Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH i?6, .1918.
War Department Statement
Says Offensive Proves Jhat
German Militarists' Were
Forced to Begin Activities.
(Br Associated Press.)
Washington, March 25. -Th? Ger
man, offensive, says the War depart
ment today, proves that the German
militarists, no longer able to control
the German people by political
maneuvers, sliavebeen forced to at
tempt a gigantic feat of arms to main
tain their domination. '
While the great attack has, been
able to make headway no definite en
veloping movement has been . out
Question of ..Dispatch of Army
to Russia Overshadows Every
thing Else; Considered
National Problem.
lined, the communique says, and it
would be premajure to express opin
ions on the tactical phase with a com
bat situation inevitable, changing in a
battle of such magnitude.
"The assault launched by the Ger
mans against the. British' front has
reopened the fighting season in the
west," says the communique.
"This operation confirms to us that
the German higher command, unable
to control -the strategic situation
through political agencies. as has been
unceasingly attempted during the past
tour months, flas been, forced to en
gage in a desperate military venture
in an eltort to retain its domination
over the peoples of the central cm
pires and, if possible, force a vic
torious "peace by the fortune of arms.
Followed Brief Preparation.
"The German attack began with
brief but overwhelming artillery
bombardment with high explosive and
gas shells, at dawn on March 21, in
the rolling country north of the Oise,
94 miles northeast of Paris.
"From Gf oisseles, south to Verdeuil,
a distance of 47 miles, the Germans
concentrated 4his preliminary barrageTthe price of food and other necessitie
T in which a number of Austrian bat
teries participated. .' '
"At the same time hostile artillery
was active in Hie Ypres-La Bassee
' "The German infantry divisions
thereupon advanced to the attack
along the flanks of the salient in
front of Cambrai. Furious fighting
continues on the northern flanlc be
tween (yroisilles, Bullecourt and
Lagnicourt, on the southern, along the
t line Gouzeacourt - Hargricourt-Levr-guier
and extending across the Cro
yat canal tobeyond La Fere.
"The British forces a're heavily en
gaged. Vhile the Germans have been
able to make headway no definite en
veloping movement is as yet outlined.
"It would be premature to express
an opinion regarding the tactical
phases of the operations now taking
place. We must expect., further
changes in thecombat situation, which
ar inevitable in a battle of such mag
nitude. ,
Americans Are Busy.
"Enemy casualties have Jjeen ex
ceedingly heavy. u
"Our forces in training in Lorraine
, are still holding- on to the trenches
northeast of Bradenviller, which were
captured last week. In this region our
fj artillery is continuing to Datter tne
German lines and a number of scout
ing parties, which have penetrated the
rerman positions report that enemy
works have been considerably dam
aged. '
"In our sector north of Toul our
artillery has successfully bombarded
enermy works and billets Dehind their
"Simultaneous with the German of
fensive operations in the west, we
note further hostile activity (in Italy,
which may be the prelude of an of
fensive in this'theater.
- German Transport Lost;
All on Board Drowned
London, March 25. Finlanders ar
riving at Stockholm on the gunboat
" Svenskund say that the German trans
port frankland struck a mine and
sank atNoorkft-d, according tb an Ex
' change Telegram dispatch - from
Stockholm. The transport was
v arowded with soldiers, cannon and
F munitions, and, according to the dis
patch, the entire crew, all of the sol
diers and Admiral von Meyrer were
lost. .-
A Stockholm dispatch dattdV March
22, said that another German' trans
port had been blown up by a mine
near the Aland, islands and that the
transport Frankland which came to
its rescue was damaged severely by
another explosion.
Food Administration Will
1 Insist on Food Regulations
Washington, March 25. Obstruc
tion of new wheat conservations
regulations will "not be tolerated by
the food administration.
Plans for keeping a check on
commercial bakers 'wete announced
t today by the administration.. Serious
" or (Continued disregard of the rules
will be handled' by officials here who
' are empowered to revoke licenses
,nd force'disloyal food handlers out
of business. V
Private. persons who may seek to
hoard to gratify their appetites, wh:le
patriotic citizens areco-operating in
the conservation of wheat, will meet
equal seVerity. it is said.
Tokio, March 25. The interest in
America and in Europe in the pos
sibility of Japanese ' military inter
vention in the war. is duplicated in
Japan, where the question of the dis
patch of any army to Siberia not only
overshadows everything else, but has
created a national problem not ap
proached in importance since the
Russo-Japanese war. The correspon
dent, in this connection, is reliably in
formed "that Japan after the frankest
exchange of views with the allies, is
still studying the question and has not
decided upon its policy.
Representative opinion among the
Japanese "regards the situation as
serious and as. fraught with, pos
sibilities of danger to the safety and
national interests of Japan, as well as
to the cause of the lilies. The chaos
in Siberia, with battle between oppos
ing factions on the border of Man
churia, is regarded as made more
sipister by the presence of 140,000
German and Austrian prisoners who
are virtually at liberty, and by re
cent accounts that German officers
have been seen in the -nks fighting
with the bolshevik.
It, is announced that the Japanese
navy is making careful preparations
to meet the possibility of the Germans
transposing suDmannes to tne ra
cific. .The two Japanese warships at
Vladivostok, it is pointed out, could
land marines in the event of danger
to the uves- and property of the
Japanese. The fa t that several
Japanese were among the killed and
wounded m recent Siberian engage
ments has encouraged the press more
vigorously to urge governmental
action. s v
In Japan the war has created a
grave question by the, steady rise in
causing increasing- hardships to the
in Northern Italy, March 23. A sharp
skirmish occurred on the lower Piave
last night when a party of Arditti
made a surprise crossing of the river
and advanced to the machine gun
positions of the enemy trenches.
With hand grenades a rush was made
on the forward trench which was
cleared after a hand to hand fight, a
number f its occupants being killed.
Considerable material was captured
and brought back.
Another hot skirmish occurred on
the mountain 'front, where a croun of
Austrians succeeded in penetrating an
Italian outpost, but were dislodsred
and driven back with loss afterlively
lhe cannonade alone the Piave and
the mountain fronts is beginning to
show increased activity. The enemv
1s again resorting to insidious methods
of propaganda, and the latest air raids,
are notable for the dropping of mani
festos and peace literature instead
of bombs.
Americans and Canadians,, Sol
diers and Titled Personages
from Abroad Join Board
walk Throng
Atlantic City, N. J., March 24.-
Sojoumers from several countries are
here in the great Lenten assembly,
which rivals many"of the crowds last
The number of arrivals .will be
augmented daily until Easterwhen
the great climax, the annual Easter
promenade, a national institution, will
be witnessed by persons from all sec
tions of the United States and Cana
da and from European countries.
Count de La Ferti Taucher of Paris
will be seen in the promenade tonight.
He is at the Chelsea.
Captain A. Lofttis Bryan of London,
who is at the Traymore, was in the
boardwalk throng. Captain David
Albala of the Serbian arniv, who
at the Alamac, was seen with friends
along the walk. S. .lvertoa Wilson,
a wool broker of Sydney, Australia
who, is at the Dennis, was in the roll
ing chair procession. Sibelle A
Skipton ot Athicne, Ireland, also is
at the Dennis.
Miss Elizabeth R. Williamson of
Brazil was on the walk this evening.
Monsieur H. Vinti of Paris, who is at
the Traymore, also was on the ' -ooden
Mr. and Mrs. Angicr D. Duke of
New York are at the Traymore. Mrs.
Charles D. Orth, Miss Kathryn
Knight and Miss Gertrude Simson ar
rived together from" Brooklyn." They
are at (Tie Marlborough-Blenheim.
H. W. Hubbell of New York is one
of the later, arrivals -at th Chalfonte,
W. ' Tyrie Stevens,, is at the St,
Charles. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Remick of
New York are at the Chelsea with
their two children.
Capt. Whipperman Invited to
Launching of Concrete Ship
.Captain Frank Whipperman, cne
of Omaha's soldier sons, now in the
aviation section of the signal -st rps
at Warn IVv rere'tvpA an ini'tation
Headquarters of the Italian Armylfrpm the San Francisco Shipbu'l.-'mg
company to be present at the lat.nch
ing of the steamship Faith, the frst
reinforced concrete ship rvtr
launched. '
Captain Whipperman, before he
was commissioned, was president of
the Omaha Concrete Stone compr.ny
in Omaha and managed the affrrs of
the Mid-West Cement Users' associa
tion. 'Before the conyention two years
.ago in Omaha he declared ih.'ps
would fiave to be built of concete
eventually. ,
Captain Whipperman now takes
great pride in the fact that his predic
tion came true, though he was Ln'ible
to leave his post to accept the invita
tion to the launching ceremonies!
(By Aawrlatrd Vre.)
With the American Army m
France, March 2. The distinguished
service cross has been awarded nine
American soldiers, but three of those
decorated are dead and the cross, with
an appropriate letter, will be for
warded to the next of kin.
i he decorations have been con
ferred on Second Lieutenant A. W.
Terrel; Medical Sergeant Thoma
Peterson (dead); Privates Htrman
Oenipy and Lenni r-illengem (both
dead) and Sergeants Varner HaTl, and
lames II. West, and Cornorals Kdeiris
------ - i
M. l'reenian. Amos leske ana liomer
hitcd, all of the same infantry regi
ment. 1 . .
Some of the men had alreadv been
Tlecorated with the FrencfTwar cross
Medical Sergeant Peterson, as pre
viously reported, was attached to an
artillery regiment and in action on
March 5, although mortally wounded
supsrvised the-v care of wounded
brought to a station which he had es
tablished, and in order to Save the
lives of others gave up his own. He
died jfi his wounds the same night,
Private Fillengem, as sentry, stood
by his post the same day, notwith
standing a heavy shell fire, aiul.was
mortally wtfunded a a result.
British Press . Confident
Von Hindenburg About Done
London, March 25. Commenting
on the creat Dattie in rrancc, tne
Sunday-Times says:
"In all previous great assaults the
chief success has been gained at the
first thrust but in this battle, whereas
the Germans were unable to issue
flowery report at ''ic close of the
first day, it has to be admitted that
their second and third communiques
will be more satisfactory froni this
point of view. The German military
caste are out for victory, even if Jo
gain they must destroy the people to
whom they promised its fruits. They
have already flung nearly one-third
of their entire western resources
against the sector measuring one-
teoth of the western front and must
continue to fling fresh divisions into
the bipod bath
"With time on our side and fewer
troops exposed to the death blast, we
may reasonably count on holding in
hand reserves vpowerful enough to
deal a crushing counter stroke when
on Hindenburg has shattered his
last legions against the impregnable
British wall. . , ,
Jap Newspaper, in Powerful
Editorial, Demands Action
Tokio. Marcfl 25. The Jiii Shimpo,
n a powerful editorial today says
lhc question ot supplying ships
to America cannot be regarded as
business deal any more . than tle
dispatches tf Japanese slnps to the
Mediterranean. So long a.i Japan is
one of the allies, she should be ready
and willing to do so. It is Japan's
duty to furnish America with bottoms
to help the cause of the allies. To
talk of compensation is to misunder
tand the position of Japan. Sacri
fices are unavoidable; talk of profits
s a sign of business.
In conclusion the Jiji urges the
gfivernment to exercise the right to
regulate the charter rates and force
. t . 1 ' I A- A- 1
hrc nm? A 'irriSQir 51! wi, jsemsii commercial micrcsis iu rcanzc
ster street, died "Monday mJrnl..& at;tnc situation and the national obli
a hospital. She is survived by her Rations and cease talking of com-
Great Irish Leader Confident
Last Desperate Gamble of
German Commanders Is
Futile Attempt.
(H.v AaMM-lated Trm.)
San Francisco, Cal., March 24.
The Germai; drive has awakcufrd the
west to a realization of the serious-
Storey Talk
Probably never in clothing
store history has there been
a season when the reputation
of a store's quality meant so
much to clothes buyers.
We have anticipated in
every possible .Wy and pro
vided every safeguard to
make clothes buying safe for
you at our store.
At heretofore, you're
sure of whet you' buy
ness of the war, said T., P. O'Connor,
noted Irish journalist and member of
the British parliament, today. lie
spoke 'befo-e the Burlingame Coun
try club.
"It was especially gratifying to me
to see the universal interest shown
throughout the west in the soryof
the battle' Mr. O'Connor said.
"Gratifying also was the undisguised
anxiety of the people that the allied
forces should wiq.
"I have not the smallest fear that
the Gcrmr.rfs will produce a decision.
for a decision means the wholesale
destruction by death and surrender
of a great portion, if not the whole,
of an army, such as pecurred for in
stance at S'da.
Last Desperate Gamble.
"To me the nibst hopeful fact of the
situation is that this looks like a last
desperate gamble of the German
commanders to anticipate the arrival
pf,jjie Anwjca ntroons by Jhe de-
struction of the French and the Brit
ish. It is a gamble which is costing
hundreds of thousands of lives in a
nation already depressed by the ever
receding prospect of success and
which must exercise a profound in
fluence on the German people. The
kaiser and junkerism are-throwing all
their stakes on the table, and unless
they win, their loss must be decisive."
Even if there were no notable de
fenses the German drive" would have
to stop, Colonel A. E. Murray, eighth
earl of Dur.more, said in an address .'
based on three years' service in
France. r
"We broke the German lines at the
Somme, at Vimy Ridge, Passchen
daele ridge and Cambrai," he said.
"At Cambni there was nothing in
the way of formidable defenses be-
tween the British army and Berlin,
but we could not force the situation
for a, reason that will be soon known."
I -
, i
1- 1
The Clothes Critic
Who Compares
Is the man who best appreciates
the high quality and character of
Hand-Tailored Clothes .
T ASTING satisfaction to the last day you
wear them will be YOUR experience
with these masterfully tailored garments.
The woolens, the workmanship and the remark
able fitting features of BrandeeKincaid pro
ductions are too good for you to overlook. That's
why we offer the west's most interesting and com- ;
plete snowing of these - V
Smart Spring vSuits
at $20 to $45 ,
Spring Top Coats, $15 to $35
An entirely different and distinctive way of hand-'
ling the "militaryinfluence" in civilian clothes
making and the unusually attractive patterns and
colors will defignt you.
Buy your Easter Apparel dt Headquarters
MM1N SWtiOM."nl
Free Demonstration
In the Down-Stairs Store.
Burgess-Nash & Co.
Fruits and
ii i i mi mil ' n ii ii " i Ml If"
, III Ten Plates WL JtAYt
10 Cents I
of delicious, nourishing, per- l!JL yk, II
f ooud ureuareu irom a sineie f 4 v- wrt&r r n r
' fe ' bup Vegelables. m '
zjfcV ' marvel of economy these ' U ASf'
' , Xvp wonderful Dehydrated prod- "?JRA1 Dfgz "
' r - acts. Economy of labor for the VWmVp
i&Ji f Cl housewife no tiresome, mar- ''i w?55lb
LlrtCSX' keting for soup vegetables . -J YmJt' A
STf ' no work of Preparing them, J-$hp ' A
A,rJi and no waste. You 'refresh" ' r jrfflfcflw j -
fJtSl "m..! them by simply adding wa- rlm Xb 4. J
ter tinkPlac of the moisture t - -fBJvi
They can't spoil. If you wishV TVwlfeS U
tfrr. t0 uge only part of a packA XmS' )j
f , xaJC JL age lose P the remainder A TK v
Vl CTblS in the carton and they'll be V Nv
t j?S4 1 , soups, gravies, sauces, or for j)J X X
an excellent conserv- wA N f ' fflt
ationdish. , feA L nm
i i - iw ii ll.' . -jm-; ,MtMliiiin linn u w rj&0JT' i .
m' yKrr v -KZrr. r, king's W i .
SiWSlfe4 ' ' Put Kin on -i Conservation -hM I
nlK y . i ' ?y VtyrV yoorpantry shelf fj; RECIPES rj
IWJW llll WINBERmG "CO., S '
1" l" it vVs! A
( I
Boy Scouts Are
to Win the War
-Omaha's Boy couts have been through nine na;
tional campaigns during 'their irst year of existence
They sold $693,000 inLiberty Bonds in tvvo cam
paigns. , 1 - '
They took $16,480 in pledges in the second Red ,
Cross campaign last June.
They secured 11,800 food conservation pledges in
iwo days when that' campaign was on.
They secured 820 members for the Red-Cross in
two days last May. N
They raised 300 war gardens last summer, besides
six troop gardens and one big Scout gaden of six acres.
Thy have sold $35,000 in War Saving Stamps and
are stjll working on that task.
In addition they ielped in the spring "cleanup"
x campaign, policed the Ak-Sar-Ben parades, patrolled
the city Hallowe'en and helped as guides and mes
sengers in many conventions.. .
You Can Help Keep, the Boy Scouts Working
. The Boy Scouts did all these things--not for,
r hjoiiey riot for 'glory just for the pure joy of service.
They cannot continue these war activities and at
the same time finance themselves. And it takes so very,
little to keep them going that the people of Omaha will,'
without question, finance them for another year oft
.worK. t
Tomorrow 200 of Omaha's busiest and biggest
business men leave their desks to go out and solicit
funds for (his splendid organization. But even 200 men
cannot see everyone who will want to help in this grand
work. -
They may have neither time nor opportunity 'to
see you. So here is your chance to show your loyalty to
the boys of Omaha. Seize it you'll feel better every s
time you see a Scout uniform.
The Boy Stouts are not a mili- fillmn and mail today''
v nrcxTn?nt!nn orA oil roKryinn a I " " i
tary organization and all religions
meet on the basis of manliness, not
creed, in their ranks. 1
Boy Scout
Campaign .Committee -
Patterson Blocki Omaha. - i
I wish to help the Omaha Boy Scouts and
subscribe the sum fit $. payable on
or beforeJune 1, 1$18 "
Name. . , , ..,;. . . ,, . , , . r;