Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
M 3 A From March 25th to 30th fi " mm The greatest store and the greatest business have builded here on the foundation of PUBLIC SATIS FACTION. EASTER is only a few days away we offer these items as suggestions. Remember that you can purchase styles here that are RIGHT FROM NEW YORK, at prices which are very, very moderate. You can be exceptionally well dressed, and at the same time save money by making your purchases by mail from this store, and everything you buy will be delivered free of charge. This is the store with immense stocks, and because we buy in tremendous quantities, we are able to quote prices which are well below those you would pay ordinarily. So your purchases through the mail, in addition to being a great convenience, will prove to be very succes sful for you. All items are delivered free of charge. rirww? -ma 4'M THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24, 1918. 'Iron Trass I' I Brandeis Guarantee If for any reason any article ordered from this page doec not fully meet with your ap proval return it promptly at our expense and we will at once refund your money. Bringing i'lghl: t Ths toir Dress Skirts for Spring WE ARE SHOWING an extremely wide range of styles, colorings and pat terns in the newest Skirts for Spring. While we show a picture of one of the Skirts, and quote it as a very special value by way of comparison, this is only one from scores and scores of styles that you will be able to get from this store at the same proportionately low purchase prices. This Dressy Skirt, $4.95 D-6201 -A Dr?' Skirt for if vfevi Wear right now or through the Spring and Sum mer. Made of the Washable Silky Gingham, which is so popular this season, in the neat over-plaid effects. Full shirred pockets; an entirely new and stylish design. Deep hem, in an assortment of light patterns such as blue, green brown and tan; special, 0g Handkerchiefs at Low Prices 9AA1 Men's and Women's Handkerchiefs at the "WI Inwpsf-. nrires fnr thfi nualitv w offer, to be found anywhere. It is only because we buy in im mense quantities that we are able to sell i 01 you Handkerchiefs like these at D 9AA9 Men's Large Size, Fine Mercerized Hand WLVML kerchiefs; plain and initial; 21 f very special, each, at 2 D4AAQ Women's Fine Embroidered Tissue and "fcUvwMull Handkerchiefs; also all linen; in white and fancy colored embroideries; very "I 21 I special, each, at 2 Lace Neckwear for Spring Bfliflfl-Collar and Cuff Sets in Swiss and Pique; Q tUU aiso Fancy Vestees, 50C DQAAA Waist Coats of Pique, with high and roll ""collars; each, 5QC Q.OA A5 Jabots; splendid line wjth net and lace u""WJtrimmings; each, 50C Knit Underwear, $1.25 and $1.35 Right weight for present wear, and very nicely made of good material, very low priced for this offering. g -j -J QJ Women's Silk Top Union Suits with fine lisle bodies; Spring and Summer weights and reinforced; regular and extra sizes in pink and white; these garments come from a well known manufactur- IP?ecia; $1.25 and $1.35 D Fashion Says Stripes Are Good Here Are Stylish Silk Blouses At the Remarkable Low Price of D -1 401 Striped Tub Silk Blouse, in a variety of colored stripes; can be worn either high or low neck; turned-back cuffs; and pearl 9 OR 1 THIS all-wool French Serge Dress at $19.00 is unquestionably one of the most remarkable values that has been offered this Spring. Bear in mind, please, that all-wool serge has greatly advanced $' a nfil n Pce within the ILJI fl ill I last few months. This Jp IS Lr I Dress ls ideally serv JLL &r O Jr Jr ' iceable for present wear, and it is such fine serge that it will not be too heavy to wear on cool days and evenings throughout the sum mer. All sizes for women and misses. Choice of Navy Blue or the extremely popular Army Tan. Order by number and indicate care fully the size and color you want, as this number is limited and we doubt very much if it would be possible for N us to reorder at the same low price. D - 201 AH-Wool French Serge Frock Like Illustration " " v 1 Notice the metal buckles at sides and on the sleeves to match a new feature which lends a tone of individuality and is most effective. The sleeves arc shaped close to the arm, as fashion dictates right now. The French tunic skirt, with split pockets at sides, is ex ceptionally smart. The collar is of white satin. This dress comes in navy blue and army tan. Misses' sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Women's sizes 36 to 44 bust measurement. Shipping weight 2 pounds; price $19.00 Pretty Petticoats at Popular Prices Surely you will want an extra Petticoat or two to wear with your Spring and Easter outfit. We are ready to serve you with the best styles and mate rials, at prices which are extremely low. As an example, we offer the Petticoat like the illustration, special, at $3.79 D-6200; Taffeta Silk Petticoat, made o f changeable Taffeta Silk, in a variety of dark and light changeable col ors; deep flounces, hem stitched, shirred and ruf fled; just the Skirt you want to wear with your new Easter Suit, specially priced at $3.79 Buy Your Easter Gloves Mow Your outfit cannot be complete until your hands are properly gloved. We are fortunate in having the most complete stock of Gloves that this great store has ever displayed, and because we contracted for these Gloves months and months ago, we are able at this time to quote a price that would not be possible if we were to go into the open market to buy them again. French Lamb Kid Gloves, $2 I 10A1 French Lamb Kid Gloves in white, black, U-mui brown, gray and tan, a most complete assort- i 1 1 : i i. rn ,r . . 1 . , . t . Unnn mem; specially pricea at $4t.uu. iuu aavc ucvci ucu. able to buy better Gloves than these at this price. Be sure to state color and size when ordering. M R vV 1 1 1 1 1 w fl CI TV II II II- SETS THE PACE SI g I 1 1 im b! hi mrHi 111 j 'iK...fl xM't FOR CROWING OMAHA Cm Omaha, Nebraska Marabou Capes and Stoles THIS FINE Neckwear is ex tremely stylish for Spring and Summer we are showing what we consider one of the best displays we have ever made. We quote two excel lent values for examples. D-3402 y J tiff D-3401 -Circular Caoa or Os trich and Marabou com bined, very attractive andM QQ very neat, special, at ...yWaJIU Marabou Cap and -QHU Stole, of ali Marabou and another with with Ostrich and Marabou combined, showing tails front and back, spe- tf AO cially priced, at Women's Silk Hosiery Surely you will want Silk Hosieiy to go with your Spring and Easter costume, and at this price, we are offering a splendid value. In addition, our stock is one of the largest in this Middle West country, n 1 0A1 Women's Siflc Hosiery, full fashioned, pure thread silk boot hosiery, in black, white and colors; high spliced heels and toes; double heels, toes and soles; also double garter tops; 50C special, a pair PIN SEAL HAND BAGS $1.98 THIS IS A VERY UNUSUAL value, as you undoubtedly know that the price of leather is very much higher than it was a year ago, and more especially REAL PIN SEAL. Dl CfM Pin Seal Hand Bags of excellent quality leather, "I will with outside flaps and two outside and two inside pockets, containing mirror and inside pocket (t 4 AO book. A very special offering at 4A0 Corsets for Spring When buying a Corset you must keep in mind that a Corset that fits you will wear longer and give you comfort. Dl 7A1 Nemo Corsets, a low top "I I U I model made of coutil; long over hip, with NEMO self-reducing strap in front; sizes 22 n AA to 3fi : nrice O.UU - F A Brandeis Special Self-Reduc- rKt $1.50 Dl 7ACront Lace Corsets -I IWUin pink and white coutil ; long over hip, with elas tic band in back; sizes 20 to 30; M AA price "I,vw n 17AIA Good Comfortable Corset U-l llWthat is guaranteed rust-proof; price Summer Net Corsets that are well boned 1L: rut D-1702 ing Corset, 59c 59c WRITE FOR SASV3FLES Of Wash Fabrics, Silks and Dress Goods Of Fabrics Not Advertised on This Page All fresh, crisp and new fabrics for Spring, 1918, just arrived from the best eastern mills. We are showing a wealth of beautiful weaves and every wanted coloring. Will gladly send samples upon request. Be sure to state plainly the color you aesire wnen you uruer. J i i B 5 I I t i I .... yvw V "i ; buttons, price .