Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    iiib tifctt: UMAHA, TUESDAY MARCH 26. 1918.
German Drives and the Kaiser
Best Publicity Agents, De
clare Leaders of Drive
in Nebraska.
"The German drive is going to cause
people to buy Liberty bonds as they
now buy newspaper extras, said T.
C. fyrne, s,tate chairman of the Lib
erty loan committee. The effect of the
German drive upon the coming Liber
ty loarrcampaign was the one, topic
of conversation around Liberty loan
headquarters at the federal reserve
bank all morning.
"The kaiser is our best publicity
agent," says O. T. Eastman, treasurer.
"Germany does not understand the
American' people." says E. F. Folda.
'secretary. "The more frightful their
campaigns, the more resolute our peo
ple "will be for victory."
Willia-n E. Rhoades, city, chairman,
reported the experience of a friend
who arrived this morning from sthe
west. He had made up his mind to
buy a certain amount of bonds. lie
kept' buying extras on the way east
and bv the time he reached Omaha
1,0 .... h,t ,,,;,i ,!,,, 1,1.,
ill. iiii-i iimvn 1. 1' iiij iiiiiui ti' iu'uuii
his subscription. '
ft Start in April.
The war ,s;trmgs organization has
offered itself to the Liberty loan e 111
mittee for the third Liberty Van
campaign, and Franklin Mann, chair
man of the sales committee, is uusy
picking his committed, captain ?nd
workers. The intensive part o4 the
drive in Omaha wih probably s tart
about April 15.
Everett Buckingham and his 1 ib
erty parade committee and subcom
mittees are busy on plans for the
opening patriotic demonstration The
comrnittee has turned down the ;rg
"Stion to build a replica of' ? war
wench to stimulate interest in the
! ... . . I
campaign, giving as their teas v. the i
i objections winch have been rai.-H in
I Xcw York City to btiilding a fticli'
i:v Central park. The only "sun.?" so j
! tar approved by the committee !:ve
j been the tanks, which will he m-.edj
j down Faniiiiji street as the lov;. i ro-
' fri-' nnrl t T i rpnrni1i,'ftnM 11 flip
I New-. York Treasury building. v.n;ch
will be built on the court house :Lvn.
, Opens Headquarters.
The farmers' war couucitv lias
opened headquarters at the federal
reserve Lank. '' In the absence of
Frank G. Odell, secretary, who is
maVing a speaking tour through ll!i-
nois and Wiyonsin, the work is in
charge of Y. A. McRac of the fid- j
eral land bank of Omaha. j
The pupils of the Omaha -Highj
School of Commerce, under the lead-1
ership of Principal Dwight R. Porter.
Monday morning addressed 1 00.000
envelopes for the farmers' war coun
cil. Chaiman Thomas C. Byrne has ap
pointed a committee on theater pub
licity consisting of William P. Byrne
of the Orpheum, S. H. Goldberg of
the 'Sun and II. M. Thomas of the
Strand. v
Burlington to Grant "War
Gardens" On Right-of-Way
Burlington railroad officials l"ve
started a drive toward planting COO
gardens along the company right-of-way
in Nebraska. Station agenn and
section foremen are urgin; the
townspeople to cultivate the land on
the right-of-way. The." is
not asking any rental from p"t:es
who will cultivate the land. The
thing asked-is (hat they make aj.r ca
tion and agree not to plant corn ,v:h
in WK) feet of any crossing. 1." c, rn
is planted close to' the crossing, ,'ter
it had attained its growth, it wnld
obstruct the viey w hen approa :h;ng
the track and thus result in acciiirnts.
Dean of Iowa Agricultural
College to Address Farmers
C. F. Curtis, dean of Iowa Agr.cul
tural college, has been selected by
the" Department of Agriculture to
meet with farmers throughout Ne
braska and discuss problems f'om
aij agricultural viewpoint.
Mr. Curtis will address a mMi'g
at Norfolk March 28; Hastings, M.:ich
-v. and Lincoln. .March 30.
Civilian Instructor at Flying
School Ordered to Wash
ington; fljakes Last
Flight to Fremont.
Leo Stevens, balloon instruct;.-! at
Fort Omaha, has received ortlerj trim
the War department to rcu rt in
Washington for tluty in the air uv-
ice. He will leave Omaha soo
take up his new ditties.
Mr. Stevens was known as
world's most famous balloonist
when war was declared the I'niied
States asked him to help the g;i-iin-ihent
in the development of air serv
ice. The "bird man" mmied-vely
gave up his private business and 1 e
gan teaching the soldiers lio-s to
make balloon flights.
When Stevens made an al'.yay
flight in a free balloon Satunhv he
little thought that it might be hi 'ast
flight over Omaha. When h". re
turned to the fort lie found the mes
sage from the War department.
Scars to 7,500 Feet.
Major Henry Rogers, Captain .k.r
tin O'Brien and l;lying Cadet D.uuld
Cathart accompanied Stevens on he
tree flight Saturday. Airmen 'dirt it
was an idsal day tor a tly. There was
no wind and the big balloon with its
basket of men slipped out of F1j.
field Saturday morning and .!r I'cd
soqth and east. The greatest height
attained was 7,500 feet.'
The men ate lunch up in the clouds
at an elevation of about 7,000 !'i ct.
Down below them they could s;- die
Platte river, which looked lik a
thread of silver.
Light miles from Fremont the lal
Toon remained motionless fo' one
hour and 30 minutes while the
took observation. Landing wa in:;de
on the farm of William Grogap. i car
North Bend. Miss Alice Kason of
.North Bend took the governmei.Cti tn
to Fremont in her automobile so
that they could catch a train for,
"I regret leaving Olnaha,"- said
Mr Stevens, "hut 1 want to he'o the
government the best 1 can and i may
be of more service in Washington
than 1 am here, 1 .1111 going to miss
the soldiers hcus and 1 am af.-a.d 1
won't got to 'be up in the aii' so
much. I hope I'll get to return to
Omaha later, tor 1 have thousai's of
friends here."
Farmers Have Ideal Week
For Starting Spring Work
"There never was a week i ihe
history of the state when the brros
of Nebraska have such ideal ,.ndi-'
tions lor their spring wo.-' as
during the last week," aid 1. ?..
Russell, editor of the Twentieth n
turv Farmer;
"There is plentv of moisture -i 'he
ground to tide the srffl over until the
crops are all in. The ground - ot
too wet for working and the fvners
did an immense amount of work The
winter wheat is doing hue' and it v
looks as though all kinds of '3 in
would have the best kind ;. : a
President Wilson Sends
Congratulations to Haig
Washington, March 25. President
Wilson today cabled Field Marshall
llaig congratulating liinfn the Brit-i
ish sftai d against the German offen
sive and predicting a final allied vic
tory. The president's message it. id.
"May "1 not express to ou my
warm admiration for the splendid
steadfastness and valor with which ,
your troops have withstood the tier-,
man orvset and the perfect confidence
all Americans fee", that you will win i
a secure and final victory?" j
High School Girl Struck j
By Motor Car; Seriously Hurt j
Juai.ita Presslcy, 15 years okl l6!8
Locust street, was struck by a r.tss-l
ing automobile while alighting '.torn 1
a .street car Monday morning. She J
was takeu to Lord Listtr hop':al. j
The accident occurred at l'otir'cnth !
and Dodge streets She is a st,.duit
at Central High school. j
: : " .' - : i:;i;i:':Ji;:;i i: ii:;"':o,i,;;!in:.iiiiii,i!JMii,:ii!'il;iiiiii!iitiran,ii(liiiniii:i
i J !! I
f sflSSSfc
A 1
Tuesday Thrift Sales
Offer Exceptional -Economies
mo CONSERVE WISELY, is to purchase what you need,
Start today to 'buy . , fes ' n exceUent lnvestmcn; '
War Savings Stamps 4 j and a patriotic duty ..
all . fc
71 11
iVerybocay naturauy wanes
est mesic
to hear, the b
If you had your choice of
- attending two "concerts the
greatest artists in all the
- world appearing at one,'
"some little-known artists at
the other which would you
You would quickly decide
to hear the renowned artists
who are famous for their
superb interpretations. And
this is exactly the reason why
thq Victrola is the'instru,-
ment for your hcme; v
The greatest artists 01 all
the world make 'records for
the Victrola exclusively,. The
. greatest singers. The greatest
instrumentalists. The grcat
r est bands "and orchestras.
Any music vou wish to hear,
interpreted by the very artists
you would choose to sing or
play it for you.
There are Vidtors and Victrola9 in great
v variety of styles from $10 to $400, and
fchere are Victor dealers everywhere who
' will gladly demonstrate them and play your
favorite music for you. Period styles to
order from $375 to $950. Ask to bear
f the Saenger Voice Culture 'Records.
"Victor Talking Machlce Co., Camden, N. J.
Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor M
chine, aro Kicntificall? coordinated and .ynchronircd
in the procaua ef manufacture, and their use, one with
the ether, i abaolutely enential to a perfect reproduction,
Nw Victor RMord. J.mojutrat.d at
all daaiart ea Ciq lit si .U mnalit
'V;-nt,' 4k. C..'.r. Traln-mark (Via Vlrtr-f Ti'V. KCarh'na rnn-n Alm nt'n tha nroductl of thll ComDSCT On'-7
Iwilii !
. .IP:
S ' ' 4 VirtroUXVn,S283 ii-rf
IJf ViUrelaXVti, electric, igTSZTr-
when you need it, at the best possible price you can get on
it. Because this store goes into the markets withready cash
and a prestige ancf buying power that is immense, we are 4ble
to offer the very merchandise you want right now, at prices
-which, are well below. those you would pay ordinarily. Men
tion of just a few by way of example, to show what' you may
expect in scores and scores of instances is made right now.
Boys' Rompers. $1.00
Boys' Gaiatea Rompers; fast colors;
good heavy weights; suitable for wear
right now, in dark blue and light blue
stripes and plain colors: $1.50 values;
sizes 2 to 8; special at $1.00
Second Floor, Men's Bldg.
'HOSIERY at 59c
Women's Hosiery in Pure Thread Silk
Boot and Fiber in black, white and
shoe shades; special, a pair, at. . .59c
Main Floor I
. Laces and Embroideries
Cluny Laces; one to four inches wide,
in white and ecru ; also fine Torchans
and insertions to match,; very spe
cial, a yard,
5cand 10c
Filet Laces, white and, cream; four to
six inches wide bandstand edges; rose
design; very special, a yard, 25 C
Beautiful New Imported Embroider
eries; Organdies, Batiste, Swiss and
Nainsook; 18 to 27 inches wide; very
pretty for dress flouncings; neat de
signs; worth up to $1.50 a yard; spe
cial Tuesday, a yard, 59 C
' ' v Main Floor
30c Sanitol Tooth Paste, at 22c
Imported Castile Soap, special at. .7c
Witch-hazel; pint bottle for. .. .25c
Listerine, antiseptic; 25c j?ize, at. 15c
White Ivory Pressing Combs; 8 inch
es long; 98c value, at 59c
Imported Brunette Rouge; 50c size,
at 25c
Jap Rose Face Powder; 50c size,
at 25c
Peroxide Vanishing Cream; 25c size,
at 16c
Main Floor, Rear ' (
Ready-Mixed Paint
Our "Brandeis Best" Brand is of the
highest grade; has great covering
power, and we have a wide assortment
of colors; per gallon $2.75
Johnson Floor Wax; one pint cans.
at '.- 38c
(Limit of 3 cans to a customer, no
phone orders accepted). .
"Wall Paper Cleaner; 2 cans for. . . 15c
(Limit of 4 cans to customer. No
phone orders accepted.)
Screen Paint; a very high quality of
glossy black paint for both the wire
"and frame; special, per quart, at 49c
White Enamel; a very' high grade,
glossy white enamel for interior use;
special, a quart, at ,...69c
Pint can, at. , .. 33c
Silk Gloves (Seconds) 59c
Seconds of Silk Gloves in black and
white; two-clasp styles; all sizes;
very slight imperfections: seconds of
the 85c quality; a pair, at 59c"
' Main Floor
' ' .
; 1
Ready-'to-Wear Veils
This is the first showing of these
Veils. -
Chenile and Velvet Borders; embroid
ered scroll borders in black and taupe
and colors; very special, each, at 59c
Main Floor x
Glassware and Cut Glass
Pyrex Casserole; 8inch, nickel plated
frame; special at. ........ . $2.50
Cut Glass Vase for Easter; 12 inches
tall; special at $2.50
Cut Glass Candy Comports; 5 inches
tall; special at 85c
Glazed v Jardinieres; 8 and 9-indh
choice at " : $1.00
Main Floor, Rear
domestics-Low Priced
Mill Remnants 36-inch Percale; light
and dark colors; useful lengths; spe
cial, a yard, 10C
Mill Remnants 27-inch Dress Poplin;
good assortment; plain colors for chil
dren's drosses, waists, etc. Regular
25c value; special, a yard; 15c
38-inch Unbleached Muslin;" fine
closely woven quality; right width for
sheets and pillow cases; 2 to 12-yard
lengths; special, a yaFd, ' Jgi
White Curtain Scrims with hem
stitched filet borders, for sash cur
tains, etc. Regular 20c value; 1 Cr
special, a yard, at IOC
Wall Paper
, The balance of an immense pur
chase of Wall Paper which we placed
on sale last Wednesday; any number
of good patterns to go Tuesday at a
Plain 30-inch Duplex Non-fadable
Oatmeal Paper; in all the new colors,
with beautiful cut decorations to
match; 'special Tuesday, a roll
at v 22V2c
A Group of the Very Newest Bed
Room Effects, including some of the
famous Birge Papers, with new crea
tions in borders; worth to 40c a roll;
special Tuesday, a roll, at ;.18c
A Large Selection of Papers for Liv
ing Rooms, Dining Rooms and
Kitchen, with cut out borders for
each; special Tuesday, a roll, at 6V2c
Important-Regarding Your Easter Outfit !
Do not delay a minute longer than you can, help in the purchase of 1
the Apparel you desire for Easterour newly enlarged and beautified H
Fitting Rooms have increased our facilities immensely, but we would j
advise shopping early in the week and early in the day. OUR SPECIAL
and does away with the necessity of having your clothes made to order ' j