Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Reports From Various Com;
. munities of the State Indi
cate : Desire to Back
! I.
s Uncfe Sam to Full.
utsnj Tsland. Neb.. March 22
(Special Telegram.) With a whirl
wi4 -finisjl at; the various polling
places-in the city and county today
Jlaltcounty went over the top on the
war stamp campaign. Its quota of
$453,?lX if tonight-believed to be over,
subscribed by not less than $50,000
and iossibly when all pledfjei are re
decntrd as much as $100,000.
Chairman $, N. Wolbach, early thii
evening telfgra'ptied to State Chair
man 'Burgess, to the above effect and
estimated tnV amount paid in ah as
threefourths'bfrie total, Th active
campaign wrbCguni',about six weeks
ago, , Men Halt fcoutity ranked 58th in
the state. Twav weeks ago it had
worltrd up to2Sth'nlace. ,
. lEastis Qtiztrii Buy Bonds. '
r.tiitis, KebvVW'ah 22. Special
Telefirram.Itr Xthe ? War. Savings
stamp and iky; bond; drive- Friday,
icnooi otstifctrrto. & went, iar over
the tpp by fwf4ubiblng it! quota
of $12,000 mre 'than 50 percent. This
district has,1u approximate population
of 600. An ven 150 school patrons at
, tended the'jettnr.nd bought Baby
bondi to tlift nmount of $19,000. The
per capita "Quota of Frontier -county
has been stt $20.i Some-fof the
largest buyers' of .bonds were German-born.Atncrifans.-
" ' 1 ,' ' " , ,
About $A00(r worth of stamps have
'enijsold ih tlits .district to date,.
jQvet Top at Curtis,. ,
Curtis; '.ftek, March - 22. (Special
Telrfrram.) Today's school meeting
hereiin the' interest of .the War Sav
ingsjloan was a hummer.;, Curtis' ap
portionment was $20,O0Q,nd the loyal
respeVnse of today carried the town,
over; the top,mqre than the full ap
portfonment bemg aubscrihed by
nearly $1,000,, The banks and I'rof. C.
V. Williams'are entitled to praise
for their loyal efforts to promote the
j Deshler In Line.
Deshler, Neb., Marehs 22, (Special
Telegratn.) Deshler school district
oversubscribed $20,500 for War Sav
ings stamps this afternoon.1 The
quot was, $15,7W District No. 50.
joining Deshler, subscribed $4,295.
Their quota was $2,100.
Sutherland Oversubscribe!.
Sutherland, Neb., March 22.-M$pe-cial
fTelegram.) Sutherland'a quota
of War Savings stamps, $12.000 was
raiseB-jn one hour, $19,485 being
ubsJribed, 1 ''' '';." '
I Callaway Exceed Qaqtii
Callaway, Neb., March 22. (Spe
cial Tclt,grm.l-Schoot district No.
180, Callaway, with a quota of $11,800,
subscribed tor . $36,000 War , Savifgs
I Superior JJuyi Freely. .
Superior, Neb,, March 22.- (Special
Telegram.) Superior went over the
top on war sayings ' bonds at an- en
thusiastic meeting held in the High
school auditorium t6day. The " ap
portionment for Superior school,' dis
trict s'was'UO.OOO. In less than one
iourotal pledges were made amount-,
ng $44,560. ; Four ; hundred - and
:wenty-eight pledges were Jreceived.
f .York Very. Liberal.
Xork. Neb., . March . 22.-(Speclal
telegram.) The approximate sale of
thrift (tamps In York county today
will otal $495,000 ...and may reach
J 500,000 when all . report are com
pleted. This exceeds by $100,000
York county's quota.
1. Webster Its Cdmlng. tf-i-Yv
Reo" Cloud,- Neb., March, 22.-(Spe-;iat
Telegram,) Figures, compiled to
night by-'County Chairman C' H.
Miner, show that with 49 districts yet
to hear from, .Webster county lacks
nly$600 fif meeting the amount ap
nortioned in the war stamp drive,
tt it anticipated that complete re
!urniwill show tbYquoU largely over
subscribed. -";
Dodge Raises, Quota.
' Frm$nt, Neb.. March 22. (Special
Telegram.) Fremont' business was
suspended for two hours this after
noon; while Fremonters assemb'ed at
specified, places in the city -to buy war
savings i stamps, Similar ;metings
were held at the school houses
throtfshtratihe; county. The commit
tee in charge esrimates that the c aun
ty i total, 443,000, was raised.
LocaWn of County" Roads4
T Starts Row in Keya Paha
. (Kjuin a Butt Corresponded.)
Lincoln. March 22. (Special.') A
controversy over the! ocation of
county roads and their improvement
undr,a act ofihe last legislature, has
meiwitj,.''dpposhion -m Keya raha
, cooiity. the location of a road there
nmeeting he approval of some of
thipcople of that county. The act pro
vides fjr the improvement of roads
fr'Mn county (ajids along lines leading
from en town to-another.1
. Jhp matter has been passed up to
ttwJhighway commission, that in turn
ha&oassed it, on the advisory board,
rRti5tinsr of. CI F Condra. Lincoln:
Iirick Walsh." McCook, and Harrj-
Mi4r Stanton, , . .
Bwl County Auta Owner i
C:t.wPays,AII His Back Dues
: iifMj;nMtch - 2,-(Spectjl.)-A
Eur iiitjjteii hcr- it ' been abls vto
cHmoatHfrte -fceople' of that com
niunity for tHrefe years. He has Iwen
Winning an Automobile during 1915,
lV16k 1917 and into 1918 without -nur
in. fweiue or exhibiting a ti nber
plate. Recently some of his fellow
i-iikbiVTjTscoYTre that his car had
rfonernbertihle -thereon.
Th Bert conrttv man; got busy and
paid; hi.: license fees for the three
vears artd 4t a" 1918, license as well
The applanation, was received toda) at
the emce of the secretary of state.
Fremont; Xeb., MaM 22 (Special
TeWgram.) Figures - compiled Jby a
repyesentiti of one, of the railroad
show-hatih average sale; prte of
IandJqJJodge .scanty jn the last two identified Mexican was shot and,
)Var"iiTUJ.75 Bunng 1916 land toM' 'aMed today by a United States in-;
al :sfteraferic' MIW-IS.-!! fantryman .ea duty, when the Mesi
Vih ,th.a6rat-prkev;a,4lJ4J aw! can failed ,ta 4uli."oa command of
lor tae curjtut vr the prjet js jltf'0.ta acntry,
May Postpone Building
Cortland Methodist Church
Beatrice, Neb., , March 22. (Spe
cial.) There is some dissension at
Cortland over the erection of a new
Methodist church to cost $23,000.
I Residents of that place, and some of
the members ot the congregation,
realise that they must raise $45,000
as the township s quota of the third
Liberty Loan, and it is questioned
whether or not the edifice will be
erected at the present time.
Mrs. D, VV. Copeland, a resident
of Blue Springs since 188., died at
her home ther Wednesday, aged 81
years. She is survived by her hus
band and two sons. G. S. Copeland
of this city and W. M. Copeland of
Hansen, Idaho.
L. E. Norris, a Burlington engineer
at Wymore, has entered the race for
mayor of that place in opposition to
George Currie, present incumbent.
There are five candidates for council
men in the first ward, Phil Mosher
Galen Schoff, Tony Schiedcler and
Tom Maloney.
Leo Munster, a farmer living north
east of Beatrice, returned home
Thursday from a trip to Ferkins
county and reports tha wheat along
the route is looking fine. He states
that a good rain would materially
improve conditions.
K.'N. Fulton went to Marusville,
Ka., with' two of the Beatrice blood-"
hounds, in answer to a call that two
prisoners in the county jail had
sawed their way through a window,
Mrs. Edgar McCrea,, formerly of
this city, was found dead in bed at
the soldiers' home at Milford Thurs
day morning. She and her husband
went ther a few years ago, and the
latter died four months ago.
.According to reports from Cort
land, two representatives of the non
partisan league met with rather a
chilly reception few evenings ago.
One ; of, them spoke at the opera
house and, when he failed to secure
and members, left town. Another
speaker tried to address a, crowd
from the depot platform, but was
given a grilling, trom the audience,
and he "beat it" on a passing train. '
At an adjourned meeting of the
home guards ' Thursday night in
Firemen's hall, addresses were given
by Rev. Cissell, Rev. Clark, Rev.
Lucas and LW. Colby. Provisional
rosters of the four companies. which
will comprise the battalion were read
at the meeting A guard fund of $25
as staler was raised. Company A,
consisting of firemen, speeded things
by holding a session after the
general meeting and electing officers:
General L W- Corby was chosen
captain Fred Hall, first lieutenant,
and John Quein, second lieutenant,
puein and Hall are Spanish-American
war veterans.
GdthehbuTg Comunity V
'"" Club Makes Good Progress
Gothenburg, Neb., March 22. (Spe
cial.) Al the Thursday evening ieet
ing of the Men's club 'of the Presby
terian church, resolutions were pssed
commending the efforts of Elwojd D.
Cbrk in 'furthering the local -contributions
to the Red Cross ca'c,
which will be held here next' Satur
day. Mr. Clark has obtained con
tributions of cattle, hogs, grain, etc..
which will undoubtedly bring $5,000
or more at this sale.
The Men's club, one of the live
factors, of the town, is a sort of com
munity club. Its purpose isto far
ther every cause which is for the' ad
vancement of the interests of this
community, Dawson county and the
Meetings are held every two weeks
at which some prominent man U the
speaker, , F. E. Edgertori of Aurora
addressed the club Thursday eveaing
on "The War and America. '
Masons Raise $2,500 In ' "
Auction of Real Goat
A general battle to "get somebody's
goat featured the Fnday afternoon
initiation conclave ' of the Tangier
Temple of Shriners.
A large class of young , men were
taken into the order.
A goat, brought from upstate bv a
Mason, was hoisted on the stage, tied
down, to preserve peace, and a loud
and very fruitful auction started to as
sist the Red Cross. As a result $2,500
in cash piled up In front of the goat,
at the end of a tew minutes of bidding.
J he money will go to the Omaha
Clay County Minstrels '
Raise Money for Red Cross
The Clay county Red Cross min
strels have about completed a suc
cessful tour of the county
entertainments for the benefit of the
local Red Cross societies in each town.
When the: organization of the min
strels was proposed people of the
county thought it a joke and bocdht
tickets more to patronize the Red
Cross that to see the entertainment.
They have made for the Red Cross
societies in Uay county nearly a
$1,000. ' ,
Farmer Suffers Broken -
Leg in Farm Accident
Laurel. Neb., March 22. (Specul.)
Andy Hirschman is in a Sioux City
hospital as the result of a broken leg.
He was using a tractor on the 11. H.
Myers farm " northeast of town
Wednesday afternoon,, and In making
a turn, the chain caught his leu be
low the knee, crushing it against he
axle. He was brought to town for
temporary treatment.' and then tiken
by automobile to a Sioux City ho,pi-
tal. . . -f '- .
Chairman Schmied Says
Dakota County Will Go Over
Dakota City, Neb;, March 22. (Spe
cial.) Mell A. Schmied, .chairman of
the county war savings committee,
has heard from one or more school of
ficers in the 40 school districts in
Dakota. He .savs. "It seems crtain
that the drive to be, held in all the
school houses Friday will total more
than $150,000. The county's appor
tionment is $J3840.W ; , ;-
Bioomfield Librarian f -
;V Dies: of Heart Disease
Bioomfield. Neb.. March 22. ( Sne-
.cial.) Mrs. L. C Crosby, city l.b-ar-
lan, was lound cead m her bed af J :J0
Thursday morning, at the hone of
her daughter, Mrs. N. N. Baker.
Heart disease was the cause of her
Mrs, Crosby's son, Donald, is with
the United States forces in Franco.
" Mexican Killed.
Nogales. An'i., March 22. An un-
Action Taken in Effort to Con
serve Tonnage for Prosecu
tion of War; Not Seriously
Affect Public.
(By AMoelatd Pre.)
Washington, March 22. The first
list of imports to be prohibited en
trance into this country, in an effort
to conserve tonnage for prosecuting
the war was made public tonight by
the war trade board, under authority
of President' Wilson's proclamation
of February 14, which put all imoprts
under license.
By denying permits for the importa
tion. of certain metals, foodstuffs and
luxuries, which can be obtained here
or can be sacrificed, to1 the "greater
need of putfing ships 'into war bust
ness, the board expects to add 1,500,
000 dead weight tons to the fleet car
rying men and munitious to Europe.
Tonight's list of articles constitutes
only those least essential, concerning
which there was little argument
Lists to follow will touch various'in
terests. more closely, and will not be
issued until after consultation with
the trades affected, so that there will
be a minimum of disorganization and
Must Forego Luxuries.
Some of the prohibitions will scarce
ly be noticed by anyone in this coun
try, as they affect, imports of which
only a small percentage come from
overseas. One per cent of the im
ported, agricultural implements" come
in ships, it was oointed out. and the
prohibition will mean little or nothing
to the consuming public, but will save
an appreciable amount of shipping
space.. Many of the nrohibited arti
cles are of bulky nature comnard
with their weight, so that the con
servation actually would be greater
than the .figures indicated. The
elimination of many long hauls silso
will serve to Increase tonnage facili
ties. :
Following is the Jjst of restricted
articles: ? ' - -, T
List of Articles. s
Agricultural implements, animals,
except, for breeding purposes; art
works, asbestos, beads and orna
ments, blacking and all preparations
for cleaning and polishing shoes; man
ufactures of bone and horn, all bread
stuffs except wheat and wheat fiour,
including imports from Europe:
broonr" corn, candle oitch. nalm nd
other vegetable stearin; cars, carriages
auu uiucr vcii iocs, an scias, muriate
of ammonia, all coal tar distillates ex-
cept synthetic indigo, fusel oil? or
amyhc alcohol, citrate of lime, all
salts of soda except nitrate of soda
and cyanide of 'soda sumac, ground
ortonground; lchicory root, raw or
roasted clocks and watches and parts
thereof, cocoa and chocolate, prepared
or manufactured.
Manufacture of cotton, citrolate,
except not to exceed 2,00 long tons
for the-year 1918; dials. dke, draughts,
chess irren, billiard balls, poker chjps;
eggs of poultry; electric lamps, ;ex-plosrve.-except
fulminates and gun
power; feathers, natural and artificial:
manure' salts;" manufacturers jot
vegetables fibres and textile grasses,
except jute; fishhooks, rods and reels,
artificial bait, fluorspar; all fruits ex
cept pineapples and bananas; all nuts
except cocoanuts and products there,
of; gelajtin and manufactures thereof,
including all from Europe; gold and
si manufacturers, including jew-
cujf, utjmur on or roots, grease; hay;
honey; hops; infusorial and diatemce
ous earth and tripoli; mantles, for gas
burners; matches; friction and lucifer;
fresh meats; meerchum, crude or
manufactured; musical instruments
.Parts thereof; nickel; oil cake;
oil cloth and linoleum for floors; all
expressed vegetable oils from Eu
rope, only; lemon oil; non-minueral
paints and varnishes; pencils and pen
cil leads; pen holders and pens; per
fumerycosmetics and toilet prepara
tions; phonographs, gramaphones,
graphaphones and parts thereof;
phonographic goods; pipes and smok
ers article; plants, trees, shrubs and
vine,s; plates, electrotype, sterotype
and ; and lithographic engraved;
fcHe 'raphite (until July 1,
1918), thereafter not exceeding 5,000
long ton , for ' remainder of 1918;
pyrites (except not exceeding 125:000
long, tons to October 1, 1918); ren
net; artificial silk and manufacturers
thereof; soap.
Malt liquors, Including all from Eu
rope; wines; other beverages, includ
ing all from Europe; eandy and con
fectioners, including all from Europe;
tar and pitch of wood; toys, umbrel
las, parasols, hand shades and sticks
for; beans, and lentils from Europe
only; dried peas from Europe only:
all vegetables, , except beans and
lentils and peas either in their "nature
state or prepared ' or preserved, in
eluding all from Europe; . vinegar;
whalebone, unmanufactured;! manu
facturers of wool, manufacturers of
hair of camel, goat and alpaca; tnc.
War Board Would Increase
Weight of Sammies' Uniform
Washington, March 23. Warner
and more durable army clothing and
blankets are recommended by a board
ot inquiry, of the quartermaster s de
partment, announced tonight by Act
ing Quartermaster-general Goethals.
If the recommendations which meet
with Oeheral Goethals' approval re
garding weight areadopted the uni
form cloth will be 20 ounces instead
of 16, as at present. ' . a
The weighs of the overcoat cloth
is recommended to be 32 ounces in
stead of 30, now used, and the weight
of blankets is increased from three to
four pounds. .. .t - 1 -
It .is recommended, that goods for
shirjs shall be 9$ ounces, and that as
much as 40 per cent of cotton may
be used. The regulation shirting now
weighs 8 ounces. : ' .
i ""
: Fremont Man Injured. -
i Fremont, Neb.. March 22. (Special
Telegram.) Reuben Jessup .suffered
the fracture of his collar - bon1 and
other injuries when the automobile tn
which he and Frank Ehlers of Hooper
were riding went into the ditch a
itiile south of Hooper.. The machine
turned over three times. Jessup was
ninned underneath it. 'Ehlers nd
ether occupants- escaped . w th . tlht
i W
Juris'; Who Has Opposed En
dorsement of State Bar As
ciation Announces That He
Will Make the Bace.
(From a Staff Correpond?nt.) .
Lincoln, March 22. (Special.) Su
preme Court Judge Francis G. Hamer
is going to be a candidate for re-election
without waiting for thee ndorse
ment of the State Bar association and
without the consent of any other na
tion on earth. He has opposed the
bar endorsement, which is expected
to be made public very soon and fore
stalls such announcement by making
a little showing himself.
Judge Hamer wants it understood
that he cares more for the endorse
ment of the people of Nebraska than
he does for the small percentage of
the Bar association who were present
at the meeting which took action fa
vorable, to the state bar endorsing
candidates. He says that when 'the
people of the state inaugurated the
primary law they did so with the one
object in view that organizations and
the like could not put something over
on the voter by a pre-arranged pick
ing of candidates.
Up to the People.
He wants the people of the state to
remember that he is willing to put
the picking' up to them, and if they are
satisfied with his record on the bench
he would like to be returned. He
says it is simply u pto the voters of
Nebraska and to these voters as a
whole he is willing to submit his
candidacy. Regarding his announce
ment he says in a signed statement,:
"Subject to the action of the voters
who may sign the necessary petitions
required by law, and to the further ac
tion of the voters in casting the nec
essary ballots to secure my nomina
tion at the non-partisan primary elec
tion to be held in August, 1918, I
hereby announce my expectation to
become a candidate for judge of the
supreme court of the state of Ne
braska at the next November elec
tion. I seek a second term and am
in excellent health and will see many
of you during tie summer and fall.
When I me to th estate I stopped
a short time in Omaha, later settling
at Lincoln and subsequently remov
ing to Kearney where I was twice
elected as district judge and served
a little mort than eight years, and
where I lived at the time of my elec
tion as judge of the supreme court."
Candidates Selected for
v Table Rock City Election
Table Rock, Neb, March 22.-r-(Spe-cial.)
At the recent caucus he'd at
the city hall, the following were
nominated , as candidates for vf!lage
trustees: C.H. Lane, George Btl
shaw, Ray H. Brown, W. T. Porter,
William Petrasek, W. A. , Wilson,
Charles I. Norris and J. B. Philips.
The following were placed in n imi
nation for members of the school
hnrH? T. N. Phillios. Mrs. Maraaret
Hylton, Mrs. Dollye Wood and F. A.
SVeeh. "' - -r
The chairman of the Armen;an
S.yrian relief committee has just cub
mitted his report of the receipts for
Table Rock and vicinity, which shows
a', total collection of $700.
Jacob Urich, one of the early
pioneers of, this county, living wtstof
here irj the vicinity of Steinauer, re
cently died -at the age of 70 years. He
was born jn Switzerland in 184', and
settled in this county in 1863. fu
neral services were held in the Ger
man Lutheran church. He is survived
by his widow, six sons, and two
General Irons Relieved
For Physical Reasons
Washington. March 22. Brigadier
General James A. Irons, until recently
commanding a brigade at camp
Green. N. C has been relieved, the
War department announced today
following the report of a medical
board ihat he was physically disquali
fied for active service abroad, ueneral
Irons resumes his rank of colonel of
infantry, and has been assigned to the
49th regiment. - ,
John Donald Neal Weds
? Prior to Going to Camp Dodge
Charles T. Neal of , the National
Food administration, accompanied by
Mrs. Neal, have returned from Kan-j
sas City, where they went to be pres
ent at the weddingxof their son, John"
Donald Neal.
iYounr Neal. is la member of the
Omaha hospital unit and is. under op
ders to report , tor xtuty at camp
Dodge next-Monday morning.
The food drink
Made of high grade cocoa
beams, skilfully blended nd
manufactured by a perfect
mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals. It is
absolutely pure and whole- 4
some, and its tlavor is deli-,
cious, the
the cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this
trade-mark and is made
only by
Welter Baker 8 Co. Ltd.
na, u. . pat. . ens
Federal Officials Say Number
of Nebraskans Have Not
"Come Across;" Only 10 .
Days More.
The government will prosecute a
number of tNebraskang unless they
"come across" in accordance with the
war income tax law, federal officials
"We are about 20.000 returns short
of the number estimated for Nebras
ka, said Internal Revenue Collector
Loomis. "They are coming in at the
rate of about 800 a day, but April 1,
the limit of time, is only 10 days
away, t seems evident that there is
considerable attempted tax dodging
going on.
"I want to say that the government
has a thousand various agencies at
work to detect these 'money slack
ers.' Some of them may think their
little schemes are safe. But they may
wake up to an unpleasant realization
that the hand of the government is
manifold and strong and active.
No Excuses Go..
"We are going to prosecute the tax
slackers just as vigorously as the
draft slackers. No excuse will get
by. A vast amount of publicity has
been given to the law and there is
no reason why anyone should fail
to make his return. Just as soon as
the time limit is up our inspectors
and various other agencies will put
their hands on the dodgers. They
will be brought in and will discover
that it is a dangerous and expensive
thing to try to defy the government.
"It is every loyal citizen's duty not
only to make his own return, but also
to notify the department ot any case
in which a person is trying to evade
th tax. And we have received hun
dreds of such notifications from in
The law nrovides a fine of not more
than $1,000 and imprisonment of not
more than one year for a person who
fails to make a return or who makes
a false return to the federal tax col
lector. AH single persons with in
romes of $1,000 or more and all mar
ried persons with incomes of $2,000
or more must make the return.
Nebraska Crop Outlook
Never Better, Says Walters
That the crop outlook .for Ne
braska was never better is the as
sertion of General Managfer Walters
of the Northwestern,' made upon
his return , fromva tour of inspection
in the west. 1 " '
"Farmers are making every effort
to cultivate the greatest acreage pos
sible," declared the railroad man.
"Have no fears that the Nebraska
farmer" does not intend to do his
- i I il 1,1-1
Colfax County Farm Hand ,
Pleads Guilty' to Shooting
Fremont, Neb., March 22. (Special
Telegram.) Tague Fealty, a farm
hand employed by Louis Ashe near
Schuyler, pleaded guilty to doing the
shooting at the home of Asche and
John yarva about .a, week ago, when
parties leaving the two places were
shot at. , '
County. Attorney Farrell obtained
the confession from Fealty, who said
he "panted to have some fun."
County ' Attorney Farrell learned
that Fealty was sent up from Merrick
county for from one to three years
on a burglary charge and has been
paroled to a farmer near Seward. He
came to the Asche' home about three
weeks ago. Fealty has been returned
to Lincoln to complete his term. ,
Injured in Cornsheller.
Fremont, Neb., March 22. (Special
Telegram.) J. C Frankie of Howtlls
is at a local hospital suffering wilh in
juries that may result fatally. Mr.
Frankie was caught in a belt of an
engine operating a cornsheller nd
drawn into the machine. Both arms
and one leg were fractured and his
right. shoulder dislocated. He sus
tained a severe scalp wound and other
Bootleggers Break Jail.
Beatrice, Neb., March 22. (Special
Telegram.) Two men named Barker
and Wright, beinir held in the countv
jail at Marysville, Kan for bootleg
ging escaped last night by sawing
through the bars, l ney are Dotn in
the draft. '
a fault
natural flavor of
Procession Preliminary to Two
' Hour Drive Next Week for
Funds for Omaha Scouf
Omaha Boy Scouts will givj a
parade this afternoon at 2 oV'ick,
preliminary to the subscription cam
paign which the scouts will make next
Tuesday, for funds with' which to
finance the work, during the prent
There will be from 800 to 1000
You'll Do Better
Bargains for Saturday
)rug Wants
25c Mentholatum. . . s, . . . .17 &
25c Wright's Silver Cream, 16tf
50c Ziora, an ideal antiseptic,
at ....34
15c Haarlem Oil.....; 9tf
30c Kolynos Tooth Paste.. 21
25c Barkeeper's Friend 17 &
25c Peroxide Hydrogen. . . . .6
25c De Mar's Cascara Tonic and
Liver Pills 176
25c DeMar's Corn Remedy, 176
50c Nadinola Cream .29
50c Lavoris .346
30c Sloan's Liniment 196
25c Energine .196
25c Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 176
Crude Parafine' Oil, for general
household use, quart. . . .256
4 and 6-Inch Nail Files. . . .126
$1.25 Pocket Knives. .... .65
35c Stationery 196
$3.50 DeMar's Whirling Spray
Syringe, at '..SI. 98
25c 1-lb. box Paper 216
50c Varnish Food, to clean' fur
niture, for . . . . . r .... .296
$1.00 Flash Lamp3, complete
at 756
$1.05 Flash Lamps, complete
at ;..90
, 35c Auto Silk Flags. . . . . .19
(U. S., English, French, Italian.)
Buy Your
Hundred of men are and surely
it's high time to lay away that
heavy old winter hat thatv you're
now wearing.
Buying Hats here Is a pleasure.
It's with that perfect confidence in
knowing that our Hats are perfect
in style shade and quality that
gives tie full measure of satisfac
tion. "
This year you'll find Tans, Soft
Grays and Brown In larger assort
ment. Today is Always Better. Than
111 So. 16th.
Iler Grand Bldg.
APRIL 1, 1918
TSvfjr parson lo Nebraska will b
required to uat tor taxation all tax
abla property owned by him or under
bla control aa guardian or truste on
April 1. 1J1S.
Art your invastmenti tlx exempt T
Federal Farm Loan Bonds rive
Exempttaa front local, state and
federal taxation, 4H Pr rent Interest,
payable aemi-annaallT, safety annred
by V. 8. coverntneat aupenblon, an
opBortaaltr I. help your country by
(UDcina food production.
DraamiMtteM Sl,90. SMM, SlOO,
nice lOOtt-
XaU anbaortptions or write for fur
ther Information to
" C O. MORCOM, Treasurer.
1249 W. CX W. Bide Omaha.
A toilet vreearattoa ot Kerb
Help ta eradicate daadra.
Foe Raatarinn Color and
Baairtyte Gray and Faded rUirj
Bee " Want ' AdSv Bring" Results.
scouts in line. A significant recogni
tion of the scout organization i the
detailing of the Fort Crook "pard,
to lead the parade. Colonel Do::$ las
Settle, when' informed of the pi-aoe,
and the need of a band, immediately
consented to have the Fort (rook
music-makers head "the procession.
The boys will carry a number of
banners showing the work they have
done since their organization, a -:t tje
more than one year ago. -Need
The boys need about $10,00'! to
carry them through the year, and of
ficers of the organization are con
fident that the people of Omaha will
more than subscribe this fund.
"We have all had to give to a num
ber of funds." says Dr. E. C. Htnry,
president of the Omaha scout council,,
"but I know that Omaha people ap
preciate the important work the keys
are doing, and that it would be a real
disaster if the organization could rot
be continued Some of Omaha's big
gest business men have volunteered
their services to make the canvass for
this fund, and it is my persona! opin
ion that it will be oversubscribed
Easter Novelties
50c lb. Jelly Beans, lb....i.v
80c lb. Melba Chocolates,; per
lb., at 49
Huyler's and Original Alle
gretti Chocolate Creams, in
lb. to 5-lb. boxes. ,
$2.50 Maryx Garden Extract-,
per oz S1.69
$2.25 Houbigant's Ideal Extract,
per 6z S1.69
$1.00 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal-rat
10c George the 4th 56
10c El Contento Cigars 66
10c La Masca Cigars. ..... .56
10c Antonella Cigars 56
Edison Mazda Lamps
25, 40 and 50-watt Mazda
Lamps, at 306
60-watt Lamps, at ,.356
Fountain Pens and
Ever-Sharp Lead Pencils
Ever-sharp Lead Pencils, at
from SI. OO to $3.00
Conklin and Waterman Fountain
Pens from. . .$2.50 to 312
- is
Dr. King's New Discovery sold;
since Grant was President
at fifty cents.
, n
' That was fifty years ago. In all the
years since millions of colds have1
been checked by it, coughs relieved, '
grippe vanquished, croupy children
Dr. King's New Discovery is very
effective in checking the develop-'
ment of an oncoming cold or the
advance of a neglected one. -
It soothes the tortured throaJj"
loosens congested chest, and disss"-
patss the tight-packed phlegm. Standi
ard for young and old as a faithful
remedy for an. enemy of new and
old coughs and colds and kindred at
tacks. Try it today. "
Always Lead to Better Health
Serious sicknesses start in disor
ders of the Stomach and Liver. That
best corrective and preventive is Drw
King's New Life Pills. They prevent
Constipation, keep Liver and Basfelsg
in condition. No change in price, still
25c. Adv. - . Z
i 1