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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
The Omaha Be PAET THREE AUTO SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN PART THREE AUTO SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN h h: VOL. XLVII NO. 41. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21. 1918. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS Sunday f n PACKARD MAKES . RECORD TIME ON BOSTON TRIP Truck Routed From Akron to Boston Clips Eleven Hours From the Former Schedule. . A Packard truck, newest addition to the cross-country fleet which the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company is operating between Akron and Bos ton, recentlj made the trip between those cities in record-breaking time. Carrying a capacity load of special products urgently needed by the shoe factories of Massachusetts, the giant carrier clipped eleven hours from the schedijle which has been establisheJ for this run. The distance from the Rubber City to Boston is 740 miles. The Packard completed the journey in 77 hours elapsed time. 49 hours' actual running time, at an averaee SDeed of 14.9 nines an iiuui iun mc ciiiuc mp. mc huge' pneumatic tires, 44x10 Good years, with which the truck is equipped, allow it to be driven safely over the mountain roads at touring car speed. The Goodyear company was one of the first to recognize the feasibility of Sterling Truck in Omaha Another truck has recently maiits Omaha "debut" and will entc the field strongly endorsed by th; na tionally .known manufacturers v. ho have used Sterling trucks for time past'. ' The Sterling is a heavy duty liuck, made in 2'A, 32, 5 and 7-ton ? zes; constructed of high grade materials throughout. The distribution of this truck will be under the direction of H. Becker, and for the present the show room and service station will be main tained at the Service garage. ' Mr. Becker sees a -wonderfii' op portunity for truck sales in this ter ritory and picked Nebraska and west ern Iowa as his choice of several good territories. inter-city hauling and its trucks have been traveling the Akron-Boston round trip of 1,540 miles for nearly a year. Six trucks are now engaged in this service. They carry finished products to the New England branches and return with tire fab rics from the company's mills at Goodyear, Conn. A S-ton Packard, the pioneer of this fleet, to date has traveled 30,000 miles over this roue, having com pleted 19 round trips. "Old John Packard," as it is affectionately called by Goodyear officials, is a fa miliar sight along the Lincoln high way and Boston post road. How Perm Did It. All that the University of Pennsyl vania basket ball team had to do to land the championship was to win whenever Dartmouth lost. And the Green five lost them as fast as they played 'em. FULTON TRUCK ON OMAHAAUTO ROW Victor Motor Company to Be Distributors in Nebraska; Enthusiastic Over 1918 ' Outlook. May Use Motor Cars On Base Ball Circuit Bill Rodges as he is known to base ball fans all up and down the Pacific coastmay transport his Sac ramento bail club over the Pacific Coast leagui circuit this season in motor cars. , Last fall Podgers announced his re tirement frota base ball and joined an automobile sales staff. Later on, however, came an offer- to manage the Sacramento club and Rodgers ac cepted. He had driven a car for sev eral years, and he naturally turned to it, in place of railroads, when it came to scouting for new playing ma terial. "I do not use my Dodge Brothers car for pleasure riding, however," stated Manager Rodgers. "It is the most valuable assistant in , my busi ness. I would not trade the services of a motor car for the best ball player in the country. For with my car I can visit every hamlet in the state where there are prospects of picking up some talent for my club. I, am even considering moving my ball' club around the circuit in playing season via motor cars." That extra room will pay your coal bill. Rent it through a Bee Want Ad. Announcement was made last week that the Victor Motor company had taken on the distribution of Fultoij trucks in Nebraska and will immedi ately launch a brisk canvass of the . The Fulton, which was brought to Omaha by II. H. Cannon, who will represent thi factory here, has cre ated much comrnent in automobile circles since ks announcement owing to the units used as .compared with the unusually low price. Both Mr, Cannon and E. V. Scripps, recently appoiiNed sales manager of the Victor Motor com pany, are extremely enthusiastic re garding the Fulton and the possibili ties for promoting its sale in this ter ritory. Scripps claims that the country is fairly alive with farmers who want trucks, and he predicts a record in truck sales which will startle passen ger car dealers. Famous Veteran Dies. Jim McCormick, a former teammate of Billy Sunday, Mike Kelly and "Pop" Anson, died at his home in Peterson, N. J., the other day from liver dis order. He was 60 years old. OLD WORN TIRE 3 LAYERS NEW FABRICK PURE GUM BREAKER STRIP NEW LIVE RUBBER ORIGINAL CARCAS AFTER BEING REBUILT Briefly, , the Good-Wear Way means strengthening the side wall as well, the tread three-ply of new fab ric is used. The Good -Wear Way means application with cold' cement. No cooking the life out of the rubber by vul-, canizing. t Out-of-Town Business We are equipped to han dle out-of-town business and will gladly quote prices and send descriptive literature on request. - Good-Wear Tire & Retread Co. Phone Tyler 3292. Southwest Corner 13th and Howard, . Omaha. J. SCHONBERGER SAMUEL L. ZIMMERMAN i Mm ! iffe 1UU of Value 10P of V ervice FULTON TRUCKS are lowest in first cost and lowest in mainte nance. All the efforts of the Fulton organi zation are concentrated on the production of a single V2 ton model which shall stand supreme in its field. Sturdiness and simplicity are characteristics of the Fulton. The chassis is so constructed that it can be adopted in any line of business and can withstand the hardest kind of service. Fulton trucks are notably easy to operate either in con gested city traffic or on the roughest country roads. . Ii We know of no manufacturer taking so small a profit out of his product no manu facturer giving so much at such a price. The Fulton truck is the lowest priced, full 3,000 pound capacity truck offered in any market of the world, and when compared with all others it must be obvious to the buyer that the value in Fulton trucks is a 100 standard m the commercial vehicle field. To make a substantial return in the manufacture of Fulton trucks, thousands are produced each year and continuance of their large sale depends solely upon the fact that a full 100 return in service is given upon the investment of the buyer. The most expert engineering skill to be found in America has been employed in the design of this truck. We offer the utmost in value and service. Fulton chassis are complete in every detail. . Many firms have simply taken the beds from their wagons, attached them to the chassis and placed them in immediate service. THE FULTON MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY FARMTNCrDALE, Long Island, N. Y. Dealgned fliirrmr nnn it,. MOTOR Four cylinder IK -Inch bore, glnefc atroka, L head typa Mt an bloc, 80 II. P. it 1,400 revolutions. ' COOLING Fulton exeluaive deaign radiator, ia front of hood, al lowing naa of SO-inch fan giving poaltive cooling In any ellmata. ' CARBURETER Automatic float feed, hot air a;ulokatarting device. IGNITION Splltdorf "Diila" high lenaton magnet with advanced mark. LUBRICATION Combination pump' and aplaah ayetem. eeDeciallr for heavy duty motora. CLUTCH 10-Inch Borg Beck adjuatable dry dlae. A unit with motor and trenimlnion and Tory aoceaaible. BPEINOS Speoial Fulton deaign. Front springe, leml-elllptie, 41 inekea long, 2 hi inchea wide. Rear apringa, aeon-elliptic, SO inohea long, 2H Inchea wide. All apringa art heavily buahed. BRAXES- Emergency brakea li'A inohea in diameter, 1 inohea wide, operated by hand lever. Service brakea, 14 inohea diameter, i inchea wide, operated by Coot pedal. All brakea applied direct to rear wheela. FRAME Fulton apeclal deaign, heat treated atee channel aectloq 6 1-14 inchea by 8 H inchea by 81 Inchea. Extra heavy, designed to carry 50 overload. I II Fulton Truck Specifications: TRANSMISSION Unit power plant type I apeeda forward and 1 reverse. Dlreot on Id speed., i . " AXLES Front axle drop , forged, I-bean setttoa, heat-treated ateel, heavy ateerlng knuckle eplndle, with tie rod mounted aft and 10-Inch road clearance. .Rear axle, Buaael Internal .Gear, with heavy dead axle carrying the load. All power la transmitted directly to the driving axle with mimlmom lose. , -..,. WHEELS Front, 84x8 tt Inchea, having iwelva extra heavy epokea and mounted on roller bearings. Rear, 84x6 inchea, having twelve extra heavy apokea and mounted oa heavy duty roller bearings. WHEBLBASB 189 inchea, standard tread and allowing abort turning radlua. 8TBBRINO-GEA Screw and not Irrevereibl with 18-lnch wheel. Left aide drive for American; right elde for export. GASOLINE TANK 18 gallon capacity. TIRES ftexSVs -Inch front, 84xS, rear) aelld rubber. DIMENSIONS Standard ehaaaia over- all, 100 Inohea. DUtanee from back of aeat to end of frame, fee. EQUrFMXNT Horn, 3 aide lampa, rear tall lamp aad tool kit. , Blueprint of ebaaaia furnlahed to all body koildarf. WEIGHT Chaaa la fully equipped 8,300 lba. $1,420 F. O. B. Factory. Victor Motor Co. Distributors for Western Iowa and Nebraska. 2523 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. We Offer An Attractive Proposition to Live Dealers, $iMsH ,t. ' ' 4m&Y ssA ill ifwPffWaB wi V- rpr's- iV S lJVmim!uW mm" inil,,M" 11 "1IIP 1 ' t1 .'. -rr If I & "- i WmailMtaiMMnMIMIIMWiMa i3H ?v - 'Lrv' : t HI