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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1918)
Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 12 THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XLVII NO. 41. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH, 24, 1918 FIVE SECTIONS FORTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. in UVJ SI II II II I JLJOJC ICffiyjAiUVlS) GERMANS SHELLJPARIS FROM NEW WSSZFRONT Ten Persons Killed and 15 Wounded in Con tinued Bombardment Directed at French Capital With Long-Range Guns. Paris, March 23. The gains. Since 8 o'clock this morning shells of 240-millimeters have been reaching the capital and suburbs at intervals of a quarter of an hour, killing 10 persons and wounding 15. The shortest distance from Paris is over 100 kilometres (62 miles). The announcement that Paris was being bombarded was made officially this afternoon. Measures for counter-attacking the enemy's cannon are under execution. An air raid alarm has just been given. BRITISH DRIVE AT ENEY; London, March 23 .-The Germans forced their way into Mory, but a dashing counter-attack drove them out, Reuter's correspondent at British headquarters telegraphs. A large party was surrounded and probably was captured. FIFTY GERMAN Mory is on the northern battle front, 15 mile below Arras. It is about four miles back of the line held by the British before the Germans began their offensive. There is reason to believe 50 German divisions are flowing into the struggle, the correspondent states, and probably half as many more are in close reserve. Under the tremendous onslaught the British troops are falling back very slowly and in excellent order. At many places they are withdrawing voluntarily so as to maintain an unbroken front. The Germans this morning were pressing hard the British forces defending Hermies (about two and one-half miles back of the old line, in the region southwest bf Cambrai). ARTILLERY PREPARATION TERRIFIC. The scenes of activity behind the battle front baffle de scription, but everywhere there zation and ciuict confidence. - The weather is wonderfully fine, although the visibility is handicaped by local mists. The artillery preparation of the Germans in the drive against the British lines, which is now in progress, is described by those who took part in it as the most violent they ever en dured, according to the Daily Mail's correspondent on the British front. "The thing that stands out as characteristic of the fight ing up to the present," says the correspondent, "is that we did so well under the terrific impact." Continuing, the correspond ent says: GUN EVERY 15 YARDS. "Upon one corps front there was a gun every 15 yards. The strength of themortaro, which the enemy brought up in such great numbers, sent over such an overwhelming weight of iron and high explosives that in most parts of the front wire ceased to be an obstacle and trenches were obliterated. "At the same time all of our known battery positions were drenched with gas, but their gas shells failed to reach all our batteries, nor did they succeed anywhere in breaking down our .wire. "At one ooint where the broken they set to work with scissors until they had made a way through, an incident reminiscenfbf the methods of fighting in culcated by Frederick the Great. All of this was done under our machine gun fire. "A curious fact reported by our air men was that the Germans composing the special assault divisions wore new uniforms. 'Got on their best clothes for a visit to Paris,' commented one of our generals. "Our relaying corps did valuable work, despite adverse weather condi tions. "One of our men in the early morn ing reconnaissance spotted several thousand Germans moving westward south of Bullecourt and another re ported 3,000 of the enemy in a sunken road in this area waiting to advance. Few enemy machines were seen and they mostly flew low, peppering our trenches with their machine guns. GUNNERS WEAR MASKS. "This is the first battle where Brit ish gunners had to serve their guns in gas masks and it was a difficult task. Fortunately practices with gas masks have been taking place fre qufrttlv for an hour daily. I found (Continued on Page Two, Column Six.) The Weather For Nebraska Fax and warmer. Tempt, utures ut Omnha Yesterday. Hour. v Deg & F 6 a. m.. 41 6 a. m 39 7 a. m 38 8 a. ra 38 9 a. m 40 10 a. m 44 H a. :n 48 12 in 53 1 p. in 55 2 p. m 59 3 p. m 58 4 p. m 58 5 p. m 58 6 p. in 58 7 p. m 57 Loral Rreord. 1918. 1917 191 P. 1915. 60 56 51 48 37 35 30 27 48 4S 40 36 .00 .00 .03 .00 A ( ompurntlve Jlllihryt yesterday I,owi?t yesterday Mean temperature Prr-nitiltation Teiiipira'ure nd precipitation departures from the normal: Normal ftnpf lature 40 Fxrpss for the day 8 Total cfs mce March 1 247 Normal precipitation 05 Inch Deficiency for the day 05 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 11 Inch rrlclcmv since March 1 81 inch k Eiceu for cor. period. 1917 37 inch 'Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. .83 Inch U A. WELSH, Meteorologist. Germans have been firing DIVISIONS. is the same well ordered organi " -- - - - Germans found our wire un BAKER VISITS KING ALBERT ON WESTERN FRONT London, March 23. Newton D. Baker, the American secretary of war, visited King Albert of Belgiunr and the Belgian front yesterday. Mr. Baker has arrived at a British port. Gilbert Eldredge Leaves for Training Camp at Fort Riley Gilbert Eldredgeson of D. C. Eld redge, vice president of the Harding Creamery company and president, of Benson & Thorne, leaves Omaha to day for Fort Riley, Kan., where he will enter the medical officers' train ing school. He has just completed a five-year law course at the University of Ne braska, where he was prominent in many school activities. He won many honors in debating contests. Eldredge is 24 years old and has lived in Omaha practically all of his life. George Mickel is Elected Head of Seymour Lake Club George Mickel was elected presi dent of the Seymour Lake Cbuntry club at the annual election Friday night. George Francis was elected vice president and John Bekins sec retary. The finance committee reported a gratifying balance in the dub treas ury and the golf committee reported work on the new links was progress ing rapidly and that fourteen holes would be available by Julj- on Paris with long range LONG RANGE OF GERMAN GUNS IS CAUSETOMARVEL American Officers at Washing ton Astounded by Report That Teuton Cannon Reach Paris. (By Associated Tress.) 4jyasJiigtori, March .23. News that raris was oemg qoraoaraea o uer man guns at a range of about tsixty two miles astonished American ord nance officers beyond belief. No such range of guns had fver been dreamed of. they said. The world's record for long distance h m bardment was established by the Ger mans some time ago when at a rmge of 20 to 22 miles they dropped oc casional shells into Dunkirk. The greatest long range American gun yet developed is the 16-inch ifle, whickat the greatest possible eleva tion, ir is estimated, would throw a shell about 19 miles. World-Surprising Weapon. Evidently, ordnance officers tfeid, the German artillerists had deve'oped some new world-surprising 'weapon, although it was thought possible they might be using some sort of atrial torpedo. Entente allies' ordnance experts said they could think of no pun which might be employed at such long range unless it was a develop ment of the Skoda rifle made in Aus tria. That is a tremendous enlarge ment on the plan of the usual high power rifle. These experts, however, have no knowledge that the Skoda has been developed to such an enor mous range. Another possibility discussed by the experts is the development of a great lon range shell-thrower oper ating by centrifugal force. Theoret ically, they say, such a device could be geared up to throw a shell across the ocean, but they have no knowl edge of its ever being practically ap plied. Ordnance officers were first in clined to believe the Germans were conducting their long range bom bardment from some nearer point to which they had broken through, but (Contlnned on I'afe Two, Column Two.) Gilder f Ureclgc 7 J ',: - TEUTONS SAY ENGLISH ARE NOW BEATEN Kaiser in Command of Forces; Claim First Stages of Bat tle Over; Won by Germans. Berlin (Via London), March 23. The official statement from General headquarters this evening says: "The first stage of the great dp t tie in France is ended. We have won the engagements near Monchy, Cam brai, St. Quentin and La Fere. A con siderable part of the English army is beaten." "We are fighting approximately on a line northeast of Bapaume, Peronne and Ham." v " . "Under trie command of the em peror and king, the battle of attack against the British front near A. ras, Cambrai and St. Quentin has been proceeding two days. Yesterday, also, good progress was made. "Divisions of Crown Prince Rup precht stormed the heights north and northwest of Croisilles. Between Fon-taine-Les Croisilles and Moeuvres they penetrated into the second enemy position and captured the villages there of Vaulx-Vraucourt and Mor chies. Strong British counter artacks failed. "Between Gonnelieu and the Omig non stream the .first two enemy posi tions were penetrated. The heights west of Gouzeaucourt, Heudecnurt and Villers-Faucon were captured nd in the valley of the Cologne st'eam Roisel and Marquaix were stormed." London. March 23. Torlav'n fr. man official announcement received here states that Emperor William is in command on the western front This announcement is regarded as further evidence that the emperoi has staked his nil nn an nftVnsiv hiviincr . - , to win and go down in history as the victor in tnis great ana decisive world conflict. DisDatches from Amsterdam ntrtnrn the emperor at Spa, Belgium, wh:ch is Deing Kept isolated on a radius of 15 kilometres. The German crown prince, Field Marshal von Hlndenburg, Genera.' von Ludendorff and other nrnminenr Or. mans also are reported there with him. Kansas. City Labor Leaders Say All to Strike Monday Kansas City. Mo.. March 23. Labor leaders today asserted that the threatened general sympathetic strike for the laundry workers would be effective Monday morning. Members of the joint board of business agents voted down the suggestion to change the plans calling for the closing down of the water plant fortv-eieht hours after the general strike order became enective. . Mayor Edwards said that every means necessary for the protection of the city water nlant would be taken. Roumania Said to Seek Alliance With Teutons Amsterdam, March 23. Vienna newspapers state that the new Rou manian prcm.'er, Alexander Marghilo man, is striving for an alliance be tween Roumania and the central powers. This idea is; being discussed sympathetically in the Vienna press, says a dispatch from that city. Jassy, Rumania, March 23. The newspapers announce that the Rou manian Parliament is to be dissolved and that new elections have been or dered. Clemenceau Says British War News !s Favorable Paris, Friday, March 22. Premier Clemenceau appeared for a few min utes in the lobby of the chamber of deputies tonight and told the depu ties that the news he had received from British headquarters gave him a most satisfactory impression. Iowa Congressman Will Not Seek Re-Electiorf Sioux City, la., March 23 George C. Scott, representative of the Elev enth Iowa ijstrict in congress, will not seek re-election. Scott makes the announcement in a message to the Journal from Washington. Take 25,000 Men is Germans' Claim Berlin, March 23. Between Fontaine les Croiselleg and Moeu vres, German forces penetrated into the second enemy- position and captured two villages, army head quarters announced today. British counter-attacks failed. So far, the statement an nounces, 25,000 prisoners, 400 guns and 300 machine guns have been taken. The two villages taken on the Fontaint - Moeuvres front were Vaulx-Vraucourt and Morchies. (The former village is about three and one-half miles and the latter about two and one-half .nilcs be hind the former British front. The announcement says the Germans are standing before the third enemy position. It reports that the British evacuated their positions in the bend south of Cambrai and were pursued by the Germans through Denicourt, Fles quieres and Ribecourt. TEUTONS RUSH 9 MILES THROUGH BRITISH FROM 1 4 Drive Wedge Between English and French; Attempting to Cross Somme in Direction of Compeigne and Paris; Cavalry Appears (By Associated Press.) The great German offensive on the western front has developed as its salient feature an apparent desperate effort to break into the southwest of St. Quentin, drive a wedge between the British and the French, and push on across the Somme canal in the general direction of Compiegne and Paris. Simultaneously Paris has oeen bombarded at quarter hour intervals, begin ning Saturday forenoon, with shells of about 9-inch calibre. The source of the bombardment has not been revealed. SENATOR DECIDES DEST STAY AWAY FROM LEGISLATURE Plan to Come Home Is Sud denly Changed as a Result of Premature Pub licity. Plans for Senator Hitchcock's re turn to Omaha to look after his political fences seem to have been suddenly changed as the result of premature publicity in The Bee. A member of the senator's newspaper that Mr. Hitchcock would be home by the end of the week by inquiries at the office yesterday brought the answer that the senator is still in Washington, is not expected here very soon and would not be back for at least three or four weeks, if then. The talk persists, that the subject of Senator Hitchcock's pro-German activities will be brought up in the legislature in the form of a resolution of censure. A group including well known democptes from out in the state, as well as from Omaha were discussing the matter at the Paxton hotel two evenings ago and speculated on whether the senatorial influence exercised through his part of the federal brigade would succeed in heading off the threatened uprising. They seem to think it was up to Boss Mullen to protect the senator. "The democratic majority in the legislature last winter took orders from King Arthur without a whim per," said one of them. "They just ate out of his hand and did what he told them to do. That late assault on Bryan in the senator's paper, though, may make it hard for King Arthur to handle the situation for the friends of Bryan are bound to resent it. Arthur's shredness, and resource fulness outwitted that bunch before and in ml opinion ought to do so again in this connection." "The rumor that opposition is to (Contlnurd on Pe Two, Column Three.) U. S. WAR HEADS TO PERSHING TO HASTEN NEWS Officials Believe Germans Have Staked Lives of 300,000 Soldiers to Gain Objective by Literally Smother ing Allies With Manpower; Expect End To Conflict Within Few Days. Washington, March 23. The War department cabled General Pershing tonight to forward immediately definite infor mation of the exact situation on the battle front where the Brit ish troops are under the German onslaught. The only official word at hand was containea in the official statements issued from London and Berlin. OFFICIALS STILL CONFIDENTS American army officers would haz ard no opinions lacking definite and comprehensive advices. Privately, however, their confidence in the even tual repulse of the German thrust re mained unshaken in the face of all re ports received. ( Both American officers and those attached to the British and French military missions looked with confi dence on the story unfolded from hour to hour as the German effort progressed. A review of the day's events as told in Associated P.t .. dispatches, they said, gave no ground for assuming that allied resisting power would prove unequal to its EVERYTHING AT STAKE. All reports were taken to prove that the Germans had staked lives by the hundred thousand upon a quick blow, designed to be overpowering both because of the masses of metv used and also because of the abso lute disregard of losses which marked its delivery. There was evidence that seemed to bear out predictions that Germany was prepared to sacrifice 300,000 men USE AERIAL TORPEDO. The nearest point on the front is 62 miles distant, more khan twice as far as artillery One theory suggested is that the Germans have developed an aerial torpedo which can be fired from a long distance. There was an admitted break in the British line in the St. Quentin region late yesterday, the Germans forcing their way through the defensive system and compelling a British retreat to prepared positions within the area devastated by the Ger mans in their retreat in the spring of 1917. ADVANCE NINE MILES. This new line also is now being attacked by the Germans, and news dispatches filed from there late in the day indicate that the fighting already was heavy in the vicinity of Ham, which represents a penetration of some nine miles for the Ger mans. Ham is approximately 11 miles southwest of St. Quentin. A supreme effort by the Germans to cut the line in this region is forecast in the dispatches. They have put cavalry in the field to follow up the infantry and evidently intend to throw the Uhlans into the fray when the infantry columns open the breach the German high command is counting upon. Further north the Brjtish line, while they have drawn back, are holding well in their new positions. The maximum British retrogression there seems to have been about four miles, at Mory, which has changed bands several tlmesV FRENCH jdlN BATTLE. Reports the French have become Involved in the struggle seem credible as the recession of the British right flank, which was resting approximately upon La Fere, at the River Oise, would inevitably carry with it the French left, which had rested upon the Oise. The advance is being accompanied by a terrible slaughter of the Ger mans, who in their massed formations are being cut to pieces by British guns of all calibres. The British casualties, too, have been heavy, and Ber line claims the taking of 21,000 British prisoners and 400 guns. EMPEROR IN COMMAND. Emperor William himself is in command of the German armies, fight ing this battle, which he had previously declared would be the decisive one of the war, and London commentators credit him with assuming this post with the aim of going down in history as the victor in the greatest conflict in the world's history, should the Germans win, as their leaders have boasted they would. Despite the advances made by the Germans no loss of confidence on the allied side in the ultimate outcome is apparent. "Serious, but not alarming," is the view London takes of the situation. Attention is largely centered now on the St. Quentine thrust, and the next big developments are looked for to come from that sector. FIRST DAYLIGHT RAID. The great battle in the west has caused all other news to become of minor importance by comparison, but considerable interest attaches to the announcement of a further British success in Palestine, where General Al lenby's troops have forced a crossing of the River Jordan, and are fighting their way eastward after successfully bridging the stream. Besides the mysterious bombardment of Paris the city was subjected to its first daylight air raid, carried out shortly after 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Bombs were dropped at several points by the few machines, flying at an extremely high altitude, which succeeded in penetrating over the city. A number of casualties resulted. RUSH WORD in the effort. It was with man nowet in great masses, and not gun power that the firs; lines of the British de fenses were penetrated. The greatest shock ever hurled at an army appeared to observers here to have been met by the British with great skill. It appeared that the British had stopped the rush where they could; withdrawn slowly before it where they could not. Their or derly retirement, American officers believe, means defeat for the Ger mans in the end. There has been no loss of British organization, it was pointed out and every foot of ground surrendered has been bought with blood. Military experts say such an effort as the Germans are making cannot be continued long. Every foot gained means added difficulties of transpor tation, and the consequent slowing up of the forward movement. A day or two more cf bitter resistance, even including further British retirement, it was thought would see the impetus of the German thrust lost, and its power diminished. Then would come (Continued oa Fi Two, Colnmia Four.) fire has ever reached previously. Wheat Receipts Fall Off Tremendously During Week Washington, March 23. Wheat re ceipts at mills have fallen from 8,000, 000 bushels to 3,000,000 bushed a week within the last month, according to figures received by government agencies. The decline is ascribed to the desire to hold wheat for higher prices obtainable if congress increases the price of wheat to $2.50 a bushel. Corn owners have written the food administration threatening to abandon the planting of corn for the sowing of wheat, unless the corn price also is raised and fixed. Food administration officials regard the stiuation as serious, since a great decline in the corn acre age possibly might result in a tre mendous decrease in hogs and other meat animals. Woman Spy Suspect Under Arrest at Willow Springs Kansas City, Mo, March 23. Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes of New York was arrested this morning at Willow Springs, Mo., by federal officers, on a charge of violati the espionage act, it was announced here by Francis M. Wilson, United States district attor ney for Missouri. Mrs. Stokes will be brought here tomorrow morning. Trans-Siberian Road Gets Its First Train Through Harbin, Tuesday. March 19. Pas sengers arriving here on the first ex press train over the Trans-Siberian railroad in three weeks report that conditions along the route are much improved. The train left Petrograd carrying the American, Japanese, Chi nese and Siamese embassies. All but the Japanese got off at Vologda. Ping Feels Relieved. Ting Soille was a pretty sore pastimer when he read that Connie Mack had disposed of all his stars. But that was before Ping had been transferred from the Au,-:- to the Yankees.