I Nebraska NO DRY ACTION BYSESS10ISAYS THE GOVERNOR Neville After Study of Situa tion Declares Lawmakers' Vote Would Be Useless; 1 " Bryan Has' Statement. '"'(From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 25. (Specials Should the special session of the leg islature ratify the prohibition amend ment to the ccnsttiution of the United , States, it would have to be done all over again al the next regular ses sion, in the opinion of Governor Nev ille, who has spent much time looking over the constitution of other states , in an effort to discover if other states give authority to a special session. to enact legislation not specified in the ; call. The governor ha9 discovered that btit a few states giie that freedom to a special seiMon. One state gives the l governor power to incorporate needed 5 legislation i:i an after call issued after the first call has been made, while another state gives its legislature au thority upon a two-thirds vote of the , members. s What Constitution Says. ' The state cf Nebraska expresses it self in its constitution) along about the same fine as the most of the states, section 8 of article 5 of the constitution reading: "The governor may on extraqrdi ' nary occasions convene the lcgisla ' ture by proclamation, stating therein the purpose for which they arc con ; vened and the; legislature shall enter upon no business except that for which thev were called together." ThisV in the mind of the governor, clearly, established the rights ot tne legislature and that no legislation can be enacted -but that. specified in the Bryan's Position. ' Mr! Bryan, in his address in Lin coln, said that the legislature could ; take action on a ratification of 'the prohibition amendment, , basing his ; claim on th. fact that some state at t some time had elected a United States senator at a special session, ' ',: when the election had not been speci ' fied in the call. What state he re- ferred to is not known, i The contention is made that Mr. i Bryan is wrong for the reason that I the, ratification of an amendment to the national constitution and the elcc ' tien of a United States senato are , , two distinct and separate matters, and that the election of a senator to fill a vacancy is provided for in the federal I constitution and that when a vacancy t o.cccurs, the governor of the state ap ; points until the next session of the . legislature convenes and if that ses J sibn happens to be a special, session if is its dutv to elect someone to fill i ttje vacancy in states where the Kg is-' Uture elects1 the senator. , "' : " ' Federal Consltutlon. The constitution of the United ', States reads: " Article 1, Section 3: "iVIf.vvacancie!" happen by resignation , or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature, any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appoint 7 ments until the next meeting of the legislature, . which shall then fill such " vacancies. ; :,' " Members of the legislature so far who i have arrived appear to be in the t ' air tin the proposition whether the ' ratification ot the amendment can be ' legally taken up. Many of those who 5 favor its ratification are fearful that if an attempt is made to override the governor's call it will bring on a fight ' - which will have the same effect as in that of the last session tfiat real leg- ' islation twill have to suffer" because of feelings existing between mem- bers brought on by such a fight. i Not After Squabble. ' -v One of the most prominent mem- bers of the last session, James Auten of Boone, said today he has come to v Lincoln to do business and not to ' " squabble over differences of opinion. If the members want to get busy and , enact the legislation called for he will stay and help, but if they are going to go to scrapping, he will simply tell : them what he thinks of their action, ,: pack is grip and go home, where he ...has much more important work than talking.1 He -says talking won't get V his wheat and oats sowed or plow his land for corn, if it could he would have done his talking into a phono . graph anc left it to put in his crop. f The only thing to be gained by ' ratifying the change in the consti tution would be that as Mr. Bryan h said, "Nebraska would thus be one of .. the first states to recognize the pro .'inhibition amendment ' by legislative - action." This in the mind of many is not of sufficient importance to cause - he members who favor such action . :o take a slap at Governor Neville, when the next regular session can .. lust as well 'take care of the matter. Bryan's Statement ' W. J. Bryan tonight issued" i signed statement containing an argu ! ment for the ratification of the proni bition amendment. He devotes the "major portion of the statement to ? irgumerits why prohibition is bene . 'ficial. Then he devotes a few para t zraphs to an argument why the demo :? . cratic party should take a stand for fit Arr lata, 14 lui. u.jr ...... .v "In the ratification of the amend ment democratic leadership has been 5 'even more pronounced. The first eight ! states to ratity Mississippi, vir linia. Kentucky, South Carolina, 5 North-Dakota, Maryland, Montana t md Texas every one supported the I .lemocratic ticket at the last presiden L :ial election. Will Nebraska prove an i xceotion amone the democratic !'itates?. Delaware, the ninth stJte to ratify, supported the republican party in the last presidential campaign, and the 10th state, boutn micota, cia aiso, ana wnen tne list 01 oo states is com' Dieted it is orobable that the Iwc par ties will not be far aoart in the num ' - ber of states ratifying. I appeal td the , democratic legislature not to' auow Nebraska's name to be omitted from ' the roll of honor. ' ; - "If this legislature fails to ratify, there is no doubt that a legislature will be elected whose members will be committed in advance to ratihca tion, but why compel this , conflict vheft?thf'Sentiraent of the state is known tn advance? Why. by delay, mre to' the liquor trade more than V r $100,000,000 a month that will be I available for food, clothing and shel Where Titanic Battle Rages On Western Front in France : v V 4 aoauttie k Manancourt o. fereta 'M o 0 M.rw if VTerroKite j. nonj '1 ( I Jetbencourr ,. f HAM" $t. Simon Jf S oAvricouff S LA FERE Cnauitv V" Nouo - - J? J-AON ) Crecu j'N., f Pnrinn hfimhrdment of the British front in France marked the begin nor nf the grand offensive of the Germans. The map. drawn by The Bees mrtlet iWi k )A and nfur General kit Douelas Haia:. commanding the British forces, withdrew from the line in front of Cambrai to a new position five miles back. British troons are renorted to be holding their new line and to have driven back the Germans'" at the Somme river hour this morning. ter as soon as the saloon is abolished? Why invite the National Liquor Deal ers' association and its ally, the German-American alliance, to insolently thrust themselves again into our pol itics? An affirmative vote by this leg islature ends the contest for this year and' for all time, and makes it possible for the voters of the state to devote themselves to the upbuilding of our great state and the welfare ot its York Commercial Men Elect "Officers for Coming Year York, Neb., March 24. (Special.) At a meeting of post L, Travelers' Protective association, held at York Saturday afternoon, it was decided to sepd a delegation to Fremont, April 19 to work tor York, as meeting place next year. The following were elected to at tend: J. A. Parks, J. C. Hice, Stephen Carlin, G. D. Wright, J. F. Statsny, Carl Rosenloff, Thomas Curran and Raymond Woodrum. Officers were . elected tor tne en suing vear as follows: President, J. C. Rice; vice president, J. F. Stastny: secretary and treasurer, Raymond Woodrum: directors, F. P. Van Wickle, Thomas Curran, W. D. Fisher, A. J. Akoter, vv. u. oyer, a. M. Carlin, B. H. Desch, A. A. Heus ner, W. T. Wherry and G. D. Wright. Boy's Death an Accident, Not Suicide, Says Father Amherst, Ne6., March 23. (Spe cial.) H. T. McDaniel, father of the boy reported a suicide March 15, says: JLloya dia not mean to kui himself. He only wanted to scare us. for the shell he used was one from which the shot had "been removed. We think the gun must have slipped in some way, bringing the muzzle closer to his head than he had in tended. It was the force of the blast from the powder that killed him. His mother had sent the other child ren to scool in a buggy, and Lloyd was to do the chores and walk across the field. We are positive the act was committed simply to scare us." Garrison Editor Buys Newspaper at Ulysses Ulysses, Neb., March 23.-(Special.) Announcement was made rriday of the sale of the Ulysses Dispatch bv Thomas S. Greer to Oren U. Kratzer, of Garrison, owner and editor of the Garrison Newt. Mr. Kratzer will assume charge of the Dispatch Aoril 1. Mr. Greer has not yet definitely decided where he will locate. In addition to being editor of the News, Kratzer is the proprietor of a large general store in Garrison and is agent for the Burlington ran road there. Junior Red Cross Gives Seryice Flag to Atlanta Atlanta. Neb.. March 25. (Special.) The Red Cross held a public social meeting, at which the Jury or Red Cross of the Atlanta public school oresented Industry precinct a service fiae as a token of respect to the 10 boys who have gone into service from that precinct. Mothers find GrapG-Nuts til-.-' r wkvm A FOOD THAT ' BUILDS STRONG r AND SURE . TMK BEE: OMAHA, io 9 linis nf the nnnosins' armies. in a bloqdy engagement at an early Aged Table Rock Minister Djes at Home of Daughter Table Rock. Neb., March 23. (Special.) Rev. A-C. Allinson diM at the home of his daughter, Mrs J. L. Fulton, Thursday He was $5 years old, a veteran of the civil war. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Methodist Episcipal church, and the interment was in the Table Rock cemetery. The war savings stamp drivd Friday, far ' exceeded the apportionment. Table Rock school district exceeded its allotment about $3,000. Pawnee City schoo. district went $8,000 above the mark. Burchard doubled its allotment, and Steinauer went $3,000 above its- apportionment. ; The Commercial club banquet, which is to be an annual event of the Commercial club of Table Rock, was held Saturday) night at the New Lin coin hotel, where plates were laid for 80. Frank R. Ringer, secretary of the Nebraska Manufacturers association of Lincoln, was the out-of-town speaker, and took for his theme ."Com munity Co-operation. jOthers to speak were C. J. Wood," Dr. E. L. McLrea, Kev. 5. E. Talt, Kev. Ur. Seabright, and F. A. Steel). Walthill Holds Sale For Benefit of Red Cross Walthill. Neb.. March 25.-r-(Spe- cial.) The Red Cross auction held in Walthill Saturday afternoon netted $6,500. The sale, held from the band stand on Main street, began at 1 O'clock and lasted until after sun down. Wi ESTCOTT . bodies are so proportioned as to have each seat equally comfortable. Being mounted in a semi-underslung po sition, the center of gravity is low enough to insure perfect bal ance and road stabili ty at all speeds. STn Medals, $1890 to S2TS0 f. o.b. SprtnciUU. Ohio i Lt ua (Umoiutrmt all the Westoott MiporloriUoi to jrou Standard Motor Car Co. CARL CHANGSTROM, Pr. Distributor 2020-22 Faraam St. Douglas 1705 OMAHA. NEB. . VICTOR WHITE. COAL CO. 1214 Farnam. Tel. Dougla 9. THE six TUESDAY, MARCH 26, NEBRASKA TO SEND 453 IN NEXT DRAFT Omaha Will Furnish 73 of State's Quota Called for March 29 to April 2. Four hundred and fifty-three Ne braska men will go to Camp Fun ston in the next contingent of men for the draft army March 29 to April 2. Omaha and Douglas county v ill send 80 men, 73 from the city of Omaha and seven from the neiijhoor ing country. Lancaster countv will send 29 men. This call is for .1.3 per cent of the gross total of registnnts. The quota according to count!': is: Perkins liHoone 5 Krontlcr 3 Madison 7 (lospir ljc.'olfax 4 Dundy 2' Ivjdgn 9 Hitchcock 2 Hamll(on , I'hass 2 Platte , Hayes l'Hutler It"d Willow 4I'hulps Harlan 3'Krarnoy Kranklln 3riay WRtatPf 4 minor,, Furnaa 3iDou(tlaa and City NtokolU 4 1 of Omaha 80 Thayer 6 !Chs 7 Otoe 6 ' RirhiinUon 6 Nemaha 4 Dakota 3 I.ancaatcr 29 Dixon 4 Caice Polk Sarpy !trinr 4 Wayne . 3 iThurston 7lHurt ... Haundem ScottKbluff 7; Washington .. Harden 2!l'awne Arthur ..' l Hloux 2 Flanner ill awes 3 Kimball 1 Hhwldun 4 Cheyenne Deuel .... Klth Mcpherson Lincoln .. Dawson v . . l.oKan ... Muffalo .. Hall ..... Adams ... Jefferson ftock .... 3 Cherry B 1 i Drown - 2'Keya Paha 1 1 Mohnson 8 7 Saline 6 SMorrllt 4 liOrant 1 8 Thomas 1 8 BIsIiib 1 X .Custer 9 6 i York 6 1 iSeward 6 lilFIoward 4 Antelope nnvrt 2'DUr 1 Knox TjUurficld 1 Pisrce 4 Valley 3 Stanton ,. -. 2i Wheeler .......... 1 Greeley 8 Merrlrk 8 No men will go from Hooker and Sherman counties. 1 Dr. W. H. Mullen Addresses Patriotic Rally at Ponca Ponca, Neb., March 25. A pa triotic rally was held at the opera house Friday night. Former Con gressman J. J. McCarthy presided as chairman of the meeting. Dr. W. H. Mullin of Bloomfield delivered a pa triotic address. A chorus of the ladies of the Red Cross and a male quartet sang a num ber of patriotic songs.' Benson Thorne Special! ' Boys' Hosiery 3 Pair, $1.00 6 Pair, $1.75 For Marble and Baseball Time STRONG, wer-resistlng, fast black hose, heavy , ribbed, elastic, reinforced where the heaviest wear comes. We are also showing the finer ribbed hose at the same price for dress wear. Sizes, 5, VA, 6, 6Va. 7, 7Va. 8, i 9, 9 and 10. INFANTS' HOSE 6 PAIR, $1.10 EXTRA fine quality of Infants' hose In black, tan, blue, pink and white. Sizes 4, 4&, 5, 5 and 6. BOYS' SHOP New Mezzanine Floor Benson Thorne ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c Face One Solid Mass of Scales, list Rest at Night. f "M face and neck were affected with ugly ptmplea, and blotches, and my face became one soua mass of scales. The pimples fes tered and were in blotches, and many of them itched causing me to scratch them. 1 lost rest at night, and my face was disfigured. " For two vears I suffered. when I noticed an advertisement for Cuticura. I sent for a free sample nd when I bad used Cuticurm Soap and Ointment for three months I was healed." (Signed) Miss Ermaeruem mer. Willow St., Stephenson, Mich., Ammat 111 1017. " For every purpose of the toilet Cutl- cura Soap anc uinimem rc uprouc. .i.i..LtUMill. AddrewoMt nrri "r.nrioara. Deal. H. Bvto. Sold everywhere. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 30c ma m mm heals 1918. ALLEGED AUTO mm MAKES BOLD ESCAPE Kearney, N'eb., March 25 (Special Telegram.) Archie Eldredge wanted for theft of the Adolph Voss Auto, taken from the latter's place near Poole and abandoned when the offi cers of Brady attempted to arrest Eldredge. was caught near his home in Amherst Sunday but broke away from the officer, held him under cover of a gun and then took a car owned by the latter and again made his escape. The young man, who is 17 years old, was forced later to abondon this machine because of tire trouble. He then took to a small patch of timber, where a hurriedly organized posse surrounded him. During the night Eldredge managed to sneak through the cordon, steal a horse and he is again at large. Patriotic Meeting Held At Wayne Sunday Night Wavne. Neb., March 25. (Special Telegram.) Mayor W. H. Harm of Bloomfield gave a patriotic address in the house Sunday night. He also spoke to an overflow meeting in the Baptist church. , ' J. J I. Kemp, county food demon strator, talked briefly on the im portance of food conservation. John T. Dressier, chairman of the county council of defense, presided. The state normal male quartet sang. f Wood Lake Auction Sale Adds $3,000 to Red Cross Wood Lake, Neb., March 25. (Special.) More than $3,000 was added to the Red Cross fund by the auction sale here Saturday. The sale attracted people from a distance of 50 miles. A box of apples, donated by Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Welker, were enclosed in a service flag containing four stars, representing their four sons serving in the army. The apples sold for $685. Third ens Superior Newly Says Acid Stomach Causes Indigestion Excess of hydrochloric cid sours the food and forms gases. Undigested food delayed in the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left in the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that indigestion is caused by Hyper-acidity, meaning, there is an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which prevents complete di gestion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten- sours in the stomach much like garbage sours in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we belch un gas, we eructate sour food or have heart burn, flatulence, water brash or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all diges tive aids and instead get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and drink while it is effervescing, and further more, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the" first dose, it is important to neutralize the acid ity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined w-ith lithia and sodium phosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of pec -le for stomach trouble with excellent results. Advertisement. When Buying Advertised Goods Say You Read of Them in The Bee Feeders' Association Will Meet in Lincoln April 5 Lincoln, March 23. (Special.) Friday, April S, is the date selected for the annual meeting of the State Feeders' association. University farm, Lincoln. The delegation, which rrnt1v met in conference with Mr. Hoover at Washington, will give a detailed report ot conditions ana iu ture policies. The five lots of experimental cat tle will be ready to ship. Frof. Grain i;,4i have the results of making beef without corn. The rots have been rationed as follows: Lot 1 Shelled corn, alfalfa hay. Lot 2 Shelled corn, cottonseed nut cake, alfalfa hay. . Lot 3 Ground corn, cottonseed nut caiie, ground alfalfa. ' Lot 4 8natpd corn, cottonseed nut cake, alfalfa hay. Lot 6 Enilae (heavy reed) lour pounas rottonseed nut cake, alfalfa hay. The makers cf genuine Aspirin caution you to see that every package and every tablet of Aspirin bears "The Bayer Cross TABLETS In pocket bexeeef 12 Bottlei of 24 and 100 CAPSULES in tealed packatoa of 12 and 24 Liberty Loan Drive Starts April 6th on & Values-Correct Styles in Arrived Spring Suits About 20 New Styles Now Awaiting Your Se lection at Just received from the New York style ere ators suits -with an .abundance of that de-, lightful smartness that has made suits so popular this Spring. Newest styles in serge,, poplin and black and white checks. Braid and button trimmed. Colors of tan, gray and black and white, and numerous styles in ' the popular navy blue. Petticoats-Unusual Values $3.'95 and $5.00 RIGHTLY proportioned, shapely petticoats of soft silks, taffetas, and some with Jersey tops. Beautiful plain and changeable color effects. Deep ruffled and 'shirred flounces. GET THAT COLD OFF YOUR CHEST Stop that cough! Check that grippe! Use Dr. King's New Discovery. Millions of people have found in this nation-wide standard remedy a long-sought effective means of re lieving coughs, colds and grippe with out inconvenient after-effects.. For fifty years it has sold for fifty cents a bottle. For fifty years it has warded off the dangers of neglected colds, unchecked coughs. For fifty years it has stopped impending colds before they had a chance to develop. Equally effective for grippy adult3 and croupy children. A bottle in yourJ medicine cabinet is the best known safeguard against cold and cough dangers. " Sold by druggists every where. The Evils of Constipation Leaving waste material in the body j t xi-. i i i i i j i poisons me system ana uiuuu bhu makes you liable to sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness and muddy skin. Try Dr. King's New Life Pills. Prompt relief. Still 25c at all drug gists. Advertisement, . OOMMHAVEACffln )mLA GRIPPE cotiniuTS" BRONCHIAL TROUBLES Soofbe the irritation sad jroa rellera th distress- Do both qalcklr sod effirctivelr tor promptly mine dependable remedr PBSO Eustis Holds Caucus and Names City Candidates Eustis, N'eb., March 24. (Special.) The following were nominated at a recent caucus for members of tin board of education: C. L. Dunham and L. P. Sorenson for a three-ytar term; J. T. Moore and A. W. Schroeder for a two-year term, and A. J. Baker to fill the vacancy. Ihcse namec were nominated by ac clamation. J. D. Haynes and August Taborsky were " nominated for mem bers of the village board of trustees for three-year terms. There will be a Red Cross and white elephant sale here March 30, the money derived therefrom going to the local , Red Cross chapter to purchase yarn and other materials. More than $2,000 worth of war sav ings stamps have been purchased by the Eustis school children. Yoar Cuaranioo ot Purity" The trade-mark "Aspirin" (Reg. U. S. Pat Off.) is a guarantee that the mouoaceticacidester of salicylicacid in these tablets and capsules it of the reliable Bayer manufacture. orTotne $9Q50 NO MORE CATARRH A Guaranteed Treatment That Has Steed the Test of Time. Catarrh cures come and catarrh cures go. but Hyomei continues to heal catarrh and abolish its disgusting symptoms wherever civilization exists. Every year the already enormous sales of this really scientific treatment for catarrh grow greater, and the present year shoi, show all records broken. T If you breathe Hyomei daily as directed it will end your catarrh, or it won't cost you a cent. If you have a hard rubber Hyomei inhaler somewhere around the house, get it out and start it at once to forever rid yourself o catarrh. Sherman & McDonnell Drug. Co. or any other good druggist will sell you a bottle of Hyomei (liquid), start to breathe it and notice how quickly it clears out the sir pas sages and makes the entire head feel fine. Hyomei used regularly will end catarrh, coughs, colds. broThitis or A plete outfit, including a hard rubber pockcl inhaler and bottle ot hyu.ae., cu.s but lit tle. No stomach dosing; just breathe it. It kills the germs, soothes and heals the in flamed membrane. Advertisement. Sure Way To Get Rid of Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with tj finger tips. " By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon iany drug store. It is inexpensive, andour ounces is all you will need. This sim ple remedy has never been known tat fail. Advertisement.