nebraska lawmakers convened in special ses
sion had better do is to agree among themselves
whether they are going to stick to the list of
subjects selected for them by the governor or take
up other measures of legislation as well. There
is plenty of room for argument on both sides pf
the question whether the proclamation sets Ib
soluteMimits jto legislative action, or whether the
legislature, once in working order, is free to do
as it pleases within its admitted province. There
are precedents even here in Nebraska where spe
cial session legislatures have enacted laws not
included in the prearranged program.
For our part, we would like to have seen the,
governor specify several subjects which he
omitted and he lias put in two or three which
are not emergency measures and which could
have been very well left out or rather left over
to the regular session. If the door is to be thrown
open we may have several suggestions to make,
but if it ia to be closed, discussion must be con
fined to the subjects properly before the law
makers. Either wayand we have no particular
interest one way or the other the decision as to
the scope of the session should be made at the
outset. , . i- . . ; . ' v ' ' '
Germany's Devotion to "Terror."
Shooting 10-inch shells frpm a distance of 75
miles into the French, capital is but a further
exemplification of the German devotion to the
"terror" As a,feat of artillery skill, the affair
will be viewed with mild interest just now, and it
may be studied more closely by the professional
warriors of the world, with a view to determining
if it can be made of practical use in warfare.
For the present it must be looked on as a freak
development, planned to frighten rather than to
seriously damage by its operation. Its accom
plishment must be listed with that pf dropping
bombs on sleeping villages or into crowded capi
tals. This conclusion is based on the fact that
it was brought into use at the moment the Teu
tonic forces were pouring over the top in, face
of the concentrated fire of the British army, the
object being to' produce consternation, and per
haps a" panic in the rear. Just as the Hindenburg
charge failed to create a stampede among the
British soldiers, so the new monster of war
proved futile against the steadfastness of the
people of P.afis. Many inhabitants of that city
survived the time when Bismarck surrounded it
with a ring of(cannon and yet was able to force
its capitulation only when starvation and internal
strife had reduced ite defenders to surrender.
Firing a few high explosive shells into such a city
will not develop panic. German genius has given
mucn thought to ways by which people may be
scared, and evidently still feels that i( the plan
is not yet a success it is because the proper de
gree of frightfulness has not been attained.
What Dewey Said to Diedrich
Captain Coghlan's Version of Manila Bay Incident
, (
Very shortly the maligned taraxacum, taraxa
cum will thrust its humble head into view, and
supply a vacancy on the popular menu by provid
ing many a mess of greens. ,
To the legislature: If you will get down to
business right from the start, you can clean
up the governor's program Jong before corn
planting commences.
Several versions of the verbal brush be
tween Admiral Dewey and Admiral von
Diedrich, following the battle of Manila bay.
are current in connection with the recent
death of the blustering German naval com
mander. Admiral Dewey's written account
of the incident must be accepted as the offi
cial version. Its moderation and concise
ness reflects official restraint and respect lor
international relations. Other versions agree
on the main fact, though differing in detail.
There is no lack ofrecords to show that
the versions now abroad have been , stripped
of the forceful words fashioned in the fight
ing spirit of the occasion. For Detfey had
good reason to feel annoyed and irritated
by the failure of Diedrich to respect the
American blockade of Manila. At last, when
patience reached the limit, Dewey sent a shot,
across the bows of a. Gernian cruiser, which
brought a complaining officer from Diedrich
to the American flagship. The words passed
on that occasion were related by Captain
Joseph B..Coghlan of the Raleigh, at a re
ception ar.tlie Union League club, New
York, April 22, 1899. - ' '
''Our friend. Admiral Diedrich's officer,"
said Captain Coghlan, "came down one day
to make a complaint. It was my pleasure
to step out on the quarter deck just as he
came aboard. It was partly by accident and
partly by design.
"I heard him tell the admiral about his
complaint, and I heard the admiral reply:
" 'Tell your admiral those ships of his
must stop when I say so. "I wish to make
the blockade of this harbor complete.'
"The Gernian officer replied: 'But we fly
the German flag.'
"The reply of the admiral was just like
Dewey. He said: Those flags can be bought
at a half a dollar a yard anywhere.' There
was no fun in that expression of the ad
miral, as he added: 'The whole Spanish
fleet might run the blockade and come down
upon me by raising the German flag.'
"Then he drew backhand stroked his mus
tache. He has a habit of stroking his mus
tache when he gets angry. He said:
" 'Tell your admiral I'm blockading here.
Now, note carefully what I say, and tell
your admiral that I' say it. I have been
making this blockade as easy for everybody
as I could, but I'm getting tired of the
puerile work here. It has been of such a
character that a man wouldn't notice it, al
though children might fight over it, but the
time fias come when it must stop. Now,
listen closely, and tell the admiral as I say it.
" 'Tell your admiral that the slightest in
fraction of any rule and tell him carefully,
now that the slightest infraction of any.rule
will meari only one thing, and that will be
war. It will be so accepted, and resented
immediately. If your people are ready for
war with United States, they can have it
at any time.'
"I'm free to admit," continued Captain
Coffhlan. "that these utterances almost took
my breath away. As the German officer
left, with a long face, he said to me: 'I think
your admiral does not understand.' I re
plied: 'Don't fret. Jle understands well
enough, and means what he says.'
"After that they did not breathe more
than four times successively without asking
This portion of Captain Coghlan's speech,
together with his recital of a satirical version
of "Hoch Der Kaiser,", familiarly known as
"me und Gott," provoked indignation in Ger
man quarters. The German ambassador at
Washington personally protested against
"the insulting language" of an American of
ficer. The Navy department solemnly in
quircds of the captain if he was correctly
quoted. Diplomatic explanations followed,
the blame partly shifted to incorrect news
paper reporting, and a mild censure for the
cs.ptain closed the incident.
From coast to coast and up and down the
land resounded the mocking words of the
song recited by Captain Coghlan on that
De? Kaiser von das Faterland,
Und C-ott und I all dings command;
We two, ach; don't you understand?
Meinself und Gott.
Vile some men sing der bower divine
Mein soldiers sing "Die Wacht am Rhein,"
Und drink der health in Rheinish wine
Of me und Gott.
Dere's France she svaggers all around;
She's ausgespielt, she's no aggound;
To much we dinks, she don'd amound
Meinself und Gott. i
She will not dare to fight again,
But if she should I'll show her blain,
Dat Elsass (und in French) Lorraine
Are mein by Gott.
Dere's Grandma, dinks she's nicht schmall
Mit Boers and such she interfere;
She'll learn none owns dis hemisphere
But me und Gott.
She dinks, good frau, some ships 'she's got,
Und soldiers mit der scarlet goat,
Ach! we could knock 'em poof I like dot
Meinself mit Gott. ,
In dimes of peace brebare for vars,
I bear der helm and sphear of Mars,
Und care not for den dousand Czars
Meinself und Gott
In fact, I humor ef'ry vhim
Mit aspect dark and visage grim
Gott pulls mit me and I mit him
Memself und Gott.
fl7-Tt i T m n mi
ooiaier& insurance uver Ten nmion$
Ninety Per Cent of Men in Army and Navy Protected
In round numbers, $10,000,000,000 in gov
ernment war risk insurance has been taken
by American soldiers and sailors. The cam
paign which produced this gigantic record in
life insurance was conducted by practical in
surance salesmen and the results attest their
ability in placing "a good thing." How it
was accomplished is told in the New York
Times by Lawrence- Priddy, president of the
National Association of Life Underwriters,
from which these extracts are taken:
The responsibility for this camnaiarn was
vested in a smaller group, known as the sol-.
diers ana sailors campaign council, and they
spent about 10 days investigating what had
been done, how it had been done and in plan
ning a selling campaign" to be conducted with
more or less uniformity at all military and
naval stations and this campaign was
launched January 12. Up to that tim there
had been received at the bureau of war risk
insurance 427,811 applications for a total of
$3,633,213,000 (an average of $8,493 per per
son). The experience of these practical life insur
ance men Droved valuable in this camnaien.
One of the first things the council did was!
i j uiaiv iiiiu miriM in me .msuidllLC cam
paign all experienced life insurance men then
in the"military forces of the nation and a
large number of other persons who were es
pecially well qualified for this service. The
records indicate that the campaign was
highly successful, for at the close of the
campaign, February; 12, there had been actu
ally received at the bureau 1,123,749 applica
tions for a total of $9,189,156,000, insurance
and on February 28 there had been received
applications from more than 1,200,000 per
sons for an amount in excess of $10,000,000,
In many of the units of the various camps
every, man has purchased the full $10,000;
there are eight camps in which 99 per cent
of the men are insured by the government
and at the present time (February 28) more
than 90 per cent of all men in the service
have availed themselves of this privilege.
New Yorkers will naturally be interested in
the insurance purchased by the men from
that state and for that reason I quote the fig
ures for several camps.
Princeton (N.J.) aviation school
(every officer and cadet pur
chased the limit) $ 9,864,000
Haielhurst field,' Mineola.N.Y. 8,136,500
Camp Dix (98 per cent insured) 236,347,000
Camp Upton (99 per cent in
sured) 298,089.500
insured) :., 242,980,000
107th infantry (formerly the ,
Seventh regiment of Manhat
tan 31,000,000
. To give some idea of the tremendous vol
ume of insurance now in force in the war
risk bureau it should be' stated that the in
surance in force in America's three largest
companies (ordinary) New York Life, Mu
tual, and Equitable December 31, 1916, was
$5,806,482,131. Aa stated before, this was a
selling campaign pure and Simple and every
device known to present-day salesmanship
was employed in the campnign and the ma
chinery of the government was used to carry
it out ,
The far-reaching effect of the very gener
ous provisions of this act upon the fighting
forces of the nation cannot be overestimated.
Many letters have been received by parents
and at the bureau from members of our fight
ing forces now in France testifying to the
consolation, satisfaction and inspiration that
the benefits of this act have already brought
to our men. The positive knowledge by our
men that every contingency in their own
lives has been provided for by our govern
ment and that their families at home are be
ing liberally and generously provided for
gives these men a courage and determina
tion that they could not otherwise have., I
quote from' a letter recently received from a
Virginia .mother:
"In one letter my boy wrote: 'Mother, I
am not afraid to go into the battle or to
face a gun. If I have to give up my life
for my country I will do it gladly, but I
cannot sleep nights thinking what will be
come of my sweet little sisters and you.'
Later he wrote. 'Today I am the happiest
boy on the Atlantic, for the insurance bill
has pissed and I am taking the full amount.
Now I can face anything with a smile, know
ing my loved ones will be cared for.'"
Officera of the highest rank in the army
and navy are daily testifying to the effect thit
insurance has already had upon the morale
of the men in the service.. In a statement
made recently by Major General Hugh L.
Scott, formerly chief of staff of the army,
now- commanding officer at Camp Dix, he
said: "To you who have led men in battle
the effect on the morale of the roops of this
feeling , of absolute protection will be a dom
inating force. ' , Experience in bat
tle shows that Insured men are generally the
best fighters."
Today the average policy in American life
insurance companies is about $2,000; the av
erage policy on the lives of our soldiers is
$9,186. From this time on agents and the
insuring public will have a new conception
of the volume of life insurance which should
be carried and the most fertile field for the
life agent at the conclusion of the war will
be among the returned soldiers, because
never in all the world will there be such a
large group of stanch believers in the value
of life insurance as will be found in this horde
of returned heroes, ' '
Not only this, tne act provides that all In
surance shall be paid in monthly installments.
The government thus goes clearly on record
in favor of all persons who have dependents
carrying $10,000 life insurance, this $10,000
to be paid as an income through a term of
years. . ;
pne Year Ago Today In the War.
Germany agreed to releaae the (our
American consuls held at Munich-.
Gtrman , admiralty officially an
nounced sinking ? ships In "last few
days," including two American steam
era. , .
The Pay We Cclubrate.
,i Q. W. Holdreye. general manager
of tho Burlington railroad west ot the
Missouri, born 1847,
. W. F. Zagel, claim agent tor the
SL'rrlon Pacific railroad, born 18S7.
j W. A- Gordon, head ot the Exprea
rnn'B Delivery company, born 1170.
4 Francis O. Marshall, brigadier gen
eral national army, born , in Illinois,
(1 years ago.
j Baron Rhondda, British food ad
ministrator, born la Wales, 62 years
.ago. . '
This Day In History. :
i. 1114 -General Hull sentenced to be
hot for surrendering Detroit to the
Uritlsh; sentence later remitted by the
president. . . " .
i 1$ 18 General Jackson warned the
Spanish governor et Pensacoia not to
Interfere with the passage or Ameri
can military transports.
' 1918 Adiranople surrendered to
the Balkan allies after a siege ot 152
days, i .w . r - '
1 S6S Rar. Charles .Dresser who
'officiated- at the- -marriage' of Abra
bam Lincoln and Mary Todd, died at
SpringtleM.-llL- Born ' at Fomrret,
Cena.. February 24, 1800, -:
J ust 80 Years Ago Today
X number of the leading, cracker
manufacturers west ot the Miasisnlppi
met at the I'axton hotel to discuss
the prospects of increasing freights
and the anticipated demoralization
resulting- therefrom.
John O'Rourke is out in the field
as a candidate for Third ward council-
voti roa
man. He Is running; on an inde
pendent democratic ticket
A manufacturer of glucose In Illi
nois, ith branches in various other
parts of the country, is looking about
for a central site In which to cen
tralize his interests and has tamed
his attention to Omaha.
Th. eattern connections of the Un
ion Paclflo railroad will run a series
of excursions twice a month to Kan
sas and Nebraska points. ;
Friends of S. L. Clifton wish to an
nounce him as s.i indepe dent can
didate for the Third ward.
August Beerman and Miss Sarah
Kelt Were united In marriage by Judge
a, u. ntta, at 1317 rapine street
Whittled to a Poin
Minneapolis Journal: The flivver
submarine chasers are beginning to
take the water. Soon the Atlantic
ocean will be like the country road.
Wherever the submarine appears.
some snippy little flivver will be trying
to pass it.
Louisville Courier-Journal: As the
French are accused of using the
Rhelms Cathedral for observation
purposes, it is painfully evident a new
attack on' that famous edifice is In
preparation. The excuse for vandal
Ism always comes first with Hun
preparedness. ,
Brooklyn Eagle: In the calendar
year of 1817 our national production
of meat-animals Increased by about
6.000,000 over the preceding year.
That demand and supply did not con
trol prices, nowever, is an unwar
ranted conclusion, considering export
Louisville Courier-Journal: One of
the Roosevelt boys is wounded. The
kaiser has twice as many sons In the
war as Teddy has and they have been
more than twice as long in the warT
but not one of them has received a
scratch. ' Pass along to the Hohen
sollern boys another consignment ot
New York World: Within one week
Senator Reed of .Missouri devoted
seven hours to fierce denunciation ot
Mr. Hoover while a score of Impor
tant war measures were awaiting ac
tion. Mr. Reed is one of the members
ot congress who are afraid that the
military agencies ot the government
are not functioning properly,
Aimed at Omaha
, Beatrice Express: "There is a chance
for women to reform the world," says
an Omaha preacher. The woman who
started out to reform one man will
feel that in attempting to reform a
world of men, women have "some Job"
on their hands.
Fatrbury News: The regularity with
which prosecutions for the Illegal sell
ing of liquor , in Omaha are reported
indicates two things that the appe
tite for the "stuff that inebriates" is
still strong in Nebraska's metropolis,
and that the authorities are earnestly
endeavoring to'enforce the law.
Grand Island Independent: State
Chairman Burgess certainly has made
a fine showing for Nebraska That
Associated Press story of yesterday,
carrying the national committee's fig
ures, is one of the best advertise,
ments Nebraska ever had and Chair
man Burgess had much to do with It
It is the kind ot advertisement that
cannot be purchased for a price.
Fremont Tribune: The big packers
have undertaken to educate the edi
tors of the country through a corre
snondenre school concerning the be
nevolent purposes of the saldBlg.
packers. The editors will probably
be willing to abide by the decision of
the federal authorities who are in
vestigating the methods of the pack
ers. If the government gives them a
thorough going over its verdict is
likely to be accepted, even If it vin
dicates the packers. - Nobody wants
i anybody unjustly dealt with. , -
Open Fronts Again.
Omaha, March 2J. To the Editor
of The Bee: A few weeks ago you
published a letter that I i wrote in re
gard to open front poultry houses, as
that is a very live topic since the gov
ernment has asked that ail raise a
few chickens this year to conserve
meat Mr. 8, E. Munson took excep
tion to. what I had said about open
front poultry houses and stated that
nearly all the poultry farms use them.
After Mr. Munson made that state
ment I made up my mind to find out.
So I wrote to some ot the leading poul
try fanciers of the country, men wruse
names have gone far beyond the con
fines of poultrydom, to find out Every
one of them have either discarded
open front poultry houses or if they
have not done .ney use art'f.c'il
heat through the winter months in
their poultry houses. They all agree
that it is not best to have chickens
freeze their combs and wattles and
they are sure to do it in such weather
as we have in Nebraska almost every
winter, i It is not humane tol shut
chickens up in houses where they can
exercise but little, then ha.e them
suffer frqrn all the aero weather of
winter. ,
One Minorca fancier whose name is
known in every part of the country,
said he found open front poultry
houses even more damp than closed
fronts. I have never yet seen an open
front poultry house in Nebraska where
the birds did not freeze their combs
and wattles and have bad colds. As
I said before, my poultry houses were
tightly closed Jn the zero weather wo
had last winter and I did not have a
sick chicken all winter. It would not
be good for people to be shut up in
open front houses in the winter and
not be able to exercise any, and it is
certain that animals and poultrr suftar
from the cold the same as we do,
The best way is to have sliding
glass windows in poultry houses and
open them in the mild weather when
there is any in the winter, then tightly
close them In zero weather. The win
dows should be taken out entirely In
warm weather. Cover the open space
in the summer w:th wire if you want
As one Minorca fancier said, com
mon sense ought to teach people that
open front houses are not the thing
in the, Nebraska zero weather. If you
want to keep your chickens in comfort
and get eggs from them in winter, do
not try any open front houses in Ne
braska. FRANK A. AGNEW.
Treating German Spies.
Genoa, Neb., Mar-h 18-VTo the Edi
tor of The Bee: When are we going
to wake up to the acute spy situation
and German intriguery in our fair land
of freedom?. It we keep up the pace
we are going the United States will
have to enlarge the federal summer
resorts to care for the kaiser's spies
who got caught in the "round ups."
Did Germany take poor Edith Cavell
and send her to a sanitarium and
modern resort to enjoy the best of
health? The world knows what her
fate waa
The German spies are regarding the
United States as a big Joke. Why?
Because of our laxity in the per
formance of Justice. They soon find
out we are so "nasty nice," the death
penalty will not be inflicted and con.
sequently they go their best. If we
line them up against the wall a few
times a different notion will come in
their mind as to the spy fate.
"I ijver before wor an overcoat with a
btlt. It comet In very handy In a orowded
"HOW to Yr
"Tilt slrlt who can't reach strapt hanc
on to my belt. Louisville Courier-Journal.
I "Who It really boat in your home?" in
quired the abrupt peraon. :'
"Well," replied Mr. Meekton, "of course,
Henrietta aaaumee command of the pus dog
and the canary. But I can say pretty much
what I like to the goldfish." Washington
Star. '
"Flag and ttandard makers ought never
to have a failure In their builneat,"
"Why not?" '
"Because they art dealing In goodt which
are always going up." Baltimore American.
till Phil wasn't at the office today. I
hear. ,
Gill No, I understand he la lndltpotcd.
Bill I'll bet he hated to glvt up.
Oill He did to tha . doctor. Tonkert
Statesman. .
"One thing certain tha dentist la tio
drawing room favorite." '
"When I was In hit drawing room yester
day he wat no favorite of mine nor anybody
elae't who (ot In tha chair." Florida Times-Union.
Twice Told Tales
The Limit
"'Some time since a prominent ma
tron employed a new domestic. The
girl's first job, afterlng slsing up the
premises, was the baking of axake.
The delicacy, according to Jane, was
a beauty and she thought a little
praise ought to be coming her way.
" 'I want to spea : to you about that
cake, ma'am,' said Jane to her mis
tress the next morning. -'Was it all
" 'It was Just too lovely for any- J
thing, jane,' generously answered me
mistress, 'only it didn't seem to have
qnlte enough nuts In it Why didn't
you put in more?'
" I couldn't crack any more,
ma'am, was the startling response of
Jane. 'My jaws ache yet i om them
that I did crack.'" Philadelphia Tel
egraph. t
John Henry Comes Back.
John Henry was greatly enamored
of a charming girl named Edythe Es
telle, and eventually he reached the
proposing point
"Dearest," he softly murmured one
gentle moonlight night "I love you
devotedly I have always loved yr.u,
and I beg the privilege of laying my
fortune at your feet." i
"Your fortune!" exclaimed Edythe
Estelle, showing considerable surprise.
"I didn't know that yon had a for
tune." -
"It Isn't much of a fortune, dear
est" coofully admitted John Henry,
"but beside those tiny teet of yours it
will look like a real Rockefeller
lump." Philadelphia Telegraph,
We are' In this war for freedom
And will fight until It's won;
Blow In your dimes and nickels
To help us down the Hun;
Buy all the bonds anj atamps you can
Thank God you hava the chance
To raise three billion dollars
' for our soldiers boya la France.
Shall we lay back In safety ban.
And lead a life of ease
And fall to do our duty .
By tha boys across the seas f
The boys who offer up their lives
To freedom's causa advance?
So don't forget your duty.
To our soldier boya in Franca.'
We hava girls across tha water.
Where the shells fall thick and fast.
Who nurse a dying soldier boy
Until' ht breathes his last;
Their names on history pages
Will bt traced In golden floss;
She Is known aa mercy'a angtl
And aha wtara a crimson cross.
Here's to tha nurse, God bless bar,
In her sorrows and her Joys;
She's on tha bloody fields of Franc
To cheer and help our boya,
In ttn thousand hornet thlt evening ,
Aa they kneel In atlent prayer,
We are asktd to do our duty
By the boyi that t over there.
So let us da It nobly.
And do it with a will.
For every bond or stamp we buy
Is a spike In Kaiser Bill,
And the day Is aot far distant
Till we have him In a trance;
We will raise one hundred billion v
For our girls and bays In France.
Omaha. . , r-3. S. HUNTER.
The detective force of Minneapolis k
got together one day last week and
told the chief that an eight-hour day
was ei ough for the wage. The chief
agreed on the spot ar 1 squelched the
germs c: a strike.
Topekans are Shaking hands with
themselves over, the certainty of a
new hotel, whl i In sire and exUrior
attractiveness fulfills local Ideals of
capital dignity. Omaha enterprise
supplies the plans and the initial
steam power for the project
Requests from department heads
for increased drafts on the public
treasury of Boston encounter a with
ering frost' on all sides. "Nothing do
ing" is the sign on the door of the
budget makers. Th'" city's revenue re
sources call for lean days and ways
until a saving of $1,500,000 is effected.
' ' Jitney competition persists in hit- -ting
the treasury of the street car
company operating the line between
St. Paul and Minneapolis. January
revenue fell down 6.26 per cent an7
operating expenses up 8.17 per
cent. The company submits the fig
ures in suppport of a demand for in
creased rates.
A war stamp saleswoman In Min
neapolis reported to headquarters
that an unnamed wealthy woman,
quite prominent socially, gave her a
cold shoulder and shut the do- in
her face, with words to match. Im
mediately after a notice went out to
the wealthy knocker that .i Liberty
bend check for $1,000 would be a
fine thing for her to write. It's coming.
Wly the ,
which describe
pianoforte construction
fail to convey a true ,
idea of musical
lo hear -the
Mason &HamUtv
is the onlyvay to re
alize that it is a" jewel
of imperishabe tone""
as distinguished from
instruments depend
ing solely on'reputa-
uon tor tneir sale.
AfA ur fa. sAour
you wAp !
Wl6wJt Priced-
The Wonderful ,
Reproducing Piano
Demonstrations Daily
1513-1515 Douglas Street
April 6th, Third Liberty Loan
Drive. Are You Ready?
Non-intoxicating. Pure,
Helps digestion.
At grocers at druggUts in fact
at all places where good drinks
are sold.
LEMP, Manufacturers
H. A. Sttinwander, Distributor
11517 Nicholas St., Doug. 3842,
Omaha, Pleb.
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, t Wefl-Knowa
Ohio Physician
Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 yean treated
scores of women for liver and bowel
ailments. During these years he gave to
his patients a prescription made of a few
well-known vegetable ingredients mixed
with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets. You will know them bf
their olive color.
These tablets are wonder-worker on the
liver and bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying off the waste and poison
oua matter in one's system.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches,
listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts,
inactive bowels, you take one of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time
and note the pleasing results.
Thousands of women as well as mea
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc
cessful substitute for calomel now and
then just to keep in the pink of condition.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
1 know something
thatfclearyour skirt
"When my complexion was
red, rough and pimply, I was so
ashamed that I never had any
fun. I imagined that people
avoided me perhaps they didt
But the regular use of Resinol
Soap with a little Resinol Oint
ment just at first has given me
back my clear, healthy skin. I
wish wV try itl"
Raatnol Ointmcat and Rtainol Soap alto dear
away dtadrafl tad keep the hair healthy tad
ertraetW. For trial!, write to Dtp! t-K,
Keahwl, Balttaora, HA,