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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
"&.... THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH . 24, 1918. .2 B S I I.I I . Ill 'Captain Frederick C Test has been promoted to be major and is now at Camp Dodge, having recently re turned from a tow of duty at Panama. Lieutenant Sanford Gifford and Mrs. Gifford leave tomorrow for New York, tfhere he, s a member of the Nebraska base hospital unit, is or. defed: to the Rockefeller institute for acourse of , training in bacteriology. 'Lieutenant Victor Caldwell, with several other officers at Fort Omaha, are under orders to go to Arcadia, Cal.,' where the new balloon scjiool be "established on the "Lucky" Baldwin ranch. Captain Taylor Belcher and Lieu tenant John Caldwell of motor truck company A, Fifth division, have gone from. -Jacksonville, Fla., to Buffalo, and are in charge of trucks being driven from there to Baltimore for ihipment abroad. ' Lfeutenant Richard Baliman, son of Mft and Mrs. R. R. Baliman, reached New "York yesterday from Jackson ville, presumably under orders to sail. His parents went on Wednesday to New York to meet him. Lieutenant E. T. Ferguson of Fort Omaha left last week for . Denver, , -where he goes as a recruiting officer. Lieutenant Ferguson belonged to the Second squadron, which has been in France since December, but he was , prevented from sailing with his com panions by an attack of appendicitis reached New York, and was operated upon and later sent . back here; ' -.' , Jabin Caldwell is home from Call Field, Wichita Falls, Tex.,-on 10 days' leave and is with hit mother, Mrs. Victor Caldwell, who has just re turned from the south and east. Lieutenant Drexel Sibbersen. who has been in France since October, is now .t the front. The last letter 'from tlm to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. I. " Sibbersen, waj dated Feb ruary 12. .' Among the student officers at Fort Omaha it Lieutenant David Morgan, who arrived three or four weeks ago from an artillery camp to take the balloon course here. He is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morgan of Hillsboro, 0., the' former a one-time resident of 'Omaha.. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan arrived Tuesday to see their son and are at the Fontenelle. ' Charming $ride of the Week DUNDEE 5 ; Jy . y, ' . y -'-'-' . tSk A i A ..MAS A charming bride of the week is Mrs. Russell E. Wagner, who was Miss Elleene Guinter before her marriage, Wednesday. The wedding was a very quiet one, only the relatives and a few intimate friends being present at the ceremony. After an eastern wedding trip the young couple will make their home in Omaha. ' Mrs. T. E.' Stevens, who went to Florida in February with Mr, Stevens, is now in Englewood, N. J., with Mrs. B. B. Wood and Mrs, Harry Cranmer, and will remain east until after Eas ter. Captain Cranmer a is now in France, having arrived there a month s, ago. ' -., , ; ..-." ; Mrs. H: S. 'Clark Is in New York and will be gone until-after Easter, havintr srone ."east tO be with ' her daughter, Louise, and son, John, durr ing their sptiitg vacations from Miss Spence't Ind the' Hill tchools. ( . Mri arijl Mrs; Jbseph Barker.and daughter, Virginia, who have been in California since the middle of Febru ary, arrived nfrhie .Saturday evening. Mrs. Virgil Lewis, who has been stopping at the$!ackstone, left Tues day for Baltimore, -as Flying Cadet , Lewis hat been .ordered to Columbus, Ohio. --'v. . , ,;.a ; Mrs. John Catdwell and ion, John. jrn are at Atlantic Beach, Fla., and will return to 4 Omaha next week. . Lieutenant Caldwejl has been trans ferred from Jacksonville. , , , W. A. Fraser ireturnci Sunday from Washington and expeata to be here a month befqre going back to Wash ington. Mrs. Fraser is';itill in Dallas with her children. , John Madden left Wednesday for San Francisco .to meet.Mrs. Madden and her uncle; Joseph fHayden, upon their return from Honolulu. They will remain two or three weeks in California before coming home. Mrs. BeechVr Higby,'"who has been spending the winter with. her daugh ter, Mrs. Rbscoe Hpmajj, :iu Okla homa Cjty, has rrturneiv .Mri William" E. Marjin js expectod home tomorrow from St Paul, where the arranged for; Mra: Merrill'! lec tures. , ;.: ; Miss Florence Russell, who is at ' tending Smith, will spend part of her vacation in Chicago with her aunt, Mrt. Wright, and a college friend, . arriving home-after Easter.. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack' Hughes, who are on their wedding trip, are at oronado Beach this week and are not expected-iome until the end of next week. Mrs, Harry' Bucksonj of Kansas City and Mrt, JTW. Tarr of Nebraska uty are the guestt ot wrsanq Mrs, Seymour H. Smith. t ' tasper Hall : returns today from ool at Pottstown, 'Pa.? for the Easter vacation; : . ' Herbert Davit, son of Df. and Mrt. B. B, Davis, arrives home. Easter Sun day from Johns Hopkina university for a few days' vacation. '.He enlisted , in the medical reserve of vthe army year ago and is subject to call. Mrs. T. J, O'Brien goes'; to ,Qii eago Wednesday to tpend;th,e Easter vacation with her dauirhte, Willpw, from St: Mary's school t at , -Notre Dame. - ; -. F. W. Clarke has VetuYaed irOra California atd. his wife and daughter, Miss Helen, will be back for Easier. f and Mrs. M, C. Peters and daughters, Miss Gladys and Miss Dapnne, and their son, Clarence, are at the Eiltmorein New York, the Utter on 10 days' leave since com pleting his flying course at Kelly field, 3an Antonio. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Page expect to leave today for New York, where . they will spend Easter with their son, Richard, from Ltwrenctville.- - Mrs. Edward Johnson returned last week from a speaking tour in behalf of the Baptist foreign missionary so ber return the Spragues will open their Benson home. ciety in Kansas. Mrs. Johnson leaves the latter part of April for Atlantic City to attend the national convention, after which she will visit relatives in Worcester and Fall River, Mass., for the rest of the summer. Mr, Robert McShane has arrived safely in France, according to word received by .his family. , Mrs. Harold Sobotker and Robert Trimble left Friday to visit their sis ter, Mrs, Charles Cornwall, in Chi cago, for a week. r Mrs. John A. Munroe and Miss Elder will remain in Florida until after Easter.-. . . ... M V V. H. Snracrue i exDSCteA home from , Calif orjua r April 1 Miss Marion Weller will leave in about a week for Chicago to visit her sister. Miss Dorothy, who is attend ing the Elizabeth Harrison school of kindcrgartening. Miss Weller win graduate in June. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Deck enter tained six Kuests at the Fontenelle Saturday evening. Lieutenant Yeizer entertained eight guests at dinner at the hotel. Saturday evening, followed by a theater party at the Boyd. . Mrs. Samuel Rees and small daugh ter, Carolyn, are spending the week in Minneapolis wun airs. cv ioici, Students of the Omaha High seol gave a dancing party at Hart hill Fri day evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Follmer. have returned from a trip to Denver Mrs. Rollia Sturdevant his been visiting her mother, Irs. Eugene Du val, enroute to , Minneapolis, where her husband is in the signal corps Lieutenant. Ced. Totter of the in fantry and Lieutenant A. C. Pot'cr of the artillery at-Camp Dodge, weri the guests last week of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter. Mr George. Hoagland is on a tiip to California. Lieutenant John RKleyla issp'-nd-ing a ten-day leave with his paruts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V- Moyia. Lieutenant Kleyla is with, the medi cal corps at Fort Riley, Kan. The Omaha Woman's club of the railway mail service met Wedn-sday at the home of Mrs. C. E. Prescn. Mrs. G. M. Durkee and Miss G-sce Slabaugh left .Wednesday to spend a week in Chicago. From there kiss Slabaugh goes to Milwaukee for a week. ' - - Mrs. A. C. Pancoast is spending 10 days at The Elms; Excelsior Sp' rgs, Mo. . - . Mr. 'Arthur Cooley is recuperating from an operation performed ust week. Miss Annetta Palmer has retu-ned from a trip to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Beedle ind daughter, Miss Beedle, who five come here from Manhattan, Kan., are occupying the house with Mr. Chiles Bragg, 802 North . Forty-ninth tve nue. Jottings on Social Calendar. Dr. and Mrs. C, W. Polland and Mr. and Mrs. CMrles Harding will entertain the Harmony1 club at din ner in the Harding home Saturday evening. The Alco club, a new dancing club, will give its first party Monday eve ning, April 1, in Turpin's academy. The dances will follow every two weeks. Mess. W. H. Hess, John Morrison and Harry Collins are the organizers. . l Mrs. E. H. Ward has received word that he brother, Mr. W. M. Moss, of the United States marines, has ar rived in France.. -v Glee Club Concert. Central High school Boys' Clee. club will give a concert Friday in the Central High school audit;, .tan. Popular and patriotic songs-will cm prise the program. Misses Cath'.ocn German and Charlotte Skidmore v. ill give solos, An octet of boys will sing. P. E. O. Sisterhoods. Food preservation will be the topic of discussion . when Chapter B P. meets Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock vth Mrs. L. Householder, 1039 Park ave nue. High School Girls? j Vocation Conference An all-day vocational conference, under the auspices of Central, .South and Commercial High schools student clubs, will be held Saturday, March 30, at the Young Women's Christian association. Following is the pro gram: Miss Myrtle Fitz Roberts, di rector of vocational bureau, paper on "My Vocation and How I Shall Train For It;" Mus Jessie Towne will talk on the same 'subject; C. H. English, Boy Scouts director, will speak on playground work; Miss Marie X.. Pres entine, local efficiency expert, will give a talk on "Salesmanship;" Miss Edith For Gray Hair Get tie box ot Crlex Potvder at any Arug aim Dissolve it In one ounce of water utmkltl.Mn-Ak k-v kl. K.,1t ltu4M.a O matter now gray, streaked or com -h box. or Mnd w t coupon beiow laded your hair mav be. one to threa ': w. applications of JJHex the Gold Bond Gray Hair Treatment will make it light brown, dark brown or black, whichever shade you desire It does not rub off. Is not sticky or greasy and leaves the air fluffy. . A $100.00 Gold Bond Too ned not hesitate to os, Orlex, u S100 Gold Bond comei in each box ru&ra teeing that Or lax ' Powder doea not contain siWer, lead lulphnr. mer cury, anllina, eoai-tar products or thelt deriTva, Free Sample Coupon oki.i HAHuraaTunmo qo. past. lOt MfMVoril.M.Y. . I hantna naedOrlra. PleanmidmtFraa Trial MwaagaaiunaarawiMria piaia wrapper. 0 m ms-3 O IRlRPpvv all JLL A I la-rtl I lamit Q Q One $300 Piano To the Most Popular Baby in This City Or Within a Radius of 50 Miles ' Mia ..... , - i. u ... " . Is'Your Baby Cuter Than These? Prove it by Insisting pn Your Friends Voting THE child (boy or girl) must hot be Over 6 years' of age and every adult (over 18 years-.of age) may .have one vote fot his or h,er favorite baby, the votes are absolutely free and the piano will be given to the child receiving, the largest number of vote, without one penny's v cost Only one vote will be allowed each voter and must be cast at pur store, 90 parents, urge all your friends, relatives and acquaintances to yiait our store at once and deposit their vote. - - v : ;i'l' --''"' l.-.'f "v'-. r.S r rEyery Child, Rich or Poor, Has an Equal Chance I The votes will be deposited Jn a sealed box and will be ,opened and counted SaturdayrMay 1, 1918, by three :prominet men.'The winners will be announced in the Sunday fage of May 5. No child belonging to any menlber of this firm or any employe will be allowed to enter. 4 Start Your Favorite Baby . oft right in. the world by seeing that it has a piano to acquire a musical education,, which is a positive necessity nowadays. Ask your friends to ealFat-ou'r "store and vote Monday. ' ' """ - Enter Your Baby Monday i : Simply call at our store and give your : baby's full-name and give it the first vote, thenetbusy among your friends. The reward js., just." Remember, we do not ask for .one cent It is positively free. . ..... tWM- rms PIANO 1 m Our Object of giving this valuable prize Is to attract attention to our wonderful value in pianos and player pianos which we offer you dur ing this period. While .the contest is on we are making especially attractive prices on all our pianos .'andplaycf p!aiwav Convenient, terms can -be arranged if you prefer to purchase that way, and yot may Select from such makes 1 as Chickering, Ivers5 & Pond, Estey, Ster-' , ling, Story & Clark,' Haines Bros., Francis .Bacon, Schaff Bros.', Kohler & Campbell, Smith & Barns,Behriing and Pianista and Auto Piano Player Pianos. This Is Important to You V t'lfVyou purchase a piano. or. player piano from us during, this sale or before the close of theopUlar baby Contest m$ your baby should be v theiucky-one we will credit to your purchase $300.00, providing the piano you purchasedxost tta ijnoii;fr Jfh"M.Jon Purcnase a piano or'-player piano costing less than 1300.00 and should win the prize we will return to yoirall inotiey thaCy'ou miyjuwe paid on tt,. giving you the piano' absolutely free, or you may exchange the piano you purchased for the prize piano. You therefore not only have the opportunity during this contest to -purchase a high-grade piano for less money than you would ordinarily have to pay but you also have a chance of securing the prize and getting your piano for nothing. ; . ' . . Our reputation U aulfic,5ejt guarantee that every promise will be fulfilled to the letter,. For further information call at our store and ask for manager of popular baby contest . v , Tobitt, librarian, will speak of library Hathaway will speak on ' Business work. J Appointments, iur ihc Meuugrapiiers. "Nursing" will be the subject of the 1 talk to be fcn-en by Miss Char ot-.e j Red Cross .Vork. Townsend. Miperintendenr ' An all-day meeting will be held nurses. Dr. Olga Stastny will lecture Wednesday by the Mothers' club at on Medicine; home vwii be discussei by Miss Nellie Farns worth, home demonstration agent. Miss Lillian Ruderdorf, Central High school art instructor. Will speak on commercial art. .. lrs.w wane JLett- Caldwell, directpr;of the Social Settle ment: Miss Eva Maho-ney will speak on iournalianv and. Miss Florence L. the Daughters, of the American Revo lution Red Cross rooms in the Army building. Fif'eenth and Dbdge.- The Woman's club of the railway mail , service will work at the Red Cross warehouse all day Thursday. .- JPewsistent. Advertising Is the Road to Success. . 1 as-n m :-- - -au - - msrir r wow bnoivsng springs ashisnable Footwear t The Walk-Over Boot Shop is pleased to announce their showing of new Spring Footwear. Beautiful Boots -in Pearl, Silver, Mode, Twilight and Dawn Orav, Parisian Tan, Ivory, Sepia and Nut Brown3 Cherry and Victory. .Tan, Black and White. Pumps and lace oxfords in all the new shades -and shapes. We extend to you an invitation to call and see our display. . S' Phoenix Hosiery 1 0myJC Our display of Phoenix Spring Hosiery com- mti -... I nryrfi prises all the latest shades and colors. Some vXVy sir .1 extremely, fine patterns for putnp wear. qty - -g ' my :WA 0 Apply Cream in Nostrils .to Open Up Air Passages. ' Ah! What a relief! Tour clogged nostrils open right up, Vthe . air-, passages- of your head are '.clear and j'ou can breathe freely. No more Jiawkjng, snuffling, mucous discharge head ache, dryness no struggling '. .for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply- a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream' in your nostrils let H it - penetrate through every air passage of the head soothe and heal the swollen; inflamed muj ous. membrane, giving you instant re liefs Ely's Gream Balm i3 just what : every cold and eatarrh sufferer haa been seeking. It's just splendid. 'Advertisement. - titi No More Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; No Puffed-up, Calloused feet or Painful. Corns-Try "Tiz". " EVERYBODY,; STORE" Why go limping around with ach ing, puffed-up feet feet so tired, chafed, sore and swollen you can hardly get your shoes on or off? Why don't you get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" from the drug stroe now and gladden your tortured feet? "Tiz" makes your feet glow with i comfort; takes down swellings and draws the soreness and misery right out of feet that chafe, smart and burn. , "Tiz" instantly stops pain in, corns, callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is glorious for tired, aching, sore feet. No more shoe tightness no tcMxa foot torture. Ask for "TizJUJet only "Tiz.