Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1918, WANT-ADS, Image 42
jr. . ;jsi-i&'7'-i-;s OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1918. Weekly Commercia AUTOMOBILES A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. Abstracts of Title. Chiropractors. Physicians and Surgeons. In own your -homed I Guide MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE! A AB STRACT CO. 1714 Fsrnam SU Douglaa 865. . iOTH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk; new location, 494-490 Bran dels Th. Bldr. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. D. 6381. DAVIS. DR. WILLIAM W1NDLE. Phvftictnn end Surgeon. 110-21-22 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler TJI. Auto Exchange Co New Location 2059 FARNAM ST. . We have the lowest prices on used cars in the country. We have proved this to thousands of satisfied cus tomers, but not only do you get here what you pay for, but we try to give you a lit tle better for your money than you counted on getting ford touring, good running order 51'5 Ford roadster, thoroughly over hauled 200 Ford touring ......... 200 Fourd touring, demountable rims ' 225 Ford touring 1913 ..50 Ford touring 1916 ......v.: 275 Ford touring 1917, new tlrti .... 375 Ford touring, 1918 ....... .... 425 Ford coupe, 1917, many extra 475 Hupmobile "22,'' roadter, apecial Rebuilt body ISO rvw11 rnaditer. BCwlv filiated f" " ' n 1916 .... Overland "75" roadster, like new Interstate roadster, sood runninar 400 order 400 Velie. 1917. roadster, like new.. 750 Hirfrhakcr count, newlv oainted ..... 400 Hmlion "37" couoe. sood running order 350 Glide "40" couoe 165 Imneriil. electric light, starter .. 200 Studebaker tourinff. starter and lights 250 Chevrolet touring, like new .... 325 (iivnn sir. tnnrinc. newlv ...,. - - v. - i nainted 450 f)ui-1aiii4 tmirino' cnnrl runnlnflT order 275 Kissel six, touring 450 Mitchell six, 1916, touring 450 Chalmers, tourinff. 1916. newly painted 550 Buick "37," touring 450 Overland new .. Overland 75" touring, like 400 4-pass, electric lights, tarter Velie '"30? 300 electric lights and starter ... 27S Jeffrey touringS... 200 Briscoe touring, 1916 ........... 40 Packard twin six, touring.. a bargain ff you are dissatisfied with your car, trade it in and get a new one you can use. Make small payments each month. We stdre it for you until you want it Auto Exchange Co 2059 FARNAM ST. VE MOVED JUST A FEW DOORS UP THE' alKEKl OPEN SUNDAY, 9 TO 3 P. M. That Better Job There's a better job ahead that will only be yours when you have earned it. Business of today is overburdened with mediocrity, but there are hundreds of 1 bigger, better jobs ahead for the men ' who are qualified to fill them. When you feel that you are qualified to hold that better job ahead, you owe it to yourself to study the daily changing want ads under the heading of "Help Wanted". When someone tells you, "the good jobs are never advertised", just show him the "Help Wanted" columns. There will in all probability be several jobs advertised that he cannot fill WJien you meet a man who says it "can't be done," who blames everything but himself, you find a man who not only has failed, but he admits it. Go after that better job by watching the want ads. "Keep Your Eye on The Bee" Improving Every Day Classified BIO PROFITS IN POULTRY saaured by using PRATT'S POULTRY REGULATOR. It strengthens breeding stock, increases fertility, resulting In bigger hatches and Insures strong healthy chicks. ROUP profit destroying, contagious, trouble maker, positively prevented snd cured by Pratt's Roup Remedy. (Tablets or powder.) Bold on money back guarantee by Stewart Seed Co. "PRODUCtt MORH EGGS'KAT MORE KQGB," Is ths govsrnment appeal. Keep a small flock of hena In, your Idle back yard. Have plenty of eggs and meat tor horns via. Sell the surplus at big prices. For best results us a varied ration and Pratt's Poultry Regulator. Guaranteed to make your hens lay or your money back. Stewart Seed Co, S. C, BUFF ORPlNGTON egga for hatch ing; pen 1, headed by cockerel aired by lat prise cock at Mo. state show; brother to pullets at stats experiment station, making blgheat egg record of any breed, 11.60 for 16; pen I, cock sired by Chic go Coliseum prise-winner, 13 for 16; pen I. It per 100. Miss Laura Cox, Bolivar, Mo. M YERS S. C BLACK INORCAS, IIATCHINO EGGS. SEND FOR MATING LIST. MYERS POULTRY YARD8. 128 Sixth Ave., Council Bluffs, la. ROSECOMB Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, from on of the best pens In the state; 13 setting. 3 for $6. Phons 8nuth Sill. Flessant Hill Poultry Farm, 7616 8. 30th St.. Omaha. Neb. 60,000 PURE BRED BABY CHICKS, 11 varieties, 113.60 to 111.00 per 100. Safe delivery guaranteed. KANSAS POULTRY COMPANY. NORTON. KANSAS. NEW Handy Lee Incubator and brooder; used only for one hatching; 146-egg ca- paclty. Phone South 311'. C, WHITE LEGHORN AND HUFF" OR PINOTON HATCHING BOGS FOR 8ALK. D. O. BELT, 1481 LARIMORE ST. COLFAX 4040. POULTRY JOURNAL Practical and reli able monthly; special introductory offer, I month! for 10c Ths Poultry Rocord, Carey, Ohio. KGGS1 16 best varieties, from 26 farms; Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Reds, Or plngtons, Lsngshan, Leghorns, etc Floyd Kills. Beaver Crossing, Neb. I OLD TRUSTY" Incubators and brooders hipped promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson Co.. Mfrs.. Clay Center. Neb. SNOW whit Rock eggs for hatching. Ben son 161. White Leghorns. SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN. Tom Barron strain. The chick that ma tures and lays sooner and more eggs than any other. Hatching eggs, 11.60. Doug las T55I. 3704 N. 60TH AVE. 1 single comb wblts leghorn cockerels. Trie ?1.Q. Benson 766-W. ANCONA and Single Comb While Leghorn eggs for hatching; new proposition. Hill side Poultry Farm. Council Bluffs. Ia. WHITE leghorn hatching egg from very good layers. On single comb cockerel. Florence 641. Orpingtons. STATB show winners Whits Orpliiglon eggs 16 hundred; 11.10 setting; Best Den $5 setting. Toulouse Geese eggs 16 setting. Champion Gander In show; Pekln Duck, 11.60 setting. Otto Hampp, Beaver Crossing, Neb. Plymouth Rocks BARRED Rocks, bred to lay. Sweepstsko winners at North Platte. Also single comb Rhode Island Reds, SOO.egg strain. Eggs 13 per setting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ik I. Tucker, North Platte, Neb. 1IINNE LUSA Barred Plymouth Rocks, eggs for hatching. 18.00 per hundred; catalogue free. Ahlquist Bros., Florence. Neb. Black Minorcas. BLACK MINORCA?. Buff Orpingtons. Buff Frank A. Agnew. South Side. Omaha. Rhode Island Reds cHoriK ISLAND Reds, single comb exclu sively; exsmlns our stock before sending est fir hutching eggs. Franklin Red Gardens. . Xtleyaon Webster 4003. Poultry ROSt! COMB RHODE ISLAND REPS, for sale. W. H Chapln, 60th and Mluml. Walnut 2103. ROSE-COMB RUODK 1SLANU RED eggs for hatching. Baby chicks when (Or dered. I'hone Colfax 1041. Wyandottes WHITE WYANDOTTES Winners Iowa Stats Felr, Nebraska Stalo Show. Amerl can Royal Stork Show. Omaha Show. C. It. Frame, Vllllsca. Iowa. Perfection Chick Food Just What It Name Implies THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. TWO STORES PUBLIC MARKET lUfl 1613 Howard First National Bank BWf. RHU Street EGG-O-HATCH Tie Start at A Pet, Oft, SMstAsarw Makes Better Hatches; Stronger Clucks EGG-O-HATCH is a dry powder. Mixed with water it makes a solution which is aonlied to earn dunns incubation i it soaks into the shell and supplies oxygen lbr the growing chick; absorbs the csrbonic acid aas riven ol the animal matter of the shell, it rots or .", making it mora porous and brittle. Vp to the hitching' point, a chick breathes hlnnH vrlft lruatr,t in tk. innM m.nihrgft. Close the pores ol the shell and the chick quickly dies. Partially close them and the chick is weakened just the asms as if partially strangled. 11, at the same time, the shell is drying out and becoming harder, tougher and noa-porout, a point is reached where the chick is too weak to break out oi the tough (hell. EGG-O-HATCH changes all this by keeping the shell pores open: nuking brittle the shell; supplying the chick with extra oxygen and quickly absorbing and getting rid ol the carbon dioxide. EGG-O-HATCH is easily and quickly applied to eggs by spraying or dipping. It is used only three times during the 21 days. Our hatches have shown from 10 to 40 per cent better results where Kgg-U-Hatch was used, snd ail were belter, stronger chicks. Fifty test hatches showed an average ol 96 per cent for ecf treated with Egg-(-Hatcli, and SI per cent lor eggs not treated. RIGHT IM THE SAME MACHINE. Egg-O-ltatch is easily proven. Use it on half the eggs in an incubator. ONE SIZE ONLY, 50 cents postpaid, or at dealers. Sufficient for 600 eggs through one hatch or 6 hatches of 100 eggs: SO-egg sample 10 cents postpaid. Our No. 19 stormier, all glass and rubber, is handiest and best way to apply Egg-O-Hatco. PRICE 75 CENTS. Send for New Book "ALL ABOUT EGGS" Or, better still, send 5 cents In stamps for our Complete Poultry Library (5 Books) postpaid. It is a liberal education in poultry work, snowing how to keep hens profit able every month in the year; how to make better hatches and raise more chicks: how to get the best market on eggs; instructions for housing, feeding, preventing and cur ing disease, etc Weil worth S 10.00 to any poultry raiser. Learn the "LEE WAY" The regular, systematic way by which you can make more money every month by nse oi Lees Egg Maker daily; Germosone twice a week; Lee's Lice Killer once a month; Egg-O-Halch for the incubator work; Fgg-O-Latum for keeping the cheap spring and summer eggs for th winter market. Full information. Poultry Library, etc, postpaid for 5 cents m stamps. . . . GEO. H. LEE COMPANY, 1115 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. "Egg-O-Hatch is certainly a wonder." Charles E. Jleckle, Memphis, Tenn. "Am very well pleased with Egg-O-Hatch." Daisy S. Ineson, Ansonia, Conn. 'ew York toffee. New York, Msrch 23. There was more business In the market for coffee futures ttirt.v snd' after oDcnlng unchanged to oolnts lower, prices advanced with the close unchanged to 8 points higher. There wss some selling early attributed to hedg ln aralnst cost and freight purchases, but trade Interests were buyers later, presuma hlv asulnst suot business, while there wa also Wall street and foreign covering. May Bold up from 8.70c to 8.80c, and September from 8.84o to .0e. March. 8.60c; May, 8.80c .tuiv. s He: Seotember. 8.92c: OctoDer, s. December. .02c; January, .05e. Spot cof fee steady: Rio 7s, ic; Santos 4s. 1114c nn frh offers were reported In the rost an frt,rttt market, but It was said that Braslllan shippers had accepted bids from Importers late yesterday. The official cables reported no change in primary mar ir.t. ,,.. nt Santos futures, which was un changed to 25 rels lower. Rio exchange on London was 1.32d higher. Brlsallan port receipt, 28,000 bags. V:,. ."." "J - ttb.Pz.r,i ik-Jk.Va disintegrates the shell. through Innumerable incf within the shell. 3 Adding Machines. oalton Adding and calculating MACHINES. 424 Ram. Bldg. DougJ44S. Attorneys. DICKINSON, C11AS. T. Douglas 1804. 611 Faxton Blk. FISHER. H.. 1418 Flrit Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1966. Attorney ana couunuur " FITZGERALD JAMES M.. 1017-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas .sus. GRAY & BRUMBAUGH. 313-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Bed 3J&J. uenerai planum state and federal court. HOLDER. E. C. 44 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Douglas 2344. CLAIBORNE. H. H.. 612 Paxton Blk. Pnona Bed 7401. MATTERS. THOMAS H.. Lawyer. 25S Ora. Nat. Bank Bldg. uougiaa mi. Automobiles. GOERNE, FRED. & SON, C.026-6028 8. 24th. Boutn 198. Agents ior mac juiu M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. 10th and How ard. Doug. S60U. rora car. auvi Authorized agents tor Ford cars. M'INTYRE-HAYWAR ' MOTOR CO., 1427 Farnam. Douglas iuo. Stearns-Knight snd Regal cars. t SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th ana Burt Tyler 613. 100 per cem rora tcs to Ford owners. Auto Livery. SHERMAN. A. W.. 2311 N. 24tb St. Webster 2883. Auto livery and storage. S 1ITH TAXI CO.. Doug. 680. 1417 Farnam. Funeral cars furnished. .-! smun. msr. Auto Painting. ROESSIO. Vf. F. 144 S. 40th. Har. 144S. We maks old autos looK line new rni Auto Repairs. GREENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ING, 2029 Farnam. Douglas vui. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 S. 11th Doug. 4881. Automobile worn. cyi. uuin.. pistons fitted, auto parts made to ordVer. BERTSCHY MFG. & ENGINEERING CO.. 8. E. Cor. 20th and uurney ois.. uiu-imna made new, new parts made, too." D. 2662. Auto Tires. TWO-1N-ONB VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 Davenport St. Douglas 2n. Auto Tops ar.d Trimmings. ENGLISH. THOS. F., 2318 Harney. Doug las 3788. Satisfaction guaranieea. ins best is none too good. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglas 296. 14th and Jackson. un-imu-A transfer CO.. 1108 Nicholas. rvier 460. Publlo warehouse. Storing automobiles a specialty. v FORD TRANSFER CO., 817 Douglas 8t Tyler 3. "Always at your service. FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007 'A Howsrd. T, in r i.niilrrt In An liaulinc for YOU. Banks. COMMERCIAL STATE BANK OF OMAHA, THE, 1513 Main, Florence. Flor. 303. 4 pet. on time certificate and savings deposits. Protected under Neb. state guarantee law. OMAHA NAT'L BANK, Tyler 100; 17tb and Farnam Sts. AMERICAN STATE BANK. ISth and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Benevolent Institutions. CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE. 61 S. 42d. Harney 6511. Supported by donations. Biscuit Manufacturers. IT EN BISCUIT CO.. Capitol Ave., 12th to latb St. Douglas 2123. Snow White bak ery Mfrs of cracKers. caKes and cookies. Blue Prints. FENCER, N.. 305 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 2762. "Blue prints that satisfy." Books, Stationery. MATHEWS' BOOK STORE. IJ20 Harney St. Phone Douglas 3144. Books. Stationery and Engraving. Bottles. RIEKES. 8. & SON, 1513-1.. Webster tt. Tyler 2033-W. Jobbers ana aeaiers iu if ties of all kinds. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION, N. W. Cor. liitn .na uoage. uuu las 370. 6 per cent real estste loans. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CU.. im una Hickory. D. 1043. Jirrs. or Doners. ,. smokestacks and oxy-acteylene welding. Billiard Parlors. 8UBWAT BILLIARD PARLORS. 204 Si 8. 14th. Swsnson & Ayieswortn. i-roirieioi.. Cigars, tobacco and barber snop. D. 4661. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO.. 120-24 N. 11th St. Douglas 3903. w. v. bicwimuui Cash Registers. lioRRIt- CASH AND CREDIT KHUIsu.n CO.. 119-223 City i rans ij. Douglaa 4108. E. W. Hart. Pres. AUTOMOBILES USED CARS AT SPECIAL PRICES HUDSON SUPER SIXES T7f ini.h,..! anil overhauled with new tires and the same Guarantee as a new car. Other Used Lars. Hudson Touring Car. Apperson Touring Car. Interstate Touring Car. Enger Touring Car. Paige Touring Car. Studebaker Touring Car. And if the car is not all that we rep resent it to be aften seven days trial your money will be refunded. Call up and arrange for a dem onstration on any of the above cars. GUY L. SMITH "Service First." U(!-(f-(? Farnam St. V Douglaa 19 70. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 38th Ave. and Sahler tit. Colfax 88$. Contractors (Building). EUREKA BU1I.D1NO AND REPAIRS. 2416 Lake. Tebster 3000. Workmanship snd service. Prices reasonable. Confectioners. ROGERS" CONFECTIONERY. 24th Farnam Sts Phone Douglas 127. an4 WILSON. L. L.. 1401 Main St., Florence. Neb Soft drinks, ctgars. candy Flor. IS. A, B. sTv EETHOSTtHE. P "if sFoTlStb. Jackson. Dainty lunches and He cream. Kancv nnd staple groceries Delicatessen. ALVOKDS DELICATESSEN, if.ol Fannin. T 34 r4 Picnic lunches n specialty Desksv NEBRASKA DESK & REF1NISH1NG OO.. 4216 N. 24th. Colfax 1424. If It's about desks let us know. Dentists. EADES, DR. U. F.. 201 Faxton Bloili. D. T72S Not the cheapest, but th' best. Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO.. 1302 Farnam. D. 2b72. Gen Agt. NVAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Drugs (Wholesale & Mfrs.). OERING. "1ENRY R.. CO. THE) 701 8. 13th St. Douglas 1290. Pharma ceutical chemists and drug Mfrs. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE HAMMERS DRY GOODS CO.. 9th and Howard Sts. Doujlas 206. Clonks. sultM, ladles' and men's furnishing, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy (rnd staple Dry Goods. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle worli guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Bee. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINOSON ENGINEERING CO.. 1122 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal im provement engineers; sewer, paving, eleo. light, water works, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON & BENNETT. 424 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers snd rirnftmn Florists. BRANDEI3 FLOWER DEPARTMENT, DOUGLAS 2020. Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 130S Leavenworth St. Douglas 626. Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 8. 12th. Douglas 2171. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany In the middle west. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-J11TCHELL CO., 2614 Martha bt. Harney 1662. Machine, gray Iron, brass, bronze and sluiiilnumasjiiigs. OLSENTTHlYnGKR. 14il7 Jaclcson. D. 7491. Brass, bronze, and aluminum cast ings. Grocers Wholesale. HUGHES, H. J.. CO., 1201-3-5 Jones St. uojgias un. Hotels MERCHANTS HOTEL 1508 Farnam. Douglas 648. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 340. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-ln-chlef. The most com plete hospital in the west. Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 2793. Wholesalers and retailers of even-thing In eatables. Watch for date of opening in First Nal'l Bank Bldg. SCHNAUBER & HOFFMA . -"08 N. 16th Douglas 1420. Staple groceries and meats. WISI.ER. JOHN. 48t!i and Leavenworth. Walnut 3343. Free delivery Hardware. PETERSON & MICKELSON HARDWARE CO.. THE. 4916-13 S. 21th St.. South Side. Phone South 171. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO. McCague Blk.. 15th and Dodge. Douglas 654. Wholesale snd retell Ice. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.. 19th and Nlcbolaa. J. L. Baker. Prei. F. J. Yette. Sec'y and Treas. Insurance, Fire. D. M. M'GAHEY, General Agent HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. 319-3" City Nat'l B'.t. Bldg Doug. 4162. "1 want you (o feel at horns In THE HOME." , lewelers. J. HENRICKSEN. THE LOYAL JEWELER. Douglas 1574. 201 N. 36th St. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1103-13 Nicholas St. Douglas "Everything for schools." 1912. Institutions. NEAL INSTITUTE. Douglas 7556. 1502 South 10th Hi Pan'.s, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS.' PAINT Co. Duuglaa 4750. 16094 Fsrnam St. Junk Dealers. AMERICAN JUNK CO.. N. E. corner 12tb snd Chlcsgo Sts. Dougl 4f Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS.. 115 Exchange Bldg.. Omaha. Stockera an feeders our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 4iith and Leavenn-t.b Harney 424. Lumbering Along." "J us i Magn .-tew. ANDERSON. CARL A.. 14v7 Jackson. Douglas 2418. Specialists In Boscb Igni tion systems and Helnie -ctrlo starters. Mirrors and Resilv:ring. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Douglas 6525. 1614 Cumins St Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340 South Omsha Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter nsttonsl Patent Co., S83 Brandeis. D. 691 Pipe Repairing. PTPPQ -w repair rlrCiO attention all kinds. Special to mall orders. OMAHA TOBACCO CO.. OMAHA, NEB. CAMPBELL. DR. 8. M., Physician and Sur geon, 1S01 Farnam St. Douglas 1220. Printers' Supplies. BAkNHART IiKuS. A SPINDLER, 1114 Howard St. Douglas 1076 Printers' supplies. Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and Farnam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and of fice turniture. DOUGLAS PUNTING CO.. 109-11 N. 18th 8t Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO.; THE. 322 Hee Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Osteopaths. ANDERSON. DR. MARY E.. 605 Bee Bldg. Douglas 399i. Signs. CLARK, F,. M. & St'N, 113-115 S. lth. 2d floor. Douglas 1378. Signs, sboit catds and office letterings Soft Drinks. STEVE COLOMBO 1002 Douglas. D. TEMPERANCE BAR. 3399 Metchants lunch. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278 Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE 807-309 So. 17th. Douglas 805. Office, type writer., architects' and engineers' sup plies. Loose leaf devices. Stocks and Bonds. ROBT O. DRUESEDOW & CO. Dealers In Local Securities. Slocks and Bonds for Investment. SOO Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA. 21a S. 20th St. Phone Douglas 7601. We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods.' TOWNSEND GUN CO.. if.H Farnam. Douglas s70. Outing and lumping supplies and outing clothing. Store and Office Fixtures. OMAHA HXTUKB AND SUPPLY CO. Duugltta 2.24. a. W. Jorner lltb snd Doug las Sts. Largest new and used store and utftce fixture house In America) Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 S. 10th SU Douglas 602. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Tents and Awnings. NEBRASKA TENT & AWNINO CO., 1204 Farnam. D. 3329. When you think of tents or awnings think of Douglas 3329. Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING. HEM- ' w" STITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. Dou. 3109. Rooms 336-J7 Paxton Blk.. 3d floor. Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1905 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes. Wall Paper and Paint. YETTUR-WALL PAPER CO.. 1114 Harnt-y. Phone Douglas 930. Vall paptr and-in-it-rior decorations. Wholesale and retail. W1EMER, O. i... 2302 Cuming. Doug. 8Tn3 Wholesale and retail wall paper and paints. Also painting decorating. Undertakers. HULSE At R1EPEN, 701 3. 10th. D. 1226. Undertakers and embalmers Personal at tention given to all calls and funerals. GENTLEMAN, JOHN A.. 2621 Leavenworth St. Douglas 1659. Licensed embalmer. Funeial director. Lad;- Attendant. ' HOFFMAN. LEO A.. Cor. 24th snd Dodge. Douglas 3901. Eiperts In embalming and funeial directing. Private chapel. HEAFEY & UEAFEY. 211 Farnam Hart ney -'to. Undertakers and cmbalmere. CROSBY, WILLIS C. 251 -13 N. 24tb St, Phone Webster 47. Council Bluffs Directory Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK. Broadway and Scott St. I'hone 41. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. 629 W. Bdwsy. Red 1307. Baths in connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHOE Co., 419 WVst Brosdwsv. I'hone 669. Strong & Garfield's men's shoes. Wright Peters' snd K. P Reed's ladles" shors. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. Coal and Ice. DROGE ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pesrl SL Phone 260 Caterers to hat and cold Coal Dealers. O'NEILL BROS.. 123 W. Broadway. Phone 629. Coal, wood and feed. NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL & ICE CO. 909-11 W. Broadway. Phone JJ. Florists. GARDINER FLORAL Co.. 10 Ptarl '-u Phone 623 Garages. BOLTON. (I.. H. TOU R 1ST GARAGE. 15 161 W. B'dway. Phone 520. Taxi service, storage and repair woik. Agent for Reo and Chevrolet cars. Groceries and Meats. WlNN FLOWER. 212 16tn Ave PtuZZ 237 When you want prompt service and iimlliv of sdmis. cam. nj rS Lumber. OLIN.S ,. A.) LUilRER I'll. 2d and Vine Sts. Phoi e in. "Uulnn for 'uallty and Quick Service." HoaGLANI) a Co.. GEO. A.. 724 8. Main St Phone 245 Lumiier. Un. and cement. Piano Teachers. BELL. MAUDE GRAHAM, Studio 14 Stuts man St. Pbone Jr:j Piano and Harmonv, Sweeping Compounds. CONTINENTAL KOMP.TND CO.. Un a Main PL Phone 16 Sweeping compound Dut nr Mr Sjloff. Theaters. NICHOLAS THK.ATER. 647-549 W B'wav. High clat photo pUya Vsudevills if season. Wall Paper and Paint. BORWICK. H.. 211 S. Main it. Phone 683. We han1! ths best In wal paper and paints.