"ii 1 4 THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 26. 1918. 11 fZL? WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. J COMPETENT ,girl fur general housework; t , no washing, good wages. 113 S. 34th St. 1 Harney 621. COMPETENT girl tor general housework, where laundress is kept. Mrs. A. W. Car penter. 117 S. SSili Ave. Harney 4031. VAMtD Middle -aged lady to work for her room and board oil farm. Mrs. Y. W. Plymule Anselmo. Neb. WANTED Ouuo girl for general house work. SS week. 132 N. 3Sth Ave. Har ney 971. Mrs Charles R. Sherman. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for A invalid In her own borne, also nursing. Web 2100 V'OMEN'to do small family washing at her home: should live In southwestern part of city. Call Harney 5167. WANTED At once, a maid for general house work. 4f43 Dodge St. . WANTED AT ONCE Laundress. Apply Clarkson hospital. WANTED Second slrl. Mrs. W. W. Marsh, sos pine St. Hotels and Restaurants. THE Douglas County hospital at 14tn end Poppleton Ave., wants two dining iccm girls, white and over 23 year of ag: also white cook. Tel. Harney 652. Trade Schools. I. EARN barber trad 1408 Dodge St Miscellaneous. WHITE janitress, evening and morniug work, $32.50 per month. . Alfred C Ken nedy Co.. 205 S. 18th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book teeping, shorthand, stenotypy. tyewrlt- ng, telegraphy, civil service all comroer dal and English branches. Catalogue flee BOYLES COLLEGE Douglas 1565. 18th and Harnev Ste. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890 LLOCUTlON lessons, physical culture; read ers furnished for all occasions; prices reasonable. Call Walnut 1472, mornings. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large well ven tilated room In modern home. Suitable for two. Near car. 4123 S. 23d St. South 3994 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, twin bed; gentlemen referred; will serve breakfast. Harney 639. ,ODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine, 608 North 17th St. Reason able rent TWO furnished rooms in modern home; breakfast If desired. Phone Walnut 3726. StAM. HEATED rooms $2 wk., also apts with kttchenets. Ogden Hotel Co Bluffs NEATLY furnished room, modern, conveni ent. 2529 California St. Douglas 709. H.EASANT soffth room in a private fam ily, 131 wo. 3181 AVO. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN nicely furnished room; beautiful location; no cnuaron. name? !578 HARNEY Very desirable light hoi.re lteeping rooms. Bath floor, 1. 2. or 3-'Qom. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! It you fail to find the room you desire among these ad call at Tha Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In II parta of tha city. New lists Issue every week. LARGE beautifully furnished library ru.m. firm floor, southeast exposure. On all car lines. Walking distance. Good home cooking. Gentlemen preferred. U1 8. 25th Ave. riOOM and board $6 per week for three young men. Webster 4jij Unfurnished Rooms. iEATED ROOMS. CRF1GHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co.. Douglaa 6343. Sun Theater was 2518 N. 31ST. Nice unfurnished rooms; rea sonable. Phono Webster ztou vWO unfurnished front rooms in suite mod- W ern house. Phone Harney cti FOUR-ROOM suite for light housekeeping; modern home; launnry, mmi" Board. VILL accommodate three or four with good home cooking. 117 Turner Blvd. Harney 4777. Rooms Wanted. iV ANTED by two gentlemen, rooms and two meals in pwvato household, good bath facilities, private perferred. Willing to pay above average if suited, references. Box 4503 Omaha Bee. WANTED Furnished rooms or apartment; couple without children. Box 4504 Omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 208 SOUTH 41st St., hot water plant. .$'25.00 3019 Marcy St.; 7 rooms, modern. .$35.00 JOHN N. FRENZKB. Douglas 554. SIX-ROOM house, modern. Harney 647. North, 6-ROoSl house, newly decorated, at 2i0b N. 29th, for colored people. Phone Wibster 6755. 4-POOM and bath, second floor, $10. 2639 j) .-(vs rd St. Tel. Red 682. ; 2405 EMMET Five-room cottage, modern. Webster 1059 1-ROOM modern cottage for rent. Webster, 671. Call Miscellaneous. $18 1560 N. 20th St., 6 rooms, bath, j 0109 S. 8th, 4 rooms, newly papered J4H 2007 St. Mary's, 10 rooms, brick. $70 920-22 S. 20th, 20 rooms. i3K tf.f.i St.. Marv's 12 rooms. RINGWALT BROS.. Brandels Thea. Bldg. K-ROOM, all rrodern house, close In, $46, JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor). 200 Brandela Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. If HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS ft CO.. BEES BLDO. Shopen ft Co.. Rentals. Douglas 4228, FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. APARTMENTS. Two rooms with 3-room accomodations T in the Coronado, 22d and Capitol Ave. In-door beds, gas stove, refrigerator and 1 I mnjernn r-nnvunlpnPP. Including heat and Janitor service. Eight minutes walk to 16th and Farnam streets. o.u iuu racr. $39.60 winter. BENSON A MYER3 CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. D. 748. rnT.T.mr.ff TRRRACE New apartments, just finished, with all the latest features and conveniences fire proof throughout, $35 and $40. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sts., or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 7 01 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tyier 496. HAMILTON APTS.--Fireproof. '24th Far-nam- furnished or unfurnished. D 473. North. 4 AND 6-ROOM apts. new, modern, first and second floor, screened porch. $21 to $30. 18th and Maple. Call Red 682. 4-JIOOM apt near postoffice. Low rent. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous- PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT FURNISHED s Apartments. FURNISHED or unfurnished three-room apartments; Can weoster aa. FOR RENT Busines Pr'p'ty Stores. !ITH AND CUMING ST. Large store room suitable for any kind of business. 4Uth and Sprague St., store room, fully equipped for soft drink place, cassei neanv up., 523 Bee Bldg. ?INK no store room and basement at 27th and lavenworth Sta. Steam beat For . . ana v particulars see uonniii luuug, iu- dels TBeater mog i-ouam in. Office and Desk Room. L'MK TO SMILE'.' Office In the Bee ir.ildlng and smile with satisfaction. Keystone Investment Co.. Tyler 131. UfVk7kS.,$S'i oer month and ur FIRST VATIONAI RANK HI. 1X3., FlbtiT TRUST CO, Agta. Tyler 600. WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED Furnished apartment, married couple, no children. Furnished apt., mod ern. 4 or 6 rooms and garage. Will give reference. Phone Doug. 1563. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St between 15th and 16th. Phene Tyler (400 Have your moving handled Just as yon would an order (or new furniture. That's the way we do it. Ask to see our daily rental lists FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms tor household goods and! pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 106 a lth. Douglas 4163. FREE FIDELITY Phone Douglaa 28S for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338 JP PPFFi Express Co.. Moving. . J. IXEjUiU Packing and Storage. 1297 Farnam SL Web. 2748. Doug (14. Horses Live Stock Vehicles We will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO.. 3209 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 2501. For Sale. NOTICE to farmers and city buyers Now you' will have a chance to buy most any kind of a horse you want. Am .'rising out the entire outfit of horses and mwres. from 5 to 10 years old, weighing .iom 1,200 to 1,700 pounds. Also coal wegons. dump wagons, harness, coal shoots wnrel barrels. office fixtures, scales, cash register, safe, barn, utensils, als two spans of mules to settle a partnership deal. Call at office, 2512 Leavenwo-.h St. AUCTION sale Saturday. March 30, at 1 p. m., Ralston, Neb., 60 head of Holstein and Jersey cows, heifers and bulls. All are from Wisconsin. Williams and Davis. 18 FINE pigs weighing fro 75 to 100 lbs., in excellent condition. Phone S. 2118. NOTICE As I am not able to work my plRce this spring I will sell at a very low price, black team mares and gelding about 7 years' old, 2,800 Ins., $365. Team mares will have colts at last of Julie, $195. Mrs. Starko, 2670 Farnam. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Beautiful Dundee Home A REAL BARGAIN This house Is all modern on lot 60 ft. by 125 ft. on paved street. Constructed of brick and stucco, finished In hard wood throughout. Four rooms with sleeping porch second floor, three excep tionally large rooms ground floor. Price $6,500. Could not be duplicated for $7,500 today. Terms $1,000 cash ana $50 per month. For further particulars telephone Douglas 2926, between 8 and 5 p. m. Ask for Mr. Burr. OWNER offers 8-room, strictly modern, frame house, for one or two famllv, new hot water plant, electric lights, two la.hs. Home 'or Income property, good neighbor hood. Fine ground. High school 'tree blocks. Retail district 10 blocks. Sacrifice price $4,300. Cash discount. Address Box 4326, Bee. North. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN $600 Down and Balance $35 Per Month. -room strictly modern house. Large corner lot; paved street paving paid for; ;t large rooms on first floor, oak finish; built-in fireplace; 4 rooms and bath on second floor; full cement basement; hot water heat; east front; property worth $5,000. Owner will sell for quick sale at $4,200. Taync Investment Company, Realtors. 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D."17$l. A RARE BARGAIN. $500 cash and $27 monthly will secure a very choice new v8-room all modern cottage, 3 blocks from car line; this Is one of the choicest offerings on our list and must be Seen to be appreciated. MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames. Colfax 217. $150 CASH A good 5-room house, with oak floors, strictly modern, may be bought on easy monthly terms; good neighborhood; not far from car. Go out today. Phone Douglas 3628, days. NEW S-r. bungalow, strictly mod., oak fin ish, room decorated; furnace heat; cor ner lot; close to school; 1 blk. to Mil. lcr Park; paved street. Price $3,500. Easy terms. RASP. BROB.210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern s-room house, full basement, large lot, oloae to oar. Price $3,360 Norrls ft Norrls. D. 4370. OAK bungalow, 6 rms.. brand new, all mod.. very attractive, $3,150; only amall amount cash, bal. like rent. D. 3140. M1NNE LUSA homes and lot offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. South. 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH 3 LOTS, $L600. Looated at 3829 Arbor atreet. Can be bought for $360 to $400 cash and the bal ance small monthly payments. Go out and look this over at once and see us about It, as It Is a good bargain. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY. REAL BARGAIN $950. S-room house, maple floor, oak 'n,lsh, full cemented basement, cement wa'ks, city water, electrlo light, one and. ore half blocks from 24th and A St., or 24th street car line. S. O. Norqulst 822 Neville Block. CLASSY 8-r. mod. house, an one floor nice yard, splendid neighborhood, 1 block west of Hanscora Park; $3,000. F. D Vead, 310 S. 18th St. MAKE A NOISE like a buyer; lot 20th and Vinton; double frontage. Owner here from California for a few days. Box 4219, Omaha Bee. $2,250 Five-room house, modern except heat and electric light. 1911 S. 13th St Easy terms. Grimmel, Ph. D. 1615. FOR SALE 5-room cottage and garage, 4037 a St. Would, take light car In part payment. Phone South 961. 10-ROOM house In Hanscom park district; nice home for big family. Call Tyler 2123. 1314 S. 26th atreet. Miscellaneous. . BUNGALOW. New, E-room stucco: oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price, $4,000. Terms, $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 643 Paxton Blk. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO, Real Eatat and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St Doug. 10(1 REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. GARDEN LOTS $1D0VN $1 PER WEEK ELMWOOD GARDENS ADJOINING ELM WOOD PARK We will call for you and take you out Lota $196 and up. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. it Realtors , 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug lOlf. VACANT NORTH. Have ( full lota on Ptnkney atreet, jouth front, at 25tb Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6S46. $19 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, located south. $126 to 1300. No Interest or no taxes. Near car line. 15 down, 60c per week. Phone D. 5074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your boms or business property snd pav cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. ElectrtcBIdg. Tyler S BUSINESS properties and Investment-. A. P. TUKEY snd SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. MCAGCE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist. 15th and Dodge Sis. Douglaa 415. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 9-ROOM modern house, fine 60-foot lots and an abundance of fruit of all kinds. Will make terms. Must sell. Call Douglas 2285 days, Btjnson 234 evenings. Dundee. DUNDEE $5,000 6-room modern home, practically new, on a corner lot, with reKulatlon llvlna room arrangement on the first floor; three bedrooms and bath second j floor; floored attic; garage GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3961 919-20 City Nat. Bk. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. GEORGE & COMPANY. Douglas 756. ' 902 City Nat. Rk. Bldg. Acreage. FIVETOOM bungalow CORNER ACRE $2,950 $300 Down $28.50 Month Just listed, 5 rooms, furnace, electric lights, cemented basement, practically new. The ground is only one block from paved road and transportation. Lay practically level. Very fine soil. Immed iate possession. Call Walnut 3672 this evening and ask for Mr, Manville, during dny at Tyler 50. ACREAGE Ten acres on Sixtieth street, south of Center; 2 acres in fruit, 3 acres alfalfa, 4 acres plow land; good 5-room cottage, barn, etc; land lies fine; about 7 blocks to car line. Price, $8,250. J. L. HIATT CO., QAfl FIRST NATIONAL VIJ BANK BLDG. PHONE ftO TYLER A LARGE suburban tract of ground ouutde city limits, near carllns. Ideal place to raise poultry or garden. This la a 250 ft. frontage for $510: will sell on eaay terms Telephone Walnut $4fl FOR RENT 20 acres fruit and garden truck near Florence. Inquire 2306 N. 23d St. REAL ESTATE Investment SALE this week; modern 2-apsrtmcu. brick flat. 24th and Howard; rental, $7H0; price $7,500; $3,000 cash. Walnut 2007. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 at,, 3 miles south of Paxton. Kflth Co., Neb.; all Improved and rented, 1-3 crop delivered to town. Price $50. Will tnke In modern home around 4.000 Mtge. $4,000. 1,440 ac, Thomas county. Neb., raven; 300 hay laud, no bare spots or bluw-onts, wind mill, supply tank, cheap at $10. Mtge. $,000. HOac, Jones Co., South Dakota, clear. Price $16. Will take In Omaha residence; fine hay laliid. 160 ae., '40 miles from Jacksonville, Florida, cut-over timber land, clear P'lce $15. Take in Omaha residence. SEWARD BROTHERS, . 578 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 3840. Colfax 4193. 640 ACRES good grazing land central Ne braska. Price $8 an acre. Clear. Want Omaha property. Corkln, 4B09 Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow haa 6 five-room houses, one-7-room, modern house, one 8-foom modern house and 2 modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to Car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first ulaRS condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Natjonal- Bank Building. IF YOU want rash and will sell cheap, I will buy your cottage bungalow, house, flat or stores that you do not want; tired of holding or about to lose for want of quick money. Give full particulars In first letter and best prices. P. O. Box 456. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 5 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WANT to buy lot, West Farnam or Dundee. Corkln, 4609 Capitol Ave. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WB want 100 mortgages on Omaha resl. denccs: funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638-40 Keeline Bldg LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg. H. VV. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loan. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA " HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. LOW RATES C O. CARI.BEBG. 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. r-i m money ri rrf Oyo O HARRISON ft MORTON. "VO O 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6H snd 6 Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT Co., Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Douglas 4228. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. APRIL 2ND. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W. 8. irRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekera excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for. free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at ( per cent THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 38 First Nat'l Bldg., Omaha. Iowa Lands. 640-ACRE Improved farm, $100 acre. Easy terms. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS. $5 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry laud, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Ad dress Box 282. Springfield. Mo. Nebraska Lands. 68 ACRES irrigated land, Lincoln county, 6H miles from Hershey, rich Platta valley land, all under the ditch; 3-room house, barn, etc.; 1 acres of alfalfa. A bargain at $3,900. One-half cash. Immediate possession. White & Iloover. 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. $3 WHEAT Macaroni wheat makes 30 to 40 bushels per acre; have 400 acres first class wheat, corn, alfalfa land, eastern Nebraska, $135 per acre. All or part. God terms. Owner, Box 4560, Omaha Bee. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 320-acre .Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.; $50 per acre C. K. DAVIES. KEARNEY FOR SALE Beat large body high-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very Uttla money required. C. B-adley. Wol bsh. Neb NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prlcea write Geo. Antlll. Blair, Neb. vVRITE" me for pictures ancTprlces my farms and ranches In good Old Dawes County vrsh I, Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. ' ,. i.Ni lies nf ll ). uml kinds easj leiuu. A, A. Paunwu, Jul Katbach Blk. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Montana Lands. FOR SALE 2.100 acres of first class hay and grain land, good water rights, close to town and railroad; 4S0 acres In alfalfa hay; 400 acres plowed ready for spring crops. No waste land oa place. Price $30 per acre. For particulars call on or address K. U. FAKXSWORTH, Dillon Montanu, i Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan v,ally Project Heart of tht rango. Get on tl ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You en grow stock success fully snd cheaply. Teraonally conducted excursion every tv wieka Send for bul letin Harley J. Hooker, (40 1st National Hsnk Bldg South Dakota Lands. 160 ACRES, South Dakota laud; must sell cheap. Box 4bS8, Omaha Bee. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In the heart of the vtry best sec tion Of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Writ for booklet and map. John S. Owen Lumber Co., Owen, Clark County, Wis. Wyoming LancU. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. 860 per a . including paid-up water righta v Henry Levi f C M Rvlsnder. 984 Omaha Nafl. Miscellaneous CHOICE FARMS, Nllsson, 422 Rose Bldg. TARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm wltb us It you want to keep It. F. P. SNPWDEN A SON. 4tS S Kith If!!!," ,m- WANTED 20,000 acres of Klmlmli and Banner county land. Must he first-class farm land Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Rox Y 467, Omaha Dee. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and noles ss security 840. 6 mo.. U. goods, total. $3.60. Smaller, larger am'ta proportionals rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 4S3 Securities Bldg.. IflhFarnam Tv J668 LOANS ON DI AMON 1)3 AND JEWELRY 1(7 SMALLER LOANS. O (7 (0 W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1S9J. 10 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. X . 950 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harry Malaahock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 1891 POULTRY AND PETJJC "OLD TRUSTY" Incuhators and brooders shipped promptly Big catalog free. M. M, Johnson Co.. Mfrs.. Clny Center, Neb WHITE IcKhorn hatching egg from very good layers. One single comb cockerel. Florence, 51.'!. 2704 N. BOTH AVE. S slncl" comb white leghorn cockerels. Price $1.60. Benson 756-W. BUFF' ORPINGTON eggs. $1 setting. Fancy stock. Red 5300. SNOW white" Rock eggs for hatching. Ben son 288. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ken W. Fadden and wife to Bessie S. Plummer, Laurel avenue, 107 fee' west of Twenty-fourth street, north side 46x120 $4 Charles W. -Martin and wife to Aaron A. Bylandcr. Hauman avenue, 296 feet west of Twenty-fourth stree', north side, 44x120 Charles Grigaltes and wife to Ziva Pelch, et al Thirty-first street, 120 feet north of S street, west sld.', 30x102 t : Ella Squeaks to Ross O, Drlsty, Thlr-ty-flrst street, 228 feet north oi Ames avenue, east side, 47x133.... Ulysses G. Eggleston and wife to Fred Armhrust, Boyd street, 200 feet east of Thirty-sixth Btreet, south side . 40x130 1 Geschc Catharine Zimmurman to A hcrt Blohn, ct al.. Twenty -third street, 120 f"ot south of G street, west side, 60x160 Ella G. Pslmer and husband to Chariea W; Shaffer, Myrtle avenue, 47.5 feet east of Thirty-third street, north side, 47.6x120 6 Stephen Connor and wife to Jullu Nameth and wife, Thirty-eighth street, 1!0 feet north of Pratt atreet west side, 80x134 Home Terrace company to Ella B O'Brien, northwest corner Thirty ninth and Castelnr 'streets, 122x217 Lloyd N. Osborne and wife to Thom.is C. Covor, et al., Leavenworth street 45 feet east of Forty-fourth strct south side, 4,rixll2.C9 I Ruth N. Qulesonberry to Bertha V t'arr. Twenty-fourth street, 390 fee', north of Fort street, west side, 60x 250 760 S75 100 800 950 soo 121 a. 800 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Beef Cuts Wholcsalo prlnes of beef cuts effective March 18 ore as follows! Loins No. 1, 29Hc; No. 2, Ific; No. 3. 17He. Ribs No. 1, 24 c; No. 2, 22c; No. S. 16fcc. Rounds No. 1, 20c; No. 2, 19",4c: No. 3, 18VjC. Chucks No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 16c; No. 3, 15c. Plates No. 1. 14c; No. 2, 14c; No. 3, 13Hc Oysters Northern standards, per gal.. $2 50; large cans, 58c: small cans, 39c; se lects, $2 90 per gal.; large cans, 65c: small cans, 43c; counts, $3.10 per gal,; large cans, $3.10; small, 70c; small cans, 48c; Chesa peake st;ir ijrds, 82. 15 per gal.; large cans 45c; small cans, 80c; selects, $2.60 per gal.: large cans, 60c; small cans, 85c. Celery California mammoth, fresh trim med dally, well bleached, per dosen, 90o. Fish Whiting, ocean pike, per lb., skin skinned, 7V4c; round, 8c: box lots, fl'4o; her ring, per lb., round, 9'c; aack lota, mo; herring, per lb., dressed. 11c; box lota, 10c; tullibhe, white avge, lib., per lb., Tc; box lots, 10c; Canadian W. C. lack pickerel, rd., 12c; box lots. 11c; yellow pike. No. 1. 18c; box lots, 17c. Fresh Froren (per lb.) Halibut, coast frozen, salmon, red, coast frozen, 22c, pink, 20c; black cod sable first, coast frozen, 15c; black bass, O. S 28c; large or small, I0e; trout, small, 20c; whlteflsh, me dium and large, 18c; pike. No, 1, 18c: box lots, 17c; pickerel, dressed,, 15c; round, 12c: crapple, average, 12 lb., life: tlleflsh. for steak, 15c; yellow perch, 18c; buffalo and carp, lie; ling cod, 12c: flounders, 12c; western redsnapper, 11c; silver smelts, 16c: native mackerel, 21c; wh ting rd, O. B. and medium Iprge, 8c: frogs, Louisiana black bulls, per do... jumbo. $2.78: medium. $2.00 Fresh Caught (per lb.) Halibut, fancy ex press stock, 25c: salmon, red. fancy express stock, 2Cc; black cod sable fish. 16c: black bass, O. 8., 3V: large or mall, 25c; catfish, O. S. and large, 25c; medium, 22c; rrappte, O. S and large, 22c; buffalo, genuine, Rd.. If any, 16c: buffalo-carp, Rd.. 14c; red snapper, 18c; native mackerel, chilled, 21c; haddock, chilled. 12c; cod, eastsrn. chilled, 15c; flounders. 14c: Spanish mackerel, 17c: silver smelts, chilled, 16c: shad, split, each (frozen), 26c Kippered Salmon, 10-lb., baskets, plenty, fill all orders, $3.10; kippered sableflsh oi grayflsh, 10-lb. baskets, plenty, fill all orders. $2.40; smoked white (lakeflsh). 10 lb baskets, plenty, fill all orders. $2.30. Frors Louisiana black bulls, per dozen Jumbo, $3.00; medium, $2.00. New York .Coffee. New, York, March 25. Coffee The mar ket for coffa futures . showed renewed steadiness today on a continued demand from shorts and the trade. May contracts again sold at 8.80c, the maximum price based on 8.50c for the current month while later deliveries showed increased premiums and there was switching from near to late months, with the trade evidently uncer tain as to Just how the final liquidation of maturing contracts would be carried out under prevailing conditions. The market opened unchanged to 8 points higher and worked up to 9c for Heptember, with the dose net unchanged to 8 points higher. Tho Brazilian cables reported no shipments from either Rlu or Santos during the last week and the advance was again attributed to the ocenn freight situation and the firm ness of the spot position. March, 8.50ct May, 8.80c, July, 8.93c; September, 8.99c; October, 9.03a; Dee.pjnber, 9.09c; January, 9.12c. Spot coffee, firm: Rio 7s, 9ftc; San tos 4s, 1H4.C Sales of Santos 3a were re ported In the cost and freight market at 11c and of 6s and 6s at lOHc, steamer ship ment, London credits. There was no change reported in tin Brazilian market, In the of ficial cables, except Santos futures, which were 26 to 60 rels higher. Brazilian por receipts, 280,000 bagH. Omaha Hay, Receipts of both prairie and alfalfa very heavy. Alfalfa market demoralized and prices $1.00 to $4.00 per ton lower. Mixed and spotted offerings of prarie in large quantities have caused a drop of $1 per ton. Market on uniform cars steady at decline. Choice .upland prairie hay, $20.00. No. 1, $18.00(319.00. No. 2, $14.50016.50. No. 3. $11.5013.50. No. 1 midland. $17.0019.00. No. 2, $14.00 15.00. No. 1 lowland, 1 1 4 . 0 0 '(t 16.00. No. 2. $11.00012.09. No. 3, $9.00W 10.00. Choice elfala, $25.00No. 1, $23.00' 24.00, Standard. 19,nftoi2S. 0 No. 2. $16. l 18 00. No. 3. $1o.' 14. 0U. Oat siraw. $10.00. Wheat straw, $J .00. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Receipts Liberal; Hogs Sell Steady to Lower; Tone of Sheep Trade Gains; Packers Active. oh HIS. liotrs Sheep I 14.600 13.000 j 13.191 16. 25a 12.li: 10.656 I 9.8SS 18.0SS i JO.S92 t,66S j h.OSS 17.281 Receipts were; Estimate Monday v-mim rv . itf . . , . . Same days last year.. 9.91S Receipts una uijiuosmou oi live movh mi the Ulilon Stock yards. Omaha, Neb., for miir ending nt 3 p. m yesivraay: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. - Horses Cattle. Hogs. Slisep Mules. C, M. & St P 27 2 I Missouri Pa.-lflo ... 6 I Union Pacific $4 3' '-' 1 ! C ft N. W ast. . ;!1 T 5 II l & N. V., west., 77 99 V -, C, St. P M. ft O. . '- j C, 1). ft Q , vast.... S I I C, B. ft Q , west . ... 42 ::: 1 1 . i r , u. I. ft p.. east.. 21 ' j C, R. I. ft P., west. 6 1 1 Illinois Central 2 ) Chlougo Gt. West. 9 I . . 1 Total receipts ..'..404 211 M 6. DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Slo Morris ft Co.,.. Swift ft Co...., Cuduhy Packing 1.017 2.109 1 1,431 3.04ti 1,673 3,2lill 1,651 1.660 l.Uti Co. Armour & Co Schwarta .Co Lincoln PacHli.ir Co.. S. O, Packing Co. . . . Wilson Packing Co.. Cudahy, Sioux City. . Huntley ft Olson. . . W. H. Vansant Co Kenton, Vnnsaot ft 1. F. B. Lewis J. H Root ft Co J. H. Bulla F. it. Kellogg Werthelnier ft Dexcn Sullivan Bros ;:,312 2 4 243 11.7 93 3J 30 6M. I 1 4 12 1 19K lid 25 22 12 Rothschild Krebs. Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co. f'hrlstia lll(tl!ils Huffman Roth Meyers Ulnslurg Baker, Jones Smith Banner Bros John Harvey Dennis ft Francis... Jensen ft Lungren. . . Kills ft Co... Other Buyers 39 10 151 9 621 232 105 8 2 809 1.82? Totals 10,128 13,654 12.10 1 Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. $12 S6W 13,50; fair lo good beeves. $U.76jiiLl75; common to fslr beeves, $9 5(1 WU .60; good to choice yearlings, $11.60y 12.60; fair to good yearlings, $10 0U(jf 11.00: common to fair yearlings, 8 . E 0 4f ,50, good to choice grass beeves, $r..0')(tfl2.00; fair to good grass teoves, $t.o0Q)U.00( common to fair grass beeves, $8.00(9.00; good to Choice heifers, $9.60 011.00; giod to choice cows, $9 60(g!10 50; fair to good cows, $8.60 (6)9.50; common to fair cows, $7.00 fi 8 0; prime feeders, $11.00 12.25; gcod to choice feeders, $10.00 11.00; fair to good feeders. $9.U0(tf 10.00; common to fair feeders, $6.60 91.00; good to choice slockers, $9.60rj 11.00; stock heifers, $8.00lfl .00; stock cows, $7.009 60; stock calves, $3,0010,50; veal calves, $9 0013.O0; bulls, stags, etc., $7.60(1) 10.00. Representative sales: BEb'F STEERS. No. Av: Pr. No. Av Pr. 4 467 $8 60 30 li $8 60 17 666 9 05 20 747 10 25 6 912 1 1 00 64 1027 11 25 3 870 11 60 20 1040 11 60 18 953 1 1 66 4 1026 12 00 19 1180 12 16 21 117 1 12 20 16 12116 12 75 4 '1335 13 75 8TF.EKS AND HEIFERS. 6 S83 11 50 13 984 11 76 11 1098 12 60 HEIFERS, ft 660 7 60 4 2 6ia 60 2 216 9 00 16 82 1 76 3 78U 10 00 COWS. 6 803 7 86 7 911 8 00 9 861) 9 35 1 1030 60 6 961 9 75 5 1068 " 86 BULLS. 1 1420 I 00 1 1680 10 00 CALVE8. 12 S71 40 2 103 10 00 Hogs Today's hog trade opened with 208 loads or 14,600 head, a fairly liberal run for Monday, and the shippers were sctlve on the early market, taking the best light welirlila and Mexicans at prices ranging from $16.05 to $16.90. The early shipper .npbnt wui a n h ar. fi'rtlM Alauriv tit 1 fW lower. Perhaps were Indifferent bidders on. the early market and sought to buy hogs at prices 25c lower than Saturday's average. Later on In the morning they began to buy hogs at prices from 10c to 16o lower than Saturday's market. General movement was slow, wllh not very strong feeling. Bulk of tho sales went from $16.30 to $18.60, wllh lust light butchers at $16.90. Top brought $16 95. Representative) sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr, No. Av. Sh. Pr 21. .814 ... $16 40 68. .222 ... $11 4t 65. .247 .. .16 50 70. .256 110 16 56 24. .165 ... 16 70 13. .207 ,.. 16 16 70. .369 ... 18 80 67. .247 140 '6 80 46. .204 ... 16 90, 75. .209 ... 16 95 50. .202 ... 17 00 64. .205 ... 17 06 Sheep Tho sheep market was generally steady, with some classes selling a little stronger than the close of last week. Best Mexican lambs sold to the packers at $18.00, and the medium and In between kinds ranged from $17.26 to $17.76., Tackers bought one siring of lambs averaging about 90 pounds at $17.35, which looked steady with last week. There were a number of cars nf shorn heavyweight lambs on sale, but none had been turned at a late hour. The general undertone to the trade, however, was firm and orders seemed to be ample to take ear of the day'a supply. Ewe lambs for breeding purposes sold up as high as $18.76, averaging 76 pounds. Ewes again reached $14.00, the high price of last week. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis. Mo.. March 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.000 head; steady; native beef steers.. $80flSi 13.6ft; yearling steers anil heifers. 8700'(I3.50; cows, $0.0(1 1 1.50 ; slockers ami feeders, $6.0010.60; fair to prime southern beef s(ers, $9.00tf 12 00; beef cows and hirers, $6.00(10.00; southern yearling steers and heifers, $7.6010.00; native calves, $6 00i&14 00. Hogs Receipts, 17,800 head; steady: lights. $17. 50ifi 17.75: pigs, 1 3 50M. 17.25 : mixed mid butchers, $1 7.30'i 17.70; good heavy, $l6.90(jrl7.25; bulk, $17.0017.65. Sheep and ,l,arnlts Receipts, 500 hesd; steady; lambs, $14.00'ii 18.25; ewes, $12.50! 13, 00; welhers, $13.00 13.75; canners and choppers, $(.60'i9.50. I Wiinsas City l ive Stock. Kansas City, March 25. Cuttle Receipts, 13,000 head; steady; prime fed steers, $13.00 (ft 14.00 ; dressed beef steers, $10.5041.13.00; western steers, $10.00ff) 13 26; cows, $7.50. 11.00; heifers, $7.76011.75; stnekers and feeders, $8.00013.60; bulls, $7.6010.00; calves, $7.501' 13.60. Hogs Receipts, 18.000 hesd; lower; bulk. $16 35f 17.0(5; heavy, $16.2516.65; packers and butchers, $16.60I7.00; light U6.H617.16; plKS. $13.00lI6.65. 1 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 hesd; strong; lambs, $17.00(018.16; yearlings, $ll.Olil.00; wethers, $13,004)15.00; ewes. $13.00 14.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. March 25. Cattle Receipt. 25,000 head; tomorrow. 16,000 head; weak: native steers, $9.4014.60; jst.ockers and feeders, $7. 750 11.60; cows 'and heifers, $6 854111. 80; calves, $10.60016.00. Hogs Receipts, 77,000 head; tomorrow, 44 000 hesd; 26c under Saturday's average, bulk $17 O0Ctfl7.6O; light. $17.0017.70; mixed,. $16.70( 17.65; heavy, $16 OOft17.30; rough, $16.0051,16.35; pigs, $12.75i(16,60. Hlnep and Lambs Receipts, 18.000 head; tomorrow, 14,000 head; firm; sheep, $11.00 15.00; lambs, $14.60018.90. Sioux City Live Htwk. Sioux City, la., March 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,500 head; market steady; beef steers. $10 006)13.75; fat cows and heifers, $8.00011.50; cannerB, $7.00 & 8.00; stockers and feeders, $9.0012.00; calves, $8.00 12.60- bulls, stags, etc., $7.6010.50; feeding cuws'and heifers. $7.009.75. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; market 25c lower; light, $16.604H6.75; mixed, $16. SOW 16.60; heavy, $16.0016. 40; pigs, , $14.50(ft 16.00; bulk of sales, $16.25 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 hesd; market steady. ' Kansna City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., March 25. Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.(7!. 78; No. 2 white, $1.83i 1.86; No. 2 yellow, tl.73icl.80; May. $1.26 e.1.26',. Oats No. 2 white, 90c; No. 2 mixed. 86c864c. Kansas City Produce. i Kansas City, March 25 Butter Cwne cry, 39c; firsts, 37c; seconds, 38c; picking, I 31c. Uggs P'lrsls. 33e. Poultry Roosters. 20c; broilers, ijcL OMAHA CASH GRMN PRICES TODAY Corn receipts, 323 carloads, were far in excess of those at Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City or elsewhere The Omaha cash market, like all ethers, was off. Trices on early sales were j $1.30 to $1.75 a bushel. ' Up to tlie noon hour there Aire plenty of bids on oats, but no les had been made. Indications were that the market was considerably oil it vni Saturday, when the sales were made at W'j to 91 ctnts a bushel. Re ceipts were 122 carloads. Wheat receipts were 10 carloads. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Receipts Large; Corn Sells Lower; Oats Off One to One and a Half Cents; Rye and Barley Slump. Omaha, March 35. 1918. Receipts of corn and oats over ffuaday wen- very lib. ral, 323 cars nf the former ami 1.2 i urs of the latter being reported In. Wheat recipts were only 10 cars, while those of ry i i.nd barley ware 13 and 11 cars respei'tlv.'li . Cah premiums on all cereals showed a decided weak less In the spot market. Corn prices declined generally 6c to He with some sellliiK' off as mm Ii ss ltlc a bushel. Early uudlng was unusually slow, but later on a good demand took the greater part of the 'ffcrlngs with a preference, however, for Iry corn. The range of prices were as folio vs: No. 3 white, $1.7491.98; No. 4 while, $l.63tf l.t; No, 6 white, $1.45 iff 1.50; ' No 3 yellow, $I.66WI.6S; No. 4 yellow, $1.(10161; No. 6 yellow, $1.43 1.47; No. 3 mixed, $1.61; No. 4 mixed, $1.46 fjfl.47; No. 6 mixed, $1.40till.4. Cash oats sold off le and 1V the bulk declining a cent or more. The Inquiry for this article was rather light snd much of it was carried over. Standard nals brought S8v,o. ami the No. 3 white, 88o, No. 4 white sold at 87io, snd I he aamplo grade at 86VU!S7l Ilyo was a cent lower, whlls barley figures were cut 6e a bushel. Very little business was transacted In rlthor cereal, the de mand being very limited. No. 2 rye brought $2.93 and the No. 3 barley $1.7$, this being a part car. No. 4 barley sold at tl.TO. Clearances were:. Wheat and flour, equal to 123,000 bushels. ' Primary wheal receipts were 382,004 bushels and shipments 263,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,623,000 bushels and shipments of 1141.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 2,300,000 bush els and shipments 1,220,000 husliojs, against r edpis of 960,000 bushels and, shipments of (677,000 bushels last year. ITimary oais receipis wore as.zfli.euu ousn els and shipments 1,270.000 bushels, against receipts of 1,169.000 bushels and shipments of 609,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago i. ( 212 184 Minneapolis 184 Duluth 4 Omaha 10 323 122 Kansas City 28 288 63 St. Louis 44 23 29 Winnipeg 205 These sales were reported today: Corn No. 3 white. 5 3-5 cars, $1.70; 1 3-5 cars, $1.74; No. 4 white, 3 cars, $1.67; 3 cars, $1.68; 4 2-6 cars, $1.(5; 2 cars. $1.63: No. ft white, 2 cars, $1.60; 3-6 car, $1.47; 0 cars, $1.45; No. 6 white, 4 cars, $1.40; sam ple white. 1 car, $1.30; 1 car, $1.26; 1 car, 90c; No. 8 yajlow. 1 car, $1.71; 2 cars, $1.6; 7 cars, $1.65; No. 4 yellqw. 1 car. $1.68; 7 cars, $1.65: 2 cars. $1.64; 3 cars, $1.63; 1 car, $1.61; No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1.46; 6 cars, 11.45; 'S-S car, $1.43; No. ( yellow, 1 car, $1.38; 1 car, $1.37; 1 c'sr, $1.36; sample yellow, 2-6 car, 60o; No. 3 mixed, 6 cars, $1.55; No. 4 mixed. 1 car, $1.47 11 cars. $1 45; No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1.45; 1 car, $1.44; 2 cars. $1.41; 11 cars, $1.40; No. mixed, 1 car, $1.39; 31 cars. $1.35 1 car, $t.33f 1 car. $1.32; 1 car, $1.30; 3 cars, $1.30 sample mixed. 2 cur $1.30; 1 car, $1.26. Oats Htanflard, 1 car, 88 Vic; No. 3 while, 3 cars. 86c; No. 4 white, ( cars, 87Vic; sam ple white, 4 cars 87c; No, 3 mixed, cars, barley mixed, 87c. Barley No. 4. 2 carl, $1.70. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No.' 3 white, t1.75tjil.81; No. 4 white. $1.63(61.68; No. t white,! $1.451.50; No. white, $1.40; sam ple White, 0cjf$1.30; No. 3 yellow, $1.6601 1.68: No. 4 yellow, $1.61(61.68; No. 5 yellow, $1.4,1(tf I 4"; No. 6 yellow. $1.361 .31; sam ple yellow. 60c: No 8 mixed, $1 65; No, 4 mixed, $1.46(f 147; No. 6 mixed, $1.4001.45; No. $ mixed, $1.30i'l. 39; sample mixed, $1.261(11. 30. Oats: Standard,- 8SVic; No. 3 white, 88c; No. 4 white, 87Vsic; sample, 7c. Barley: No. 4, $1.70. Chicago closing prices furnished The Boa by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 216 South Sixteenth street, timana 'Art. Open. High. Low7"coae."Yest Corn. I ! Mar. 1 27 8; ' 1 278; 1274 1 27i 1374 May 1 26 i 1 26 126H t 264 126Vs Oats. Mar. 89 90 88 $0 8074 May 5S4, 85H86 84 V S,84 85H Pork. , May 48 76 48 76 48 55 48 (0 48 (2 Ls rd. May 26 16 26 25 26 15 26 25 2( 21 July 2il 17 26 22 20 76 26 20 26 20 Ribs. May 24 90 24 97 24 90 24 97 24 95 .1 ill V 25 26 25 82 26 26 25 30 26 30 CHICAGO ft RAIN AND rROVISIONS. Gralu Prices Weaken Owing Chiefly to War Kiimor. Clilcugo, March 26. Grain prlcea weak ened today owing chiefly to tha bearish effect which war developmenta appeared to have nxsreUed temporarily on the New York stock market. Corn closed unsettled, c to 14So net lower, with March $!.374 and May $1.2584 0 1.26. Oats finished H Sc off to Ho advance provialon wound up virtually the same figures as on Saturday. Corn traders gave far more attention to war news than to all other factors put to gather. Tho ii'lnclpal , result was to make business shrink to a very small volume In deed and to keep valufs depressed, al though i.t no time were the declines ot a radical character. Iteporis that an In crease of oats r.creage would be at tha ex pense of corn helped somewhat to steady the corn market In the late dealings and so, too, did suspicious weather for field work. Rallies in Wall si met quotatloni tended likewise to give a little more cour age to holders. New buying on the part of export Inter esls aided In counteracting weakness of tha outs market. War happenings and a like lihood that the Illinois acreage o( oats would lie enlarged bad previously led to general commission house selling. In provisions, demand from packers over came, the Influence of lower quotations on hogs. ' Corn No. 2 and No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.65 1 62. Oats No. 3 white, 9ll;ff92c. standard 91 'Aft 92c RyeNo. 2, $2.91 Barley $1.56 tt 1.85. Timothy $G.oo (JM. 26 Clover $28. OOfo 31.00. Pork Nominal. Lard $26.20. Ribs $24,07024.57. New York General Market. New York. March 25 Flour Steady, Springs. $10.7611.26; winters, $10,850 11.15; Kansas. $i0.904 1 1.25. Corn Spot, steady; Klin dried No, 3 yellow, $2.004; ; No. 4 yellow, $1,86; No. 5 white $3.20; cost snd freight New York prompt shipment. Argentine $2.40 f 0. b. cars. Oats Spot, steady; natural. $107 1.08 ',5. Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.50; No. 2, $1 250 1.35; No. 3, $1,150! 20. Shipping $1,000 1. 10. Hops Easy; state medium to choice 1917, 35i?j4:ie; 1916, nominal. Pacific coast 1917, 2023c; 1916. 14016c Hides Quiet; Bogota, 30633c; Central America, ::iit,';2e. Leather Firm; hemlock sole overweight No, I, 48c; No. 2. 46c. Provisions Pork, barley steady; mess, $52.50(81 53.00; family, $55.00; short clear, $52.00 0 58.00. Lard Quiet; middle west, $26.70 021.80. Tallow Firm; city special loose, 17c. Wool Steady; domestic fleece XX Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed 66066c. Rice Strong; fancy head, 9K09V4c; blue rose, 08c. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn., March 25. Flour Market unchanged. Rye At $3.0003.02. Harley At $1.6002.00. Bran At $32.78. Corn Nn 3 yellow, $1 .751 o Oats No. 3 white. 89 5(;90c. FMx $4.06 04.08. ' St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo., March 25. Corn No. 2 while, $1.11 ; May, $f.26. oats No. 2. 8s; No. i while, JO'tf 0;; .May. I';cv NEW YORK STOCK Viewed From All Angles Stock Market Qenerally Conceded as Bearing Up Well Under Strain. New York, March 25 Viewed from a; most every angle, today s stock market. It was generally conceded, offered substantial proof of sound fundamental conditions In' the fare ef very trying circumstances. News from abroad over the week-end, supplementing that of last Saturday, wai sufficiently disturbing to cause an exten sive accumulation of selling orders, but once these were assimilated the list promptly recovered. A wide variety of stocks broke from i to almost 4 points In the first fifteen min utes, the decline In several noteworthy In stances Indicating the urgent character of the selling. Before noon, however, virtu-. ally all Initial losses wero replsred by gains over last week's finals. For ths bal ance of the ssnslon on very moderate trad In ir. prices continued to harden, though for feiting some of their advantage to realising for profits and higher call money In the sat hour. Investment rails and seasoned Industrials. In which early recsssions averaged 3 points were among the first to rally, Reading. Union Pacific, United States- Btoel and soma of the high priced specialties finishing at gains of large fractions to over a point. Total sales amounted to (66,000 shares. Despite the better hank statement of laat Saturday, money showed a disposition to harden, sdvanclng to ( per cent after Its first offering at 6, Time funds were scares at 6 per cont for all dates. International Issues reacted with the gen eral bond list under the weight of early selling, Anglo French 6s and French stats snd municipal Issues losing from Vi to 1 per cent. Liberty Issues wars firm In ths main on lighter dealings. Salea (par value! aggregated $3,(75,000. United States bonda (old Issues) were unchanged on call. ' Number of aalei and range of prlcea of the leading stocks: Vloslng Sale. High. Low. Bid. Amer. Beet Sugar Amer. C, A F American Can .... 2,000 7 T4 7 $$ (9 76H 76 76 31 61 1a 10,400 8,000 4,500 76 Vi 40 V4 el Amer. Locomotive. Amer, S. ft R Amer. Sugar Ref. 5,000 76 700 10m 101014 lOlVi. 1,900 101 Vi 100 V4 100 Amer. T. ft T Amer. 7., L. ft 8.. Anaconda Copper ,, .... 18 10.700 (1 60 Vk 61 900 83 81 $3 3,400 106 103 106 3.400 (1 60 . (1 Atchison ,,. A., tl. A W. I. 8. L. Bal. ft Ohio Butts ft Sup. Cop., (00 19 18 200 16 II 11 1 Cal, Petroleum . ... Canadian Pacific ., Central Leather . . 5,300 137 131 4,900 14 3 3,800 (5 l 138 3 It Ches. Ohio M. ft St. P.... 1,100 600 3,100 88 $ 31 81 61 31 11 31 31 1 38 0. ft N. W C. R. t. A P. ctfs. (0 40 37 36 (( 38 3(l Colo. F. ft I $00 Corn Products Ref. 32.000 Crucible Steel 17.000 3.(00 7,300 2,100 Cuba Can Sugar.. Distillers' Sec 38 17 II Erie 15 14 14 114 ISO ' 113 111 General Electrlo ,. General Motors . ., 1.800 137 1.900 117 $00 88 Ot. No. pfd Gt. No. Ore ctfs.. Illinois Central ... Inspiration Copper. I7W 88 3.100 26 36 14 4t,1 44 ' , 1'"' II 3,800 81,800 1,900 1,100 100 44 ! 13 30 II 30 r.. .4.3 37 l II 21 lnt M. M. pfd International Nickel International Paper. 11 K. C Southern Kennecott Copper., 1,100 10 - 113 l Si " 18 ti . ... ft Nashville. Msxwsll Motors.., Mexican Petroleum 17,900 12 81 Aiiami copper .... 1,400 30 29 Missouri Pacific ,. 3,600 81 21 Montana Power , Nevada Copper .. .. 900 18 17 New York Central. 1,600 (9 68 N. Y, N. H. ft H.. 700 18 37 27! iNorroiK at western Northern Paclflo .. (00 102U 102V lOSVi 300 84 14 13 .... 28 Paclflo Mall Pacific T. ft T , Pennsylvania , 3,400 Pittsburgh Coal 20 . 44 10 ? V. 77; 16 14 83 22 46 . 143; ' 44 44 Ray Cona. Copper.. Reading Republic I. A S.... Shsltuok Arl. Cop. 3.800 38,600 5,800 32 80 71 31 7 76 si i; 21 44 140 116 Southern Paclflo , 1,700 Southern Ry 3,700 Studebaker Corp. .. 1,600 83 22 46 T4 Texas Co 4,800 143 Union Pacl(ln 8,100 119 I184 U.S. Ind Alcohol . 11,000 122 mvi 1214. IJ, H. Htael , , .. ,J, .1826,00 89 8 89 IT, 8. Steel pfd..,. 400 108 108 i08 J"'- Utsh Copper 700 71 76 78 Wabash pfd "B" ji. , Western Union ,.. J00 01 80 11 Wasting. Electrlo . 1 900 40 40- 40'4- "' n " Total Bales for the day, 666,000 shares. 1 . . 1 . j. Now York Money. f . ..." New York, Marrh 26. Mercantile Paper 1" Four and six tnonths, 8 per cent. " ji , Sterling Sixty-day bills, $4,72; coin-r ' menial , 60-day bills 1 on banks. $4.71H;': commercial (8-day bills, $4.71; demand, i( $4 75 5-1$; cables, $4,76 7-16. Silver Bar, 2c Mexican dollars, 74!4c -,): Bonds Government, strong; railroad, : heavy, , Time Loans Firm; 60 days, 10 days and 1 six months, ( per cent bid. "' Call Money Strong: high, I per eenti'", low. 5 per cent; ruling rate, 5 per cant; V" closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at I per cent; last loan, I per cent ' " V. S. 2a reg... IT1II. Cen. r. 4a.. 10 do coupon ., 17 Int. M. M. Is.. 1 U. 8. 3a reg... MK. C. 8. r. 6s.. 71 1 do coupon .. 18 "L. ft N.tin. 4s.. 13 V. 8. Lib. 2s 98.20M K, ft T. lat 4s 11 U. S. 4s reg.,.104L. ft N. un. 4a. 13 u do coupon ...104 Mo. Pao. gen, 4a, 66 1 A. F. 8. 6a ,.5 Mont. Power 5a. . 88 ' A. T. A T. c. 6s 10 N. T. C, d. (a 93 " Anglo-Frenoh 6s. 89'No. Paclflo 4s.. 71' a Arm. ft Co. 4a 84 do 8s 57 IWU Atchison g. 4s. 80O. a U r. 4a.. 11 B. ft O. c. 4 Ha 7(Pao. T. A TV fa 11 Bth. St. r. 6s 13 Penn. eon. 4s., t--Cen Leather (a 134 do gen. 4s., II Cen. Paclflo lat 78 '4 'Reading van. 4a II C. A O. e. 6s.. 11 8 L ft 8 P a la 14 ' C. B. A Q. j. 4a 11 80. Pao. e. It., 10 C M ft 8 P o 4a 73 8o. Ry. la lv C R I ft P r 4s (3 Tex. A Pae. lat. 1844) C. ft 8. r. 4a 17'Unlon Paclflo.. 18 D. A R. O. r. 6s 4$D. 8. Rubber 6s.. Tl Dom of Can. (a 11 V. 8. Steal (a IT Erie gen. 4a..., 61Wabast 1st 93 j Gen. Else 6a .. 18 French got, ! It VI Ot No. 1st 4s 11 Bld. IndoD Money. r - London, March II. Silver Bar, 4(41 ptg.'.''" ounce. r Money At 3 per oent. Discount rates Short and threa month1 bills, 1 l-ll par cant ' Naw York Prodnoa. New York, March. 26. Butter Hark 4 "; firm; receipts, 9.44( tubs; creamery, higher " than extras, 43 044a; creamery axtraa (II V score), 43c; flrats, 41043e; seconds, 31 1 . 041c , ' "' Eggs Market Irregular; receipts, 11,041 "' cases; fresh gathered axtraa, 3304Oe; XJ " ,. tra firsts, 3718o; first. 36 037c; seconds, 38036a. " Cheese Market Irregular! receipts, 1,111 boxes; state held specials, 24026o; ,' average run, 34024o. Live Poultry Market strong: old roosU ers, 27c; young roosters and smooth-legged, chickens, 35c; turkeys, S5o. Dressed, mar. " ' ket quiet; rhlckens, 27040c; fowls, 29036c;. turkeys, 26038c. Kvaporated Apples New York, March 26. Evaporated apples dull; Callfornias 14016c; state 160 16Wc. Prunes Firm; California! lO014c; Oregons 12014c. Apricots Quiet; choice 17e; extra choic 18c: fancy 19020c. Peaches Quiet; standard lt011c;'. choice 124J13c; fancy 13 014c. Raisins Steady; loose muscatela ',4 0 9c: choice to fancy seeded 10 011c', seedless 808; London layers $2.00 , Chicago Produce. -' Chicago. March 25. Butter Market higher; creamery, 35041c. Eggs Market lower; receipts, 17,001 . sases; first, 34034s; ordinary firsts, 33 34c; at msrk, cases Included, 33043c. Potatoea Market lower; receipts, 87 cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, 1 ulk, 76 ft 90c; racks. 85090c. Roosters Market steady: young, 280. , New York Sugar. 'J New York, March 25. Sugar Fani-.' steady: centrifugal, 6.006c; molasses, nomi nal. Refined, ateady; cut loaf, 8.95c; crushed, 8.70c; mould "A," 7.(5c; cubes, 8.20c; XXXX, powdered, 7.65o; powdered, 7.60c; fine granulated and diamond "A." hoc; coniectioners a, v.soc; ro. 1, 7.oo,.- 1 Metal Market. New York, March 25. Metals Lead cull; spot, $7.260 7.60, Spelter, dull; Eas St" Louis delivery, spat, $7.2507.17. At London Copper: Spot, 110; 'uturee,;. 110; electrolytic, 126. Tin: Spot ind fu- tures. 316. Lead: Spot (II 10s; futures, . 28 10s. Spelter: Spot, 64; futures 60 Savannah Turpentine. Sa vannah, Ga., March 25. Turpentine " ; sales 06; receipts 14; shipments 72"; -- Dull stocks 24.277 Rosin Steady; receipts 141; shipments;. . stocks 92,875, " Quotutlon B, D. t F. G. H. I. 560; K 650;, M (75; N 716; WG 730; WW140,