Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    i J '
re On Her Throne
nd weeks ago for this Children's
s Wear participates in this event
stocks of tKe most carefully se
ioes, Hosiery, Underwear, Hand
s' to make tne child comfortably
DAY is Mother's Day here also.
012 A.M. and2toJtP.M.
Wear for Easter
j Have Ever Shown
ORMENT of the best styles,
re d at very modest prices.
Dresses at $1.50
Another lot in Chambrays, Ginghams, Per
eales; excellently well made, showing the attrac
tive contrasting trimmings with pockets and
liberal hems. - Many with white collars and cuffs;
Scotch plaids, stripes, checks and some plain col
ors with contrasting trimmings ; sizes run from 6
to la year. .. " j
i.7 5, $2.95, $3.50, $5.95 Up to $12.50
Girls' Silk Dresses
Girls' Silk Dresses, in dark col
ors for Easter wear, in Taffetas,
Chiffons, in pretty plaids and plain
colors. High waisted, little Eton ef
fects and pockets. Colors are rose,
copen, brown and four different
hades of blue, navies, rookie, sand
also the? new Gingham Checks
which are very popular right now.
Prices are $10.00, $12.50,
$15.00, $16.50 up to $32.50.
Sizes are 6 to 16 years.
Girls' White Waists,
Sizes 6 to 16 Years
Made with the little Buster
Brown collars arid cuffs; also the
little turned down collar with the
lace edging around the collar and
down the front and small tucks.
Organdies and Lawns.
Prices, $1.25 and $1.95.
Floor i '
Coats for Little Tots
Daipty styles, high waisted with
detachable collars, and cuffs of
georgette, fine piques. Come also
in the little black and white checks,
taffetas, wool poplins, little flannel
broadcloths, velours, serges; many
with chevrons; in -ill high shades
such as rose, copen, red, gold,
brown, rookie, sand, green, etc.
Prices are $1.95, $2.95,
$3.95, $4.50 up to $12.50.
and Toilet Needs
Enargin for CUanlnf ) 25c
size, at 174
Hay' Hair Health, $1.00
size, at 594
Epcom Salts; one pound
package at ... 84
Moth Balls, 25c package at. .154
Val Don't Cattoria, 25c size 194
Atplrin TalleU, a dozen at. .104
Witch Haiolt full pint bottle 254
Ruttian Mineral Oil for in
ternal use, 75csize at 494
Milk of Almonds, 35c size at 184
Dj.r Ki. Faco Powd.r, 60c
size at ...484
4-ounce ProxiU of Hydro-
gn, at
Lomoa Whit, contains the
juice, of fresh lemons; 80c
siss at .184
Around Faco Fowdor, BOe
size at 334
Classy Coats
For the Girls From 6 to 16 years.
We have a wonderful assortment
of classy coats. Materials are
Velours, Del Hi, Poplins, Scotch
Tweed3, Serges, Jerseys, Taffetas,
in high waisted effects with full
skirts, new pockets.
Prices $5.00 to $39.00
Children's Gloves
Children's Chamoitetto Gloves In
white and buck; sizes 0 to 6;
price, a pair, at 754
Children's Silk Glow are shown
here in tan and navy; sizes 0 to 6;
a pair at 654
Main Floor.
Easter Footwear
For Children
Jip -for Lite! Qkb
d as Always, $2.00
UMeis Rtnrps. and brought with her prettier and daintier
)m 12 Hats in this stock, ready to grace the head of
ucy, Elsie, Marjorie, Barbara, Doris, Betty
mho will come here and try them on.
if Dainty Ginghams
lot of Dresses, which arrived
.Saturday. They consist of
i, made with short waisted ef
, sizes 2 to 6 years.
In the
an ia
ft ll, iJ
Boys' Headwear
for Children's. Day
assortment only obtainable
here. Very special values
for Children's Day.
Boys' Cloth Hats, several
new and nifty styles ; a large
assortment of patterns for
boys; at 65c, 98c, $1.25
and ' $1.50
Boys' Golf Caps, at 25c 65c
and 98c,
Boys' and Children's Rah
Rah Hats, Spring and Sum
mer styles; at 35c, 65c, 98c,
$1.25 and ...$1.50
Main Floor, Arcado
and in models that fit little feet g
without pinching or hurting them, sps
Shoes and Oxfords and Pumps, at gp
very interesting prices. s
Misses' $4 Shoes, $2.95
Extra special for Saturday. Patent
Kid Dress Shoes, with white cloth
tops, hand turned soles, sizes
11 to 2.
Misses' Dress Shoes, $4.00
Patent Kid Vamp, White Kidskin
tops, button style, Nature shape
last, sizes 11 to 2, pair 84.00
Children's Shoes, sizes 8 to 11,
special, at S3.50
Shoe and Pumps,
$1.35 to $3.98
An assortment of styles for Chil
dren, In White Canvas, Dull Calf
. and Patent Kid.
Main Floor, Roar
Sporting Goods l
Ball Bearing Roller Skates f
at. 81.75. S2.00 and $2.25
Boy' Bate Ball Uniform, cap, p
shirt and pants, sizes 82 and 34 p
only; special at ..$1.25 pp.
Boys' Bate Ball Uniform, consist,
ing of cap, shirt, pants and soxj
complete, $3.25. $4.25. $5
Our Good Service fully guaranteed
Bicycles at.. .....837.50
Main Floor Men's Store.
. Hair Ribbons
For Children
Plaid Hair Ribbons for Chil
dren, also fancy warp prints
and stripes in light and dark
colors; very pretty for hair
bows; a yard at 254 to 354
Main Floor.
Djar Kiia Perfume, special
the ounce at 984
Djer Kite Talcum Powder at 284
Williams' Shaving Cream;
25c size at 164
Alladin Dye Soap at 94
Bath and Shampoo Sprays,
98c value, at 794
Rubber Sheeting! a yard
wide; special at 394
2uart Hot Water Bottle, 98c
value, at 794
Two-Quart Maroon Color
Fountain Syringe) complete
with pipes; $1.19 value,
special at ...794
Great Sale of ,
Cut Flowers
for Saturday. A low price
on all because of a "good
10,000 Roses, all colors, long
stems; fresh stock, each, 4c
20,000 Sweet Peas; a bunch
at .15c
Russell Roses, each at... 9c
A Complete Line of Spring
Flowers and Potted Plants,
at moderate prices.
Wedding and Funeral
Designs Our Specialty
Main Floor, Entrance to
Pompeian Room.
Holy Week Book 25c
An entirely new edition, as
revised by the New Rubrics
issued under the Apostolic
constitution, bound in fine
black satin cloth, round cor
ners, printed from large'
clear type on a special grade
of paper. It contains the
complete ceremonies for
Holy Week in Latin and
Holy Water Bottle, 50c
and patent sanitary glass
sprinkler combined. This
is something new, the glass
sprinkler acting as a cork
for the bottle, keeping the
contents airtight.
Gold Plated Rosary, 59c
5-Year Guarantee .
Large size imitation cut
stone beads, mounted on
gold-plated chain, with gold
plated Ecce Homo and Ma
ter Dolorosa center and
large cross. Choice of ame
thyst, garnet, topaz, sap
phire, crystal, emerald, jet
or imitation pearl beads.
Each rosary in box.
Book Store, Main Floor.
, Veilings
For Easter
One of the novelties is a
black veil with colored hand,
run embroidery.
Another is the white and
black spot design.
Large Velvet Dots are also
good and Motive patterns.
Specials for Saturday
Circular and Drape Veils,
59c Each
in Chenile and Fancy Borders in
all colors and black and white.
Also Special at 75c
Circular Veil in Chenile and Vel
vet Dots in Black, White and. all
colors. ,
Main Floor.
Easter and Spring Coats
At $35-00 and $39.oti
t EXTREMELY SMART, very stylish, late mod
els, shown in Tricotines and Velour de Laine. . In
all the new shades Poilu Blue, Chinchilla, Beige,
Tomato, Navy and Gray.
Featuring the new Convertible Shawl Collar, J
Kangaroo Pockets, Panel Backs with belt across
front, gauntlet cuffs, stitching and buttons. Lined
to waist in excellent quality Peau de Cygne.
A newly arrived group for Saturday
At $35.00 and $39.00
0 Very Special Interest
Are the Smart Cape Style Coatees, in Bolivia and Velvet,
all lined and very new and clever for a short wrap.
Prices are $39.00 and $42.50.
Second Floor
Women's Easter Pumps. $5.50 a Pair
. AH Sizes-All Widths-Best Styles
urdayif you purchase in this offering of Pumps at
$5.50, you will get remarkably good value, you. will
get excellent fit and satisfactory service in every way
New Spat Pumps, of Patent Colt, dull or bright kid, with welted or turned
soles and Louis heels; all sizes; all widths.
Women's $9.00 Colonial
Pumps, $7.50
Tan Russia Pumps, also Patent Colt,
Plain Pjimp and Patent Kid with Buck
Trimming; turned soles and Louis heels;
widths AAA to D and sizes 22 to 8.
Women's Walking Shoes,
$4.95 and $5.95
. Low heel style, regularly $6.50 to $11.
Several models, in all leathers, Tans,
White, Nu-Buck, Dull Calf and Patent
Colt; lace style; sizes up to 7. . hh .f-;
, Mala Floor, Roar
Women's Easter Gloves
Priced Below Today's Fair Figures
If it had not been for our foresight, in going to "market"
months and months ago and thereby securing to ourselves a
sufficient quantity of Gloves on "rder to cover our future needs,
it would not be possible for us to quote many of the modest
prices which prevail in this Glove Department today. .
We have a most complete stock of Newest Kid Gloves
for Easter in black, white, sand, gray, brown, tan and
champagne, $2.50 to $3.50 a pair. r
Very Special for Saturday
French Lamb Gloves, in black, white, brown and djl Qd
gray, complete size and color assortment; a pair. . . . P
White Kid Gloves, in a complete size assortment, d1 AC
at the low price of, a pair P
Kayser's Guaranteed Silk Gloves
A new shipment of Kayser's Guaranteed Silk Gloves, RKt fn $9 95
in all colors and combinations of colors; a pair, at lu
Roys' Easter Wear-Best Styles
Two-Pair-Pant Suits and Also Top Coats
We are ready now to supply boys with the best of wear for
Easter. Smart styles and a wide range of patterns and fabrics, at
prices which are extremely moderate. Suits for boys, Top Coata
for boys. .
All Wear and Furnishings for boys READY. :
Two-Pair Knickerbocker Suits. $7.50
In all the new Spring styles and colorings. Half of the Trousers have
double seats and knees Smart looking grays, tans, blues and browns, in
fancy mixtures; nobby military styles and plain coat styles; all sizes, 6 to 17
Other Two-Pant Suits, $8.50 to $20.00
QUALITY SUITS, every one of them in brand new novelties, new
fabrics, new models and an assortment to please everyone. . .
New Spring Top Coats, $3.50
These are for little chaps from 1 to 8 years. Smart full belted Coats,
half belted Coats, unlined and full lined Coats; every new color is here.
Scores , of other Top Coats, at $5.00 to $10.00. -
Second Floor Men' Bldg.