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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
J- 4. -ii-.ii "jfeT'J-J' 1918. tuiq-r Arv nfiE'SM'T .- - iitt i r if An'TTn tit a TtPTT o 4 T P0MlT FORGET ' TUE HEARD IN OMAHA ENJOYS THE RCST MICE JWDAV.BUT HOUCAM HE EM30Y IT tJiTH THAT DvDc A ' The First Nice Sunday. v . Copyright, llil. International News Service ' Drawn for The Bee by Callahan HELP WANTED MALE Agents tnd Canvaseri, AGENTS Men nd women Mm $J0 to $7S wtekly Uklnf ordert for our Fmou Uuamnteed Mtdo to Uoaturo Blncoti; direct Irom factory to wearer; good proposi tion; proflU In advance ; aample outfit free. Writ quick. Davlco Raincoat Co., 1401 DouKlaa Blvd., Chlcafo. WaNTKU Jo.xl local merchandleo broker or mannfactureri' aienU to represent na amonf tba Jobbers and Pept, elore trade; tboi having good connections only torn mlaalon bais. AMERICAN BRUSH CORPORATION Chicago, III. AOKNT8 10 weekly and automoblU fur. n lined men placing aamplea wonderful new automobile necessity with automobile owners. Reduces operating eipenao. Makes old cars run like new; 6D outfi' fur. nished free. L. Ballwey, 604 Station IT Louisville. Ky. .NOW BOTH Hero la your big cha.w.e to clean up big money. Llvest house, entirely new proposition. Writs at once r you will mlas a golden opportunity. K. 7. Kldd, Desk C. P, U0 Postal Telegraph bldg., Chicago. - - AUtNTS Make big profits selling our ei tract, perfumea, cold creams, face pow ders, apices, medicines, etc. Beautiful, high grade line: oxoluslvt territory. Bam , pis soap free. Lacasslan Co., Dept, lit, nt. i,oan, no. 10 PICTURE NUN TO HhiUL MEDALLIONS OK SOLDI EK BOV8 AND OTHEHS. FAST 8BLL1NO AND BIO PROFITS. INTERNATIONAL SALES ASSOCIATION, PES MOINES, IOWA. 11 KN AND WOMEN with selling ability to Introduce typewriting ribbon re-lnkor. Typewriter users buy on sight. Big com. mission. Re-Inker Co., II Union Square New fork City. IOENTS To meat government requirements for inoome tax schedule every farmer should have my complete eocount book; Odell clfared 111. SO first' day, Send for free outfit. Prof. Nichols, Napervllle, III AGENTS Sell Kantleak ralncosts; new plan; we deliver and collect; profits In advance McCann making $70 a week; samples free. Comer Mfg. Co., tit Brick St., Day ton, o. CALIFORNIA ROSKBKAt)8 Selling Ilka hot cakes: agents coining money; big profit swell proposition; get catalog. Miaslon RoseAead Co., 2I1I-W, Pico, Los Angeles, Cat. I BOOK AGENTS TO SELL WEBSTER'S tJNABRIDOED BIBLE PAPER DIC TIONART. AGENTS MAKING 110 TO 110 PER DAT. W. B. SHERLOCK, DBS MOINES. IOWA. AGENTS Get particular of on of the best paying proposition ever put on th mar ket! something no on ls lli make 14,000 yearly. Address E. M. Feltmau, 111 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Blggeet hit out;, jfdaal (teak tendered and vegetable chopper; makes chuck steak tender ' si porurhoumtt free sample. Dept O. M, H. Tyler Mfg, i;o.t nuncio, ina. AGENTS with Ford car are making a big hit demonetratlng Simplex Ford starters and body brace; secure : agency now; thousand In use everywhere. Simplex Mfg. i.o., box no, Anderson, ma. MAN No capital or 'experience; make (10 per day op; new method reflntehlng brass metal beds, cash registers, sign. Writ for information. Akron Reflnlahlng Co., 4 S. Canal, Akron, O. MEN and women, make big money v free samples and catalogues; world' greatest specialties Including new national and mil itary gooda. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. ACT QUICK Sell In-Between-Tlre. which equal Ford tlrea. at only U each; demand enormous: profit unlimited; details free. Reliable Distributing Co., 103 Llbsrty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa, MAN or woman of character to aid lo the distribution of religious literature. We will guarantee to pay you at least SI!!. Sam ple free. International Bible Prees, Phil adelphia. AGENTS 130 to $100 week; free aamplea; gold sign letter for (tores and office windows; liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co,. 4S N. Clark. Chicago. ilTfl LIVE agents wanted Here's chance for btg money, brand new seller, unlimited field. Writ today. C W. Allen, Dipt. 1, Martlnsburg, la. DRCNK OR CAZT Not us, but wa let you collect the money and keep It all. Ours cornea later, Wonder Burner, Dept. I, Columbus. O. ti SUBSCRIPTION MEN NEEDED AT ONCE. FA 81 BELLING OFFER. SHER LOCK AOENCT, DBS MOINES, IOWA. v Trade Scliools. ' AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Learn In alx week, no hookas eaay to tears; free catalogue. National auto School, ill 4 N. loth St., Omaha. Neb BOTH men and women to learn h barber trade. Special rate. Call or writ 40 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLFOE. BE an auto and traotor expert In a few week; earn lit to Slot a month. Our big free book explain. Rth' Auto School, iiso oak Pt., Kaneee city, mo. Hotels and Restaurants. ELDERLY OR MIDDLE AGED MAN. SIN GLE, FOR NIGHT CLERK, $16, ROOM AND BOARD. THE CANO AOENCT. 100 BEE BLDG. Boys. 3 or 3 strong boys who live at horn $1.71 . per day. - 7 OMAHA BOX CO, EAST OMAHA. WANTED Strong. Intelligent and wil ing boy or young man to work In sign shop. K. M. Clark. 113 S. Hth St., second f oor. BOY or man to work In drug etor. All around work, lid Ave. and Arbor St. Harney 1471. WANTED A reliable boy to learr lb Jewelry business. Albert Edholm. Miscellaneous. , . Laborers Wanted Wanted 50 laborers, work starts immediately;- Apply ; E.A.WICKHAil, Fort Omaha, WANTED tl FREIGHT HANDLERS; STEADT WORK: CAN USB II COLORED MEN. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAIL WAY, HTH AND DAVENPORT STB. WANTED By the Owls, men of ability to . take charge of states, to obtain members, employ deputies and establish lodges, . strictly en commission; exceptionally good opporunlty for men with ability; no saiary and expense loafers desired. The oslx. South Bend, Jnd. , . . FlPST MICE. KOMS FlCST HOLIPAV. SHE'S I7VIKKJ to CT HOME AWD OUT OF THOSE SWELL CLOTHES. 5HE FEELS SO UNNECESSARY SUUDAY OSUAU.V &2iMi3 OUT AN AGfT OF THOSE MQCO. HUSSAJ40&. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. WANTED. FRKIQHT HANDLERS. APPLT ADAMS XXPRES9 CO., BURLINOTON STATION. WANTED EXPRESS DELtVFRTMKX, EXPRESS HANDLERS. APPLT WELLS-FAROO A CO. UNION STATION, OR 114 8. HTH ST. WANTED. rRElOIIT HANDLERS. APPLT AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. UNION STATION. HIUH CLASH MAN aa superintendent team. , Ing and truck delivery coal and building material. In application must stat age, experience, employment last three years and three references a to cbarcter and ability. Confidential If requested. No attention to appllcanta who fall to comply with these conditions. Permanent place for right man. Address 4101 car Omaha Bee. , MEN WANTED. AOB tl TO 0, FOR GENERAL TARD WORK. STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLT TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK TARD8 CO,, SOUTH OMAHA. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A BONO. We writ muslo and guarantee pub. Diner's acceptance; submit poems on war, love or any aubject. Chestsr Muslo Co., 031 b. nearborn, null lszo, cntoago, TRIED TESTED WINNER Place "Big W" wartii; ana cleaning vaoist in tore and home; quick, profitable, ateady sales. Sample free. Big Wlsard Co., Ill E. Id St., Cincinnati. WANTED A man with commercial expe rience to assist In making adjustments and stttllng Insolvent estate. 1 Box 4441, Omaha Bee. TOUNG man II to JO who can set tyt Ad drea Box 4400. Omaha Bee, WANTED A milker. Box 111, Millard. Neb., or phone Cherry eti. HOUSEMAN wanted Clarkson hospital. at ones- Apply FREE JOB No offlo fee. Apply at S. 10th St. HELP WANTED Male and Female. THOUSANDS of Government Clerks needed , Immediately. Civil Service Examination soon. Men tnd Women desiring positions departmental, typists, stenographers, railway mall, postofflce write for free Information, Geo. - W. Robblne, Civil Service Expert, Jordan Bldg., Washing ton, D. C. AVANTED Competent, experienced fir in- urano elerk for home office work. State age, experience and salary desired. Ref erences required. Box 4411, Omaha Bee, THOUSANDS government . war position open. Men and women wanted. Iioo month. Writ for Hat. Franklin Inst 1. tut. Dept III C Rochester. N, T. OMAHA Railway Mall Clerk Examinations April 13. $10 month. Sample queatlons " free. Write, Franklin Institute), Dept. 2S1C, Rocheeler, N. T. II OLE It Barber College wants young men and ladlee to learn the barber trade. Call er writ for free catalogue, 110 8. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. TEACHERS WANTED Science. $900; com merclal, 11,100, Immediate work. Stewart School Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, WANTK'e Maids, housemen, good wages. Inquire housekeeper. Henahaw Hotel. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, $75; book keeper, $76; comptometer operator, 145; goneral office clerk, $II-$7S; stenographer, small law office, $40; itenograpber, be sinner, $60; stenographer, Fremont, $70; Stenographer, real estate office, $81; of fice clerk, good at figures. $$S. , Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. Originator of the Reference Business 7 3 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER. $71; office clerk. $70 to $10; bin clerk, $52; steno, amaU office, $40; tile clerk, $40; steno and diet, opr., tail steno and compt, opr., $4$; Bur roughs opr., $45; steno, small office. $81; steno and diet. opr.. $35; steno, wholesale, $80; steno. $7$ to $80; steno, Co, Bluffs. $50; typlat and clerk. $81; steno, uptown office, $7; typist and P. B. X. por $40; compt. operators. $40, $60. $60. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1131 First National Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted for bank, located In county seat town cf people, within 10 miles of Omaha banking experience not necessary s salary 111 to start and bonus amounting to lit per month. THE CHARLES B. WALTERS COMPANY. 1411 First National Ban . Bldg. Omaha. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS In Oma. ha aoon; women desiring clerkships, post office, government departments, sten ogrtphers, writ for (roe particular to J. C Leonard (former government ex aminer), 114 Kenois Bldg., Washington WANTED An experienced etenographer, Steady employment and good (alary; non but axpertencea neea apply. HARTMAN FURNITURE ft CARPET CO. 411 SOUTH 14TH STREET. WANTED Lady collector; must not b afraid of work; experience unnecessary; tat age, salary wanted, eta Bog 4177, (JmiM Bee. LADY of Intelligence and energy to assist In food conservation work: whol or spar time. International Institute. Philadel phia. TYPIST; good at figures, for billing; steady position: no overtime. Call In person. Ooodrtca Drug Co., 1301 Harney rSTENOORAPHERS $80, $70," $7 i t TYPISTS $40, ISO, 161 TUB CANO AGENCY, 000 BEE BLDG. WANTED Experienced girl for physician office. Give reference. Box 4834, Omaha Bee. WANTED Girl In office and (hipping room. Dreaher Bros , 3117 Farnam St Professions and Trades, THE Nebraika Telepton ontpny offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladle t learn local and lonw.dlstsnce telephone operating. Permanent position, uppor tunltfes for advancement, good wage. A salary paid while learning. Parerta deetrlug ta acquaint thme with tb working condition or any other detail r specially Invited to aooompany the appllcanta, Apply to C F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas street THAT DwDc : r-X r7 VD. lWCEal HAT OKI HOPE THE VOk jMr? WSJ k BWHT 7 I KWOW 1'i.U 'HATTlE" HAS FOOQ. CATCH COLD HATS, AW? SUCH A MICE PAY. 50RCY SHE CAM'T MY HEAVY CCmOr-F! WEA&THEM ALL ATONCe CALAMITY HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. 25 GIRLS For hand work on army supplies. No experience necessary. 18c per hour 1st month. 19c per hour 2d month. 20c per hour thereafter. APPLT ALBERT MATHER. FOREMAN. 1ST FL. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. 1501 Howard St. 50 GIRLS ForA Icing and Packing Depts. Salary to start $9 per week and rapid advancement assured. Best possible working conditions. Apply at Once. Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. Uth and Davenport St. WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP IN ALTERA TION AND MILLINERT WORK ROOM, APPLT SUPERINTENDENT BRANDE1S STORES. WANTED Twenty-five girl, experienced on power sewing machinal ; nice, clean, stesdy work; experienced operator earn 111 to 111 a week; guarantee given. Oma ha Auto Top Co., 701-11 S. i:th St. WANTED Registered surgical nurse and registered n irse not likely to be called to government service. Apply to Super-" Intendsnt Orthopedlo HoepitaL Lincoln, Neb, ' ; WANTED AN EXPERIENCED FUR OP ERATOR OR A OIRL WILLINO TO LEARN; STEADT WORK. .TELEPHONE TYLER 110. GIRLS WANTED Good wage; steady em ploymenl; light work; Eggerss-O'Flyng Co., Uth ana t,eavnwonn pis. WANTED Pressors and tailors, wage $13 to $1$ per week. Dresner Bros., 1317 Farnsm HI. 1 WANTED Walat finishers an nsiters. Jessie F. Fox, 774 Baundor-Kannedy Bldg. WANTED Praotlcal nurse at 3ti30 Farnam St. Apply after I p. m. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY MILLINERT DEPARTMENT. APPLT TO MR. T. F. LLND. HATDEN BROS. WANTED. EXPERIENCED HELP IN MILLIN ERY, CLOAK, SUIT AND WAIST DE PARTMENTS. APPLT SUPERINTEND ENT BRANDEIS STORES SALESLADY Influential and energetic with aoms selling expsrlenoe; opportunity of establishing permanent business to right party. Beat references required. Madeira Linen Shop, 17 N. State, Chicago. SALESLADIES, earn $31 a week taking orders for mens tailored neckwear; per manent, dignified position; profit sharing plan. E. L. Kelser Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, Mich. ' ' FIVE bright, capable ladles to trave,. demonstrate and sell dealers, it to lim per month- Railroad far paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept 114. Omen. Neb Household and Domestic WANTED Bright Intelligent girl for gen- oral housework and to asalat In oooklng. No objection to high class colored girl. Party must com well recommended; modern home, In family; chance for the right party to travel with family. Apply O. L. Oliver, Oliver theater, Lincoln, Neb. NEAT WHITE OIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK; 1 IN FAMILY. TELE PHONE WALNUT 111. HOUSEKEEPER, refined lady between 30 and 40, without children, for widower with on child. G. E. Clark, Junction City, Kan., Car TJ. P. Depot. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUtK WORK! NO LAUNDRY: THREE IN FAMILT. MUST GO HOME NIGHTS. WALNUT 114. WANTED Girl, general housework; can cook; no washing or Ironing; small family; excellent wages. 701 South 37th St Har ney 1620. COMPETENT maid for general housework; references required; highest wages. Mrs. Edgar M. Morsman. r., 4124 pavenport St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. where laundress la kept. Mrs. A. W. Car- penter, 117 8. 18th Ave. Harney 4031. WANTED An experienced second girl; ap ply Mrs. N. Y. Colpetxer, 401 6. 18th St. Telephone Harney 04. WANTED Middle-aged lady to work tor her room and board on farm. Mrs. Y. W, Plymal Anselmo. Neb. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for good glrL Phone Harney or uar nay 1168. EXPERIENCED .'UR8K Well care for Invalid In her own hem, aleo nursing Web. 1100 WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. Phone Harney $147. WANTED At once, a maid for general houaework. 4643 Dodge St. WANTED AT ONCE Laundrei. Apply Clarkson hospital. WANTED Second glrL Mrs. W. W. Marsh. 101 Pine St. WANTED White girl for housework. Phone Walnut 1430. Hotels and Restaurants. THE Douglas County hospital at 14th and Poppleton Ave., wants two dining loom girls, white and over II years of age: also white cook. Tel. Harney eel. WANTED Three colored wallresees. 3 psn try girls, msn or women dishwasher. Hotel Castle. Inquire Mr. Jones. Red 7401 Trade Schools. WANTED Ladlee to leers barber Irsae, Special rate n Inducements TR1-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. rfllAMlTV TrW HCM L0VE5 THOSt NICE SukjEWS.THE kiAlKING IS 5o GOOD. ITS SHE'S HE'S LADIUC"OEA?iE' TO A STREET THAT IHASMOCAWDV5HDP5 cm rr. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. LADIES 140 a week; etartlng new hosiery proposition; guaranteed for one year; must wear 12 months or replaced free. O. W. Noble made $2$ one day; aworn proof. Write for terms. Guaranteed Hosiery Co., 4838 Round St., Dayton, O. NEAT LADT demonstrator In or out of the city; electric 1. Call In perron between 12:30 p. m., and 1:30 p. m. Wellington Inn parlor. Good ealary. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines; exp. unnec. ; de tail free. Press Syndicate, 181 St. Louis, Mo. WHITE Janitress, evening and morning work, $33.10 per month. Alfred C. Ken nedy CO., 200 S. 18th St. EDUCATIONAL UNCLE SAM SAYS "I must have thousands of stenographers to handle the vast amount of clerical work necessitated by the war. I will pay you a beginning salary of from $900 to $1,200. Some of my most valuable and highly paid, assistants started as stenographers. Many appointments are made from ,the War department. I will advance you, too. IF vou are well trained and ef ficient." Young Man and Young Woman are you answering Uncle Sam's call? Are you prepared to assist him in his great task? If not, we will prepare you to be of assistance. We will see that you are placed in a good position direct from the class room. Write or phone Catalogue free. . Day or Night School. BOYLES COLLEGE 18th and Harney : Douglas 1565 Van Sant School of Bualnea. Day and Evening School. , 110 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 8840 ELOCUTION lessons, physical culture; read er furnished for all occasion; prices reasonable. Call Walnut 1472, mornings. FOR RENT ROOMS "burnished Room9. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished parlor room; strictly modern; private. 3706 Farnam. Dougla T(". BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, twin bed; gentlemen referred; will servs breakfast. Harney IS.- MODERN, furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine, 408 North 17th St. ' Reason able rent. TWO furnished rooms In modern home; breakfast If desired, Fnone wninnt mse. STEAM-HEATED room 12 wk.. alao apt! with kltchenets. Ogden Hotel to Hiurre NEATLY furnished room, modern, conveni ent. 3620 California St. Dougia I'ws. BEAUTIFUL first floor room, three win dows. 413 8. 34th. Douglas 77SV. PLEASANT rooms In the Vernon Apart ments, jut tioutrt socn m PLEASANT ejuth room In a private fam ily, lai no, eiBi ONK NICELY furnished sleeping room. Call w eoaitir eeae. l-7m,oelrkr-inar Pnnme MODERN nicely furnished room; beautiful location; no cnnaren. ninpy FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, l till nowara. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERSI It you fall to find the room yon deslr among these ads call at The Be office for Room List Gives complete description of vscant rooms In ell psrts or the city New lists lssuef. every week. LARGE beautifully furnished library rotm. first floor, soutneast exposure un an car lines. Walking distance. Good home cooking. Gentlemen preferred. M8 S. 16th Ave. CAPITOL AVE., 2643, nice location, walking distance; $6.76 per wee, uomi dskius Douglas 7941 WANTED A married couple for room and board: good ideation, weoscer im ROOM and board 36 per week for throe young men. weoeinr sjis. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS. CRFJGHTON BLOCK, World Realty v-o., iotim Sun Theater B'dg FOR RENT Three rooms and bath, all modern and garage. 370 N. earn Ave. , 361S N. S1ST. Nice unfurnished rooms; rea sonable, rnone weoeigr si. TWO unfurnished front room In ult mod ern hous. Phon Harney 1231. FOUR-ROOM suit for light housekeeping; modern home; inonary. weoater Board. WILL accommodate three or four with good home cooking, lit Turner Blvd. Harney 4777. Rooms Wanted. WANTE.D by two geutlumen, room and two meals In private household, good bath facilities, private 'perferred. Willing to pay above average It suited, references. Box 4603 Omaha Bee. WANTED Furnished rooms or apartment ; couple without children. Box 4504 Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. 420 8. 30TH ST. Three rooms, modern; everything furnished; gas range; very reasonable: private family: no children. Houses. MRS, GEO SQUIRE'S l-room, nicely fur nished home. Large yards with shrubberyf of many kinds. Excellent neighborhood. A. P. TUKEY & SON, . REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. D.g- 0- FOR RENT HOUSES West J08 SOUTH 41t St., hot water plant.. 121.00 8019 Marcy St.; T rooms, modern. .116.00 JOHN N-FREZKR. Douglas 664. HOUSE tor rent. 67th and Marcy. Walnut 3757. UOULDM'T IT BE hi kiPWFO TOUCH IF THEY MADE Wt55MAKfc EA3TE12. AK1 EGGLESS DRESS TO DAY, StbPlO ? -7- ' MADE IT J n p 1 I aWI I-' m ' ' - III AMAm TOIAM- HERSELF, V k (Oi Jr y n LIKE Vfw4?) Y XCTT V. HB2S. P1 FOR RENT HOUSES West. CLOSE-IN ROOMING HOUSE, STEAM HEAT FURNISHED 322 S. 28th St., 14 room, all modern; good condition; no coal to buy now and next winter we buy it and furnish hot water the year around. Armstrong-Walsh Company, ' Tyler 1538 333 Securities B,dg. 3421 DODGE ST., 7 rms., brick and stucco attached residence, desirable .neighbor hood, $55. 1738 S. 33d Ave., I rms., stucco house, beautifully and newly decorated, large yards, garage, $75. 534 S. 36th St., I rms., attached brick residence, cloee In, $60. 415 N. 40th St., S rms., near new cathedral, garage, $65. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. 620 Flret National Bank Bldg. Doug. 602. FOR RENT. Large, modern house In Cathedral dis trict; 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor; 3 bedrooms on third floor, $65 or $60, without garage. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-13 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. WEST FARNAM. 3 real good homes, all modern, best of locations, pleasant surroundings. See these places before locating. 3811 Farnam $80.00 3640 Harney 80.00 801 South 31th 65.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Realtors. Douglas 297. 213 South 17th St. COTTAGE, 3010 Chicago SL, modern, gooa repair.- Possession April 1. Rent, $25. Call at premises or phone H. 3291 or South 334. FOR COLORED. 2817 Dodge St., 8-r. modern except heat, $25. Phone Webster 6893. SIX-ROOM houeo, modern. Harney 647. North. $2814 HAMILTON ST., 6 rms., mod $25 2411 Seward St., rms., partly mod... $14 Oil N. 84th, 7 rms.. flat, mod. ex. heat. $16 - 2308 Cuming, Y rms., flat, mod. ex, ht $14. 2920 Leavenworth, I, rms., flat, mod. ex- . cept heat, $17; . ' A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS. 620 First Nations! Bank Bldg. Doug. 502. 6-ROOM modern house; strictly flret-claes condition and neighborhood, $16; 3735 Seward. Key next door. S-room modern house; first-class home, $15. 2806 Seward. Open. BYRON G. BURBANK. Ill New Omaha Nat. Bank. 1812 CORBY ST., C-r., modern except heat, 115. 1812 Miami St., 8-r., part modern, $11. - 2705 N. 85th St.. S-r., $12.60. J. N. MARSH. 1923 Locust St. 3 ROOMS with bath, gas, sleeping porch, stov connected Vlth hot water. Wl N. 17th St.. $18.60. BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS, 424 Omnha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 740. FOR RENT. 2010 Grace St., i-r., part mod. house, $14.00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY. 205 South 18th St. Douglas 723, 1919 DODGE ST., 10 rooms modern; good location for rooming house. CITY TRUST COMPANT, 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 781. 6-ROOM house, newly decorated, at 3305 N. 39th, for colored people.! Phon Wiboter 6755. 3405 EMMET -Five-room, cottage, modern, Webster 106 South. 516 PARK AVE., 7 rm 140 00 80S 8. 16th St, S rms 4C.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. S33 Securities Bldg. Miscellaneous. HOUSES ALL MODERN. 920 8. lilt St., 4 rms , $21.00 3236 Mason St., 10 rm 25.00 3621 Lafayette Ave., S rms 32.(0 1604-6 Georgia Ave., I rms. each.,.. 82.50 2408 St. Mary's Ave., 8 rms 35.00 1626 Georgia Ave., 8 rms 86.00 616 Park Ave., 7 rms 40.00 209 8. 36th St., I rms 45.00 607 V. 19th St.. II rms 45.00 322 S. 26th St., 14 rm S0.00 2556 Harney St., 110 rms 90.00 HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. 2907 Snward St. (colored), 6 rms. .. .$13.00 4021 N. 26th Ave.. 6 rms 14.00 2563 Pierce St., rms 26.00 1817 Davenport St., rms 25.00 FLATS MOD. and PARTLY MOD. 1611 N. 34tb St., 6 rms , $14.00 2623 Cass St, Id floor, S rms 18.00 1054 S. 20th St., 8 rms. 16.00 1466 8. 16th St.. 7 rms 20.06 3623 Cass St., 1st floor. S rms 30.00 81S N. 15th 8t, 7 rms 33.60 MODERN APARTMENTS. Bosworth, 1317-19 Howard St., 3 rooms and bath. Unfurnished. Built-in bed. Ideal location. Very desirable. Pasadena, 420 Park Ave., 4 rooms and bath, $47.50, $40.00. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. S.R. 1713 California St 110.50 13.60 16.00 18.00 12.50 31.50 33.00 15.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 4-R. ,511 Martha St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6014 N. 42d St T-R. 7-R.' 2421 Bristol St -R. 2734 Caldwell St STRICTLY MODERN. S-R 4133 N. 13th St -R. -4334 Lake St 7- R. 8- R. I-R. 917 8. llth St 1919 Chicago St.. 630 S. 17th Ave , I-R. 621 S. 19th St HEATED APTS. STOECKER, 823 8. 24th St Apt. 18 330 and Apt. "B" 135 and PORTER SHOTWELL. 4-R. 4-R $26.00 $32. tO 202 8. 17th St. i Douglas Offices with Home Builders. (013. $20 7-R. mod. house, 2507 8t Mary's Ave. $25.00 S-r. mod. bungalow, 4517 N llth St.. hot water heat $25.00 8-r. mod. house, 8703 Woo: worth Ave. $17.60 8r. mod. house, 386S Manderson St. $30.00 8-r. mod. house. 813 Wirt St W H GATES 447 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1214. 3602 Chl jaso fit, i rm. mod. ex. ht $11 408 H N. 86th St., I rms. mod. ex. ht. $20 3213 Mason St., I rms. all mod. $31. 815 S. 36th St., 1 rms. part mod. 1$. 301 S. 13th St.. 10 rms. part mod. III. BIRKETT A COMPANT v 354 Bee Bldg. Doug. 133 CivP THAT GET OUT. BUT ANWiHtK- AE THAT P05. . ru uttfu! SHE ' & IwiSH GGEEVES GET A I'M 5ICK LODWHG AT ,THAT FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. HOUSE AND APART MENT FOR RENT 3008 Farnam street, 8 rooms, modern and in good condition; Urge lot; close to school. $46.00. Apt. No. 7, Davldg block. 18th and Farnam Sts., 5 large rooms, east front, oak floors and in excellent condition, $47.60. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 736. FOR RENT. 4 rooms, 4003 N. 25th St $11.50 6 rooms, 1812 Corby St lti-00 7 rooms. 2520 Charles 8t 17.00 4 rooms. 2013 Clark St 30.00 6 rooms, 618 S. 13th St -7.50 5 rooms, 1110 Farnam St... 15.00 I rooms, 3014 Mason St., modern... 30.00 I rooms. 1411 N. 17th St., modern, "i. 00 10 rooms, 2413 Cass St., modern... 40.00 II rooms, 1029 8. 34th Ave., mod... 2S.09 BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS, 434 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. ''46, 616 SO. 49th St., 6 rms., $32.50; 1807 St. Mary's Ave.. 2d fl., 6 rms.. $18; 2021 Lo cust St., 7 rms., $18.50; excellent 6-r. apt., the Sterling. 19th and St. Mary's ave., strictly modern.. See us or Janitor of building; at active cottage at Carter lake, "Scramble Inn," for the season, $150. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, REALTORS. 400 First Nat. Bank Bldg. T. 729. 2626 Seward St.., 8-r. modem $30.00 2667 Douglas St., 8-r. c. w bath.. 25.00 2028 Harney St., 6-r. o. w., gas.... 20.00 1814 Pratt St., 6-r. modern 18.50 8323 Dewey Ave., 6-r. c. w 12.50 819 N. 24th St.. 8-r., c. w 12.00 1809 N. 20th., 3-r. rear 8.00 2316 Hickory St., 3-r., well 8.00 GARVIN BROS,, 345 Omaha Nat. Bldg. 6ToNo. 20th St., 8-r., new, mod. flat, $45. 2630 Dewey ave., 8-r., all mod, house, just overhauled, good garage, $36, 2617 Capitol ave., 8-r., all mod., $25. RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. -ROOM, all modern house, close In. 146. JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor). 200 Brandels Thester Bldg. Phone Doug. 16 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE) CITT. CREIQH 8QN8 4V CO., BEE BLDQ. Shopen & Co., Rentals. Douglas 4228. ,1 '!, HI! FOR RENT APARTMENTS West- THE COLLEGE TERRACE New Fireproof Apartments Walking Distance, Strictly Modern Every Detail Rent $35 to $40 per. Month. A tew choice corner apartment left; large living rooms, beautiful dressing rooms, tiled bath with base tubs, mirror doors, tko largest and best Murphy-in-a-Door beds made; Powell's latest white enamel kitchenette cabinets with jlult-ln gas range and refrigerator; one-piece sink with spring fauoets; dandy dining rooms. Five apartments have the cosiest break fast rooms to bo found In Omaha No inside apartments. Open Sunday from 2:30 to 5 p. m. On week days call for appointment or apply to janitor. Apt. 1. NEAR FOUR CAR LINES Southeast corner 23d and California- Osborne Realty Company, 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. BENBOW COURT. 44th and Dodgo Sts. Apartment No. 8, having 5 rooms and tile bath. Reception hall; largo living room; dining room; good sized bedroom; large sun parlor with Murphy In-A-Door bed and splendid , kitchen with the built-in features that every woman wants. Second floor, east front. Exclusive and refined surround ings. Available April 1. Sae It this aft ernoon. Price $50 summer and $55 win ter. Modern garages on premises, extra if desired. In charge of PAYNE SLATER COMPANT, 614 Omaha Nat. Bank. D. 1016. APARTMENTS. Two rooms with 3 -room accomodations In the Coronado, 22d and Capitol Ave. In-door beds, gas stove, refrigerator and all moden conveniences. Including heat and Janitor service. Eight minutes walk to 16th and Farnam streets. $33.50 sum mer. $39 50 winter. BENSON MYERS CO.. Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 746. ' COLLEGE TERRACE. New spartments. Just finished, wl'h sll the latest features and conveniences fire proof throughout, 135 and 140. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sts., or call , OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ty'or 496. TlZARD PALACE BLOCK Close in, few equal; 9-room apartment; also 4 -room flat. Apply 220 H N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. HAMII TON APT3.- Fireproof. 24tb Farnam- furnished or unfurnished II 47l North. APARTMENTS $10.002208 N. 21st St., 4-r. with bath. 10.002212 N. 21st St.. 3-r. with bath. 23.50818 N". 16th St., 6-r., all mod. 16.002202 N. 26th St, 5-r., all mod. H. A. WOLF CO. ONE four-room and bath and one five-room and bath, modern, h ated apartment in rei,ed rcsld district 2821 North 20tb St. boulevard. Special low price to party without children. Phone Webster 6892. 4 AND 5-KOOM apts. new, modern, first and second floor, screened porch. $21 to $30. 18th and Maple. Call Red 682. South. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 2966-70 Woolwortb Ave., 8 and 4-room flats, st and 3d floors, $11 and $12; modern except heat. In good condition. TeL Webster 6039. D. C. BUCK, 3203 North J4th. WAYNE 8 rooms and bath, $29.60. See janitor. 303 S. 36th St. GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. M-scelkneous PETERS TRUST CO. RnertaMeta in Arartment management 1814 CHICAGO ST., 10-r. modern $50 1314 S. 17th St., 5-r.. c. w.. gas $13 GARVIN BROS.. 845 Omaha Nat. Bldg. 7 RMS., steam ht Apts; near poat office; low rent. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORES 15th and Capitol Ave.; stors room, jtx 60; suitable for retail store or ehop of any business requiring location near center ef retail district wtih moderate rental. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 163 333 Securities Bldg. To APOLOGIZE WHEM STEP OKJ fii PER.50M5 Mes. C0I2W, IF YOU WOULD HAVE TIME. NEUJ DRESS.) OF OWE J H0U. riAtW' IN A. UlG? FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORES FOR RENT The large store rooms In the new Ma sonic building will soon be ready, Doug las and 18th Sts. W art receiving appli cation now. Tbl Is a clean, attraotlvs location, and especially desirable for shops catering to ladles' trade Room at 212 N. 16th St., good for cloth ing, gents' furnishings or lunch room. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. 916 Omaha National Bank Bide STORES FOR RENT 1054 S. 20th St., 20x60 $20.00 1619 N. 24th St., 20x66 33.60 012 N. 16th St., photo gallery.... 36.00 1480 Capitol Ave., 18x50 15.00 2225 Cuming St., 20x64 35.06 2306 Cuming St., office yard, sheds and scales 35.00 3102 Sherman Ave.. 24x60 40.00 415 8. 11th St., 20x60 46.00 Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1536 333 Securities B'dg, FOR SHOP OR STORAGE FARNAM NEAR 18TH 1,080 square feet ground floor; no street entrance, but 7ne access from al ley. Some basement space if needed. Very reasonable. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bids. COMMISSION DISTRICT 11TH AND HOWARD Double store, two stories snd base ment, or can divide. Total floor spsce. 7,100 square feet, Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tyler 1636 333 Securities Bldg. - STORES ;v Veiy Desirable For Retail Business . $ 23.002719 Leavenworth St. $ 60.00707 S. 16th St. 70.00617 S. 16th St. $150.00511 8. 16th St. George & Co., Douglas 75fi WHOLESALE OR MFG. 11,000 sq. ft. Steam heat. Electric ele vator. 1003 Farnam St. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Tjrler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. 2104-6 CUMING ST., modern pressed brick - store buildings, plate glass front, good location. 1409-lt Homey St., 44 feet frontsge. In the heart of Omaha's best business dis trict. CITY TRUST COMPANT. 16th snd Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 789 STORES $ 15.001430 S. 16th St.. 20x40. 125.00423 S. 16th St., 32x60 and base ment 60.00421 8. 15th St - H. A. WOLF CO., 514 Electrlo Bldg. Tyler $9. 1818 St. Mary's sve 130.60 111 So. 13fh St., 2nd fl.. 2300 sq. tt..85.0O 1727 Howard St 130.00 1807 St. Mary's Ave $25.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, REALTORS. 400 First Nat. Bank Bldg. T. 729. . 24TH AND CUMING ST. Large store room, suitable for any kind of business. 24th and Sprague St., stors room, fully equiped for soft drink place. Cassel Realty Co., 622 Bee Bldg. . STORE BUILDING. 101 8. 12th St.. 22x44 and basement, modern except heat, $35.00. BIRKETT & COMPANT. 260 Bee Bldg. Doug. 838. FINE ew store room and baeeniunt at 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Steam beat For nartlculara see Cnt.rsd Young. 133 Brsr, dls Thester Bldg. ToukIss 1671. 1912 LAKE ST, storq room $15 1313 Douglas St $200 GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nat Bldg. Office and Desk Room. OFFIl.'ES. $20 per month and up ' FIR8T NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. FIRST TRUST CO.. Agtf Tyler 60S. Miscellaneous. WAREHOUSE SPACE 29,000 square feet of floor space In the American Hand Sewed Shoe ( tym pany building, N. W. corner llth and Harney Sts. Hydraulic elevator, steam heat and sprinkler system. George & Co., Douglas 756 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments 'and Houses. WANTED TO RENT 6 or 7-room modern house In Dundee, 3 or 3-year lease; can take now or will wait; give location and price In answer. Box 4494. Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN. 4 STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture stors; office on Howard St between llth and 16th. Phone Tyler 1400 Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That'a the way we do It Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSa Separate locked room for household good and piano; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 906 a loth. Douglas 4143. FREE RENTAL T XVUJZl SERVICER FIDELITY Phon Doucla 188 for eomnlata list of vacant house and apart menta. Also for storage, moving. iiin ana jaexson St. Globe Van and Storage Co. vr rvai eervio in moving, packing g4f orlng call Tyler 130 or Doua-la 4Xi storing call Tyler 330 or Doua-la iti J C REED Expreae Co.. Moving" 1207 Farnam St Web. 3748. Doug. tJJaJk SHE XES 1 1" w-Vf, v