Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
6 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE- MARCH 24, 1918. p.? ? . ; t GERMANS LAUNCH HEAVY GAS, ATTACK ON TOWN IN U.S. LINES American Artillery Shells German Defenses, Blowing Up - Enemy Munitions Dumps; Sammies Raiding Teu ton Trenches Are Discovered In Moonlight and Are Driven Out , With the American Army in France, Friday, March 21 The Germans launched a heavy gas attack against a certain town in our lines northwest cf Toul last night No vind was blowing and the fumes of mustard gas from the shells hung low over the lines for several hours. Batteries firing the shells were lo cated to the right of Richecourt and our artillery was busy all morning with a retaliating shelling, j The town shelled in the gas attack contained a number of Americans. Our artillery today dropped a nuny ber of large shells into Joli wood and after firing a few minutes obtained direct hits on the target, causing a tremendous explosion, followed by dense columns of smoke as a big enemy munitions dump blew up. Some Direct Hits. The first explosion was followed by two others less severe. Our shells also made direct hits in the enemy's first and third line trenches. The Germans again have been 'given an example of the accuracy of the fire of our 37-millimeter guns. An enemy machine gun emplacement which has been annoying the Americans for the last two days was located and then the battery of "little fellows," as they are known along the front, got into action, firing rapidly. They obtained a number of direct hits and put the emplacement guns crew out of com mission. - These small guns, which are about the size of a one-pounder, are easily moved from place to place even in the trenches. Hit German Dugout I They also obtained direct hits on Mi Junction of communication trenches as men were passing into the J entrance of the dugout wmch a num ber of the enemy were seen to enter, and from which" smoke was issuing. None of. the enemy was seen to come Intermittent artillery duels have been in progress all day, both on our Toul front and in theuneville sector, where American-troops are in train ing. - .... J Driven From Foe'a Trenches. Three of our patrols reached the nemy's line early this morning, but in the brilliant moonlight thepr were dis covered and were driven out by brisk machine gun and automatic rifle fire. Our infantry discovered one enemy patrol inside our wire. These Ger mans were driverroS nd it be lieved they suffered casualties. , There was increased aerial activity today. The weather was warm and it was generally clear except for a ha, which obscured visibility above the Aow 'ground. One machine with n American observer at its gun emptied a stream of bullets into a German airplane which was observed descend ing rapidly as though in trouble be hind our lines. Ten German machines crossed our lines last night and circled around, apparently seeking out targets which they infended to bomb, but American anti-aircraft guns kept the enemy so high that no explosives were dropped. ' ' location of .County Roads " Starts Row in Keya Paha (From a Staff' Correspondent) Lincoln, March 23. (Special.) A controversy over the location of county roads and their Improvement under an act of the last legislature has met with opposition in Keya Paha county, the location of a road there not meeting the approval of some of the people of that county. The act pro vides for the improvement of roads from county funds along lines leading from one town to another. , The matter has been passed up to the highway commission, that in turn has passed it on the advisory board, consisting of G. . Condra, Lincoln; Patrick Walsh, McCook, and Harry Miller, Stanton. Dillon and Scott Battle ' " ' To Draw at Muncie, Ind. Muncie, Ind.,, March 23. ajck Dil lon of Indianapolis and Steamboat Bill Scott of Toledo n fought ten rounds to a draw here tonight Dillon forced the fighting, but Scott put up a great defensive., Dillon was knocked to the floor in the tenth round. THIS WEEK ; We Will ' DEMONSTRATE How to' CONSERVE ' -) Joy using This 2-in-l 3 FUEL COMBINATION GAS: and COAL RANGE Your Old Stove Taken For - MOT YaL DUTCH RESENTFUL OVER SHIP SEIZURE Deputy Cremer Critictees President Wilson -end Cen sures United States in Vitriolic Speech. The Hague, Friday, March LI. Seizure of Dutch shipping by the al lied governments was unjust, Dr. Loudon, the Dutch foreign "minister, declared today in the upper chamber. ''Without a shred of justice," he said, "the associated governments have carried out the proposal, al though the Dutch government in its reply went as far as possible to meet the demands of the associated powers. The resounding protest of the govern ment will find an echo in the two chambers and among the whole Dutch people. It is a protest imbued with the principle of right. The govern ment will not have to reproach itself, if the country is subjected to severe trials, with not having done its utmost to prevent this injustice." The second chamber passed unani mously a bill providing for the drainage of the Ziiyder Zee. ' In the upper chamber Senator J. T. Cremer atacked the United States after the foreign minister had com pleted his statement. Senator Cremer asked what flag would be flown from the seized Ships and said he hoped that if it were the Dutch flag, it would be hoisted at half mast. Referring to President Wilson, the senator de clared: v , "President Wilson calls himself our friend. Well, heaven preserve us from our friends." The senator said he. hoped the Dutch would not take reprisals, which could be carried, out easily, against the unfortunately interned pris ners in Holland, but they should render good for evil. He concluded: . "Our free and proud nation should prove that in these days of, brutality the Dutch are the only gentlemen re maining in Europe." Other "SDeakers also criticised Pres ident Wilson. DcputyVan Kel, a so cialist, said: The seizure of the Dutch fleet by President Wilson under the pretext of war necessity, is as bad as tns vio lation of. Belgium by Germany on the sanie pretext." FAILURE OF BlG GERMAN DRIVE MEANS WAR'S END London, March 23. Jhe attention of all England was centered today on the western-front. There was no boastfulness, but thoyfeeling was one ot supreme confidence ana priqe in the army , which stands on the first line of defense between democracy and autocracy. The newspapers warn against undue optimism, i But they oint out that the fighting instinct still lives in the British breast, notwithstanding the long years of peace and Ignorance of military training and that when that fighting instinct dies the world will see the death of the British nation. Since it has developed that this is indeed the great heralded German of fensive, the most colossal struggle in the world's history, the public and press are unanimously of the opinion that its failure will mean the end pf the war. 1 The Manchester Guardian says: "If the Germans persist in attacks and lose, they will nave lost the war and the only thing left doubtful will be the magnitude of their defeat." Edward Otis Acquitted of ' Espionage Act Violation Baltimore. March 23. Edwara Otis. claiming to be a native of Riga,' Rus sia,, formerly quartermaster on a United States transport, was acquitted in the United States court here today where he was on trial for the seedtid time on the charge of violating the espionage act At the first trial last week the jury failed to agree. Otis was charged, with tampering with the navigation instruments of the transport. .Mnf :.R9ISS $5.00 In DURING THIS SALE & SONS CO, .2J.VV1515 HARNEY ST FRENCH FLIERS REPULSE ENEMY RAID ON PARIS . Not One German Machine Sue ceeds in Reaching Capital, Due to Effective Resist ance of Aviators. Paris, Friday, March 22. At 9 o'clock tonight a group of enemy air planes crossed the lines -and a cer tain number of bombf were dropped on (Jompeigne and diflerent towns in that region. Several machines advanced further to the south, but were forced to .turn back by the fire of our artillery. The alarm was immediately given in Paris and a half hour later the "all! clear signal was sounded. Aooarentlv the Germans hart in tended to raid Paris itself, but French airmen rose to meet the on-comers and not one enemy machine suc ceeded in reaching the capital. SEEKS SHARE OF ESTATEXEFT BY RALPHH. HALL Mrs. Elizabeth Malsten, in a suit on trial before County Judge Craw ford, is seeking to prow that her foster mother, Nancy Jane Hall, also known as Nancy Jane Pollock, was the common law wife of Ralph H. Hall, former wealthy farmer of Sarpy county, who died March18, 1916. leaving an. estate valued at $200,000. Mrs. Malsten testified that Hall was a free thinker and believed that a mar riage ceremony was not necessary; that she was known as Lizzie Hall at school and that her mother lived with Hall for many years as his wife. She further alleges that Hall sought -to get rid" of her mother by inducing her tojnarry Charles Leonard, a hired man and that following her divorce Fred Walrath Lands in New York; Back From War Front Fred Walrath, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. Walrath. Omaha, has landed in New York from France, where, for more than six months, he has been doing Young Men's Christian associa tion work at the front, associated with Rev. Titus Lowe" pastor of the First Methodist church, Omaha. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Walrath, started for New York Friday morn ing to meet him, almost as soon as they received his telegram saying he had landed. He' will spend several days in New York. His telegram in dicated that he will wait there for Rev. TituS Lowe, who is due to land soon. Gibbons Wins Decision " Of Press Over Christie Des Moines. Ia., March 23. 1 Tommy Gibbons of St. Paul won a newspaper uccisiun over uus uinsuv, the Indianapolis middleweight, in their 12 round bout here tonight, the former leading ia all but the fourth and 12th round. Christie came back strong in the 12th, but not sufficently to retrieve laurels lost in the earlier sessions. ' Suffer From Pileo no matter how long- or how bad go to your druggist today and get a o eent box ot pyramid Pile Treatment It will give quick relief, and a nlnglo box often cures, A trial package? nailed free In ptatn wrapper if you end ua coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON piramid rmno company. CM Pyramid Bldis Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me A Fret? sample of Pyramid PilcTreetment. in plain wrapper. Kama. Street City. State... THIS This GAS and COAL COMBINATION To Be DEMONSTRATED N By a Special Factory 1 Expert No Plates to Take 0&, No Lever to Pull A Full Size Oven for Gas or Coal Trade on a Monogram LITTLE GIRL BORN DAY OP THE", TORNADO MISS RUTH LINDMIER. Little Miss Ruth Lindmier, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lindmier, was bom just five years aeo on March 23, the day of the tornado. A birthjday party was given in Kuths honor at her home today, when. 25 of her small friends were the guests of the after noon. Easter decorations Were nSed through the rooms, rabbits and, Eas ter eggs being, used on the" luncheon table. from Leonard he urged her to marry a preacher, A. Pollock. After Pollock's death, she alleges, her, mother went back to live with Hall as his wife. Bert Hutchinson, former employe on the Hall iarm, testified that Airs. Pollock was a "good womanwent to church and was very religious.", He stated further that Hall had advanced her money to obtain a divorce from Leonard. Relatives of Hall in New York, Washington and several other cities are opposing ilrs. Malsten s claim. PERSONAL MENTION Millard M. Butler, member of hook and ladder company No. 1 of the Omaha firs department, li rejoicing over the arrival ot babv boy at bla borne, Tent ana uomin- Would Name School After Russell Hughes A movement to have the name of the Castelar school changed to the Russell G. Hughes school was started at the war savings stamp meeting at that school Friday night. D. C. Patterson, the speaker as signed to that school, made the sug gestion and those present voted unanimously to as? the Board of Education to make the change. Corporal Russell G. Hughes was the first Omaha boy killed in action in France. He was killed March 17. His home was at 4116 Lafayette avenue, where his father and mother live. Rl COULDN'T WALK FOR TWO YEARS Rheumatism Overcome By Taniac and She Gains Eighteen Pounds. , "I have actually spent $300 for medicines of different kinds my druggist said I was the best customer he had but nothing seemed to reach my ease until I began nsmg Teniae," said Mrs. A. M. Richards, 803 Thirteenth street, Denver Colo., recently. "Three years agof continued Mrs. Richards, "I becan suffering with rheumatism and stomach trouble. The rheumatism was inflammatory and, while it affected me all over, I suffered mostly in my hands and fet. Medicines failed to heln me IsTia I went to Idaho Springs for treat ment, but came back no better. For two years I couldn't walk, some days I couldn t use my arms at au ana when I went to the Snrinfrs I had inv with mft to heln ma alone. My stomach was in a dreadful condi tion, and I was weak, nervous and dizzy. "Well, the results Taniac have brought have' been nothing less than wonderful. Last winter I weighed just one hundred pounds and I weigh all ol one nunctrea ana- eignseen pounds now and oh, I feel so much bettw. I can walk all over town and look after my house without "any trouble. I am already practically re lieved of pain the dizziness is 'all gone and I certainly do feel better than I have in three years." v Rheumatism is not only one of the most prevalent, but one of the most painful and difficult td treat of all present day diseases. When the di gestive organs and bowels are not working properly and the kidneys become clogged up, the whole sys tem becomes deranged and saturated with uric acid poisons and other im purities, which accumulate in the Joints and vother parts of the body and produce, the condition known as rheumatism. , Taniac is a powerful reconstruc tive tonic and quickly overcomes this condition by acting directly on the vital organs, toning them up and en aliling them to perform their proper funtions, so that the impurities are soon eliminated ; from the system in a natural way. Liniments and external applications, as a general thing, only afford temporary relief. Tan lac is a constitutional treatment and gets right to- the root of the trouble by removing the cause. taniac is sold in Omaha by Sher man & McConnell Drug Company, corner 16th and Dodce streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney streets; Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam streets; Northeast corner 19th and Farnam street, and West End Phar macy, 49th and Dodge streets, under the personal direction of a special Taniac representative. -Adv. When Buying Advertised Goods Say , You Read of Them in The Bee "W t IS CHARDS WITHDRAWAL OF HAIG PUTS FOE IN TIGHT PLACE Officials Predict Enemy Em barrassed to Hold New Ground Against Strategic Advantage of British. Washington, March 23. Army1 offi cials today awaited eagerly fuller de tails of the break into the British de fensive system west of St. Quentin, reported by London, - v Until the extent of the retirement of the British lines is revealed, there is no means of gauging the strategic possibilities of the German successes. Observers found comfort in the fact that announcement of withdrawal tame from British, not German sources, and also in the orderly move ment of the British to new positions. . Those facts, they feel, preclude the possibility that a large, sector of the British position has been over whelmeJ and a grave threat created at the security of the whole line in that region. It was thought likely the British withdrawal might leave the German forces- in an embarrassing position, possibly holding a salient projecting into the British fines and assauaoie by counter-attack -from three sides. Unless the breach is a wide one and the Germanj are able immediate to pour in vast, reserve forces to keep going ahead, there always is the chance that the head of the salient can be cut off by counter assaults on both flanks and the more advanced German jinits captured. This is pre cisely what happened to the British themselves at Cambrai.' German estimates that they had taken 16,000 men and 200 guns in their first assault were accepted as 6uostan Appendicitis ia piimarily due to the pois on, formed by decaying food in the bowels. It is a disease caused by improper and in sufficient bowel elimination. Many people have only small passage in the center of the bowels while the sides are clogged with old. stale, fermenting matter. They may have a bowel movement every day, but It is not a complete movement and the old, stale mat tmr etavi in the system to ferment and cause trouble. Besides appendicitis, such un clean bowela cause headaches, stomach trou ble and 90 per cent ot all otner eicuness. The old, foul matter sticking to the sides of tmmowels olten stay a in ior , poisoning the body and causing that list less, tired feeling known as ''auto intoxica tion." x HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE The way to 'avoid sickness and to keep feeling full of 'ambition is to watcj) your bowels. Just as you keep the outside of your body clean, you should also KEEP THE INSIDE CLEAN. It is even snore important to keep the bowels clean than it is to keep your body washed, because the', millions of pores in the thirty feet of bowels quickly absorb poisons generated by decaying food eft carelessly in the bowels. Don t allow tne old, fermenting, filthy stuff to stay in your bowels for weeks, but GET IT OUT and keep it out. Remember, filthy bowels are the cause of most sickness no stomach, liver or any other organ can do its work with a foul cesspool sending out gases and poisons. Even HOW TO FKEYEOT AFFEMPECITIS ..." General Gibson Says Every Soldier WHO GOES TO THE FRONT ; " Should Take Nuxated-Iron General John li Clem, Who Was Sergeant in the l. S. Amy at-12 Years of Age, Gen x eral David Stuart Gordon, Hero of the Battle, of Gettysburg, Judge Samuel S. Yoder,'for 18 Years a Practicing Physician and Formerly Surgebn Major in the Army, Also Tell How They Were Benefited by a Short Course of This Remark able Product. Dr. James Francis Sullivan and other physicians explain why Nuxated Iron helps to Increase strength and endurance and build up weak,-, nervous, run-down folks. "What every soldier mo4 needa ia tremendous 'stay there strength,, power and endurance, withjierves of steel and blood of iron. To help produce this result there Is nothing in my experience which I have found so valuable as organic iron Nuxated Iron," says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physician of Bellevue Hospital (Out-door Dept). New York, and the Westchester County Hospital. "I have personally found it of auch great value as a tonic, strength and blood builder that I believe if General Gibson's d vice were followed many Xif our fighting rnen would find it of great benefit. .In my opinion there Is nothing better than or ganio iron Nuxated Iron for enriching the blood and helping increase strength, energy and endurance." General Horatio Gates Gibson says Nuxated Iron has brought General John L. Clem, U. S. A. (Retired), the drummer boy of Shiloh.who entered the U. S. Army aa a drummer boy at the age of eleven years. He was promoted to be Sergeant for gallantry at the battle of Chlca mauga when only 12 years old. He says that N treated Iron is ha J ..r.r.Hhl tnale back to nim In good measure that old buoyancy -and energy that filled his veins in 184T when i that he ne made bis trtumpnant entry prising remits from its use ia with General .Scott into the City two weeks' time. ' of Mexico. : Another remarkable ease is that of General David Stuart Gordon,, noted Indian fighter and hero of the battle of Gettysburg. General Gordon says: "When I became badly run down this year I found myself totally -without the physical power ta 'come back as I had done In my youtnrer days. I tried different so-called tonics without feeling any bet ter, but finally I beard, of how physicians were widely recom mending organic Iron to-renew red blood and rebuild strength in worn-out bodiee. As a result I started taking Nuxated Iron and within a month it had roused ray weakened vital forces and made me fee strong agsin. giving me endurance such as I never hoped to again possess." Another interesting ease ia that of General John Lincoln Clem, who at the early age of 12 years was Sergeant in the U. S.Army and the last veteran of the Civil War to remain on the II. S. Army active list General Clem savst "1 find in Nuxated Iron the one and ever-reliable tonic Two months after beginning the treatment I am a well man." Dr. Schuyler C Jaques, Visiting Surgeon of St, Elisabeth'a HospitalNew York City, said: "I have never before given out any medical information or advice for publication, as I ordinarily do not believe in it But in the case of Nuxated Iron x feel 1 would be re miss la my duty not to mention it. I have taken it myself and given it to my patients with meet surprising ami satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective tially correct, as" no details. came from British sources. The fact that figures were available for announcement by the Germans to soon after the event indicates that the captures were made in -' large erouns. Had the 16,000 men' taken been picked up here and there along the whole front outhe present opera tions, covering 50 miles, it would have taken days to form the estimate as to their number. This led to the belief that one or more important advance posts of the British battle front were cut off in the first rush and tlit surrender was made necessary because supply and ammunition lineshad bee severed. It it not unlikely that these movements established the Germans in positions. of such strategic value as to. force the abandonment of a considerable sec tor of the front involved. '" Many officers thought today, that one effect of the breach in the British line would be to transfer operations to the flanks of the sector penetrated. Without doubt, they said, the Ger mans would attempt immediately to widen their positions, turning right and left from the original "direction of their advance. v Troby Given Promotion r To Be Detective Sergeant Alonzo Leo Troby, telephone oper ator at central police station, is now detective sergeant, assigned to the morals squad at $150 a month. Troby's promotion is a reward of liis faithfulness and integrity. He spent 12 years as a police officer. By his good cheer and cleverness he won the hearts of his fellows and congratulations by the score are being heaped upon him. "My one regret at leaving the 'in side' squad is being compelled to leave Officer Frank Rose, my desk partner," Troby declared. Dog Owners Are Slow In Taking Annual Licenses The city clerk reports that dog own ers are not obtaining 1918 licenses as promptly as usual. The Hags are on sale in the clerk's office and the city council has directed he deg catchers your bowels move slightly each day, that is not enougn. inera man ue u.-cn ....... THOROUGH, complete cleansing to rid your system of all accumulated, decaying matter. HOW TO CLEAN BOWELS QUICK ; The MOST COMPLETE bowel cleanser known is a mixture of buckthorn bark, gly cerine and ten other ingredients, put up in ready prepared form under the trade name of Adler-i-ka. This mijtture is so powerful a bowel cleanser that it ALWAYS does its work properly and thoroughly. It removes foul and poisonous matter which other ca thartic or laxative mixtures are unable to dislodge. It does a COMPLETE Job and it works'QUICKLY and without the least dis comfort or trouble. It is so gentle that one forgets he has taken it until the THOROUGH evacuation starts. It is astonishing the great amount of foul, poisonous matter SINGLE SPOONFUL of Adler-i-ka draws from the alimentary canal matter you would never have thought was in your system. Try it right after a natural bowel movement and, notice how much MORE foul matter will be. brought out which was goisoning your sys tem. In slight disorders, such as occasions constipation, sour stomach, "gas,, on the stomach" or sick headache, one spoonful brings relief almost INSTANTLY. Adler-i-ka in the MOST THOROUGH bowel cleanser and antisepticiser ever offered in ready pre pared form. It is a constant surprise to peo ple who have used only ordinary bowel and stomach medielaes and the various oils and waters. Dr. Jane Francis Sulli van, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital. (Out door Dept.) tint York and the Westchester County Hospital, says every sol dier and civilian who wants something to help? in crease his strength 'and endurance should nave this prescription filled and take Nuxated Iron timet daily aa did Gen erals Gibson, Gordon and Clem and Judge Yoder. J f Pf ft obtained moat aur- The above Sullivan's .- t scripuon ior en riching the blood fl and helping to make strong, ; keen, red-blooded Americans- luff . r.. v v . .... t men ' and women , wno aare anaao. Judge Samuel S. Yoder, Statesman, Jurist and for IS ; years practicing physician formerly Surgeon Major in the Army ami now Commander m Chief of the Union Veteran Union, aayst "Nuxated Iron reatoita, revivifies and rehabilitates the system. To the man of 70, aa I am, it is just as certain, just aa'ef ficachraa '. aa to the youth ia his teens.1 - , remedy." If people would only' take Nuxated. Iran Iytk when they feel weak or run-down instead of dosing themselves with habit-forming druga. stimulants and aleoboiie beverages, there are probably thousands who might readily build up their red blood corpuscles, increase their physical energy and get themselves into a condition to ward off the millions ot disease genuvthat are almost continually around us. It is surprising how many people suffer from iron deficiency and do not know It. If. you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far yon can walk with- to begin their work April 1, when un licensed canines will be impounded. C. Ni Dietz holds tag No. 1 for his dog "Punch." Carl Schmidt was given tag No. 4 for Jritz, a Russian bear hound. ... ... ' To Choose From the Best Pitir.cs ( to We abeolutely aure of havint an inatrtiment in your home that will al waya be a aourc of grcateat pleasure and satisfaction to you. ' Nat the names of thoaa embraced in or Una- ' , , Steinway H&rdman Weber Emerson McPhail Schmoller & Mueller Aeolian Pianola Piano's Their superior standing has been won through that degree of quality which time and service have demonstrated to be, highest, both in musical worth and dependability. ' VT invite your inspection. You will find our values the greatest - and no where are more liberal terms of pay ments offered.' We do expert tuning and furnish free estimates to repair and revarnish old. in struments. ' i . Remember-- the third Liberty Loan starts April 6th. Schmoller & Mueller 1311-13 Farnam. Piano Co Doug. 1S23 REPORTS FROM PHYSICIANS Dr. James Weaver, Loa, Utah: "I have found nothing in my SO years' practice to excel Adler-i-ka." Dr. W. A. Line. West Baden, Ind.: "I use Adler-i-ka ' in my practice and have found nothing to excel it." . "'' ' . , Dr. F. M. Prettyman, MWlard, Minn.: "1 use Adler-i-ka in all bowel cases and have, been very successful with it. Some cases re quire only one dose." Druggist D. Hawks, Goshen, Ind.: "Onj of our leading; doctors has used Adler-i-ka in eases of stomach trouble with wonderful success. He has not lost a patient and saved many operations." J. E. Puckett, Gillham, Ark.: '1 had bad stomach trouble. After taking Adler-i-ka feel better than for twenty years. Haven't language to express the awful impurities which were eliminated from my system." Cora E. Noblett, Sageeyah, Okla. : "Thames to.. Adler-i-ka I ean sleep all night now. Something I eould not do for years." MjrsjL A Austin, Ausland, -MihS : "I eould .not. est thing, my stomach was so weak. Adler-i-ka made me feel better and am bow able to work and gaining." Adler-i-ka Is sold only by the leading druggist in each city. Sold in Omaha only by Sherman -k, Mc Connell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Beaton Prog Co., 15th and Farnam; Yates Drug Co m to ana vnicago. inrougnout meDriutKa oy the leading druggists in each city. Adv. ' three 4 General Horatio Gates Gibson, U. S. A. (Retir ed), who entered the City of Mexico in the war of 1847 with General Win ded Scott. General Gib eon, says: "Judging from the results in my own case, I feel that every soldier who goes to the front should take Nux ated Iron." is Dr. pre- General David Stuart Gordon, U. S. A. (Retir ed), promoted for gallant conduct in the bat tle of Gettysburg , well-hnown Indian fighter. General Cordon says? ."Despite 'my own ad vanced age: Nuxatael Iron has made me fit and ready for another campaign, and if my country needs me, I stand ready to go." out becoming tired. Nerf take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see bow much you have gained. - JUOTrACTCItHtg' NOTE NaittM Iron, which Is praeribed by Dr. gulltran. and wliich has beefTj. used by Generals Gibson. (Jordan. Clem. Judge Todet sod others wKb soesuunrainy result, is nob s secret remedy, but one iiich is well known to tlrvt glsts snrywkcre. Unlike th-eldf Inorganic iron pro- uucts tt is.ewry swfellated, does pot Injure the testa, auks them black nor upset tbe stnmtoh. The nuamVturera guarantee snecewfal snd entirely sW (factory reealte to every purctiaser or they will tm fund your money. It is dispensed in this rttv r onerroan Mrmneii vmg IX). and all other drug- 4ajy!wni'...i.i-w.ii!CTw eim. rl 1 , ,r,2 1 mm brntnim si HI i iliri frsig:j.iaSJ.tfj 1J 1 3.