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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
S C OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1918. TOPICS JMBBATL Nonday Meetings in Boyd Thsatcr Each Day Nest Week, With Evangelist Dean in Charge. Rev. Jchn M. Dean -will sp.ak in the Boyd theater during no.rcay services for five days, beginning Monday. The services will be sta ted at 12 o'clock and will continue 0 minutes, allowing time for thos:- ho must return to work at 1 o Willard Hausemann will hive change of the musical part of the stiv ices. The main floor of the r.ieater will be reserved for men and he balcony and boxes for women. It is announced that atteiu'.; iits may come and go. according U heir time and inclinations Rev. Mr. Dean is holding a senes of special services in the first rap tist church, with which the Hrst Christian and Westminster P-e'.bv' terian churches are co-operating. He is said to be an interesting spuker and states he will make these noon day services worth while. At the First Congregational church Sunday morning the service will be given over to a recognition of the sad honor that has come to Omaha in the news of the death of Russell Hughes, the first soldier of the trenches from Omaha to give his life for the great cuase of human lib erty which has taken the American army into the field. Rev. Fred J. Clark, the pastor of the church, is arranging a special memorial pro gram for the occasion which will be in the nature of a tribute to Russell Hughes' worth as a brave soldier. The address to be delivered on this occasion by Rev. Mr. Clark will be an answer to the question that must inevitably come to the heart and mind of every relative of those who shall give their lives in the fierce struggle to preserve the liberties of the world. They are naturally ask ing "Why?" and this is the question that has stirred the souls of men ever since the world has stood. The congregations of the First Christian, First Baptist and West minsttr Presbyterian churches are planning for a great day tomoircw, when they will open the last wc of the union revival services which Lkve been in progress for the last two weeks. .At 11 o'clock Evangelist Ptan will preach at the First Baptist, end at 3 he will address a meeting of men only in the auditorium of the church, speaking on "The Kaiser . nd Martin Luther's Bible." Miss Amy Lee Stockton will at the same hour speak to a meeting of women inly in the First Christian church. At 6:30 there will be a unixi of the young people's societies ot the three co-operating churches to be in charge of Prof. Hausmann and Miss Stockton. At 7:45 there will be a mass meet ing, when the chorus choir ot 100 voicei under the direction of Mr. Hausmann will lead the congregation in a service of song, to be followed by a sermon by Evangelist Dein. Ezra Harrison, leader of the South Side Baptist church choir, is making preparations for Easier Sunday, when an ciaoorate musical program will be given at the evening service. Under Mr. Harrison's leadership this has grown to be one of the largest church choirs in the city, ; After evensong it 4 o'clock Sun- 'ay the choir of St. Barnabus church will render Stainer's cantata of "The Crucifixion." The revival meetings in the First Swedish Methodist church have been well attended during the last week. The evangelist, Rev. V. C. Bloom quift, will preach at 11 Sunday on "The Greatest Question for Time and Eternity," and at 8 p. m. on "Every Man a Judge." The meet ings will continue next week with services every evening at 8 except Saturday. The choirr under the leadership of Howard Stebcrg, will be assisted by the following soloists: Mrs. Anna Renstrom, Mrs. Will Berkman and Perry Rushlau. A two weeks' mission is given at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic church by Father Matthew Miller and Father Isidore Dwyer, mis sionaries of the Passionist order. This mission will close Sunday at 7:45. Beginning Sunday there will be a meeting every night at 8 o'clock up to and including Easter in Oak St. ret Methodist church. The minister will preach a short sermon each evenng commemorating the events in e?ch dav of Christ s last week. Miss Myrtle Wyatt, Mr. Danielsor. nd Mr. Waitt will furnish the sp.ial music, assisted by the junior cho-c ot the church, subjects of sermons Palm Sunday, "The Day of Triumph:" Monday. "The Da of Authority," Tuesday, "The Diy of Speech;" Wednesday, "The Div of Mience; jnursaay, ine, uiy oi Farewells;" Frictay. "The Day of Suf fering;" Saturday, "The Dav of Rest." Easter Sunday morning the sennon will be on. "The Day of Awaks" ng and Resurrection, and in the evering at 7 Easter concert by the Surday school; at 8:15, a picture-sermon on "China," the fourth in a series of nine illustrated sermons given by the min ister the last Sunday evening in each month. Two hundred and fifteen trier' m will be received into Kountze Memo rial Lutheran church nextVeek One hundred and twenty-four, who have finished a five months' course ot in structions, will be confirmed Sunday at 11 o'clock. Four soldiers art in the class. Two thousand and reven members have been received dnr'ng the seven years' pastorate of Dr 0. D. tsaltziy. I lie church has a con firmed membership of 2,407. One hundred and three young men trom this church are in the country's htv ice, the largest number from any one Lutheran church in this coiniry. Kountze Memorial holds the re.ord for Easter accessions for seven con secutive years. Rev. Wynn C. Fairfield, misu.on- ary to China, will speak of the pies ent situation in that great republic at Hillside Congregational church Sun day morning at the United Brethren church Sunday night, and at the Young Men's Christian association to men Monday noon. Holy week sevices will be held at Plymouth Congregational clmich Monday to triday at 8 p. m. The general topic will be "A Deepening Friendship with Christ." Spiers will be Rev. P. N. Bennett, Rev Ed win Booth. Rev. G. A. Hulbert Rev. F. W. Leavitt , Baptist. Tint, Park and Hsrney, Alonio Alvln De Lermt. Mlnlat.r :S, church Bible ichool; 11, sermon by Kvsniellst John M. Dean; 1. raetlnt for man only: I :0, unlttd young peeple'i mtttlnr: Lib, mass meeting with aermon by Evanellst Dtan. Trinity, Twenty.flfth and H. Charles jr. New J y Get an Allen demonstration before you buy any car You can't possibly know, until you have ridden in an Allen, what a wealth of fine qualities this car possesses. Its motor is not heavy nor does it con sume much fuel, but it produces abund ant speed and power to outperform most of the big, nigh-powered cars. And it is a quick, smooth, silent appli cation of power. The clutch action is like velvet. The car rides with unusual comfort is easy to drive and control. . Those devices that make for safety are de signed with a liberal margin of strength. Finally, the quality of the car mechanically is so high that replacement expenses are held at a minimum. The Allen owner has a sense of sureness that his car can be depended upon for all the service he may, demand and it can. $1095 t. o. b. Fostoria, Ohio Let us make this Allen demonstration now and we'll make it under your conditions, which should be severe enough to convince you of this car's real value. Standard Motor Car Co. CARL CHANGSTROM, Pres. 2020 Farnam St Omaha, Neb.' Liberal Proposition, to Dealers. Heller, Paitor Sunday ichool, 45; 1 "Palm Sunday;" Junior union, 2:30; B. 1 P. U.. 30; 7:30, "Kothlnc But Leaves." Oraee. South Tenth and Arhor. E. 1 Taft, Pastor 11, "Jesus Chrit our King; 7:30, "Calvary." Olivet Grove Minion. Thlrty-slith an Crown Point Bible school, 2:5. Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney, Arthur J. Morris, Pastor At 10:30. "A Self Satisfied Church and What tha Master Thought of It;" Bible school at noon. Char lea W. Simon, superintendent; you nr. peo. plea meeting. 6:39; at 7:30. topic selected prayer and praise service Wednesday at t Calvary, Twenty. fifth and Hamilton, W. O. Anderson, Pastor Church schocl, :4S; at II, "A Motto for Two Worlds B. T. P. V., :30; at 7:30, "It la Time to Seek the Lord;" annual business meeting Tuesday, , I. Olivet, Thirty-eighth and Orand, 3. A, Jensen, Pastor 10, Bible school;-II, "Tha Fifth Word From tha Cross;" :J0, B. T. P. U.: 7:80, "Tha SUth Word From tha Cross;" Wednesday, 8, Easter prayer serv Ice. Congregational, First. Nineteenth and Davenport, Frad T. Clark. Pastor 10:30. "Why?" Sunday school at noon: Wednesday, 7:30, at Toung Women a Christian association, school or Religion. Central, Twenty-aeventh and St. Mary's, Rev. O. A. Hulbert, Pastor 10:30, preach ing; Bible school at noon; 7, young peopla'a meeting; specially Good Frldsy service at Friday, taking the place of regular prayer meeting. Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio. W. S. Hamp ton, Pastor 10:30, sermon by Rav. Wynn Fairfield, missionary from China; Sunday school at noon; 3, Junior Endeavor; 6:30, Young People's Society Christian Endeavor; 7:30, preaching by pastor. Plymouth. Eighteenth and Emmet, F. W. Leavitt, Minister 10, church school; 11, Palm Sunday sermon. "A Kingly Welcome to tha Christ; 6:30, Toung Peoples Society Christian Endeavor at United Brethren church; 7:30, union service, address by Rev. Wynn C. Fairfield, missionary in China. Christian. North Side, If. J. Howard, Minister Blbla school, 10; preaching aervlcs, 11; Endeavor service. 6:30; evangelistic service, 7:30; tha first of the week of special aervlces, "What Saves Ls, Illustrated by a chart. Christian Science. First Church, St. Mary's and Twenty fourth Services, II and (: Sunday school, 9:43 and 11; Wednesday masting, I. Second Church, BOH Undenrood. Serv. tcea. 11; Sunday achool, :4(; Wednesday evening, I. Third Church, :414 Ames Services, 11; Sunday achool, :45 and 11; Wednesday meeting, I, Catholic. St. Mary Magdalene's, Nineteenth and Dodge, tha Rev. B. Slnne, Pastor Low msss, I; high mass, 10; low mass, 12, bene diction, 7:46. episcopal, Oood Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio, tha Rev. Thomas J. Collar, Rector Palm Sun day, holy communion, I; church school, 9:40; morning prayer and sermon. 11; con firmation service, t: service and aermon by Bishop Arthur L. Williams; services dally through holy week, at 7, 10 and 4, except ing Good Friday, when tha boars will ba 11:40 to 8, 4 and 7:30. St. Paul's. Thirty-second and California, Arthur H. Marsh, Pastor Holy communion. 7:30; church school, 9:46; morning prayer and aermon, 11; young people's meeting, 7; evening prayer and aermon by Rev. O. H. Cleveland, S. Palm crosses will be given out at all aervlces on Sunday. Dally celebration of holy communion at 9, all next waek ex rent Oood Friday; threa hours' service on Good Friday, 12 to 3; the bishop's visitation for confirmation Tuesday at I. Lutheran. Our Savior's, Norwegian-Danish, Hamilton and Twenty-sixth, Rev. M. W. Habarson, Pastor Palm Sunday, confirmation day services: English at 11. Men's society, Tues day night at Charles Peterson, 2616 Capitol avenue. Engllah communion service, Wednes day. Thursday evening, Norwegian-Danish communion service. Oood Friday at I. St. Paul's, Twenty-fifth and Evans, Rev. E. T. Otlo, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30. Confirmation and address by tha associate pastor. Rev. Hllgendorf, at 10:30. Con firmation and aervlces In English at 7:30. Midweek Illustrated Lenten lecture, "In Ciothaemane" and "The Parable of the Ten Virgins," Wednesday at I. Services on Oood Friday at 10:30. First, Twentieth and Mason, Rev. Titus Lang, Pastor Oerman confirmation serv ice at 10, English at S. Confirmation exer olaea and special muslo by the choir, both services. Oermsn aervlcea Oood Friday at 10. Church of our Redeemer, Twenty-fourth and Larlmore, Rev, C, B. Herman, Pastor Bible school at 9:16. Confirmation service and ad dress, "The Lutheran Confirmation Serv ice," at 11. Luther league, led by Otto Bchellberf, at 7. "Christ's Entry Into Jerusalem," at I. Special Palm Sunday music. St. Mark's, Twenttetn and Burdette, Rev. 4. de Freese, Pastor Sunday school at 1:4!. Confirmation at 11. Toung People'a Chris tian Endeavor at 7. "Casting tha First Stone" at I. Zlon, Thirty-sixth and Lafayette, Rev. A. T. Lorlmer. Pastor Palm Sunday. Sun day school at 9:46. At 11, "The Lord's Sup per, cnoir wm renaer "faira Branches and F. E. Miller will sing. "My Re deemer and My Lord. Communion service at 7, "The Three Crosses." Choir will render, "Ooa so Loved the World.' and, "Communion Song." Reception of new memoera. monaay nignt tne Men society will hold Its monthly meeting In the church parlora. Rev. C. O. Blooroqulst of the Trinity Lutheran church will address the society. Wednesday and Thursday evenings. prayer service, uooa Friday service at 10:30, Choir rehearsal Friday evening. Confirma tion claaa Saturday morning. Kountr Memorial. Twentv-alxth and rarnara, Rev. Oliver D. Baltz y. Pastor: Rev. A. B. Shrader, Associate Pastor Sunday school at It. Luther league at T. "The worm a ureaiest procession at I. First. Miami and Sixty-second. Rev. W t. Kabae. Pastor Special Palm Sunday serr Ices. Bible school at 9:45. "Let the King of uiory tome in- at 11. At I, "The Chris tlan's Greatest Joy." Anthem, ''Hosanna,' by Charlea H. Gabriel, and "Palm Branches' arranged for mixed voices. Holy week serv. lcea Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at I. Methodist. McCabe, Forty-first and Farnam. 3. VJ.nrr, Stltt, Pastor Sunday achool, 9:45; preach ing,, it, ana 7:30; cpworth league 6:30; Troop 39, Boy Scouts, meets Frtday night. 1 .10. Hanscom Park. Twenty-ninth and Wnnt. worth, William H. Spence, Pastor 9:45. Bible school; 11, morning worshlo. "Accent. ing and Confessing Christ;" 6:40, Epworth league rally; 7:45, evangelistic aervlce. "Fac ing the Facts." Walnut Hill. Fortv-flrat and Charles. th Rev. F. O. Wilson, Pastor "The Triumphal Entry," 10:30; Epworth league service, 6:30; song service, after which the castor will speak, 7:30, "Lost Opportunities;" with the exception of Saturday, services will be held every night next week, t. Trinity, Twenty-first and Binn.v. ih. Rev. M. O. Langly, Pastor "The Lordshin of Jesus," 11; "The Burning Bush." music by choir, E. F. Williams, chorister; Miss Cornish, organist, 7:30; Sunday school, 9:45, M. 'lyson. superintendent: Enworth league, 6:30, Robert Carley, president. Jennings. Fifty-first and Hickory. R. H. Chenoweth, Paitor Sunday school. 10, P. L. Edgar, superintendent: oreachlne. 11: Decision day; Epworth league. 7. Miss Sarah uivens, president; men s night, men's aosnel warn, a; revival aervices every evening next week; roung People's night, Wednesday: .vm m away.. tvm, Dunuajr Difai. Norwegian and Danish. Twenty-fifth and Decatur, James Sanaker. Pastor Sundav school, 10; preaching, 11 And 7:46; prayer meaiing, jnursaay, s. Hirst Memorial, Thirty-fourth and Larl more, Joseph Stopford, Pastor Sunday school, 10; "Depth In Character," 11: Ep worth league, 6:30; "Rejected by His Own," :sv. Pearl, Twenty-fourth and Fort. Earl B, Bowen, Pastor Sunday school, 9:46; Palm Bunaay, 11; Epworth league. 6:30: evenlns service, 7:30; fellowship hour, Wednesday, Benson, Stxty.thlrd and Maple. John Cal vert, Fastor Preaching, 11 and 7:80; Ep worth league. 6:30; Sunday school, 10; pray er service rveanesaay, . Oak Street, Twentieth and Oak, Russell E. Walt, Minister Sunday echool, 8:46; "Servants of Redemption," 11; King's Her alda, I; Epworth league, "The Art of Llv lng With Others," Miss Larson, lesder, ; "The Day of Triumph," , tenor solo, "The Palms; special passion week services every night, Including Easter Sunday; soloists, Miss Wyatt, Mr. Danielson, Mr. Waltt, as sisted by Junior choir; subject for the week, ''Christ's Last Week;" short sermons by the minister. Grace English, 1326 South Twenty-sixth. C. N. Swlhart, Pastor 11, "The Recruiting Principle;" confirmation service, 11; 7:45, "The Laborers for Christ;" Luther league, 6:46; Sunday school, 9:60. Grace, Branch Sunday School, Forly elghth and Leavenworth. Presbyterian. Parkvale, Thirty-first and Gold. R. W. Taylor, Pastor Sunday achool, 10, S. J. Purchase, superintendent; at 11, "Matthew's Call;" Christian Endeavor, 7; 7:30, "The King of Klnga and His Kingdom;" prsyer meeting, Wednesday, 7:46: teacher training, Monday, 7:46, Mrs. O. F. Fisher, teacher. Benson, Sixtieth and Maple, A. J. Mc Clung, Pastor Sunday achool, 10. S. D. Jones, superintendent; at 11, sermon by Dr. Charles Herron; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; at 7:80, sermon by Dr. Charles Herron; prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8.' First Church, Florence, Leonard R. Pat ter, Acting Pastor 10, Sunday school; 11, "The Atoning Death;" 6:46, Christian En deavor; 7:46, "Mary Magdalene." Covenant, Twenty-seventh, and Pratt, Charles H. Fleming. Pastor At 10:80, "The Center of History;" Bible school at noon; Light Weight, BUT Sturdy-Powerful -AND- Economical Defiance trucks, although comparatively light in weight, are built to stand all sorts of hard service. They have that same built-in value which distinguishes all pro ducts of the Allen Brothers. The Torbensen Internal Gear Drive is used in Defiance trucks. Each unit is cor respondingly good and has been just as thoroughly tried and proven. Defiance iy2 Ton Truck $1695 For ChauU, f. o. b. Defiance, Ohio. Standard Motor Car Co. Carl Chewgstrom, Pre. 2020 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. Liberal Proportion to Dealers. Junior Endeavor, I and Senior, 6:30; at 7:80 "Tha Faith That Rmvmm-" W,-...- .... nlng at 8 the mid-week service at home of Ml. VII, IVJ CT.ll. First. Thirty-fourth and Farnam. Edwin Hart Jenka, Pastor 10:30, "The Lord Hath Need of Him;" 7:30, "The Barren Fig Tree;" ounany scoooi ai noon, f ranK E. Hark, superintendent: Chrlstlsn Endeavor. 6; prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:4i. Dundee, Fiftieth and Underwood, Harry B. Foster, Pastor 11. "Before the Courts;" 6, 'The Releaaa of Barabbas." Westminstsr, Twenty-nlnth and Mason, J. Franklin Toung, Pastor Preaching at 10:30, Miss Stockton will speak; Bible school at noon; Junior Christian Endeavor at 3:30; evening service at First Baptist. Lowe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas, A. F. Ernst, Psstor 10, Sabbath achool; 11, "What Think Te of Christ? "; 7, "How to Be Happy." Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant, B. R. Vanderllppe, Pastor Sunday achool, 10. K S. Flnlayson, superintendent; 11, "Material and Spiritual;" Toung People'a meeting, 6:30; 7:30. "The Glad Day." North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, Rev. J. M. Wilson. Pastor 11, "Behold Tour King Cometh the Kingship of Christ;' 7:30, "Tears Over an Impenitent City;" Junior Christian Endeavor, 3:30; senior Christian Endeavor, 6:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7:48. Castelar, Sixteenth and Castelar, W. H. .Holsey. Paator Sunday achool, 9:45: morn ing service. 11: junior Christian Enrieavnr 3 p. m. ; Intermediate and aenlor Christian EnrieavAr. A'.IA n m vnin . 1 t.m ' - - , ..a u- . I Soeclsl Palm Sundav music at mnminv evenlnr services. MM-wo.u Wednesday, ( p. m. Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth. Rav. mond J. Rutt, Pastor 9:45, Bible school; preachlne- at 11 and 7:4s- S::n rhruti.n Endeavor. FlrSt. Twntv. flf.t rtA -D Foster. Pastor "Th nit-i,..i u Monev:" 7:30. "Tan m.n mnn Bible school at noon. Central. Twnntv. fourth unA nn c.k. bath school at 9:45; preaching at 11. by Rev. Frank H RMiiav tn. meeting, 6:30; preaching, 7:30. TJnited Brethren. Harvard Memorial. N1ntanth mA t rop, E. L. Reese, Pastor Bible school, 10; iiiuu5 ana aermon, 11; Christian En- aeavor, e:ao; aermon by the Rev. F. W. Leavitt, 7:30. Unitarian. Flrat. Htrniv at Turn. B.11I.....J Church achool. Q!ih' Lawla Q. Wllann. sutinf n h 1 1 can Unitarian association, 11; Unitarian club supper, 6:30; "The Last Week In the Life of Jesus." the Rev. . Robert F. Leaveas, singing by Mrs. O. W. Eldrldge, 7:30. United Evangelical. ' First, 2430 Franklin, E. A. Jackson, Pss tor 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preach ing; 3, Juniors; 6:30, Christian Endeavor; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. Miscellaneous. Pennta'a Chnrr-h. KIR .V,rh trinu.....i. Rev. Charlea W. Savidge, Paator Morning, "Abounding Grace;" evening, "The Flrat Martyr." Associated Bible Students meet In Labor temple, Sixteenth and Capitol. 8. Dr. C. W. Farwell on "God'a Plans and Purpoees Re vealed In the Finished Mystery." Firs)- Reformed, Twenty-third and Deer Park Boulevard, John F. Hawk. Minister 11, "Crownlnr Jesus;'' 7:30, "Service the Final Test of Character." L Spiritual, Church of Christ. 628 Soma Twenty-eighth. Mrs. E. Zoeller. Pastor Sermon Sunday, and Wednesday 8. National Spiritual Meetings. 2414 Cum lng. Message Bearer, Mrs. Ella Gardiner Every Sunday and Thursday evenings 8:15. A THERMOSTAT automatically and unfailingly controls the in ternal temperature of the motor. This keeps the temperature at just the degree that makes for the smoothest running of the engine and the most eco nomical use of gasoline and oil. Its operation does not depend upon the alertness of the driver. This improve ment is found in its most highly perfected form in the present Wesf corr models. Seven Model. $1890 to $2790 f. o. b. Springfield, Ohio Let ua demonstrate all the Weatcott superiorities tn you. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. CARL CHANGSTROM, Pres. Distributor! 2020-22 Farnam St. Douglas 1705 OMAHA, NEB. igr-i PAST ruiwrcTtinii n - i For Those Who Value Their Health, Time and Money This practical and fashion able car is successful, be cause no necessary conven ience or feature is lacking. Its two doors are staggered, the front on the left and the rear on the right. One need pay no more for complete year-round motor ing advantages. a The windows drop into the sides of the body and doors and are adjustable. The en tire top and sides are deco rated with gray and black striped cloth. There is ample room for five adults without crowding or cramping. The two front seats are indi vidual with aisle way between. In both front and rear a tall man can stretch his legs and be at ease. It has 4-inch tires, non-skid rear; 106 -inch wheel-l base; Auto-Lite starting and1 lighting and vacuum fuel system. The body is Brewster Green with black top. While you are profiting by its endless time-saving ad vantages you are also im proving your health. Its efficient performance and ease of handing make it a. pleasure to drive it as well as good-business to buy it. Order your Model 90 Sedan now. Appearance, Performance, Comfort, Service and Price Light Four Motel go Small Sedan, $1340 . 0. i. Toltio- .... Pruts n&jtct k dU(f miiotU uolim light Ftur Model 90 Tn.rini Cv, ijft Van Brunt Automobile Co. Omaha. Distributors. Council BHiffs.