Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY bee: MAKUH 24. iyio. WATERLOO MEN SPLASH PAINT AT KLINE'S FARM Resent Small Purchase of War Stamps by Wealthy Citizen and Pay Visit to His Home, Singing "America." Waterloo, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Incensed by alleged pro-German proclivities of Paul G. Kline, wealthy farmer, residing six miles east of here, 50 citizens of Waterloo Friday night raided his farm. . Great splotches of brilliant yellow paint were freely applied to every one of his farm buildings. After the anger of the posse had been appeased, the 50 Americans gathered around Kline's residence and, with heads uncovered, and led by a tenor voice, aang "Am erica" in a gripping manner. Kline , remained indoors throughout the dem onstration., ' i Waterloo, on Friday, held a big war savings stamp demonstration. Business men and farmers from the entire countryside were in attendance. It was the largest patriotic demon stration Waterloo has had. Between $30,000 and $35,000 was raised. Buys Only Few Stamps. When word was passed around that Kline, reputed to be worth $75,000 and owning 450 of the finest acres of land in Nebraska, had bought only $20 worth of stamps, the citizens became incensed. Kline was in Waterloo in the afternoon when he made the pur chase. He has never donated to the Young Men's Christian association funds, Waterloo citizens declare, Early in the evening automobiles were silently sent around Waterloo to gather Americans who could" be controlled by their leaders. They in cluded bankers, newspaper men and business men of Waterloo. (. Arriving at the farm site, squads were detailed to care for everybuild ing. Only the shortage of paint on hand prevented Kline s " new home from being completely covered. "Pro-German" on Barn. On one side of his barn, in black letters, which can be seen for several rods the 'word "pro-German" wtre artistically attached. FIGHTS OVER STOCK RIGHTS NOW GO IHT0 LEGISLATURES Washington Bureau of The Omaha Bn, 1311 G Street. Washington, March 23. (Special Telegram.) Declaring the absolute right of the state, in effect, to control all grazing on the public lands within its borders reversing all previous opinions, generally held by those who live in the range country Justice Brandeis has handed down an opinion of tremendous importance and one likely to change entirely the present aspect of the range stock industry. , TWO JUDGES DISSENT. Omerely suffered such lands to be so i . .J J if. Justices Vandevanter and McRey nolds dissent from the Brandeis opin ion. . The case is one brought from the state of Idaho, wherein a sheepman resisted what is known as the two mile law," enacted by the Idaho legis lature in 1887, prohibiting sheep from grazing within two miles of ranges previously occupied by cattle. The gist of the Brandeis decision is "The police power of the' state ex tends, over the federal public domain, at least where there is no Iegisla tion by congress on the subject. RIGHT OF CITIZENS. "Congress has not conferred upon citizens the right to graze stock upon the public lands. The government has ALL WASHINGTON IN FEVER HEAT OVER WAR NEWS dommissioner Norman - . Decides Accident Claims (Ftpra Staff Correspdondent) Lincoln, March 23. (Special.) The following decisions in compen'.ion cases before George E, Norman, bor and compensation commissioner, have been handed down; the first three cases being from Omaha and the last from Lincoln: , . , , "The ' compensation eommlslborer finds that the defendant, Harry rti'ss, doing business as H. Gross Lv.nber and Wreckinif company, has a cady paid the plaintiff, Sonke Hansen, the sum of $7.50 per week from Apv 25, 1017 rt...k.. 1Q 1017 A M it made that the defendant con . nue to pay to the said plaintiff the 4m of 57.50 per week from Uecemb-ir J7, 1917. until his disability is removed, however, not to exceed 300 wetks from April 25, 1917, and further pay the reasonable expense of plaintiff tor medical attendance for the first 21 days. . ' -" ihe compensation eommm,oner finds that the plaintiff, George 1 1 : I - . i 1 i. 'I .l. imsarKa, was not injured wnuc m inc employ of defendant, Morris & C5., a corporation, and that plaintiff s cause ot action against the defendant be dis missed at olaiotifFs cost "The compensation commfaiscner finds that the plaintiff, Roscerb No cita, was not injured while in th em ploy of the defendant, J. J. Farks ton' struction company, a corporation, nd that plaintiff's cause of action antnst trie defendant be dismissed at p.arn tifTS COSt. . ! ' "'.( . 1 "An award was rendered in; favor ot ttit plaintiff, fcdward McCravken, against the defendant, Farmers' luion State exchange, a corporation, a'icw ing plaintiff $12 per week for a oirod of 11 weeks, beginning with Septem ber l. ViU, and further pay the rea sonable expenses of the plaintiff for medical attendance for the fir.t 21 days.' Washington, March 23. All official Washington turned its attention al most wholly today to the news from the ngntin,r front. ' Dispatches telling of penetration of the British defensive system, the re tirement of British troops, Berlin's claims of large captures of men and guns and finally the news thatthe Germans were bombarding Paris at a hklicrto unheard of range of about 62 miles, came as one surprise after the other. Embassies and legations, American officials, congressmen and others avid for news of the great battle, besieged the Associated Press offices for the; latest dispatches and crowds sur rounded the newsDaoer bulletin boards. With the full realization of the tremendous consequences hang ing on the resistance of the British and French armies,, the general atti tude of officials here was one of calm confidence. . . , , . meals. and try them Advertisement. Four Slackers Tarred and . Feathered in Illinois Town St. Louis. Marrh 23 Th charged with disloyalty, were tarred , and feathered tonight at Christopher. III., a mining town 83 miles southeast of here, by a vigilance committee numbering several hundred persons. A fourth man was forced to kiss the nag and was then driven from the town. " ( Late tonight the committee called at the home of Rev. John Kovalsky, pastor of the Catholic church at Christopher, who has been accused of making disloyal remarks. He, too, was taken to the public square, stripped to the waist and a coat of tar and feathers applied. He did not leave the, city. t Christopher, is located in the dis trict in southeast Illinois which lately has been the scene of several demon strations against disloyalists and the activity of the committee tonight 'u said to be part of the program of loyal citizens to purge the district pi charges of pro-Germanism. Armistice With Roumania 1 Holds Three Days More- ' Berlin, March 23. Via London.) Today's official communique states that because of the delay in the forma tion of the. new Roumanian cabinet, the armistice with Roumania has been extended by three days. , i a Benin dispatch on Wednesday K &hnaotl: In "V0"" announced that the armistice with n on-W. All Drug Star... roumania bad been extended until March 22, at midnight The forego ing message indicates that the newly extended armistice, therefore, will, ex pire at midnight of March 25. British Aircraft Render Aid To Infantry In Hard Fighting London, March 23. British air craft during the fighting along the front in France Thursday aided ma terially the infantry forces lelow, killing or wounding many Germans with their machine guns while flying at low altitudes, according to a Brit ish official communication issued to night dealing with aviation, In addition British aircraft bombed important military positions behind the line and aviators accounted for numerous German airmen in battles in theair. v. AT What You Like used. It is because the citizen possesses no such right that it was held by this court that the secretary of agriculture might, in the exercise of his general power to regulate forest reserves, exclude sheep and. cattle therefrom." Under this decision, state legis latures can enact laws psohibiting the ranging of sheep or cattle on any por tion of the public. land areas and the localized fight for the range as be tween the two industries may be brought to the floor of the state legis latures. )ne beneficial effect of this de cision, it has been pointed out, will be that local legislators will now be able to Pass laws prohibiting graz ing on the public lands within the borders of a state by wandering bands of sheep from the outside heretofore a source of annoyance to local stock' men. Justice Brandeis points out that a state has the authority thus to legis late over the range areas as an ex ercise of its police powers. The freauent clashes between sheeo and cattlemen resulting from disputes over the range were cited as condition demanding the- exercise of such power. i hi 62 Members of Russian Crew Held for May Court Norfolk. Va.. March'' 23. Sixty-two . . - . . . ... ' . i members of the bolsheviki crew of the Russian steamship Omsk today were ordered held for the May term of the United States district court at Nor folk by United States Commissioner Steplienson. The men are charged with violations of port regulations, interference with foreign relations and violations of neutrality. Chiropractic Talks CHIROPRACTIC FOR GOITRE Efforts' to Settle St. Louis Strike Result in Deadlock St. Louis, Mo., March 23. Nego tiations to a settlement of all strikes in St. Louis have resulted in a deadlock between the employers and workers according to a state ment issued today by labor leaders, who declared that union labor is not responsible for the industrial unrest in this district and blame the strikes on "profiteering employers." . MajorvVV. U Kogers, representing the secretary of war and the ordnance department ot the army, is in St. Louis this week acting in the role of mediator. He has arranged sev eral conferences between the dis putants and announced tonight fur ther meetings will be held in an ef fort to sett!: the differences. Bit of Unusual News Gets In Report of Famous "A. P." New York, March 23. For at least half a century young men who as pired to journalism, have been given the axiom that ' anything 1 unusual constitutes news. They . have been told, proverbially, that if a baby fell out of a fourth story'window and was killed it would not be unusual, but that if it fell out of a fourth story window into a baby carriage in the street and was uninjured it would be unusual and therefore news. It hap pened in New York tonight, , Mrs.' Edna Wicker was leaning out a window ot tier apartment at jwj Second avenue with her two months old grandson in her arms when she fell out. The baby dropped into a go-cart in the street below. Mrs. Wicker was so' seriously injured she may die.' ' Ping Feels Believed, v Ping Bodie was a pretty sore pastimer when he read that Connie Mack had disposed of all his stars But that was before Pine had been! transferred, from the Athletics to the i Yankees. CHIROPRACTOR DR. FRANK P. BURHORN (Palmar School Graduate) Corner 16th and Faraam Ste., Fourth Floor Securities Bide Adjustments $1.00 DOUGLAS 5347 - Retldtaca Phone W.b.tar 1710 SUPERFLUOUS IIAIR WHY IT INCREASES Hair tmm tm tJmlac Ita treejaeat removal la noreasary wkei merely twsaoveal frame, the artaee at the) akta. Tae aaly loajt eal aad practical war U namt aalr la attack it aader the akta. DeM trade tae erlsiaal aaaltary llanld. dees tale ar aaaeratjea. Omly caaMlaa DeKtraele 'has ameaer-ack srvaraatee tm aeh ackaoe. At tellet esaurtem faa aae, SI sad S3 alsea, er ay stall freat aa tm rials wrapper aa receast ef arise. FRED keek amaHed la slats sealed earele as teejseet, Deatiraela, USth St. aa4 Park Ave New Yerk Bee Want Ads Bring' Results. Ut , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ' Help Your Stomach and , Do Not Worry. to "v"WJk "Believe Me, I Enjoy My Mealt to the Imlt. No Fear of Coneeouencee. Either. While I Have Stuart's Dytpepela Tableta to rui dick upon. A goitre is known to the Chiroprac tor as an inco-ordination in which there is an excessive increase-in the size of the thyroid gland, which is a bi-lobed organ about three inches in length, situated on the sides of the upper rings of the trachea and con sists of small closed vesicles contain ing a yellow glairy fluid surrounded by a dense plexus of capillaries, and held together by connective areolar tissue. . This excessive increase !n the thy roid gland is simply an overgrowth to the tissue of the, gland, consisting of I an increase in the celu ot its struc ture. There are varied forms of goitre, such as cvstic goitre, which is an ac cumulation of fluid in a space in the gland. Vascular Goitre !s art enlargement of the vessels of the thyroid gland due to a relaxation or a loss of ton icity of the muscle fibers forming the vessel walls. Goitre may appear on one or both sides and be evenly or unevenly dis tributed over the gland, the first I noticeable svmotom is the enlarge ment which may not be sufficient to produce pressure symptoms. Ooitres vary in size greatly according to their I form and duration, fibroid goitres usually are the largest. Exoohthalmic- Goitre is an In-co- ordination characterized by enlarge ment of the gland and protrusion of! the eyeballs, symptoms usually ap pear gradually and the circulatory symptoms are the first noticeable, with palpitation and tachycardia, the pulse rate sometimes varieJrom 100 to nearly 200 and there may be visible pulsation of the -vessels of the nedk nd ringing in the ears from the ab normal heart action, the enlargement in this form of goitre nearly always is smaller and confined to the inner surface of the gland and is known as inward goitre. In exophthalmic goitre the eve are involved, the patient sometimes being unable to rotate the eyeballs in fol lowing a moving object, and in some ing Dyspepsia. Indigestion, weak stom ach and similar names simply mean that the supply of digestive juices is inadequate. That is where Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets come in bv sun. V If , rlii i n s he WMA do not cover th .!.IfLWi1L"titrt,8 D3?pep- Uyebatl, due to the eyeball bulgin. w w .ah - kj' "nu forward, other symptoms are nervous- earVthat thVre n ThamTvX i!"' hea1ach,T and pres" - a -i i ouiC OYtiiWIUUia. f ' ' I . P(aIiiiiiiam ' Aae fs..t! Ml l1.a The reason is clearly ulain. Your k.ii u -r,inill . , - ,, , i ' a vaiisvu vj i. 1 1. a o u i w iiuiu uv system lacKS tne proper dHrestive hin u vf.4ii k .i ju.lciC8,t0m8k yl meals ea8il7 dl- vessels and a hyperplasia of the adi- gesiea. oiuart s uyspepslaN Tablets pose tissue in the socket and this is give the stomach and other organs caused by a subluxation in the spine. OI the dlCTCStlVft nnnarnfna Iia It tnki no rilfrnrnnon in m Thlrnnraxtop Wherewithal to dieest food whother It It a elmple goitre or any other a ftiiA hA j i i i r , - any urug store the mechanical Intorforence (subluxation) Manr a time you bare looked lnt the mlnw and wiihed that your ekla would be lUe other people whom you know, "without blemith." Waih D. D. Dthe lotion of healing oHt, orer tout pimple or blotchei tonisht-and wake up in the morninr to And them eoiw A iic bottle will cive yon reliet Why don't you try D. D. D. today? Liatxid. Wash Sherman McConnell Drug Co. To gel the very bast remits tale DcHumphr,. "Seventy-aeW at too firet tneese or shiver. -Twsntyeyen" breaks up Colds FISTULA CUR Eb KectaJ Diseases Cured without . gicat jperatioa No Jhloroform ot Etre used Cure guaranteed, fkt WHEN CURED Write tor .UBMrated oook on Rectal uteae will oamet end teMtmonialt ot more hanlSwmmi ent Aeoplr ahe have beea oerm "eiX Oil. E. R, TARRY 240 Dee Dldg., OmaiirK la In the aplne, which produce prensure on certain nerves, ehuttlnar oft the life force or. mental impulse, thereby preventing Na tute from performing ita function la th thyroid aland. When a eefrment of the iptne la misaligned and remains In Ita abnormal position, aooner or later, oue to the nerve pressure, there la nouna to he an abnormal expression of function that Nature Intended to be normal, Chiropractors believe that to eliminate a effect the cause must be removed, and they have demonstrated many times that the cause of goitre Is a misaligned vertebra in the spinal column. Interfering with the nerve supply and that when the cause la removed, therehy releasing the nerve pressure, Nature will dispose of the goitre. If you are afflicted with r nitre in anv form,- will you Investigate the science that la as accurate as mathematics, rofnemberlng uai iur Yry eueci were an underlying causer Consult your Chlronractor and ask him for literature dealing with this subject and It will be gladly given. ConsultaUoa will coat you nothing. If Chiropractic had no merit it could not survive. It baa stood the test tor twenty two years and during that time has made wonderful progress. It Is in accordance, with me taws or nature, mua ita success. Next Sunday Talk No. S: "Chiropractic for Appendicitis," will be printed in The umana Bee. s s Soldiers may secure adjustmenta. free of cnarge xrom any Chiropractor. Naraee of the prominent Chiropractors la ue Xollowlng listed eitiest OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ' D H! t L a AT T. r- .' v. . Mi . Burhorn. Frank P..D. C-414 Securities BMo. Carpenter, L. N D. O. 44 Brandeis Theater Hdi. Edwards, tee W D.CM 84th and Farnaia. fonnsion, lira. J. r. and Minnie 1826 nr. u. w. Bldg. Doug. 52 .-. Lawrence. J. C, D. C. Baird Bldg. Purviance. W. K. 40 Fazton Block. Six teenth and Farnam. Douglas 4942. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA Steen 4 Steen. D. C S41H W. Broadway. nuns, rf. j., v. u., jo Mortn mam St. v COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. Aemt, Clara. D. C. Telegram Bldg. ! - - FREMONT. NEBRASKA. Berhenke. F. H., D. O. SOS North If sin St Evbree, J 8 , D C, th and Main Sta. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Ashworlh, S. L., D. C. R0S Fraternity Bldg. WAHOO, NEBRASKA. Pjerki Dieiks. D. C- Old Post Office Bid. It',' THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR i t 1