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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY- BEE : MARCH 24. 1918. uiinp niiiAr ap Snow Drifts Fail to Halt Progress of Saxpn Six New Method to Retread Tires Exploited in Omaha " Another method of -re-treading pneumatic tires is being exploited in Omaha by' the Good-Wear Tire and Retread company. - The 'distinguishing mark -of the Good-Wear way, according to its Omaha backers fies in the. complete removal of the outer, worn layer of fabric. Then a new casing is ce mented to the remainder of-4he-car S. L. Zimmerman and T. Schon ,'n-f rrr wiut imubt ur SPEED FEATURES PEERLESS EIGHT berger are proprietors of the new firnr and both,"hail" from Omaha.' Zim .merman has been connected with the city engineering department until re cently, Schonberger has recently re turned to Omaha after an absence of cass. This "cementing" is -donerwithJ cold cement. Ihe vulcopizing pro cess if eliminated entirely.. The new company aims to turn out 25 tires a day. several years Double Poppets Develop 80 4 Horsepower and Maks Two f .Power .flange Possible, V ; v . Makers Say; . v " ',- What the manufacturers call a "two powtr' range" it one of the features of the ,jwK Peerless eight. This - new Peertes model contains an eight-cylinder motor provided with extra large valves and passages. By throwmgrvthe throttle wide, "double poppets;' are opened and the result is an jSb-horsepower motor. This gives What the manufacturers call the "two-power ranfce." - The' hiirm of the richt-c vlinder motor li three and one-quarter inches and tBt;.etnke five, the v type cy linderre set at 90 degrees. The starting motor is on the right side at the tear, meshing with a gear ring on the , fly wheel. The car buretor.r air pump and distributor . are mounted so that the valva adjustment, springs, etc., are easily acces94ble. ' 'Cast of Cylinders. Cylinders are cast four enbloc with valves' n the inside of the V. They offset right and left to permit the use of . side-by-side connecting rods. Water headings are Carried directly into the. cylinder castings, witi packed joints. ; The'cam shaft is of lanre diameter with individual cams for each of the 16 valves. The full force feed system of lubri cation ti employed. The double water pump, insures equal circulation on the two sides of the motor. The, carburetor is of a special two power. range type. The 20-gallon gas oline tank is at the rear with vacuum feed. vf ' : Multiple clutch. The. clutch is a dry multiple disc, Drive. through the tubular type pro " pellef ishaft with double universal joints', drive and torque being taken through the springs. . Springs' are thin leaf, with Peerless fclatfornj .suspension. An 'extra heavy drop frame is used, and the wheel base is 125 inches. Tires are 3Sx4ft inches: The electrical system is built in tegral with the motor: including inde pendent, lighting and starting units and direct current ignition system. v'. Equipment, ' Equipment includes one-man top, side curtains, windshield, speedometer, motor-driven tire pump, extra rim, electric, horn, tools, head lamps with dimminglamps, tail .and dash lamp with -extension cord and socket, am meter, motometer, snubbers front and rear and locks on ignition switch and tool box. Among the body styles offered are: Seven-passenger touring, $2,340; club roadster, $2,340; sport roadster, $2,490; coupe, $2,8$0, and sedan, $3,000. The Peerless is handled in Ne braska and western Iowa by the George F. Reim company. li,P!r '- rfcfe H fe SaBUS!gagt88E Winter motoring in the east has its drawback, according to Carl Dreger, who recently arrived in Los Angeles from Columbus, Neb. Mr, Dreger drove his Saxon Sixacross the coun try and found the roads almost im passable in many places. In relating some of the experiences of his recent trip to an interested group at thj J V. paldwin Motor company, distributors of the Saxon Six for southern, California, Mr. Dre ger said: ' "Our party left Columbus on Janu ary 8 We made very good progress until we met a blizzard in Kansas, where we -were held up for several days. The snowfall was so .heavy" dur ing this storm that the roads were entirely obliterated and it was neces sary to break our own road when we again started, . , "Thft going1 was very rough during the. next few days arid we plowed through snowdrifts that seemed im possible for any automobile to buck. The , Saxon never faltered, however, and we had the satisfaction of pulling several other well known cars out of the drifts" where they were stuck. We were told all. along the line that we were the first car to go through this winter. People along the way said that a rumber bf ears trying to make the cross-country trip had turned ba'ck after unjuccessftiUy bucking the mud and-snow-. - "Speaking of mud in Arizona we encountered the worst roads'of the trip. We came through heavy black adobe that stuck in the wheels-iintil it. was impossible for them to. turn and it was necessary to pry the mud off with a pick handle every ffew hun dred feet. Before entering this Auto Exchange Movm lfit6"' New Farnam Street Quarters The Auto exchange has moved into! its new quarters at 2059 Farnam street. The move was necessitated by ur gent need for more space. The new home contains 11,000 feet of floor space, sufficient ,for, 100 cars. JhisAtitp exchange has existed for one year, but already has grown into one of the large firms on the row. Walsh Enlists. Jimmy Walsh, the Red Sox out fielder, has enlisted in the navy as a machinist's mate. Being stationed at the Boston navy yard, he will be avail able for Jack Barry's middy ball nine. stretch we were warned to shin the car by railroad, as it was said it.wpuld. be impossible to get through. We took a chance, however, and came throufeh with flying colors. You can appreciate the difficulties when I tell you that one day we made only . 10 miles. We again played the Good Sa-( rnaritan here by palling two differ ent cars out of mudholes.' "We made the trip, in .18; days. with out any mechanical trouble arid the Saxon Six is running as well as she. did the day we lefv." Mr. Dreger is an employe of the Saxon dealer, il. Platte. Citer:NeKi: and this particular car was a stock car purchased from the Noyes-Killy Motor company, Nebraska distrib utors. ' " !,v v. : .. sjl - ssz iL: f I 1 MTi di . J """ ? ' -"-7 i Z-Z. ' ' '-12 ' 1 ?fi'Toh Modfel $1750 Chassis " i tin ! i f-- rT-mm. are sturdy, dependable trucks, bu ing transportation problems. Let Model 6 -Ton I Model 8 1-Ton $850 Chassis Only Price f. o. b. Factory Tire Size 12x4, nonskid ' Wheel-base, 110 ihebW; MOTOR TRUCKS ; ilt to cope with the most perplex- us demonstrate. J Model 9 iy2.Ton $1395 Chassis Only Price; f. o. b. Factory Tir ji7olFront xSH Solid lire lze lRear,8x4 Solid' Wheel-base,'. 1 30 'inches $2295 Jones Oppe Co 2043-45 Farnam St., Omaha. Distributors Eastern "and Northern Nebraska and Western Iowa. $1750 Chassis Only . Price f. o. b. Factory . Tiro 5i7o jFrnt 34x3 Soliil lire oize jRear Six5 SoJid Wheel-base, 140 inches - A. H. Jones Co Hastings, Neb. : Distributors' tor Southern and Western ' Nebraska. . Model 7 2-Ton . . Chassis' Only " :Price f. o. b. Factory, Tire ?i7P I Front 84x4 8ini ' Aire &ize j Hesr tixi SolUi ' Wheel-base, f56 inches i the QMMvSm "V Even the mere outlines of the Cole Aetp-Eight are impressive. ,r ( ' 1 :- ' Is it any wonder that the carfiai'' eea"te out-.V.-standing feature whlrever it nas been exhibited? Not only has the Cole Aero-Eight taken; the lead in .. setting new automobile fashions. r-, ' But as an advancement in engineering it has mo nopolized the attention of motorists everywhere. - The throngs which have gathered: to seeit have . bestowed, on it tteir superlative 'praise. " " " . v ' For Cole has virtually read the motoring mind of the nation and the Aero- ' Eight isthe result. s , ; Traynof Automobile Co. Ratail Dittrtbuter. De Brown Auto Sales Co. WholaMl. OUUibutar. for Iowa and Northern Son. Gt4 Tnritory Opoa (or Uvo DMlart. . V 2Xto Farnam St. Omaha. Nafaratka. ; 14U UatMt St, Dm MoIbm, Imra. 2210 Farnam St. Phon. Doug. 526S. COLE MOTOR CAR COMPANY. INDIANAPOLIS.-U. S. A. The 33 Reserve Power Tractor Combines the Best Features of Tractor, Automobile and Truck Engineering. Reserve Power Saves Time and Money r" To get satisfactory results you must have abactor with plenty of ex cess power. V ' " 1 Plow Man tractors set a high mark for reserve power. That's why tl ey do better work and last longer. They make good under difficult field conditions and can handle heavy belt work with ease. You can cover more acres, get more from each man's work-savV time and reduce costs. Reserve power means minimum service, satisfied customers, larger 'sales. ' Lowest In Upkeep Back of the Plow Man is a great record for low operating and fuel expense in both Amer ica and Europe. Farmers say the Plow Man operates smoothly with but few repairs or de lays. Thus the value of our all-standard con. struction is proved from the standpoint of practical everyday service. Unit Power Plant By "using a carefully designed clutch bell housing we secure an absolute unit power plant combining our motor, clutch and transmission, v This conserves .power, cuts out a lot of lost motion and protects the' important operating mechanismfroffilall dust and dirt - - v Built for Hard Work , i i - Read the partial list of aU-siaridard'feetures' ' at the right and you will realize -why : thV Plow . Man. is equal to the hardest kind of farm work. No machine faces more severe duty and more'" constant strain thaiUhe farm tractor. The Plow Man ts built ia every detail o. meet these con- ditions.. . j-.--. ' . Plow Man Buda- 4-cylinder motor for . '. heavy duty .'s'ervifteV ' ' FoOte 'Transmission-- delivers the ' .'power. ,wthout waste.- :JIyatt Rolter Bearings reduce friction ' -c -and Vave power; Quick constant cooling with Perfex y-5 Radiator .i.:.;.;"' i. : -Beniiett Erflducer Garbwetor makes success of kerosene as fuel. ;-HighTensiou Magneto, Impulse '. ; ..," Starter,. . oiie-fourth - turn starts ' - tractor ' ' - :- Pivoted Front Axle provides flexibil-,t-. ity forroygh land. Automobile - Type Control. Easy to v; hartd;e: , . " Troubte'-prdof. . Frendf'' and Hecht --Wheels, i' ruhfling, on .heavy duty Teller;' bearings with, dust-proof 'hub's.'"' .;'' . ": Lightweight less than 5,000 pounds. DEALERS We will be pleased to furnish full information relative toour liberal dealers' proposition and open territory upon request Wir or Writ today, as. territory con tracting rapidly. IMPORTANT We carry stpek of parts. . " - We pass on adjustment. J 1. !.,':."-"v". We sell on an iron-clad guarantee. We can ship machines out of our own stock,: which guarantees deliveries. ACT NOW -.-FARMERS Ir ilf-ou are in the market for a ur actor inis season yon musi, mane your reservation now "or be dis apgjointed Write, us for our new caj&Ipg. dn'.this powerful machine. VAN BRUNT AUTO M O B HUE COMPANY Omaha, Neb. v Distributors Council Bluffs, Iowa. R;i rv INTFRQTATF TDAPTHD rn tir.a. ' . j l a a a awd Aa-a.W E VU VVS W aieriOO, IOWB. , wery'WwJ-rt.'-i'-iCJS-i'a?.- sr-i;..f -vtf?. ixy:vitv- ': I 4