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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
IKE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24. 1918. 8 C FREE MEDICAL SERVICF GIVEN TIREjVORKERS Goodyear Factory Employ Large Staff of Physicians aitf Nurses to Look After Employes. In no small degree has the safety first movement given an impetu u the idea of giving medical, hospit: and surgical treatment to etnol'V but there never has been any :;- that went more directly to the fc:.; of social betterment among the wat earners. Health is at the bottoi:' conscientious workmanship and indnt trial content, so the Goodyear ji:t and Rubber company. Akron, O.. ha found out. The success and happ i.os. of an individual is all predicted on his health and that of his family The family physician appears only whs. a health agency has failed to prevent disease and the Akron tire co.i.-ern has taken itself the responsibility of seeing that the health agency aoes not fail. By providing the best possible sur roundings from a hygienic standpoint for the workmen during their work ing hours, by supplying recraton centers and athletic facilities for all. as well as conducting educational campaigns looking toward an tti: exi gent adherence to the natural laws of health, Goodyear is awake to the im portance of helping their employes keep up with the modern idea o .on serving health so necessary to giving high grade service and to the enjoy ment of life. With thousands of men and wome working around whirling machinery with scores of acres of floor irac filled with flying belts, fast-turnin; wheejs, tremendous presses, and t!i constant passing of trucks heavi!) laden the occurence of accidents t the working force is to be expce occasionally. First-aid treatment am the means of preventing infection i? absolutely necessary. The Goodyear Tire and RLcber company has provided in each of its several factories a comnletely equipped hospital with every modern facility for treating- injuries of all kinds, with expert medical attendants on hand at all times to look after the health and medical needs of al; the employes, and to render immed:ate surgical aid to the victims of ac cidents. In the general office of this, con cern there is maintained a dispensary with a physician and a nurse con stantly attending and the ordirary ailments incidents to the daily lue of men and women in active office em ployment are promptly taken ca'f of. A force of nine physicians and 14 graduate nurses are employed this industrial medical and hospital service. Eve-y applicant for employment is examined thoroughly to establish his physical capacities in order that the company may get a line on his ibility and fitness for particular kin: of work. The examination also in :ludes a general physical survey of the ap plicant. Jimmy Gets Chance. 'Tis said that Jimmy Hickman is to become a regular outfielder with the Dodgers. As Jimmy has worn out several uniforms doing bench duty he was just beginning to think his name carried too many letters, par ticularly the three last ones. New Home of the Franklin and Marmon 3MOP- SHOP ANN THEff HIT LOWt GARA.GC CAR ACE THAN SALES ROOM 7. PCftlMAM Ml..U.e.1H' nTitmi ' rrci!H8uoOM exit eeef w t2. STOCK tOCM li. SALES-ROOM 44 x 100 A rARNAM 3TREn Mill Mh.. r DO xxooooos FARNAM -STKEET-E LEYAXICH Auto Dealer Rings Up Seven Sales in a Day ''The popularity of Scripps-Booth cars." asserts K. S. Odell of the W. M. Clement Motors company, "can be realized to some extent from the fact that we delivered seven cars in one day last week to retail customers. "Although we have only been able to secure a few of the new six-cylinder models for local delivery, the light sport roadster and eight-cylinder chummy models promise to be even more popular this season than last. "The attractive appearance and lux uary of these models, coupled with the popular prices and economical up keep, certainly appeal to all classes of trade. "We sold and delivered Scripps ISooth cars to the following on Tues day: V. C. Samis. Fred Pfoten haner, Miss Kate Dorsey, A. E. Royce, B. B. Baldwin, Miss Louise Brackhahn and G. Griffith. On Wed nesday we delivered Scripps-Booth cars to C. M. Dooley and E. A. Doherty, and Liberty touring cars to P. R. Kellogg and t. J. Jumper. In addition to this we delivered one car load of five Scripps-Booth new six cylinder models to Barney-Gibbons Motor company of Kearney." Packer Enthusiastic Over Autocar Delivery Morris & Co. are one of the most enthusiastic Autocar users in Omaha, according to W. M. Clement, presi dent of the W. M. Clement Motors Co. They have operated three Auto car trucks for some time, in fact they were bought and shipped here from Chicago before an Autocar agency was established in Omaha. "One of these Autocars has been in constant service for over four years in Omaha," said W. M. Clement, "and is now operating daily and isgiv ing dependable service. Morris & Co. endorsed the Autocar, owing to a successful experience at various other points and shipped them to Omaha regardless of the fact that no Auto car service station was located is umana. "However, without service or any immediate supply of parts, or me chanics who were acquainted with the Autocar, these three Autocars op erated successfully and Morris & Co. are using Autocars at practically all their branches throughout the United States." Bee Want Ads Bring Results. gnnilljllllllllluilllh, MUHUflMhH.MlBSll r i i rmr 1 (pp2llj OCT! st-a They Go Where They Are Sent IIQHEM UOTORMTRUQKfl Your load will go where you send it it will arrive when you want it to and your Bethlehem Truck will come bade for its next load promptly and without fall' down day after day. Bethlehem Trucks arc buik to carry merchants' reputations and they always make good. Your examination of a Bethlehem Truck is a business necessity. Try it out your way. $1245 UTon FOB. ALLENTOWN PA $1775 ChAJM 9iTon 4. ft Churii The nev home of Franklin and Marmon cars in Omaha, when com pleted, will be one of the most mod ern and best equipped automobile buildings in the west. The front elevator and groud floor plans of this new building, shown above, show in detail the arrangementOthing is conveniently arranged for ef- of the new quarters. No doubt, these plans will be of considerable interest to automobile dealers, owing to the spacious and convenient arrangement' Ample room for display room, office, shop and garage is offered and every- Germany Schaefer to Act As Coach for Collegians Germany Schaefer is the lates': ad dition to the ranks of college base ball coaches. Germany is to ha.idle the Lafayette college squad, and even if the boys don't win many games they are sure to have the time ofneir young lives with the funniest coach in captivity. Lafayette did not intend to have a coach this year, but when a big squad turned out for indoor practice Harry Hempstead, president oi the New York Nationals, sent word that he would contribute a coach. He sent Schaefer along. Hempstead is a mem ber of the alumni committee on adi letics at Lafayette. Three Holdouts. Buck Herrog, Ed Konetcliv and Dick Rudolph refuse to sign with the Boston Braves tor the salary offered ficient handling of all angles of the business. BETHLEHEM DUMP TRUCKS Writs for Catalogue BETHLEHEM TrACTOrVS J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO. 2048 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. Distributor Nebraska, Waitarn Iowa, South Dakota. f L mm mm x. I: ' . it r -it- The New Peerless Eight Model 56 You know that for years the Peerless Company has concentrated its efforts on high grade motor cars. You are safe in expecting wonderful and great performance in this new Peerless. Famous Peerless creations, past and present, have upheld in advance quality standards. Those who know Peerless know it for refinement, perform ance, smoothness of operation and utmost grace. In its range of power you have a quiet, smooth motor. Without touching, a gear shift you may throttle down to almost imperceptible motion along behind retarded traffic and all the while you are operating with the greatest economy, for you are automatically feeding your cylinders their fuel at half rations. But when you need or want it you have, in this same 80 Horse Power Peerless Eight, a totally different performance. No real motor car enthusiast can take the Peerless- wheel without enjoying a new thrill in its contrasting performances. We believe that it approactes more closely to real efficiency than any motor car yet manufactured. GEO. F. REIM COMPANY Distributor! of High Grade Motor Cars. w m mm u with airplane type motor EVEN if a man chose a car on no other ground than economy, he could not justly pass by this National Convertible Sedan. The economy of an automobile is largely determined by its usefulness, and "a more useful vehicle than this it would be difficult to conceive. It is quickly and easily convertible from a closed winter equipage to an open touring model, and is as capable for cross-country driving as for formal city use. It links the power, range and activity of an open car to the shelter and comfort of a closed one, and its fuel, tire and maintenance costs are exceedingly low. Six and twelve, Cylinder CModels 7-Pi!. Touring Car, 4-Paa. Phaeton, 4-Pati. Roadrter, 7-Pau. Convertible Sedan Open Car Prices-The Six, $2150; The Twelve, $2750 The Six Sedan, 12120; The Twelve Sedan, f 3420 Gwtrnntnt'i War Rtvtniu Tax Extra Charge NATIONAL MOTOR CAR & VEHICLE CORP., INDIANAPOLIS Eigktttnth SueetJiful Ytar The T. G. Northwall Company OMAHA, NEB.