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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 2A, 191ft. . . .. . N Adelaide Kennc Ella Fleishman- EDITOR ASS'T EDITOR. 'Hy i fmmmi mmmmmm mm mm mm mmm mm m sot CLUBDOM Monday Omaha Woman's i!n!, soci;i! science department, Metropoli tan hall, 2:30 p. in. Tennyson chapter, Chautauqua cir cle, puhli library, 2:,10 p. in. Liberty Loan school, court house, 10 a. m. Y. V. II. A.. I'axtyn block. 8 p. in. Society of line Arts, Mary I'.oyle O'Riclly lecture, I'onteiielle, 4 p. ni. Woman's 1 1 til public Speaking department, 10 a in ; current events, '..i0 p. m.; psy chology, 4 p. in. South Omaha Woman's club, Mrs. N. M. (iraliam, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Business Woman's council. Audi torium, 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Business Woman's club, Y. W. (.'. A., 6:15 p. in. P. I". O. Sisterhood, chapter P.. P., Mrs. I.. Householder, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Woman's Relief corps, U. S. Grant post. Mrs. B. O. Sweasy. hos tess. Wednesday Trinity Parish Aid. parish house, 10 a. m. Omaha Woman's rlub, art depart ment, 10 a. in.; Red Cross auxili ary, 0 a. m. W. C. T. I'., Omaha union, Mrs, N. J. McKittrick, hostess, 2 p. in. Thursday J. F. W. club, luncheon, Mrs, L, W. Sherman, hostess, 1 p. m. Benson Woman's club, Benson city hall, 2:30 p. ni. Omaha Woman's club, music de partment, 2:30 p. in. Mail Service, B. T. club, Mrs. J. H. Cramer, hostess. arts exhibit, privaie view, Masonic temple, 4 to 7 p. in. I). A. R.. Major Isaac Sadler chap ter, Mrs. K. E. Stanficld, hos tess, 2:30 p, in. Vocational conference of high school clubs, at Y. W. C. A. Omaha Woman's Club. A ballot box will be placed net.- the door at the open meeting, Monday, April 1, at the Metropolitan club In stead of conducting the election v hicli will be held on April 15, according to the club' custom of appoint1'.) a nominating committee, votes for all the officers will be cast by members of the club and placed in the box. This plan will not bar nominations fiom the floor on the election day. At the meeting Monday of the social science, Mrs. D. M. McCtfhey has arranged a lecture to be given by Colonel C. W. Wood, promucnt Young Men's Christian associacon workers, and a talk on insurance by a leading insurance man. The program will be a short one in order that the members may attend the lecture to be given by Mary Boyle O'Reilly at the Kontenclle that afternoon. "Beet SuRar Cultivation in Me braska" will be the subject of the paper to be read by Mrs. K. S. Jewell at the meeting Tuesday aftenu i; of the current topics departments, Mrs. J. M. Wclshans will speak on "AlUlfa in Nebraska." Discussion of cunent events will follow. The psychology department will meet Tuesday at 4 o'clock at th ; club rooms. Dr. D. E. Jenkins, the in structor, will conduct the lesson. Two programs on Michael AnNelo will be combined for the meeting to be held by the art department at 10 a. m. Wednesday. Mrs. L. F. Easterly will be in charge in the place of Mrs. J. E. Dodds, who is in Florida. Mrs. E. A. Thonian will in charge of the program to he given Thursday afternoon by the mtis'c de partment. A recital will be gWv'r. by Miss Nina Garrett, pianist, assisted by Ralph Conkling of rekatnah. C'ki'us practice will follow. Child's Welfare. Intensive child welfare work will be done by a group of women to be known as Home Health volunteers, working under the direction of the woman's committee, Nebraska State Council of Defense. Mrs. Draper Smith is child welfare chairman. The state executive board met in Lincoln last week to formulate the campaign which is to be carried on during the second year of the war, beginning on April 6. W. C. T. U. Meetings. Omaha union wilt meet Wednesday at 2 o'clock with Mrs. William rfeit fer, 1121 Fark avenue, to make the roll for the service flag. Christian citizenship will be discussed. Mem bers have been requested to I . ng their knitting. Y. W. H. A. Notes. The Young Woman's Hebrew as sociation will have its next reyJar meeting Monday evening instf'.H of Tuesday. Benson Woman's Club. An open meeting will be held Thursday in the Benson city hall. Mrs. G. Roth will be leader. Miss SYSTEMIC Lost All nope of WrH Ever Being Mrs. Jamea A. Hall, Box 36, N'or risCity, IllinoU, writes: "About twelve years ago my health began to fail. 1 could not oat any thing without uffarinf for it. I had heart burn, sour stomach, palpitation of the heart, smothering spells, paint in mjr aid and back. In fact, I auf farad all oar, and a cough almost like consumption. Doctors failed to relieve me; in fact, they did not seem to know what ailed me. I continued to grow worn until I was unabla to sit up only a part of tha lima. I Kad almost lost all hopes of ever being any better. But one day soma ona threw tome book in at my door. I read them and found them to be Peruna books. They described my feeling to truly I ant at one and got a bottla and began taking it. You pronounced my ailment Systemic Catarrh, and gave me some advice. Food Production Captains Make From left to right, lower row: Mra. Lulu Kortz Hudson, Simeon; Mrs. J. W. Bancock, Fred M. Deweese, Dawson; Mrs. Charles Lotz, Omaha; Mrs. J. Rowan, Alliance. Upper row: Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich, Hastings; Mrs. Frank Rivett, Omaha; Mrs. E. C. and Mrs. T. J. Gist. Falls City. A Kroup of women who rcceved a course of instruction at the I. 'Diver sity farm ;it Lincoln will tour the state Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day of this week, speak inn in a num ber of the small towns on vital (iu's tions of the day. These women rep resent the farms, ranches and towns through the stale and the entire cam paign is under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Dcwccse, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Solon R. Towne of Omaha. Mrs. Deweese is a farm woman and a mem ber of the Farmers' union, and under her direction these carefully trained Esther Johnson will talk on juvenile court work and Miss Kate Swartz lander will speak on children's read ing. Patriotic Organizations. The regular meeting of the George A. Custer Woman's Relief corps has been postponed until April 9 owing to the fact that the grand jury is oc cupying the room at the court house. The members will work Tuesday on surgical dressings at the new Masonic Temple. The IT. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will hold a kcusiugtoii Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. (). Sweazy, 4758 North Twenty-fourth street. Major Isaac Sadler chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, has advanced the date of its meeting from April 6 to March 30 because of the patriotic parade. Mrs. E. E. Stanficld, 806 South Thirty-fifth avenue, will be hostess. A program will follow the business meeting. At Old People's Home. Rev. II. J. Howard of the North Side Congrecational church witj con duct services; at the Old People's Home on the Fontenelle boulevard Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Business Women's Council. The council will meet Tuesday for luncheon and prayer service at the Municipal Auditorium. The Rev. J. H. Stitt, pastor of the McCabe Meth odist Episcopal church will talk and luncheon will be served between 11:30 and 1:30 by women of the Clifton Hill Presbyterian church. Railway Mail Service. Mrs. J. II. Cramer, 3115 Taylor street, will entertain the B. T. club of the railway mail service at her home Friday afternoon. V. M. I'. A. Nolrn. At tlto vi'nr Kcrvlt'cn Numhiy uflcTiiiMiii t 4;:i(l, lr. I'nilif or lh Klrt MothmllKt nhurch will hrltiir "An Kmitrr Mi-kuhkv." Th Wntmlnlntor I'rtuhytorliiii church uuar tt will furnlnli tha mul. Th I!uliita Womim'a rhib wtll hold Ita riculnr Hireling; Tuen.lny awning at 6 1H. Thla will ta a apai'lal tu!neiia mi'PtliiR and a muali'al tirtiicrnm hux len plannd. Tha In Ilia Nama rlnla will hold thalr ragular monthly mcotlnu Monday evening at 7 o'clock. The Hualntaa Woman's aulllry to tha Rad Croaa maala avery Thursday ainlng at T o'clock to link atiritlcal drraalnRS. A new rlana In homo mini nit will atari Tuaaday evening at 7; ail at thn Young Wom en'a Chrlatlan aaaorlailon. Thla cl.ij will meet twice a weak for lf tcssona. The rlaaa tea la 13. Itaglatratlona are tiiMntr Ittkrn for new clnaaes In flml aid and illctcllta to lirgln eoon. Tha T.o-ha-che club will meet Werinraday evening at o'clock. A apodal jirottrani will follow the bualnaea mooting. The W PKfnf club will hold Ita regular meeting Friday evening. Supper will lie aorved at 6:lo. CATARRH Well Peruna Made Me Like a I ,J NEW PERSON j When I had taken two and ona- i half bottle I began to eat without suffering. I continued to improve. ' When I had taken eight, I was like a new person. That was fourteen 1 years ago. I think Peruna the great , eat family remedy there it, for ao ; many ailment are due tn catarrhal 1 trouble. I would adviie any one ( j flicted with catarrh to take Peruna i and I am sure it will leave." Thoae who object to liquid trtedi- I cine can aecure Peruna tablet. j Vtf VN fAi vJ2 j-prakers, who represent the food pro O duction department of the. woman s committee of the Nebraska State Council of Defense, will make the tour. In this way co-operation between the farm and town will be strength ened. Farm women will be taught how best to market their products and action can be taken to further the best interests of the state in this day of food conservation. The speakers will be Mesdames J. W. Babcock, Paul Rivett, Charles Lotz, Lula Kortz Hud son, Harry Keefc, Frank Babcock and T. F. Gist. Food Conservation In Public Schools That the Hoover diet is increasing ly popular is proved from the num ber of women, many of them house keepers for many years, who attend the instruction clas.""' in the schools, held by Miss Nellie ."a nsworth, home demonstration agent. The women bring note book and pencil and when the instruction course is finished the women will have a complete cook book, as well as a collection of hints on gardening and poultry raising. Following is the program for Miss Farnsworth's conservation work dur ing the coming week: Monday, 2 o'clock, Vinton school, Mrs. C. II. Hinkhouse, chairman. Monday, :3.l p. in., Druid Hill school, Mrs. Waller J. Taylor, chair man; instruction school, subject, "Poultry Fish ana Meat Substitutes." Tuesday, 3 o'clock Highland school, Mrs. Guy Seater, chairman. Wednesday, 3 o'clock, Hawthorne school, Mrs. Frank Koutsky, chair man. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m South Cen tral school, Mrs. F. W. Baker, chair man. Thursday, 3:15, Saunders school, Mrs. R. E. Winkclman, chairman; in struction school, subject, "Milk and Eggs." F'riday, 2:30 p. m., Edward Rose water school, Mrs. J. P. Jantzen, chairman. Friday, 7:30, Howard Kennedy school, Mrs. N. II. Weymuller, chair man; instruction school, subject, "Vic tory Breads." The regular monthly meeting of the Episcopal Woman's auxiliary will be held Friday, April 5, at All Saints' church. Now for your Eaater Diamond! It will add dittinction to your g? BEE ENGRAVING m department y AX OMAHA vaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai y I L.DFTBS BROS. &- CQj Vl appearance, and it the one purchaie that will not wear out and that will not go out of fathion. You CIAMOKD RINGS Wonderfully brilliant Genuin. Dianionda, any atyl aolid gold mounting; alto Dia mond I Vallierea. Kar Screwc. Broochea. Scarf Tina. Bar Tina. Cuff I inka. Etc. Loftia Perfection Diamond Ring 27S This equiaite Diamond Ring Hands alone an the moat per. feet ring ever pro duced. 14k CCfn aolid gold . . SU Men's Favorite 767 Men Dia mond Ring, 6- Prong Tooth mounting. 14k solid sold. at . . . ' a $75 I1.SS a Week. The Diamond DBAf O aA t -art DiUC VVfc I855 .WW. DOFTIS Tour of State 7, Cambridge; Mrs. Babcock, Neligh, ADVERTISE iaf' will be '' i V rnueh rn?ro iJ.aV j atiraeiivS 6 'A 7 iVwvr dvW h t?heebl? ?rv vour e&fK. EASTER SALE Diamond La Valliere Extraordinary Value 116t La Valliere, fine aolid frold, green cold leaves, bright finiah, 4. fine hrilliant Diamonds. Special for at Kaater tBii TERMS: $2.50 A MONTH Buy a Diamond the Easy Way-Pay a Little As You Get Paid Old Reliable, Original and Watch Credit House SlJODBRN Sm CO m .r.BiVL.tfK n fl nr-iTiWi Imi la. . For Her FUr Eater 3 'nJOVCL F'm Gift Diamond. 304 South Sixteenth Street. First National Bank Bldf. Sixteenth and Far nam Streeta. Omaha, Nab. National A ppeal for Books for Soldiers A nation-wide campaign will be made during the coming week for books for the soldiers at the canton ment camps and forts. The drive in Omaha will be conducted for the benefit of Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. Miss Edith Tobitt, urges all Omaha people to send their books to the library that they may be sent to the forts. Text books are asked for, particularly, also histories and the bet ter class of novels. ,Jf people who buy a good deal of new fiction would pass the books along after they have read them, instead of allowing them to accumulate on their library shelves, the books would be doing a double service. All through the country people are urged to give the volumes they really prize, even though it is a sacrifice to part with them, for these books do the soldier boy more good than any other. Large boxes at the library will be used as receptacles for the books. A research library has been started at Fort Omaha for the use of the balloon students. These books on ballooning are invaluable to the men and Miss Tobitt believes that this will be a very important feature of the school in time. New Spring Styles in Footwear for Men and Women At a Saving of From Two to Three Dollars We 'do not attempt to insult the intelligence of the buying public by claiming to be able to buy shoes lower than our competitors But we do claim that we can sell them for less Our upstairs rent is but a trifle compared with rents on the ground floors. Our "All for Cash and Carry Them Home" system is also a big reduction in overhead expense. These are juBt some of the reasons why we can actually save you money on High Grade Footwear. Come up and see onr beautiful line of Spring Shoes. Remember, this ia a Quality Shoe Store, where shoes of only the bet ter kind are sold. All are new and fresh, guaranteed to please and wear. Make the upstairs store save your dollars. can buy a handsome, genuine Diamond any style solid gold mounting and pay a little each week or month, at convenient. A Diamond i. a SAFE INVESTMENT. Our Special Low Prices With Itorea in leading cities and our ex tensive Mail Order House, our laru'e purchasing power putt ua ia position to make price which are impossible for amall concern to meet Military Wrist Watch $1.50 A Month Radium Dial TELLS TIME IN THE DARK Military Wrlj Watch, lesther trjr an braakatile tlaas: huh trade KuU Jewel incre ment. Ulnminated lial. t1 c Special it 1 tl 40 i Heath. Pbone Trier 204 and Our Salesman Will Call Call or Write for Catalog 903 OPEN EVENINGS It's Ecisij loiWiklour You Can Stay Looking Young, Too, and Have Beautiful Hair Oh, It's So Eaiy! A Remarkable Way to Remove Superfluous Hair. BY VALE5KA SURATT i T JS really inspiring to ace how every blemish, red spot, freckle and every dis coloration of the akin gives way before a gorgeous budding of a beautiful complexion by usingi the following cream. And still more remarkable ia the short time in which it can be done if it is used every day liberal ly. The cream is made by mixing one table spoonful of glycerine and the contents of a two-ounce package of eptol in a half pint of water. Get the eptol at the drug store. I know you will be utterly astounded at the results of this secret, and your friends, too, will mark the change. I have never known it to fail, and I have seen it do its wonders on some mighty bad complexions that I thought would be almost hopeless. So here is every woman's chance, any woman can do it. Why not you? a BALDY You are wanting valuable time with the hair treatments you mention. Every body that has used the following formula has marveled at the results. Your hair will at once stop falling, and the hair will grow long, silky and beautiful. Mix one ounce of beta-quinol with a half pint of water and a half pint of bay rum, or use one pint of witchhaie! instead of the water and bay rum. This makes over a pint of this positive hair grower, costing less than you wonld pay at the stores, and besides, it does the work un failingly. Get the beta-quinol at any drug store. il lIH'lllllll yo?-$ i v iw LIKE LUMPS OF LEAD When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of par alyzed and logjry. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick head ache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the wea ther is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to Gray, faded hair turned beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night, is a reality, if you'll take the trouble to mix sage tea and sulphur, but what's the use, you get a large bottle of the ready-to-use tonic, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at drug stores here. Millions 3f bottles of "Wyeth's" are sold an nually, says a well-known druggist, because it darkens the hair so nat urally and evenly that no one can tell it has happened. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Those i. v I, ivhose hair is turning gray, becoming Business is Boosted by PriiifelesVanisl 9 1 MRS. P. O. S All blemifhes, red spots, freckles and "mujdiness" will entirely vanish from your skin if you will lay aside all other things you may be uing for clearing the complexion, and use a cream made by mixing together an ounce of zintone and two table spoonfuls of glycerine in one pint of watee, Apply this generously every day, rub it ia well. It is superb in its results and never fails. Get the zintone from your druggist. SPOTTY Whatever you do, don't use any of the "burning" hair removers sold. I want you to try this method, and that is to "dis. solve" away those superfluous hairs. It can be done on the face, arms, in fact, anywhere on the body. It never fails and never leavea a red "burned" spot. The skin ia left smooth and soft. You dissolve away the hairs in a few moments by moistening them with sulfo solution, which your druggist will supply you for one dollar. This removes every hair, no matter how thick, or how sensitive the skin, and never leaves a spot- WISH You should be warned that no one can positively promise you success in bust development. Yet, a mixture of two ounces of ruetone costing one dollar at the drug store, half a cup of sugar and a pint of water, has done the work for countlesa women and is without question the only thing to use. Of the above mixture, take two teaspoonfuls after meals and at bedtime. G. T. T. There is hut one face powder I have ever known that hasn't that "chalki ness" in some degree. That's why I have my own face powder. It's just like the softest down, and invisible. There's nothing else like it. It is now sold at drug stores as "Valeska Suratt Face Powder," at fifty cents, in white, flesh and brunette tints. DOUBLE YOU The alkali in soaps and soap shampoos causes brittleness of hair and dryness of the scalp. I think too much of my hair to use any of these things. If you want a head-wash that is positively glorious, that dissolves away every bit of greasy film from the hair and scalp at no soap shampoo can ever do, just dissolve a teaspoonful of cggol in half a cup of water and use. In this way from 12 to 15 head washes can be obtained from twenty-five cents' worth of eggol. MRS. SPECKS Blackheads have really no reason for existence, when you can get rid of them almost magically, and in a few moments, by geting some powdered neroxin at the drug store and sprinkling some of it on a hot wet sponge, and then rubbing the blackheads with it. You will be surprised how wonderfully and quickly this will re move all of the big and little blackheads completely. Advertisement. seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician at once or get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salta take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and$ stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-water drink. Adv. faded, dry, scraggly and thin, have a surprise awaiting them, because after just one application the gray hair vanishes and your locks become lux uriantly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth, gray haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with the Saga and Sulphur tonight and you'll be amazed at your youthful appearance -and the real beauty and healthy con dition of your hair within a few days. Inquiry at drug stores here shows that they all sell lots of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur" and the folks using it are enthusiastic. This preparation ;s a delightful toliet requisite. It is not uucmicu lur me cure, miug; I prevention of disease. Adv. intended for the cure, mitigation or Use of Bee Want Ad? 4 5 FFFL