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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24. 1918. 5-C STEVE MALQKEY APPEARS BEFORE GRAND JURYMEN Former Chief of Detectives is Two-Hour Guest of Investi gators; News Later, He Says. Steve Maloney, former Omaha chief of detectives, who was ousted from office for alleged insubordination, was a witness before the grand jury for two hours during the Saturday morn ing session. . Maloney refused to divulge the na ture of his testimony, but it is un derstood it pertained to conditions which are alleged to have existed in the police department during his tenure of office. "I have nothing to say" said Maloney, "but there may be some news later." At the time of the police hearing when Maloney was dismissed he threatened to make sensational dis closures, r Joseph MoCool,' who was shot by T. Daniels at Forty-third and Red wood avenue Tuesday, followujr a quarrel between the two, was ano'her Saturday witness before the tfrand jury. He testified that Daniels had come to his home in company with Orrie Wright and Carl E. Jo'irson and shot him. Johnson said he had been invited by Daniels to "come and see the fun," but that he didn't w.;ze the nature of the sport until it was too late. Police Surgeon Romorek and Detectives Murphy and Dolan were the other witnesses to testify. Gives Up Big Position To Help Uncle Sam John Wilkinson, vice president and consulting ngineer of the Franklin Automobile company and one of the oioneers in automobile construction, is to give his talents to aid the govJ ernmeni in ine attainment ui suprem acy in the air Together with H. M. Crane, chief engineer of the Wright-Martin Air craft corporation, and D. McCall White, chief engineer of the Cadillac Motor company, he has - been ap pointed to conduct tests of the new Liberty motor for aeroplanes, by Howard E. Coffin, chairman of the Aircraft Production board. It is interesting in this connection to note that this triumvirate bririgs with them years of experience along different phases of gasoline engine construction, for one is a leading ex ponent' of the air-cooled engine and the designer of the well-known Franklin engine, the second a recog nized authority on multi-cylinder de sign and the third an aeroplane de signer of great prominence. Battery Needs Exercise And Food, Declares Hilier "Thousands of motorists are get ting a "sure start" many times a day all the year around from the "Exide" batteries on their cars," asserts Louis Hilier of the Delco Exide Service sta tion. "Many more enjoy the privilege for the greater part of the year and then jack their car up for a period of one or two months in the dead of win ter." Whether you use your car all the year around or whether you store it for the winter, don't forget the lit tle storage battery that lias been "on its toes" ready to assist at the touch of the starter pedals It is not a "black box of mystery," but almost a living organism. Like a living or ganism, it needs food and care. Its "food" is current and distilled water, and its care consists of taking pe riodic hydrometer readings to tell its condition and consequently the amount of its "appetite." Another Dempsey. The Jack Dempsey who was given the K. O. at Portsmouth, li H., the other night evidently doesn't carry the same brand of biff as does the Cali fornia curly wolf of the same name. DISEASE JLAYS SMALL PART IN WAR Care in Soldier's Drinking Water Main Reason for Lack of Sickness in British Army. (Correspondence of Th Associated Press ) London, Sept. 15. In all wars that have preceded this war of the world sickness has been responsible for a very big percentage of the total cas ualties. But in the struggle which is now going on in various parts of the earth the surprising fact k that sick ness is playing a very small part in deed.1 Many things have combined in making this an accomplished fact; sanitation has been brought to a fine art, for one thing, but the most im portant of all is, says a statement from a British official source, that "Empire Tommy" has been particularly well looked after in respect of his drinking water. Water means everything to - the fighting man. Impure water, and then you get sickness. Water properly dealt with and treated, and there is very little sickness. And for the way in which Tommy has obtained his drinking water as he has done there is one branch of the-service that has tn hp thanked. That is the roval en gineers. They dug wells at Gallipoli, they looked alter tne tanKS away in the desert on either side of Egypt, they solved the water problems in Mesopotamia, and in France they did everything that was to be done in this connection. Is All Tested. There has been plenty of water in France, in the villages, and far too much, not of the drinking variety, in the trenches at times. The problem has been to take it where it was want ed and remove it from where it was a burden. The system is now as near perfect as it can be. But every drop of drinking water has had to be passed by the medical officer before it has been drunk by the soldiers'. On thou sands of wells today are the little no tice boards: "This water is fit for washing. "This water must be boiled before being drunk." ' "This water must not be used un less treated as ordered." The royal engineers have worked day and night in making things right for the boys. This has been done all over France behind the British front, and the water supply has been kept right on the heels of the advancing troops all the while. Use Chlorine. Water carts have carried the water right up to the support lines on hun dreds of occasions. The water has been chlorinated in these carts and the goods have heen delivered exactly to time. Chlorinated water is not pleas ant stuff to, drink at all times (even tea will not always disguise its taste) but its purity is guaranteed.' That is the principal thing, for when a sol dier's tongue is hanging out of his mouth with thirst he is inclined to chance things, and to drink anything that may come his way. , Horses, too, as well as meh, require water. For them huge canvas tanks have been erected and filled from a sfnall iron pipe, running, perhaps, from a point seven or eight miles away. Steam pumps for deep wells have had to be brought up and fixed, and thousands of petrol tins, carefully cleaned and filled with water, have had to be stored in the trenches in case of any sudden emergency arising. The Hun, too. is not idle. He cuts the water supply whenever possible. "Plunk" comes a 4.9 on top of a pipe, and "whoosh," away goes the water. The repair has to be done at once, and it is done. Up' come the sappers at the run and the break is either plugged or the fractured pipe js cut out and another piece fitted in its place. It all depends upon how hot the shelling may be, but not much time is wasted. That is how Tommy gets his water at the front. Cancel Marathon. The Boston, marathon, which has been staged annually for 21 years, will not be run this year. A marathon re lay race for men in the service is to take the place of the old-distance run ning classic. Make Your Old Ford Jew FORD OWNERS AND BUYER Put Your OLD Ford in the $1,000.00 Clar With a Kelsey Streamline Body on Your Ford Chassis. Beautiful in Appearance. Designed for Comfort 50 Easier Riding Price Mounted Complete on Chassis $225.00 Four doors, one-man top; Color, Woe, maroon or gray. Linoleum runtime board, jiffy curtains, ventilating windshield, and many other advantages which add to appearance and comfort. Your old Ford made sew. Let us show you our display ear. Liberal allowance made on- your old body. New and used Fords with Kelsey bodies ready for delivery. r TERMS Cash and Time Payments if desired. If yon want to buy a new Chassis we can purchase same from any local Ford dealer and arrange terms for you. Distributors for Overton Semi-Truck, 3000 lbs., $283.00 f. o. b. Detroit. Let us show you what the Overton will do for your business. Overton carries more at lowest cost. It is quick, easily operated, absolutely dependable. Come and see it. Super Heater for your Ford. Cuts down your fuel expense. Rives your motor more power, less KM consumption. Distributors for National Spark Plugs. AGENTS WANTED New Location now at 2867 Farnam St. Phone 6546 Harney. - SOL S. GOLDSTM 00. Before Buying a New Ford Lot Ua Snow You ihm Kelsey Streamline Body. Public Farewell for Nebraska Base Hospital Unit Tuesday A public farewell will be Riven at the Boyd theater 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon for the Nebraska univesity base hospital unit No. 49, by ihe Daughters of the Amercan Revolu tion Red Cross auxiliary. Mapr A. C. Stokes, director of the uni. has ordered the members to be present. They will go from the theater to the depot, where they will entralj for port Des Moines, where they hve been ordered for temporary duty A feature of the affair will bt the presentation of a flag which Drgh ters of the American Revo'it.ion members will Rive to the unit. Co'orel Grant will make the present ;on speech. Dean Cutter, of tha Ne braska university medical department will be master of ceremonies. Kev. E. II. Jenks will offer the ir.v "ca tion. The Fort Crook band will play pa triotic selections. Mrs. Fred Clark will sing the "Marscillaies " and after five-minute talks by Major Maher, Frai Judson and Colonel l'ancister, the program will be conclude! by cdmmumty Ringing of "Keep the Home Fires Burning." Mrs. Clark will lead the singing. The Red Cross auxiliary mi the members of the unit will be seaitd on the stage. In the audience will be 500 high school cadets in uni?. rm and a band of Boy Scouts will art as ushers. Automatic Kick-Out On Lexington Ignition Among the improvements and re finements which make the Lexington Minute Man Six stand out promi nently is an automatic kick-out for the ignition circuit. The principle embodied in the ar rangement is the same as that in an ordinary door bell. The device is contained in the switch and it is just as simple in construction as it is in operation, "requiring no close atten tion whatsoever. If, through carelessness or neglect, or through someone's tampering with your Lexington car, your ignition switch is left on, instead of your bat tery being drained, your .switch is kicked off by th vibrations of a small hammer actuated by an electro-magnet. The. owner of a car equipped in this way is not only safe against such battery trouble as that caused by the ignition switch being left on, but he is insured against unnecessary ex pense which results from such care lessness. "We have found," said Frank B. Ansted. head of the Lexington Motor company, builders of the Lexington, "that the little things count almost as much as the big ones." It is by no means impossible that that little de vice on the ignition circuit will be entirely responsible for the sale of some Lexington car. ' For instance, take two cars of similar price and you can depend upon it that the car with the most refinements will be the one that is bought. Quick Action la a Crisis. "I'm sorry, Harold," sighed the maiden, reluctantly disengaging herself from the embrace of the ardent young man and turning up the light as she heard her fath er's step In the nail; "but father will Insist upon young men declaring their Intentions before permitting them to hug me." The ardent young man Imlt his brow and bit Ms Hp In chagrin. Nearer and miarer sourded the parental footsteps. Suddenly a flash of divine Inspiration, like rushing dawn! Springing to his feet, the ardent young man sppd to the vlctrola and s'apped on a 12-lnrh fox trot. Then, as tho melody umvound, he turned and stretched fort bis arms. 'Come!" he whispered thrllllnaiy. "Vou think of such wonderful things!" murmured she, as they clasped each other In an embrace which mado the otlher look like 80 cents. Her fHthr thrust his head dlscreet'.y be tween the curtains, saw them enjoying their simple pleasure, and softly withdrew ;o read his, editorials and stock reports. "Ethel makes a charming hostess,'1 he thought. Judge, Chrysanthemum Family Very Large in Number Chrysanthemum means "gold flow er," although many varieties have no trace of yellow in their nvakeup. In deed, they are of all colors red, lilac, rose color, white, yellow, orange or two colors combined. Chrysanthemums arc annuals, per ennials or shrubby, and all have leafy stems. They are natives of the tem perate parts of the world, and in the beginning were weeds and treated as such. The ox-eye daisy is a chrysanthe mum and so is tht marigold. As you probably know, these arc not very valuable flowers, but the cultivated chrysanthemum is growing every year more costly. For the last few years there has been a chrysanthemum craze in the United States, which started thirty years ago from the smallest begin nings. Now the annual November shows have become fixed institutions, and the displays are very magnifi cent. The flower was first cultivated in China and Japan, where it can be re garded at the national flower. It ap pears in all decorative forms, in painting, in ceramics, in the exquisite needlework of both countries and on the cheapest fans. The Dutch cultivated chrysanthe mums as early as 16S9, and the first cultivated variety was brought from China to England in 1789. Until 1820 but twelve varieties were known in England, and the first English show was held at Stoke, Ncwington, in 1846. The species are divided into the in-curved, a globe-shaped flower, al most round, with broad, smooth flor ets, regularly arranged; the Japanese, which arc noted for bright rich col or and irregular form; the retlcxde, with flowers of medium size, more or less spherical; the large anemones, fa mous for their size, with two distinct sets of florets, one o,uilled and one flat; the pempous, small, dwarf plants, with short, flat or quilled florets, and the pompous anemones. There are thousands varieties of these species white, maroon, yellow, variegated, from the palest to the deepest shades. Chrysanthemums are not difficult to cultivate. They need light, rich soil, and are Easily propagated by cuttings, suckers or. parting the roots. They flower from October 10 until late in November. Cuttings are not expen sive, ranging in price from 10 cents tCK a dollar for common but pretty vi ricties. Of course, there is no limif. to what you may for a chrysanthe mum, i'hiladelphia Ledger. I LSI XAkU 'flUC ML a ilpr aiiefy PEER OF THEM ALL Delco - Exide Service Station Now Under New Management ' L. HILLER 2024 Farnam St. Free Inspection and Expert Advice on Any Make Battery or Starter Delco Parts A. B. C. Ford and Repairs Starters Storage) Batteries and Repair for Anjr Make Car Haesler Shock Absorbers make your Ford ride as smooth as a Packard. DEALERS We have some open territory. Write for particular! THEGIANITHAT LIVES IHABOX r --" 1 " "-' " ' 1 ' agaar V LA- .. yy. i. i iiirTrOTr-rraaa . r7r?"T?BJ,,illl1il "I Vai ii i'iTsTsW'".' ' TIIIT 'I "sTT"""Tfl "7 --- f -y- , rTrr.r?f..rr --r- e.-sff- ;Tr,TTia,rW - "JT7 MWfirtnWsat l 1 ijfrt t I S Pi 1 si '43" Xf i T: -f T 11 I - r une1 . i . -'-- - a The Merit Points that Give the Sterling Truck Power Three-point Flexible Motor Suspension The Sterling u truly the one flexible truck adjusts itself at once to all road curvatures and depression!, without affecting in the slightest any part of the power or transmission mechanism. V'Shape Multiple Disc Clutch The steel and copper plates are so uniquely shaped and specially designed that there is extreme flexibility even in starting and positive control. The Sterling Clutch is a wonder. The plates operate in a complete bath of oil Selective Clutch Type Transmission Sterling transmission costs over 100 more than the transmission ordinarily used. But we consider the extra cost well spent because the ordinary trans mission couldn't perform to Sterling standards. Gears Always in Mesh This means you can shift gears on a Sterling on a level or grade without grinding the gears or making a noise like artillery in 'action. Gear replace ments are banished. Pressed Steel Wood Inlaid Frame -The wood-lined frame an exclusive Sterling feature adds strength, acts as a cushion, absorbs vibration, prevents crystallization. Try hitting a stone with a steel-handled hammer, and then with a wood-handled hammer. YouU appreciate the difference between the Sterling wood inlay frame con struction and an all-metal frame. . . Long and Wide Springs What other truck has a rear spring as long and wide as that of the Sterling? Then consider that this means extra speed without excess vibration or depreciation. A money-saving feature. Magneto Dual Automatic Spark Advance ' The Sterling has an automatic spark control. No back "kick" or broken arms leas carbon practically no chance of overheating -gasoline economy easier in starting positive timed ignition at all motor speeds maximum efficiency all the time not just when you think to place the spark lever in propel position. It means the driver cannot waste the gasoline. Here Are Added Advantages Curtains for the driver's cab. Windshield for protection of driver. Wearing parts are bronze bushed. Radiator guard sure protection. Stewart Vacuum Fuel Feed Tank-ecegnized as standard. Lunkenheimer Cushioned Draw , Trailer and Bumper. m '4 i That's the way to test the new Sterling motor masterpiece add it to your equip ment and make it conquer the worst difficulties of your transportation problem. Put it over the roughest roads make it defeat the obstacles of delivery that stand in your path. It will prove a master product -for economical motof transportation. Make the Sterling Prove Its Worth For years, this oldest truck making organization has constructed the Sterling to maintain reputation anp! merit and win the permanent applause of every user. Every driving part embodies a liberal safety factor even in excess of generous rating capacity. Let us demonstrate how and why and where it will fit in your business with profit. The new Sterling service idea the Sterling Service Box will interest you. Saves time and' money for you. Be sure to ask about it. Manufactured and Guaranteed by STERLING MOTOR TRUCK -COMPANY Milwaukee, Wisconsin Builders of Motor Track Exclutivtly for Ten Yean 2V2, 3V2, 5 and 7-Ton Trucks. 'H. BECKER Distributor for Nebraska and Western Iowa. Service Garage, 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 7000. 1, r , ii, -1L Primer. I Bar for U r P IF -J It t it it if a If 1